Truly Understanding A Compass

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hey everybody welcome to another exciting edition of fun in the woods now white man fun in the basement a while back I did a video called why all hikers should carry a compass and I showed a method for if you get lost had to become unlost and of course I method for how to avoid getting lost in the first place well the comments on that video if I remember right I think I got 1,100 comments on that so that was a pretty popular subject and it was a lot of people that they send it after watching the video they said that uh they were convinced they should carry a compass and I got a lot of video I mean a lot of comments where they said that they didn't know how to use one but there's gonna carry one anyway and I was gonna learn so I got to searching around looking and there was there was requests for a compass video and I got to searching around and I got to looking at some of the videos because I thought there's a lot of complexity deals out there and when I get to looking at I'm a lot of them are kind of confusing and then when I got to thinking about how I would do a video and then I got this kind of struggling with it thinking man how do you make it easy to understand so this is going to be my vain attempt at getting you to understand I mean truly understanding a compass because to me there's two keys to a compass okay one you have to understand it you have to understand how it works you have to understand the simple fact that that little red needle always points towards magnetic north and then the other thing is is you have to learn to trust your readings sound good fair enough all right well let's dive into this and we're going to start out by I'm gonna show you the different parts of the compass in the two different kinds I will go over that real quick and then before we go into the how to use a compass into navigation I'm gonna I'm gonna scribble something on a dry erase it all forward about direction and hopefully that will clear everything so that everything I say in the lighter in the video will be a lot easier to understand let's take a look at the different kind of compasses now this is what they call a a baseplate compass or a map compass and the and this is an Oran tiering compass it's got a mirror and it's got a little sight hole in it now the base plate compass it's made the one with the clear bottom they're made to sit on the map because you can see through them and they've got these scales on each side and most of them have what's called meridian lines see all these lines going across here sometimes some people call them grid lines with some color meridian lines and say that way you can line them up on your mouse I mean I wouldn't on there say that way you can line these up with the grid lines or on the map or meridian lines and say that way you can do things with it like turn the map and stuff like that but this video we're not we're not concentrating we're not going to be talking much about maps and we're not going to be using these type of conferences here we're going to be using the orienteering compass because the idea behind this video is to be Orange hearing now this one say this has got a great great bottom on it this has got a clear bottom on it with Amir so this is kind of like a combination of both now the parts of these things here every compass will show you the good one every compass has your direction of arrow now it's not clearly marked on this one it's just understood that it's here here it's clearly clearly marked your direction of arrow is usually printed on the base plot you see this has got one to the red thing right there that's the direction of travel here's another example printed right on the base plate okay direction of travel okay we got that part clear now the red part right here that is the magnetic needle all right the red end of it always points north see the two of these are right here and incidentally if anything metal let me show you something don't ever get anything metal near it don't ever get a don't ever get a knife or a belt buckle or a button collar or anything near it because it'll affect it there it goes see now if you get it real close like that chances are you won't be touching it that really screws it up as you can see when I'm going around it like about yet it kind of follows so that's something you got to pay attention to this friend of mine said one time he said a map on the ground whose machete beside it and kept getting weird readings and he didn't know why all right so I'm already now I'm already being myself and being off track but that's something important to know now that is the magnetic north needle now this red arrow right here is called the Orang tearing arrow not to be confused with the direction of travel arrow same thing right here see the red arrow that's the orange hearing arrow that's what you always line it with north all right no matter how you turn this compass you're always gonna line that north now the name for that it's called red in the shade that's how you remember that because some people get confused because you've got this arrow here you get magnetic needle and direction of travel red in the shed that's how you're gonna line up always always remember that this compass here it's got some meridian lines here too so that you can use it on a on a mount this is this gap meridian lines now on the bezel this bezel rotates and that's got a lot to do with how your how you're going to be taking bearings now bearings is simply where at what direction you're going okay that's like if I was going north what I would do is I would put north in my direction of travel and then I would line up my arrow so what it was mean is then I would walk this direction if I was going south which incidentally South would be returning from camp then what you do is you would line up remember what I said read in the shed didn't you'd be walking back the other direction okay I am so that's your