Fencing Like A Pro...Knot tying..Pulling wire tight and more!

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support companies that help support the Stoney Ridge farm subscribe to the channel and contact farm fence solutions for all of your fence building and tornado wire needs hey folks this is Josh Stoney Ridge farmer welcome back to the farm so we're just about done with our fencing job there'll be a whole lot of things for me to tie up so more videos and stuff will trickle in as time goes on here but we've got Luke with farm fence solutions here we're going to be strapping up this tornado wire and if you look out through there Luke can you step back just a little bit if you look out through there this wire is laying on the ground but it's already stretched tight if you can see this so it's basically tight as a tick all the way on the ground here across and it's about a 693 foot run and we're over like a hump so in other words it starts at a low spot down here and it ends at a low spot down here and you can see all this wire on the ground so we're going to show you quite a few things today we're going to talk a little bit about knot tying we're gonna talk about running the high tensile electric line and we're gonna talk about how to get it up off the ground there are places that are high and there are places that are low and you'll get a whole lot more footage later on a future video but today we're gonna go through raise this up tie some knots and hang some high tensile [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm Luke with farm fence solutions and today we're stretching some 1348 12 tighten fix not from tornado wire like josh has already explained we've got a low area at both ends of this stretch so in the middle it's laid flat over this hump and it's a bit of a challenge to get it stood up because it's so tight so we're going to show you how we get that stood up and against a post and tie it off so sometimes you've got to improvise just a little bit on the fence line and so today we need a little bit of an extra boost so Bart's got that rock there that he's gonna sit that up on baby perfect and I'll hold this up while Bart slides the the net clamp in and for this we use a little bit cheaper version of the strain right we typically used we're gonna knock this rock out so that's that lays down flat will poke our wedges in for this we're using a strain right boundary strainer they'll weigh that strain right change strainers work is they've got two jaws that ride over the chain links and they just walk up you can walk them down just the same so if you needed to loosen it again it's critical to keep that chain straight and then once you've got started we just start walking so these are post ties this is what we're going to tie this up on basically this goes around the post this is a medium tensile steel and there is an attachment on the drill that goes over top of these and you guys would get a whole lot more detail on that in future videos because I have about 450,000 of these to put on once these guys leave so I have these guys here for expertise not for labor so expertise is what I've got so we're gonna put these guys on here and hold this up and then we'll move on down the line and we'll hang this fence all the way down the line we'll show you the finished product pretty cool now I'm having a lien on this because this guy is so skinny then he doesn't have just enough weight to push this fence up people make fun of the gut a whole lot of times but I'm telling you right now it's a lever it's also a toolbox case you need to put you know tools and stuff you need to hold them up you ever pick something up you need to need more belly yeah hold stuff up that's it now Bart's got the rest toolbox baby woo really have here is a drill trip for these post ties you got the tie it goes around your post make sure you get your wire in there and then you just squeeze it together stick it in and then you hit the trigger and it get twist and snap the ties off we're gonna go over the wire here around the PO squeeze it together stick it in the check twist it off drill chuck for the post ties is designed to break the tips off and basically you've got a million little tiny trash cans all the way through here we'll just drop the little wire pieces right down in the hole and they'll be good to go now we think about these pipes and this whole metal fence situation here you could put post caps on each post but you also got to think about the expansion and contraction the moisture retention so basically we'll leave these guys open to air whatever water falls in them will go down into the ground if you put a cap on it it's going to retain moisture caused it to sweat and cause it to rust in the inside over I guess a 60-year period these are really really stout posts so they're not your average chain-link fence post these are about twice as thick so what we're gonna do now is pull the rest of this wire up on down the line and because it's not quite as Extreme as it was on that on that first pull-up we're going to use what we call a 502 strainer from strain right available at farm fence solutions again you want to make sure that your chain is straight he's got rained on and flopped in the mud all day yesterday so they could use a cleanup and so what we're able to do there let's turn this into a one-man job a second man doesn't need to try to hold that up which would be just about impossible anyhow so anytime we pull up we tie from the top down and if we have to pull down we tie from the bottom up [Music] so we got that roll of wire up off the ground supported on the post and now we're going to show you how we run a line of high-tensile and what we're going to do across the entire farm here is we're gonna run a line of high tensile wire and put electricity to it to keep horses or cows off the top of the fence and also to give us a termination point for when we start doing all of our cross fencing that's going to go through here so we'll use temporary wire and we'll mob stock our livestock in other words we'll take our livestock and we'll put them on small paddocks of land and let them intensively graze that and move them on a daily or every to day basis so right now he's dragging the line this is a high tensile line this is the roller right here he's gonna drag it all the way out to the end we'll hang it in the insulators you can hang it in the insulators after the fact if you want to or you can just go in and hang them now so we already have the insulators in place but if we just wanted to string a high tensile line from one end to the other we could put on our insulators after the fact we'll show you the insulators and how we terminate what we're gonna do after the fact we'll be digging trenches between these gates between these holes and we'll run the line an insulated line under the ground you'll get to see that stuff in a future video after these guys names [Music] now it's up there where you can get a hold of it see and you're able to put your six tight wraps on it if you just go a little bit past where you need to be and if you wring that towards your wraps snaps right off again that's very smooth or you don't get cut so what Bart's doing here is he's just laying it inside the insulator and we'll move on to the next insulator pull it in just lay it right in the insulator go all the way down the line this is about a 550 foot line tell you what really pays off is having the people that have the knowledge to share this with