A Raid Takes Takeaway Owners By Surprise | UK Border Force | Real Responders

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25,000 men and women work for the UK Border Agency at home and abroad their job is to seek out the more breakers and imposters who don't have a right to be here they are the UK border force tonight inside an immigration removal center a chartered flight for illegal immigrants Immigration Service a surprise raid on a Chinese takeaway and a man who thinks this immigration officer should be doing something better I don't want to miss your time listen I'm getting paid to do this you're not wasting my time I'm gonna get to the bonus [Music] Caillat in 2008 UK Border Agency teams found 20,000 people hiding in trucks headed for Britain that's around 55 every day it's estimated there are 1500 immigrants living rough in Calais many of whom are children they make frequent attempts to creep aboard the freight trucks most live in the jungle a forested area a few miles from the port others camp right outside the perimeter fence waiting for the right moment to sneak onto a lorry today officer Maggie Woodard rushes to the births the place where Lori's wait just before boarding the ferry we've just had a phone call from our colleagues down at Birth we're going to go down there assist with the possibility of kind of Stein's being found inside well it's to the clandestines have been found using co2 probes that detect human breath my colleagues were working down here probe this lorry and they've got a high reading they opened it up and they found these two illegals on the side of the lorry and we're just trying to get them out now once we find the driver he said his last stop was the Belgium but we think he also mentioned the 50 minutes stop just along the road for diesel so more than likely they are from the jungle originally officer Boley discovers they used a familiar method to break into the truck we've got a court here that the driver could have used in addition with the seal would have thought so I just hope of him out for him wouldn't have been in there the driver failed to tie down and lock the canvas sides of his Freight it looks like when the door was stopped someone's opened up the side for them they've stupid in and then someone's done all the hood once they've got in drivers none the wiser I would say 95% of the time there's got to be someone that's sealed the vehicle back up often to go in anger [Music] warning these clandestines aren't alone in thinking England holds the answer to their dreams for them it's the place to find work and start a new life they'll keep on trying to defy the locking systems on this occasion the driver and his company will find 1,300 pounds for failing to secure the freight the areas where lorries are searched are called the lanes here officer Barrett has a high reading on his co2 probe and has opened up the lorry there's another clue clandestine czar aboard the distinct aroma of people who've been living rough the bonfire smell quite distinctive won't you sampled it a few times mark what forgot to do Syrian Afghan and Iranian this mixed international cargo is unusual as most clandestine traveling groups of fellow country as it's becoming another routine operation one of the men becomes hostile you stay here okay yeah mommy best to stop there just started to get a bit agitated Somali best the cameras back off to let the men calm down for whatever reason he decided that he didn't want to be on camera I think and be okay next one yeah the easiest way to get rid of the cameras to kick off and get everybody to react and there's always one you know there's generally a ringleader you will take charge who's been here before who knows how it works I they follow him yeah after you know one chance not today tomorrow one chance tomorrow he's very smiley most clandestine czar resigned to being caught and openly tell the officers how they got in last one that just came out said that they entered through this side of the vehicle there's no tilt cord on it so again if the driver had properly secured his Freight it could have stopped the clandestines from boarding he was fined 1200 pounds sometimes to do get some people what kind of signs it's we tend to get a bit irritable if they come through again and again and again and get found all the time but it's only the few I mean most of them are you know try again tomorrow coming up cheers of Heathrow you are inadmissible to the UK inside an immigration removal centre the man who wants a tax return and the London Enforcement Team spoiled dinner guys speak English [Applause] [Music] [Music] at the outskirts of Heathrow is Colebrook immigration removal center it has the same security as a category B prison it holds four hundred men in two sections one section is long-term [Music] many in here are foreign nationals who have already served a prison sentence once their sentence is over they are brought here to wait for their paperwork to be completed yet so they can be sent home this can be complicated and some have been here for years governments in some countries are reluctant to have people back with serious criminal records there is also a short term section this holds illegal immigrants for up to a week many here have been caught by enforcement teams and are from countries that are easier to negotiate with for their return Kolak see you K Border Agency offices where the removal papers are processed officer rasa is about to meet an Algerian man who has just completed a prison sentence okay he's convicted of a crime in the UK he was sentenced 16 months for robbery and attempted robbery so he's now obviously under immigration being detained on immigration powers