SHELTER (Full Length Documentary)

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what is your problem she's a minor listen listen don't say anything I don't want to talk to you at this phone I want you to give her the phone back and when I'm ready to speak with you then I'll talk to you I want her to speak I don't want you to speak right now home Sierra Sierra spell your first name for me how did you get there yes how did you get to Chicago he's known for prostitution do you have your ID with you okay you don't need it you can go to the Greyhound station and give them your name and you're gonna have a ticket waiting for you do not talk to anyone on the bus do you understand me you're gonna have a lot of stops before you make it to New Orleans keep your ticket on you do not let anyone see your ticket do not take anything from anyone and do not leave off of the bus okay sit in the front of the bus okay all right all right okay okay okay thank you [Music] man no I'm gonna defend myself I'll give a you could grab what you want is though she swung that seat it's all huh see and I'm bad City don't let you swing that [Music] [Music] so we get a lot of kids they hurt we got abandoned me issues they meet each other here you know we get a lot of kids but you know we gotta love them you gotta protect them we just gotta have unconditional love for me and that's all it is regardless we just gotta love him and that's all it is you talk everyday about the same stuff don't we right so I need you to calm down get you some water he relies solely upon you as his mother he can't fend for himself see that confrontation out there that wasn't safe enough is enough right we want you here you deserve a right to be here and when I want you to have the full understanding is it was just not about you it's about your son time you got to do what's right for your son not a beautiful thing be as a beautiful spirit and you want to keep that I want I love you we love you he loved you the most it to be a loving caring mother you have to make sacrifices for your son all right gotta put him first all right sunday sunday I just smoked Fukui weed and then Monday I just had enough I was like not to get a rig about to shoot up anything I get my hands on I just wanna feel this needle I want to see this blood draw back and I'm gonna shoot it into my arm and I found miss I miss and I hope I get a blood clot and die like I was just done you're feeling these things it's not gonna be as simple it's closing yourself off and saying I just don't want to talk about it right because it's gonna be a downward spiral from there it's like everything I feel it's just extreme and I hate it it's like I can barely keep it in my body sometimes I'll walk I just have to punch something to feel like this much better but it's stupid I don't want to find another way it's just oh I don't know about talking sometimes it makes me feel so much worse we tend to just have really harsh evaluations of ourself yeah it could have really see the negative in ourselves we want to see you thrive and we believe that you can and that's why that's why you're here with us Taylor yeah yes ma'am we can just present himself into the program if he does not have anywhere to stay and we will his system with her whatever he needs help with mama y'all pick out whatever you like and anything you take off these shelves here fold it back if it's not something that you need I want okay whatever it's up day that's all we have baby's distress eyes it has rhinestones on it it's glittery I found out in Iraq what a hanger zone if you don't like it you don't have to take a baby okay so here's a stroller for the baby okay in Nome a lot of my family died in Katrina and my mom and my mom had cancer and my daddy got shot I was staying on the streets anywhere I could stay cold having a big for people to get a money so just so I could eat and I don't want that no moon how did you describe your early childhood stress people bullying me every day and they jousan me every day just what I've been going through this another no you saying that you've gone through all of that but you're still here you still stand it yeah how did you again 20 all right all of the things that you have gone through you got to make a spot for it within your heart in this one it's like a rubber beam there's one snack that you just gotta keep snapping back snap backs not bad so far yes I got shots when I was 18 how did you get shot taking two bullets for my brother it's kind of gruesome blood everywhere I think we're gonna start with sanding right and the whole stairwell you guys who said touch-up paint and windows what I'd like to do is talk a little bit about what we do let's talk about who we care for we care for runaway homeless and at-risk youth most of our youth are between the ages of 16 and 22 years of age I believe that we care for the most damaged population of youth that exists in society we've gone from about 44 kids to a hundred and forty kids 70 to 80 percent of our young people have been physically and/or sexually abused eighty-five percent of our young people are suffering from some form of PTSD or profound trauma bipolar paranoid schizophrenic we're dealing with these issues they got a lot of pain and sometimes a lot of anger if not us who right if we