Who Are The Ireland’s Most Terrifying Gangsters? | Real Stories True Crime Documentary

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[Music] villains gangsters or faces as they prefer to be called are the people who have been making the irish newspaper headlines for all the wrong reasons for the past 50 years some are instantly recognizable many are not if i knew what was either going to kill someone was going to get my life sentence or i was going to be killed my name is bernardo mahoney and i will be taking you on a journey through the irish underworld there's a lot of hitmen in dublin and if you cross their paths you better take you know because if you don't they're gonna take you and they don't care whether you're a good person or you're a bad person and if you have the name done that's it you're finished some of those involved in ireland's most infamous crimes have agreed to go on camera for the first time to tell me why and how they say they happened he's not dead now he's not dead he's not that all right yet hi this here and that is my night killer from the tips i never know this man in the apartment i had no knowledge of it i've lived that life i've experienced the highs and the numerous lows so let me take you on a journey into the heart of the underworld [Music] nothing matters mary when you're free [Music] raising our children with dignity is a goal we all strive to achieve the vast majority of parents do but in some parts of ireland a country with a reputation for compassion and social justice there has been a sharp increase in violent crime which has cast a shadow over communities leaving some people to feel that they have been forgotten by the authorities aristotle wrote that poverty is the parent of crime and according to figures released by social justice island 790 000 people are now living in poverty a rise of 40 000 since 2016. an analysis published by the irish independent confirmed that people in ireland are six times more likely to be shot and killed than anywhere else in the irish and british isles much of this violence is attributed to the increased prevalence of drugs and the clannish culture in organized crime with disturbing statistics like this it's hard to argue with aristotle's conclusion i spoke to christy dunn who along with many of ireland's most infamous criminals were sent to an industrial school as a child where he suffered horrific abuse described by the media as the godfather of irish crime dun is not a man who often talks about his colorful past aggrieved by events in his childhood he is quick to blame the authorities but reluctant to accept his own guilt before i was 12 years of age i was sent to an industrial school and a very very tough harsh place where you were beaten bullied starved and a pretty lonely place i had to rake out all the fires light all the fires in the school in the different classrooms and the headmaster of the school he picked on me and tormented me so one day i gave him a black eye and that was it i was just a demon right it was like as if i killed somebody and i never really got any education at school or anything like that and i never got any education when i went into the approved school and uh the only thing i learned in there was uh i used to have to fight other kids for our dinners and our we'd fight for our food and we'd go into a handball alley and punch the head off each other so i could eat his dinner he could eat mine if we had teeth left to eat it that's how bad it was and it was really bad when i was a kid in ireland well i mean if you look around ireland today there's so many children suffering and there's so many people homeless and all the people who are responsible for all that they don't know they don't they just they listen to what they're told and they act upon what they're told and they don't care whether you're a good person or you're a bad person and if you have the name done that's it you're finished still a young boy a child in fact christy dunn sought refuge from the horrors of the industrial schools in england so i went to england to my grandfather and i got from england i joined the coal mines over the time i was 14 years of age i was a mile walking on the ground and so i spent my adolescent years in england working in england different jobs went to see different things to do a lot of film work and all that kind of stuff and i used to work as extra and all that and i worked in about 40 different films and that i earned but then one day i went to get a job on a film i think it was called darling lily with julie andrews from rock hudson and when i went down to actors equity to go to be sent to the location who did i meet only my ex school inspector and as soon as he saw me i never got a job in another film so they're the people that destroyed my life when i was a kid christie was ordered to return to ireland by his father when his younger brother hubert drowned still wanted by the guarder for juvenile misdemeanors christie sought sanctuary in a church whether you ever heard of religious sanctuary but i saw a sanctuary with a friend of mine a jesuit priest an unsung hero of ireland his name was father michael sweetman he granted me sanctuary and [Music] by the time i left the religious home i was in writing my book i got into the taxi business he arranged get me a taxi through political influence i got a taxi and i left met a beautiful young lady got married then i went into the building initially christie's construction company flourished but he believed that his reputation and that of his family brought about its damn form i was very successful very successful and i had four of my brothers working for me my father was a foreman for me and the police and other people they were jealous as far as i can say and we were kind of well i always felt that uh myself i was always kind of uh i wouldn't be welcome when i'd be uh dealing with business people i'd be frowned upon looked down upon because the stigma was there the stigmata that this is a christian from the liberties and his father was bronchodon a gunman right a man who got convicted for murder and which was spread by a famous journalist here there's absolutely no truth to that allegation my father never murdered anybody but yet it's all allegations without a grain of truth but i have the truth and i know my father never killed anybody and was never charged with murder not convicted for murder my father was never in trouble my father was republican never involved in crime christie's father did kill a man but he was convicted of manslaughter not murder therefore neither christie or the media have been completely honest why let the truth spoil a good story some journalists would say in their defense christie dunwood undoubtedly reply because lies and innuendo can destroy lives well i remember i went out of business in 1967 i was doing a contract for a very famous family and uh a doctor who was head of the crumbling hospital and i remember i was working on his house excuse me and i remember going out getting the phone call from the lady at the house and uh she said mr donald you come out tomorrow and remove all your uh your uh stuff from the house and i don't want your men in my house and i went out and what's the problem she said uh did you watch the television last night i was wondering what she was talking about but however it seems that this program was on television by a priest a priest being interviewed a priest who turned out to be notorious in ireland right father michael cleary they call him the singing priest denied his own children right or anyhow he demonized me for an hour on television i never met a man in my life but he destroyed me he said i was uh involved in sex i was a gangster i was a godfather that lady who called me out to remove all my equipment she relied on what he said on television as being gospel truth a man i never even met i wasn't really involved in going out and committing serious crimes or anything like that i'd say um i would have relied on my intelligence and like i wasn't foolish or stupid but but i said you know i never hurted anybody like many criminals christed unjustified his criminal activities by claiming they were carried out to provide for his family i was just interested in raising my family and but i never got a moment please from the police and because i was the head of the family you know what they say about cutting the head off i do well that's the way the police viewed me my last convictions for instance every every fastige of law was ignored in my case i was just processed into prison i kidnapped the postmaster and his wife and children and then stole the money from the post halls i like your target yeah yeah it would have been regarded one of the first and then i was accused of tying a bomb onto the postmaster's back and indeed i remember when my trial was in court and they were given the evidence about the bomb on the postmaster's back and it was so dramatic that when it got down to the very essentials that the bomb on his back was removed and it turned out to be candles everybody in the court broke into uh fits of laughter and i remember the trial judge at the time a fellow called lynch dominic lynch turning around sharply and looking at me to see my reaction and i didn't think it was funny i thought it must have been very traumatic for the postmaster but the point is i didn't do the what i was charged with i'm very annoyed about the fact that i was convicted for the thing this post office because throughout that trial it was alleged that a young