I'm just going to give you your deportation order you will be required to leave and you're prohibited from entering the UK again as long as this order is in force okay that's what for you okay I've seen ferried before so I mean I know what he's like it tends to cooperate a friendly world with immigration clearly wants to go back to our jury as soon as possible anyway officer Chima is about to see an illegal immigrant from Kosovo the man was sent here after being arrested in a late-night brawl the police discovered he was here illegally and handed him to immigration Ashima I work here for the home office do you understand why are you being detained here okay just to keep it brief as you know you were detained as someone who's to be removed from the UK you have a flight back to Kosovo Albania on the 14th of May which is next Thursday that's your flight itinerary there that is your factor of summary giving you a history of your case and also who's in charge of your case so if you let your solicitor know what's happened you can do so okay there is a list of useless is available here for you you can speak to the officer okay that's fine the street fighter won't have long to wait he'll be sent home next week on a specially chartered flight thank you very much Thank You officer Chima will speak to another Kosovan he wants to put on the same flight dismissed he arrived in 1998 and claimed asylum the disappea detective seat in the far side thank you six years later his application was refused he absconded but was arrested in an enforcement raid at a pizza restaurant in April 2009 do you understand why you're being detained yes okay just to make it brief you have a removal setback to Kosovo for the 14th of May which is next Thursday yes that's your flight itinerary for you there yeah this is also for you just the case history of your time you arrived to the time with your detention yes he settled in Britain and feels the country owes him a debt all the time in my name and I've got a hostel at here right well suggest I appreciate what you're saying with digit Sufi however it isn't gonna change that you've removed it's all I can say is you should speak to leave a representative and here we have to advise women that when the girl is talking about text we've had a few of those questions before it's something we don't try we don't get involved in and we will tell them to take neither device on there but technically speaking they be here illegally so they can't get to can't get their tax back they in any way the two Kosovan prisoners will join 24 other cosa funds and Albanians on the flight chartered by UK Border Agency this is a regular thing that the UK Border Agency do these charter flights up and planned when they happen on on a fortnightly or on a monthly basis to remove specific you remove Kosovan and albanian national respective of europe it's one of 70 flights a year used for removing illegal immigrants in 2008 over 1500 were sent home this way many of those in : Brooke were picked up by enforcement teams like this one officer Shane Healy is planning a raid on a Chinese takeaway intelligence suggests that possible immigration offenders are working from this address and previous visits to this kind of establishment of led to the investors of failed asylum seekers and immigration offenders go straight away in 2008 enforcement teams carried out 13,000 raids resulting in over 10,000 arrests the target today is a takeaway serving the locals of the well-heeled area of West Hampstead immigration so they don't come inside for us it's immigration service can you all wanna come around this area for me look down what you're doing does that be clear those days yeah hi from the Immigration Service okay we just see doing checks on people today actually and we see yeah you're right we're aggression officers there are nine employees officers check their immigration status what type of parts will reveal you carry about with you ladies producer possible to me it's a valid passport it's got a leader student visa in here so she's got leave to remain in the UK yeah he's fine yeah he's there he's told me who he is his hobby story and stuff checked on that computer database it's verified it from a copy of his passport this will find his British citizen the workers proved they are allowed to work in Britain except for one he applied for asylum but was turned down an application to Romania on the base your problems back home because she's been looked at and been a spoon refused he was asked as a result of him being illegally in this country to sign on at our office which he's failed to do since 2004 well there's a grinder arrest that I have to say anything like my Harley defense if you do not mention when questioned something which you later rely on in court the man is have failed asylum seeker hiding from the immigration authorities officers will now take the man to his home address to find his passport so they can remove him from the country without it they will have to ask for emergency travel documents from the Chinese government and they could face difficulties convincing them he's from their country the gentleman that then is arrested got his address so we are gonna go there and search for document without doctor when your life end up removing him is very unlikely so we are going to go and search for possible now Heathrow Terminal 3 it carries over 30,000 passengers every day that's over 10 million a year today at passport control is immigration officer Sheetal Patel she's about to check a woman who's just arrived from South Africa I'm just gonna ask you a few questions about your stay here yeah how long you're gonna be here three months so immediately today where will