UK Border Patrol Police Raid a Subway Station for Criminals! | Locked Up Abroad

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the united kingdom has a population of over 60 million [Music] despite the border controls at britain's entry points it's estimated there are up to one million illegal immigrants living and working in the country it's the job of the enforcement teams to find these people one of their latest methods is to go out on the streets and stop anyone they think look suspicious it's a immigration-led street operation at north greenwich station basically looking at the public and anyone reacting to our presence and thus will be stopping them and asking their immigration status today immigration officer vicky lacy and her team are hitting north greenwich tube station where they will stop and investigate anyone they suspect of committing immigration offences the whole idea of having a restrained immigration officers on the street is still very new and i don't think the majority of the public are aware of our role and what we are doing hello sir i'm from the uk baldrige can you tell me what country you come from what did you say your wife's name was are you lawfully in the country are you lawfully present in this country what commission have you been given to start this country from france where's your wife now i was in france can you just have with my colleagues [Applause] anything you do take maybe give me an evidence do you understand that there's no response i have to shout because i'm i'm paid you guys come to africa do whatever you want to do don't talk to me like that yes what do you mean don't talk to me i'm not a criminal i'm only talking about rights tell me where you ran sorry why did you run you're not agreeing with me you get hurt you catch your butt you're good yeah okay shuffle back and lean against the wall the guy was getting very aggressive hands in my face if i didn't do something then he could end up hitting me i don't get paid enough where's my guy that i've nick now officer lacy is with the man who tried to stop the arrest do you know that guy you don't know him right okay next time you see someone having a little altercation you don't if you don't know the reasons behind it don't get involved okay we'll let him go now take his details and send it off to the local police station we obviously created a lot of interest from the public some people giving us a round of applause to other people thought it was morally uh wrong that we're here to do a job so we do what we're trying to do officers question the suspected illegal immigrant who tried to escape no no no because you ran away from us we told you we weren't you ran away from us what is that that's the reason why you're under arrest that's good i want you if you can establish to us who you are and if you've got legitimate reasons to be in this country and you'll be released [Music] taken to the bank yeah yeah got to keep as well i'm just going to put you in here yeah this is lovely mind your head mind your head yeah front left hand seat front seat left hand side if he was running from the police the police would do the same thing we have we have to do the same thing now question him again to find out his uh identity and his status do you know what he's got so he's got mate you're married to a french girl all right well first of all what i'm going to do is find out whether that story is correct yeah all right and then we'll take it from there this guy tried to run away from the scene so we wanted to just check his details the gentleman was given five years to remain in the country because he was married to a french national um but that we think that that has now expired is eu residency expiry 25th of october 2005 for that application extended the condition but it expired as the man should no longer be in the uk a date has been set for his return to nigeria he has since appealed against this and his case is yet to be heard coming up third world conditions in worcestershire they're working in conditions that you wouldn't want to keep animals in really the passenger at heathrow whose story doesn't add up access all your bags you have no clothes belonging to you i'm back on the streets with the enforcement team louisa all right come with me [Music] heathrow is the world's busiest international airport the immigration teams are often given an advance warning of travelers who may have something to hide chief immigration officer matt dyson has just received some intelligence about a passenger expected from miami he's put officer lisa lee on the case the record show he has been issued two british passports in the last seven years in this identity yep but okay a jamaican national submitting the same photographs in other words would have been the same person yeah was landed as a visitor in a different identity in 2001 all right then okay i'll give you this bang on information okay the miami flight has landed and officer lee takes up position ready to stop the jamaican man with the suspected fake pastor thank you thank you yes sir hello sir how are you today it's the passenger she's been waiting for where'd you live in the uk sir okay so i just need to have a quick look at your passport okay [Music] have you okay won't take a minute it's not your lucky travel then is it officer lee plays it cool she doesn't want the man to think this is anything more than a routine check you've been there on holiday i wasn't trimmed at first trinidad first barbados you've had a long journey then haven't you the passengers trip to london via trinidad barbados and miami has taken nearly three days okay so what i'd ask you to do please just for a moment can you just take a seat down there for me please and we'll be back with you as soon as possible