child had been threatened and all that kind of stuff and look they called me the godfather the official godfather warning i just don't want to know about being a godfather a good father yes but i love children and the last thing i would ever do is hurt a child i served a full eight and a half years but i mean i went into prison when i was 58 years of age and when i came out he gave me 40 quid and i never like when i was young i never drew social welfare or i never sponged off the stay or anything like that and when i went to get social welfare when i went even to get my pension i had a hard job to get my what i'm entitled to christy dunn's reputation has undoubtedly been a heavy cross for him to bear he is a criminal and many will say he deserves no less however many innocent people raised in deprived areas such as ballymon in dublin or moyeros in limerick find that would-be employers shun them because of the reputation of the areas where they live unable to secure legitimate employment some of these people see crime as the only way to survive christie dunn's younger brother larry was of that mindset and earned the dubious accolade of being the man who first introduced heroin into ireland nobody could have foreseen the devastation this evil drug was going to cause like an aggressive cancer it transformed legions of healthy young people almost overnight when the heroine hit the streets of dublin and uh yeah you're right nobody knew nobody realized the uh the damage not the consequences of this devil's poison as i call it but uh it wasn't long before it became obvious the effects of this drug and i mean you could say larry was like the titanic to the dunn family right he brought us all down if larry was the titanic of the dunn family christy was undoubtedly its sistership in 1966 there were only 12 murders committed in ireland none of which involved guns just four decades later there had been a 1675 increase in murder cases and a large proportion of those killings were gun related the dramatic increase in murder came about because of the introduction of guns and the birth of gangs they were both a by-product of sierra a group made up of revolutionaries anarchists and paramilitaries who wanted to ignite a socialist revolution one of its most prominent members was christy dunn following the funeral of a comrade christian made a political speech and fired a shot into the air after being sentenced to six months imprisonment for that crime he had rammed from the dock and punched the judge i almost certainly did yes i am a republican well i don't wish to say how i assisted the republican movement but once you're a republican you're uh you're a republican i believe in the free ireland uh by peso means that's what i believe in we had a great man here michael collins he went to england signed a treaty came back to ireland and half the people didn't accept the treaty and a civil war ensued and you had people who fought against the treaty people who fought for the treaty but they all ended up becoming policemen right and some of them turned out to be their worst bastards god forgive me for saying it that i ever met those people and school inspectors and priests they went around spying on families in ghetto areas the third of april 1970 was a defining moment in irish criminal history four armed members of sierra era shot dead richard fallon an unarmed policeman the rubicon had been crossed the age of innocence was no more gun crime in ireland had arrived in the north others driven by civil rights abuses and republican ideals tore up their ballot papers and picked up the armalite joe doherty is one of the ira's most infamous volunteers he shot dead an sas captain and escaped from prison before seeking refuge in the united states the pro-republican americans warned to joe and the street was named after him in new york but joe seeks neither praise nor recognition for the things he did the war in ireland is a struggle he believes should never have happened uh over twenty thousand people were burnt out of their homes had to flee across the border and things they got there uh the british army ra the british government reacted and sent the british army and at that particular time we thought they were coming to see of us in the sense they were the young squaddies coming onto the street they sympathized with catholics they knew about the discrimination they knew about the attacks on her home but politics had taken hold and the british army for some reason had turned on our community so i i actually remember going to school being stopped by british army patrols was there for 10 before i got to school school books were thrown under the street so they were very aggressive when you were putting against the wall with your hands up against the wall source you recalled irish b or whatever all of a sudden the young lad at 14 15 i had a sense of being unanti british and it wasn't a sense about the british people it's what the british government was doing here so i got involved in the rats around here throwing stones and petrobons whatever then i joined an organization called the fiona iron and it's a irish republican scouts scout movement but not like your normal skates because we were taken into small rooms like this and we were taught how to the to put bombs together explosives uh am1 carbines thompson sub machine gun you mean your is i'm a youth worker now when i think back we were only 14 15 years of years we were children you get a fact but then i thought this is what i want to do i want to fight for i don't want to fit for aries freedom there are of course always two sides to every story johnny adair and sam mccrory were ulster's most infamous loyalist terrorists from a very early age they felt that their community and way of life was being threatened by republicans they had been brought up believing their ulster was and should remain british and all catholics were their enemy but nobody ever explained to them why it was about eight or nine and the troubles just broke out for real in 1969 and from there on right through my teenage and adult who life we were just brought up hating everything catholic and republican we felt threatened and we were i was drummed into us that these people hated us and they wanted to kill us because they didn't like everything british people were burned out of their homes protestants in one area and catholics in the other and mixed areas and then it went dawn that were both communities just lived and and separate areas like for example the falls and the shankar shackle was protestants and catholics falls was catholics we were dawn to join the lord as paramilitary group namely the ulster defense association which was illegal in them times and this is just throughout the years with this as the troubles progressed and got worse and we were just born and tell them and well i think just as you grew up and you're in your area and you seen the attacks you were coming on there but the republican movement and the nazis community he just decided enough was enough because the government worked at me anyhow and the soldiers and the police were giving me any hands who you decided to take mothers in your hand join a paramilitary and fight back i had been to prison on a number of occasions for uh uh attempted murders of shin fian members um possession of weapons membership and the most serious charge would have been direct and terrorism or received 16 years in prison for that what about your skill what were you in prison for conspiracy to murder uh five of us won the leading card four in a hijacked car we're caught with an ak-47 machine gun in the handgun gone up into west belfast to kill the uh the leader of belfast ira swore were caught on earth so but before they've been done two one-year demands for attention where there's kidnapping the hijacking and lifted numerous times a lot much ally for numerous murders neighbors i talked about numerous bombings and shootings but was so powerful of course i mean it's just part and parcel thanking him the heroin epidemic that larry dillard spawned was seen by some terrorist organizations as a means of attracting support for their cause heroin had destroyed the lives of thousands of people and so the paramilitaries began executing dealers in an effort to win favor with disgruntled members of the public however many believe that this was just a front to control the lucrative trade themselves and time has proved that they were right there was there was no longer need for either the ira or loyalist par militaries but this still exists today but this exists only for criminality just in criminality only we withhold our defender communities see the people now 20 years fast forward are terrorizing their own communities they're flooded with drugs you know what i mean they're shooting people dead on a monthly basis or kneecap or punishment beatings for no reason so the furry people that we fought to protect they are now terrorizing them they're nothing but don't think they're just they're using them as long as their users are covering them with gangsterism that's all they're just tyra's in their own community they're very convenient to be protected the terrorists were not the only people who were refusing to stand by and watch heroin wipe out a generation of children dubliner mick rafferty and others formed a group called the concerned parents against drugs the root of the drug problem in this area is in the 70s when the nature of employment in this area changed the ducks changed containerization all the duck-related industry