a mod that makes minecraft ANIMATED

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- [Skip The Tutorial] Rowing a boat in Minecraft used to look like this, and now, it could look like this. And this is every new animation Minecraft needs to add. Starting with, how we swing our swords. Jay, look at me, look. I'm swinging my sword. Swing! Ha, yeah. (Skip the Tutorial exclaiming) All right guys, we got a combat roll. Check this out. (Skip the Tutorial exclaiming) - [jaymoji] How'd you do that? - [Skip The Tutorial] You do left Alt. Dan, come at me. come at me really angrily. - [jaymoji] Oh my God. (group laughing) - [Skip The Tutorial] Oh, well, unfortunately, you're, you're in creative and I'm not, so this feels a little unbalanced. - [jaymoji] That is unfortunate, isn't it? - [Skip The Tutorial] Ah, as he flies towards me. That's so mean. (group laughing) - [Jaymoji] How about if I come at you with two swords, bucko. - [Failboat] Oh, whoa! - [jaymoji] He's like a blender. - [Failboat] That's awesome! - [jaymoji] No! - [Skip The Tutorial] If I just did a big spin, you'd be eating protein ice cream in a minute. Whoa, look at that! That caught me off guard. - [Failboat] Ew, ew! (Skip the Tutorial laughing) - [Skip The Tutorial] Alright. - [Failboat] Whoa, look at that. (group laughing) - [Skip The Tutorial] So as you can see, the other mobs are animated, too. - [jaymoji] Whoa. - [Failboat] I see. - [Skip The Tutorial] Wait, does the sword throwing still work? - [Failboat] Oh yeah, there we go. - [Skip The Tutorial] Yeah, look, okay, so items have different drop animations. - [jaymoji] Ah, spilled my water, whoops. - [Skip The Tutorial] Could we get a spilled milk to cry over? Oh no, the game cried over spilled milk? - [jaymoji] Quite literally. (group laughing) - [Skip The Tutorial] Maybe I'll just do this video by myself, huh? Maybe I don't need you guys in the first- (group laughing) - [Failboat] I mean, that'll be the most productive way to showcase everything it seems. - [Skip The Tutorial] I mean, do you guys just want to, you guys just wanna screen share and you can see it? - [jaymoji] I guess, if that works. - [Skip The Tutorial] There's Jay and there's Dan. - [Failboat] Hey there! (group laughing) Whoa! - [Skip The Tutorial] Jay catch! - [jaymoji] Very delicious Skip. - [Skip The Tutorial] Go for it, Dan. - [Failboat] Ow, ow, ow. Stop. I can't defend myself, I can't defend myself. (group laughing) I can't defend myself to these little nubs. - [Skip The Tutorial] Look, there's better eating animations too. - [Failboat] Oh, you're eating with your arms. - [jaymoji] Gobbling it up. - [Skip The Tutorial] It's so good. I'm like, I'm like Steve in smash, huh? - [Failboat] Yeah, oh, I know that reference. That's awesome, dude. - [Skip The Tutorial] But look, soup. - [jaymoji] Oh, it makes sense, you don't eat the bowl anymore. (chuckling) Nice. - [Skip The Tutorial] Look, the apple core, - [jaymoji] It's even got the core. - [Failboat] Oh! - [Skip The Tutorial] Honey. This is me going through slurp juice when I don't play Fortnite. Because Minecraft's better. Huh? See? (group laughing) - [jaymoji] Very subtle scale. Very inconspicuous. - [Skip The Tutorial] What about like the sweet berries? Yeah, if you eat the berries off the bush? (Skip the Tutorial oohing) - [Failboat] Yeah, the berries are fun. - [jaymoji] Yeah, you only eat the berries. Oh, that's so cool. Wow, they put a lot of detail in there. - [Failboat] Wait, what if you eat like a fish? Does it leave like a bone? - [Skip The Tutorial] Oh, let's see. Yeah, it does! - [jaymoji] That's awesome! - [Skip The Tutorial] And you leave the head! That's sick. - [jaymoji] That's so good. - [Failboat] Oh, you eat it like a timetable. That's sick. - [Skip The Tutorial] Yeah. - [Jaymoji] That's awesome. - [Skip The Tutorial] All right, spawning animations. - [jaymoji] You eat the spawn egg? - [Failboat] Spawning? - [Skip The Tutorial] No, no, no. Mobs now have spawning animations like the warden. - [Failboat] Oh, I don't like it, I don't like it. - [Skip The