turn them away what happens to them and that's what we're about these are our lost sheep and they've been entrusted to our care excuse me cuz y'all help me out with any quarters all right thank you anyway excuse me could one y'all help me out with some quarters I'm just trying to catch the bus home I I'm just um trying to get some food can you please help me out please okay that's 70 cent I have you like 65 cent oh dear Lord all right a 40 of Olli my feet hurt so bad there you go hey it's okay do you know Jesus do you know Jesus [Music] season we need to tease Winnie Holzman time come on speak it I say when Jesus came through Jesus had me free even in myself I need another human being it was just me and the Lord what's love got to do got to do with it everything what got to do with it everything I tuned intro of my lamp put my paddle in my leg broke i shreelane dunk my land Chuck I love bad news my titty vile and tough like when but but that gut shrill I got Tommy T my darling he stopped popping free Lyla Sheena garlicky night child or shed my feet to caucus two cars read I'm Kyle I put spilling popular hey get Rick dig it coast I reached him pool listening cheated gift him inside bridge them toe blinking eye to take it to who say very cool like to later cool I shot birth like a Tito he's so giggle to read or to curse really handy door push I beat them Rito need a kooky go poofy butter least honey birthday girl ooh all right they get cooler every Lou how you doing two things my name is mrs. Fitz and I'm calling from Carboni House of New Orleans and I had one of my clients just leave your facility and he's a mental health patient of yours and he hasn't seen adopting quite a long time we're trying to house him and the only way he can get his housing is that he's on his medication once again and that's what my problem is I am baby now for someone to seriously help me with that all right thank you bye okay how long has it been since you've seen the doctor do you know it's been a long time see how a nugget was sitting for a while we know no I don't mean the table on the bags in the mom no sags number actionable another appointment is coming so I've come to see dr. Smith as she went by there she said I was sitting waiting for the medicine but I just am in Roscoe it's kind of important that you get back on your medication so that's what I want to do okay I've been homeless for three years in these people one denied me a blanket when I'm cold they need to just give me a blanket there's all the expose a blanket so wise they denied me a blanket of food look at me don't deny me of net when I'm the real homeless person you should bow down to me you wanna give me a blanket and not giving me food look at me what kind of stuff is that here here darling you know what your cold let's do this this look let's get you you want to go here let's let's do this put it over here wrap it around your saw here look so Liz has been coming around a lot more right so we're all more focused on her it's not like okay I need somewhere to stage she doesn't come and eggs for help that way she comes in she eggs for a coat five times in 60 minutes they're not gonna deny Nikki were at the hospital someone presents relatively stable they are going to release them yes she's either in the park she's sleeping with somebody or she's thinking with somebody for money I mean she won't tell me she was just really dead set on traveling and going everywhere because she would see her mother her mother was gonna come back to her now her mother has been missing missing since the age of four six four six okay yes I guess it makes sense that we're struggling because we're not used to a kid being this far gone [Music] [Music] may the grace the peace of our Lord Jesus Christ the blessings and love of God his father and the guidance and care of Holy Spirit be with you all come on let's go [Music] no no I need you to get up they go outside [Music] [Music] [Music] bow out flour out [Music] excuse me hey I wasn't changeful you can always some change don't you need water it's okay yeah they don't always some change to me that's okay blessed [Music] he-help was who changed can't listen to you stole you know when I went in little you're trapping your money looking you're dropping your bunny only what you got Shepherd no state trooper to give me something Thank You Franz remember simple change a lighter give me anything thank you for look at your own self exam your own self before I do you want me replaced because you're going down I'm physically mentally emotionally I'm gonna bring you down it's your Facebook page all those pictures where are they from what year and tonight two thousand twelve two thousand what didn't this years 15 12 2014 yeah I worry I was like 17 good days peaceful days you know just days that was just good to me and I'm saying yeah I was proud of myself for happy you know you know Elizabeth now says she's back I thought things she'll be alright it's just gonna take some time then everybody just have to have patience with her but she's not that same young lady that I knew when I first met her then that's the Liz that I miss that person is not here anymore excuse me can't say blanket I'm trying to learn trust people when they love them again you know I learned trusting in the Louisville