minecraft, but you can milk any mob

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- [Skip the Tutorial] What if you could milk every mob in "Minecraft"? Today, we've got a mod to do just that, and we're testing every single milk, including the gross ones. (Skip the Tutorial groaning in disgust) And hey, YouTube told me that it's impossible to subscribe to the channel before this cow hits the floor. So to prove them wrong, aim for that white sub button below, and start the timer now. And even if you subscribed after the cow became a Smashburger, it means a ton, and let's get to milking. This is what happens when you milk a cow. Sure enough. But what happens when you milk a pig? You get pig milk. - [Jaymoji] That's disgusting. - [Skip the Tutorial] Dan, what are you...? What are you wear...? Are you a banana? (people laughing) - [Failboat] What about it? - [Skip the Tutorial] When you drink pig milk, you get saturation. - [Jaymoji] That's so weird. - [Skip The Tutorial] You are what you milk. Alright, so saturation's pretty good. What are we doing next, fellas? - [Failboat] Okay, so we did cow, we did pig. Let's do chicken. - [Jaymoji] Yeah, chicken milk. - [Skip the Tutorial] It has an egg in it. - [Jaymoji] I don't wanna drink this. (Failboat exclaiming in disgust) - [Jaymoji] I don't wanna drink that. - [Failboat] Bottoms up. - [Jaymoji] Here we go. - [Skip the Tutorial] So this one gives you slow-falling. (people exclaiming in surprise) - [Jaymoji] Like a chicken buzz. You know what? That makes sense. - [Failboat] For five minutes? - [Skip the Tutorial] This is great, dude. This is why Rocky would do raw eggs. - [Jaymoji] This actually... - [Failboat] Yeah. (laughs) - [Jaymoji] This actually, legitimately, is probably the most useful one we've had. - [Skip the Tutorial] This one's very useful. - [Jaymoji] I could just infinitely milk this chicken? - [Skip the Tutorial] Oh, wait, I have an idea. - [Failboat] Oh, god. - [Jaymoji] That can't be good. - [Skip the Tutorial] Now I can access the udders. (laughs) (Failboat laughing) - [Jaymoji] It is easier. - [Failboat] Ah, direct feed. - [Skip the Tutorial] Alright, next milk. - [Failboat] Ooh, ooh, ooh! We could do spider. - [Skip the Tutorial] Spider? Sure. Wait. (Failboat exclaiming in disgust) - [Skip the Tutorial] There we go. - [Failboat] This looks nasty! - [Jaymoji] Oh, that doesn't look good for me. - [Skip the Tutorial] This one gives night vision, and also "spidered." I punch something, and you spawn cobwebs. - [Jaymoji] Ow! Oh, god. - [Failboat] What? - [Jaymoji] That's awful. Ow. (Failboat laughing) - [Skip the Tutorial] Spiders walking upside down is very scary, actually. (laughs) - [Jaymoji] That is actually extremely terrifying. - [Skip the Tutorial] Wait, you can walk through cobwebs too. - [Jaymoji] You can? - [Failboat] Oh! I was wondering what was happening there. Wow! - [Jaymoji] You can! Can you climb walls? I'm gonna climb a wall! (Jaymoji grunting in exertion) Oh, you can! - [Failboat] You can! (people laughing) - [Failboat] I just thought he was gonna bash into it, and, like, crack his teeth open. Wait, this mod is awesome! - [Jaymoji] Okay, it may look disgusting, and it probably tastes disgusting too, but I would drink spider milk any day. - [Skip the Tutorial] Spider milk rocks. If that's any indication, we got some good milks coming up. Alright, Jay, next thing. - [Jaymoji] Now I want to see another hostile mob, 'cause that was disgusting, and I wanna know what bats do. - [Failboat] Ooh, this will move fast. - [Jaymoji] Oh, if we