vanished so there was a whole generation in the 70s and early 80s it was mass unemployment during the summer of 1882 the area was swamped uh swamped with not just marijuana not just with soft drugs but with heroin kids were falling into the that abyss of addiction initially we formed the concerned parents and the model was very simple the model was pushers out pushers pushes pushers out and the state rather than entering into a dialogue with the parents of addicts they saw it as some sort of ira front ira or some you know as a subversive organization so an opportunity was missed now there was absolutely no doubt that the state targeted some of the leaders and they ended up in prison for trying to protect their their young the concerned parents group would identify drug dealers then mobilize hundreds of residents who would go to the dealer's door and tell them that they had to quit dealing or leave those foolish enough to resist were beaten and forcefully evicted from their homes in one incident a heroin addict died this led to the gada charging four leading figures in the concerned parents group for their roles in various incidents they spent a year in prison awaiting trial and this led to the collapse of the movement the state woke up when veronica gearing a campaigning journalist was shot or assassinated openly on the nave's road by one of the gangs because she was exposing them for a while the den minister pat rabbit sought out community participation in the responses to the issues that's all gone the foot has been taken after after pedal a few people will actually say even though it does different types of drug drugs now it's much more complicated that the drug problem is as bad now as it was in the dark days of the 80s the problem now is as the dealers have got much more brazen so the nature of the problem keeps changing and we'd argue that that unless you get to the roots of the demand for drugs which in their opinion lies in social exclusion poverty uh the nature of of of a class society unless you get to that roots you'll always have it you'll always have the demand on wednesday the 15th of december 1993 a joint declaration of peace brought about a ceasefire between the warring factions in ireland this encouraged organizations like the ira to step up their war on criminal gangs in the hope it would help them achieve their ambitions via the ballot box clearing the states of heroin would undoubtedly be a vote winner and so death squads made up of ruthless terrorists like billy claire were sent in to eliminate the dealers as well as going back to where it all began for me was when i was involved in the concerned parents against drugs on the south side of dublin with so so at that time some very very good republicans who were committed to to the war on drugs and i suppose the most notorious target of of the concerned parents against drugs and that time was was was it was a fella by the name of jimmy gadly two operations against him at the time the concerned parents was one an attempt to blow his house up and with him in it was anyone arrested well i was arrested for that and back then and again released through lack of evidence and and that was you know he lived to fight another day or to deal another day what sort of um operations did you you know we were you sent on when when you're in the ira in dublin well there's i mean the ones that i can discuss about mostly were were actually directed towards drug dealers and that kind of activity was most of the mostly activity and was centered around attacks on drug dealers and things like that you know that was sort of dublin so can you describe where that works was it direct direct action against drugs or is that there well there were community uh groups that that that republicans supported and true to support behind and i suppose that was my my aim was just to was to target drug dealers as as whether they're targeted or not but when you say a targeted drug dealers what did they do name them and shine them or well execute them execute them yeah i suppose if you're if you're looking for one instant um as opposed as these what the media portrays as notorious these westies these characters who were you know where we had one incident where um there were cause and chaos and havoc in blenchester here in the north side of dublin and uh um bernard suggs or verb as they call them he was asked to come to the meeting and and when he came to the meeting he was asked to desist from from his activities and leave the area he refused to do so and as a result of that meeting he was he was he was blasted twice in the stomach and left squealing on the ground like a pig in the rat he was and i mean that was that was that was his kind of his claim to fame he was soon executed by other drug dealers after that but that was that was i suppose one incident where where these people were were portrayed in the media as dangerous armed and and dangerous drug dealers but you know you know the media like to portray people as into something they're not and as a result they get hurt billy's crusade wasn't just aimed at gangsters involved in the drug trade he claims terrorists or anyone else earning money directly or indirectly from drugs were legitimate targets in one incident where we're in in gory county wexford in the south of ireland where on a road like this where one member of the continuity ira and his drug dealing friend was in the passenger seat and when they got to the roundabout of on the main road a car came up behind him and it was a car in front of him that slowed down and as the two car the car slowed down the jeep had to slow down to eventually till stopped and as the the irish police maintained that i jumped out of the car and uh manhandled the two drug dealers to the ground and and as they went to the ground allegedly that i i i held a gun to their heads and and tried to shoot him with the gun jammed and as as the media dennis if you read the media i was subsequently arrested for trying to to execute them to dirty uh republican rats drug dealing rats and i was arrested and held for two days as a result of that that incident i mean drug dealers were executed in the 80s and 90s and continued to be i suppose but were they they warned are they you know well well it would be highly unlikely that that what they would be warned would be a highly unlikely situation if if a drug dealer was warned or that he was going to be kidnapped if he was going to be abducted or or or punishment shooting or are executed but there isn't a danger if i went to the republicans as a concerned community member and said you know billy smith is a drug dealer and they don't warn him they just whack him well you see i mean it's not as plain i mean obviously to be an investigation and people on the ground i mean ireland is a small it's a small country in dublin is a small place and pretty much people know who people are and what people do so it wouldn't be a case where somebody just come to somebody and say look he's doing this there obviously would be an intense investigation into that person and his activities and before any decisive action was taken so so how long did did you were you remember the ira and how did you come to leave well i i was um i was expelled from the provisional era um for my um pursuit of action against drug dealers that's why i was expelled and that's the only reason why i was expelled from the divisional era i was i was expelled for for my my my war against the drug dealers in dublin uh extreme republicanism whereas um again you know was was um caught up with the the inla for a number of years and i mean that in fairness to them there were more of uh there were more um extreme interviews against drug dealers and at that time anyway they were certainly um they were on board with my views and i thought it was it was it was a good platform to continue um you know struggle against the drug dealers in dublin so what about your time with the inla i mean what's the difference between the inla and the ira what well the provisional area were very well organized very well armed very well organized and disciplined uh organization the giana were a much more smaller you know but but uh you know if not ruthless organization but certainly my time within the inla we had the same most as members in dublin had the same train of thought and it was it was extreme um you know extreme violence against drug dealers which which i mean you can't you can't you have to show these people more violence than and that they have imagined because these these people live on a pedestal that because you're a drug dealer they must be they must be violent and they must be feared you know i saw you what sort of attacks has carried out on these on drug dealers is it just shootings or have you got any knowledge of or examples of other types of attacks well it there's no you know there'd be no limit you wouldn't limit yourself to to to one type of attractively you know as i say like as i said you don't um you don't come to fight big drug gangs who have assets behind them using salvation army tactics you got to hit them with full strength and everything you got you know and look for their weakness and when you find a weakness you you know that's that's you know whether it's kidnapping shootings petrol bombings grenades whatever you know is being used on you know people would support that i suppose because these people are devastating communities and um you know they have no they don't care about what they sell or who to sell it to so you must meet them