rotating bezel the little red things inside here see our hair right on here the little red things in here what one thing before I get into that I want to show you something here real important on compasses this has only got north marked everything else is degrees this has absolutely nothing marked you have to know that 0 is north 180 is south 90 is East and West is 270 so that could be a little bit more confusing that's one of the reasons why I love this compass because this has got north south east west it's even got northeast and northwest and southeast did they're all marked that's wonderful I love it now before I got confused right here this other little scale up here see these little numbers up in here that's the declination scale that's for setting declination and that's something that when we hit the dry erase board I'm gonna explain about magnetic declination but it doesn't necessarily apply to this video but those are the parts of the compass and those are the things that you need to know the main things you need to know see this one's got some scales across it too and a little magnifying lens now let's hit this dry erase board over here and I'm gonna try to simplify direction now that you know the parts of the compass and then I'll show you how to use the compass I knew I'd find a use for this old lid right here at some point in time so let's draw the circle right all right there's a circle now what we have to understand this is what I'm explaining about direction all right all maps that I know of pretty much all maps that are ever made straight up is considered north that is called true north all right make sense true north all right down there's always self to your right is always east and then west okay let's understood I think most of you understand this but this has to do with direction now this is always north is always zero degrees 90 degrees is east 180 and then 270 degrees now with that being said let me explain something to you all circles are 360 degrees okay now each degree is divided up into 60 Minutes make sense so one degree is 60 minutes a half a degree is 30 minutes a quarter of a degree is 15 minutes okay make sense all right and then if you want to get into when you get into like geometry and machine shop terminology you get into seconds each minute has 60 seconds and that's like angles and things in trigonometry and genomic geology geometry but we're not going to get into none of that yet but I just want you to be clear on that because now chop this in half and you now have North East which is 45 degrees good chop this in half and then you have South East okay because it's halfway between South and East so if you got 90 right in the middle of it you add another 45 degrees and you're gonna be a hundred and thirty-five okay same thing with this this Southwest and this over here is Northwest now this is going to be your your this is the bezel okay on how you take your bearings and your bearings is basically that the the distance that you're going to go now to clearly understand this what I'm gonna do now is I'm gonna I want you to picture in your head for people that don't grasp er this but what this says it's let's say that you're standing here and you want to go east it's 90 degrees that way okay you want to go west it's 270 that way so let's look at it this way think of a baseball field this is the pitcher's mound okay that's the pitcher's mound this is first base all right it's the second base not waiting hat I have totally screwed it up that's what happens when you're looking at Cameron thinking this is home plate I almost missed you okay that's first base this is second base and then this is third base all right and I think you've got likely some weird-looking thing right here all right think of a baseball field you're on the pitcher's mound you're always on the pitcher's mound now think of True North as second base first base is East third base west that's how this thing set up okay and you've got all these different degrees so that you can travel in all these different locations in between all right clears mud that's the deal with the degrees okay now true north is what's printed on all maps all maps everywhere you go now magnetic north can vary it varies from location to location and it varies throughout the years so I got a I got a hit on that even though this is just a navigation by compass video I have to explain declination okay so we're not going to get into that because that's map reading but I'm going to explain let's draw us a little circle right here again now remember how I said that all maps or at least all that I know of or drawn thinking that no true north is straight up okay true north that's what maps are made of right up here at the top let's say you have what they call the geographical poles the North Pole and the South Pole okay there's a North Pole and there's a South Pole all right now that's true north all maps everywhere you go they're drawn with north straight up and the reason that they do that is so that you can just it's a standard and you're gonna kind of understand for a minute now somewhere under the cooker list or core there's a some kind of an ore deposit somewhere over here and it's constantly shifting now that is what a compass is attracted to and depending on your location in the world okay there's there's any shifts so depending on your location in the world your compass is going to point directly towards it okay depending on some of the other locations of where you are your compass is still going to point to it no matter where your location is okay so now we're starting to get somewhere true north is always consider straight up but depending where you are your compass is going to be pointing towards magnetic north now we're going to be using magnetic north for our hiking and our navigating but like I said I'm going to have to explain this to you and there's a few other things that I'm fixing to explain here in a minute okay this is my half-hearted attempt at drawing