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thank you Jim welcome back to our channel we are here with Jeff thank you for having me guys I watched this one of one of these episodes at Eliza and you guys are all so hilarious and so good at this stuff I'm happy that you wanted to do this yeah people really loved Jeff but I know that a lot of people not hit city not yeah it did not start that way so we're gonna do this video a little differently really you just go through and look and see what everyone has been saying recently but we searched your name so we're gonna see the progression of what they thought of you at the beginning to how they feel about ya cuz it was rough at first they were giving me a hard time they said I was a psychopath like we did you know I just off the comments I'm like Todd's video oh yeah yeah yeah I hear a lot of talk about this vlog squad gossip site I don't I guess I started out like doing vines and like kind of like sketches and stuff like that so you're not really playing yourself so yeah you're playing yourself and they they're critiquing you as a person I get it yeah for sure for sure the thing that I'm most excited about is I feel like you're the kind of person that's just like okay you guys hear that Coachella's cancel this year thank God guys on Twitter check Twitter right now is it drugs yeah every year shut it all down basic [ __ ] and boy I would rather hey to not go to Coachella you guys aren't fans at Coachella why is it 800 degrees online like I'm sweating if I take this off will be like a sandwich oh my god it's sandwich we're still not sure if you could know the middle we'd still be a same this is confusing I'm stressed out already I think I found the Erlewine perfect all right so you ready I'm nervous so we just searched your name so these are all about you these are like all of them in general so these go these go back to like when we first started Hey so the first one says Tom's Tom taught things to access age when he's with Jeff or at least I feel like he does like the vibe when they're together seems that way I get weird AF vibes from that Jeff guy Todd seems act his age when he's with Jeff yeah well we're similar nature activate so what do you I don't get it cuz he hikes now with you I feel like the first time anyone really saw Jeff was in that video that Todd posted I think it was more of a like mature setting yeah as opposed to like I don't know yeah that's we got deep on that on that but that's me gossip for you guys you say I want to put on a hat properly I'll say I wear my hat like an idiot I don't know I just you know what I do wear normal if I reply about getting weird vibes from Jeff and I agree at first I thought he just had a dead pin sense of humor but the more I see him with Todd it makes something not sit right with me yeah I hope I'm wrong but mm-hmm I want to be wrong about him too I don't even have an explanation for why I don't really like him you know what I understand I get it yeah like I did it before but a different style I was like acting [ __ ] acting like Instagram comedy stuff I will delete all those videos so don't go looking for them but you better delete them before we posted yeah it's just a different looking into the lens and I think it takes some practice yeah watching you guys I've already learned so much in this past five minutes yeah you know I take it as constructive criticism yeah but that's enough - I've had enough trucking criticism I'll figure it out from here know this Jeff guy from David's recent video is so weird to me like I don't know it since humors everything just dry it's just I don't know not something I'd [ __ ] man I gotta learn how to read I don't know something I'm not used to seeing and he makes me uncomfortable I don't get him either I don't know why but still at the beginning it was like people did understand hit with you I guess but they didn't know why yeah that guy's IP address Jeff needs to get the [ __ ] out I feel like he's replacing Scott as Todd's bestie and I ain't having that [ __ ] no ma'am okay I'm gonna answer that I've been asked about this a lot it's simple Todd was single I was single Scott has a perfect girlfriend and perfect relationship and a dog he's got perfect life and he deserves it but that's why Todd and I started hanging out more so Scott left Todd for Kristin I think it's funny that everyone jumps to like he's replacing Scott yeah he's still here yeah no one's allowed to have other friends yeah okay thanks are heating up guys david uploaded oh sorry David David updated his description box by adding jet T he adds an out it never takes oh yeah oh you don't even know you guys really have a great crew of like a great friend yeah I've been around a bunch of different groups especially like social media groups like I don't give my [ __ ] I like team ten my cry he asked me to he gave me a contract he was like hey man I want I want to bring you on wait actually yes forgive a fling when I was considering doing stuff with shot studios and that crew you guys know you're just such a cool like down-to-earth self-aware you guys don't take anything too serious and you're all very talented and I think that's what you are yeah I think I think it's different because we all started actually and then sort of video