Tutorial] Oh dude, look at them. Just like your creeper's ready? (group laughing) - [jaymoji] Yeah, your creeper's ready. - [Skip The Tutorial] Ah, look. And here's another example of the animations. - [Failboat] Oh, they walk. - [jaymoji] Oh, that's actually, that's actually creepy. - [Failboat] Oh, no, no, no, I don't like that. - [Skip The Tutorial] They animate like the trailer. - [Failboat] Yeah, yeah, yeah. - [Skip The Tutorial] This is gonna look really scary when they- (screaming) (group screaming and laughing) So terrifying. - [jaymoji] Move quick, dude. - [Failboat] Wait, there might be one right behind you. (Skip the Tutorial screaming) - [jaymoji] Wait, wait, wait. I got an idea, I got an idea. Dodge roll. Oh, nice. - [Skip The Tutorial] Thankfully the dodge roll looks nice in first person. (overlapping speech) Yes! (Skip the Tutorial laughing) - [Failboat] There they go. - [Skip The Tutorial] And so do we. We fell down with it! (group laughing and screaming) Are you guys just gone? Oh yeah, you guys are gone until I bring back. That's so right. (Skip the Tutorial chuckling) It's Jay. - [jaymoji] Oh, my God! (cross talking and laughing) Don't go in there, that was insane. - [Skip The Tutorial] I don't know how the audience will feel about it, this is my favorite video we've filmed. (group laughing) Look at the little piggy eyes, huh? - [Failboat] Oh, look, look, look at the nose, the nose. When they sniffled. - [Skip The Tutorial] Yeah dude, they got the little oinker. (Skip the Tutorial imitating a pig) - [Failboat] Yeah, that's the one skill. Yeah, look at it go. - [Skip The Tutorial] That's awesome. Wait, how does it look when I ride it? - [jaymoji] It better gallop. - [Failboat] Yeah it's so much better! - [Skip The Tutorial] Dude, look at that sassy walk. You guys wanna see it walk away? - [Failboat] Yeah, please. - [jaymoji] Hate to see you go, but I love to watch you walk away. (group laughing) - [Failboat] See you later, boys. - [Skip The Tutorial] Ooh, let's kill a mob. I mean, hey there, pig. - [jaymoji] ] The idea of like, walking towards the pig and then just like, slowly revealing the ax. (group laughing) - [Failboat] Oh my God. - [Jaymoji] Oh no. Can we turn off the blood? Say hi to Nora . - [Failboat] Oh, no! Hey, that was a good bottle flip though. - [jaymoji] That was pretty sick. - [Skip The Tutorial] I would rate that a 9 out of 10. Oh, is this the crime scene? - [jaymoji] This is the chalk outline. - [Skip The Tutorial] This is the chalk outline of the crime. All right look, there's new animations for how I hold maps. (Failboat exclaiming) Me studying before I go talk to a girl. No, no, it's all wrong. - [jaymoji] What is this studying? What happens if you have something in your offhand while you're holding a map? - [Skip The Tutorial] Let's see. - [Failboat] Dude, now it's like a little cheat sheet. - [Skip The Tutorial] I'm like, no. (Failboat exclaiming) - [Failboat] It traded off with you. I- wait. You actually trade off the item hand. - [Skip The Tutorial] Oh, you do, you do a little, you do a little handoff. - [Failboat] Yeah, yeah, wait, wait, wait, wait. Put like a normal item in your hand. - [jaymoji] Well, that's mean to the map. Pretty normal item. - [Failboat] Look. That's awesome. - [jaymoji] Wow. You're doing a little juggle. That's so fun. (group humming circus music) - [Failboat] Left hand, left hand, left hand, left hand. - [Skip The Tutorial] Yeah, you're right. - [Failboat] Yeah, I was right, yeah! - [jaymoji] But look, you can like, see the full map while you're doing this. This is great. - [Skip The Tutorial] That's that's quite handy. (Skip the Tutorial laughing) I'm getting it. I don't have hands. (group laughing) - [Failboat] Jay, why am I alone? - [jaymoji] It's better down here, honestly. (group laughing) - [Skip The Tutorial] But look, there's new boat animations. - [Failboat] Oh. Oh, really? - [Skip The Tutorial] Look, I'm like rowing the paddles. - [jaymoji] You're actually doing it with a map in your hand. You're a real expeditioner. - [ Skip The Tutorial] I'm