"My Graveyard Shift at the Local Supermarket" | Creepypasta

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[Music] I work the night shift at a well-known supermarket chain in northeast Oklahoma this particular nights around last Saturday was particularly strange I say particularly as I think weird happens all the time so late at night but it can usually be written off as some delusion fueled by sleep deprivation and seclusion but this was just a little bit too strange I thought I ought to keep a record of it only a small handful of us worked that late around 5:00 in the morning all the side stores we host are closed as well as our DeLeon bakery so it was just Jennifer running one of the lines James my manager running inventory raff sweeping / mopping and me stalking in otherwise putting things where they go insane the number of people who place items randomly around the store iving decided sometimes only two hours over they don't want it anymore I digress so I'm running around as I haven't even begun restocking the produce supposed to be off around 7:00 when the morning crew starts showing up I arrived at midnight and it's about 1:00 I haven't seen much of anyone save for the occasional pass by RAF as I ran to take the socks away from cosmetics and to the clothing section but then I noticed that I hadn't seen anyone at all since 3:00 thinking hoping my mind is playing tricks on me that went up front to chat with Jennifer there's no one at any of the registers except just one customer who I approached I won through a neighboring line as to not scare the customer by slipping by them I suppose they were just about as on edge as I was as they probably haven't seen anyone their entire shopping trip granted by the contents of their carts it was a pretty short trip just a few chips and things that can be found toward the front of the store anyway they stayed waiting as I turned the corner and entered the cramped space behind the register I've worked there for years and used to work register until I discussed with my manager that I didn't want to work with people so closely all day every day I said it more eloquently back then and I gradually transitioned stocking it much quieter career for sure but given the absence of Jennifer and the waiting customer I thought I would take to my roots just this one time in hindsight to save me from the tear and despair I feel now I wish I had just stayed to my stalking I suppose I was still readjusting to the position I felt my way across the dirty gray register and the rugged conveyor belt and the out of place pristine barcode reader after what in the customers perspective must have been a pretty uncomfortably long silence I looked up with my greatest customer service smile and cheered in mourning my enthusiasm was out of place and out of character as well I even caught myself off guard even more so as I looked up at the heavily hooded heavily jacketed customer he let off only small grunt as he stepped toward me I began to grip the counter and fear so hard I could feel the blood circulate down my fingers I'd gone a little stiff but could still feel that slightly less intensive smile stuck on my face the customer took his hood down and just began looking at me with eyes that were well just wide why not only in the sclera and the iris but over where the pupil was supposed to be - there was no redness around the edges just wide surrounding the eyes was a painfully pale but healthy-looking man they scruffa ly well trimmed beard as he looked at me Ida started open the register and took out the few bills that still remained inside and placed it on his open hand then he was gone I looked around to a completely empty warehouse where tens of vials and a few registers used to be with thousands of products all vanished around me just me in this mass of empty space good morning oh it's just you called voice from behind me I turn to see Jennifer approaching from the bathroom and looked down to find myself still in the checkout line in France of the register new jacket she said I looked down to find myself wearing the same heavy jacket as the man who had robbed me just minutes before but I put on my proudest most confident face and only mustard and a firm atari yep i decided to spare her the details trying again to write it off as a momentary lapse of all mental function i think that happens sometimes especially considering i couldn't sleep the day before it was a busy day but always like jennifer I don't know if I could call it a crush maybe it was just a lust thing but I also valued her personality she just had a great energy around her well it suits you well complimented Jennifer you need something no I was just getting a second opinion on this jacket I'm glad you like it of course you should definitely get it it gave a half-hearted smile and they Hardy not and turn to return to stalking I looked at my watch to see you as a quarter to six so I sped walked slush jog to stock the produce which was the last thing I had to do before I left at seven it was a few minutes to seven by the time I finished and I headed to the break room to clock off as all the day people began to come in good morning good morning good morning I said as they all entered the room to clock in I quickly clocked off to get out of everyone's way goodbye goodbye goodbye and I left that was last Saturday today it's Tuesday and something just happened I was getting ready