with the same the same train of thought that you don't care about them or their families where did your time at the inla come to an end um it pretty much came to an end with declan duffy who was later at the iron lane dublin who was you know i was a character you know was involved in in you know in in backing up drug dealers and and supporting drug dealers while pretending to be um some kind of crusader against drug dealers but um you know it's unscrupulous people and if you move it up down to the likes of the real ira where you had these these characters in dublin who who tried to promote a culture of fear but there were there were no more than street gangsters and street cowards and and tried to live on a reputation that because they were part of an organization that they were to be feared but it turned out to be nothing more than and um and supporters of drug dealers as well and that was their downfall because they were so intertwined in the drug game that eventually led to their demise what happened to dufferin can you well duffy was expelled from dublin by people by by by people who would be against drugs against drugs and that uh he was no longer wanted here because of his association with drug dealers supporting drug dealers and being paid by drug dealers to go up against other drug dealers and you know i mean i suppose if if you like to you have to be clear-cut in the game you're in it's either your reader you can't have one foot in and one foot out is it's black and white basically and you know you won't last long and that's what happened i suppose with the leadership of the real ira ed were they were covered with with drug dealers and eventually that led to their demise they weren't clear-cut they weren't black and white they weren't a force against drug dealers so what happened to duffy then it was expelled from the belt and they were sent to you from from the capitol but he's not dead now he's not dead he's not that all right yet in 2010 billy was left clinically dead following his arrest for the murder of 26 year old stephen amira father of three amira was shot but still alive when his killer took him into the woods threw him into a pre-dug grave and buried him alive i was i was on my way to the gym in in i think was october 2010 and i was surrounded by police in balaclavas with hector and [ __ ] machine guns and glock pistols all automatic weapons having no regard for the public safety surrounding me in a circle formation with with automatic weapons and i was um where i was i was i was rendered unconscious and i think was later on that day where i was rushed into into hospital in dublin and i was i was pronounced clinically dead for a short while it later transpired that they had forced me to drink um poison that which there was no traces found but the hospital record showed that exactly what what happened and um that's that's what happened then i was as i said i was brought back to life in um i think it was vincent's hospital in dublin and made a full recovery what what were they arresting you for murder the murder murder yeah for allegedly for for burying a drug dealer um um shooting and burying a drug dealer up the mountains and he was found six months later allegedly what about today are you a member of any group now oh no i i distanced myself now from republicanism completely and as as as we speak today i i see them now i see republicans in dublin the likes of the real ira i i classed them now as a legitimate target they're they're there as far as i was concerned that they um they there are work hand in hand with senior drug dealers both here and in spain and and as i said there would be a legitimate target now and that they have been for some time one suspects that billy's life insurance premiums are higher than the average mortgage and he must have as many fans as enemies sinner or saint it's hard to decide but it's pretty much odds on that he will never reach old age the future is rosy and bright and it's it's never been any other way and we continue you know doing what we do and you know we will you know do give it to the best of our ability and it's been like that since it was in meetings and i don't see it changing anytime soon i think the only time i'll stop is when i take my last breath which might come about because of somebody else wanting to take you out well i'm the same as any other person but you know i i don't take it as it you know we just do what we do and you know we don't don't close and you know somebody doesn't bother you then not in the slightest and you think you are a target for some people it's quite possible some of these some of these drug dealers and gangsters blow some of that stuff up their nose and might might dream and talk about it but you know we're here i'm here i'm i'm here i'm not i'm not hiding i'm here so i'm up front and center when you consider the pitfalls of being a drug dealer imprisonment being evicted by concerned parents or executed by the likes of billy claire it's surprising that anyone with a hint of common sense would get involved but drug dealing is a career choice for many because it offers riches beyond the means of most unqualified working class people sean donahue was a significant heroin dealer in dublin like many shawn's childhood dreams were forged by the gangsters on the rundown estate where he spent his formative years they flaunted the rewards of their illicit trade impressing and ultimately influencing the children they lived amongst my earliest memories growing up in dublin when i was on the streets you know we'd have johnny gaines or toys we had back then was to lose the cans if i kick the can and hide and seek and all the types so we see guys and rubbing malt bricks and you know taking chases off the police and stuff like that and we used to kind of look to them and think well i want to be just like him they were like hairdo type figures when we were kids growing up you know when you go around dublin now and you'll see all big flash bms mercedes especially all these you know and all the big drug dealers all the girlfriends and all the friends they're all driving the big flash cars and kids unfortunately grow up and see that and they see the easy money and the easy lifestyle but you don't know what comes behind that did you see all the good stuff and the glitter and glamour but behind all of that is madness there's madness and there's no peace in that life you know number trouble comes right and we moved out to clem dock and then um when i was around 20 and 14 years of edge and my dad started to hit me a bit more and more so run away from home start sleeping in the back of cars every night as a 14 14 year old kid now like you know i was only a kid you know so that was survival of the fish really then i had to have to do i had to steal i had to learn to steal i had to learn to fight on the streets to survive basically as a young kid you know most of my friends in in the housing state where we grew up in clendock and would have come from some sort of dysfunctional family their parents would have been alcoholics around drugs or whatever so you know growing up as kids in their mistakes we could all relate to each other so we all stuck together we were all like brothers we were like abandoned brothers we all used to look over each other and we start drinking alcohol around the parks and then from there then to progress from robin small motorbikes to robbing cars and then we became good at robbing cars and we became good drivers i'm pretty skillful driver still so then we started doing robberies all around the country inevitably donahue was eventually caught and imprisoned where he met an old friend who introduced him to the murky world of drug dealing i met one particular friend of mine um he's a really good friend of mine and he he'd be very much involved in moving drugs around large amounts of drugs like you know we became very good friends in prison and me being a criminal i wanted the easy money i didn't want to be doing robberies anymore because it was all getting too hard now too much technology so when i finished the eight years in prison i came out and started selling drugs um first of all in the city center here in dublin flew to the place for her one it was already flooded in enemies i just happened to get a good spot and flood that um i would make anything between four thousand euro a day that was just getting other addicts to knock out heroin for me like you know four thousand euro they added up at the end of the week it's nice money and it's easy money easy money maybe but at what price shawn's closest friend james kenny mcdonough went missing in october 2010 he had fallen out with a gang over a drug debt and was also suspected of involvement in the attempted murder of mark the guinea pig desmond a notorious doubling gangster fourteen months later two hikers in the dublin hills discovered mcdonough's body garda believed he was shot in the head in a revenge attack by desmond who has since been murdered himself my friend james yeah he was unfortunately he was abducted on the background and took up the mountains and shot the head up there you know he found his body to that two years later back then there was a couple of different gangs who had a couple of different grievances with each other so it was guilty true association because of whom my friends were um this gang wants to shoot a few heads and this gang and this guy wants to shoot a few a few heads in this gang and then you're caught in the middle before you know it even though you've not got to do the