A Pattern of Sexual Misconduct by Louisville Police

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πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/AutoModerator πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 20 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

The system is working as intended.

Please comply.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 26 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/CageyLabRat πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 20 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

Every poor person*

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 15 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 20 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

They're not honest, or intelligent.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 13 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/mattlemp πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 20 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

This was heartbreaking to watch as the police did everything to protect the rapist pig, but nothing to get justice for the victims. I swear cops are nothing but members of the biggest organized crime family!!!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Filmexec21 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 20 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

This is fucking disgusting & sad. The U.S. policing system is trash.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 20 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

Uh yeah, that's what the state is and what it does.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 11 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/stupendousman πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 20 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

I LOL’d at this, I mean seriously. I have had exactly one police encounter the past 20 years. It was for speeding on a road trip. I was going 91 or 92. He only wrote the ticket for 81. I paid the fine and went on with my life.

How do people just β€œhappen to” encounter the cops on a daily or even monthly basis?

Probably drive like aholes and in the criminal lifestyle. I mean seriously, how else is all the police contact even possible?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Aquanettas_Bae πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 23 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies
low metro police department public integrity unit official statement this interview is being conducted at the public integrity unit office are you giving this interview of your own free will yes um well then we were pulled over and got out of the car and we were separated i had some possession of hypodermic needle charges i told them that i was on parole and i couldn't afford a charge and he said well give me your number so i can work with you he's like i'll call you later tonight and we'll discuss uh your charges you're gonna have to come down here and fill out paperwork i fill out the paperwork he took pictures of me like made me turn around within probably 10 minutes of the text conversation that went to just different sexual comments we'll have sex in my truck and i'll make these charges go away he sent me a picture what was that picture of his genitalia his penis yeah how many times do you think you had warrants and he let you go without locking you up he's never let me go without giving him why did you continue texting with him when he's texting all this because he's a narcotic police he could say um i witnessed her buying drugs you know that's going to violate my parole he tried to have that leverage over me i knew he had that over my head he's a cop he has a gun he has total authority over me you know what am i gonna do [Music] [Laughter] i seen the snapchat username which is b t bailey 58 so i kind of like thought about it for a minute and i was like there's no way what would this cop this detective want to add me on snapchat for you know in 2016 tommy robinson was caught up in a drug bust a year after the arrest she says she started getting messages from one of the arresting officers brian bailey he would sometimes ask me if i knew anybody that he could bust for drugs progressively he started to send in inappropriate pictures pictures of his penis or ask for pictures of me like he'd be like oh send me a picture of your ass or your boobs and i'm like what no how many pics of his of his penis would you say he sent you i would say close to a hundred close to a hundred yeah i mean i would say that over the course from 2017 up until 2021 i mean that's how long he was snapchatting me and at some point does he go from sending these inappropriate pictures to asking to meet up yes around february of 2017 bailey was snapchatting me and was like asking me what i was doing and i told him like where i was at and he was like well i'm in that area and i did i got in the car with him i was still going through my court case so i was thinking maybe like you know if i don't piss him off maybe he could help me but he tried to like um make a move like he kind of just like touched my leg and leaned in or like kissed me i don't know i just got creeped out i knew that there was no way i was the only one that he was talking to like that it just came too easy for him to talk the way he was robinson's charges were eventually dismissed but she kept hearing from bailey she was far from the only woman he was soliciting for sex and bailey isn't the only lmpd officer to engage in this type of behavior internal documents and recordings going back more