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foreign you you praise the lord everybody come on worship the lord honor him magnify him lift him up come on give him praise right now worship the lord as the scripture says in the beauty of his holiness honor him because he's god thank him because he transcends all time and space praise him this evening because besides him there is no other he is the one true god the one god that makes a way the one true god that brings breakthrough in healing the one true god that told moses i am that i am i am whatever you need me to be that's who i am healer deliverer breakthrough power strength whatever you need him to be that's who he is and that's the god that we serve a god that has all power in his hand nothing can break his power we give him praise this evening we want you to celebrate him too we worship him and join us in the worship join us in the praise please do us a favor if you haven't done so uh please share it this time with somebody we're going into some worship and to the word of god we're believing that the great physician the great physician will begin to heal you from the inside out that the great physician will not only heal your body but it'll start healing your heart your mind and your soul he is the lord that heals he is the god that delivers and the god that sets free we put our faith and trust in him because he is god and god all by himself come on let's pray father we thank you again for this moment we honor you for today we thank you that you called us to cast all our cares upon you you called us to come to you and bring our complaints to you and our struggles to you and father we thank you that you are hands that we need to be in we give you praise this evening for being a safe place shelter in a time of storm refuge in the rain we give you praise this evening because you can manage the troubles of our lives and father we give you thanks tonight we glorify you because we are able to exchange our weakness for your strength our trouble for your peace of mind we thank you our questions for every solution we give you praise this evening because you're a god of an exchange and father like the lame like the man we present our issue to you and we pray that you would heal it now we pray lord that we will see you as the one that heals from the inside out make us whole this evening like the woman with the issue of blood just don't fix the physical fix the spiritual the psychological and the emotional also we believe in your wholeness we believe in a full creative miracle and we believe that the same god that did it before can do it again we pray this in jesus name amen god bless you all uh brother chris is getting ready to come with some worship and we're back with the word of god [Music] bread of life sent down from glory [Music] [Music] gentle redeemer [Music] god with us the living truth and what a friend we have in you you are the living word woe bread of heaven sent down from glory many things you were on earth [Music] [Music] man [Music] god with us the living truth and what a friend we have in you you you you are the living word jesus [Music] the [Music] you are the living word [Music] [Music] [Music] you die to save [Music] that's what we call you oh [Music] [Music] to live in a world oh [Music] and we love you we love you you are [Music] she's the chief [Music] we love you we love you [Music] breath of heaven sent down from glory many things you were on earth [Music] [Music] we [Music] see the [Music] oh [Music] we love you [Music] yes you are and we honor you and we give you glory and we give you the iron [Music] yes you are hey yes you are you're the king of kings and love the lord [Applause] word [Music] nobody like you [Music] nobody yes you are [Music] praise the lord wow brother chris wow he is the living world lord is good [Music] absolute living word my mind that was a good song for the message oh yeah he is the living word wonderful yes thank you brother gary in the group as usual yeah bless the lord all right living word yeah over in exodus 15. exodus 15. we're going to look at verse 22 down to about 27. now welcome everybody again please share can't share of course exodus 15 22-27 he's off and running already y'all so just catch up yeah that's a um we're going to do some surgery tonight okay so there's going to be a certain part of the message we want to really slow down okay and uh your psychology hat slash pass the hat okay we're gonna need it tonight absolutely to go through some stuff um so y'all can as you say can we have an adult conversation with you this evening oh yeah and i believe that god's gonna deliver us from the inside out okay exodus 15 verse 22 so moses brought israel from the red sea they went out into the wilderness of shore they went three days in the wilderness found no water and when they came to mara they could not drink of the waters of myra for they were bitter wherefore the name of it was called mara and the people murmured against moses saying what shall we drink they cried unto the lord and the lord showed him revealed it to him a tree which we had cast into the waters the waters were made sweet there he made for them a statue in an ordinance there he proved them and he then said if thou wilt diligently hearken to the voice of the lord thy god will do that which is right in the sight but give ear to his commandments keep all his statutes yeah i will put none of these diseases upon thee how much i brought upon the egyptians which you saw the plagues you saw me doing egypt yeah i'm not gonna do the same thing to y'all wow for i am the lord that healeth thee i am the lord that heals thee so we've been talking for the past few uh weeks about the presence of god okay and leading us into this discussion about god moving his people through a wilderness okay through a time of uh uncertainty because you can even call this pandemic a season of judgment but also a wilderness to transitional time sure and we're trying to look at what does god do in transitional times okay he tests he's he's testing them we've been talking about testing for the past few weeks to prove us to reveal himself to us absolutely we talked about the red sea last week got tested at the red sea yeah opened it up took him through and then he was showing them at the end of the red sea i'm showing you who i am and my ability and the ability that i've given to moses his gifting his anointing etc okay so after the red sea chapter 15 they move into praise and worship okay they go into the song of moses they're celebrating god they're worshiping him they're praising him because after god does a great thing for us we should celebrate him okay and we should give him praise okay gratitude should come as god brings us through things that he didn't think he would bring us through and after this praise and worship session the presence of god moves them forward okay showing us something that while god does great things he doesn't want to stuck in the great thing that's right the red sea was not a place for them to park and live