all right where is he at the moment he's just over there okay i don't want him unattended okay um so if we're gonna go straight down now let's go straight down now yep after we're just going to go down and have a look through your bags then all right if he's obtained british passports fraudulently it's actually quite serious that's that's a prosecution matter we may just look to refuse and remove because that might be the most sensible option but again we can't make a call on that until we find out what's going on his route to london is one often used by drug traffickers it makes chief dyson suspect there may be more to this case than just a fake passport i'm also a bit concerned that he might be involved in other activities and a good checking customs would give us a bit of a pointer on that one a good check starts with his luggage do you have a ticket because of the serious nature of this investigation they've brought in a customs officer to conduct the search finally the customs officer finds something the passenger is carrying too much booze you are one meter over your allowance but because you've been delayed here suggest you're a good goal okay you'll come follow me back upstairs nothing found in the bags they've swabbed them nothing no evidence of carrying drugs or having had them in his bags recently the passenger's bags may be clear but there is still the matter of his passport what we need to do is just check the background of your passport what is the problem the problem is we just need to check into the background of your passport that's all as i explained to you just general inquiries all right again officer lee is careful not to arouse his suspicion that this is anything more than routine she goes to see her boss for an update i've spoken to prosecution unit if they want to prosecute okay in this case so we need to keep our input to a minute to a minimum um they're going to want details recorded file making up yeah and then they're going to get him arrested okay so they're going to arrange for some uniforms to come over the man will be arrested for having a false passport but officer lee doesn't want to tell him just yet what's going to happen now is i need to take your fingerprints okay all right sooner we get it done the quicker we can get on next officer lee will take the investigation further a medical check okay sir can you follow me because we just need to get you looked at by our doctor because we're holding you up we need to make sure you're fit and healthy he's going to have to go to the port medical inspector for an x-ray to check that he hasn't swallowed anything customs didn't have enough grounds to do an intimate search or an x-ray because we're detaining him we have to make sure he's medically fit so we do have the authority to take an x-ray great thank you come on pmi have just x-rayed him there is something in his bowel it looks like the jamaican will be here for some time 7am deep in rural england an enforcement team have received intelligence that they may be illegal immigrants working at a spring onion farm apparently there are up to 15 20 nationals all kind of different nationalities um apparently possible iraqi indian um romanians working there we'll just see what's there when we when we arrive really yep the rest of you could head that way and start sweeping forward the 18 strong team split up hitting two buildings where the suspected illegals are working stop what you're doing put everything down please stop from immigration we've come just to need to do a few checks does anyone speak english morning people i'm going to need you all to stop what you're doing at the moment because we need to speak to you regarding your immigration status anybody got any id with them id driving licence bank cards no basically this is a warrant that allows us to come in to your property yeah okay and speak to your employers yeah okay that's for you how did you enter the uk you're two sisters yes yes how long have you been in the uk foreign working six days a week they are being paid 135 pounds for 40 hour week which i reckon top of my head could be wrong is about 375 an hour which is obviously a couple of pounds below the national minimum wage this is no straightforward matter the workers are not being employed directly by the farmer but through an agency they're claiming that they work for a company that's an employment agency and there's wage slips to prove so again obviously there is a lot going on with regards to gang masters and forced labor and things like that that they're being quite coy about where they live saying that the people in the bands pick them up in the morning bring them to work so they probably don't earn an awful lot for anything but they will work for their accommodation so somebody's basically forcing them to work here it's horrible coming out to a job like this where you see that they're working long hours for little money in conditions that you wouldn't want to keep animals in really but the conditions are relatively poor it's mud underfoot and pretty horrible outside they have to work in this unheated room which is leaking profusely we're poor back home and that's why um we've sold our house and had to sell our land to get here they're not criminals they're here because they want to better themselves they want to better their lives we understand why they do it if i was put in the situation when i had to feed my kids and i would do exactly the same thing although employment regulations are being broken the enforcement team's job is to identify and remove illegal workers we believe that you're illegally present in the country so i'm now arresting you on suspicion of entry without leave handling i understand okay okay do something on this lady have both been