Married to a Hunted Russian Billionaire | The Oligarch's Wife | ENDEVR Documentary

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foreign it was an idyllic life Wealth Beyond anyone's wildest dreams homes across the world [Music] a Chateau in the south of France Countess Alexandra Tolstoy an aristocratic English Rose living a fairy tale the man of her dreams billionaire Sergey pugachev an oligarch one of Russia's richest men yet it's all about to come crashing down once a friend and Ally of Vladimir Putin Sergey has fallen foul of the Russian president a lot of people call me they want to kill you or be careful he's on The kremlin's Hit List and enemies of the state can find it hard to [Music] so what happens when Russia turns on you in this dangerous and murderous world some breaking news and in murder investigation has been launched into the death of another Russian on British soil what happens to the fairy tale [Music] and to the love it's a nightmare [Music] [Music] this Story begins five years ago [Music] it was supposed to be the tale of a Russian oligarch I'm gonna sit down Sergey pugachev willing to take a stand against Vladimir Putin and his partner the mother of their three children Alexandra Tolstoy but the story The story that folded was one that neither of them could have predicted [Music] back then Alexander and the three children were living a life of enviable luxury we have a PA two drivers two housekeepers we have our lovely English nanny who's very old-fashioned kind of Downton Abbey type English Nanny then we have our Russian Nanny and then every afternoon we have to have a French teacher who comes for an hour to do my son's homework because it's in French and I don't really speak French so we moved here just having our first baby but then we bought the house next door I don't know why I thought we didn't really need it but actually now I can't really imagine how we could have all squeezed in the family has a globe trotting lifestyle but it's the Chelsea house they call home this is meant to be the more formal part it's quite unusual because these were all artist Studios so up here is our bedroom absolutely love it because it's got these huge windows it's very unusual to have this sort of lateral space in London Brian farries our neighbor just up the road we have this and then the other one is the children's part ready currently Helena course looks like that where they have the she has one house and her husband has another house next to each other we have an adult house and they have a children's House it's really kind of fun way to live I'll show you my handbag cupboard so my weakness is Chanel [Music] it's filed yeah it's files that's my amazing housekeeper I do love clothes I have to say [Music] oh yeah who luckily is on the next Wall Street will freak out but I mean there are thousands and thousands of thousands of them just hope my daughter grows out the same size feet as me [Music] when I'm at Sergey it was Electric absolutely electric and amazing and I felt so in love with him I mean it was so romantic it's very very powerful person with me he wanted to be a completely different person I'd never felt such a connection to someone ever oh it was such a love of her when Alexandra met Sergey he was separated from his first wife now his divorce has finally come through so eight years later and three children we are very keen that we should get married I'd love to make it as big a deal as possible it's like I'd like to make it a smaller till if possible probably but he does he says that and then when we actually have the party he loves it I've had a few and he loves them so hopefully you'll get married in the south of France it's so beautiful and amazing weather yeah so I think in June would be great [Music] but the man she plans to marry isn't just any old billionaire d Sergey pugachev is reputed to be number three on The kremlin's Hit List and is living a secret life in France only a handful of his closest aides know his movements at any one time [Music] why not president [Music] [Music] Sergey pugachev had a master's vast fortune in post-communist Russia he had a coal mine shipyards designer Brands he even had his own bank if you have a bank in Russia in the 1990s if you can take advantage of all the capital pouring in to the new Russia and then life is very shiny indeed he was the Apple oligarch a trophy wasn't quite in the top 600th richest men in the world right but he was just outside that's a serious achievement you know if you think about how many people there are in the world he was in the top thousands yeah that's that's going some for a boy from the Soviet Union sergey's huge wealth has brought him a Chateau on the French Riviera and a lifestyle he could only have dreamed of as the child of a military family from Saint Petersburg this is cool it's me it's me it's my first Rolls-Royce my first I opened my first bank in Soviet Union in 1991 I gave a lot of loans to government it was a lot of money it was million and the people said okay it was like Putin's Banker when Sergey was making his first billions the man at the top was Boris Yeltsin when it became