because god had other things for them on the journey and we are on a journey and god wants us to move on to the next things the next miracles because god is a god of progress absolutely he has other things in store for us what does the bible say don't get caught up in dubs done yeah where you're stuck on the old move of god you moving on to the new one you can get so embedded in tradition that you actually miss the movement of time um our our our traditional habits if we're not careful will blind us to a new thing god desires to do yep and uh it will all almost make us resent the intrusion of a move of god yes yep because i want to stay in this celebration absolutely but it's a celebration i want i want to stay in that that realm of celebration i may not want to go through what i need to go through to get to the next dimension of celebration so i'll reject i'll reject the future with god because i'm holding on to the present so firmly with god yes yeah because i want this to stay forever yeah and god moves us on yeah so the presence of god moves them on because remember the the cloud and the fire are leading them and they go on a three-day journey and they get thirsty yeah the presence of god leads them to the waters of mara and it's bitter sometimes we don't want to talk about how god can lead us into a bitter situation well wilderness is bad enough yeah he takes them from triumph at the red sea but they're thirsty they're thirsty and the water's bitter and the water is bitter their faith watch this should have been okay since they just saw god do great things with water at the red sea no short memories from memory even jesus goes through it when the bible says when they're out on the sea i believe they say they had forgotten the miracle of fishing the loaves just that fast just that fast he's doing this constant miracles that we keep forgetting so why do you think circumstances causes us to be blind to what god is actually doing i think the hit of what happened sometimes but also the premise of we talked about last time new problem yeah i think it's a different god yeah when it's the same god helping us with yeah a different problem so they triumph at the red sea yeah and it's crazy how they spend most of chapter 15 praising singing and worshiping and as soon as they get in trouble they start complaining and griping about moses but isn't isn't that isn't that the tendency of israel yeah god delivers moves by his power then they mess up god delivers them again almost as if when i was when i was in the restaurant business we were really big on awareness that you had to have a handle on your environment to the point that you could not only see the obvious things but you understood the subtleties that were suggested by the obvious okay so we we had to we had we searched i've searched for employees from my restaurant that had awareness had to be more than focused on who they were and what they were doing and see how they fit into the larger work right that god was doing up and sometimes i think we want god to show us purpose but it's almost like a singular kind of disconnected from whatever else god is doing yeah when i think purpose ought to give your perspective on the entirety of what god is attempting to do yes okay yes you're right you're right so so they start complaining short term men need you now here's the part y'all stay with us through this why would god lead them to this bitter place i believe it was to deal with their own bitterness and god was using the water to deal with their internal nature okay and and let's let's prove this and talk through okay they were free from egypt but still bound by egypt absolutely god delivered them out of the location but the location was still inside of them it took him one night to free his people from a location but their hearts and minds were still there and it took god 40 years to get egypt out of them wow we can be out of a situation and still be in the situation because it still resides in our heart and our mind so you can have your body liberated with your mind and your heart still in bondage okay out of the relationship but still in it out of our parents houses but still in our parents houses it's it's the and the hardest thing for god to do is change our thought process yeah and that's because experience convinces you i remember when we when i was active in the record business and we went to discover someone very well known right now and some people under the impression that their neighborhood is the whole world that their personal thing is how the rest of the world actually exists and that that is a very um cloistered way of thinking that israel seemed as though that every new challenge created a new history for them yes which had to get on god's nerves absolutely it sounds like one of those jesus moments how long shall you be with me yep yep and i think and god shows us frustration throughout the wilderness as we're going to get into it and i say that is to reveal their own internal issues because the first thing they do is reveal signs of bitterness when they taste the bitter waters yeah all right um because complaining griping blame shifting and playing the victim are signs of bitterness and we're going to talk about that sometimes we don't realize the issue still in there or we know it's there but we don't know how deep it is until it's challenged so could it be because in the next verse in 24 it says the people murmured against moses so they're murmuring against their deliverer could it be that the bitter water found agreement with the bitterness in there and that god actually used the bitter water to reveal the remaining bondage that they were in yes and amazingly they murmur against moses they did say it almost feels like they said among themselves what shall we drink it's not like they went to him it sounds like he heard about it and then he goes to the lord but the thing about the water is this water represents spirit reserves life represents the flow of life but also represents humanity so was mara a reflective pool they were seeing themselves in the water yes to them yes sir they saw themselves in it they're looking outside yeah but the guy's trying to give you a revolution yeah yeah this water is used yeah and all it took was a little bit of water to manifest manifest okay so so so they had this challenge but god had to reveal it somehow okay because it's easy to walk around and think we're good during good times i remember a season in my life where i thought i was over something yeah and then something happened and the feeling came back up oh yeah and i realized it's not that i was over it it's just i wasn't tested by it for a while that's right and the test revealed i still had more work to do in this area still has some issues some people it's a song on the radio some people are seeing a person in in the flesh that they haven't seen for a long time sometimes it's a matter of hearing somebody's name yeah and and and all of a sudden that which you think had receded actually was flood at the brim yes that only