A Robot That Shoots Energy Drink at You When You Get Tired

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Oh hey. It's that guy who wrote a program that shouts tweets sent to him at all hours of the day.

👍︎︎ 304 👤︎︎ u/DhampirBoy 📅︎︎ Apr 24 2018 🗫︎ replies

After one test he is already afraid to close his eyes in front of it. That's what I call results

👍︎︎ 202 👤︎︎ u/henrique993 📅︎︎ Apr 24 2018 🗫︎ replies

I love the reaction from the machine and the guy when he sits back down and the turret locks back on to his face.

👍︎︎ 168 👤︎︎ u/nataku411 📅︎︎ Apr 24 2018 🗫︎ replies

Build me one of these that detects wasps, and then shoots them with a laser. I have a laser strong enough to burn them through a window, I just need to automate it.

👍︎︎ 48 👤︎︎ u/signal15 📅︎︎ Apr 24 2018 🗫︎ replies

What reasonable human beings would rewrite C# code in Java?

👍︎︎ 61 👤︎︎ u/ProgramTheWorld 📅︎︎ Apr 24 2018 🗫︎ replies

Damn this kid is funny! Good video editing, good robots, good sense of humor. How old is he?

👍︎︎ 261 👤︎︎ u/emil-p-emil 📅︎︎ Apr 23 2018 🗫︎ replies

Next video will be a robot that shoots Proactive at my face

This kid is hilarious.

👍︎︎ 32 👤︎︎ u/Zaku0083 📅︎︎ Apr 24 2018 🗫︎ replies

Ah the next tony stark is here

👍︎︎ 15 👤︎︎ u/whynotsaysthisguy 📅︎︎ Apr 24 2018 🗫︎ replies

Enjoyed the "how to basic" style diode montage lol.