arrested on suspicion of entry without leave um this gentleman has told us that he's entered on the back of the lorry four or five years ago and this lady pretty much same same story arrived here three months ago as a visitor the couple are in fact overstayers but they have passports valid passports at their home address so the process we'll do now is we've asked if we can go back to their home address to find their passports they're happy with that so we're actually going to return them to their home address now uh take them back there find the passports and they basically they've both arrived on visit visas which were valid for six months in 2007 and they've overstayed since then of the 20 people working here 17 were found to be illegal immigrants most have been temporarily released while papers needed to remove them are prepared and others have absconded their whereabouts unknown only two have so far been removed from britain the agency that supplied the illegal workers was fined 85 000 pounds in london the enforcement team led by officer shane healey prepare for another street operation we're going to stratford station once i deploy you on the scene the spotters will observe the passengers embarking and disembarking and any individuals who draw themselves to the attention of officers by acting for example nervously or acting in an odd inappropriate manner will be approached by the officers in question regarding the immigration status okay then we go to vessels now enforcement teams have been running street operations since 2006. the london team carry out up to three each week [Music] [Applause] it's the morning rush hour each day almost 100 000 people pass through the transport links here at stratford in east london as commuters rub shoulders with each other there are some who hide a secret from the authorities and have no legal right to be here today's enforcement team has the difficult task of finding them we have a team here who will interview people who bring themselves to our attention and will determine their status if they're unlawfully present they'll be arrested and either taken to immigration detention or to a local police station for further interview these type of operations we don't go away with an empty van if you like you know there's always some always always somebody you'd be surprised the number of people that we do come across on these type of operations two members of the team act as spotters watching the crowds officers have the legal right to stop and question anyone reacting nervously to their presence hello you're right we're from the immigration service yes yes how are you how are you doing you're right from the home office yeah we're quite a distance he's noticed us and uh he's shuffled to the left shuffle to the right so to the left i shot to the left east off to the right looked at my warren card from the home office immigration asking where he's from you said he's from pakistan i asked him if he's got a visa visa all right come with me then as the man has admitted he has no uk visa he's questioned further by arresting officer littington how long have you been in this country how long three months there were your livers above the cabbage on green street okay do you work at the cabernet all right are you going to work yeah all right okay we've got any id on you identification india yeah yeah you're india yeah have you got a visa in the uk but i can talk to you over there then please yeah many of the people stopped can only speak broken english but some officers are able to interpret he explains he's been handcuffed because he's in an open area um [Music] with the man having confessed to living and working illegally in the uk the team have their first arrest and another suspect to question he's now being questioned in hindi because he speaks hindi hence my colleague here who speaks hindi has taken over the questioning at this point to establish exactly how he came in and when so we can work out where we go from here he's admitted that he came into the uk a year ago he came from belgium in the back of a lorry he paid an agent some 3500 euros to get here and he's admitted that he's here illegally you're under arrest okay i'm arresting you on suspicion of being a legal entry in the united kingdom okay you understand that you do not have to say anything but it may harm your defense if you're not mentioned one question something you later rely on in court anything you say may be given in evidence okay you understand that all right okay do you want to take your bag off yeah okay all right what have you got in your pockets anything that relates to his identity and nationality anything might indicate where he lives basically identification so that's your friend's bill that's not you you'll go to india your friend's gone back to india yeah okay why have you got this why do you have this why have you got this oh and there's more incriminating evidence yeah you shouldn't have this should we have someone else's bank cards he's my friend i haven't got my bank card he's got a bank card in there which is a different name to what he's given us he's stating that it's his friends but he shouldn't be walking the street with somebody else's bank cut in his property okay all right all right come with me yeah do you want to let him know we're coming up with two arrests in the first hour it looks like it will be a busy morning for the enforcement coming up the man who can't remember his own birthday what's your name is the day you get all the cards jamaican is introduced to the drug toilet if he's found to be smuggling drugs and it's a whole new ballgame um he'll enter a kind of a different area of prosecution and the canadian who's never met his girlfriend thank you bye-bye it's a man heathrow has