needed just a little more to tip over to overflow yeah so tests come to reveal our internal nature stay on the shelf yeah the bible we talked about this fire always reveals the dross or the impurities test reveal we aren't as safe as we thought we were yeah we don't have we have bragging faith in real behind the scenes faith tests reveal we're still dealing with some wounds let's talk about right now the pandemic has revealed the best and worst in many of us yeah the pandemic revealed a lot of people still had issues that they thought they were over issues with anxiety issues with all these things and great creativity has come from this season but a lot of issues have come up during this complex time of trauma do you think that because what i'm seeing especially through social media among the body of christ because i'm you know i'm not i don't see many people that are not saved on sure my my line is mostly safe hope i think not only has the has the pandemic caused rash decisions but i also think it has revealed the carnality of the body of christ and one of the things that i've seen is that you know the the availability of social media and the pandemic working together the complex trauma that they were going through actually has revealed not maturity but a lack of maturity yes and a desire to be more worldly than we ever thought people being people were people were really they were really hidden before the pandemic came and hidden um when we were able to have physical church and people were filling their roles but now we're seeing um we're seeing bitterness concerning being rejected as children bitterness concerning being abandoned we're seeing i'm counseling people that are dealing with issues that they thought was over they thought they were over you know but all this and we've we've used the the illustration of mephibosheth what happens yeah when you remove the king's table yeah you see that you see that he's laying you see he's laying yeah yeah and a lot of people are experiencing that you're right the stress of the season yeah is revealing a lot of whole childhood issues you said rejection issues uh loneliness issues and all those things are starting to come up self-esteem is celebrated now but the word self-esteem is how you're esteeming yourself versus self-respect is how you're respecting yourself so you can have high self-esteem and be tragically flawed but you've got to be whole on your way to wholeness to have self-respect so but we get those things mixed up and israel gives an indication that it has high self-esteem but low self-respect because it as soon as the stress hit praise the lord didn't come out god's gonna knock it out they came out they started complaining no here it comes and when trouble breaks out what's our first response you only speak what's in your heart you speak with the ego and some of us the season is not producing praise the lord hallelujah when something breaks out it's complaining griping it's all these other things so the people run into the bitter waters only to reveal their own internal bitterness yeah and here's the crazy thing god takes them by the red sea and the implication is he's really moving them into the wilderness after the red sea and before god can progress them forward yeah the first thing he deals with is their bitterness because i gotta check this bitterness before i can progress you to another place well this makes sense because bitterness in the new testament is uh illustrated as coming from a deep place it's called the root of bitterness yes yep and that root produces fruit and and fruit is produced as a response to environment yes so when this happened the fruit of their bitterness came flying out yep which which tells me again i love praise and worship i love singing it ain't all right yeah cause they went from this right down to this in three days well we might as well talk about it so what so so what appeared to happen is the three dimensions of a human being which is body soul and spirit flesh soul and spirit it appeared as though the worship appealed to their flesh the worship appealed to their soul but it did not move them spiritually because it did not help to move them closer to god okay all right y'all stay with us y'all so the external waters need to be healed and their own internal need to be healed also okay so now here's what we get into what is bitterness bitterness starts in a few ways bitterness often starts with an offense or hurt right the offense watch this y'all produces anger right and anger unchecked leads to chronic resentment called bitterness resentment produces anger anger unchecked leads to chronic resentment called bitterness can i add to that sure absolutely i think bitterness is a product of fear yes it can be too yep i think it's an overreaction to hoping it doesn't happen again oh we're going to get to the hopelessness yeah i think bitterness and fear are absolutely connected yep because uh when we get to the new testament hopelessness and bitterness go hand in hand and an offense can make you a hopeless person but the trick of the enemy is is that the bitterness feels like a defense yes and not actually what it is yeah which is fear absolutely fear of what that i will have to experience this again so i birthed this emotion put a put a somewhat acceptable tag on it because it really happened yeah but now i'm bitter and the root at times can go all the way back to when we're kids but unfortunately it bears fruit in our adulthood absolutely and it bears fruit every time we wander upon a bitter stream yeah we hope y'all getting this so bitterness fear anger your resentment and resentment can feel like strength when it's actually weakness absolutely it'll make you feel strong but most people that i know that are highly resentful are very highly sensitive people yeah because the resentment is actually consuming them yeah and they don't know it it um it devours your strength until you become paper thin yes that's what resentment does over a long period of time yeah but resentment also is in the same plate with fear yeah it is yeah it is yep um so so so bitterness is an offense reaching its maturity absolutely bitterness is an offense reaches maturity so instead of feeling offended we start living offended we live in bitterness a callousness can you be bitter without shame i think they all go hand in hand okay yeah i think they all go ahead a lot of these we're going to see play into because fear and anger and bitterness and shame actually re-identify you guilt is just the step to shame yes bitterness okay so bitterness in the hebrew watch this one of the first things that's interesting is sadness absolutely sadness can create bitterness absolutely absolutely let's take the example the greek one of the one of the cycles the steps in the grief cycle is anger you're upset that the situation or the person is no longer here the problem is sometimes we're angry and we don't identify i'm angry because i'm grieving or because i'm sad can't connect the doctor can't connect the dots sometimes we're just