than a decade and interviews with multiple accusers as well as current and former members of lmpd show a pattern of sexual misconduct by officers and repeated failure of the department to take allegations seriously by not thoroughly investigating initial complaints lmpd allowed problem officers to continue acting unchecked and in some cases to victimize more women do you know of anyone else that has had a similar experience with bayley i have a friend that also had the same experience with him the snapchats promises to get you out of trouble if you do so and so louisville metro police department public integrity unit official statement today's date is tuesday february the 16th of 2016. robinson didn't know it at the time but less than a month before her arrest lmpd's public integrity unit which investigates potential crimes by officers had already opened an investigation into allegations that bailey was sexually coercing her friend megan in her first interview megan was reluctant to tell investigators the full extent of bailly's behavior and her fears were validated days later when she says she got a text from bailey that said i knew you were solid the police were investigating the police in my opinion that's the way i looked at it so um i knew what bailey detective barely was capable of and so i just i don't i don't look at them the same anymore them as in police officers and was that confirmed when bailey texted you within the week after you gave the a yes and i knew i had did the right thing do you know if one of the um lmpd investigators who talked to you or some other officer had told bailly what you had said there were only three of us there so i didn't but two weeks after she says bailey texted megan called investigators back anyway to disclose more details he was sending me pictures of his penis which i have on my phone and i'm not going to lie to you i had to flirt with him because if not then he had already told me that with my drug charge i wouldn't even be able to go on a filter with my daughter or anything according to the case file investigators lost track of her after this call and never got the phone she said contained evidence six months later they asked bailey for an interview he said no and they closed the case clearing bailey three years after that another woman who we'll call jane doe and who'd worked for bailey as an informant came forward with an even more serious allegation i got arrested okay when i got out he showed up and told me i owed him golden one pretty much that's what he wanted was his dick sucked he'd call me up or text me and say you know you owe me at the time investigators made it clear that they weren't going to check bailey's phones just on her word well i have to have some reason to get the messages i have to have some reason or some reasonable grounds to believe that i mean i'm telling you i like a couple different times i had oral sex with him i saved the clothes jane doe had dna evidence which forced lmpd's hand this is sergeant omar lee little metro police public integrity unit today's date is may the 20th of 2020 this will be recorded statement with officer brian bailey it took three months for lmpd to bring in officer bailey for an interview it was the first time he'd ever been asked any questions about sexual misconduct in an official setting have you ever asked for any kind of new pictures of it or anything like that no police i don't know we've been working together for five years and released i mean there's nothing okay and uh that time it ever crossed over into the no we never went on a date he's a 55 year old woman that's that's the allegation so that's why i have to ask that question i hate to put you in that situation if it's not true but that is the that is the allegation and um she's saying that you were forcing her to perform oral sex in exchange for getting out trouble so i have to ask you straight up and you're saying no this never occurred i i mean i'm scared obviously i don't no no she had a shirt with semen on it that she says is yours so she has saved that shirt for quite some time we've sent that to the lab lab comes back that it is bodily fluids so i have a search warrant for your dna today yeah i guess i need to ask for an attorney at this point okay during bailey's interview investigators implied that jane doe might be the one who is lying omar's not going to charge you with anything you know we don't we don't have proof right do you understand what i'm saying yeah she's basically alleging official misconduct because you're she's saying that she is saying that you basically or she was forced into a position to give you oral sex in exchange for getting out trouble so uh and then with her having the dna i had to go the next step to either either validate or or disprove her story and i told him you know if it's disproving we're going to pursue her as much as we would pursue anything correct free to leave my friend all right thank you uh have a good rest your day sorry to appreciate you coming down and cooperating with me it took another 11 months before the dna proved she was telling the truth the semen on jane's t-shirt was bailey's and while investigators were waiting on the results another woman came forward with an almost identical story how many times do you think you had warrants and he let you go without locking you up he's never let me go without giving him head so i mean like 30 like i said 30 okay so so every time every time the woman said that bailey held the threat of arrest over her if she didn't do what he wanted so when you say he forces you has he ever threatened to hit you hurt you no has he ever pulled