expeditious, dude. - Expeditious. - [Failboat] What does that mean? - [Jaymoji] I don't know. - [Skip The Tutorial] But look, you can look at the map and be like, oh yeah, my friends are over here. - See you later well. Oh, look, there's little splash and it's freaking out. - [Failboat] Okay. Okay. That's, I, I can, it really wants to show us. - [Skip The Tutorial] It's drowning. Okay. We gotta do our, our signature big mob. - [Jaymoji] Oh, yeah. - [Failbot] Oh, that's you. - [Jaymoji] Oh, look at that splash. - [Skip The Tutorial] Well, look at his arms though. - [Failboat] He's swimming. - [Jaymoji] Oh, he's swimming. - [Skip The Tutorial] He's doing the dog paddle. - [Failboat] Yeah. - [Jaymoji] Kind of all he can do really. I wasn't, I'm not expecting a good backstroke from one of those guys. - [Skip The Tutorial] Well, now it's the death stroke. All right. Lemme see if I drop it from a big height do we get a big splash? Yeah. Look at that. - [Failboat] Wow. Wait. That was really cool. Even just like, like the water reverb. Kinda like, oh, oh, - [Skip The Tutorial] Yeah. Stuck the landing. - [Jaymoji] The tiniest little splash. - [Failboat] That's crazy - [Jaymoji] I'm gonna give that a 4.5 outta 10, Skip. I'd expect a better dive from you next time. What are you doing? - [Failboat] Whoa. Whoa. Jay! - [Skip The Tutorial] No, I need that. Well, now I'm gonna beat that bothering you. No! - [Failboat] I didn't think it was possible. He got even shorter. - [Skip The Tutorial] Oh, Crossbows have new animations. Lets look at that. - [Jaymoji] Careful where you aim that thing. Whoa. - [Failboat] Ha ha. Ah. Please don't, please don't. - [Jaymoji] Dude, with the blicky. You kidding me? You got that. - [Skip The Tutorial] Oh, nice dude. Yeah. You, you feel like William Tell? - [Jaymoji] Take a shot. - Oh God. He didn't even drop anything. - [Skip The Tutorial] My God. Just obliterated him for real. - Here a second. - [Failboat] Why is everything so much bigger? - [Skip The Tutorial] Dude, look, my like, arms cross over differently. - I'm like, yay. - Arms cross over. [Group Laughing] - [Jaymoji] Skip, do that in third person again. Where he is facing you. Look up. Aw, Skip wants "upies." [Group Laughing] Skip wanting "upies" is my favorite thing. [Failboat] Skip loves "upies." - [Skip The Tutorial] All right. So you might have seen this, but now there's a little animation from when we pick up items. They like scale up. - [Failboat] Oh, yeah. Yeah, yeah. - [Skip The Tutorial} You're So... that's exactly how they do it. - [Jaymoji] That's they said, "Hey, let's make it a [Fart Sound] And here it is." - [Skip The Tutorial] They're like, "It's me. Hey!" Oh. Did someone say cobblestone? Oh, I guess not. [Jaymoji] No, no. Never me. No, no, - [Skip The Tutorial] No. They won't like that. - [Jaymoji] No, no, no. It's all wrong. - [Skip The Tutorial] You should make it so that depending on how many you - [Failboat] Whoa, Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Why is it shaking? - [Skip The Tutorial] Text animations. So now you can type in these things and add little, it feels like under tail. - [Failboat] Oh [Joyful Singing] - [Skip The Tutorial] I don't want to hear that. [Cartoon Evil Laugh] - [Skip The Tutorial] Whoa Rainbow Road! This is New. - Can you stack them? - [Jaymoji Singing] This is the road it's called The Rainbow Road. - [Skip The Tutorial] This is not complicated at all. - [Jaymoji] Whoa. - [Failboat] Whoa. You're being torn apart! - [Jaymoji] Can you do it on a sign? - [Failboat] No way. - [Skip The Tutorial] Oh my god. That works? - [Laughing] That's awesome. - [Failboat] One for me, one for me! Whoa. Oh, there we go. - [Jaymoji] Yeah. - [Failboat] That's awesome. - [Jaymoji] Wow. It's really us. See, if we were there in real life, Skip, You wouldn't be able to have this masterpiece [Laughing] - [Skip The Tutorial] That's so true. All right. You guys ready to see how bad Enderman look? - [Jaymoji] Yeah. Obviously. Oh, that is so scary. - [Failboat] Whoa. What? - [Skip The Tutorial] Oh, here they