can catch it! - [Failboat] Get it, get it, get it, get it! - [Skip the Tutorial] Wait, wait, wait, I gotta flip the udders, I gotta... - [Failboat] Grab its udders, grab its udders. - [Skip the Tutorial] There we go. (Skip the Tutorial grunting in exertion) - [Jaymoji] This is actually... Oh, you got it. - [Skip the Tutorial] Bat milk. (people vocalizing the "Batman" theme song) ♪ Bat milk ♪ - [Skip the Tutorial] Bat milk gives you night vision and slow-falling, which I think is what you would get from drinking bat milk. Next one. - [Jaymoji] I'm thinking I want to see some squid milk. That's the grossest sentence I've ever said, but I'm up for anything. - [Failboat] Oh, is it just ink? - [Skip the Tutorial] It's just ink. - [Jaymoji] Oh, geez. - [Skip the Tutorial] And when you drink it. Dr-ink. You get inking and conduit power. Conduit power makes you swim and not drown underwater. - [Jaymoji] Inking... - [Failboat] What? Wait, wait, wait. Wait, wait, wait. Skip, skip, skip. You ink! - [Jaymoji] That's disgusting. - [Skip the Tutorial] Oh, my gosh, It gives you the blindness effect. - [Failboat] Oh, that's awesome. - [Jaymoji] Ink, banana boy. - [Failboat] (laughs) Don't call me banana boy. (Jaymoji laughing) - [Skip the Tutorial] Dan getting bullied at his high school Halloween party. - [Failboat] Don't... (indistinct) Banana boy! I wanna try silverfish. - [Jaymoji] Oh, Dan, come here, come here. Come here, Dan. (laughs) - [Failboat] Oh, wait, hold on. What's up? - [Jaymoji] Do me a favor and open this door. - [Skip the Tutorial] Ah, it's freaking out! [Failboat] Oh, there we go! (Jaymoji sighing) Free milk everywhere... Oh, god, it's lead. - [Skip the Tutorial] We got silver milk. - [Jaymoji] Ew. - [Failboat] Yeah, this is actually just mercury. - [Skip the Tutorial] When I punch things, a silverfish spawns. - [Jaymoji] Why would I want that? - [Failboat] Stop doing that, stop doing that! They hit me! (indistinct) - [Jaymoji] That's awful. That's actually awful. - [Failboat] Jay, keep 'em there, keep 'em there. - [Jaymoji] Yeah, I'll keep 'em busy, I think I got 'em. Think I can get 'em. - [Failboat] Oh, you're beautiful. - [Skip the Tutorial] Oh, perfect! (laughs) (Jaymoji exclaiming in shock) - [Failboat] Ah! That was great. - [Skip the Tutorial] Alright. (laughs) - [Jaymoji] Ow, ow, ow. - [Skip the Tutorial] Jay, Jay, Jay! - [Jaymoji] It's fine. (people laughing) - [Failboat] Hey! - [Jaymoji] Onto the next one. (toy mallet squeaking) - [Skip the Tutorial] Oh, we have another sheep. Let's do another wool thing. - [Failboat] Yeah, yeah, yeah, let's do sheep. - [Skip the Tutorial] So the sheep gives you "sheeped." - [Jaymoji] What does that mean? What could that possibly mean? - [Failboat] Can I graze? - [Skip the Tutorial] Yeah. If you right-click, you can eat grass. - [Jaymoji] Eat grass? (laughs) (Failboat exclaiming in surprise) - [Skip the Tutorial] I get wool too. - [Jaymoji] How'd you do that? - [Skip the Tutorial] When you eat grass, you just get wool in your inventory. - [Jaymoji] Oh, yeah, I have four white wool! (laughs) - [Skip the Tutorial] So the sheep actually gave more than I was expecting it to. - [Jaymoji] Yeah, that was pretty cool, actually. - [Skip the Tutorial] Alright, we're on to Endermen. - [Failboat] Yeah, I wanna try Enderman. You have to, like, flick-shot him here. - [Jaymoji] This feels wrong. - [Failboat] Does it teleport me when you take a little sip? - [Skip the Tutorial] I'm assuming so. - [Failboat] Nope. "Endermaned." - [Jaymoji] Gives you "Endermaned..." They got a little