a weapon on you or anything like that no but i was like well what if i don't do that he's like i'm gonna take you to jail one time she says he even threatened to plant heroin on her she said like better heroin not not on my left but like barbies like where'd i come from like really that's what i said okay and then what happened after that i gave him head okay i had no even though i'm in toys on drugs i don't think i was right that i just i just think all the times and then i got so tired of giving them head because this is like beginning to be an everyday thing i went to stanford crying and i told stanford i was like hey reps can't do this anymore this stanford is officer stafford another lmpd cop she says she told him about what was going on about a year earlier i like stanford's place and i don't stop like they gave me a phone number to call it i never called it because i was too scared because i was gonna go to jail case files suggest that even though she was too scared to report officer stafford called p.i.u but it's unclear if investigators ever followed up she and jane doe joined a third woman ensuing bailey in the department three more women have come forward all of them say bailey sexually abused them the woman claims detective brian bailey sexually assaulted her and threatened her with criminal charges in the lawsuit the women say lmpd knew about bailey's behavior and did nothing to stop it a lawyer for bailly declined to comment citing the ongoing case but in a court filing denied the allegations still even after the lawsuit was filed bailly continued sending inappropriate messages the last message was 51 weeks ago that's not even a year ago yeah right here you can see bt bailey 58. yup court records in the civil suit show he was also sending dirty texts to multiple other women including megan the woman who originally reported bayley for sending sexually explicit pictures back in 2016. she testified that he'd gone further than that and abused her too he was aggressive um he was breathing all over my face and kissing all over my neck and then he was ramming his fingers into my pants and that type of stuff turned him on to be in control he told me that even though that criminal case was dismissed were you still in fear of brian bailey yes because over the time period of us talking he just he started telling me about um in his words the real criminals are people like him you got both your personality investigators waited until may 2021 to seize bailey's phone 15 months after jane doe was first interviewed [Music] bayley was supposed to be interviewed a second time as part of a follow-up investigation into possible policy violations but that never happened because he resigned the day before his scheduled interview the number of women bailey solicited is likely much higher than the handful who've come forward internal investigative files show that lmpd was made aware of at least four other women who'd been subject to similar behavior no effort appears to have ever been made to reach them the exchange of sexual favors for staying out of jail has been described to us as the deal and the allegations aren't unique to brian bailey in 2014 another narcotics officer carl payne pled guilty to facial misconduct for soliciting women he'd arrested for sex in exchange for helping them out with their court cases and at least two more lmpd narcotics officers have been accused of the same thing one of them made headlines for another controversy former lmpd officer brett hankinson was there the night they executed a no-knock search warrant at brianna taylor's apartment in march of 2020. hankinson a detective at the time fired multiple shots into a window i was actually sitting here this picture was on tv and i just i just cried and i was like i was shocked to myself that my emotions were still so strong after that many years in 2014 detective brett hankson raided the hotel room where britney mckinney was bringing clients she met on backpage a site commonly used for sex work officers found drugs and threatened to arrest her brett took me outside on the balcony and he was like well the options were turning three people and then he pretty much brought up like i could hook up with him and he wouldn't turn the ticket in either when you heard that were you surprised no once he told me about the pictures on backpage that he had seen all those like he knew like the shorts like shoes everything described pictures that had already been deleted like for a long time so at this point i knew he had been like watching me for a while kind of like almost like stalking me you know i was an easy target because i was doing back page like i would probably easily have sex with him mckinney was on probation at the time and an arrest could have sent her back to jail so she agreed to be a confidential informant hankerson wrote her citation but didn't turn it in instead he held on to it in case she failed to hold up her end of the deal i mean in a way i almost feel like i had to be like nice to him or flirt with him in a way because i feel like if i if i completely just disregarded him right off the bat that he would just turn my ticket in what sort of stuff would hankus and sadie over the phone like how he thought i was just sexy and i i felt like he almost thought i would want to have like you know you want to hook up with like an officer like this was like a like a prize for me to hook up with like somebody like him he was very like aggressive and pushy toward me i didn't like that at all how pushy did he get during these interactions i mean the last interaction we had i met him i met him at this warehouse which i don't