👍︎︎ 62 👤︎︎ u/JimmyNavio 📅︎︎ Apr 23 2018 🗫︎ replies
hi i'm michael and while i was building this robot i realized i probably have brain damage but what if i didn't [Music] so i know you guys have a couple of questions right you know michael what the [ __ ] was that i don't have a brain so i can't read the title and have you gone to seek psychiatric help well don't worry we're gonna get right into that in a second and we've all been there right you get sleepy from time to time you spent a long day at work you stayed up all night doing homework you have depression you know to each his own and a lot of people myself included turn to energy drinks to get ourselves through the day but sometimes you get really tired and you start to fall asleep and an asleep person can't drink energy drinks right so then you get fired from your job or you flunk out of school and then what you can end up having to do youtube for money [Music] well you don't need to worry about any of that anymore i have a solution so good that you're never going to need another one in fact i'm going to call it the final solution oh god i cannot call it that hitler ruins everything well at any rate let me introduce you to squirt boy 9000 that is not the permanent name i am working on the name squirt boy 9000 is the final solution to all of your sleep deprivation problems it's got all the premium features that you want it's got the jagged edges it's got the exposed 120 volt wire terminals it's got the liquid stored next to the electricity but michael i hear you ask how does this affront to humanity get sweet sweet energy drink into my body it kind of looks like you just threw together a bunch of garbage and you're calling it a robot well you're not wrong but it actually works okay works is a strong word um it does what i designed it to do me me michael how does it do that me me me michael why is it made out of a tide pods container you're just the nosiest little [ __ ] today aren't you all right so the squirt boy 9000 is always watching through this camera in the front if it detects that your eyes have been closed for more than a few seconds it's going to trigger this solenoid which is going to shoot the energy drink in here out of this turret and the turret's gonna constantly track your face anywhere you are in the room yeah but michael why'd you build it out of a tide pods container isn't that kind of a dead name i still make harambee jokes daily ask me if i care if it's a dead meme or not so the code for this thing is similar in principle to the laser robot if any of you guys remember that in fact i could have just taken that code base made a little tweak tweak here tweak tweaks there to make it go squirt and i would have been done i could have called it a day but i rewrote the whole [ __ ] thing in java and it took goddamn forever but i had a legitimate reason for doing it and it wasn't self-loathing this time and the reason i rewrote all the code in java is because it runs just a little bit faster see explaining code is boring i'm getting bored and i'm the one who wrote it so so if enough people care i'll write a blog post or something about the code but for now let's talk about this monstrosity so this thing has a lot of [ __ ] we have the 3d printed turret head pretty happy with how that came out don't worry about that uh we have a raspberry pi which is controlling a solenoid valve over the network we have this super dangerous electrical outlet thing that i built don't want to touch that that's not okay i might as well get around to the inside of this thing a little arduino in there controlling the turret servos and then last but not least we have the energy drink containment unit this is not an advertisement for monster my content is above corporate sponsorships also didn't respond to any of my emails [Music] all right but enough of the boring stuff let's get this set up and give you guys an example and also shoot it for the first time i have never actually shot it before and i have no idea how it's going to work that's got to plug in a few wires don't even don't worry about these i'll worry about these there servo signal webcam signal compressed compressed air and electronics power okay so first sort of pre-test we're going to do is going to be without energy drink because i kind of want to go through how things work and not have to deal with that all right so everything's turned on i got my software view in one of these corners let me just show you guys how things work so the idea is you put this on your desk wherever you are if you're afraid you're going to get tired right so my software tracks if your eyes start to get heavy closed eyes and when it thinks it detects a closed eyes it's going to put a green rectangle wherever it thinks it is on the screen so you're gonna see a few false positives that's because you know i had to build my own closed eye classifier it wasn't just available so it's it's not insanely good but it gets the job done you see it detecting oh so if it detects a closed eye for a long enough amount of time it switches over to facial recognition facial recognition tracking and then it actuates the turret so the turret's actually following me it's a lot faster than the laser turret in fact where are my laser diodes jesus christ please [ __ ] don't [Music] what the [ __ ] just happened oh look at that i hot glued the laser on there good job me i stopped smoking meth before these videos so here you can see why i rewrote the code base in java it's because it's way faster than the laser robot i did about a year ago in c sharp but a laser isn't going to help you stay up dangerous amounts of energy drink are so now we all know that that works let's try the spraying feature out so i don't know anything about pneumatics or compressed air the only experience i have was watching bullying william osman no pliers exist what as he put the condiment machine together so i i don't know how much pressure to use i don't know what to do so we're gonna try water at first uh just just uh just as a test okay let's turn it up to a 60 40. i have no idea what these numbers mean i don't have a reference let's go with 40 because that's probably how many years i'm going to live if i drink this much energy drink when refilling the energy drink on your squirt boy 9000 don't forget not to touch the exposed wire terminals because of the whole you know instant death thing unless you know yeah don't gotta go to work anymore so you gotta unscrew this probably gonna fast forward this no one's gonna see it that's what the inside looks like then you're going to take your energy drink or in our test case we're using water and you're just going to refill the tank until it's full don't forget not to spill any of the liquid on the exposed 120 volt wire terminals because you know the instant death thing [Applause] i'm so stupid i'm so stupid and now the caps back on and you're ready to go okay so i'm going to simulate being asleep at my desk i hope it's detecting my eyes because i can't [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay so two things one that may have been a little too much pressure and two we know it works so we can test out energy drinks today's meme cocktail is one part fizzy poison drink two parts compressed air and adds self-loathing to taste you know what's amazing it hasn't dawned on me how stupid this is until this very second isn't that incredible what the human mind can block out okay so i may have forgot to press record for my software view for that last one my bad but it'll definitely be in one of the corners on this one and i'm just gonna do one eye for this one because i want to be able to see my software i hope you had fun watching this video i i sure had fun it's still on don't forget to destroy that like button and commit genocide on that subscribe button because i got uh plenty of stuff like this coming up in the future also you may have noticed that the production quality on this video is like mildly better than on my previous ones that's because i was able to afford a camera because of a bunch of support from my patrons on patreon so if you like the content on this channel maybe consider going over and supporting it or don't ah this is the worst idea of all time [Music] you
Channel: Michael Reeves
Views: 10,558,851
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: robot, bad robot, funny robot, programmer, arduino, raspberry pi, satire, 3d printer, 3d printed, air compressor, pneumatics, energy drink
Id: d5d02U5YYfk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 45sec (585 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 21 2018
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