lazy with these... The names of these effects. Ow! - [Skip the Tutorial] There you go! It doesn't teleport you! - [Jaymoji] It does do as described. I'm Enderman-ing. (laughs) - [Skip the Tutorial] See ya! Man, this makes it really annoying at a mob farm. You wanna try a skeleton? - [Failboat] Oh, please. - [Jaymoji] Bone milk? (Failboat exclaiming in shock) - [Skip the Tutorial] Yeah, it makes your bones strong. - [Jaymoji] (laughs) Yep, sure does. - [Failboat] I guess it is good for your bones. - [Skip the Tutorial] Ow. - [Failboat] This is the... Just the root of the... - [Skip the Tutorial] Woah. - [Failboat] I've been skeleton-ed! Probably. - [Jamoji] (laughs) "Skeleton-ed!" That's not what it's called. - [Faibloat] No, I've been boned! - [Jaymoji] Oh! That's actually... That's the one they chose to give a unique name? Stop! - [Skip the Tutorial] It gives you infinite arrows. - [Failboat] Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - [Jaymoji] Stop, I hate... Stop! - [Failboat] No, no, no, no. Wait, don't do it. - [Skip the Tutorial] Dan, you look like a porcupine. - [Failboat] I know! I'm gonna be dead soon. Don't you do it. - [Skip the Tutorial] I find you very appealing. - [Jaymoji] Ow. - [Failboat] No! I find you... - [Skip the Tutorial] Whoa. Oh, we got a Pigman up here. Let's do zombified Pigman. - [Jaymoji] Zombified Pigman milk. - [Failboat] Hunger and fire resistance, apparently. - [Jaymoji] I don't want hunger. - [Skip the Tutorial] I don't really want fire resistance either. - [Jaymoji] Yeah, that's truly not that great, is it? - [Failboat] Pigman milk sucks! - [Skip the Tutorial] Yeah. - [Jaymoji] Should've figured that his milk wouldn't be that good by looking at him. This video is making me say weird things. - [Failboat] You know what? While we have the fire resistance still, let's milk a Magma Cube. - [Skip the Tutorial] Yeah, let's do it. - [Failboat] This one seems like it would be tasty. - [Skip the Tutorial] Yeah, like hot cocoa. It gives you "jump boost." - [Failboat] Oh, look at that! - [Skip the Tutorial] Only slightly. - [Jaymoji] I'll take that. - [Failboat] You guys ever see one of those, like, videos of lava pouring out from a rock, and you're like, "I would take a bite from that." - [Skip the Tutorial] Oh, dude. Absolutely. Some taffy. - [Failboat] I say we milk a Blaze, and see if that just happens outright. - [Jaymoji] Just gives you lava and you die. (laughs) - [Failboat] Yeah! Here we go. - [Jaymoji] Melts you from the throat down. (Failboat exclaiming) - [Failboat] Spicy. - [Skip the Tutorial] Did it give me anything? - [Jaymoji] Cheeto juice. It didn't give me anything. - [Failboat] I will never be able to live out my fantasies! Oh, you know what? We haven't done Creeper milk. - [Skip the Tutorial] We're doing a Creeper? - [Failboat] Yes. - [Jaymoji] Let's do it, yeah, I wanna see. - [Failboat] Creepy milk. - [Jaymoji] Gives you creep-ified. (people exclaiming in shock) (Skip the Tutorial laughing) - [Jaymoji] Oh, man, that's the most elusive of all drinks. (people exclaiming in shock) That's even worse! - [Failboat] Don't drink the Creeper milk! - [Skip the Tutorial] I'm so thirsty, though! (loud explosion) - [Jaymoji] Dude, stop! (people laughing) - [Skip the Tutorial] Oh, man, but I'm so thirsty! (loud explosion) - [Failboat] Oh, my... Look at the explosion radius! - [Skip the Tutorial] Is that what being lactose-intolerant's like? (people laughing) - [Failboat] Wait, wait. Hold on. We have yet to cover the basic zombie. - [Jaymoji] You're right. - [Skip the