don't trust goodbye I've been through a lot when I was a child you know I'm said just been through a lot and I still love everybody ain't taking me down ain't nein took me down I didn't care a whit if you hit me if you try to hurt me when I was child I did I still love you it was just so crazy because I just forgave it she's like that and I understand the judgmental people I don't understand them at all I don't understand how they just I feel like they don't like they can't solve a problem you think you're gonna stay inside for a while stay we're here in the Covenant House I think yeah I'm getting myself together don't understand yourself I don't know I'm stay aside for a little while like a night huh yeah what are you going to be doing I'm going to that's the question I have how old are you I'm 17 and you're underneath the guy and stuff his foots and she needs to know your every move until you make 18 right okay that's when you'e legally an adult all right so you spend the day with me okay how about that um let me ask you this are you in school now no what's the highest grade two one two oh you are gonna have to do job readiness and life skills classes here okay so we could help you find employment I'm gonna give you some words to call out to me and if you come across a word that you don't know just say skip okay all right here we go and try to keep them in order Sam Goody's skips can sometimes stop right there it's okay it's all right it's alright because you know why this year you're making a step to help yourself you are okay we are here to help you and I'm gonna make sure we do that all right finals tears you tough I'm gonna help you okay you're making the first step GED program alright that's the first step that's a huge job and you're bettering yourself so dry your tears so I want y'all it's to sit over here pull your pants up all of your underwear is showing and that is deplorable very inappropriate and if you want cellphones they have any electronic devices in your ears I need you to take all of that off we're morning meeting every evening your announcement is made moms and babies should be up here for 5:30 in the bathroom giving their kids showers you have to prep at night but there that's still not enough time for me in the moon no all over me and my child it's not enough time everybody get a baby man and then once you are young ladies not old ladies you all shouldn't have so many issues with getting up in the morning and I see everything that goes on so don't sit up there and say that everybody not gonna be alone everybody on this room so why you gonna take this i retorted it's time to get yourself together so once you leave you and I never return is there any more positives patient my morning was bliss even though I couldn't finish my hair like I wanted to but it was great I see folks that do not have jobs it's not funny yeah you look nice you got your tie or whatever one but your hate no no no no no no no it's not funny I have seen some of you playing basketball and you should have been job searching because you can't be here forever I gotta get you all in here do what I need to do with you ship you all out as grown men and that's the more please come sit on this couch and learn whether I've taught you all how to care for yourself and be able to keep before the air so that you don't be homeless anymore okay get yourself together this is practically the only thing I've got they call that my mom gave my sister was when he gets some New Orleans tell him we moved and we're not giving the address and everything like that so I'm cool with that it's just that the my mom had married my stepdad and everything stepdad and every wanted to be with my mom more and I pretty much didn't go out that much I've never had a girlfriend or anything like that so I was pretty much around the house and probably getting to be a big pain so I don't blame her for that so you see your name yeah right up here let's click start a new resume out of these five which one do you think you should use you should start with I'm gonna anyways why is that because it is the first time I'm ever getting a job exactly that's quick now even if you were in high school did you do or receive any honors certificates awards or special recognition anything no I just did an average job you first in school in school okay this is chain with Covenant House I sent you an email early this morning in regards to a young man by the name of Matthew Sears that I'm gonna send over Thank You Stuart alright you said you wanted to do restaurant right I was supposed to go to Jimmy John's but I went to the library and I tried to find out what bus it was on but I couldn't so I went to three other places on Canal Street and miss Luxx gave me three coins and I forgotten I had them I put them in my pocket and I accidentally bent over and one of them accidentally up flusters alright if I have another coin so that was embarrassing sometimes I don't think you're aware that you sometimes no I don't really I'm not really aware of that people sometimes laugh but I pretty much just keep to myself sometimes so mr. Sears so you actually do have your high school diploma which is a plus when I see from this resume in this application I think you'd be a strong candidate for our programs um scary happened