walking around why am i so mad it's really because you're sad about something you're grieving the loss of a person or a loss of a thing do you think it could be also a misidentification of an emotion oh yeah okay yeah yeah we don't like that we don't connect the dots to no and we don't like calling it what it is yeah you know we'll we'll say um uh instead of saying uh i'm an introvert or uh i i i shut everybody out i'll use something like guarded yeah yeah you know um if i'm jealous i'll use the word protective possessive yeah possessive you know when when when the that those are words that allow us to legitimize our bitterness yep yep absolutely okay so so let's talk about this the sadness thing because it's not that sadness is a problem because we all experience sadness loss in situations like that the problem is when sadness isn't worked through properly it turns into anger and bitterness yeah all right so so like you said we have to identify look i'm just sad today for something that's valid too because we there is valid sadness oh yeah but not letting that sadness turn into something greater than what it's but i think some people feel as though it's a sign of weakness to admit you're feeling that yeah when in actuality and that's how the enemy works you know if i if he can get us hung up in being reluctant to admit then he has set us up not to be delivered or to be consumed by what we're feeling that day yeah or defeated that moment by what we're feeling so the the issue is it's not a it's not a sign of weakness to say you know i'm sad today it actually gives you strength absolutely because the confession enlists the help of the holy spirit yeah okay to help you in it yes sir so so so it talks about sadness the other one in the hebrew is fierce and violent bitter people have an edge to them yeah yeah and here's the thing the crazy thing about because because it makes you calloused um very fierce violent sharp which will talk about the new testament and there's always this edginess of i'm uh i'm not gonna let you hurt me or i'm gonna hurt you before you hurt me or stay away from you before you hurt me defensively defending perfect ranking defense defensive nature about you and the problem with being defensive is being defensive really doesn't stop you from getting hurt nah it's it's it's like walking around in a hurricane with an umbrella it's a mask it's it feels like strength the defensive people though yeah yeah it feels like it feels like crap but what i've discovered is most people that are that defensive if you get past that yeah they're like children absolutely absolutely soft as charming as they say yep so so so this fierceness is to keep people out it was reminded me of the um the demoniac where every time people came he would chase them away absolutely and it was miserable but you're miserable he was miserable bitter miserable people chase everybody away and then wonder i have no friends nobody wants to be around me but never associate the edginess well it's it's impossible for them to be introspective with honesty it has to be the change that others have placed upon me it cannot be the change that i picked up and placed upon myself yeah so you'll find that people that are bitter are normally very quiet they're not very good at conversation right and they find themselves um they they learn how to be nice and never become nice yes yes okay and then the test comes to reveal it comes tomorrow so this fierceness as we kind of been talking about it is really sensitivity and fear wrapped in a mask of strength a mask it's not real strength it's just looking like i'm strong yes sir now the new testament bitterness is seen like you said it's a hidden root that produces visible fruit absolutely all right and it gets a little more into it what type of fruit wickedness hatred yeah because offense turns can turn into hatred if we don't check it and the deception of the offense is that if i decide and i'm using the word specifically if i decide to stay offended yes it will produce not just anger but it'll produce a part of my personality called wrath yes so i'll just stay mad for a long time i'll stay hindered for a long time because i have not dealt with the root yes of what jesus taught me and and the word of god is designed to get at the root yes sir yes sir okay stay with us y'all i know we moving real slow but it also means to be sharp yeah and acidic yeah a very piercing nature yeah people that are real sharp with their words usually come from a very bitter place usually people that are highly bitter will say i'm nice if you get to know me [Music] but i liken that to you seeing the rose bush the roses on the inside and if you want to get it you got to reach your hand through the thorns get all cut up yeah to get to the beauty on the inside yeah and nobody has time to go through our thorns to get to our nice side no no and it's amazing how in that illustration that individual is almost demanding that you sustain injury trying to get to know them yes because i'm nice if you get to know me means there's a part of me that is very unlikable i'm aware of it i'm not willing to adjust that i need you to wage your way through that so so you find yourself um fighting to help somebody yes yes yes okay yes so so the shark they're acidic watch this they're all so harsh yeah words are very harsh yeah no truth got an edge to them yeah no all edginess insensitive in what they say but one of the things i've learned some of the most insensitive people are the most sensitive individuals cried the drop of a hat yeah they can say what they want everybody else but you have to be very careful what you're saying to me yeah yeah because bitterness is revealed in a harshness a sharpness an edge and a acidic nature do you think if people realize spiritually what the scripture says my heart can only speak what my heart is full of yeah so if i am speaking harsh words from individuals it's difficult to get along with uh it is not just my environment it is something going on in my heart yeah because spiritually the only thing that comes out of your mouth is that which is contained here your heart yeah yeah and god's trying to get to our heart yeah yeah wow so next thing what says bitterness is poison and toxicity it erodes the one holding on to it bitterness can make you septic yeah it eats you from the inside out yes sir we hold on to the poison hoping that the other person dies bitterness is toxic to our system yeah if you continually drink it in the poison because bitter people are reading a psychology magazine about this bitter people rehearse their bitterness oh yeah which is the reason why they stay bitter they keep drinking the poison of what happened to them who hurt them who said something to them and what happened and i think some of that some people watching us will probably say well no i don't say it to myself but you've never you've never restocked the file and the only thing that works on that is the word of god yeah you know that this word is seed it's designed if you will to uproot other