you be going okay so your friend that speaking you are is he just just a friend okay okay mr. Thomas I have got some inquiries to make okay so and I just need to make I'm just need to take these take a seat for me you'll be here with us until I finish conducting those inquiries okay Matt got a referral for you okay we've got a South African female she's just coming in she says she wants to come in for three months but she's just finished a two-year working holiday and she's only been away from the country for a month she says she'll be going to Scotland Ireland visit other South African friends that she has seen so in two years here she just didn't get around to seeing Scotland and well you know pretty much to see when you need to see so then to come back for another holiday on top of that makes me think that there's something here that's more important than a two-year working holiday visa allows one year of work and one year of holiday the South African woman has already had one of these visas and now she's back just one month later officer Patel wants to find out if the friend waiting to pick up the passenger is just a friend but it seems being stopped by immigration is all too much fun I know you're upset but it's just you know I just have to be Johnna give her a call grab your bags although the passenger appears to have given up the fight officer Patel investigates further to assess her status first she calls the passengers friend waiting in arrivals hide so my name is Nutella I'm an immigration officer at Heathrow Airport hi there are you meeting anyone today okay just to let you know she had she's currently being held with immigration we do have some further inquiries that we need to conduct is it or if I have a quick chat with you how is it that you know her you just know through friends are you just friends or are you in a relationship you're an in a relationship thank you okay then thank you bye-bye so it turns out that the gentleman downstairs tom is the passengers boyfriend and when I asked the passenger if it's a boyfriend or a friend she stated that he is just a friend so have a boyfriend in the UK creates a stronger tie then just to have friends in the UK so it gives her that extra thing to want to come back for so I'm not sure why she would have said on the desk that is it's not a boyfriend but that's what we need to find out the passenger has lied about who was picking her up with a boyfriend here officer Patel suspects a short visit might turn into something more permanent as soon as this the deception starts that's when our alarm bells start ringing and you know it's just that have you got more to hide is there more to this than then you letting on previous pay slip from when she was here on a working holiday officer Patel and her boss Matt Dyson look for other clues to find out why she wants to come to the UK they discover a pay slip that's not bad not sure she's work full time can I hope you okay that's not good so we just need to find out she worked full time for the other year as well her working holiday visa would have allowed her to work 12 months of her two-year stay in this case what we've got so far is there's a pay slip there which appears to indicate unless she was earning an enormous amount for a little bit of work that she probably worked the whole of the last tax year the one that we've just completed now that means she's done all her work basically in that period no do we really believe that in the first year she was here she did nothing at all well that's unlikely cause let's be honest if you're working holding a car on a two-year working holiday you're not gonna sit around and not work for a whole year and then just do it at the end because you know your financial constraints of the same at the beginning you know at the end pretty much good morning my name is Sheetal I'm an immigration officer at Heathrow Airport officer Patel calls the restaurant where the passenger has been working so she started 25th of June 2007 and departed 26th of Feb 2009 okay the manager says the woman worked over 20 months at the restaurant ate more than her bees are allowed it just goes to show that she had a disregard for the restrictions it was foreigner she when you do get your working holiday you are told it's one year's holiday one year's work and she's abused that once you've used something once you know you can't be trusted that you're not gonna do it again not the thing I've just made a phone call and they tell me that you were employed from the 25th of June 2007 to the 26th of feb 2012 yeah do you understand what that means right when you were giving your working holiday visa you were told how long you can work for and how long were you told oh yeah okay so we've now found out the actual in fact you worked for over that time which means that you breach the restrictions given to you on your working holiday so after speaking to Tom yeah he's told me that ah like I asked you at the desk are you in a relationship or is he just your friend and you told me your friend but when I asked him he says he's in a relationship with you so who's right who's wrong I mean he runs away as a relationship peanuts okay what do you call it okay you guys have been together as friends and now you're coming back to see him not necessarily no sir okay after speaking to him he says that you guys are in a relationship why would he say that because he says he's actually discussed plans with you and stuff the passenger is trying to make light of her relationship for the chief it doesn't wash you can have a certain amount of sympathy when someone's dreams are not we're gonna go or come to fruition this week but you know you have to Allies we don't know