to me I lost my wallet yesterday and I thought I had lost I had my ID and everything in there but I had actually outsmarted myself that's why I brought this before I left home I had actually taped in spares Wow birth certificate where everything that's fantastic and in case I missed any medical behind this one I had all my medical paper is hard to take record my short records and everything got ruined I always got to be prepared it's the same with me I do have to let you know as you saw in the final page that we do do random drug testing just being better safe than sorry with some people that's how we like to go the function better safe than sorry yeah 8:30 on Monday I started all night and also something funny yesterday I lost my wallet with my ID and everything but I outsmarted myself and my book taped behind a picture I had spares you know Manny that does not surprise me you are well organized I'm so happy for you I handled it so calmly yeah this is my second time divining shrimp the New Orleans is one of the main industry is the cultural food and if you know how to do food here you can basically get a good job around $12 an hour well I got one shrimp left my mom actually texted her on Facebook and so she blocked me from Facebook saying we all have to pay for what we do with our youth and we all have to die of something [Music] your mom was very bipolar and one time after she had moved in with my stepfather she had gotten a little crazy cuz I don't remember why but I don't remember what was done that day or who said what but it ended and my mother is stripping off naked and trying to strangle herself with a phone cord that was the most worst day of my entire life and pretty much the most the best thing about this place is for me is that I don't have to wake up to the feeling that that would ever happen again anymore chillie me a cigarette give me one I got one thank you babe that sheets okay that's your bike okay I want love though if anybody picks on you I'm gonna deal with the write them in here and they're not going to pick on you again but nobody is going to listen a lot of people are kind of happy you're coming [Music] [Music] [Music] he said a bastard [Music] they thought of me don't try to hurt me I don't want nobody hurt me I know that and I don't want to hurt you that's why I'm glad you're here I'm just trying to protect myself in that land you do named to me why don't you get a good night's rest that okay okay come on that's enough for my own clothes okay oh you pray I'll hold your hand you go ahead okay right now everybody heal I pray that all children defense and who smiles on their face and clean clothes and a soft place to sleep and all the adults arrests and that they truly respect them and I pray that everybody get along no matter what color you is like the color is like the soldiers within us and goodness of a soul amen amen amen thank you so much okay those tears of joy because I know everything will be all right thank you so much you're welcome I appreciate it you know if we don't meet her where she is and try to break and try to create structure in small pieces she'll bulb you know and and for the last couple of months I've had real fear and she's going to die in the street are you hearing voices no okay have you ever heard voices now I don't but if you ever seen things that other people don't see I had it was some kind of medication so you prescribed me saying bipolar something we're gonna pay for if you stay on the medicine things tend to go a little bit better you're thinking more clearer you make better decisions so right now if we're looking at mental behavioral health issues right we've got about 25 to 33 percent of our kids on psychotropics close to 30 right now right and the girls floor seems to be a lot yes a lot of using heavy means mental health is number one I think you know I think it's in all of our minds it's higher than substance abuse and it is the substance abuse is just the self medication it's very few long-term psychiatric that's available and now that safety net is coming in house if we could start to tap into some of the healthcare dollars maybe we could get more staffing on the mental health side I mean I think we do a remarkable job considering who were caring for he buzzed me up there everything new one coming soon I'll watch just at all and I do that tomorrow you safely here you don't gotta worry about watching Pecola's huh you know I just need to get myself together I know people are saying I too sometimes hear myself practice I don't know what to I don't know is wrong me bumpy trying to figure out what to do my life and I already know what to do I could start off by going to my high thinking have I been saying it for a long time and I know I won't stay around do two moves like a moose no no I don't understand why I want three things that I need to to be a known person no I want to stay around with vomitings I don't know what school I need to get my mind right no I don't know every day it's like a normal person and they lost my mind they be Irish troops talks about the real life or something no real life how are y'all I came in was loose for me and blue and I need to do I just need a door you can take the flow from them this and send them down to me all right I think I got one in the shower