the United States of America now before we look at this all maps you got to understand are drawn with the intentions that North is straight up and a lot of them will have emblem like this okay North will always be straight up and that's how you know what you're looking at on a mat okay North they easily look like that everyone smile you'll see something like this little blue emblem here with North straight up okay so let's look at this map now here this is the United States of America that I have drawn okay now let's say straight up is true north no matter where you go straight up it's true north true north true nowhere okay because that's how all maps are drawn now there's a thing called the agonic line and the agonic line is where the the magnetism lines up perfectly it's zero degrees true north and magnetic north lines up and right now you know I believe the agonic line is going somewhere through somewhere through a gonig line a gon I see that is the agonic line it is going somewheres through the border of Louisiana and Mississippi okay and then all these other lines are called isogonic lines all right you've got all these right here and they're drawn in a curved shape because the world is round I at least according to Columbus City yes I think that's who it was but this ain't history please now these other lines that are called isogonic lines is oh go neck lines okay all right now enough of the technical stuff I'm gonna hold the compass up here and I'm explaining this to you if you live somewhere along the isogonic line which is it's somewhere along its somewheres right now between the Louisiana and Mississippi border and then it eases on up through Arkansas and Missouri and possibly Iowa Minnesota somewheres in that area if you're standing there magnetic north is going to be lying in that perfect please zero okay now if you're over here if you're over here on this side true north is up but your compass is going to be drawn in this direction towards this is magnetic north okay is that starting to make sense now and then if I'm over here straight up is north true north because that's how my khatma map is drawn but my compass is gonna be pulled over this way all right and that's what's called East declination and West declination now constantly shift so you got to be careful about using these old maps so let's let's take a look at the camera off cuz I wasn't quite ready with the I didn't have my glasses I don't know if this is gonna focus in or not but this map is on the on the internet there's a bunch of maps like this and this is an older map because if you'll see this is zero degrees this is the agonic line okay and this is such an old map that it's showing it right past the Georgia border right over into Alabama well see now it's done shifted and it's all the way over here in between in between Louisiana and Mississippi and see this is showing a four degree East declination okay and it's like now as it has shifted see this is showing two degrees west and right now it's like four degrees so let's show you another thing right here this is an older map this is an older map that was printed with a compass that I got and this is showing d0 degrees this is such an old map it's showing ago go directly through Georgia some maps [Applause] this is Chattooga Ville Georgia I see the date only 1967 now some maps will actually show you the magnetic declination now this is actually showing it as being one and a half degrees and that's not good at all so you can't go by that that was that was good from witness apples made so I'm gonna pull up another website and show you here in just a second so magnetic declination comm and it's pretty cool okay so what it does is let's scroll up here and take a look it's got an interactive map and you can click anywhere on the map now let's click over here this is Summerville Georgia so let's click on it which is also known as to the viola okay now this will give you it gives you your magnetic magnetic map not only to give you your latitude and longitude but it gives you your magnetic current magnetic declination and it also gives the inclination okay which is something else now this is showing negative West negative 4 degrees 35 minutes so that's pretty much 4 dagger at 4 and 1/2 degrees I see how important it is that you don't go by old maps and this is a reason why all my apps are printed with true north because throughout the years these change because remember the older map from 1967 had magnetic declination is one and a half degrees east this is 4 degrees 35 minutes now the way you use these maps is you take two fingers and you drag it over so that was four and a half degrees so let's go the Scottsboro Alabama and touch it I see that's negative 4 degrees 9 minutes that's closer to 4 minutes let's go over here there's Decatur Alabama Spring Valley see if we can find us a place over here say now I think we're getting some workers closer let's go over here - I don't recognize any of these places Blue Springs Chester bail-jumper town Boonville pulling on over here hey be video make it a little bit smaller here alright let's click on one of these other places here I'm having trouble Potts camped let's click on that I say now we're getting a little closer it's negative 1 degree 49 minutes west ok up here here's Memphis Tennessee let's click on it see anywhere you want to go negative one degree 20 minutes west so we're getting closer to the agonic line or with there's some place called Circe or Searcy I'll look at that negative 9 minutes west see we're fixing to get over closer now here's Jacksonville here's Little Rock in Jacksonville let's click on that and see that switched over to H negative 6 minutes east so you're starting to getting into an area now where the agonic line is showing up and it's truly zero and you can even pull this map up north and look at a few more places say that's right here West Plains and see where that is say negative 10 degrees west all right that's enough of that right tiger ok