she's gonna do it again exactly you know she can go home first to a little flat losers I'll tell you what's happening right you have been we've made the decision and you've been refused entry today just let me say one week and then giving me the after one week I swear on my mother's life I will go your removal fly is this evening okay your removal flight is tonight at 8:30 at this moment you you you are inadmissible to the UK therefore we can't let you go anywhere so unfortunately you have to stay with us in detention until until your flight well as far as taking you anywhere and put you anywhere else I can't do that I'm afraid it doesn't stop you from coming back you can still come back you just know I would never where we go math class might just be the passenger was put on a flight to South Africa later that evening coming up the passenger who doesn't want to go home alright guys for this woman that's coming out she's pretty volatile I want we may have to offer some some more football help to get her on the aircraft the hunt for the passport with the London Enforcement Team and the student who obeys the rules twice a week and you've got twenty hours a week for us there and you've worked 20 hours a week for William Hill so family hours at all did you work the London enforcement team raided a Chinese takeaway and arrested a failed asylum seeker found working on the team want his passport so they can remove him from the country they've driven him back to his house to pick it up it appears there is a family the man failed to tell the officers he was married with children upstairs officers are met with another surprise a tiny room with six beds and four men about to eat dinner with some nationalities you've shown an awful lot of people to one room we don't visit well years back now but we've found 47 Chinese m113 mentioned house reason why we're here okay we want your passport your passport ID baby oh you got baby as well okay one in the oven the man's wife is pregnant with a second child you shouldn't be picking up boxes if you're pregnant all right sit down what's he doing anyone in the house speak English anyone in the house speak you speak a little English Tanya you understand you understand meaning a long time you do understand a little bit listen listen to listen right listen to the officer mrs. Ben ever you've been here ten years you have to you understand a little bit English okay Home Office checks reveal his wife is also have failed as ionising she keeps to her bail conditions by reporting regularly but her husband is not reported in years same office she was only once a month and she's signing up she's heavily pregnant still makes it he's able and doesn't it's not Thomas but is why I think kids you know these are all relevant to us making a fair decision you know when was he gonna tell us when he was getting on a plane actually ridiculous makes a mockery of the whole sister the husband and wife claim they don't have passports the enforcement team have heard this before back upstairs it's a tight squeeze as officers check Home Office records on the four men we've got four Chinese gentlemen a spectrum my producers with their art hard which is asylum registration cards okay we're gonna check on that ice house see what state their application to him and the discovery of asylum registration cards should mean the home office will have details on file the three men claimed asylum on entry into Britain they were given temporary release and by the time their asylum claims were refused they had all absconded the fourth man entered Britain on the back of a lorry could you explain soon and he's now under arrest as someone liable to be detained they are arrested to be questioned further and have their fingerprints taken the team cannot find the passports to help remove the family from the country it could take months to sort out emergency travel documents we're gonna release you okay that's not because you've been a good person it's because it's only because you've got a wife a pregnant wife and child here right that's important that you come in and sign on with your wife he's got act responsibly now for his family I start signing on with his wife every month the man and his wife are currently reporting as instructed the four men arrested upstairs were later released on condition they appear every two weeks at a Reporting Center they reported once before absconded again at a location near Gatwick a private security firm is gearing up for a big operation while most of Britain sleeps team leader Alan makai briefs his 68 custody officers on operation aardvark good morning ladies and gentlemen welcome to operation Ark 355 we'll be taking returning 26 detainees to either Albania Kosovo we have three coaches going to - to comb brook and 1/2 Brook house and then we have a van going up to yours would : brook immigration removal center officers wake the detainees for an early morning flight the Kosovan man arrested in a street fight has shaved his head the coaches arrived carrying the custody officers our job primarily is to take them from the custody of the immigration removal center they will then be taken into our custody then they've brought out of the of the center and onto the coaches for transportation it's fair to say that the vast majority of these guys they've bare had fair warning that they will be removed from from the country they've made their arrangements majority of my happy to go occasionally we may get something that's not quite so cooperative but you know we try our best they will pick up illegal immigrants from two other removal centers and we'll rendezvous at the airport at 8:00 a.m. most of the detainees have been caught working