shields because these are your friends over here you're guilty as well anyone in them circles knows who all the hitmen are in dublin the main hitman in dublin and you know there's a lot of guys in this city who take it with the blink of an eye and wouldn't baton only the owner you know and they're good at what they do they're no slouches in the knowledge it's like you know they'll put trackers on your car they'll do all who take stuff on you just to get you exactly where they want and then they come up and buying it the last guy who got on there seven nine months ago the guinea piggy's nickname is tortilla revolver you know tracked them now for years eventually gone in the park of an open there so you know it's just a matter of time and that in that world and when you're living that lifestyle you know the very nature of crime in modern times has made old-fashioned policing redundant officers are pitting their wits against criminals who use high-tech equipment and wield high-powered weapons in their quest for control inevitably almost understandably a minority of officers frustrated by the gall of criminals remove those they deemed guilty by any means necessary donahue claims that he was set up for possessing heroin that actually belonged to a friend he was sentenced to eight years imprisonment they wanted me off the streets and they all said they were going to get me so they eventually got me the stitched me up 100 pound worth of heroin and i got eight years for that which is unheard of really i was driving along in the car one day i gave my ex-girlfriend to lift and she had a kid with me she was an addict though he wasn't he pulled us in he found the hundred euro with the heroin horror bag and told her she ripped him and saying it was minded let horde off and get me years so they got me years in prison i was angry i was angry angry angry for a lot of years in prison then i started to forget about all of that and let it go like you know and just look i would have got cough the stuff i did deal would have gotten off a lot more on prison so you know take life as it comes you know and take over as with a pinch of salt you learn from your mistakes too you know i was sleeping with guns under my pillow every night i was part night debates living in fear and then one night i woke up before i caught my finger on the trigger i need to pull the trigger in my sleep gum was loud and safe he wasn't on and at that point i started to think this is crazy i'm next i know i'm next on going so you know something has to give my life either i'm going in the hole or i'm going to prison for life it was one of the other wasn't me always open for the first time it was like i could see things i'd never seen obviously me thinking started to change very very slowly and today now i just help people who are on the streets who are in the same situation as myself who are homeless gone in out of prisons in addiction and i showed them that there is a way out of all this that there is like the end of the tunnel you know as it says when you go when you're when you come out of that lifestyle and come into this normal everyday living people from your past will read you like a book and they want to see if you really are the person that you say yeah i know you know i'm going clean seven years away from all that stuff seven years so everybody knows i'm legit and i'm honest and i am he was saying i know you know which is a normal everyday citizen you know just living a normal lifestyle and trying to reach out to people who are broken they'll make a difference in their lives and i'll do it after they are doing you know what i love doing marijuana fellow dubliner wayne hart was also a notorious heroin dealer responsible for destroying the lives of many now reformed he looks back on his life with regret and relief regret for the misery he caused relief that he somehow managed to survive all the ground up in dublin um because i was we played when i was young i kind of started simply you know you're born in the cornfields you know what i mean there used to be a there used to be a farmer over there that used to answer to come up and burn the fields you used to get paid for it you sit for it just head forward to the fields like you know and uh the coin went down down and stacked when are born in their sheds and cars and your name always we putting her out you know and i just kind of got addicted to that queen of madness and that you know attention you know i loved it my kind of source was asian as a kid in the family you know it was a bit obscure because childhood heroes went from mountain cattle to general you know what i mean to bobby sands you know any republicans because the family will be very very mixed you know um and then somewhere in the middle of his army models and ethics and values and you know just kind of pulled apart we kind of started with the armed robberies and then the drugs you know what i mean and we didn't come in to deal with the hull rather than push bikes and sheds and horses and motorbikes and cars and i was never really into that you know i was in a rough car it was it was for a mainstream to an angel economy and um is it during the robbers was that when your power got killed that the guns was after being getting picked up there was no robbery thrown that they are now robbery getting done that way this one's been good we went up we meant to pick the guns up yeah and uh comes loud the government of the van and uh he died and now he died and uh we ended up getting jailed for that uh yeah he was totally terribly mean a lot older than me at the time like about 10 11 years older than me at the point where where did he hit him what sort of gun was it it was a shotgun the sign off and uh when it came through here blue out this way right film you die instantly yeah yeah yeah straight what'd you do then when you got a dead man in the back i said you weren't driving was he no no no he's there's another chap driving and he's away he's away ever since so i mean he's never he's gone you know um oh he went as well and um i was getting played in england when i was away it's all from well then uh my girls the police were looking for me to come back you know i mean um i'd no choice escort running into the airport and got waiting on me you know i mean so uh i came back here and i ended up getting sentenced over here then further you know and we ended up in hell mount joy or um that was a breeding ground for me because we met a lot of people you know what i mean a lot of people that have since would have been shot dead or have rose to the top and being shot dead all around the country you know um a lot of me friends i've been worked over the years jay of jail coin saved me life somewhat you know i really did i know that's [ __ ] probably strange to hear but it did you know what i mean um and then because of all the [ __ ] he coined he grew up than the stuff that had done you know i would have still been selling drugs while i was in prison you know what i mean and a lot of drugs would even get installed in prison for me and uh i remember that a lot of stuff was caught in the prison and the lads were on a meal with dell there was nothing to say it was me royally we got milked out for it as well you know and [Music] we kind of got to a point there when i started smoking heroin myself in the prison yeah yeah and uh i was just a kind of way of helping a way of dealing you know because especially you know back then it's the same nail week you know you go in and you have a name going in and then you're reshooting regardless whether it was an accident on a the dogs on the street down here it was an accident i want to know it's an accident you know what i mean whatever crews around you you know i mean i'll put you up on the pedestal and my name would have got yields for so many different things and threatening people and this time and then you had to live up to it and see it you know and so then we don't have hearts inside you know what were you charged with for the guy who died did you get we ended up getting uh it was ten years ago i got put it was i think it was five for the unlock killing a five for the firearm that's that's what i got in the end and uh now i'll do anything that one i think i was 20 20 21 20 or 21 yeah um and then i just went [ __ ] hey we're in prison that's what i mean i made a lot of connections then in prison you know um [Music] yeah i made a lot of connections in prison i would have got out there in the comments it was like tonight we'd been dabbling with selling heroin i had people selling heroin for me you know what i mean in the late 80s early 90s and there was serious profit to be made off over here you know and probably cost me about 1600 to get it that was getting it back from england and all at the point and uh i was dealing with a lot of talks already i'll end up getting years you know it was trading three family members you know i got twenty odds twenty twenty something years each sticker i was dealing with them over there you know and then when i got back out i kind of made contact again and it was getting a lot cheaper and uh making large profits on it you know but i was eventually always hot it was controlling the drug this real [ __ ] was controlling me then i'll just start what camera you know what i mean stepping over people down things and then bringing in crack you know i mean to sell you know um because that was the new drug was the new thing you know and until now that i got on it on doing robberies to fund it and you know i was never bleeding