Trucker's Hitch Versus Taut-Line Hitch

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welcome to corporals corner here's a quick question which is better for a Ridgeline trucker's hitch or taut-line hitch we're going to find out together so stick around all right today we do something a little bit different I've noticed a pattern that every time I put a shelter video up I get asked routinely and to be quite honest I get asked this question quite a bit as in my methodology or my reasoning behind using a trucker's hitch and posted loops for my shelter construction or my fast deployable Ridgeline and to be really honest the question is usually come from nonsubscribers and they're just cruising through and they find my channel but they tend to ask the question in a as a matter of fact kind of way and then they proceeded to tell me that well on someone's those channel he uses this or they do that what you're doing is this too much work and all you need is a taut line hitch and two sticks and you should be good to go so I thought you know what I've been hearing this same thing over and over over the past couple years so I thought why not look at that evidence or look at that option objectively and approach it as I'm out in the woods I want to put a shelter up is it easier or is it better just to throw up a taut line hitch and two sticks so let's go ahead and check this out we'll find out together just take one end I get a bite right here I'm then going to take that end and go underneath and inside of it twice there's one there's two now go behind this one right here where my loop is now I'll go around it and back through that hole then we'll just tighten everything up so taking that bowline at the end I place my cordage through there you're gonna form a pocket I grab a stick off the ground or a tent stake place it inside that pocket now have an improvised Marlinspike it's on this end or a quick release so here's our taut line hitch for our Ridgeline what you gotta do is you gotta grab onto this pull here pull this way and then pull that way so you're pulling opposites and that'll actually tighten your original inodes okay so we got a taut line hitch a ridge line it's all set up right here and I'm already seeing problem with this normally with a trucker's hitch I can grab my onto this I can crank it down and get as tight as I want I can't do that here if I do that there's no way to attach this tarp so I'm got to loosen this up and it wants to fall over here on this side I want it loose enough to where I can pinch a bite in that ridge line and then pass it through a grommet and then slide that toggle through there right now this seems like it's more work than what I need to do ok so there's another problem coming across I got to pull the ridge line tight and then try and line up the grommet on my opposite end and make a bite at the same time and pass it through there if I don't do this the tarp is going to sag there's our toggle now we tighten our ridgeline back up and see what we got well now that was different so it's going to talk about that have a quick after-action report the first thing we're after that I noticed I'm not able to get that ridge line as tight as I want and that's an issue for me normally I want to set that ridge line anywhere from waist the chest height I want to crank it down tie it off and be done and for this I can't do that once I wants to fall I tighten that side up then next I wants to fall it's an issue for me next thing I noticed was taut line hitch is not a quick-release and I preach preach preach quick releases on both ends improvised Marlin spike hitch with a toggle or a tent stake through it pull it out it drops trucker's hitch pull that cord it drops I grab all my stuff up and I can get out of there if I have to I can't do that here now there is one way to go ahead and turn that into an improvised taut line hitch with a quick-release and I'll show you that right now what you're going to do is take off that last wrap like I showed before your second trap goes underneath this one goes around the tree now we're going to go underneath this one right here and just like a trucker's hitch we're go ahead and take a bite I'm going to stick it underneath here now we're gonna go ahead and dress this up and try and turn into something that resembles a taut line hitch the more you pull the tighter it gets and just like a trucker's hitch will pull right here and we'll listen it up but keep in mind if you got 20 or 30 feet of this quarters left you're gonna be pulling it through and unwrapping it each time so does this actually save time I don't know the next thing I noticed is that trying to hang the tarp itself I got I put bites in that ridge line which means again original ins gotta be loose I got to feed it through there put a toggle in it go to my opposite in and try and pull it tight again and match up a bite with a grommet force it through that drama then go ahead and put my tent stake or my toggle through there yeah it can be done doesn't work it did work but how much stressed by putting on that ridge line I don't know over time of doing that and continually putting a small bite in there is that going to weaken the area of that cordage and causes to fray or break I don't know the last thing it's very important to me is once you hang that tarp using this system that tarp stays right there there's no way to slide it closer to this side or move it that way or make room for an additional tarp without loosening the whole system up pulling everything back out putting it where you want it then hang it again so as of right now I'm looking at this this is more time-consuming and I don't want to be the bad guy but it looks more along the lines of someone who doesn't know what they're doing but want you to think that they do I don't know let's go ahead and use my fast deploy Ridgeline system and a trucker's hitch and see if it's any better to tire a trucker's hitch all we're going to do is we're going to go around our object locate some spot on here when I twist it towards our object or our tree now from here we're gonna take this we're gonna lay it down I'm going to pull a bite through there now we take our end we're gonna pass it through then we're going to pull it towards our tent stake or a simulated tree the tighter you pull it the tighter it's gonna be a from here all we're gonna do but pinch both these together drape it over reach inside pull it bite through there so on the opposite end of my trucker's hitch we have our quick release my own spike hitch with our toggle or 10 stake we got a 2 rustic rustic loops right here I'm gonna slide one down towards my trucker's hitch I'm gonna leave one right here then we're going to hang our tarp so I'm talking about it this thing super tight yep one and done [Applause] [Music] [Applause] another advantage of using the trucker's hitch this is just a quick tip or trick you can actually eliminate one of the pro stick loops use the loop on your trucker's hitch I can transition from a lean-to to a plow point diamond configuration in a matter of seconds welcome back a fast deploy borage line is outstanding just my humble opinion and that's exactly what this is my opinion at the end of the day you guys do it works for you now my mind's made up imma stick with this system because for me looking at this and actually running through both setups there's far more advantages that having something like this then to pull cordage out and trying to wrap something up and here's why just the trucker's hitch alone let's go and look at that just that one piece okay now one piece of this system I can crank that Ridgeline down as tight as I want one time tie it off and walk away that loop on there gives me a quick release here combined with the improvised Marlin or marlinespike hitch on that and over there pull the toggle out or tents take hold that loop system drops and I can go that same loop on that trucker's hitch allows me to eliminate one of my pro six time I lean to pass it through there cinch it down with a stick I can transition from a lean-to to a plow point seconds now the pro six the proof six allow me to freedom to slide my tarp without loosening the ridgeline and move that tarp anywhere I see fit or move it to allow for another configuration or multiple tarps and the best part of that is it doesn't damage my cordage by creating a bite and passing it through that grommet every single time now the best part of this whole system the entire system put together is that it wraps up into a nice neat package like this this is 25 foot make using a 50 foot 100 foot you have toss it into a pack or glove box that remains tangle free until you need it just that alone for me it's worth its weight in gold now I'll do here do you see today is available on my Amazon even closer page I'll put a link in my description box please do me a favor hit that like and subscribe button and remit notification Bell once you ring that Bell please select all notifications this way I'll never miss another video ever again and as always thank you for your comments abuse and support thanks for watching get out in the field have some fun gonna catch you next time [Music]
Channel: Corporals Corner
Views: 258,717
Rating: 4.9096427 out of 5
Keywords: truckers hitch, taut-line hitch, tautline, tautline hitch, tarpaulin tensioning knot, best survival knots, corporals corner, survival, bushcraft, truckers hitch knot, truckers hitch tip, truckers hitch ridgeline, tautline hitch ridgeline, Trucker's Hitch Versus Taut-Line Hitch, knot tutorial, camping knots, knots, knots you need to know
Id: tWRNqWdPajs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 41sec (941 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 07 2019
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