a personal conversation with my new friend

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this is a conversation with me on a hiking featuring Jeff we're gonna get down and dirty on Jeff Witek spaced he's president in his future did you tell him you stole the show idea from Brandon I saw the show idea from Brandon and he stole it from someone else who's that his idea is actually a lot better though cuz I'm already out of breath I don't know how you want me to not smell good doesn't get you all vulnerable they are sitting in the car you know they're just showing they got plenty of time to talk about stuff we're out here this chaos look these people hiding over here we woke up the 6:20 for this [ __ ] in 748 so it's actually my idea but since pod has a lot more subscribers than me we passed over we thought if we woke up at 6 him we'd get here early there'd be no people and we wouldn't be like yeah and ours was really a bunch of [ __ ] boy bloggers yeah out here in Hollywood who are you from Jeff I'm from New York City all right so we met what like last year wasted out of months we met all drunk in New York after yeah and the I wasn't living there at the time but we were doing a brand deal actually Scott was but we bonded instantly yeah over alcohol I remember that [ __ ] I don't remember we were both drinking heavily at the time your girlfriend right yes she's on the Disney Channel something like that yeah so how you got started from your girlfriend are we gonna talk a lot about that no just the beginning just get out of the way you know squash it yeah we're going through a little bit of a tough time you know what happens but we're working it out well I don't know so we're gonna put all this in there we're putting everything all right okay that's [ __ ] [ __ ] be careful what you say when did you move to Hollywood I moved to Hollywood about six years ago I originally came out here because California you could buy weed for cheaper send it back to New York she drugged you later yeah but technically yeah boo [ __ ] weeds not even illegal anymore here has true its decriminalize just don't get addicted to it you know now the money that's where it becomes violent and dangerous but that's with anything you know he's already have nerve yeah what are you do for a living did the whole weed stuff for a while I got arrested several times Jack Reed the same guy mrs. Davis represents David yeah calls me up when he says hey look Jeff I got this big deal for you American Express wants to pay you in dollars what and I'm like you know what it's like that sounds crazy for what Instagram and it was like a it wasn't like a woman posting I was like a year contract with them I gave someone weed a break and I met you guys doing that American Express deal yeah is that that was my first big deal I had done like a couple [ __ ] ones before that but that was just extra money for the club yeah I was Oh Scott bottles and I was wondering who you were never seen you where the [ __ ] is this guy what is she doing out here you know that's what you said yeah why you say that to a lot of people you meet who the [ __ ] this guy what is he doing out here in my territory here in Dale territory in New York what do you think you and Scott are the only ones who could do [ __ ] brand deals I didn't donating my brand dealer just Scott what Scott's really talented man he really is yeah you know I saw he did that thing about the plastic straws see the turtles yeah that's tough a straw right in a turtle's nose well grab jam it down his nose oh man I was just joking I love turtles so you like Jake Paul honestly yeah I respect his his work ethic you know he's a young kid if you filmed me every day at that age yeah you have a lot worse problems you know I took a while for me to grow up and mature hey what I gotta say I give a lot of that to Sierra for helping me clean up my act because otherwise I wouldn't be cut out for this I'd have already [ __ ] up my career you see the calories 21 that's pretty good yeah okay people we look up to you like leo will get up at 6:00 a.m. do you think leo is at basics here he's probably still out from the night before leo is your biggest inspiration for everything I think so who's your biggest inspiration out of your friends I guess David for his work ethic Dave Scott Scott works pretty hard too Jason works hard you know he's pumping out like four videos a week Dave is doing three consistent Scott's doing an album and videos a week yeah man I saw David in his in his element yesterday for the first time yeah when they were making fun of us saying that you got a new friend yeah but it's insane how hard that guy works he's a machine I can't even post an Instagram every day this guy was posting Instagram stories and he's got all his friends just too and then [ __ ] acting delivering yeah and then he goes home and I'm gonna edit for the next 8 hours guys don't call me and leaves it's impressive man Monday night with the streamys streamys after-party and then his house in the Edit it's like 3:00 in the morning he's a machine yeah I respect Hank so what happened to motivational Monday you know poses anymore yeah that's the only reason I watched your videos yeah a lot of people seem to like those it's just it's really self-deprecating humor and like a lot of times I go off of something that's like a real experience in my life and lately have been actually going through it a little bit I feel like people are already thinking I'm a little off the rails and if I start posting these really psychotic videos again people are gonna take it as a joke a lot of them are gonna take it as oh [ __ ] this guy lost his mind and he's publicly breaking down I want to see that the people that like I watch online that looked like they're perfect when they have their problems it's like okay