happy i was always driven i got something i wanted more you know what i mean and i had the best looking board i wanted your board you know i had a good car i wanted a joke car had a good house and wanted your house i was never happy i was never content i always wanted wanted to want it it wasn't i was driven you know i didn't care what i've done here we don't have a stepped over that claire was family friends my kids you know stuff that i kind of i came to regret and then the heroine kind of took all that away you know i mean i was going it was in a different way a different wall different [ __ ] zone you know and uh which was got to appoint me life now i had a [ __ ] enough so i mean i had enough i knew what i was either going to kill someone i was wanting to get my life sentence or i was going to be killed you know a lot of my friends gave me best man when you're wet no no they're all dead they're all whacked so i mean um it's life or [ __ ] death staying alive avoiding imprisonment and remaining one step ahead of the competition was imperative for wayne he had to know his rival's movements when the guard were watching him and know where he could purchase his weapons and wears wayne also had to know his market and compete with the prices of other dealers on the streets of dublin it was quite a clever crown up but i was saying an area you know what i mean you know i always say to someone look for the end look for the end play on that area you know like you had to go into town to buy a hush you know what i mean any kind of drugs you had to go into the dublin city center to get them and uh we were a big kill look kubarik it's a big area you know what i mean so there was a lot of youth so there was a lot of demand you know what i mean so we got this blade and brian waving we don't know you probably hit head of king scom have you over here um heroin used to be sold in 10 pound packs you know and then he was the only one that had heroin bringing her in with the dawns of christie doing all them and uh they all got locked up and he pulled up the 40 40 40 pound 40 pound like at the time a 10 pound bag up to 40 to 40 quid so hence he got the name so uh what are we doing was again we've seen america and i put them from 40 pound down to 10 pounds smaller bikes you know what i mean the quantity was better so we'd be giving batches to people 16 and most people were getting killed by selling 16. we just give three or four for selling 16. so the batches were flowing out quicker they were smaller but the stuff was stronger you know people were if i hadn't been given the normal soils bikes could have been a lot more depth when you were bringing in almost 52 the second one was 57 which is massive because even now today you know what i mean people are probably getting 20 24 yeah i remember a guy stopped me one day and he was saying hey do you want a bleeding coach i heard one it's killing people there's people [ __ ] dropping left right and center and i was like [ __ ] oh no no no sell drugs the gardener were not the only people keeping a watchful eye on wayne's activities one evening men posing as ira volunteers raided his home they kicked the diary and yeah you know what i mean and people looking for me and put the lads in the ground with guns and they were the lads were saying no he's not here he's not here you know what i mean and then they asked the lads that he got close in them said no they said they locked [ __ ] in the bathroom and they brought us into the separation so they were at the handling doors all over the [ __ ] place so they were very [ __ ] stupid but they weren't well trained you know and so as we said i had connections we're in too well so we found their hoodie where do you know what i mean they walk more like activists people like to say they're part of something you know when a lot of them aren't something to just [ __ ] paper sellers having them i'm sure they're amen armchair ira men or not wayne knew that gunman or the police could return to his home at any time but he failed to heed the warning signs and was eventually arrested the forests were always after me you know and i've had them dressing up as calming and everything knocking on doors and houses where i lived and also they had to catch good stuff and like that as i said i was never actually caught with so they found they said this was a good one they said they found a quarter of the blade in heroin in a boat's nest in the roof of the house or something to assign an iron man um the houses of the main search straight homes they found nothing and then they went there so etc again and obviously this they found this played and ate a girl in in a [ __ ] in a boat's nest or something you know i mean i tell you rather getting her off someone that had got her off me or whatever you know what i mean um because we would have been the only one around with that kind of strength at the time you know what i mean that's what going to save me fighting but here look at me [ __ ] life life in the irish underworld has little value friends relatives fathers and sons have killed or maimed each other in their quest for control gone are the days when testosterone-filled young men fought with their fists to settle disputes anthony kelly and his late brother michael are described by the media as the toughest street fighters the city of limerick has ever produced in the 1960s 70s and 80s they would fight any man with their fists but when drugs arrived in limerick so too did guns and the kellys were catapulted into a world of murder and mayhem that even they struggled to comprehend when i was growing up maybe 1972 73 and there was only petitions well there was very little for anyone to do there was no amenities there was no nothing for anyone and today it's still the same we're hanging around doing nothing like and a lot of people in those days you wouldn't have to go to school later a lot of people wouldn't be at school deodly the devil finds work for idle hands they say as the kellys matured they became involved in robberies and more serious crime as they sought to cement their reputation rival gangs opposed them a few developed that resulted in an orgy of violence that claimed several lives well what happened is people people went to my brother trying to get 20 pence in the photograph and he hadn't got it on him at the time and they caught him by the sword and kind of threatened him then another brother of mine came along and gave one of them a box is this mick yeah he came along give one of them a box and that's how it started like it started a minor thing a minor thing soon escalated into michael being repeatedly stabbed and savagely beaten in a bar michael was pronounced dead by a policeman at the scene but miraculously he survived my brother was in the mic and and when he went outside people attacked him outside and stuck glasses in him and my mother came over there and she thought he was dead in the ground but he pulled through anyway but he was he was in a bad way that he was able to get attacked by a few people michael believed that a 24 year old hard man named thomas coleman had glassed him in the face and so he went to his home to confront him when coleman answered the door he was stabbed to death michael was charged with the murder and remanded in custody to await trial two months later five members of the mccarthy family attacked anthony kelly as he sat in a bar socialising with a female friend in the bloody battle that ensued tommy and sammy mccarthy were stabbed to death i was just sitting down there i was only i was already on my own and in the company of women like you know and they came in and attacked me and i received injuries out of it the one life threatening injury but i did receive injuries and two of them got killed and the people that came in the pub was packed and was just mayhem in the pub they got stabbed to death and i was accused i was accused of doing it and i went through a trial and i was found not guilty at the trial like his brother anthony michael kelly was also found not guilty of murder back on the streets and short of money michael had been approached by his old friend eddie ryan an infamous thug who pioneered large-scale drug dealing on the streets of limerick he asked michael if he wanted to get involved in the lucrative drugs trade michael shocked ryan and many others by declining the offer and saying that he wanted to get involved in politics he felt strongly about poverty and social injustice and wanted to help his community rather than decimate it with drugs well he went he and maybe maybe 20 years ago or that he went into politics now he had a criminal record as well but he went into politics and in in the election he tapped the poll and became an argument in war tree and a lot of people in the target didn't were very upset that he got elected but my brother was amended to be for de-arming people on the street and he he he'd argue up their plans and he'd support him in josh carson's and everything and so what happened to mick uh well he maybe 13 years ago someone came into the house and shot him he was in bed he was in bed i was arrested and my two brothers was arrested and my mother and what it was it was the wardrobe says the guys putting it around or they were invited that we would invite to make the family even look bad death had become an unwanted close companion of the kelly family anthony's brother damian was found dead in a prison cell in what appeared to be yet another murder and it went back to this with the gas goes back even further to 1994 when