go. Oh, no! - [Failboat] Oh, they're wacky, wavy arm inflatable salesman guys. - [Jaymoji] Yeah. - [Failboat] Aw, Awesome. - [Skip The Tutorial] Oh, that's really disturbing. Get a picture of me next to my bestie. Ow. - [Failboat] Ow. Oh, God. Sorry. It's camera shy. - [Skip The Tutorial] Let's go test what it's like in the end. - [Failboat] Go ahead, let's go. - [Skip The Tutorial] Excuse me, guys. - [Jaymoji] We're gonna hang out. - [Failboat] Wait, wait, wait. What? Where does he go? - [Jaymoji] I, oh, what have you done? - [Skip The Tutorial] Why is there a weather here? I don't know what this map is, dude. - [Failboat] Oh God. They're all coming up the ground. Oh. - [Jaymoji] Oh, no. They look, they're Skip The Tutorial fans. Oh my God. Are you Skip The Tutorial? Are you the list guy? Are you the list guy? You're the top 10 guy, right? Do I get a scree? Yeah. You know, get a screeny. - This is me on high pixel. Can I get a scree? Hey. Hey. Can I get a scree? Of course. You know what? [ Group Laughing ] - [Skip The Tutorial] All right. Look at the squid legs. - [Jaymoji] That's gross. That's just, that's just generally gross. I play Splatoon. - [Skip The Tutorial] Whoa. Whoa. I'm hypnotized. - [Failboat] Whoa, whoa. That squid is glowing. - [Skip The Tutorial] Wait, I didn't know the glow squid actually worked now. - [Failboat] Whoa. - What does it do? What is it doing to you? - [Failboat] You glowing, glowing. - Dude, I can't turn away. I'm, I'm perplexed. - Oh, it's, it's mesmerizing you until it suffocates on dry land. - [Jaymoji] Well, you have to kill it. - [Failboat] Ah, yes. The weakness of having a neck. - [Skip The Tutorial] All right. This is, this is a little bit more positive. - This guy with fluffy tail - Oh, it's a puppy. - Oh, - Good boy. Good boy. - Oh, I love it. I love him. - [Skip The Tutorial] Oh, the tail. I love it. - [Jaymoji] Twitter, can you pet the dog? You can not. But you can kill him. - Oh my gosh, dude, this is just, isn't this just the dickens? - That's just lovely. Oh, look at, oh, look at him go. - Oh, look at him. He's Club Penguin dancing. [Beat Boxes] [Group Laughing] - Oh, yes. Yeah. - Bring that old pupper over here by us. Let him, let him chill with us. Let him hang with us. - [Failboat] Let, lemme see that pupper of yours. - [Skip The Tutorial] Yeah. Let me, let me see that hecking doggo dude. - [Failboat] Park that little guy right here. - [Skip The Tutorial] Let me, lemme boop that snoot for a second. Hold on. Aww. Aw, he's our friend. Aw. Oh, here they come. - [Failboat] I don't like that. I don't like that. I don't like that. I don't like that they're above me too. - [Jaymoji] They have jointed legs now. Now they're extra disgusting. - [Skip The Tutorial] Wait, are these the spiders - [Failboat] They climb walls? - [Skip The Tutorial] Sure enough. - [Jaymoji] Oh my God. They do. Oh. Oh no. Isn't that just, isn't that just charming? - Go look. - Oh God. He's like upside down. - [Failboat] Oh God. It's got legs. - [Skip The Tutorial] No, but it is gonna die into pieces. - [Failboat] Oh, God. - [Skip The Tutorial] That is like when you squish it with your foot. - [Jaymoji] Yeah, yeah. - [Skip The Tutorial] Okay, I have to go get the physics mod. Be right. Stay right there, guys. So one of the first things you can see is that there's weather. - [Failboat] Oh. - [Jaymoji] Oh, Weather Physics. That's cool. - [Skip The Tuotiral] Let's, let's see what it's like when it's rainy. - [Failboat] That's a better animation, I think. - [Skip The Tutorial] Yeah. Look, it's like angled. - [Jaymoji] It's snowing sideways. - [Skip The Tutorial] Let's get a, let's get a nice thunderstorm going, shall we? - [Jaymoji] A nice thunderstorm. - [Failboat] Ooh. - [Skip The Tutorial] Ooh. Look, Look at it. - [Failboat] Look at it. Look at it. - [Skip The Tutorial] Oh, you guys are, you guys are a little. - [Failboat] Could you, could you give us like an overhang or something? - [Jaymoji] Like an awning, an umbrella, something we'll do. - [Skip The Tutorial] Yeah, yeah, make it expensive too. - [Jaymoji] Thank