really like talking about it makes me cry but he was just like really terrible to me almost a month after meeting mckinney hankerson filed the charges he'd been sitting on then two months later he called mckinney's parole officer to ask why her probation hadn't been revoked the parole officer confronted mckinney about what was going on and then reported hankerson to lmpd global metro police department of public integrity and official statement miss mckinney are you aware this interview is being audio recorded yes were you afraid to talk to piu about what happened yeah at first i wasn't going to talk to him just because i was doing like the shady stuff i was doing and i felt like you know they were they were going to use like what i was doing anyways like backpage and i was on drugs they could use that against me as well and i feel like they kind of you know looked down on me type of thing anyways when mckinney told investigators she was also working with another officer investigators latched on to it and then used it against her we were just at some point biker even nippling both these officers in order to get your charges dismissed or i turned in it was terrible he kind of like belittled me in a way and some of it he acted like i was making it too and so i was just so against spread if i had had sex with the other cop if that's why i wasn't telling on him you're not the special one if these guys are doing this stuff i don't know but if you think you're the special one you better get over it now because i guarantee you what will happen if we go over and talk to both of them and throw you under the bus so fast and so hard your head will be spinning that's exactly what hankerson did when investigators brought him in for an interview six months later instantly i started thinking that like she's she's going to want to try to just get her dismissed by me or whatever i was like i don't know if i feel comfortable using her as a ci well starter's like dude you know as well as i do these ci's are dime a dozen they're like you know we use them and abuse them anyway you know and get what we can out of him he said i don't think it's worth getting kind of trick bag or whatever for you to use this girl because i have issues she's bad news investigators repeatedly took hankson at his word even when his account was directly contradicted by material evidence hankerson claimed he only ever communicated with mckinney on his work phone which he voluntarily handed over and investigators used the records to discredit mckinney pointing to sexually explicit texts she'd sent that hankerson never responded to but you were sending him pictures or sending him text the way i interpreted is you were open for a sexual relationship is that not what those texts would indicate to you but those same records suggest that hankerson was also using another phone to communicate with mckinney the last time the two spoke over his work phone was october 10 2014 but they both told investigators that they continued talking for weeks and one of mckinney's texts references a call on october 13th but there's no record of a missed call on hankinson's work phone mckinney told investigators that hankerson was using another number but they never tried to get that phone and they never really tried to resolve what actually happened at the warehouse you never told internal affairs about what happened outside of the warehouse i mean i i was kind of told internal affairs a little bit i told him that he had asked me to meet him there he asked me to meet him one night in taylorsville um at a warehouse and i i did i met him there [Music] and he was in a truck and he um pretty much while trying to fight me and they kind of just disregarded what i had to say and kind of like blew me off and and didn't believe me or i'm not sure if they didn't believe me or they just didn't care would you be shocked to learn that she told us that she actually met you at a warehouse while you're off duty no that wouldn't shock you like i was working off duty no she said she'd come out y'all had a conversation and she met you out at a warehouse in taylorsville near where you lived no no no that's not true and yes that would that would i would say that's a lie i don't i don't believe that um well i mean i believe that she told you that but that's i've never met her outside of work period ever one time i don't know where there's any warehouses even though i don't go to except to i might go run in to get you know a gallon of milk or something like that i wouldn't be familiar with the warehouse to even beat it one thing hankerson did admit is trying to revoke mckinney's parole we're just in conclusion i would like to say i think that i think what he's upset with me about is that i'm the one who called for county commonwealth attorney's office myself i took it up by myself to call of them this is the only way i could reason i can think about other than she got her feelings for it because i wouldn't her that i've tried to get a revoked over in floyd county which is true i did try i mean i don't think that she was doing a good job on diversion when she's out prostituted on backpage so it never seemed to occur to investigators that this could have been retaliation and this wasn't even the first time lmpd had received a sexual misconduct complaint against hankerson according to a case file from another piu investigation in 2008 hankerson was accused of letting a woman off in exchange for oral sex the case was closed without hankerson or any other officer being interviewed mckinney's case was eventually closed too piu concluded that the allegations were proven false they did