I'm fixing to scribble out something to show you why this is important now like I said this is a compass navigation video but I'm explaining to you about all this stuff because I don't want somebody complaining going you didn't even mention declination which will happen so let's say for example the reason this is important is because let's say for example you are right here this is your location okay all right and you you have a map and a map is telling you okay this is the parking lot okay you have parked your car right here and you got that and you got your coefficient you got your map okay you've looked at the true north emblem and your true north emblem says that North is straight up all right so let's take a peek at that now true north let's go right up here true north all right draw a line here now this map is claiming that there's a lake over here okay now this lake is at 63 degrees and that's what this is saying okay so let's say for example 63 degrees remember what I told you about the circle being you know there's 300 to 60 degrees in one you got north and then East over here is 90 degrees this is zero degrees or three 60 okay but let's say that you're an area that has got a 7 degree west declination okay in other words you're standing here in your map is saying true north but your compass is being drawn 7 degrees this alloys it's not 77 7 degrees wait a minute I didn't make that too long that's not even on the screen that's 7 degrees okay you got 7 degrees west declination because your compass is being pulled over in that direction so let's say that you just meander de round and used your compass to go 63 degrees the thing is you got to add another 7 degrees in it because your compass is going to be wanting to be pulled this way so I'm saying so what you're going to do is actually you're gonna have to set your bearings for 70 degrees if you're using a mat alright clear as mud now one other thing that I'm going to show you right here and then we're going to actually get into using the compass all this confusion is going to stop because let's set this now some compasses you can set some of them you have to add or subtract the declination but if you look on here you turn it around backwards and this thing actually tells you east declination or west declination and it's got this little scale on the backside right here and there's a little screw right here and what you do is you find out you go on that website magnetic declination comm and on the end of this little Lander just got a little teeny tiny screw head and you screw this and you adjust it and so you said it and you never have to worry about adding or subtracting ever okay and that's all I'm gonna say about the declination part of things because this is a video on navigating with a caucus if you understand how to use a compass and that's the thing right there that's that's that's what I'm trying to impress is if you know how to use a compass later on all the other stuff will come easy so let's go out now and I'm gonna show you how to actually use the compass finally well if you've stayed with me for this long we're how they're gonna get down to the nuts and bolts of actually using a compass but the idea was to understand the compass so that's the reason why I had to go over all that other stuff because those are things that you need to know all right they don't you know they're involved with compass use and they're involved with navigation and maps but they're you know they're not necessarily a part of the actual use of the compass okay which what I'm gonna show an eye on now the idea behind the compass right here is if you have the type of compass that has the mirror in it okay now what you want to do is the reason behind you having the mirror in it is because if you take a compass and you hold it out in front of you it's not in line with your eyes and that's why that's why there's the hole right here okay so that you can see through so what you're gonna do is you're gonna hold the compass up to your eyelid oh boy and you're gonna lean the mirror over and what you're doing is you're actually using the mirror so that you can see the compass and so what you can do then is you can look like this and it's turning and you can see through this little hole right here now I'm going to give you a point of view of it here just in a minute so that you can see so what you can do is you can either move around and line up with north or when North does line up then you can move the bezel until it lines up in other words there's two ways of using it it's called taking a bearing or finding a bearing okay and I'll show you both of those here in just a second I hope you can see this we're in the dark okay now remember I said that your direction of travel arrow is up here alright and this is your orienteering arrow and this is your magnetic arrow this always points towards magnetic north so let's say for example this is called finding a bearing okay or I don't know there's different names there's filing a bearing spotting a bearing locating a bearing let's just say that we want to travel 310 degrees Northwest ok so what I'm going to do is I'm going to rotate the bevel to 310 degrees okay I want to go 310 degrees so what I'm going to do now okay I'm gonna turn the compass to where it's at eye level I'm gonna turn it over until I can just see my arrow now if you look I'm hoping that you can find this you can see that the the North navel is not lined up with the Orang tearing arrow okay so that's what you call put fray it in the shade or read in the shade so what we're going to do is we're going to turn hopefully you're singing that and seeing that just now lined up so what we're going to do is we're going to look through this little hole right here and that little hole and it's cold out here you're gonna look through that little hole and I don't looking seen on camera not but what I'm doing is I'm picking up that great big old pine tree okay now what this is is this is called dead reckoning