clear that he was on his way out Sergey and the other oligarchs wanted to protect their fortunes the oligarchs wanted to keep all of their assets and they wanted someone that they thought they could kind of puppet they eventually alighted on a rather charmless small not very well known pale faced spy or form a spy called Vladimir Vladimir Rich Putin who went from being a kind of functionary in the property Department to being the head of the successor to the KGB the FSB to prime minister to president in the scope of two years [Music] it was a meteoric ascent and Sega pugachoff was someone who helped push Putin up the stairs of course he was my friend he we were together everywhere for a long time and we were of course very very close [Music] all the time pudium was a really relaxed he was ready to do whatever you want Sergey cemented his power by becoming a senator in the Upper House of the Russian Parliament before long he'd become one of Putin's most trusted advisors but then he fell in love and maybe I will show you something interesting that I met her in 2008. so that's the first photo of you two together yes so happy I mean when I first went to see Sergey with Moscow he was one of the most important and influential people in the whole of Russia [Music] it was you know this James Bond kind of office where you go through a like glass doors they'd snap behind you and then you go through the second ones and then like God's collection of course you're escorted to like the special metal reinforced lift and you go out into the secret Zone where no one else can enter and this was his daily life Alexandra had been hired to help Sergey improve his English she helped me to speak in English just like practice not like like teacher [Music] into my office you know but the appearance of Countess Alexandra Tolstoy on the scene of moscow's ruling Elite did not impress everyone there's a law in Russia that says a senator cannot marry a foreigner Sergey says that many of these problems that have Arisen with the Russian government and Putin are because he's with me and Putin himself was has said to Sergey at some point you're a traitor why are you with this English person he was really so proud because why to English is so strange why huh our 140 million people in Russia I said yeah sure well she lives in London unfortunately or fortunately he said no it's so strange it's crazy idea and then we'll see when Sergey met Alexandra life was good within a year of meeting they had a baby and before long another on the way and were living a life of luxury in Moscow London and Paris so from 2008 or nine it was incredible I used to go and stay in the Georgetown with my you know my lovely little baby he'd give me his credit card I'd go down the Avenue of the Montana go shopping can do what I like I had a private jet I just had to put my suitcase and then I could go I remember doing up our house in Moscow and I wanted these very specific cast iron radiators and I just put 10 on the private chair and then you know I would never have gone to Moscow Alexander and Sergey move between an array of properties there was the 12 million pound family home they were renovating in Battersea a 200 acre country estate in herefordshire and then in the Caribbean beachfront filler costing 40 million dollars in the Caribbean then when we were there he just went and walked into an estate agent buy a house and then he bought the best house on the island was on the best beach it had a massive beachfront it was incredible [Music] I would go there each spring for three months then we took with us our housekeeper Nanny bodyguard doctor all that Monument that I didn't have to work I didn't have to clean that I could spend as much time as possible with my children hello hello my babies of course I enjoyed it he just made me feel incredibly protected and safe but though the good times rolled around the world for Sergey and Alexandra back in Russia the mood had long since changed Vladimir Putin had turned against his former oligarch allies foreign Putin summoned the oligarchs to a meeting Sergey was amongst those present but it was Mikhail kodakovsky the richest man in Russia who hit back about State corruption later he paid the price sent to prison for 10 years within months the Russian government passed a new law giving its agents a license to kill enemies of the State anywhere in the world it wasn't long before Putin's attentions turned to Sergey and his billions essentially there was a cooling pugachev who was seeing Christian Daley was seeing him less often so they hadn't fallen out but he was moving to the edge of Putin's Circle and generally when that happens that that doesn't end well I built 100 private company in Russia it was very important valuation was probably minimals 15 billion dollars probably was very very successful threatened by your success do you think oh yes sure yeah it was growing suspicious of Sergey he would soon have good reason in 2008 sergey's Bank hit problems and the Russian State bailed it out with a billion dollar loan two years later the bank still went under with no sign of what happened to the loan Sergey