recommend the case be investigated for any potential policy violations related to the handling of cis but that never happened i definitely blame him of course but of course it's it's bigger than bread as well rock i feel like internal affairs kind of you know fail me if maybe they would have taken me seriously or other women um maybe he wouldn't have done it to other women in 2020 hankinson was fired for his involvement in the raid that led to brianna taylor's death that same year a woman filed a lawsuit alleging that hankerson sexually assaulted her after driving her home from a bar where he worked off duty the suit named several lmpd officers for failure to report and intervene sooner in court filings hankerson denied these allegations lawyers for lmpd called them defamatory and unsupported the lawsuit was dismissed and is currently on appeal when asked for comment on allegations of sexual misconduct hankinson pointed out that they've been investigated by lmpd and closed without findings of wrongdoing the police department has made it difficult to get basic information and records when we ask to see all internal investigations into sexual misconduct lmpd refused calling the request overly burdensome they also refused to answer any questions or make any officers available for comment citing ongoing litigation but a current lmpd sex crimes detective agreed to sit down with us we're hiding their identity because the police department has a strict policy against speaking to the media you could face pretty serious repercussions for talking to us yes correct why do you decide to i think it's unfair to victims i think victims they need to be heard pnu needs to investigate it doesn't matter if it's a cop or who it is a victim has rights watching the way in which a lot of these women are questioned it's hard not to feel like the driving assumption is that they're making it up you know these are great victims i just say it like that but these are victims that that are hard to believe it's hard to prove sexual assaults and i think it's even harder when it's an officer and a victim has to come forward and knowing that the department is going to be investigating one of their own so i want to play you a clip of an interview of brian bailey when we played interviews from some of the internal investigations the detective picked up on a few of the things that it also stood out to us investigators were treating cops very differently than their accusers and they weren't challenging suspicious responses by officers anytime during the you know the phone conversations or exchange have you ever asked for any kind of new pictures of her or anything like that no police oh no well right there's a lie i mean it's either yes or no you either know that you sent pictures or you didn't and key evidence wasn't immediately being obtained i think his phone should have been downloaded immediately you have enough evidence you have probable cause to ask for it i mean a year later evidence is lost the delay in seizing his phones and other failures by investigators are also highlighted in the civil suit when some of the more public allegations of sexual abuse come out ones against officers like brett hankerson or brian bailey are people internally surprised were they surprised no not at all why not red hat gibson and brian bailey aren't who they are brett higginson used to come to fop parties and he would always come with always three women very young women they were probably 20 and he was in his 40s or close to 40. if he worked with brian bailey he was he's married um he was always texting other officers asking him out or just saying inappropriate things multiple current and former officers told us the same things about both brett hankerson and brian bailey what's the perception of the public integrity unit in the department if you know the right people then you may not even get investigated but on our department if you were to say something um and again you're not in the popular crowd they will come after you and let the bad egg continue to be the bad aid if someone came to you and told you that something had happened to them and a police officer had done done it what would you tell them to do would you tell them to go to the police department no with piu i can't say that they would do a thorough investigation against a cop we ask hard questions because hard questions get asked about us yeah okay we're not investigating somebody spray painting the side of somebody's house okay these are pretty serious things that you know this guy has been moved into because all the young girls on the one stand i was even knows oh maybe nobody else has came forward until you well that's probably you know probably a smart idea that they didn't i wish i wouldn't when hindsight i mean i don't know that it even did me any good to talk to him i don't really think so [Music] allegations of sexual assault and misconduct on the part of police officers aren't unique to lmpd phil stinson is a former cop who spent years building a database of crimes committed by police officers so this is just a spreadsheet of all the cases in the system we have 20 433 cases of an officer being arrested since january of 2005. he categorizes about 10 percent of those 20 000 cases as crimes of sexual violence you know this might just be the tip of the iceberg it might be that this conduct is even worse than i think it is more prevalent than i think it is and i think it's widespread at many agencies across the country his research attempts to quantify something that he used to see firsthand so when i was a young police officer there were a few women in the city that