seen its fair share of drug smugglers over the years and even while airport detection systems around the world are improving there are still those who like to try their luck where'd you live in the uk this man came into heathrow on a suspected false passport but the immigration officers had a hunch that he was a drug trafficker what we've got here again is you can see here i think that's a little cluster actually of the the viewpoint yep over here here here very very different yeah there's one there look as well yep this area here is excess gas which should be produced by holding this stuff an x-ray taken at the airport reveals the man has suspicious packages in his stomach the doctor is 99 sure that the objects in the passengers lower intestine are foreign objects so the officers from her majesty's revenue and customs are going to go and speak to him now mr martin would you come out please the doctor feels that there are foreign objects in your body system we have no alternative i'm afraid and i'm arresting you on suspicion of being involved in the implication of a controlled drug i must caution you that you do not have to say anything but if you fail to mention one question something that you later learn and caught because this is not a unique occurrence here at heathrow customs have installed a special drugs toilet that will collect the evidence once we've identified smugglers with packages of drugs concealed internally we escort them to facilities like this they sit on the the toilet area up there they pass the packages through then we'll switch the water on and we will generally clean the packages like that we put the packages in the jar and then these are secured away as evidence he's found to be smuggling drugs and it's a whole new ball game he'll enter a kind of a different area of prosecution and that will will take the lead particularly if he swallowed them because there's a health risk there so he'll be observed by customs until he passes during the course of the day after two sittings 96 packets of cocaine were recovered i would imagine there was a sense of relief though because he knew he'd been found out he knew there was no escape and he probably just thought i want to get rid of what's in there because who knows what could have happened to him if one of them had burst or something if just one of the packets had burst it would have been enough to kill him the man pleaded guilty to drug smuggling and travelling on a false passport he was sentenced to six and a half years in prison after which he will be deported back to jamaica [Music] at stratford station in east london immigration officers williams and healy are questioning a nigerian man you're just going to work now the man first told them he had a work visa but now claims he has indefinite leave to stay in britain you had a visa yeah okay what was the visa for do you remember what kind of thing what kind of visa what do you order by visa see if you're telling the truth yeah you'd know you'd know the answer to that there's different sorts of visas and you know what you applied for it must have been quite a big occasion you come into the uk so you know what visa you applied for so you obviously didn't did you i don't know if you want to start thinking again about what you've told us because at the moment nothing's making any sense is it do you think your story sounds good do you think your story sounds credible it's up to you because i want you to it's up to you to prove to me that you're legally in the uk i don't have to prove anything you have to prove to me that you're legally here well exactly you walk about no no identification on you whatsoever you tell me you've got a work visa then you change it to indefinitely the officers are not getting any straight answers so they try to track the man down on the immigration database but for this they needed date of birth says 1984 yeah this thing has some days as well should we have months no no it's not sure what's your date of birth you can't remember your date of birth i'm a lot older than you and i can still remember my date of birth yeah how can you not know your dad bro how old are mine it's no we have no trace of you we have no trace of that name at all not dresses it means nobody with that name and that date of birth has got indefinite leave that's what you mean that's what it means so do you want to change what you're saying now what i want you to do is tell the truth because if you had indefinite leave you'd be on our system wouldn't you so why don't you give me your real details then we can make a decision on what's going to happen next anyway i don't know you do know okay you can write your real name real date of birth at the moment you're giving no options to wire you are going to be arrested you carry on no no no some people are using so many identities that they do trip themselves up and they get confused and don't remember who they're supposed to be today and um you know if you're going to use different identities then i suppose you are going to get slightly confused now and again realizing he's being caught out the nigerian finally explains his reasons for being in britain to be honest with you this is the the reason that i came to this country this level and i can't believe the ball and you always died yeah why didn't you go back yeah because when i finished playing the church leaves me i tried it so i was here during the try to walk that sounds honest when did your visa expire when were you supposed to go back he said this is what he's about six months yeah he appears to have overstayed he certainly has no legitimate basis for what we can see of being here we will take him to an immigration holding center and deal with him from there seven years ago this man came to britain