"Something is Wrong" Creepypasta

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it had been awhile since I visited my cousins believe it or not it had been five years since I saw any of the faces the last time I saw them I was eight years old and had not yet learned that the world had no consequences I skipped gaily around their two-story ramshackle house joyously singing my favorite songs and playing with the six-year-old twins this playtime however was constantly tainted by my aunt Clarissa my aunt Clarissa was always that one person with which everything had to be just right perfect or as close to perfect as possible whenever I would try play tag hide-and-seek or anything of the sort really she would be hovering over us her dark grey eyes flashing she would always say now Jerrod don't you ever play too rough with Simon Oh Eloise if anything were to happen to them I'd wear you out I'm closer always use the scare me as a child with a sharp chin and stormy eyes she reminded me of a which I did not dare do anything she wouldn't approve of with Simon or Eloise even when she wasn't around because I knew that she would stay true to our word and beat me black and blue if I were to ever harm either of them her precious little twins had to be perfect and untouched we used to visit her all the time back at my old house we only lived about 30 minutes away from each other then my dad got a job offer up in Michigan and it was a long time before I ever stepped foot in Illinois I do remember feeling happy at the very least from my aunt Clarice as we left despite my disliking her she was about to have another child and she was joyful as could be her eyes weren't as store me as they usually were the last time that we went to visit them to say goodbye and she seemed as content and relaxed as ever with the growing bulge in her stomach 3 was the perfect number three perfect children in a wonderful family this was all aunt Clarissa had ever wanted we all moved to Detroit and eight months later the big news came and closer had had a baby she sent us a letter with several exclamation points telling us how happy she was for her newborn child who she named Mallory even now when I'm 17 years old I still remember thinking that it was odd she had not sent a photograph of her infant child the years risked by like sand and wind and the more time went by the less contact we had with our cousins and Clarissa and my uncle Wayne then finally we were invited over to her house for the holidays my mother who missed the older sister dreadfully readily agreed to visit and my father seeing how eager my mother was complied with her wishes after a two-day car trip we finally got to the familiar old residence of my aunt uncle and their three children we all approached the steps laughing and talking to each other before reaching the door and knocking a four minute later we were still standing there fidgeting and stealing glances at each other the door suddenly opened about a foot the face of an 11 year old boy appeared at the door his white blond hair hung down over his baggy green eyes which flitted around at us taking in our every detail his jaw finally quivered slightly before he said to us come in please it's so nice to see you all after five years Simon had definitely changed he was more solemn as if he had been consistently bullied and expected contempt from everyone my mother wasted no time smiling and gushing why Simon come here and give me a hug Simon allowed himself to be hugged before taking us all inside where we were greeted by Aunt Clarissa she smiled saying it's so nice to see you all again before spraying your arms and coming in to give us all hugs she commented on how much I had grown up and asked me if I taking care of my parents I smiled uneasily and replied that I'd done the best I could I looked hard at I'm Clarissa taking in how she had changed she really had not changed very much there were grey streaks in her otherwise blond hair but that appeared to be it I asked where Uncle Wayne was and she responded that he was on a business trip and wouldn't be back in sometime she led us into the dining room where Mallory and Eloise had already sat down my mother crooned over Mallory and introduced herself while dad commented on how much Eloise has changed Mallory didn't look at all like the rest of the family her hair was a dirty blonde and her eyes were not green or gray but instead and like blue I did not really talk to her but instead focused on Eloise who grown much older and prettier then I had last seen her she barely remembered me but I was able to make small talk with her I noticed she had grown to be wary and suspicious of others as if someone might try to stab her in the back the only members of the family that seems normal were unclear sir and Mallory Mallory was happily eating away at steamed carrots and unclear sir was sat on a chair with the police look on her face as if proud of her perfect children there was definitely tension in the air as if there had recently been a fight between an Clarisse and her kids I decided that I would ask Eloise about it after dinner I met up with her in the living room and sat down she was engrossed in a teenaged magazine I had never heard of but looked up sharply as soon as the question was out of my mouth Eloise is there anything wrong in this house I see green eyes flitted the two different places somewhere behind me before meeting my own I made a mental note of this there's nothing wrong here why would you say that she answered forcing a smile onto her face I shook my head never mind I thought Simon was acting unusual I saw a split second of relief across a face before she managed to hide it it's nothing don't worry about him he gets bullied sometimes by older kids I nodded and continued to talk to Eloise but my mind was elsewhere I swiftly concluded our conversation and got up turning around as I did so I quickly surveyed the living room looking for places Eloise had been glancing out those two places with a coat closet and the stairwell I knew that something was wrong with his family inside this house it was something that kept eluding me that I couldn't quite put my finger on it was definitely frustrating I decided that I would find out tonight after everyone had gone to bed I was to be sharing a room with Simon and mum and dad would be taking the spare room upstairs I did my best to act normal and socialize with everyone given the unsettling atmosphere of the house my parents did not appear to notice anything they were oblivious to how strange our cousins were acting I think my mom was glad to finally be talking to a sister for after five years of not seeing each other and my dad seemed oh my dad just seemed