things yes and and uh i found that you know in all the time i've been working with folk that that bitter people have a legitimate reason for staying bitter absolutely yep they've built the case in their minds absolutely yeah they've litigated it yeah and their final decision is i have a right to be this way it makes sense because life's been so hard but how much of life have they missed because of that um overly guarded and we're not saying people need to be naive and not discerning right there's a difference between discernment and guardedness yes yep there's a difference absolutely one spiritual discernment guardedness is a matter of the flesh yeah okay you're hurt yeah and you're right a lot a lot of people they they're trying to hold back the pain but miss all the joy and love they can receive because they make everybody pay for what somebody else did to them how did the bible describe jericho when israel had him surrounded nobody could come out and nobody could go in yeah yeah yeah yeah yep and you know studying this reminded me of um samuel mm-hmm saul fails and god asked samuel how long are you going to mourn for saul that word mourn means you got to do that message again back yeah um because that word morning talks about speaking yes you're continually talking to yourself and you brought up some it's not that you may not you may not say it with your words but sometimes the thought will pop up and if you're not careful the fault will take you down a rabbit hole where you think about this this and by the time you connect collect yourself you're so far into these negative thoughts that you're mad you're upset you're frustrated and it's hard to come out of it because it feels justified yeah it it it's it's another trick of the enemy to keep a child of god buried in a season of life that has already passed absolutely absolutely so let's move on y'all stay so bitterness is acidic yeah we don't know the person is bitter until we have a taste or an experience with the person i love the proverbs the proper writer alludes to our words leaving a taste in people's mouths so every time we talk i want you imagine you putting food in somebody's mouth and the question is what are they tasting yeah with your words and i've learned that some things taste good going in but the aftertaste is absolutely wretched yeah so we have to be careful and the question we all have to ask ourselves is what do people experience what tastes we leave in their mouth when we leave their presence and i think that i think that moves us to the new testament discussion concerning the fruit of the flesh and the fruit of the spirit you know what do people if you will consume in a relationship with us and i find that rejected people will hang around other rejected people or hang around people that will sympathize with their hurt and are not interested in their deliverance right and then we have to be careful that we're not seeking people like if i'm if i'm upset about the president then i want to be around others who are upset about the president yeah you know but but why am i that involved emotionally with someone who i do not know it will probably never meet no you know it's it's it's like it's like people telling you off on social media as if there's emotion invested in your response right yep and and i'm finding now that there are a lot of people who are paper thin as it relates to their emotional responses absolutely and and they just they just if you don't get back to them right away yeah i mean a tirade comes right yeah and the time becomes bitter water absolutely absolutely yeah all right we're going to come around to some some hope and some god now i mean we talk about god but we got we had to dig into this though yeah people look fine until we experience until we have an experience with them the nation was thirsty they saw the water and watch this it created an expectation yes sir it looked fine to the eyes and gave them hope only to be disappointed disappointment brought up earlier and bitterness go together absolutely when our expectations are let down we become bitter yes sir bitterness then can come from a lack of hope because why it's the inability to see a positive future the inability to have hope because disappointment can stop you from hoping well i agree 100 have you ever counseled a person and they've told you they had a complaint and then you asked them a very simple question did you ask a question yeah and the answer is invariably no and and and god gave me a a while ago not to ever be guilty of enjoying the embrace of an opinion more than the touch of the truth in other words sometimes my opinion is so intense that i won't ask a question yeah because i don't want the truth to intrude on our embrace yes with an opinion so it's very common for people to make up their minds and never ask a question because they're comfortable in the embrace of that assumption yeah you're right because hopelessness is from fear your fear and hopelessness go together yeah and i'm afraid to ask questions because i made up in my mind how the person's going to respond absolutely rather than asking the question at least give the person a chance to tell me something but as you said it was before the reason why most of us don't ask the question is because most of us don't want to hear the truth well that's true naaman would have avoided a bunch of drama had he simply asked a question yep why like this what what you know can you explain to me prophet why you want me to go and be yeah if nothing more than that is the instruction the lord gave yeah but he he had this he in the text it repeats i thought i thought i thought i thought yep and this disappointment breeds bitterness they go hand in hand they expected the water to be right to satisfy their thirst and it wasn't until they tasted that realized it wasn't good for them it wouldn't satisfy their need but it wasn't like they weren't used to disappointment they spent all that time in prison all right let's get to the healing part okay but here's the thing y'all disappointment can be god's recipe for a miracle yes sir god led them to the bitter waters knowing they'd be disappointed yeah by the bitterness of it yes sir but why would a loving god lead them to this water if he wasn't going to fix the water or do something there well i contend that he did fix it that it on your premise it was bitter on purpose because there was a deliverance that was needed in there yes sir yeah i'm trying to show you something man so the so so if an experiment the bitterness of marrow prepare them for the sweetness of the quail yes and the man a miracle yeah okay yup and we're gonna get down there for oh lord have mercy if an experience can produce bitterness yeah a divine experience can produce hope so god knows we work by experience yes sir experience impacts us greater than anything so we experience something become bitter god gives us divine experience gives us hope moses cries out to the lord while the people are griping and we can't read over this it says that god showed moses yes sir