and so what I'm gonna do now is I'm going to take my compass and I have found it 310 degrees that is where I need to head to so I'm gonna walk to that tree and then I'm going to stand behind it and then I'm gonna pick out another object at 310 degrees and then I'm gonna walk towards it all right make sense now let's say that I have done it multiple times let's say that I have done it multiple times okay I have followed my direction of arrow I've looked through my little site window right there and I have gone to camp okay what I'm gonna do is when I'm at camp what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna turn my dial a hundred and eighty degrees so I'm now going to turn it to where it's a hundred and thirty degrees southeast to see that's completely the opposite of the way I went in close my compass up go to camp take a nap go to sleep spend the night and in the next day I've already got my compass set 480 degrees so that I can make my way back to where I need to be all right clears mud now what that was was called finding a bearing because I had what I wanted to go okay let's say somebody told me they said okay go to the parking lot park your car and get out 310 degrees okay so that's finding a bearing I found where I found by dead reckoning I found the tree walked to it found several more so now what I'm gonna do is like say if I'm on a trail and I'm wanting to go somewhere and I'm wanting to leave the trail and I'm on a call somebody tell them where to leave the trail now I'm going to show you how you can use this to locate a direction see the locating and the finding is a little bit different thing you know if you know it ahead of time or if you find out what it is so over here I have an orange vest in the tree and then I have an orange one over there so I'm going to show you how to done taking about 34 tries because I'm having trouble lining everything up but what we're going to try to do is we're going to find a object and then we're going to find out what its location is okay so now we've got the mirror sitting here so that I can see the dial and I can see through the little opening right here because if I didn't have the mirror I wouldn't be able to see Mike office and I couldn't hold it up to eye level all right so let's turn this thing up where we can see it now what we're going to do is we're going to ease along down through here now see that orange vest let's say that's an object that I wanted to find out where it was I so what I'm going to do is I'm going to ease on over until I've got it in my sights okay I see the orange vest right there okay so what I'm going to do now is I'm going to reach up here and remember my orange needle or red needle is always pointing towards magnetic north now the orienteering arrow I'm going to turn I hope you can see this this is so hard to get on video because I'm gonna turn it keeping my object in line and I'm gonna line it up with member red in the shade now I've got it lined up and I'm still aimed at my object I'm looking at it again was fine tuning it okay so now let's look at it it's 200 and let's see it's almost voiced its 250 250 to 250 for about 250 56° okay so that's that's one way of doing it so now listen let's do another one let's turn this thing back this way so we can see okay now I'm off that object let's go over here and I've got another written another orange Avast over here we'll sees over here where's the diet there it is okay there's the other orange orange zest I gotta move the camera up a little bit so I can see what I'm doing okay there it is now I have sighted in on it so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna reach up here and I'm gonna put Fred in shade my magnetic needle is always pointing towards north so I have spun my bezel until my orienteering needle is lined up with it if you scope here in your direction of travel is at the top okay so now this time it's 332 degrees and they call that Northwest by north because it's right in the middle all right now Nick's out here drinking coffee watching me say say it louder Nick anyway now this stuff is very very extremely hard to film and pay attention to so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go real real quick recap of what this stuff should look like okay so let's say if you were going to travel north okay you're gonna line up your magnetic needle with your orienteering arrow this is your direction of travel so you're going to line that up and you're going to go in that direction let's say that you walked to camp north okay like I said you go camp and then when you come home you're gonna go back south so you run south 180 degrees to your direction of travel arrow so now you're going to put the red in the shed magnetic needle needs to go to your orange hearing needle so what you're going to do now I have just turned around and I can't see it you're going to line up your magnetic needle with the orange hearing arrow and then that will be your direction of travel okay so then you're going to sight off objects with this this hole right there okay so once again take it again you always say it you always say it this is your direction of travel that is where you're traveling you're going to set it to where you want to go okay so let's say you want to go 320 degrees Northwest and what do you do now okay magnetic needle or in tiering arrow what you're going to do now is you're going to turn it around just like that and there you go you've got it lined up and see now you're gonna be traveling in this direction okay alright you're gonna be at camp 320 degrees okay if you want to travel back out what's this back here 140 set it to 140 before you go to bed you ain't got to write nothing down that way the next day put the red in the shed okay line your magnetic needle up with your orange hearing arrow and there you go and that's how you travel your way back out of the woods okay now I have a quick neat little trick I got to go back in and show you on the board about this because hopefully