or they left the water running so I do this to my socks just so that didn't get across the thick part and it doesn't stop the circulation okay okay we don't do that for pairs all right this is the soup get it nice and starched up for prom on what day okay bring me that information back anything that has to do with school I want you to bring it to me so we can make your senior year a successful year okay come with me baby Dania could you have a seat please I was in there brushing my hair they came in there got in my face trying to get me out the bathroom physically I told man he get my get out my face brush like the next occurrence on the floor you were going to spend some time away from the program and I and I don't know what else to do I really got an offer in here no disrespect but I've heard and any and everything y'all could probably tell me I've already heard it I've been institutionalized since I was 5 years old I've been in and out I haven't seen my mom and going on a good five or six years and I was nothing y'all can tell me here that I haven't already heard okay and it's I don't like the way the staff approached me okay I'm gonna give you the advice that said to you you must open so I can leave okay I probably won't be coming back okay so I hope that you have plans for whatever your destination is gonna be back to insolence Jesus cuz like I can't deal with this it's like y'all trying to put y'all's focus in a place for my life okay I won't school it why didn't y'all help me but that this is a program to help youth right school can help we can't Yatta Yatta consider that is you that's the education department and that was the issue that you and miss Jane had a robust Hogan's walking leaves maybe when you take a couple of hours to walk and think about it maybe you can come back in and miss foots can help you do what you need I don't really think you need to be in the woods Daniel I really wrong here okay go upstairs and pack my stuff okay what are you gonna do Daniel I don't care you got any plans Oh survive anyway things are said Oh angry about life everything seems to just fall apart soon do you think you have something going it always happens yep and then they should want to eat some meals you can go to these facilities here in the daytime and they will assist you with whatever you need there for three days okay thank you bloody family dog never won my family not to give a about me man need y'all love need y'all cut you don't need no hospital that's from that's from not being in love man a real human being really need love everything else come after that you need love furniture are you gonna be a hurting in your life you're gonna be physically and mentally and spiritually here just from just from seeking the wrong things and started seeking the love and giving your life to people and not trying to keep all your to yourself like you're the only in the world you're not the only in the world you're not the only my the only in this earth what you're doing walking up and down you're talking yourself rapping what you're doing what I'm doing start getting in your mind you know where that take yet you know yeah you want to kind of like keep that stuff like right about up here you know when I see that kind of stuff you know what I'm doing coming over guys not to you get you back on big stick right thing I thank you I thank you for always give me back on Pete hi Dan you you want to see me darling I'm honestly just want to know if you if I can get a ticket to go to Mississippi okay so mom we're gonna take a risk and see if I can get back we'll get back in the house of my mom so how about we you and I sit on you talk to mommy if we could call on the phone and and and you talk to her and I kind of help you through it you want to do that okay let's do that oh okay that'll work which is that responding read it for me Daniel can't talk at the moment okay that could possibly be true it's just right don't they at home mom she gave me up when I was five years old at DHS yeah hated or ever since okay but you can't let that go see how this weighing on you and I know it is when you have that feeling of abandonment and anger I get that and you gotta allow us to work through that with you and the only way that can happen is you've got to let us in a little bit and you've got to go to your sessions you're 18 years old baby you still a young man that needs someone to hold protect and guide you so how are the babies today I had a great day with the babies today I did a lot of running around the day and I just knew my legs were gonna kind of like give out on me but believe it or not God just put his hands on it and I was just all over the place today yes yes I do you know there are cool kids when you sit down and listen Adam talk about what they want to do with their lives I have someone on the floor right now he wants to go to get his license for cosmetology you just need to have somebody that's not going to give up on them go stand firm but not gonna give up on them [Music] well we have Kendall here that's key that's key Quentin is the black and this one is for Kendall and on your side Sylvester gets mediums and not those he'll kill you Mustapha does not have a coat mr. Jim either one you have available he will take this is the last in the large of the two