which means when they went there the tree was there they just could not see the tree because that word show means to reveal a tree yeah it wasn't just any old tree it was a specific tree that had the power by god's hand to heal these waters yeah and if you're going to throw a tree in some waters guess what you got to do you got to cut it down you have to kill it in order to put it somewhere else yeah for for you to live for you to live the tree is jesus yes sir if we let him in our bitter areas he can make us sweet the event happened but he can turn it around god did not deny the bitterness the bitterness was real but it also can heal that thing also and and the the reality is is that the test which also turned out to be a trial was designed to get them ready for revelation that they would get in 26. he says you know if you will diligently hearken to the voice of the lord thy god he said none of these this is it's actually a deliverance process i'm trying to get you to a place where you'll understand my heart and none of the stuff that happened to egypt will ever happen to you yep so he turns the bitter waters makes them sweet yeah jesus gets all up in it and god can get in our bitter situations and make them sweet yeah if we allow them to and the bible says i love this it becomes a statue and an ordinance yes sir the word ordinance is a judicial term it means that what god was doing he says that the miracle was a statute in the ordinance the ordinance was god setting a precedence yes sir a precedent means that if this has been established it's going to work all throughout the future that's right so if i can do it here i can do it whenever you come into another situation again it was a guide and a testimony as you said for the future and the positioning that obedience gives you put them in a position put them in a place where what touched egypt would not touch them again so it wasn't enough to get the revelation it wasn't enough to get the word they had to obey the word of god to be protected so there seems to be a different consecration upon them after they go through this because now the stuff they actually witnessed that was just a hair's breath away from them now god says if you're hearken if you're here and do you won't have to worry about this again if you just keep following me and the implication is if you don't hear and do the opposite's going you're going to attract some of this stuff that you should be able to uh it should die coming near you absolutely absolutely because god was just simply testing them yes they're obedience they're following him and all stuff as he says in verse um 25 that he did it to prove that he proved them there he tested them there to see what they will do and then in verse 17 like you said he was showing them and we're done here that he is the lord that heals yes sir he can heal the bitter worlds of mara and heal us from the egypt inside and he tells them for i am the lord that healeth thee yes sir he wasn't just talking about future he was talking about right then too i am the great physician and i want you to be made whole so there and therein lies the the proof from your premise the whole process was about them being healed of a bitterness that was immediately revealed when any disappointment would come there presented itself so the whole process is i get i need to get you healed in this yes i need to start working on your bitterness because what you're going to start experiencing the future you're going to need some hope you're going to need some love you'll need some joy wholeness and what i think we need to maybe if we can do a little different this time okay maybe segway uh into praying for folk who are dealing with bitterness okay and resentment absolutely and then we'll get into the altar calling all this stuff like that yeah um the pandemic is revealing a lot of anger and security uh covert fatigue and all the other stuff that you got going on in most people have never had to deal with this many circumstantial balls being thrown to them at the same time um they have you know we talk about this complex trauma it just means that there's so many significant things that this pandemic presented yeah that the quote-unquote normal life kind of shielded us from and there's a lot that's out of our immediate control yeah and that's where that gross insecurity has come that's where the retreating to those things that offer security falsely yeah it is it is a it it is a leaning away from god and leaning towards what the bible would identify as a babylonian system effort uh works dependence on others to give you self respect yeah so we're in a season now where if there was any bitterness in us at all it has come running out of the wilderness it has emerged with aggression and um [Music] you know god wants to heal that because that fractured heart is not prepared to pray in a way that the prayer should be received that the answers should come that that that anger that grief whatever that's locked in uh in a non-productive way can can hinder your ability for god to hear you yeah so i think bitterness is something we need to talk about we need to pray about yeah um a lot of people we say little things that we don't realize reveal our bitterness sometimes and these things are real and we've i've experienced it myself yeah these feelings and these things and usually when people say this is not fair that's a response of bitterness that's oh absolutely that's a it's an unwillingness to accept the reality of what happened good or bad especially bad and and sometimes life does not feel fair and i'm not sitting there saying that because sometimes it just absolutely does not and the psalmist talks about that yeah yeah it doesn't feel fair but in those seasons where it doesn't feel fair we have to trust in god's grace his favor yeah his mercy because there are times where it doesn't feel like it doesn't it doesn't it feels like you said sometimes we're hand-picked and everybody else seems to be right you know living a good life right and we're struggling and god wants to work through that feeling and work through those uh concerns that we have and present them to him uh i remember talking to somebody during this season the loved one passed away at cove and they're like well why is this person the person of faith passed away from it but all these people that don't really believe they caught it and lived yeah the psalmist talks all through about this especially psalm 63 and a few other ones talks about it looks like the righteous are not prosperous and wicked or prosperous right it doesn't feel fair and god allows us to bring those concerns to psalms it brings us to god he said i was good and i was upset until i came into the house of the lord yeah and then i heard that outcomes for the righteous right and the unrighteous are different right and he said i was good now because i realized god is managing my life for something greater and we can't dictate the journey yeah we can participate in it yeah and we'll find ourselves disappointed when our will exceeds his