i worked in that had a reputation that this is somebody that that you can coerce into sexual activity and it was written off that it was a woman she's coming on to the officers it's her that's the problem and what we know now is it's just simply not the case that police officers use the power and control that come with the badge and the gun the authority of being a police officer to manipulate and coerce a vulnerable person into sexual acts do these officers have an inflated sense of power or are they just aware of how much power they have well they do have a lot of power and they think they're invincible they think they're not going to get caught they've seen other officers engage in these types of activities and get away with it that's part of the police socialization process police chiefs adhere to the bad apples theory they'll publicly state that we've got a problem officer when when it just can't be ignored anymore the problem is what my research has identified is it's really a rotten barrel problem it's the culture of policing [Music] i don't think people realize what really goes on out there and i had a glimpse into what goes on out there and it's it's terrifying because i feel like everyone is one police interaction away from their life being destroyed for heather richards that interaction started on an otherwise unremarkable day she met lmpd officer pablo cano while bike riding in the park then a few nights later he stopped by her house while on duty and then he started to kiss me it kind of just accelerated from there i just remember on the sun porch i could feel like the weight of like the gun and then there was um a spot of velcro that was rubbing on my hip that like i just focused on because it's easier to focus on something else i just i could not believe what was happening i mean never in a million years would i think that meeting an on-duty officer on my front steps would and that way he stood up and pulled his pants up and started to put himself back together and i just remember he was tucking in his shirt and said i can't go back looking like a show and i mean i was on the couch crying and so you know i thought like the nerve of you that you're worried about tucking in your shirt and looking presentable to go back to work after you raped me richard says that two days later kano came back to her house and raped her again so i thought my worst case scenario is i go to the hospital get a forensic exam they ask who raped me i tell him it's an on duty cop he's on right now they put a call out he hears the call come through him or his buddies show up at the hospital and terrorize me further it took her almost a year to work up the courage to go to the police that was the first four plus hours of interview or as i call it um interrogation why do you call it interrogation so you're in this tiny gray cinderblock room i'm scared to death and you have these two [Music] men sort of you know and you have to give them these horrible details and graphic details of what happened and you know there i am defending my my own words or actions in a moment of extreme trauma and they're just trying to tear them apart and intimidate me tell me what happened i did i told you for three hours the other day and again today i mean i had no intention of inviting him in i had no intention of having sex with him he forced himself on me and then he doesn't even call you i i don't care at that point i definitely got the sense that nothing may happen that this might just go nowhere how do [Music] i get him i don't know that's why you're paid the big bucks i guess i don't i don't know do your magic i don't know how do you how does how do you get anyone to confess a crime what proof do i have except that i live through it i mean if you're telling me it's not enough then let him go out and rape a bunch of other people and you'll deal with it later richards filed a lawsuit against the city after her allegations went public eight more women came forward to say that kano had raped them too five of them spoke to lmpd he showed up at my house and he showed up in a police car i thought we were going to have a conversation but he kind of put me up against the wall and pinned me and kissed me and he had put his gun down on the table and immediately came over and like grabbed me like around behind my head and at that point he just grabbing by the back of my hair and head but he had the uniform on and he had that vest that has like that the bulletproof i guess that's what it is he had a bulletproof vest on and i could feel his gun hitting the back of my legs did he have his gun belt on at the time and he had his uniform shirt on yes he never took any of that stuff off no he tells me he can't take his clothes off he has to hurry up get home i just froze and he pulled his pants up and just walked out the door and insane when piu interviewed an officer who worked with kano she described concerning behavior that was widely known but apparently had never been reported it was no secret to anybody on the platoon that he was having sex with people he met as a police officer so it wouldn't be out of the ordinary if he left his beat and went to somebody's house and had sex no that's very powerful of course yes sir he would talk about just how regular sex wasn't enough and how it had to get dirtier how it had to get more physical riskier the officer recounted a story she'd heard about a week before the news of the lawsuit against kano broke when a new commanding officer was taking roll call for their platoon it was his first night on light watch and says exactly that who are my problem children every single person at the royal