for another midnight to 7:00 shift and around 10:00 I was fixing my hair in the morning my hair routine is just to get it wet and just to comb it over to the left and shave my stubble I have grown the last few days and the image in the mirror began to shift subtle at first but I picked it up when I noticed some items are out my bathroom begin to disappear my toothbrush invisible through the mirror but still there and reality and more obvious things like the shower curtain and the shower all together then things began appearing in the mirror a conveyor belts a register all things from my work place there in the mirror as I stood in my bathroom I looked at myself standing in front of the register as my image grew a beard but on a jacket I watched as my skin grew pale and my eyes grew terribly and completely wide I woke up on the road in my car on my five-minute commute to work the time was 11:40 I was going to be a little bit early that was typical of me I would just chill in the break room or if we were particularly busy we rarely were out o'clock in a little early but alas this day I just way to the break room until midnight and clocked in and began walking around the store seeing what needed to be done having made a couple rounds I was relieved to see it was going to be a pretty easy night and just relax for a bit as the late night customers left and it was down to the aforementioned four graveyard shift employees me James Jennifer and ruff I was admittedly still a bit shaken by the occurrence in my bathroom about an hour or two ago but I had begun to believe that it didn't really happen that it was some dream as you do and I went to work I was scouting the electronics when I saw a 10 inch cutting knife sitting on the counter I looked around and saw absolutely no one around so I grabbed it began toward the cutlery to put it where it belongs when I passed by rough reading a big motorized waxer I gave him a small wave and he did the same as I felt my hands begin to tear the packaging of the knife but sup man exclaimed Raph he was a young employee relatively new hire fresh out of high school and working the graveyard shift to get up on his feet his mother had recently passed and his father was never really around so he was living on his own now I felt bad for him he rarely talked about any of it and managed to always be that high energy team the rest of the store loved that I used to love but now I found it annoying terribly terrible I never claimed to be a wordsmith you know just putting things back in their place yeah I got you Raph said leaning out for a parting fist bump but coiling back as he saw what I had done with a knife as I slid it deep to his throat he looked calm oddly as if he had been logging for this moment for ages I have no doubts he would have thanked me if he could but he could only muster a few goggles and coughs as the blood began seeping from his mouth and as the colour drained from his skin and his eyes rolled back into whiteness writing this down now terrifies me it took a few moments to register exactly what I had done and at that moment I felt fear but that was soon out shadowed by relief and some sense of duty as if he had wanted me to do it I was merely doing him a favor so I don't know if I feel remorse I'm conflicted by the knowledge that I should and the feeling that I shouldn't that I've done a good thing the aisles around me sink to oblivion and I was again at an empty warehouse tens of thousands of square feet in size and taken the place the lifeless roof was the figure I met on my first day in this cathartic journey he student stared at me for an eternity forced out back to the store just outside of the electronics section alone in front of me was the motorized waxer with no one to drive it and the body of Raph was nowhere to be seen the time was 6:23 and I headed to the France knowing without evidence that my job is already done but I saw Jennifer staring at her counter hey have you seen Rath James is just out looking for she asked not in hours you I responded I didn't know why I felt the need to ask her back if she had seen him I already knew the answer if not by the fact of what happened a few hours ago and by her asking me in the first place nope I'm sure he's around here somewhere I gave a smile and a comforting but shallow nod I went home to collect my thoughts that is where I am now at home collecting my thoughts my mind is racing I can not help but to be conflicted over all that has happened this last week [Music] everything is going around and coming back again and again and again my doorbell rang and as soon as I opened it Jennifer quickly stepped inside she had been crying so much no no more tears for her to shed her speech was broken but as clear as she could she told me how RAF it's not answering any of her phone calls or texts that she paced the store but must have been a dozen times shouting his names without receiving an answer and how she found as waxer sitting outside the electronic section still rotting basically she thinks she is missing yada yada yada I tell her to calm down but she won't give some force begins to constrict my heart as she looks at me quivering Lee you don't seem worried she said I probably could have composed myself better but at this moment I was overwhelmed with guilt in terror and remorse and all other things that I screamed internally I did it I killed wrath she looked at me still unsure