illegally but some of served time in prison for violent offenses there's a good rapport between the staff and those in our custody at the time we like to keep it that way we build up a relationship but have sense of humor and talk about football find something in common today UK Border Agency have chartered an entire plane to deport them [Music] this is where the staff come into their own really and they start to ease tensions and deescalate any problems they may see arising you know nobody's going to be removed forcibly unless they resist the removal just as the last few take their seats there is a problem with a woman who doesn't want to board the flight can't leave without her she's pretty volatile there the girls deal with it I want you guys to we want to cordon around the van yeah let the girls deal with it please all right guys we've got over female designee that's relaxing to you on the aircraft the girls are talking to it now we're trying to persuade her that you know the best option really is to go along with us unfortunately it may be that we may have to offer some some more football help together on the aircraft it's a delicate situation for the team already on board they don't want to unnerve any of the other passengers the illegal immigrants are escorted back home by 56 custody officers for Kosovan x' will go to Pristina and the rest to Tirana in Albania when the officers return they will need to start preparing for the next charter flight to a different destination in a few days time [Music] passport control Heathrow Terminal three a passenger is taken to have his bags searched officer Hassler wants to know why he has come to the UK just been handed this case it's a returned student and the issue we've got he's known to us for having a UK residence permit refused the residence permit was an international graduate scheme work permit also known as an IG s it was refused because his education certificates were from a UK college listed as bogus what he's then done he's then reapplied for a new student residence permit so the question is we've got somebody who was studying who in fact wants to work here was refused a work permit but is now then gone and reapplied as a student visa which is strange to say the least the man has just four days left on his original student visa if he's allowed in he can immediately apply for a new i GS work permit the application process will give him up to three months extra time in the UK much longer than the four days left on his current visa even if the application is refused okay we're just gonna take you to another area now okay well I need to do your fingerprints and also need to take a picture of you as well yeah so what I'm going to explain to you right you've been held up at the moment there's insufficient reliable information for me to decide whether to grant you entry okay and at the moment you've given unsatisfactory answers to the questions given by the original officer on the control okay okay what are the documentation have you got here that I can have a look at whilst we're here most foreign travelers on visas bring with us a few supporting documents this man has brought hundreds she refused that was basically IGS yeah I mean this is an awful lot of documentation but you do tend to find certain nationalities will carry their documentation with them like I said this is a a great deal so it just makes my job a little bit harder to sift through it all and find what's relevant and what's not tell you what it's more organized than I am among the documents of wage slips from William Hill Ladbrokes and Asda a foreign student in Britain can work a maximum of 20 hours a week on the control he did tell the officer that he's working as their so we need to clarify how long has been working for us there because clearly if he's worked in one place and then working two places then the accumulative hours would be in excess of those those 20 he also finds letters from several colleges in Britain all claiming he is studying with them officer Hassler wants to know how he can be in all these places at once so we're gonna go in an interview and we're just gonna tax him about his student as time as a student and see what he says because we've got colleges overlapping massive Carl you know we've got three or four colleges at what any one time that he's supposed to be study enough so we'll go in there and we'll have a chat and see what he comes up with and receiving even even discusses its course content okay well I'll let you do just come in here please son sit down there all right are you fitting well to be interviewed I'll try my best no no I don't want you trying your best I want you to tell me are you fitting well to be interviewed because I don't ask you some questions and what I don't you five or 10 minutes saying I can answer that because I'm not well are you fit and well to be interviewed I mean they haven't got any option of course you've got an option I'm asking you a question are you fitting well to be interviewed if you don't feel you're well enough to be if you tell me and I'll refer you back to the doctor I can opine you think you're fine the interview has got off to an uncomfortable start and the real questions haven't even begun after the break officer Hassler turns up the heat all I want to confess is have done nothing wrong in your country okay right let me be the judge if you do nothing wrong okay [Music] a man has arrived from Pakistan with just four days left on his student visa officer Hassler has questions about the certificates he submitted for a work permit and the hundreds of documents found in his hand luggage he has at least two jobs and is studying at a number of colleges why have you