call table turns points at cano he starts laughing and looking down and says yes sir i'm a rapist and a sexual deviant what can i say after interviewing several more witnesses and accusers investigators brought heather richards back in months earlier they pointed to text messages she sent as potential evidence that she hadn't actually been raped this time they turned to her internet search history you you googled certain things before your first interview one of them was can i remain you did i have the i have the reports okay i don't yeah one of them was can i remain anonymous after a break oh right right you did ask that the other question that you asked that i'm curious about is what do i say in a police interview what do i say i don't know that i would word it that way did you google that to look up answers that you should give about questions that could be asked no no i mean i i wouldn't have gone in ever if i wasn't going in to say exactly what happened at this point the investigator was brought a binder where richard's entire internet search history had been printed out i'm sorry not i misspoke what should i do in a police interview [Music] my question is were you did you google that to try to know certain things key phrases to say in regards to that okay i understand that's the way that it will be portrayed by somebody who's a lot less creepy they were tearing apart with a fine-tooth comb all of the victims lives and i'm sure if they had something to leverage against me they would have [Music] investigators repeatedly explained their probing questions by pointing to an eventual cross-examination by a defense attorney except heather richards never got the chance to testify because pablo cano was offered a plea deal a former louisville metro police officer has been sentenced to five years in prison pablo cano pleaded guilty to multiple counts of sexual misconduct canaan was accused by five women of forcing them to have sex the officer was extended a professional courtesy even as a criminal defendant where he was able to go to court once and have everything handled in other words he could go be arraigned enter his plea and be sentenced all in one court appearance so as not to humiliate the officer from the aggravation of having to go to court multiple times that doesn't happen for other criminal defendants in 15 minutes this whole thing plays out he's charged he please and he's whisked away and i was like where are they taking him what's happening we were willing to testify and we wanted him to do a lot of time instead the felony rape charges were amended down to five counts of sexual misconduct all misdemeanors kano was sentenced to five years in prison with the chance of parole even sooner everything's taken away when you're raped it's taken away when you report and they took it away in court [Music] the prosecutor on the case told vice news that there wasn't enough evidence to prove the more serious sexual assault charges beyond a reasonable doubt for the past year the department of justice has been investigating potential civil rights abuses at lmpd including the department's handling of complaints and internal investigations we reached out to the piu investigators seen in this piece and none of them responded in bayley's case the survivors are still waiting for criminal charges lmpd investigators concluded that his actions did reach the level of crimes but as they noted in their own report by the time the criminal investigation was concluded the statute of limitations had long passed the commonwealth attorney's office says it's still considering charges prosecutors could charge him with forcible sodomy which is a felony but that seems unlikely given the department and city's track record that's the most frustrating part is that he basically as of right now has gotten away with it i'm pretty sure there's always going to be that type of officer out there i just hope that now maybe if if somebody if they're like a sex worker or on drugs i still hope that they would be believed rather than ridiculed by internal affairs they prey on the vulnerable people who don't have a voice for so many reasons can't or won't speak up and if they do report they're silenced or nothing happens that's just sending a big message like we don't care if you're raped we don't care if what this cop does to you he can do whatever he wants and we're not going to do anything about it [Music] [Music] i'm michael lairmonth editor-in-chief of vice news too often traditional news outlets shy away from the real stories and experiences of those living through global conflicts not vice news our reporters are on the ground fearlessly covering the human stories that shape our world you and millions of others can continue to read watch and listen device news for free but we hope you'll consider making a one-time or ongoing contribution of any size advice.com contribute every contribution no matter how big or small helps support the journalism vice news brings to you every day thank you you
Channel: VICE News
Views: 3,413,011
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: VICE News, VICE News Tonight, VICE on HBO, news, vice video, VICE on SHOWTIME, vice news 2020, sexual assault, louisville, LMPD, VICE NEWS, vwn, sexual misconduct, allegations, louisville police, Louisville Metro Police Department, women police, Louisville Metropolitan Police Department, corruption, Explorer Scout, informant, sexual assault storytime, sexual assault tiktok, louisville news
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 8sec (2588 seconds)
Published: Thu May 19 2022
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