you. - [Skip The Tutorial] Aw, the puppers is getting in the way. - [Failboat] Move that mud out of here. - [Skip The Tutorial] Aw, look at him shaky. - Aww. That's pretty cute. - That's the greatest thing I've seen. - [Jaymoji] Whoa! - [Skip The Tutorial] Finally it's building up well. - [Failboat] Look at the grass it's going crazy! - [Skip The Tutorial] Dude, the grass is going a little bit buck wild right now. I'm getting a little, yeah. I didn't wanna bring anyone's attention to it, but I am getting a little scared. So let's go, let's go check out something. - [Failboat] The vines. - [Skip The Tutorial] The vines go. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Oh my God. - [Failboat] Whoa. Wow. - [Skip The Tutorial] They're going a little, they're going a little, a little crozayzy. A little, a little jell-- - [Failboat] It's crazy out here. This storm was going nuts. - [Skip The Tutorial] Little jellyfish. - [Failboat] This is awesome. - [Skip The Tutorial] This is so sick. - Happy fall everybody. You know what? - [Failboat] Oh, the leaves. - [Skip The Tutorial] Dude, it's beautiful. Deforestation is a, is a wonderful site. - [Jaymoji] Yeah, I almost wanna get rid of the Amazon just for this. - [Failboat] Whoa. Oh, - [Jaymoji] No other reason. I would just burn the logs to ash if I could just do this every day. And I don't say that lightly. - [Skip The Tutorial] Oh, no. I say that with a lighter. - Does anyone else just want to go to Team Trees and just show one of these off? - [Skip The Tutorial] Oh, yeah. Look at this. - [Failboat] What? Oh, your cape! - [Jaymoji] You're cape just flapping in the wind. - [Skip The Tutorial] I've got clothing fabric. Yeah. - [Failboat] Does that work with leather armor? - [Skip The Tutorial] Let's see. Nope. But look, I do kick up little dirt particles. - [Failboat] Oh, oh, yeah. Eat my shorts. - [Jaymoji] Yeah, you can kick sand at us on the beach. - [Failboat] Oh, the dog looks so sad. Look at the dog. - [Jaymoji] Yeah. He's all hunched over. - [Failboat] Oh, oh my God. What? Ow . Help [Muffled]. - [Skip The Tutorial] So blocks break in a very fun way now, and you kick around the particles. - [Failboat] Whoa. - [Jaymoji] Skip, you know what to do. Push the button. - [Skip The Tutorial] Yep. - [Failboat] Does that work? - [Skip The Tutorial] Oh, does it work? Does it work? - [Jaymoji] Brace for impact. - [Skip The Tutorial] I don't know. I hope so. Weeee Here we go - [Jaymoji] Yeah, whoa! - [Failboat] That's like a 2013 Minecraft blender animation. That was awesome. - [Jaymoji] This is what Minecraft's going to look like in 2015. - [Failboat] Yeah. [Explosion] [Group Laughing] - Yeah - [Skip The Tutorial] Oh, trap doors have a nicer animation as well. Whoa. Yeah, dude, they're, they're like bowing to me. - [Jaymoji] Oh, Skip The Tutorial, big fan. You're my idol you are. - [Skip The Tutorial] Let's go find an ocean, shall we? - [Jaymoji] Well, there's waves in the ocean, there are. - [Failboat] Whoa. What? - [Jaymoji] Oh my God. I just want to, don't look at that. Don't you just wanna set sail on that? Oh, Skip. You know exactly what I mean right now. Oh, I just want set sail. [Trumpeting] - [Jaymoji] There's no way, right? There's no way. Wow! - Oh, this is awesome. - Skip, could we just install this on No Name? I'll play every day. - I, I please, can this actually be on No Name? - These are all client side, so Yeah, you could install that on No Name. - Oh my God. That's awesome. - But it's on client side. How does this water work with client side? - That's amazing. You're not, you don't animate like this really. This is just on your end. - Oh. What? - Cause look, like during the storm, the, the waves are getting crozayzier. - Oh my god. - I'm flying. That's amazing. - Stay within the raft me boys. - Help. Help. Nope. - He's using us as oars. - Whoa. Like, whoa, whoa. I just want to do, I want to try this so badly. - I know. I want, I want that. - Oh, I gotta throw up. This is awesome. - Okay. I really want to see the water physics. - The water's pretty