"Watch Out for a Substitute Teacher Called Mrs. Hawkrit" | Creepypasta

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Oh [Music] you it started as just an ordinary day in class same stupid students same stupid textbooks same gym stick from the class before the first difference was the substitute teacher she rolled into the classroom like a miniature tank all of five feet tall and with glasses almost wide enough to snag on the door frames a bag clutched under one arm at the shine of an alligator and her shoes matched oily green and squeaking annoyingly with every step she took downwind her bag and up came her head containing a prim little smile of ancient lipstick and polished dentures off-camber hat a shapeless purple thing with the floppy felt flower on it and she creaked over to the whiteboard and started writing my name is mrs. Hoggett and you will pay attention she squawked the last word so loud and shrill that the kid in front of me smashed his knees into his desk and fried some of us giggled while some stared with the cynicism of youth but mrs. Hawker it and indeed got everyone's attention I want you all to copy what I put up on the board exactly she shrieked the fun'll were drilling into our collective skulls like a diamond drill bit anything to make you shut up Sark's the boy near the front mrs. Hawker didn't react except to start riding on the huge wad board the marker squealing horribly as she started making geometric lines the class started copying under her shirt round gaze her voice lashing out and anyone not complying with her demands the sharp shrillness so acutely pitched that it bordered on physical discomfort what she drew on the board didn't seem to be related to any particular lesson we'd been learning recently instead it looks like a weird diagram it's filed out like a mandala but squiggles and scribbled in places that made my eyes uncomfortable I thought it would be difficult to copy it but as each line scratched across the page the more natural the design seemed to become I'd seen this somewhere before maybe but I couldn't tell you where as I copied the almost a steglich arrangement on the board a pleasant feeling began to creep across my scalp like the precursor to an orgasm all the while mrs. honker watched us walking up and down the rows of desks pushing hands that drifted back into position we all copied dutifully blindly none of us thinking how odd it was that this weird little woman had simply walked into a classroom full of unruly teens and completely dominated us - doing what you wanted amede no teacher had ever done that my pen stuttered on the page then ground to a halt Abdi Veeck perturbed my autopilot brain tried to continue but somehow with the loss of ink a spell of misses ha creat and broken it hit me that how utterly bizarrely compliant everyone had become nobody spoke nobody moved except a continued copying the thing of the whiteboard as the gaze of hawkers swept over me I renewed the motions of my pen pretending to draw satisfied she paced back to the board and place one hand in the middle of her library design muttering it started a low hum of barely audible noises then it rose to a chant the voice of the other students murmuring along with the tiny woman at the front of the room at first I thought she was pushing the board with her hand and deforming it but then I realized the design was moving that it was slowly beginning to rotate around her fingers which of course was absolutely impossible the chanting became moaning and the design began to spin faster one by one the students took their completed pages and handed them to hawk rit who smile grew less and less prim and more and more satisfied a hole was forming in the center for creation a jet well of nothing growing larger and larger as she fed the pages into it as I stared in paralyzed fascination not believing any of this was real I realized that was the only student not to have left my desk come a log the creature shrieked her hands muttering with mad anticipation the other students advanced as I sat unmoving their fingers moving in a terrifying parody of the insane woman who had taken over the will of an entire classroom get away I yelled as the first hands grabbed me pulled me my empty pens stabbed through the cheek I'm a dead-eyed girl and pulled free with a sucking sound as the blood weld then splattered across my half draw design something snapped the air of the suddenly claustrophobic room ah crit mode clutching her own cheek the hole in the board ceased to grow irritation of the unholy drawing instead reversing direction students stumbled listlessly confusion wearing with reason to collapsed and another screamed outing his hat with both his fists at the front of the room the board bulged the darkness reaching out sneering the shaking hands of the eave old woman her piercing cry sent everyone to their knees watching their ears then as I stared at the wad board yelling incoherently in pain mrs. ha cried was pulled inside whereupon the whole thing collapsed in on itself taking the woman her hat her back and her drawing with it the only thing that remained was the half draw design on my desk spotted with blood as the students Clare went back into their chairs searching wildly for the source of the sound that had shocked them back to reality I stuffed the drawing into my bag along with a blood-stained pen [Music] must have been the fire alarm once set yeah said another unconvinced but unable to explain it any other way but I saw it all I know what happened and now you do too [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] everyone I hope you enjoyed today's video if you want to see more let me know in the comments below and tell me what you thought of this narration make sure to follow me on Twitter for updates and if you'd like to get early videos shout outs and much much more I'd appreciate it if you check out my patreon page it's a place where you can help support my channel while getting awesome rewards in the process and every pledge helps out a ton the matter the size so if you'd like to see all the rewards they offer and consider becoming a patron it'd mean a ton to me if you click the link in the description and just check it out and don't forget to show some love to the amazingly talented authors who make these narrations possible I have a good night everybody Cheers [Music] you
Channel: ClancyPasta
Views: 169,488
Rating: 4.8553228 out of 5
Keywords: creepypasta, reading, narration, nosleep, creepypasta reading, creepypasta narration, nosleep story, scary story, scary stories, horror stories, creepy story, asmr reading, asmr story, reddit stories
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 4sec (604 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 14 2018
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