DIY Rope Tensioning System - Super easy 3 minutes project - New invention - Bushcraft Rope Tensioner

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today i will show you a small but very ingenious invention this little branch with a hole in the center is the key part of a fantastic rope tensioning system the uses for this system and how to do it i show you after the intro [Music] hello youtube welcome to another project video sometimes it are the small and simple things who makes the difference in this case you just need a swiss army knife a little branch a piece of rope three minutes time and after this video you are able to craft an outstanding rope tensioning system two weeks ago i got a video recommendation from youtube for a video about a new invention diy rope tensioning system and what i saw there was just amazing so i decided to contact that left the owner of this youtube channel and i told him that i would like to show his invention to my audience he was happy with my idea so thanks a lot left for your confidence the link to that left channel you find here in the description box below and at the end of this video first of all i want to give you some impressions in which situation this tension was useful after i show you how to craft it and at the end i explained you the [Music] principle [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] now [Music] [Music] do [Music] all you need for this project is a five centimeter long piece of a branch from a sturdy wood in my case a 2 case with a diameter between 10 and 15 millimeters you need a piece of paracord in the desired length you need a lighter for melting the ends and you need a swiss army knife first step is take the awl and make a hole in the center so with the small blade i clean the entrance and exit a little bit like this so that's all take the paracord make a loop at one end about five centimeters long with a simple overhand knot like this then push the other end through the hole in the branch make a knot that the branch can't fall out that's all i really like to craft my own gear this is thousand times more style than this cheap plastic stoppers from china take the time try it out go for it now i want to show you the principle how this system works first lay the paracord around the thing you want to bind together then hold one end like this grab the loop go through the loop with the stick hold the stick and pull on the short end like this now you can see the paracord who is going around the tarp goes from downside through the hole comes out here and get jammed through this part of the loop because of the two tie turns and the loop who pinched the cord you have enough friction resistance that the paracord get champed for release is not just turn the stick push it through the loop and now it's open so my friends i hope you liked this little trick like i do thanks a lot for watching don't forget to subscribe to my channel and see you next friday again ciao and don't forget to visit deadlifts youtube channel bushcraft nature cheers
Channel: Felix Immler
Views: 275,410
Rating: 4.970933 out of 5
Keywords: Rope tensioner, bushcraft rope tensioner, DIY rope tensioner, Felix, Immler, Pocket Knive, SAK, Swiss Army Knifes, Taschenmesser, Schnitzen, Sackmesser, Bushcraft, Survival, Camping, Hiking, Wilderness, how to, maker, Victorinox, Wenger, Victorinox Camper, Victorinox Huntsman, Life hack, Trick, scout, hack, rope tensioning system, Guy-Line Tensioner, DIY Guy-Line Tensioner, Slips Slides and Runners, Seilspanner, bushcraft Seilspanner, Slip slides, runner
Id: UZY0ps8Stz0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 45sec (405 seconds)
Published: Fri May 14 2021
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