tones no arm okay here they come good morning everyone Merry Christmas to you and father God we just want to say thank you for dying on the cross for our sins Heavenly Father because all we have to do is get on our knees for the gardening we just want to say thank you for your name for the guards amen go find your names take your time there you go [Music] everybody may have different things God just bless us all with all kinds of different things [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] she likes that she can come here and sleep she likes that she can get a meal and she likes that she can get up in the morning and go so we know we're breaking all the rules because we're trying to keep her safe she has no other place to go to be safe I think taking random over the holidays worst she was doing better she was doing very well but now she's starting to deteriorate I mean I yanked her out of the gas station early this morning water dam bribed her you know because she she runs out of here without eating as we know the fact that it was it returns every night it's a good sign because she feel safe here she's she's damaged kids we've ever seen how you doing today hey baby want a cigarette oh no I got my here drunk okay thank you I'm going see father telling me I'm give me a haircut I think I look a little cheaper yeah you don't get it good one yeah birthday goes up but my point is this work part-time go to school part-time and work on your career am I making sense all right also we have rated instant cooking an opportunity to the meter all right and we just wanted to Raven I don't know if you can hear me but we just want to tell you welcome no problem I grew up very differently from other people I mean religious lives I mean my parents were no I wasn't gonna say they're right-wing fanatics but there were right-wing fanatics and they tried to instill in me that I was a boy you know you're a man if I'm a man then why do I have breasts you know it's a sin well if it's a sin then why do some of your friends like tanning and you're still friends with them that's not the point and what is what is the point what are you trying to get to me the point is you're going to hell I was like oh and you're not what's the good guys this is on my first idea transitioning that's like the second week of hormone therapy going through the transitioning process is probably one of the most difficult and hardest things you'll ever have to go through in life this is like the awful stage I wouldn't eat anything when I'd come home and I would sometimes starve myself just to be just to be an inch closer to being as thin as the girls in school this is Janet mock Carmen Carrera she's going to be like the first transgendered Victoria's Secret Angel they're so beautiful Isis king she was the first transgender - America's Next Top Model they're everything I dream of being you're reinventing yourself all over again you're trying to picture what sort of woman you want to be and you're trying to envision what type of girl you want to look like and you're trying to envision just like the type of person you want to become if you look at the first page we want to talk a little bit about LGBTQ policy we stress that we are going to call youth by the preferred name and gender pronouns they want to be referred to achieve for her we would honor that let's say they're male to female and they're presenting and they want to stand the female flora that we're gonna honor that that's where they feel comfortable where they're gonna be staying and we're gonna make the accommodations for them we were not operating that way and some things may not necessarily line up with your spiritual belief but you work here this is how I see it we had a small heart and not at heart has blossom and so a very large heart we said everyone there's no one that can't come so that time look at take some time in your leisure to read through the policy as we continue to work here and find your own comfort in your own peace of mind how we gonna know we love these kids unconditionally like our own and we try to treat them with the dignity and respect that they deserve and have not been treated some people it's not the image of what they think about Catholics no no no no we don't look we have kids here over or HIV right this isn't I don't look at color house as a religion right I look at as his Francisco I look at us as a place that believes in miracles I look at it as these are holy staff the staff are unbelievable and do we have staff who pray yes could I tell you the denominations of our staff what religions they belong to no could I tell you the denominations of our kids absolutely not we are about practicing the Gospels and what Francis said is we practice the Gospels all day long and every once in a while we have to use words do I think we are rooted in prayer absolutely do I believe in in God's mercy in God's providence when it comes to our kids absolutely but we're not about religiosity we're about spirituality we're about pastoral care you know that's real simple love God love the porn moment [Music] [Music] my name is Elizabeth Georgia Bravin it lives a bit the beginning George the middle and mine that is Thank You dealer Thank You Dean [Music] what I'm Tilly ain't that going anywhere out here that's