you know how to cite in now you know how to pick out objects and walk to them okay this could be some very confusing stuff and it's honestly confusing for me to even try to film and lay this out there and some of the terminology it's actually giving me a headache trying to think about what to say because like finding bearings and locating bearings okay finding a bearing as to where you aiming an object you're going to hang the object and then you're going to do what I showed you where you're going to turn that dial until the magnetic needle winds up in the red-orange hearing arrow and then you'll read direction of travel okay that'll be finding a bearing now locating a bearing is where you set this ahead of time and you know where you want to go and then you're going to take it and you're going to side around until the needle magnetic needle winds up in the Orang tearing arrow you need to be looking through the little window right there and you're gonna know where you're at now I'm gonna show you a neat little trick this is so hard to show in real life so I'm going to show you on the dry erase board I think it's much easier to understand alright so let's go right here and what we're gonna do is let's say that let's say that here's a well yeah right here okay let's say it right here here's a true e okay you're standing at this tree and you're gonna go 45 degrees you're traveling 45 degrees and you're going to use dead reckoning to find another tree okay you're gonna stand in front of it okay you're gonna go there's another tree 45 degrees you are now traveling in a straight line okay let's say you run into a like now how you gonna get around that like okay here's a big like you're standing here and here's a tree right here okay now you're looking over here to set aside and there's trees all over the place so how you gonna get around that like all right you may think you can walk around this lake and start going at another 45 degrees but you want to go on a straight line so what if you pick the wrong tree you still be going 45 but you would have moved over so you don't want to do that so what you want to do is you're going to take your compass and you want to side in and you want to pick a tree or a rock or something something that you know let's say that you pick one out and okay so what you're gonna do now is you have your compass now I'm going to turn this let's turn it now let's say that you've got you were traveling at 45 degrees you were traveling at 45 degrees so what you're going to do now is you're going to look down here and completely opposite if it's 210 so now you're gonna put the 210 up here man I should have got my glasses I can't see anything this is so blurry okay you're sitting this at 210 just like well yet so this is going to be what you're called taking a back burn so what you're going to do now is you're going to travel around the like and you're gonna stand right here in front of this tree and the tree that you just left oh I forgot to mention before you leave this tree take like some toilet paper and tie a knot or tie around that tree you don't want to leave anything like that's gonna stay there forever like an orange vest or something or trash toilet paper is biodegradable so that's a good thing right there so taught you some toilet paper to this branch right here on this tree and so what you're going to do is now you're gonna stand here this is called taking a back bearing and you're gonna make sure that you got 210 degrees because if you walk around in your Unser of your tree let's say if you're standing at this tree when you shoot back to that toilet paper or that object it won't be 210 degrees and you'll know you're wrong so if you have to you're going to move around all these different trees and you're gonna sight back to this tree and when you're finally standing in front of the right tree you're gonna know that you're now all in line and so then you just spend your compass belleville back around okay and travel on in your 45 degree fashion because you understand what I'm saying that if you were at the wrong tree if you just walked around the like and was at the wrong tree you would be off parallel so I'm saying you wouldn't become lately in line with where you were going okay maybe hard to understand but that's just a neat little something that you you it helps to know alright now this is absolutely been one of the hardest videos for me to film no one want to say when to say how to say it and rely in it and think in and filming but I hope you get the basic idea I hope this helps out if not you know watch watch some other videos to supplement this one there may be other people saying things that I'm not saying and another thing is you can carry two compasses to to help build your confidence because a lot of people look at a compass and I think to themselves they'll think hmmm this is the right way that can't be right the compass can't be right well if you carry two of them how can two of them be wrong okay and remember keep keep metal objects of life from your compass so get out play around with a compass get used to learn these things hopefully what I filmed outside showed up good and you can look at it you can understand so basically just understand your direction of travel alright didn't understand your orienteering arrow didn't understand your magnetic needle alright later on once you get caught comfortable with navigating with a compass you can get into maps and declination and all that and the many times just carry a compass and pay attention to where you go in and how you come out alright sound good alright and I shall see you in the next one
Channel: Reallybigmonkey1
Views: 852,749
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: compass, navigation, Learning, Hiking, Backpacking, Survival training
Id: we7vCwv4h_g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 35sec (2615 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 09 2018
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