"Daddy Says I'm Not Allowed to Touch the Dolls" | Creepypasta

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[Music] daddy says I'm not allowed to touch the dolls they just sit there in their glass cases when I was little I would cry and cry I just wanted to hold them they were so pretty some are larger than others they all had unique faces I had named them all based on what I thought they liked to be called I just wanted to be able to interact with them like I could with my other toys how am I supposed to play with the doll I can't touch I would ask you'll ruin the dolls if you touch them daddy would say [Music] I told him I wouldn't I would be careful but it was no use he'd say I was too clumsy and the dolls were too fragile for me to handle since I couldn't play with the dolls I would keep their cases all stacked in a bookshelf in my room I've thirteen of them now my father makes me a new one every birthday [Music] I don't get to keep every doll he makes though he sells some to other little girls and lonely old ladies mostly in the daytime he works on cars but at night he makes the dolls it was mostly a hobby but he always promised that one day he'd quit cars and opened his own little shop then he'd be able to make more money to take care of me but I never cared much about money I knew we were poor I couldn't wear the nice new clothes the girls at school did but my dad made sure to go shopping at the Goodwill store at least once every few months that's enough for me I was happy as long as I had daddy and my dolls [Music] but eventually the dolls began to frighten me I started turning in the cases around at night so that only their backs faced me my father asked me why and I said that was how the dolls like to sleep the truth was that I couldn't sleep with them looking at me anymore in hindsight I don't know how I ever slept with them looking at me I can't remember when they started whispering they got used to it after a while it was easier with the cases turned around I could just ignore them that way one night though I realized that the dolls can do more than whisper I was seven I was lying in bed when I got up to get a drink of water as I walked past the shelf with the doll cases stood I heard what sounded like a scratching sound it seemed to be coming from one of the cases I listened intently before turning around the case but the noise seemed to be coming from it was Molly Molly was the doll with two blonde braids and bangs hanging low above her green eyes I reached my hand out to touch her case I stopped when I saw that from the corner of her marble eye a drop of red liquid at formed and began slowly down her face I vaguely wondered if dolls could bleed in a strange combination of wonder and horror I reach out my hand once more and let the tip of my finger graze the glass as soon as my hand made contact she screamed I know that sounds ridiculous but I know when I heard no one can imagine a sound like that her case started rattling wildly as I ran sobbing and shrieking to my father's room he's awake and I started panting about the doll yes what I was talking about I said that surely he must have heard it his face became very serious and he insisted that I must have been dreaming although he tried to console me I refused to return to my own room until morning the next night I decided I was going to open Molly's case I was terrified of Molly now but I had to prove to myself that I wasn't crazy I had to prove daddy wrong I began by sneaking a butter knife out of the kitchen when that didn't work I snuck out the large chef's knife that daddy uses to chop potatoes I slipped the knife between the space at the top of the box with a glass met the metal hinge I shook the knife back and forth I had almost managed to shimmy the thing open when the knife sliced through my pointer finger clear to the bone I inhaled as much air as my lungs could carry and screamed my heart out thick streams of blood poured from my hand dying the lace of my white nightgown a deep red my father sprinted into my room what have you done you thundered I was too afraid and in too much pain to do anything but cry in response he dragged me by my arm to the bathroom I thought he would wash my cuts and bandage me instead he practically threw me in the bathroom and warned me to think about what I had done for slamming the door shut unfortunately in our house the lights of the bathroom was outside the door so I was alone and in the dark I kicked and pounded at the door but daddy had barricaded it somehow by hand stung and throbbed almost rhythmically I vaguely wondered if daddy had left me in the bathroom to die eventually I crawled to the top curled my little body up as tightly as I could and cried myself to sleep [Music] when I woke I was still in the bathroom but I was no longer alone all of my doll cases were stacked neatly around the rim of the tub even in the dark I could see their glaring white eyes peering at me [Music] my head felt foggy and I wondered if my father had put them in there and some odd attempt to keep me company then all at once the cases shattered exploded really I screamed in pain as the sharp glass shards rained down upon my skin the dolls all fell upon me at once there once Placid faces contorted grotesquely expressions of agony and rage they clawed in my nightgown and bit in my bleeding skin wailing their grievances in my ears as I felt darkness closing it around me my eyes snapped open I was still on the top [Music] soft daylight poured through the blights there were no dolls and the only blood of my nightgown was the blood from my finger the door to the bathroom was opened all evidence pointed to the fact that the attack had been nothing more than a nightmare but I've never forgotten it the incident happened years ago I forgave daddy for everything I realized that it was my fault really daddy had told me the dolls were important and I hadn't listened and I injured myself by being stubborn I managed to forget about the dolls too for most of the year so my birthday rolled around now be presented with a new one I asked daddy if I could have a different present this year my laptop was an old bulky model I really needed a new one despite my request I was given another doll with sand colored hair brown eyes and a chubby round face for my birthday I sighed looking at her on the shelf as my laptop froze again I had to write a paper for school it was Sunday and the library was closed my dad was working so I figured he wouldn't mind if I just borrowed his laptop for a few hours I walked into his room to look for it and it was open on his bed I had no idea what the password was I tried to call his cell but it went to voicemail on a whim I tried my birthday it worked dad was always so predictable he had a million different windows opened I told him it's easier to use tabs but he never listens it was minimizing everything mechanically till I came to an open gmail account and caught my attention because the email account wasn't daddy's it was my mother's my mother died when I was eight months old my father says she died from sadness whatever that means he always told me that I was my mom's spitting image and he was grateful she had given him a child before her passing it was odd though because