to be happy for my mother finally it was time to go to bed we all brushed that even change into our pyjamas Simon had allowed me to use his bed and he plopped down on the floor the moonlight streaming in through the window illuminated his face I relaxed my breathing pretended to fall asleep while watching Simon waiting for him to nod off but he did not I stared at him for hours as he lay there on the ground his eyes never closing every muscle in his body was pulled taut as if he were expecting someone to break into the room and attack him at 1:00 in the morning his breathing relaxed and he became limp I crept out of the room and headed for the coat closet a small flashlight in hand that I'd stolen from Simon's draw a tip toad silently over the hardwood floor wincing every time it creaked I finally made it to the coat closet and open the door turning on the flashlight I slipped inside it looked like a regular coat closet nothing special or extraordinary about it I began rummaging around checking the coat pockets and even unclear sirs purse but all I came across was a Swiss Army knife in Simon's pocket and some scented Germans in Eloise's jeans jacket but nothing more I began to search in the more unusual places checking in dark corners and even in the shoe rack but I didn't find anything of interest I started looking underneath the baskets in which various gloves and hats were kept on a shelf above the coat rack to my surprise a newspaper article fluttered down to the floor I bent over and picked it up the article read female infant stolen from orphanage my curiosity increased why would an Clarisse have something like this in a coat closet I took the article into my back pocket and went on to the second thing I had seen Aloise looking at the stairs I remembered when I was little Simon and Eloise had a hide-and-seek place that beat me every time it would simply hide in the cupboard underneath the stairs every time I passed the cupboard I would stop not wanting to go inside to the darkness of the cupboard where unspeakable monsters surely awaited me I would search every nook and cranny of the house hoping there would be somewhere else before eventually giving up even though I really knew where my cousin's were using that method they'd beat me time and time again until eventually tired of hide-and-seek and proclaimed that we should play tag instead they'd rearrange the furniture so the couch now blocked the cupboard underneath the stairs but I knew for sure it was still there I looked down on the ground and noticed something strange there were scuff marks on the ground as if the couch had been pulled away from the stairs often I knew that whatever was under those stairs was the answer to why everyone in the house was so tense and I was eager to find out the secret I pushed the couch away from the staircase and stepped over the cupboard beneath the stairs to my surprise the cupboard was secured with a thick padlock I went back to the coat closet and retrieved Simon's small knife I inserted the thin blade into the handle and jiggled it around until the lock clicked open my heart began to pound feverishly my chest as I unhooked the padlock and swung the small door open I shone the flashlight in the dark area beneath that stairs my flashlight passed over a chain dangling from the low ceiling of the right hand end of the small space provided by the cupboard and I moved my flashlight down to discover a human hand in a manacle a shocked little grasp escaped my throat and my blood ran cold I reached up and flick the switch to the small light bulb dangling from the ceiling before me a girl no less than nine years old was hanging from the manacles on the ceiling clad in nothing but a pair of dirty under shots ahead lulled to one side a rag was stuffed in her mouth and her ankles was tied in thick rope her wrists and skin around her feet were red and sore from being bound and I could tell from the length of her face and how small her eyes were that she suffered from down syndrome her skin was seemingly pulled over her bones and her ribs stuck out for a horrible moment I thought that she was dead but then her head raised and a horrible moaning escaped to throw through the rag in her mouth looking to the other side of the cupboard revulsion welled up in the pit of my stomach sprawled out in the corner was the half-eaten corpse of my uncle his stomach had been ripped open and his innards were pulled all over the floor the skin on his face had been peeled away by greedy hands to reveal the white skull I looked back of a girl and noticed for the first time that her hands and face was stained with gore I couldn't take it I kneeled over and threw up before catching my balance on the doorframe and trembling I realized what had happened in this house aren't Clarissa the perfectionist she was would never have allowed a child of Down syndrome so she stole a new baby from a nearby orphanage she starved the child I knew to be Mallory but I'm Clarissa didn't have the heart to kill her own child even if the baby was mad so she kept the child hidden away under the stairs whilst being with a perfect family however my Uncle Ed opposed my aunt Clarissa so she gotten rid of him and used him to feed a hungry little secret under the stairs I had to do something I knew that I should immediately call the police I ran upstairs and grab the handset that was sitting on the nearby table I quickly punch in the numbers 9-1-1 only to look down and discover the phone lines had been cut aunt Clarissa kept a family on the close tabs Simon and Eloise's home was also their prison all of a sudden I heard a shriek from downstairs that's when I realized I left the door and the stairs open and the light on I then heard someone running and the front door being slammed shut I scrambled to my room and used my cell phone to call the police I later found out that Aunt Clarissa had fled the house when she discovered her secret was out thankfully the girl under the stairs turned out to be okay but the police never found out Clarissa even now she's probably on the streets maybe with a new name or face searching for another perfect child
Channel: CreepsMcPasta
Views: 660,281
Rating: 4.8821907 out of 5
Keywords: creepy pasta, creepypasta, Scariest creepypasta, horror, narration, scary, reading, creepsmcpasta, mrcreepypasta, creepypastajr, haunted gaming, creepymcpasta, jumpscare, dramatic reading, audiobook, Jeff the Killer, slenderman, Ben Drowned, spooky, Short Film (Film Genre), Survival Horror (Media Genre)
Id: 6Gb_gag6v4k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 6sec (1026 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 10 2015
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