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i know the legs but hey it counts as a signaling device right hi guys it's blackie okay welcome to down and dirty woods craft friday i'm now shifting the program from doing this on tuesday to doing this friday afternoon after like two o'clock central time so that's when i'll be on if those of you enjoy the program now i'm going to try something that it's an adaption of something i saw there's a very nice gentleman who has a channel and here is the name of the individual okay i went and looked at his channel over swiss army knives he did a modification to a swiss army knife but while i was there i noticed this toggle he was doing and it's a locking toggle where you use it to cinch up and lock with a piece of paracord now that was pretty intriguing so i got to thinking about that how that could incorporate into this sliding um guy line i recently did that i was showing that's the prusik knot onto with a bowline and i was thinking if i added a toggle on here where i could loop it back through and pull it it would be kind of like a cinch strap like the ones like you have you know for ratcheting down a load i'd be able to set this to whatever length i needed and then hooking the toggle through here pull it tight and it lock in place where i could then twist the toggle to unlock it and have something i could cinch up really tight i'm thinking about pretty good-sized loads and things so let's give that a try the first thing you're gonna need is you'll need a branch that's big enough to bore a hole through to put a piece of paracord i think this one will do and i'm thinking it should be a toggle about like two two and a half inches long so i'm going to trim off all this excess off here but i'm going to leave my handle long let's see how that works so pull my knife get rid of that little sticker right quick nice and easy i'll do a chest pull and leave it off relatively smooth just like that and be a good place to put the hole for the toggle and now i'm going to get rid of i'd say probably this y handed right there just like that don't need that this is the section i'm going to be using but i want a handle on it to help make it easier to um for me to drill it come here like this good hit goodbye now let's go ahead and dress this up we're going to go ahead and take off the bark and that woodsman's grind of black bird as you can see just hooks and peels it off there's no trouble now to cut down what's called checking splitting on the end we're going to come here on the end about a quarter inch back we're going to notch it off all the way around this will help like i said reduce it from splitting and checking on the end just like that now shifts up here higher on the blade the little little finer bevel right out there on that edge okay just like that now i want my toggle to be about there there so right here is where i'm going to put my mark to cut it off twist and bite in green wood that's no problem for this and then holding against my chest and cinching it up for a lever i'm going to remove that bark just like that okay now right here in the middle of it i'm going to take my knife and i'm going to go over here to a tree and we're going to i'm going to put like in fact i can do it right here i'm going to take my tip of my blackbird and i'm going to do a twist and this is my old prototype guys it was a prototype for the master wisdom and the prototype for the blackbird so i'm just going to call it the old black bird versus the new black bird but blacky where's the new blackbird it's at the house and she's me and this old girl right here been a lot of miles and i'm not retiring her just because i got a new one okay i'm not that kind of guy now shift over to my swiss army knife which has a cutting oil on it so going into that divot i just created right there i'm going to start twisting and turning like you're seeing now i see why i wanted that long handle so i can keep my fingers out from behind it and start boring the hole through it and this is going to take a minute don't get in a hurry start cutting and twisting and allowing the edge of that cutter to cut out and go as you go okay take your time don't get in a hurry now i'll be right back with you in a minute since i get the hole all the way through okay now i've created the hole all the way through with the auger and then i followed up by the small blade to clean it up and finally i've taken the phillips head and shoved it through the hole to smooth out and around the edge of the hole so now i have a hole all the way through that stick that is big enough for a piece of 550 paint line and yes like he's an old blind old sucker and you got to put glasses on sometime to see detail like that and yes the beard is a holding point not nearly as good as dan lutz or my scratch skid potipe but it'll hold now i'm going to take the end of the paracord i already made up that scott now for those you remember i have a bowline in this end and on this end has been turned into a prusik and the line fed back through so it's adjustable length for a guideline a strap or whatever on this experiment we're going to see if we can turn this into something that can be used as a cinch strap for loads or cinching down cargo or to secure something okay and yes i know my first choice probably the canadian jam knot is a bushcraft zip tie but i don't know will this work now let's see if that piece will go through there and it