come to the UK today to study okay I'm where LSMs which is London School of Management Isis how long have you studied there almost five years so since you've arrival then you've effectively been studying all your time at London School imagine science can you tell me why I have a letter from Empire College dated November 2004 saying that you were a full-time student doing a Bachelor of Science and physics so why would the reach in you a letter if you've never studied them not very basically I didn't inform them that ever left the college why would you ask for this letter if you had no intention to be studying there and please start telling me the truth because at the moment you're not and I can tell you not know that's what I'm telling you so that's why it's so what you telling me or what I will still enroll and then call it but I wasn't how can you possibly be enrolled on a college that you've never attended it's basically sorry it's a misunderstanding because it wasn't my fault all I want to say I don't want to miss your time listen I'm getting paid to do this you're not wasting my time I'm gonna get to the bottom of this all I want to say sir I'm studying it whatever I have told you under under pressure or listen you know under pressure because I give you ample opportunity at the beginning this interview and you chose to see that you were fit well and I did see what I don't want you to do is start saying oh well you know I'm a bit confused because your English is fine it is more than acceptable for you to understand you and I know that you can understand me all I want to confess is I have done nothing wrong in your country okay right let me be the judge if you do nothing wrong okay what did you apply for in June of last year ideas and what happened to that it was refused what letters did you submit what letter since the difficut did you submit I did keep them dumb there's our cheat the post graduate diploma in business administration from where from Westminster College of Computing did you study at Westminster College of Computing no sir then how did you get all these certificates your best it's just that answer the truth okay cuz I know what the truth is and it's better than you corroborate it so just answer me the question how did you get these documents a person helped me to pick these documents so they are false documents yeah sorry yeah yes were you working yes I was where were you working after what hours you weren't there I was 20 I was there and what about William Hill I did work in William Hill as well so we started end of December 2006 beginning of 2007 with us there okay and you started William Hill the same time okay and you've worked 20 hours a week for us there yeah and you've worked 20 hours a week for William Hill yeah so how many hours and tall did you work roughly 40 hours and you still work for us then William Hill yes so all I want to cease I'm not breaking any law or anything harming listen just a sec just a sec you say you're not breaking a law right but what do you think immigration law is it's not one rule for one person one rule for another you are breaking the law as a student okay you're not allowed to work more than 20 hours a week you're working 40 hours a week as a student you're not supposed to pay for fraudulent documents to submit to the UK Home Office to then try and get a work permit to live in the UK so you tell me where you've not broken the law sir I didn't mean to break the law it was just my fault it was my mistake sir it's hard it is of you do you anything to eat food you're okay all right from the very beginning I mean you could tell that he was struggling sort of people with what was going on with regard to what his history was or what his purported history was and we've established that he's gone and purchased these documents that he then submit to the Home Office attempting to get a work permit and so I mean as far as I'm concerned it's a clear refusal ok mr. Vadra right I need to explain to you that you're going to be refused entry into the United Kingdom okay if I go just back and straight away from apply again if I play again straight away I'm asking for advice if you're asking my honest opinion if you went back to Pakistan and then you said next week you apply for student visa I would say it's very highly unlikely that you would be issued with a student visa my person after a month or so okay the man has worked double the hours permitted for a student and he submitted false documents to try and get a visa yet he still hopes he can come back soon this is a massive problem we have now with students and it's it's what takes up the day is returning students who are ultimately bulgar students we get the residence permit or they get their nucleons from the country of origin they come to the UK I don't have a study get fraudulent documents to show that they have been or claimed I've been studying and then it just perpetuates itself they get their residence permits to get the extensions and it's all built on a lie [Music]
Channel: Real Responders
Views: 768,634
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: uk border force, border security, border force uk, border, uk, uk border, border security force, heathrow border force, border police uk, uk border security, border force heathrow airport, nothing to declare uk, border arrest, us border control, border patrol, force, border control, customs border, caught at border, border crossing, border security usa, canada border services agency, breaking news
Id: bwzI2J93NOE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 58sec (2698 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 05 2020
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