I'm not the only one that isn't doesn't have such a perfect life how much [ __ ] how much do you pay dinner for me to be in your videos he doesn't really know how to manage it like a bank account or yeah even post this on Instagram all that he doesn't even have thumbs you know seems like a good dog though yeah does rescue dogs David they've been through a lot of [ __ ] and they appreciate when people yeah love them back do you like it out here in LA yeah you ever cry no come on who we know are you satisfied with your career do you see yourself in five years that's a question 38 I am and I'm not I'm definitely more on the not satisfied but I also got a look look at it like I get to do this [ __ ] for a living and I don't have to worry about you know consequences of me getting hurt or going to jail or anything like that so I do appreciate where I'm at I kind of stumbled into this life oh yeah like I stumble then do it did you think you were gonna be a youtuber or a video creator not at all like I had dreams of being an actor when I watched movies as a kid and that made YouTube videos when I was a teenager like [ __ ] around in my backyard he did yeah push it up I don't even think they're they're out there anymore I lost the password to the channel you cut back on your drinking I haven't drank in two months two months yeah holy [ __ ] feels good you wake up early yeah more productive what do you want to do is occur here I want to be a talk show host I really want to have my own show where we go on hikes and filming so yeah interviews when people are out of breath and vulnerable yeah it's been dead for a while you always felt like the same guys but you make for less like a less good video as everybody else you think so I like your video I think I think I think I make the best videos you do now when I first watched you [ __ ] like after the New York trip uh-huh where we met I watched your video and I'm like oh [ __ ] this guy could just make anything because he's he's pretty good-looking and he's got famous friends you watched my videos but that's how that's how I was yeah you got to actually dig deep and find yeah what it is inside of you that's gonna make you different yeah you're a real traditional actor yeah you guys want to learn how to make fast money get into the marijuana business yeah that's embarrassing I stepped in [ __ ] on camera on your show and I'm so embarrassed I'm gonna go home see Jeff when your dad used to beat you as a kid do you think he was right the uses thank you or punch you my dad used to say Jeffrey Goodell will be you son of a [ __ ] and punch me but in the leg he would like it anything else so the teachers couldn't see the marks and that explains it that's why we're here I really feel bummed out sad I didn't see myself being a social media person or selling drugs are you just doing a bunch of stuff I cut hair before like I had a bunch of different jobs and I met this girl she was famous all of a sudden she posts a picture of me I did a few videos a long story short I got some followers and this into it the life I'm in now yeah that's why you know I hate my my relationship so online it's [ __ ] it's not cool you know everyone's judging commenting about me and Corinna that's the worst part about it all and I feel like I'm obligated to talk about it now when I get so many comments everyday saying well what happened you guys we demand to know yeah I appreciate you guys being there to support me but you don't need to know about my personal life and my personal problems there's a difference between sad and depressed right so a few weeks ago chronicon I wanted to cut me out of her life a little bit I was messing around and I made myself cry a little bit and I said if it sits in the sky and he posted on Twitter oh yeah and everyone's just like freaking like everyone's commenting this and that about Corinne and I just you know [ __ ] this hour like oh like this [ __ ] [ __ ] what I don't like that only talking where I started talking about stuff yeah I just talked about you cut me off to talk about your relationship and you stopped you then you cut yourself off here sit down you wanna do a shot of tequila okay before this so you get loosened up but I stole that from the shane dawson it's my sitting down you should have thought of a show where you like sit down and do interviews like every other [ __ ] talk-show man but I hate this is my idea anyway I'm just talking [ __ ] about myself how are you in CA let's go back to that okay yeah so so now you post you post Instagram so they don't get as many likes our whole online persona was just look at this perfect little life that we have together we go on vacations and everything is it even got to the point where we're doing brand deals together and we'll go into events like Coachella and like everything just I'm using Coachella as an example but we go to something that we used to really enjoy and don't get me wrong again paid a lot of money appreciate that but now when you're like experiencing these things that used to be great and like make great memories you're getting pulled like okay we got to shoot this here and do this thing with the logo and the branding and all right guys smile be happy like laughs and like hold hands now kiss and people have directed you to kiss and you guys are both feeling it like okay are are we in a real relationship or are we just doing something that's convenient for both of us at this time in our lives and you think about that [ __ ] we didn't really argue much about anything with like trust or cheating or any of that type of [ __ ] we both had a really you know good like mutual respect for each other and it was just things like that that got you know out of hand where she would do her filming on her TV show which is insane hours and especially recently she's