does okay now i need to cut off the stick up here i can do that right quick with the blackbird but i'm gonna use the saw to make it look better okay now that's why that little saw is so handy for these little things i can use my kukri chop big stuff but it's kind of hard do this precision work can i do it yes but um now let's go put that bowling back in here right quick see the toggle is now on that line let's just secure it in so it can't come off of there by putting that little bowline back in place now as i said i want to give full credit to the gentleman and he may not originate it okay that's the thing about youtube you don't know you come up and you see something like hey i like that and you want to incorporate it the question is did they come up with it or like you did they just stumble on it and they put it out and the answer is it don't matter we're on here to share knowledge right we're not here to try to put a patent on how to pour coffee out of a coffee cup it is should be our job to share information and therefore enjoy it a little bit and so if i come up with something or you come up with something or this guy over here comes up with something and we put it out there congrats i'll give you credit where i know to give you credit because i learn from you just like you learn from me that's how we learn together so i've now put that toggle on there now let's see how well it works okay the option of the game is you're going to take it and we're going to adjust this down small enough to go around this i'm going to cinch this up pretty much just like that so it would just go around okay need to add just about that much more okay and what i'm gonna do is the opposite game is you put the toggle see here's my line i bring my line over and pinch the line and then i put the toggle through the connectors stops the game there if it works correctly is that the toggle should bind it up so as i pull this line tight it should slide through that toggle and be bound on both ends see is the option of the game hold it down and pull that puppy tight and it shouldn't slide back because i'm just going to put my fingers over it like that okay now there it is now what that's done is the line has come up gone through the toggle and then went back under the loop and so it's holding tension the loop is actually pinching the two ends of the line so that is actually good and taut but how do you break it you turn the toggle you take it off so let's try it out here in a section where i ain't got that again i'm going to slack it up i'll put the toggle on and see how the loop is going over both ends of the line now i'm going to gather it up and so it's together and i'm going to pull it just like this and it is working i pull it up tight like a you know like a cargo strap ah that's good intact all right that's kept that line really tight to right there all that are not now i could easily hook this onto a piece of gear with a that toggle just like that and have a carry line that's going to keep that from unhooking or whatever but to take it off all i gotta do is turn that toggle and pop it's off so turn the toggle lift up and release the pressure boom and it falls off put it back on all i gotta do is just take hook and hook like that line everything up and start cinching it up just like this it's turning the line into a lockable soft shackles what's doing the whole thing is now good and blood tight look at that barely get a fingernail under it that toggle is locking i could of course cut that shorter in fact i probably will now see how it's working but i'll cut it about that long so it's just long enough to cross it unlock it all i gotta do is turn that in but that is solid locked it's going to hold it in position and all i got to do is pull and it's the tension of that line going through the toggle and then being pinched against the toggle that makes it lock so what this means is we've got now a locking toggle this can be used like this configuration as a cinch strap where i can pull gear tight to a pack frame or something like that and not have a knot i gotta untie how handy would this be on something like a pack board or one of those uh uh pre-made that you make up in the field expedited you know uh backpack frame where it's an a and you got toggles on it if you put this on you can cinch those toggles down tight and hold the load pretty effectively it acts it does the job of a buckle but it's not a buckle it's something you do in the field so all i gotta have is a piece of hardwood stick at about oh i'd say that's half inch diameter slightly less a hole through it that paracord can pass through now i can still use this as an adjustable length as i had i can also use this now as we talked about where we just hooked through and put a handle on it but it also this toggle on it now becomes a locking cinch strap so i can pull it tight and let go of it it's not going to slack itself i don't have to tie a knot hope you enjoyed this guys please leave any questions or comments below and thank you very much for supporting my channel and do me a favor before you leave hit that like share and subscribe button i'd really would appreciate it until next time i'm blacky wishing you safe journeys have a great day guys
Views: 87,577
Rating: 4.8403549 out of 5
Id: iMp0jm0SWhs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 33sec (933 seconds)
Published: Fri May 21 2021
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