"Has Anyone Heard of an App Called ReapSleep?" | Creepypasta

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it was late on a Wednesday night and I was tossing and turning in bad the blankets twisting around me I'd woken up for the third time that nights now staring at my phone clock which read 2:45 a.m. I groaned and slammed my phone down on the night table this was becoming a problem in the past several months I can remember one night I'd slept through I always woke up intermittently for no good reason it got so bad and I stopped looking forward to going to bed at night something I used to enjoy the next morning after dragging myself out of bed i sat half asleep at work my eyes felt like they were on fire wow you look like today Lily said cornering me in the office kitchen she was my closest work friend it was known for her brutal honesty thanks for that I croaked I'm so tired I really haven't been sleeping well lately I keep waking you up a million times throughout the night insomnia sucks she's sympathized you know helps me sleep I have my Alexa play rainforest sounds it's super relaxing I don't have one of those she pointed to my phone on the counter download a sleep sounds app on your phone once I got back to my desk I ignored the work added do and search for an app that would play sleep sounds I hoped it would relax me enough to let me get a good night's sleep for once I scrolled through the choices trying to avoid any ones that costs money towards the bottom of the list I found one called reap sleep the apps icon showed a drawing of a person in a deep sleep with little Z's floating through the air it boasted having lots of choices for different sounds all at no cost it had no user reviews I just figured it was brand new I downloaded it immediately that night I was eager to try out the app I selected ocean sounds I always loved the beach given that I lived a little over a mile from a beautiful one I cranked up the volume on my phone and the tranquil sound of waves crashing and seagulls calling filled my ears immediately a wonderful calming feeling swept over me I got comfortable in my bed sighing happily I couldn't remember ever sleeping so well I even had an amazingly relaxing dream where I was on the beach during a warm summer day the sky a brilliant blue the beach was totally empty except for one woman far in the distance I could feel the Sun warming my skin the soft sand between my toes the waves crashed gently I smelled the salt water this is much more pleasant for me to look at Billy said to me it worked the next day she had noticed I was well rested my skin almost glowing I slept better than ever last night I exclaimed I took your advice and downloaded a sleep sound tap this thing is amazing the sounds of play made me have the most relaxing dreams Lily took out her phone now I want to try it it's called reap sleep I looked over her shoulder as she searched for it no results for reap sleep wow that's weird I said baby got removed from the App Store for some reason that night I realized I was finally looking forward to going to bed again i cuddle DUP against my soft pillows as the ocean sound swept over me only me to sleep almost immediately I was back on the beach again the waves crashing in front of me I lay down on the sand inviting the sunlight to touch my skin I looked at the sky and noticed - a slightly overcast this time a few clouds and during the sun's rays once again Beach was empty except for a woman in the distance but she didn't seem as far away as last time I can make out that she was raven-haired wore a crimson flowy dress that rippled in the breeze I woke up and saw was still dark out I was disappointed I wouldn't get another perfect night's sleep the ocean sounds were still plagued but I realized that something was different this time there's some kind of piercing noise interspersed in the wave sounds I picked my phone up and brought it closer to here but her it sounded like seagull sounds but far less pleasant than the night before it sounded high-pitched almost like the seagulls were screaming luckily the app had an option to remove the seagull sounds and just keep the waves so I opted for that the next night I drifted asleep and wasn't surprised to find myself back on the beach it was considerably darker than last time as numerous gray clouds hung around in the sky blocking out the Sun entirely the sound of the waves crashing was almost deafening the water looked murky I looked down the beach and saw the woman again this time about 30 feet away dark air was swept around her pale face by the strong wind my eyes fluttered open I was back in my darkroom the ocean sounds are still playing it to my surprise I still heard the seagulls despite getting rid of that option they grabbed my phone and held it to my ear oh my god I muttered it wasn't seagull squawking it was somebody screaming it sounded faint but I was certain it was a woman shrieking you won't be surprised to hear that I immediately deleted the app off my phone the next night I was grateful to fall asleep to silence I wrapped myself and my soft blankets and nodded off quickly [Music] to my dismay I found myself back on that damned beach the overcast sky felt suffocating is if the dark clouds were reaching down towards me the stormy waves crashed thunderously the sand was cold and wet I slowly turned in my left and jumped when I realized the woman was right next to me once again her inky black hair covered her face but her dark red dress bellowed violently the harsh winds suddenly she began to screaming shrilly as if she was terrified of something I was about to run away when I woke up to my horror the shrieking hadn't stopped I frantically look trout realized it was blaring for my phone what the I shouted grabbing my phone I didn't know how to make the noises stop since the app was God the shrieking turned a horrible wailing and moaning followed by gurgling noises the sounds were unbearable to listen to I turn down the volume but I had no effect finally I shut my phone off and it stopped abruptly I was afraid that weird app messed up my phone so I brought it in for service the next day I was disappointed to hear they didn't find anything wrong with it I began to think I imagined that screaming in my half-asleep state that night I reluctantly got into bed around midnight it took a while but eventually my tired eyes started drooping I was back in the beach this time the sky was pitch black except for twinkling stars in a large luminous mood I was kneeling in the sand close to the shoreline surf breaking in epping quietly in the darkness my hands felt wet and I brought them to my eyeline in the moonlight I could see they were covered with a thick dark liquid a harsh metallic smell in my nostrils I looked down and cried out when I saw the body of a woman lying in a sand in front of me her dark hair lay entangles her throat was slit blood covered her pale skin and red dress my handed something hard I saw a bloody knife was sitting beside me in the sand I sobbed fiercely trying to process what was happening it didn't feel like a dream this time the other instances of the beach were phantasmal but this one seemed too realistic I wiped off the wet sand stuck to my bloody hands not to my feet looked around for anyone else luckily the beach was abandoned I picked up the knife and tracked the woman into the water I swung out as far as I possibly could and pushed her out to sea dropping the knife into the water where I hoped it sink to the ocean floor when I got home and destroyed my phone I went back to my usual restless nights' and stopped dreaming about the beach I don't know how this all happened I wish I had a better explanation all I can tell you is that if you do see the reap sleep app for the love of God do not download it [Music] everyone I hope you enjoyed today's video if you want to see more let me know in the comments below and tell me what you thought of this narration make sure to follow me on Twitter for updates and if you'd like to get early videos shout outs and much much more I'd appreciate it if you check out my patreon page it's a place where you can help support my channel while getting awesome rewards in the process and every pledge helps out a ton no matter the size so if you'd like to see all the rewards I offer and consider becoming a patron in mean a ton to me if you click the link in the description and just check it out and don't forget to show some love to the amazingly talented authors who make these narrations possible I have a good night everybody Cheers [Music] you
Channel: ClancyPasta
Views: 117,382
Rating: 4.8622589 out of 5
Keywords: creepypasta, reading, narration, nosleep, creepypasta reading, creepypasta narration, nosleep story, creepy story, scary story, scary stories, horror stories, asmr reading, asmr story, reddit stories
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 29sec (749 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 14 2018
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