Essential Knots!

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these knots and the principles I'm about to show you will serve you 99% of the time whether you're out camping hiking or surviving coming up on survival schoolhouse [Music] the principles that we want to think about for our line as far as it being utilized is minimal loss of the tensile strength of the quarters we're using itself also that the knot is easy to tie and untie incorporating quick releases quick to tie makes things pretty efficient and if it's frozen outside of it's the middle of winter they're easy to untie as well so we want to incorporate all of those in our survival knots a good rule of thumb to have with your cordage 5 5 foot pieces 550 cord that we have here 5 10 foot pieces that will suffice for a lot of what we need building our shelters coming out so something else you want to take care of is burning the ends you want to cut this off so you don't have to burn as much material grab that and you have a nice end to work with right there burn this up now when you burn the ends you want to make sure that you don't touch the ends for safety because if I touch that right there is gonna melt right to my finger then once it's still hot roll it over on a smooth surface and then make the end nice and pointy so when I tell untie my slipknot and other knots that I have on there and it slides right out now some of the nomenclature of the line that we're gonna be using we have the running end that we have right here that's gonna be moving around we have the body and then the standing end we'll also be using the terminology of a bite bi ght just the u-shape Bend in the line we'll use that to move around and tie our different knots that we're gonna be using as well now the first time that we're gonna tie is the square knot and what you want to remember is left over the right right over left so you put your left over the right when you put over the top twist around right over the left the one you put over the top twist around and then it makes two bites in the line right there you know it's correct say it's real tight you want to take it apart the two ends that are facing the same direction pull them it's gonna pop over then you can slide that right out so let's tie it again left over right right over left and then back on through you know it's incorrect if it goes the wrong direction around and the lines are facing the wrong direction and they don't want to slip out and if it doesn't it'll make it extremely difficult to untie a knot that is real handy is the slip knot and it's a start to the bowline when we're gonna tie the snap bowline so make a bird beak wrap a turn around leaving about six inches of line past it then reach down through and just grab your body grab that down then you have your slip knot right there this time one more time about six inches or so past bird beak wrap it around reach down grab the body there's your Slipknot easy to untie now you can use your Slipknot right here once your slip knot is tied you have this your oh somewhere this is gonna be about the size of your loop of your bowline and it's the length of whatever you determine it to be so what you want to do is you have your Slipknot put this through and then make it bite back on the Slipknot loop that you made so you can see the bite right here you can see our bite then I'm gonna pull the body and because our Slipknot is loose it pulls and then snaps over and then makes a bowline so you can see both sides easy to untie with the bowline save that's real tight you press up on the backside on that bite around the line that loosens everything up easy to untie so let's start with our Slipknot bird beak down body pull it up we have our Slipknot our slip knot which is loose this is gonna be our loop our finished loop right here bring this back on itself to make a bite I'm sure you're both weights too but and then you want to pinch this bite real tight and then you're gonna pull the body so it pops over makes our bowline our fixed loop the reason that we don't want to tie just a simple overhand loop just an overhand knot in the line is it's real difficult to untie so bowline minimal loss of our tensile strength and then real easy to untie when it's frozen let's represent tying up a sleeping bag or a shelter just some other fix the object and make it tighter so you can crank down on this make it tighter then you're going to pinch towards the back end all I'm gonna do is make a bite right here just like so come around and pull it back towards where I'm pinched that right there is a trucker's hitch so let's do it one more time let's tighten something up pinch it so it doesn't loosen up a lot of people want to pinch up here but that gets in the way of tightening this up later so pinch the backside make your bite just a few inches down bring it back and around and then through it's like so and it's basically a half hitch that's not pulled all the way through we can make a half hitch around this loop as a safety all you do is you must make an underhand turn put it around your loop right here pull it tight that makes a secure loop to tie off to you so if we want to make that one more time make an underhand turn like so grab your loop pull it through and you have this nice and secure a little trick that you can do is you don't need to pull your half hitch or your safety all the way through you can just leave this loose right here it still keeps this secure it's still a safety but I didn't pull it all the way through and makes it that much quicker to untie when you have a piece material like this you can use a girth hitch that's just where you make a bite in the line then your Bight just goes through your grommet you have your loop pull both your lines through which makes our girth hitch real sturdy real easy to untie so let's tie it one more time make your bite you don't need to make the tail any of you bite too long just