to play volleyball on a six-month sports visa the life he has made for himself in this country will soon be over he has agreed to a voluntary departure date back to nigeria what your head has he got in may here the team made a total of seven arrests during the street operation at stratford six men were given temporary release but all have failed to show up at a reporting center they are listed as absconders on the police national computer at terminal 3 a flight from chicago has arrived a passenger who claims to be a doctor has been stopped by immigration officer bridget hall the man was born in africa and has been living in the us for the last 10 years he's lives in the states he's got a green card he's a permanent resident there he wants to transit through the uk to get his flight at gatwick which should be leaving in about five hours or so back to sierra leone nationals from sierra leone must have a visit or transit visa to pass through heathrow the passenger has applied for both and been refused all of this requires further investigation so he's turned up today with no visa two refusals behind him and a flight that's leaving this afternoon and he wants to try and get on that officer hall needs to be sure the passenger won't stay on in britain if she grants him access to catch his connecting flight i've seen the ticket so i do know he's got an onward flight but that doesn't necessarily mean he's going to go on it quite often they'll get an onward flight and it's a small outlay for them gaining entry into the uk so before she issues a visa she must be satisfied his story rings true it's a bit strange that somebody would want to give up a good life in america so we've got to check his bags now as he is returning permanently he's got about six pieces of luggage so myself and a colleague are going to go down search through his bags quickly and make sure there's nothing that we should be concerned about thank you and straight away the search throws up some surprises oh okay just thought i'd check directly she'll come across on that one over there cheers mate what's this for sir the potassium tablet what azidrix what's intermedicine for the metaformin lavastatin is anti-cholesterol so have you got high blood pressure as well good job your doctor then really isn't it one of the reasons you will refuse your visas were you unable to prove that you have this job that you are a working doctor so i need to see some evidence to show me that no not not not out of now i was before 1997. when you go back to free time you're not allowed to support her is that what you're telling me yeah whenever i arrive i'm going to do register but you're not yet well you're not yet so why have you got this prescription pack this one that i had and now there's more to arouse the office officer's suspicion well i cannot see maybe my father or maybe my brother okay who's this woman oh that's my sister who's jonathan four was thomas who's that that's my cousin brother your cousin's brother a lot of stuff is not enough there is he's going back to sierra leone to live but yeah he's not got anything off his own there i've touched all your bags i've done it myself all of your bags and you have no clothes belonging to you it's now making more sense why he was possibly refused his visa on both occasions um i now have to look at things in a different light i'm not sure whether he's going to be getting on his flight because of the unusual contents found in the man's bags officer hall has a lot of questions to put to him did you apply for a visa to transit through the uk yes but i i applied for the wrong transit visa is a visit visitor visit in transit visa which they denied if you were denied your visa why did you still decide to travel here i consulted a british embassy consulate in new york he said that as long as i have a permanent resident card connecting flight within four hours i don't need ideally not a problem but the fact that you had these refusals kind of changes everything you had um sierra leone passports belonging to other people why is this well these are my brothers and sisters they have not been to that countries from some of them for over 30 years so they will give me their passports to renew to renew their passports do you have any evidence that you are still a registered doctor because the paperwork that i saw in your baggage search was all very old i am not a registered doctor in sierra leone because i have just gone there after 10 years of absence due to the civil war that's the end of our interview if you just want to sign here for me after the interview officer hall passes on her concerns to chief officer dyson he's got a prescription pad he's got untold medication for various ailments he's got a card he's supposed to be a doctor he said he's a doctor he's not registered anymore he's a nursing aide like an auxiliary nurse hence he couldn't show the visa officer that he was a doctor exactly but he told me but and that's what he led me to believe when i first spoke to him that yeah i'm a doctor i'm registered don't think you really need to come back to me with this one i think is his refusal yeah i think we've agreed on this he may well be going on to see early on but i'm not taking that chance yeah okay there's too many variables in this so if you're with that yeah yeah back to the states asap yep we'll do the passenger arrived at heathrow without the uk transit visa his luggage around suspicion and he lied about his job officer hall can't trust him to catch his flight on to sierra leone there is nothing new in front of me today that would let me consider reviewing the decision to deny you a visa to come to the uk in order to transit you should be refused entry in which case we'll have to put you on a plane back to chicago