claims he'd sold the bank many years earlier but Russia disagreed in court he was found liable for the bank's losses they said the bailout money had gone into a Swiss bank account and then was moved around until eventually all one billion simply vanished Sergey fled Russia pugachoff had stayed in Russia he would probably be jailed um he would be vulnerable saying what the secretary is innocent or guilty it's just irrelevant if he did do something that just made it easier for the prosecutors if he didn't do something they could have invented it anyway the Russian status best thought of as a mafia organization it's very good at getting what it wants it's very good at harassing people it's very good at imprisoning people it's very good at killing people so yeah leaving the country is a sensible survival strategy it's not sufficient because some people outside the country have been murdered but it's sensible in nice sergey's Chateau proves to be the most luxurious of hideaways we but Sergey is now an enemy of the Russian State and claims he's already had his first taste of this he says he's been visited by Russia's Deposit Insurance Agency or Dia demanding repayment for the billion dollar loan it was a meeting with the chief of the DIA they invited me to a restaurant I don't remember where about the close to the harbor after that they said okay you have to pay 350 million that there or who will kill you or your family or if you want we can cut the finger of your son who will send it it was a thread it's Mafia and were you frightened yeah I was shocked the DIA deny this ever happened what's certain is Sergey refused to pay the money over the next few years enemies of the Russian state would continue to fall this is the affluent community in Southern England it was here that wealthy Russian Exile and whistleblower Alexander peripolichni dropped dead while jogging traces of an extremely toxic plant in his stomach appear to have been found Boris perezovsky died by hanging British police say the 16 year old was found dead in the locked bathroom of his home at the weekend he was a one-time Ally of Vladimir Putin but in 2000 he started to speak out against the Russian president and exiled himself in the UK soft was shot four times in the back of the Bellin solve was due to lead a rally again Putin tomorrow opposition figures point to the Russian authorities being involved the Russian government kills people if it can't get to them any other way there have been a lot of business people with Russia connections whose deaths are mysterious it shouldn't infer from that that everyone is going to be a victim of state sponsored assassination but if I had fallen out with the Kremlin I would be nervous once one assassination has happened you start looking over your shoulder all the time by 2015 Exile dividing his time between France and the family home in London but Russia's Dia is closing in and using the British courts to pursue Sergey and the missing billion dollars his passports have been seized his assets Frozen worldwide and the families become aware they're being followed surveillance footage shows how closely they're being watched it was my birthday and Sergey was buy me some flowers just off the King's Road and two guys jumped out of a car like Harrison [Music] and he was with his body on his body I pushed him away and Sergey drove off and he called me and he said I've just been like harassed by two people and I'm not coming to dinner I called immediately and kind of be careful be at home and stay there don't move we have to check what happened a lot of people call me and look you know that they want to kill you or be careful it's very very dangerous I came home that night and Sergey did not come back for three days and I didn't hear from him I didn't know where he was in fact the men following Sergey were lawyers for Russia's Dia trying to serve him with court papers but it didn't stop there then the next day I went to my boys sports day and her mother came out to me oh my God I'm so sorry to hear about you and I what and she said oh did you not read this article in the paper [Music] police discovered GPS trackers on every single one of my cars including the car only only used by me and my children and they were saying that maybe two of them were bombed yeah an investigation by the Met police confirmed they weren't bombs but they were hidden trackers security company who worked for me find the devices but the question is what for what is the reason Sergey didn't wait to find out without his passport he needed to get out of Britain quickly and in secret how did you leave the country how did you get away somebody help me you're not saying no it's the summer of 2015. Sergey remains in hiding at his Chateau in nice increasingly his Fortress as well as his home it was my Salon Rouge for my guests for everybody but right now is that's why children's yeah room was different kind of formal guest room it was yeah not now sergey's been summoned to the high court in London accused of leaving the UK without permission and More Than This he's missing Alexandra and the children back in Britain do you think they're