what out well don't count the curve alright alright I'm good imma leave I will leave I mean they're concerned that she's been prostituting and for drugs and alcohol she's not taking her meds she doesn't sign-in and sign-out like she's supposed to she's going places in the incident in the bar she broke the bottle in the bar right because that's what you have the cameras but didn't stab anybody in the bar to me she needs a place that has not locked in but locked in yes are you guys almost all on the same page on this I think the one thing we got to see is how were powerless with response to this you know she could ease it she could easily end up on our doorsteps in three days gotta go into this with the positive mindset right that this is gonna be good for you all right and that's what you've got right oh wait I know all right but you know what I'm saying okay I know just a feeling which scent I know it's gonna be a good place I ain't gonna spend my money on drugs and then you're gonna have counselors they're gonna come provide you with you know some counseling and some support and then we're gonna be checking on you as well good morning [Music] twenty-one on March 19 Wow even you want to come do work all right let's find out what we got to learn more about this program first okay before you get a job we got to get you a little bit healthier you know that no no no hold it one step at a time let's get adjusted I'm saying let's just get it just it's where you're living first before we're all running around looking for a job okay no pressure all right that's all I'm saying I am healthy I know you think you know I really care deeply about her and I'm just scared I do think we've done everything we can do and I think she does need a change of venue and we'll try this but if a week from now she walks in and knocks on our door you know gonna take her back and we're gonna figure it out this one that one I hope please sighs be and I have a window and I have a kiss and pull the purple I'm gonna put it over the blue great put it on [Music] we'll put it under the brief you think this place is gonna work out for you I think so I think I got my own like house kind I think oh it's an upgrade from coming to house I think is the place they have to stay so a long time I grabbed myself with no other residents like the house you know I'm saying what are the things you got to be careful about alcohol and drugs is it gonna be hard for you to stay away from that stuff if you're motivated how you want to make it work I'm more to babe we'll make it work [Music] I made it but it's still still surprised in the every time I think about it you know this moving out in my own apartment and like this part of my life is ending so you're moving and transitioning into what we consider to really be our final stage of transitional housing you excited oh yeah I'm really excited about this like I've been here like almost two years now it seems like an eternity almost you've had a lot to over overcome and you've done it you seemed so much more settled and confident than you know year and a half ago when I first got here I was scared like I didn't really like people that much I was extremely anti-social all the staff has said this to me don't stop trying be sure you know where you want to go and just don't stop trying to get there don't give up no persevere it's hard to imagine that I've come this far thank you write this oh yeah yeah I'm ready I can pay rent and stuff like that I can save money no no no problem like I don't want to sound vain or anything but I am proud I am real proud inhale extend and then exhale tap elbow to knee beneath the body nice last one inhale extend exhale release I want to do it an exercise let's revisit our safecom place we talked about last week imagine that there is a string starting at the base of your spine coming all the way up through your crown of your head lots of thoughts float by lightly touch the thought what's a feather touch them and watch them go and what I want us to practice doing is going back to our safe calm place and let me know when you feel like you're there you feel like you're in your safe calm place okay let's stay there for a while all this stuff is just memory fraying revisiting the feeling that I had when I first came to the doors of public house how was that experience for you difficult that's fine that's very brave of you to want to go back to that I don't know if I've told you this but are you I've traveled a lot I wouldn't even call it traveling I've drifted a lot and there are different monsters for different places as long as it takes and the overall long haul they are going to save my life [Music]
Channel: VICE
Views: 5,161,487
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: documentary, documentaries, docs, interview, culture, lifestyle, world, exclusive, independent, underground, videos, journalism, vice guide,, vice, vice magazine, vice mag, vice videos, film, short films, movies, shelter, full length documentary, michael k. williams, brent renaud, craig renaud, new orleans, last chance high, homeless, poverty, society, social class
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 49sec (4849 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 21 2018
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