me so that I can share it with you SuperDuper cool we're gonna go terminate this will stretch it out and we'll terminate it [Music] what we've done is cut a about a three-foot piece of 12 and a half gauge high tensile wire to make the tail that will tie our insulator off to we're going to use a bull nosed insulator to isolate the electric charge from the steel post here's a finished termination knot it's the exact same thing we're going to tie up here start by going around the post go under you can tie this knot either way right side up or upside down it doesn't matter so start by going under then over come under kink your wire around this a little bit and this is the part where you're going to slide it up tight to the post you're gonna take one lazy loop which is a little bit of a long wrap and then two tight wraps with a little bit of a crank handle right here we call this the Craig you're gonna wring that wire off always ring back towards your coils and it snaps right off again that's nice and clean it's not sharp at all the next step is to put the bull nose insulator on the easiest way to gauge your distance is to get a hold of it I'll get a hold of your tail and run out to the end of your thumb put a bend in the wire [Music] then you slide your bull nose insulator on [Music] we'll go six tight wraps [Music] then we've got our bull nose insulator tied on and we're ready to tie on our top line first thing we want to do is put our ratchet strainer on this is a strain right xt-1 and what I really like about these is you can thread your wire through it so especially for a hot wire there's no break in it so this would still conduct electricity but more efficiently if there's no cut in the wire and with that slid on now it's time to attach our top-line wire to our bullnose insulator it's going to be just the same as this we're going to go six tight wraps [Music] [Applause] [Music] can will ring that off what I really like about these xt ones you can use a an actual ratchet handle or a wrench an adjustable wrench a pair of pliers whatever you need to do to make this work whatever you've got on the Gator in your pocket we'll just put one more click on this and that makes for a super clean straight wire so Luke here is going to teach us a little bit about knot tying on the fence here we're gonna tie a reef knot a figure eight knot and a termination knot and we're gonna pull him tight we're going to show you a little bit about it first of all we're going to show you what a lot of non professional type fence builders do they do what's called a wrap knot is that right that's not a knot just wrap you just wrapped so we'll show you that we're actually going to put a wrap knot here and we're gonna put a termination knot on here and we'll pull it tight and show you why that's not the way to do it what we'll do here is we'll just make about five five wraps so I'm going to leave a tail on this so that you can see what happens once we put tension on it we get a lot of people that say oh rapping it's good enough and I suppose it might be but it's not the best way it doesn't matter how many wraps you put on here this is just for demonstration purposes we're not building anything we'll put a termination knot on this end what we're gonna do is stretch this tight between and see which one fails first tool we're using is the strain right chain strainer same thing we used earlier there's a lot of lot of good ways to use this on a fence line great for more than one purpose excellent for pulling the four-wheeler out of the mud all we do is walk this these chain dogs straight up the chain the wire gets tighter I'll put some glasses on just in case and Josh what you're gonna watch is that tail what we're going to look for is to see if if these wraps come undone under pressure [Music] so as you can see if we continue to pull on that it would unwrap all the way and you can take a look at this end and see the determination not is still just fine [Music] that's why we don't use that as a termination nut so we have a termination nut on each end of this gate and we're going to tie a figure eight knot for you guys watch carefully you can go back and watch this again and again if you want to learn it we're gonna tie figure eight and here's how it starts with the line wire to your right we pull a loop overhand feed the other line up through and then we were gonna put a put a kink in that wire just like so [Music] come under over under on this side pull that nice and snug so that it matches this side take your slack out by hand if you watch this knot as we put tension on that it'll come down tight [Music] and once where to this point we would wrap our tails just like so [Music] [Applause] [Music] and there's a finished figure eight knot [Music] the next knot we're going to tie as a reef knot the reef knot is also for joining wire that is not under tension the first step in a reef knot is very similar to the figure eight you just don't make a closed loop out of it so we're gonna make it you on this side and we're gonna make it you on this side so we've got our to use we'll pass the right hand you into the left hand you under to the right will come over and this tail is going to go over and through now it's ready to stretch tight and again we use our chain strainers from strain right what I really like about these strain right strangers is they just last forever tough they get a hold very well if you watch this knot as we come tight that's not this continues to suck down this is a knot that you have to babysit just a little as it comes tight very common for splicing barbed wire that's just about it so we're going to get out of that one the last thing to do is finish it with tight wraps in either direction and that's a completed reef not guys I hope you learned a whole lot Luke is just a fountain of knowledge and Bart right here is a fountain of work he's been working his butt off he's a super clean guy guys Luke again is with farm fence solutions what's the phone number eight four four four eight Vince eight four four four eight fence guys thanks a lot for joining us here today on the Stoney Ridge farm I hope you learned a lot these guys are packing it up they're leaving out tomorrow we've had six days here on the farm building fences and we're gonna have probably 600 more days building fences so expect lots more videos this is all education for me and education for you I hope can appreciate it please pound that like button subscribe to the channel if you're new here and we'll see you next time on the Stoney Ridge farm all right [Music] [Music] okay guys so now we're what do we just get down to it the next thing we're gonna do one first of all we're gonna show you a lot of the game when we get to over down we get our Springs whoo
Channel: Stoney Ridge Farmer
Views: 2,074,326
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chickens, homestead, homesteading, farming, tractor, farm tractor, ram, farm fencing, fixed knot, fencing knots, budget fencing, fence line solutions, farm fence, high tensile, building a farm fence, fence installation, strainrite fencing systems, chain strainer, fence knots, tornado wire, how to build a fence, stay tuff fence, berkhart fence, farm fence solutions, kubota, john deere gator, cattle fence, horse fence, goat fence, electric fence
Id: KMYRronbMxE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 38sec (1178 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 14 2019
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