my brother he was only 16 years of age he was murdered damien diamond and he got married murdered in 1994 and people admitted what they've done to him and they were never prosecuted he was hung in spike spike island in kirk and there was never any prosecution from the time he got murdered he's released it was two weeks he was out until he was only doing three months and the the violin and what happened to him and is it's grossing the tidiest hands the tiniest hands and in the nfl three other people and they're hungry beyond his back hands behind his back so he couldn't have himself could he no and that's the they actually made statements and witness but they said that they tried to help him commit suicide following the deaths of damian and michael there was an attempt to murder anthony outside his home it wasn't the first attempt on his life someone turned a break to my mother's window and the guards were there and the guys had attended the saying i told them i said no i said when i go back up to my house i said there'll be someone up the other side island and to do nothing about it and i did tell the cancer but when i went back up then there was a gunman there with a belly to have away where did you get shot i've got hair in here and i got another one coupled here and my my leg is so the bullets have been straight from me just sprayed you no it was straight through me from my nine millimeter angle it's been straightforward so how many times have you been targeted people tried to kill you well maybe 10 or 10 or 12 times in january 2011 anthony was linked to the murder of dez kelly and his partner breda waters both were executed in their home with a shotgun at close range like all previous killings that he has been linked to anthony denies any involvement the way it was supposed to happen and the guys tried to portray it is that two people shot these people in the house over and they passed my house or went into my house which never happened like well what they said was there was something to do with a drug dealer something to do with that but i can assure you it was nothing to do with me and my family i'm not i never portrayed myself as a that i'm gonna sit down and let someone come in and kill me like i'm not and to this day if someone interferes with me i still do the same thing i'll defend myself and my family and in october 2009 that is exactly what anthony's alleged to have done his daughter's boyfriend was shot in the back with a glock semi-automatic pistol after making threats on the doorstep of anthony's home i'm in bed actually that button yeah and what what happened and there were shots outside so i stayed in the house three of them came to the door and when they came to the door then there were shots fired outside and one of them was shot in the back i wandered in my shirt michael lynch's mother told detectives that she followed her sons up to anthony's house and he had told them if you don't take your sons away i'll shoot them mrs lynch added the next thing i can remember is anthony kelly pulling the gun from behind his back and pointing it she said that three shots were fired and the son michael was hit in the back the the they said deadly yeah but that was it the version i said was that dick him to the house firing shots into all that and i didn't shoot anyone and i was forensically to i was arrested and despite when the guards came and i was forensically tested and everything and there was no firearm residual made with no firearm reserve around my house nothing on my claw didn't then anything and i was found not guilty there's very decent guys in limerick who do their job and that but there is an element and these guys that these guys in limerick who know the ones what they don't i reckon it's about time that they shall come out and expose them and get rid of the bad apples and have a decent guard force in limerick when bad apples are exposed within any police force they often claim to be guilty of no more than no will cause corruption it is a phrase that has crept into our vocabulary in recent times the dumb mccarthy families from limerick have been branded evil public enemy number one and ireland's most feared gangland murderers whether those claims are true exaggerated or false the question is should these labels deny any person in a civilized society justice on the 9th of april 2009 james dillon walked into the coin castle amusement arcade which was formerly on this site and shot dead 35 year old roy collins wayne dundan who was in prison at the time was convicted of the murder he has always protested his innocence but with a reputation like wayne dundan's no one was ever going to believe him i'm uh wayne dunlon's father kenneth dundon i'm not very happy with the justice my son wayne has got in court in ireland by gangland figures conspiring to have my child locked up for life i know he didn't do it i'd just like to see my kid getting a fair trial that's all i'm asking wayne is no angel but every person deserves fair justice in 1982 kenneth married and mccarthy in london five of their children wayne john desi jared and annabelle have all led troubled lives wayne was deemed so violent by the british authorities that he was deported back to ireland the other dundan brothers joined wayne in limerick where they quickly aligned themselves with their cousins the mccarthy's the keane and kalapi families controlled the drugs trade in the city but their enforcer eddie ryan was shot dead by those loyal to the newcomers in the moose bar this sparked an all-out war that resulted in more than 10 people being murdered wayne dundan was the head of the mccarthy dundeen faction and has been described by the media as a killing machine he's currently serving life for a murder he says he did not commit has justice finally caught up with wayne dundan or is this a case of noble cause corruption i went to visit wayne in main joy prison to find out and i left troubled very troubled i'm taking part in this documentary for the hope that the truth will be held for what happened to me in the special criminal courts for all acts is to be judged by the facts of the case not the misinterpretation and the lies portrayed in the media in the irish media you described as evil you're described as public enemy number one you're described as ireland's most dangerous criminal you know what what do you say to that wayne it's just media you have no defense in this country when someone wants to write something in the paper that's my biggest problem i've never been given a fair shot of a fair hearing from the media i've been approached on obtained times to give my side of the story by many different uh media outlets and reporters and documentary makers or a cousin of mine who knew about you advising me to talk to you and he said yeah you're willing to come forward and tell the truth or print as as you see not make up a story but but you're not are you saying you're an angel and you've never done nothing wrong well i've i've pissed off the police many times and i've been involved involved in big assault and underground things the decent driving offenses but i'm not i'm not i'm not knowing what to put me down to be i'm not just my killer put from the papers to the um and when this happened i was in prison so do you think you've been denied justice because because of the person they say you are totally if my name wasn't william i wouldn't be i've been told that for a fact by every person everybody in december 2004 wayne dundan and his 14 year old sister annabelle entered brannigan's bar in limerick ryan lee the barman refused to serve them because of annabelle's age threats to kill were made and 30 minutes later a man wearing a crash helmet entered the bar and shot lee once in the groin and once in the leg the pub was later burnt to the ground six months later ryan lee and his employer steve collins gave evidence against wayne dundan and he was sentenced to seven years imprisonment the gunman was never traced four years later in an alleged revenge attack steve collins's son roy was gunned down in the coin castle amusement arcade within hours and without a shred of evidence the media had linked wayne dundan to the murder the following year april collins who was the partner of gerald dundon and the mother of his three children was arrested for threatening a witness in a separate criminal case this led to an illicit affair she was having with thomas o'neill the infamous crate low wood rapist been revealed in the press the news caused huge revs between herself jared and other members of the dundum family fearing the wrath of the dundance and imprisonment for threatening the witness april contacted the guards and claimed that wayne dundan had ordered the murder of roy collins from his selling wheat field prison april and her sister lisa also alleged that john dundon had ordered the murder of a rival villain but shane gegan an innocent man had been gunned down in a case of mistaken identity april collins's relationship had broken down with jared and she was trying to pull away from the family as such kind of gave them an opening also you know they all jumped on board here they were all picking individual cases of which they would make the statements on and implicate wayne and his brothers in in different crimes so it all kind of stemmed from there from from the the breakdown of the relationship between april and jared and she she basically just wanted them all off the scene you know from there on him it got very nasty from there at the time april decided to make a statement