safe in London no we're not and we're not it's life is live but it's maybe we'll fix it but nobody knows when but you what for the moment it's a worry of course sure of course every time every day [Music] It's Autumn and Sergey is heading for Paris with a high risk strategy he's going head-to-head with the Russian State and suing them for the loss of his business assets [Music] ideas today Sergey will announce his multi-billion dollar lawsuit against the Russian state Alexandra's come to support him at the press conference I do feel very frightened for especially for Sergey safety but also for mine and the children because there have been such terrible cases of murder especially in London you know I know that a few days ago he had a bad instrumental password he was driving a car in too fast driving squash his car but you know I chose him and I chose a very risk for life so I love him sad it was my choice [Music] sergey's Hotel factories and shipyards have all been seized and he's accused of stealing from the bank he once owned but he's refusing to lay low we are very pleased to announce that Mr pugachev has successfully registered his claim against the Russian Federation for damages in excess of 10 billion US dollars foreign [Music] the regime now in Russia has a history of intimidation when they want you they go for you and they don't care how they go for you and you gotta not lose your resolve and then you end up with nothing but frankly they took almost everything so once you have nothing you fight for everything the Sergey will fight for everything and it's more Human Than People realize Alexandra is being watched she knows it so Alexandra stressed she's worried about Sergey what kind of pressure is he under how are my children taken care of you can't talk a lot about what's going on but the children are saying where's papa right I don't talk about Arrangements on the phone I didn't even tell I mean I'll tell my friends where I am but you know I'm very careful even my parents who don't tell too much I've had periods of being terribly anxious but then I'm not going to leave him so what can I do Alexandra's life has moved a long way from the one her parents had envisaged for her from their family home in the English Countryside [Music] her father is Count Nikolai Tolstoy a distant cousin of the author Leo Tolstoy the family have inherited Russian titles here's where I work count Tolstoy is an author and historian that's the book I wrote on the history of our family you could see they were all quite little as Alexandra among them she likes actually likes Adventure she doesn't really go for necessarily for security I mean I always remember when she she begged and begged us to go away to boarding school which was not what we had planned at all especially for the girls and the United States you know why do you and she said why I just love the adventure I just want to go and she was yeah she wasn't always very conforming at school but she certainly loved it at Diamond house yes [Music] Alexandra went from an elite boarding school to working as a broker in the city before embarking on a decade of Russian Adventures while Sergey was building his Empire Alexandra was in another world entirely she started a travel business and rode by horseback through the former Soviet Union Turkmenistan Kyrgyzstan and Beyond but then came love a handsome man on Horseback Shamil penniless Cossack absolutely it was by any account an extraordinary match they even took part in the documentary about unlikely couples which featured them in shamil's tiny flat in Uzbekistan um this is the bathroom [Music] um everybody [Music] um this is the kitchen [Music] for the first time [Music] this is where we cook on this tiny little stove unfortunately it didn't last [Music] later when Alexander and Shamil were struggling to make ends meet Along came a night in shining armor when I met Sergey I wasn't happy in my marriage and I'd had a very very stressful time so again felt like the Savior coming in I talked with him for hours and hours on the phone I just didn't want to be with anyone else and I don't think in my life had ever felt that before did you like him when you met him yes yes he's very modest there was nothing sir Philip green about him who remotely and I'm still a picture him with when I say the youngest wheeling up his pushchair to the um village shop to go and buy some sweets or something but only many people of his wealth would do that well I said to Alexandra on the phone before we'd even met him I said you know you're so used to your freedom you love riding have you actually thought what's going to happen you know I can imagine that somebody like that is going to be jealous that they're going to want to keep you in a gilded cage you know they're so used to having what they want and getting what they want and she said oh well you know you don't understand we're so in love and I was yeah I was really worried I thought do you really know what you're doing it's December 2015 and Alexandra is at home in Chelsea when on the instructions of the high court three police officers arrive late at night looking for Sergey