been doing her new show 15 hour days and when we do have time off it would just get to the point where it's like oh we got to do this brand deal or let's film the video or everybody's asking for a new video in the car and it's just you yawn and I'm boring one time I opened up in a YouTube video no not this [ __ ] your show do don't [ __ ] you on my personal [ __ ] man you want to get real up here Oscar start digging the hole we're gonna kill this [ __ ] up here put the camera down and dig the [ __ ] hole so you think you're sociopath no I mean basically going to bat for now not anymore you see you were just numbing your emotions with alcohol yeah but then I would wake up hungover a [ __ ] and just you know feel like and drink again no I would feel sad a big fog and it would it would hit ten times harder because you're hungover yeah and then I drink in after a while I went through probably a good few years of my life I was partying hard but at those times I didn't give a [ __ ] about anything I wasn't doing social media for a living I didn't care about my internet image or how I look and hi that's all right we just you know we woke up at 6:00 a.m. and I'm [ __ ] feeling know being tired yeah when I first moved to LA I was broke and I was on top of being broke I was not making [ __ ] YouTube videos and I was drinking a lot I was going out like four days a week his [ __ ] partying just got broken up with my other girlfriend and just going out and [ __ ] waking up all hungover and [ __ ] feeling sorry for myself they don't start drinking again you know crying to my mom I don't have any money for red ok borrow some money finish what you're saying that was good what was I saying and that's why and Kareena doesn't drink colonel doesn't drink okay first of all we had to leave that nice spot we had to leave leave that nice spot we were in because two girls walked over they recognized cod oh my god first and then he just fell down in front of them and they recognize them and now he's bleeding from his leg he's embarrassed he saw the aftermath he fell down hit rock bottom and now we're gonna get back we're gonna dive right back into that deep conversation we was talking about you embarrassed that is what this dog is gonna think of you yeah hey man my friends an alcoholic you can listen okay look II still likes you no honestly I from hanging out with you over the past like a couple months or so I don't think you have a like serious elbow problem I think you you could chill out a little bit but you're in your twenties still you know late 20s now but alcohol you know what the other one did help me with I want I wanna be helped cuz I want to turn to blue dreams writing creative creative yeah [ __ ] have some whiskey and write and play some piano and write some more you know I got a book coming out do you think it loosens you up I'm sorry if that gives you confidence I think both and so I'm not incur never encourage you drinking I get what you're saying it does give you a little like you know I don't give a [ __ ] attitude but I feel like you know you could do that on your own without it I don't know as man I'm not one to talk because I've I've been sober for two months and I don't feel like I made my best work now either and look at Eminem he sobered up and he you know his raps aren't as good as they used to be he was great when he was on drugs he was crazy to think about I mean I think you too I've been drinking since like well like 18 19 years old yeah pretty consistently you didn't really give yourself a good enough time not drinking if you've had the same confidence yeah I think the bit longest break I had was like 30 days and did you make good videos in that time I don't know I think so yeah I think I made some good videos you know a little more sober productive so maybe maybe you should try it out I mean I don't you know everything's good in moderation yeah that's the truth so that's how we should end it yeah everything's good in moderation thanks for watching we don't know how to do moderation we're still trying to figure it out we just started doing hikes and making videos together and that's all we [ __ ] do now because we're addicted to hiking and making videos together this is off the record or this is this is on the record Todd and I are the same height he's just standing on a slant so you could act like you're above me yeah that's why I have to talk down to you when's the last time you drank last weekend that's good see you're already I think I think the root of the problem here and we went we went in really deep on the sociopath and alcohol stuff we learned from Shane Dawson and we found out the problem here is Todd needs to drink in moderation and you've been trying to figure that out for years we finally figured it out in the video and now you just need to do it it's not as easy as it sounds but I'm gonna help you out thanks dude and I'm not the best person to help you out cuz I'll maybe you asked me to get a beer right now think about it you know yeah I know it does have a name you know liquors not always a bad time yeah maybe beer and yeah if it gets dark out liquor yeah yeah let's walk down alright guys I hope you learned a lot from this leave it down in the comments if you think who should be on the show next you
Channel: toddy smith
Views: 771,111
Rating: 4.9769454 out of 5
Keywords: toddy smith, corinna kopf, brandon calvillo, scotty sire, corinna and toddy, david dobrik, jeff wittek, a conversation with, funny, vlogs, vloggers, vlogsquad, comedy, hiking, zane hijazi, heath hussar, challenge, boyfriend, girlfriend, liza koshy, the gabbie show, jason nash
Id: 1yJWRfrPOPk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 31sec (1111 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 02 2018
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