although an email is open it apparently hadn't been sent to anyone it was just a saved draft I wondered what my father would be looking through these thanks but I figured he'd been missing her I felt a bit guilty since it was really none of my business but curiosity overcame me and I decided to read the email anyway I can't go on living this way Earl has been so patient with me he's done all he could to make me happy but I'm miserable I feel like I died every day Earl says I have my baby girl to live for but can I help then my oldest child was the one who held my heart isn't that how it always is I see her every time I close my eyes Raven ringlet curls soft pale skin little red lips my baby snow is what I called her she looked just like the princess from the fairy tale even when she got sick she was beautiful I was expecting her to lose her hair during the treatments but she never did Earl promised to give my baby back to me he thinks he has but I want to hold her girl says she's too delicate for that you'll break her he says but what kind of kid breaks when held by her mother what kind of child can't be touched I stopped reading suddenly I felt a coldness radiates my chest blood rushed to my head as I gently closed the laptop and placed it back on my father's bed I walked into my room and looked at my doll collection I had since stopped turning the cases around at night my father convinced me that it was childish so they all stood in their cases facing me lined up in neat rows on the second shelf in the third column stood a tall glass case enclosing a doll with black curls pale white skin and two painted red lips [Music] I never noticed before but she resembled me a bit we were far from identical I was blonde like my mother but she might have been my [Music] I started to hyperventilate it seemed that all the dolls were staring at me now their eyes engulfed me I turned my eyes back towards the raven-haired doll right in front of one steely blue eye the glass began to crack gasping and choking I sprinted down to the basement that's where my father worked on the dolls I have expected them to be following behind me shards of glass sticking fake marble eyeballs and buried their synthetic hair but they didn't follow me as I stumbled my way down to the basement I don't know why I went down there in a way I suppose I wanted to escape the glare of overpriced two dozen ice in my room but I also was searching for something I started looking around a hammer nails paintbrushes fabric cutouts I shuffled through it all I didn't know what I was looking for exactly but I knew that whatever it was I would find it down here in this basement I opened drawers cabinets my father's toolbox nothing out of the ordinary just more dull stuff and some cleaning supplies after about 20 minutes I felt frustrated tired and a little ridiculous in exasperation I leaned my back against the east-facing wall and allowed my body to slide down pathetically oddly as I slid to the floor I felt the wall shift a little I stood up and push against it as hard as I could it was no use that's I discovered the panel was slightly detached from the rest of the wall and there were two small semicircle cutouts in the wood how had I not noticed that before I was able to slip my fingers in on either side and pull hard [Music] after three good tries the thing gave it almost toppled over as the wood door and a flood of papers came pouring out from behind it I realized that the documents consisted of newspaper clippings homemade signs pronounced of Internet articles and even a few court records i sat back down on the cement floor and began to read through them missing Tonya Roper age three blonde hair with banks green eyes last seen wearing red romper white tennis shoes in hot pink backpack reward for information $25,000 [Music] police found suspect in case of toddler who disappeared last June Jani Cooper missing 2.5 years old 29 inches tall red hair freckles green eyes last seen wearing blue overalls in a white t-shirt please call six oh nine eight one seven three five one two with any information parents of missing four year old writes heart-wrenching public letter to daughter's kidnapper we just want our baby to come home there were dozens of them I looked up and noticed that behind the wood panel was another small door I suddenly felt grateful for the boy at summer camp last year who taught me how to pick open a lock with bobby pins and determination when I finally managed to get the door open the smell hit me before my eyes adjusted to the darkness when I finally saw wood laid behind the door I screamed until my voice was hoarse I managed to run and trim my way upstairs and out the front door to the home of our neighbors an elderly retired couple they didn't believe me at first they even scolded me for playing a cruel prank on them it took me nearly half an hour to convince them that they needed to call the police I live with a foster family now while I've had counseling everyone says I'm doing surprisingly well given what I've been through I'm debating now around whether to tell the therapist about the letter my father recently sent me from prison my foster mom gave me the letter but said she didn't read it I know I should tell my therapist but I just want to put this all behind me you know besides it doesn't matter much my foster parents say daddy will probably die behind bars they think saying that will make me happy but honestly my father is the only real parents have ever had I don't like thinking if they've been there despite what he did I have mixed feelings about the letter really in part I was glad to hear from daddy since I do miss him but I would be lying if I said his words didn't also make my spine shiver in his own scraggly handwriting my father wrote me the following my darling daughter I know I've done a lot to hurt you I'm sorry for that I love you with all my heart and I want you to know that none of this is your fault I'm going to appeal my conviction and I have confidence that everyone will soon see that this is all been a big misunderstanding I can't wait to see you again sweetheart till then just know that you'll always be my baby doll [Music] hey everyone I hope you enjoyed today's video if you want to see more let me know in the comments below and tell me what you thought of this narration make sure to follow me on Twitter for updates and don't forget to check out my brand new merch store you can pick up a clean sea pasta tea hoodie or coffee mug and support my channel in the process they are all premium quality fabric so you're not going to be getting some cheap shirt that's gonna fall apart on you in three months I am so excited to have launched this and I hope you all enjoy them as well and don't forget to show some love to the amazingly talented authors who make these narrations possible have a good night everybody Cheers [Music]
Channel: ClancyPasta
Views: 170,596
Rating: 4.8519249 out of 5
Keywords: creepypasta, narration, reading, story, nosleep, creepypasta narration, creepypasta reading, scary story, creepy story
Id: z3H_n5Och_M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 2sec (1622 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 14 2017
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