when we learn to turn it over to him or to be led by him and he gives us plenty to be led by we will find ourselves being less and less disappointed because we know the ultimate answer to all of the situations in our lives yeah yeah you know so yeah i think i think that this season has produced some anger some disappointment some esteem issues some respect issues some immaturity issues and oftentimes what i've seen are a lot of entitlement yeah but entitlement is attached to a need for justice yeah which disappointment absolutely yeah which is bitterness yeah all that links all back together again yeah i think this season god was he's revealed some stuff so he can start making this whole yep healed and delivered body healed insides heal too so god can handle your disappointment you want me to pray well i'll pray for that then we'll move on father i thank you right now for this opportunity tonight we stand before you all of us having been wounded all of us having been disappointed all of us having been let down at some point in our lives i thank you that all of us are not still in the grip of that disappointment of that lost expectation i thank you that those that have experienced the mishandling by someone that should have known better someone trusted and yet the greatest victory of the one who you trusted is long-term inner bitterness i decree and declare right now in the name of jesus those who have experienced great trauma in their lives agree with me in prayer right now that the word of god and the holy ghost will reach the root of the bitterness yeah and begin to excise that from your heart i pray right now that you put sweetness in our hearts so sweetness can come from our lips i pray right now that you transform the strength of bitterness into the strength of faith i pray right now that you place your hand upon us through the power of your spirit and deliver us from reactionary things touch us now that we will no longer be slaves to the environment around us and that that environment would reveal the righteousness of us and not the unrighteousness buried in our hearts i thank you that you said you are the lord that healed us and we believe you right now i pray for every individual's carrying long-term anger even if it's developed into wrath long-term disappointment i pray for you right now in the name of jesus that your deliverance would begin at this very moment like the ice that your heart has become that the heat of the holy spirit will begin to melt it right now revealing that which is whole and that which is healthy yeah i thank you for the circumcision that's happening right now remove that non-productive anger that hate that malice that bitterness that resentment that envy yes leave us whole and productive right now i bless your name because we believe and we agree you are the god that heals i thank you for jesus he said it is you that does the work so holy spirit i ask you right now loose your powers create newness in us create revival in us create restoration and i thank you in jesus name amen amen praise the lord just in case for those of you who were watching online you need to give your life to the lord tonight's a great night to give your life to jesus one of the things that um paul says in ephesians chapter two i believe verse 10 it says we are his workmanship creating christ jesus under good works workmanship means god's poem god's letter it's like a story god shaping us and making us the book of your life can change this evening it's not that the old chapters are done away with per se they're still there but tonight is a night where you can start writing a different chapters a different future of your life so now your book the book of you now has an old you and a new you god wants to be the one that helps you write the remaining chapters of your life where all the old things are passed away and behold all things have become brand new if you come to them this evening if you come to them now i can't promise you that everything's going to be great all the time because we all experience the trials of life yeah but we have the one that guides us through it that helps us through it all just like with the nation he was there with them to help them deal with the circumstance you want to be on the lord's side tonight's a great night for you to begin your journey with walking with jesus absolutely where now he can add his pen to your pen and he can start determining you to start writing out your future the bible says whosoever will let him come let it any man come to christ he's a new creature come on give your life to him this evening start that journey walk with him have a relationship with him he died for our sins he is the tree that was cut thrown into the waters to make it sweet yes jesus is a transformer well witness is that if you let him get inside of you he will begin a radical change a radical turnaround come on and give your life to the lord change from the inside out if that's you you need to give your life to the lord for the first time put your name in the comments section a link is probably should be posted there too you can click on that someone from our team will connect with you and this evening can be an evening of new beginnings a statute and an ordinance can be set up a precedent can be set up precedent god doing the miraculous and we always can refer back to that yeah to give us faith for our present and for our future come on and recommit your life to the lord if you got saved but you walked away from god maybe something happened in the church or you just got caught up with sin you were lord away when the bible talks about us walking away it's usually alluring it's usually not a i'm done type thing it's a slow luring away and right now you discover yourself like the prodigal son struggling bitterness all those things creeping in the bible says he came to himself that word came to himself means he collected his mental faculties his mind came back together yeah he lost his mind when he left the house yeah in the pigpen his mind came back and said i'm gonna go back to my father's house tonight is a great night for god to bring your mind back your faculty's back yeah so you can return back to your father who loves you cares for you and will restore you if you need to rededicate your life to the lord come on back this evening we can't help why you walked away we can't help what happened but we can connect you to the father who can restore your life if that's you put your name in the comment section come on in maybe the season was just rough and you thought god left you forsook you forgot about you come on back in come on back home trust god what he's going to do in your life a preacher is hard to trust him it is absolutely hard to trust him that's why we have to grow and trust grow in faith nobody trusts god 100 all the time we grow into it come on and rededicate your life to the lord this evening we know the spirit is moving right now if you need to join this church you want to connect to bethany church this word really hit you you've been watching