like blogs and stuff you know I saw the team pen bus driving in front of the house actually yesterday I know Jake wasn't in it I'm friends are Jing does Jake watch your videos cuz I don't think yeah number one subscribe her there's some stuff for uh blogspot gossip Jake Paul offered me a contract 19 - I've [ __ ] ripped it up now now I love cake it just wasn't the right fit and it's just weird to give somebody a percentage of your career to get yeah this is way more fun like you're still growing but like oh you're good to hang out and yes no but nobody can get shot by paintball guns your father oh yeah that's much better doctor diagnosed that he went through social media or anything but Jeff could have antisocial personality disorder and that's why he looks dead inside I feel like it's just cuz you're so dead pan which is funny just [ __ ] fed up I'm sick of it everything there's nobody like you in our group so VC yeah yeah I also think it's good I feel like you and I are similar in that sense where you don't like put on an act to be like this like peppy like person like for the camera like you're exactly who you are as a person I feel like with most of our friend group everyone is pretty much like that yeah I'm definitely a little exaggerated like I'll say things that are a little crazy too yeah that makes it that's like the part that makes it entertaining yeah if we were literally just like hey guys welcome back like why are they yeah Jeff is hot as f and that's a tea I may be judgmental but I'm not blind oh my oMG I have huge news I did something I did some more sleuthing and Jeff was arrested in NYC where he is from when he was 17 for felony assault and weapon can they go bomb that is talk about that and the internet already they know maybe he has changed so I was charged with that but I never actually I think it they knocked it down to a misdemeanor because we were just kids looking around yeah I'm like a fight with some guys at a 7-eleven and we like we had figured out how to make these Drano bombs and they're harmless they don't actually hurt people but they're loud and they're like scary so we did that as like a prank on the guy and then David comes in what kind of bonds with a know your crew is like really good people and you guys you know make videos for a living so you don't have a lot of like 50 I been arrested before yeah just funny that everything is like Jail I haven't been to jail in years guys I'm not a criminal anymore daddy Jeff's birthday now your daddy Jeff but didn't we I'm lactating stay there jail right now they love you this is when I went from Beeman and Todd's videos only and it looks like I was replacing Scott yeah you know with more guys yeah that wasn't such a threat I get it if I saw somebody taking Scott away I would be pissed off yeah see he's on your side guys you ever thought I'd say this but most of David's vlog was terrible except for Jeff's jokes wow what a full circle the simulation is glitching big time see they love you the people love you though they're saying you're giving everyone the same style of haircut I know I know I dressed that in my latest how you doing is it cuz that's do you only do that one or it's just like the last one I don't know it just fit with these guys okay so is Jess cutting his hair did he keep them all in yeah I gave him the riff-raff haircut poppin thumbnail what'd you guys do we want spot gossip that's a big-ass marshmallow thank you for having marshmallow wars outside why it's fun yeah it's our cool it's our recording it's not will you are you serious yeah he's [ __ ] you guys aren't centered though you can't see yourselves things just be nice I want to get you guys a better camera I know it is difficult though because we don't where we are they saying how'd you get your star watch come on here and answer a few questions about yeah I can't talk the video he didn't leave is posted and I really am excited was guys I want to start liking Jeff more and more after each vlog oh she's mad why does he have to be so likable oh man huh I'll switch it up absolutely turn yeah really funny I've never no interest I've never seen yeah not really I mean I but I also feel like there hasn't really been like a new person to hang out with us except for like Jonah and Sam yeah but that wasn't really like a I don't know I don't even hot like Nate turned so fast like yeah two three months ago every day what's here yeah we were together now it's like I hang out with you guys you made it through you passed the test oh that's it you know that's all there's nothing even crazy I know thanks for watching guys thanks for watching make sure to LIKE subscribe and we will see you on Friday bye
Channel: Carly and Erin
Views: 1,918,893
Rating: 4.9774189 out of 5
Keywords: carly and erin, erin and carly, vlog squad gossip, vlog squad, vlog squad girls, jeff, jeff wittek, davids vlog jeff, zane, zane hijazi, carly erin zane, carly erin david, david dobrik, davids vlog, davids vlogs, gossip, tea, spilling tea, carly incontro, erin gilfoy, carly incontro vlog, erin gilfoy vlog, jake paul, team 10 contract, team 10
Id: gnEomCyqrjQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 12sec (732 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 05 2019
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