of the wild things happening in my mind but in that moment she knew perhaps by that smile on my face that I couldn't control that devilish smile that made herself from my heart to my face I couldn't control telling her it was me she left in a hurry I could not help but to laugh and laugh for what must have been hours hours till a sound of a door slammed outside my house police [Music] I opened the door before they even hit the doorbell morning officers I said still obviously in a good mood two officers and the center was my manager James James was a person who looked heavily British claims to be from Maine he was a pretty white guy water than the average were they short but even kind of messy beard afternoon sir they corrected I looked at my phone Wednesday March 21st 3 in all this excitement I was flown nicely and gave a little smirk a slight exhale from my nose to light heartedly acknowledge my mistake may we come in they added sure I ingest your inside into the table they sat right beside the door they offered soda tea water but they all passed except James who requested tea and you say you are British I said jokingly he chuckled but only to be nice I like to think is a running joke between the two of us but it is awfully one-sided the officers stood uncomfortably well I don't have any tea so I will get you water it wasn't interested so we all sat down well what's the occasion I asked after a short silence just a chat said one of the officers Raph and Jen are missing James blurted out bluntly I pretended to be surprised I kind of was about Jennifer considering I just seen her earlier but still you'd the surprise the second officer butted in believe you were the last to see them tell us about the last time you talked to each of them well RAF I last saw a few hours into my shift as I was putting things away it was waxing the floors we only said hello and I went on my way Jennifer I saw as I was clocking out so I lied a little bit I didn't have the energy to talk my way out of what actually happened I happen to know the store surveillance cameras haven't worked in months so they wouldn't know any different don't lie to us we could always have James for him back the footage awfully direct an accusatory so I held firm no I swear on my life I don't know what happened after work so you don't mind if we look around said the first officer I wouldn't usually I really had nothing to hide out in my house except a few explicit magazines under my mattress but for some reason I decide to take up my natural ride to the 4th amendment or whichever it is it's stand my ground not without a wart I said more nervously than I intended but I still felt strong so they said be back in an hour James while you stay here and keep him company I agreed with that command I have no problem with James in fact I'm sure he had more problem with him staying than I did but so it goes the officers left James turned to me you know they have got nothing on you I doubt they can get a war no matter which way they twisted I knew but just to hear another person say it caused a big sigh of relief James got up I brought my own tea would you like me to make you some never liked to you but I nodded anyway what kind of guy just brings to you with him the British I Grint James knew when I was thinking in grin to I pulled out my laptop to update the story as it has been so far as I occasionally look over to see how James was doing in the kitchen now he is filling the pot now he is heating it up blah blah blah and as he reaches up into the cabinet and pulls down a knife I'm curious as to what he plans to do with it I don't make to you very often not at all actually but I don't think requires cutting and as he turns the corner completely to reveal this pale white face and his lifeless white eyes I fully understand his intentions the kitchen falls behind him into nothingness in the living room to my left the windows to my right and everything outside of it with every increasing step this beautiful being takes toward me the more and more everything around me sinks to nothingness and the more and more I accept that this is what is best for me this is what I deserve and I'm okay with that [Music] you everyone I hope you enjoyed today's video if you want to see more let me know in the comments below and tell me what you thought of this narration make sure to follow me on Twitter for updates and if you'd like to get early videos shout outs and much much more I'd appreciate it if you check out my patreon page it's a place where you can help support my channel while getting awesome rewards in the process and every pledge helps out a ton no matter the size so if you'd like to see all the rewards I offer and consider becoming a patron in mean a ton to me if you click the link in the description and just check it out and don't forget to show some love to the amazingly talented authors who make these narrations possible I have a good night everybody Cheers [Music]
Channel: ClancyPasta
Views: 141,725
Rating: 4.7228007 out of 5
Keywords: creepypasta, reading, narration, nosleep, creepypasta reading, creepypasta narration, nosleep story, scary story, scary stories, horror stories, creepy story, asmr reading, asmr story, reddit stories
Id: HdWb8nqlWZM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 24sec (1404 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 25 2018
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