this and the word is connecting to you the ministry is helping you it matters where you go to church come on connect to this house god places people in environments and places for a reason adam and eve didn't pick their garden god put them there you it's not just going to yellow pages and pick up your bible pick up pick a pic pick a church is god leading us somewhere psalmist says that god puts us in solitaries that he puts us in families come on and connect to this church home we'd love to have you be a part of bethany baptist church transformation church of new jersey if you're distant we have a virtual church called our connections church even when we open it's still going to be active come on and connect to the church save for the first time we dedicate your life want to connect to this church you believe that the spirit is moving god is moving in this moment right now the spirit is here the spirit is right where you are make that decision and say yes the father's drawing you don't resist it say yes to it and watch restoration happen for those of us um it's always we always give during this time and it's a great time to sew a sacrificial seed the information should be on the screen right now for you to give uh give a thanksgiving gift a jubilee gift an offering of thanks and offering of gratitude you know there are times where we all have to apologize because we don't appreciate god the way we should all the time yeah and then we just be real here is we not hallelujah thanking jesus every five minutes of the day there are times we have to be intentional about it remind ourselves about gratitude absolutely and this evening i ain't got it for you it's just i believe we need to sew out of gratitude this evening thanksgiving jubilee in scripture is always 50 if you can do 50 to 50 if you can't do that do the best that you can but tonight we want to give god an appreciation offering and if there's one thing i know about god is we show him gratitude just because just because we don't ask him i just want to do this just because he responds in wonderful ways multiple ways multiple ways yeah and if we as human beings can do that when people do stuff for us just because they ask for it produces something same thing with god sow that seed tonight just giving thanks believing god that he can help remove all that bitterness that prayer worked remove all that anger and appreciate watch this instead of being bitter about where you came from thank god that he brought you to this point that what the devil couldn't do god freed you from all that what he tried to do was his best but the fullness of that weapon could not prosper so that gratitude see this evening it's grateful gratitude because it's sacrificial sacrificial because it's gratitude filled with gratitude sow that seed right now and watch god begin to move in your life whether it's text to give giblify the website you can mail it in give god praise tonight as you get we have um should we do the prayer requests or should we do your announcements and then oh yeah i'm strong looking okay we do have we're back we should be back to set well saturday we should be good for um driving service okay uh we wanted to do communion outside this past sunday but it rained but god still moved and yeah it was still good and we'll keep you guys updated if we decide to do it outside again we'll try to we have tomorrow night is the mental health panel at seven we have fresh friday at seven and of course on saturday we have uh on point at nine and driving service at 11 30. oh the fourth sunday of this month it is sunday the 26th um we prayed over people's holy oil yes last year i believe here was the february of twenty twenty february twenty yes um crazy the lord led bishop said and pulled me i was like you gotta get announcement out there tell everybody bring that oh i don't know why but we need to do it yeah and we prayed over the oil two weeks later you didn't know why just something lord lettuce the lord yeah and we had an altar full of oil yeah because we're virtual we you know we we can't do it like that this time but on the 26th we're going to do a special prayer during our sunday service just have the oil with you when you're watching uh the same word that works in the sanctuary it'll work right where you are it's true bishop is going to pray over everybody's oil virtually uh anoint look i'll be still anointing my kids when they sleep door to house they're still across the door milestones yeah man i didn't clean it up i didn't clean it i understand i love it i understand but we're gonna pray over those things so that the fourth sunday the 26th of this month we're going to pray over holy oil and believe god we just have a few prayer requests and don't forget if you have a prayer request you can email us at social social go to bethany.com social go to bethany.com we have prayer for estelle tonight uh medical procedure coming up and for the desires of our heart we have prayer for shakira and her future relationships and something that really piqued my interest sister carolyn they're wanting to open a prayer center in mexico and they are coming under spiritual attacks on the people that will help make that happen uh they're becoming physically ill um just an overall attack which indicates to me pastor nick that the breakthrough in mexico is going to be so immense that the enemy's pulling out all stops to stop one person so this means god has ordained it there will always be red seas before your deliverance yeah so we want to pray we want to touch and agree in prayer tonight that this prayer center god empower all those that have enlisted to help god in power his vision his word for the breakthrough in prayer in mexico come on let's pray god i thank you right now for the desires of your people's hearts i pray also for uh the relationships that they desire in their future give them discernment give them understanding we come into grit together to pray right now for the prayer center that is desired to be built in mexico yeah we understand the conditions of the state we understand the conditions of that place and i thank you right now there's nothing more powerful than your spirit and your word in this earth now god by the power of your spirit release every needful thing yeah give them the power to overcome this is the victory yes for those of us that believe in that you are the son of god jesus we thank you right now for the multiple breakthroughs in mexico multiple breakthroughs in this effort that a station for powerful prayer and deliverance and healing would be uh initiated inaugurated in that city and we ask you lord that you do it within 30 days yeah from the moment of this prayer yeah from beginning to opening up to miracles being manifested in jesus name jesus amen we'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: Bishop David G. Evans
Views: 272
Rating: 5 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 32sec (4832 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 08 2021
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