they said we have a search and a rest warrant for Sergey pukachov if you don't understand now we will knock the door down so I was on my own you know with the children on my nanny so I had to let them in so they literally looked everywhere every cupboard every bathroom every room even they looked um under here it used to be a seller but it's where we have the boiler button covers in the children's room I was very very upset because my children were there and I don't want them you know to hear anything like that it's very traumatic it's a method of intimidation just as it was when they put GPS trackers on our cars it's to frighten me and to frighten my children to get it so again I it's just really around Pleasant I'm a British Citizen and I have done nothing the Russian prosecution agencies it's like a the mob enforcement wing and they use all the tools at their disposal whether those tools are legal tools or extra legal tools whatever is the tool for the moment they will use it two months on Russia is continuing to use the high court to pursue Sergey and the missing billion dollars [Music] alone in London Alexandra fears she'll be caught up in the case so she's leaving the country with the children yeah and I'd love to see the swimming costumes and things it's just so so frightening what's happening to us and I feel so out of control when I met Sergey I was a very relaxed person very very happy very Reckless and carefree and probably you know my life has ended up like this because of that do you regret no because I love my children so much how could I regret it and I do of course I love Sergey I do really love him and I feel like no I don't regret it's more that I regret sometimes I look back and we've had a very very turbulent relationship and I feel regret for my children that it wasn't sort of more peaceful and calm [Music] sometimes I just want to cry I feel like yeah I think some people look at me and think oh but your life's so easy you know and your lucky children there's a privileged they're not you know the most privileged upbringing is to live in a safe and secure and happy family unit which is together Alexandra's taken the children out of school the flight is booked they're leaving tonight Danish we decide what we've got to pack from here I'm a bit worried about how much oh my goodness we're going for six weeks seven weeks I can't say where we're going because of security you know it's too dangerous to go and we're going because very much hope that's okay you can be there with us obviously you can't come here and also I think it's okay he wants me out of the country for a while they don't want me to be called as a witness so again he feels it's a terrible Invasion and again intimidation and he doesn't want me to be subjected to that and so far he's been very protective of me you know not telling me things in order to protect me I would rather not go to court and I didn't want to be torn apart in a sort of public way so he'll come for a bit or maybe the whole thing I don't know but he doesn't even tell me on the telephone [Music] I feel really sorry if it's okay because you know he's been forcibly separated from his own family because he adores you know and it's not like he's not really into maybe some men like that are not really into their children but he's really really into his children [Music] and think that can only get better well I hope so in fact it would get so much worse [Music] later that month the high court sentences Sergey to two years in prison for leaving the country without permission if he sets foot in the UK now he'll go straight to jail [Music] Sergey never made it to the secret location to join Alexandra but she and the children visit him regularly at the Chateau in France [Music] with Sergey now permanently in hiding the threat from Russia hangs over the couple [Music] it's difficult for them to move far beyond the confines of the Chateau putting huge pressure on their relationship and where'd you think you and Sergey are at your happiest here it's not very important which place is here with my family yeah how are you and no actually I'm happy here but it's along with feeling very safe it feels quite isolated as well it's very kind of difficult yeah it is very important for us right now to be honest unfortunately hmm I think it's like I love the feeling of security and also he's just by Nature look quite a Luna so he loves to be with his family alone feelings are here you know he hasn't been out of the house for two weeks he told me since I last came here and he doesn't mind ah I suppose I just feel concerned about how our future as a family works Alexandra and Sergey must decide whether to uproot the family to live all together in France [Music] what's this how does that feel for you to be here in the family to be in London horrible of course we have to be together foreign [Music] it's about feeling isolated and I just I couldn't do it [Music] I still find it the whole situation very stressery because it's still so Underside you know it's like I want us to live here I just if I can do that really and you know everything in life is me you're able to cope