against the dundin's her brother gareth was serving a seven and a half year prison sentence for extortion her sister lisa was in a relationship with gareth's co-accused christopher mccarthy his brother anthony noddy mccarthy was also in prison serving a life sentence for a gangland murder all four individuals gave evidence against the dundeens in support of april but we have obtained evidence that indicates that they may have done so through fear or favor noddy is a first cousin of mine his father and my father were brothers sadly his father since passed so the relevance is he was the one that made the statement to the guards uh saying that when london over hardware in london ordered the murder of roy collins which everybody knows it's never happened i went to visit my son larry junior with me was my brother james and my nephew jj when we went there to visit on a family visit we met um deirdre donovan which is not his mother i asked him john the visa says why why did you what did you say why not put that murder and he went on to say that he had no choice that if he didn't um he didn't make statements the fact that he overheard uh over her wayne saying that he ordered that murder that he they were going to implicate him in the murder of john poland which took place in the early 2000s um and also implicated his brother christopher in the the murder of shane gage and mr ruby player so he he backwards against the wall he didn't see he had a way out but unbelievable he told me that he didn't even think that we're going to get charged with it because i didn't think the couples would take me serious or the guards would take me serious he goes i didn't even think they don't get convicted he didn't think he'd get charged with it that's what he's charged with it causes this he's doing life in jail many people will think larry mccarthy is a criminal he would say that but in recordings which have been heard publicly for the very first time anthony noddy mccarthy admits to his own mother that he and his brother were indeed being threatened to give evidence controversy continues to surrender evidence that convicted wayne dundan particularly the evidence of anthony noddy mccarthy during the trial the witnesses were presented as individuals who were carrying out their civic duty rather than criminals with a vested interest in the outcome of the proceedings you know in the court it made it look like noddy had nothing to lose at that time but when the case was over and wayne was handed down his life sentence and nadi rapidly gained from his evidence during wayne's trial wayne dundan is in no doubt that noddy mccarthy at least holds the key to his cell door mccarthy claimed that he had heard wayne dundan talking on a mobile phone in prison ordering the murder of roy collins however it had been three years before he mentioned it to anybody and at that time he had run out of options to have his life sentence overturned or reduced i'm actually the only person in the history of ireland to ever be convicted on jailhouse and farmer evidence solely with no cooperation nor nothing to back this man up and through my joy i asked who did i did did the police try and independently verify his statement he made saying that i walked up to london he already overheard me on or telling him that i got someone more of that deer and the gap said in the box no they just took his name and they took him to court and that's it according to wayne dundan convicted killer anthony noddy mccarthy had tired of prison life and was offering this evidence as a bargaining chip to secure privileges or an early release he's convicted for many field-related incidents of violence he had six years of less he continued convicted of a kidnap and a murder and he was in jail maybe at this stage i think maybe 10 12 years and he lost all his appeals and he decides i know what happened he tried to get out of jail and he just come up and says look i see this guy he said this that you're off and it looks good for him on the floor around the back perverse as it may seem inmates demanding privileges or an early release in exchange for evidence appears to have been the norm amongst this group at the same time noddy mccarthy was seeking favor his alleged tormentor gareth collins was attempting to cement deals with the police in exchange for his evidence [Music] i did in other calls gareth collins demanded that his sentence be cut i don't know if i'm getting [ __ ] something as well if it helps me get over here the fact that i don't and demanded the entire case against wayne london teaches precariously on the word of people with nothing to lose and everything to gain several of these witnesses who gave evidence against him were rewarded by the authorities april collins received a suspended sentence for a crime that would normally attract a lengthy term of imprisonment lisa collins and christopher mccarthy were given immunity from prosecution concerning involvement in a very serious crime and noddy mccarthy was granted unescorted days out with his family despite the fact that he was serving life for murder as for gareth collins well only gareth collins knows the truth about his demands all of the criminals featured have talked about injustice but the most grievous injustices are those imposed upon the innocent victims of their crimes fifty miles southeast of limerick is klong mill the county town of tiparari where anne-marie channon is fighting for a different type of justice her young daughter and brother had their lives cut short by drugs shaun donohue wayne hart and others who dreamt of being like the gangsters thieves and drug dealers on their housing estates should be educated about the misery and heartache their lifestyle creates she was very loving she was devoted to the kids she tried her best and she was always full of life and she was always on the go doing something different to the best of my knowledge when she admitted it to me she was 21 it was the weekend of her 21st birthday she disappeared for three days and we couldn't find her it's the first time she'd ever done anything like that and generally i suppose she got mixed in with the wrong crowd and she kind of fell in with them and she kind of fell into the drug situation and it spiraled you know and it was everywhere like it's not just in villages and towns it's all over the place the dealers they're just destroying families they're taking away lives and every town and village in the whole of ireland and further afield have been destroyed by these people and where one is taken off the streets there's going to be another one to pick up where they left off she rang me on the wednesday and asked me for a loan at 20 euros and i straightaway said no for the simple reason i knew she was at the drugs and i knew she was dabbling again she could have been saved but she took more painkillers that night and went to sleep on her boyfriend's lap on the city watching a dvd and she never woke up she basically went into a home and died and he woke up the next morning she was dead in his lap christopher was only 43. um myself and himself and my other brother shared a birthday in december and we were the three youngest in the family in that and it's difficult it's very hard to deal with you know he didn't have a chance when he came out of prison he came out he came out to nothing he came out he was homeless he was a drug addict trying to better himself and he came out to nothing only to go back to the squat he was living in and like i said within weeks of him coming out he was gone we had to bury him and that again that was very hard to phase into after only dealing with it 18 months previous very very hard i i just i wouldn't like to see other families going through what i've gone through and having to tell her three kids says she was gone that was probably the hardest part i just want to see them get on and do well and not to go down that road of destruction you know but it's not always easy of course bringing up children never is or never will be easy but our children are the only wealth in this world and need to flourish in a just fair environment that offers equal opportunities regardless of who they are or where they are from somewhere down the line it's somebody has got to step up and do something about it they've got to do more it's just simply nothing we've been done it's 60 years since christy dunn was physically and mentally abused in an industrial school 50 years since anthony kelly grew up on an abandoned housing estate in limerick and 40 years since shawn donahue and wayne hart concluded that their only hope was to be drug dealing gun-toting gangsters nothing has changed therefore no lessons have been learned aristotle appears to have been correct poverty and injustice are indeed the parents of crime [Music] you
Channel: Real Stories
Views: 1,256,930
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Keywords: documentary 2023, full length documentaries 2023, documentary movies - topic, free documentaries on YouTube, Real stories uk, real stories full documentary 2023, darwin california documentary, darwin, california, ghost town, documentary, evolution, death valley, charles darwin, theory, charles, natural selection, desert, lone pine, owens valley, travel, history, science, discovery, full, life, genius, pbs, species, abandoned, exploration, exploring, Isolated Community
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 54sec (5394 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 26 2022
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