long enough to where it's easy to pull through pull your line all the way through then you have your girth hitch then say you want to tie off to the corner for a shelter and easy knot to tie is your clove hitch clove hitch goes around the tree and you want to remember to make an X so here's our X there's our X right here we come around again we want to pinch that X so that X that's gonna hold our knot from coming unsecured when you loosen up the end that just came around and then I'm going to pull the body of our line through and most of the time I don't even pull this all the way through so snow clove is what it's called then it's real easy to untie so it's a friction knot this works best when there's a bunch of bark if this is a smooth tree you want to wrap it around one or two more times so pull it nice and tight wrap it around make an X come around again you make that X you want to pinch it so it doesn't loosen up the backside is gonna loosen up they just pulled around and then pull your body through and you don't have to pull it all the way through just makes a snow clove lines all dressed up out of the way so we don't trip on it or pull or not out as we're walking around in the middle of the night take it apart do we have our loop pull it out real fast untie and go now to keep our lines from getting all tangled up we want to put them in a daisy chain and a daisy chain starts with putting all your lines somewhat even towards the end that we have right here making sure that they're untangled start with a slip knot wrap around grab it pull the body through so we have our slip knot right here we have the tail end now we're gonna step on that just to secure it make it easier and so you have this slip knot that moves back and forth so we have a slip knot you're gonna reach through and then grab and pull the body through reach through grab the body reach through grab the body you just keep doing that back and forth now you don't want to make this loop too big right here don't make it too big keep dressing it up make it just a small enough loop this doesn't have to be pulled tight this is just a way to store the line so I'm just reaching through each time grabbing it and then when I get to the end I'm gonna pull all my lines all the way through now to take it apart you need to take it apart from the end that you end it on and then it simply comes all the way apart so again start with your Slipknot we have our end right here slipknot moves back and forth so you need to dress it up as you're going reach through grab the body reach through grab it don't pull it all the way through only one side tightens this part up doesn't have to be real tight reach through eventually this will become real quick we become second nature as you make your daisy chain keeps it nice and stored in your pack ready to go so it doesn't turn into a rat's nest inside your pack so let's put all this into practice let's make a little shelter this right here is just representative item this could be a tarp you buy from the store could be a piece of plastic this is just a pretty heavy-duty poncho that we have right here we have a couple trees that are just silver arms distance apart if they're too far apart you're using a bunch of your line that you could be saving for other things looking around I'm not seeing anything any other hazards in the area so we have our shelter kit we have our lines we have the everything ready to go I always hold on to it don't set it on the ground take apart your daisy chain hang it up in a tree off the tree that you're using so then it's prepped up ready to go and you're not losing it remember take your daisy chain out from the end that you finished on then you have two different spots we have our short lines and our long lines hanging up right here I level easy to see don't lay them on the ground because they're easy to to lose tie up our poncho what do you think we're gonna be using for these openings girthy very good just start out with your long lines start in the middle of your poncho we have our girth hitch then tie up right here that's good idea I like to tie a trucker's hitch girth hitch on the other side come around only a nice and tight and then once we come back around see we're making our bite back on itself so now we're out to time the corners off for our poncho tied off with a girth hitch pull it out see where it looks the best right about here grab a stick a big sturdy beater stick start pounding your stake into the ground we have our stake right here when you start pounding have you palm up so if you miss goes off into the meaty part of your palm and not the back side or the top part of your wrist [Applause] make sure you have leather gloves on as well and tie it off with a clove hitch now what you can do is tell off the big sturdy logs the bigger the better now if you don't have grommets you can always make a button right there make your Slipknot find some soft material right around golf-ball-sized put it in your corner pull your Slipknot tight there's your button one way to secure off plastic with other things when you don't have a grommet something else I can do is grab a long line tie a slipknot tie your hood up so it's nice and secure fold it over so no rain gets inside your hood while I nice and tight tie it off to a tree next [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] these are the knots I use 99% of the time whether I'm tying up a shelter or just out camping tying up a tarp for maybe as a shade covering overhead just easy to tie easy to untie minimal loss of tensile strength thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: Survival School House
Views: 163,592
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Id: q4O3gqTJCDc
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Length: 18min 32sec (1112 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 18 2020
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