with what I didn't really if you have an idea of what will happen but I just have no idea and I find that very stressful that I can't plan or predict or envisage what will happen Alexandra left the Chateau abruptly in the spring of 2016 taking the children with her they would never return back in England Alexandra still seems shocked at the events at the Chateau that spring and the change it's brought for the whole family Sergey had one of his exclusions where he physically attacked me he locked the children in a room separate from me and he looked my passport and the children's fossils in his safe and he has a gun in his room something in me just snapped that weekend I just said I I cannot ever ever do this again I am I said I can come and visit my and because at that point I was Weaver and I felt guilty should I come and live there with him or should I not but that was the just the end I knew we weren't safe I just knew it [Music] thank you [Music] nearest the France exercise foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] over the next two years the death toll Rises [Music] relations between Britain and Russia reach a new low Sergey scripple a former Russian agent who'd fled to the UK and his daughter Yulia a Poisoned With the nerve agent novichok in the Wilshire city of Salisbury though the scripples eventually recover a local resident dies the two individuals named by the police and CPS are officers from the Russian military intelligence service we will not tolerate such barbaric attacks against our country I think he's certainly allows aspects of his intelligence Network to take decisions that in his view will punish people who have betrayed the Russian Federation [Music] and breaking news and in murder investigation has been launched into the death of another Russian on British soil by 2018 some 40 Russians who fall in foul of the Kremlin have met untimely deaths in London Alexandra lives in fear but now she seems to have two enemies the Russian State and Sergey so so this man how often is he there over there every day all day and he's been there for about six months more his thoughts really loudly in Russian but I do find it very very odd because it's also the kind of style of person who Sergey would get to spy on us it'd be hard not to be I don't know I've given given everything you've been through no I'm very paranoid I went to the Russian government's lawyers here and I said I assumed it with them and I said are you having me follow and they said we have information that uh Sergey has been having you followed why why would he do that because I don't know now but definitely there have been long phases when he's absolutely hell bad on Revenge that I wouldn't go with him to France [Music] now permanently separated from Alexandra Sergey is consumed by his multi-billion dollar lawsuit against the Russian State whatever the dangers are you I'm Putin's Hit List what number do you think you are the theoretically in newspaper is number three but who knows honestly I don't know maybe number one you have to understand I'm I'm a politician I'm a businessman a lot of people try to kill me even in Russia abroad everywhere it was really strong more stronger than in the UK but that is life I'm here I'm still alive seeing their father since they left France in 2016 Alexandra says sergey's Cut Her Off financially our relationship is non-existent I would say except he occasionally writes very abusive emails he's accused me of working for the Russian government he's accused me of being a the Russian government yeah he says I'm a KGB spy and why does he think that because I went to the family court and I sued for maintenance obviously he never ever paid a penny of any of that maintenance he completely cut us off thank you okay did you both brush your teeth yes good on the orders of the high court the family homes been put on the market and Alexandra's been asked to drop her claim on sergey's fortune in return for a deal because if you did it wouldn't mix it would it so the Russian government said to me okay if you agree to waive your maintenance and not claim your debt we will let you stay in the house for one year what was I meant to do I literally I either signed the agreement or I left the house the next day but this deal with his enemy has simply fanned the Flames for Sergey man um foreign [Music] Ed by the turn of events should we have any sympathy this is okay you know you always feel sorry for somebody who can't you know see their own children but on the other hand he's brought the whole thing on himself it didn't need to be like this you know if he'd been remotely compromising about the thing it could have worked out you know Alexander did always make it clear that she couldn't live in France but she said that she would take them there they could spend their holidays there but I think he thought by cutting her off financially that she would be so desperate that she would end up going there and that hasn't happened and I think that has really surprised him properly and it's something that's never happened to him before he's never had anybody not capitulate to you know what he wanted [Music] do you think he still loves her probably not probably not probably not he'd like to get revenge Alexandra is supporting herself and the children by writing and Reviving her old travel business but the one-year deal with Russia's lawyers is coming to an end and her time at the house is running out the house is on the market and people come and visit the whole time but the Russian government they said you can stay in there as long as the house doesn't sell so each month I sign a document saying I promise to get out by the 31st worst fear at the moment you know it's really really difficult I've already tried to Shield the children I've told them that the Russian government has taken the house but they knew that I don't know where we'll live they know that um you know it's really difficult it's a nightmare oh an opportunity to make some money had emerged when Alexander was approached by Russian TV asking her to tell her story is [Applause] it was Channel One the premiere channel of state-owned Television Putin's Channel Alexandra was paid a five-figure sum for her appearance she invite inspired by shows like Jerry Springer let them talk invite celebrity guests to come before a studio audience and a panel who pick over their personal lives and then pass judgment before the program so I gave him telling a lot of untrue things that I work with the KGB that I was only after his money that I could not as children you know terrible things so I wanted to do it um button is foreign it was a dramatic Fall From Grace for the former golden couple the fairy tale over [Music] Putin has now been in power for 20 years now not just a president but a celebrity with adoring fans [Music] enemies of the state have found it hard to survive yeah Russia continues to pursue Sergey for the missing billion dollars but after five years sergey's lawsuit for the loss of his assets has finally reached the international courtroom Sergey pugachev versus the Russian Federation [Music] it's now just weeks until Sergey finds out the result of his legal action even if he wins it may take years to get his money back he's in the south of France he told me he was down to his last 70 million dollars but actually 70 million dollars doesn't sound too bad [Music] you fall from Power you can guarantee you'll spend the next 20 years with your lawyers Sergey now lives alone a decision he feels he was forced into by the Russian state is [Music] [Music] alone in the Chateau Sergey has started to think about life beyond the court case come on darling you okay definitely blue Buddhism [Music] how's that going to happen just Jesus you see sorry that is not everywhere these days Alexander and the children spend whatever time they can at her Cottage in Oxfordshire she's been advised by a lawyer not to take the children to France what do you tell the children it's in part if you tell the truth of course they've asked me they've stopped dancing now but they did ask why does he never come here so I told them well he has a prison sentence here because he was in court and he they told him you can't leave the country and he did so he would go to prison if he came here and then they said well why can't we go there and I also told the truth I said it's dangerous you know his life's under threat do you think the logs are burning now foreign [Music] one bad word about him I haven't told them ever that he treated me badly nothing um they may see this film one day I knew but I'm going to obviously be very very careful about when they're told [Music] just say you know he needs to sort out this situation that he's in and it's not your fault and maybe when you're older you can go and fine-tune yourself Sandra has returned to her old life leading horse riding Expeditions across Kyrgyzstan and making regular trips to Russia I love Russia so much and weirdly my relationship with the Russian government is better it is but so again she's cast off the oligarch wardrobe and the life that went with it when you showed me around your place in London in 2015 and you showed me your shoe cupboard and your hand back covered actually do you know what I hate all these things now I just feel that are associated with life I didn't like I find a vulgar I find that just not me [Music] you know as an adult and I really didn't believe that I never thought ever thought I could lose myself but I'm 45 I'm not so old and really I have a whole life ahead of me I can go back to the things I love and this is who I am [Music] Tokyo never never expected me to be strong enough to stay on my own he always thought I would be so desperate to be with his money and him that I would follow him [Music] and actually I've come through it and I had the strength to do it [Music] foreign
Channel: ENDEVR
Views: 282,055
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Free documentary, documentaries, full documentary, hd documentary, documentary - topic, documentary (tv genre), Business Documentary
Id: QCJpX2nhY3Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 37sec (3457 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 26 2023
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