i'm gonna go back to the holding room now and then you'll be escorted down to the flight if the man wishes to travel to sierra leone he will have to get the correct documents or take a route that doesn't pass through britain coming up officer hall takes on what looks like a straightforward case um how do you know your girlfriend i met her online playing a computer game but his girlfriend is hiding a secret thank you bye-bye it's a man [Music] at heathrow immigration officer hall has another case she has stopped a 19 year old canadian who's also an online gaming fan he's coming here for four months to visit his girlfriend who's a british national by his own admission he's got very limited funds 900 pounds four months he doesn't have a credit card to back it up mr saconi hello my name's bridget i'm going to be dealing with your case today 900 pounds four months okay even if you're staying at a friend's house you do we all live in the uk we know how expensive it can be anything could happen there could be he could need emergency treatment who knows you know that that 900 pounds isn't going to go very far thank you is anyone meeting you today sir my just look here for me now your girlfriend's name kira mae is that kiera may is her first name or may is her surname like her family name okay all right let's go through to the interview room some of the questions may be quite probing i don't want to upset you at all but i have to get a really clear answer so um how do you know your girlfriend i met her online playing a computer game when was this um i originally met her about a year ago we're talking online we're not talking face to face at that point okay have you ever met your girlfriend in person no first time today officer hall is concerned that if things go well for the canadian and his girlfriend he may be tempted to stay on in the uk perhaps a call to his girlfriend will set things straight hello can i speak to hiramay please you are expecting him today are you okay can i just ask how do you know him how long ago so you'd say that you've known um glenn for a total of four or five weeks yeah no no longer than that because he actually told me he'd met you um a year ago obviously we're not sure whether we're going to allow him into the uk at this moment in time i'm going to have to go back to him and just you know obviously put that discrepancy to him is there um are you going to be contactable on this number again because i think he may want to speak to you okay well thank you for your time thank you bye-bye it's a man it's a man yeah that was a man i said can i speak to kyra yeah that's me and unless she's got a really sore throat that's a man as officer hall now knows the passenger's internet girlfriend is male and the two have never met she must tread carefully if the news is not to come as a shock um have you spoken to your sponsor on the phone at all it's always been ugly this is going to sound like a mad question bear with me okay what sex is your sponsor yeah okay well you said you said girlfriends oh yes you can save me lots of times we don't have a problem with people having boyfriends at all no it's well so i was concerned then i thought you didn't know no no okay complicated now we have a little problem okay your sponsor told me you had only met four or five weeks ago as a relationship yeah well online he said online that they met so you're saying as a relationship yes but that's where i've known him longer than that through the game officer hall is still concerned about the man's limited funds but the passenger claims he'll get help from his girlfriend's mother i have to be sure again that he's going to leave when he says he will and without speaking to the sponsor's mom and knowing that she's happy for him to be here she's happy to support them financially you know it's all secondhand information oh hello hi how do you know glenn please the um amount of money he has available to him which is is rather limited given the time he wants to stay i'm just wondering i mean if he came to it would you be in a position where you would be able to um support him financially right can i just the mother's willingness to help the passenger financially could be enough to convince officer hall to grant entry but first she must run it by her boss okay bye i need to speak to you matt that was the mom sponsor's mum sponsor's mum she's known about this all along she's more than happy to support him whilst he's here i want well i want to land him you do i do initially no you know what i thought it was a refusal but i've spoken to everybody involved now i cannot in good faith refuse this man when i think that i i tend to agree with him and i think he will go home fair enough okay brilliant thank you so now i have the happy task of letting my passenger out on his holiday i'm going to allow you in for your holiday the only proviso is i have landed you so i've put a stamp in your passport until the date of your return ticket so you have to leave on or before this date
Channel: DangerTV
Views: 637,034
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Danger TV, UK Border Force, uk border force full episode, uk border force season 1, border force, staying in the country illegally, illegal border crossing, getting stopped at the border, illegal border shipments, border guard investigates illegal immigrant, illegal immigration, border security force, illegal smuggling, arresting potential illegal immigrants, uk customs, customs, customs uk, nothing to declare, locked up abroad, nothing to declare uk, border patrol, uk, border
Id: H5ePeSqP2l4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 30sec (2550 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 26 2019
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