good. - What? - Look. Oh, what on earth? - It's spewing. - It's just, it's, oh God. It's like gross. Oh, there it goes. Nice cleanup. Yeah. Yeah. It's got a mind of its own dude. Oh, it's just full of water. Oh, I get it. All the, the bits are flowing away in the water. - Wait, wait. How do things react in the, in the ocean. Like mobs? - Yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Look at them. - Help, please. Why we born into this existence? - Ah, yeah, that is, - Hey, man, we're getting close to shore, Don't give up now. - We're not really getting anywhere, I don't think. I don't think we're getting anywhere. - Where do you guys want to go now? - Put me on the wheelbarrow. pushing Dan. That's great. - What's up? What's that do? Ow. - Look, it like cracks the yolk too. - Oh, oh, I see it. Don't worry. - That's grit. Just looks like grits on the floor. And the dog running through it. - Yeah. That's actually how you make good hometown grits is if you have a dog run through it. - Yeah. - Oh, that's awesome - Guys, doesn't this just make you doesn't this just make you want to, want to, I don't know. - This is giving me a case of the sniffles, if you know what I'm saying. - Oh. Oh. I'm, I'm picking up. I'm scooping what you're pooping. [Snorting] [ Group Laughing] - Oh, that's good. - Whoa. I, I flipped myself around. - Oh, no. - Oh no your head's back. - Oh my God. - Oh, look, you guys caught me eating. [Group Laughing] - Oh, it's the Skip Tutorial. Whoa, whoa, whoa. - I like, I like smeared. - You gotta do it from like, really far away. - Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Give it big toss. Big toss. Big toss. - Aw, Whoa. - Whoa, no - It took the dog. Even the dog did it too, when he teleported to you. - Yeah, dude. That's what the dog doing. - All right you guys wanna see smoke? - Not particularly, no. - I see it. I see it. I see it. - What? How does that make sense? - Help. Help. - Why when you put out the fire, does it break like a block? - That is confusing. - Wait, wait, can you keep the smoke in? - Yeah, dude, look. - Whoa. [Coughing] - Oh, you're not even close to it, dude. - I'm sensitive to these kind of things. - Oh, look at the doors. - Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. It even does a little, a little. Oh, god. Don't set the house on-- Skip, stop. Stop, Skip, stop. It's getting everywhere. - Oh, no. - We're just gonna let that simmer on medium for a little bit. Ooh, banners and leads. Look. - Okay. [Singing] - Oh, the rope. - Oh, string physics. - But what if you like, fly with it. Is it still-- - What if you set the pig on fire by accident? - To bravely go where we've never been before. - Oh, no. - He's juggling. - Yeah, dude, he's going crazy. - Oh, he loses his eyes. That's so barbaric. - I think it's close, I think they're closed. - You can push his head around in his body. That's gross. Oh. - Oh. Hey. - Betters though. That's, that's nice. - But is like curtain if you oh my God, this is awesome. What? - Oh, that's very satisfying. - That really, that really just takes you back, huh? - Yeah. - If I, if I have free cam, I could do like the meme little girl. Like Yeah. The meme. I could do the meme exactly. - Oh, God. It's like, actually breaking down. - Hey guys. Welcome to my house tour. - It looks really good, Skip. - Thanks. - Whoa, look the fire doesn't even know how to react to it. It just, it just falls. - Oh, that's, that's pretty awesome. That's pretty amazing. What happens if you just blow up the side of the house? - Oh, yeah, use a few of those. - Oh, of course we're gonna do it this way. Of course. - Just, just enough to, just enough to make a dent. Siara. - Oh! - Every time you do that, it's catastrophic. And with that, folks, YouTube thinks that you might like this video, so see if they're right and have a good one. All right.
Channel: Skip the Tutorial
Views: 2,599,866
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 21sec (1161 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 17 2023
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