Tutorial] Zombie. Zombie milk. - [Jaymoji] It's green. It looks like spinach. - [Skip the Tutorial] It gives you hunger. Oh, fantastic! - [Jaymoji] Oh, great, that's counteractive. - [Failboat] Oh, awesome. - [Skip the Tutorial] Wow, my cup runneth over with zombie milk. - [Failboat] Hold on. (indistinct) - [Skip the Tutorial] You know what? I would've expected better from milking a zombie. Every time that I watched "The Walking Dead", I was like, "Why didn't they try milking him?" (people laughing) - [Jaymoji] It would be delicious and scrumptious. - [Skip the Tutorial] You guys wanna do fish milk? - [Jaymoji] I've never been more excited for anything in my entire life. - [Skip the Tutorial] Catch it quick! - [Jaymoji] Everybody do... - [Failboat] Go, go, go. - [Skip the Tutorial] "Fish milk." Oh, dude, this is Slurp Juice. - [Jaymoji] That's straight up a Chug Jug. - [Skip the Tutorial] Conduit power. Is there anything for pufferfish milk, though? - [Jaymoji] Ow, ow, ow. Poison? - Skip the Tutorial] Ah, just fish milk. (indistinct) Alright, what's our next milk? - [Failboat] Snow Golem! - [Skip the Tutorial] Snow Golem? Alright. - [Jaymoji] Oh, I love it. I don't wanna drink this, I feel immense guilt. - [Failboat] Down the hatch. Yeah, this is like "Undertale." (people exclaiming in surprise) - [Skip the Tutorial] Whoa, I have a snow face. - [Jaymoji] Yeah, you're dropping snow everywhere. (indistinct) - [Skip the Tutorial] Yeah, man. I'm spilling snow everywhere. ♪ It's the most wonderful time of the year ♪ - [Jaymoji] Don't go to the fire, snowman, it's not good for you. ♪ It's the most wonderful time ♪ (Failboat laughing) - [Skip the Tutorial] Okay, you cannot put out fire with snow. - [Jaymoji] That's a shame. - [Skip the Tutorial] Wait, what? - [Failboat] What? - [Skip the Tutorial] I just threw a snowball. - [Jaymoji] Ow, ow, stop! - [Failboat] While holding a snowball in his hand. - [Jaymoji] Knock it off! Knock it off! Stop! - [Skip the Tutorial] Dude, when you... No! When you shift and you move forward, you can snowball. - [Failboat] Wow! - [Jaymoji] Wow. - [Skip the Tutorial] The more you snow. (camera clattering) Alright, we gotta do Iron Golem now. Oh, the Iron Golem milk looks disgusting. - [Failboat] I got ironed, dude. - [Skip the Tutorial] "Ironed." So when you're Iron Golem, and you right-click with an iron ingot, it'll heal you. (Failboat exclaiming in surprise) - [Skip the Tutorial] No, it just increases your health! I have three rows of hearts now. - [Jaymoji] It also makes you slower. (loud banging) (people exclaiming in surprise) - [Failboat] I hit the max. - [Skip the Tutorial] Let's move from Iron Golem to villager. (Failboat exclaiming in bewilderment) As much as I hate to say it. - [Failboat] Is this ethical? - [Skip the Tutorial] Let me free-cam, and then I can have plausible deniability. This is the "village daddy." - [Failboat] Oh! Oh, my god! Don't drink that! You become a parent! - [Skip the Tutorial] You created life. (Jaymoji laughing nervously) - [Failboat] So, I gave birth. - [Jaymoji] I don't... Congratulations? - [Skip the Tutorial] So look, the Iron Golems now are friends. - [Jaymoji] Um, um, um. What's that? Why is it following me? - [Skip the Tutorial] 'Cause we're villagers. - [Failboat] You're the big daddy. - [Jaymoji] That's... I guess I've always wanted to be that. I totally have. - [Skip the Tutorial] Ooh, bee milk. - [Jaymoji] Bee milk? Full of vitamin B. - [Skip the Tutorial] It looks like honey. - [Failboat] Oh, it does look like honey. - [Skip the Tutorial] It gives you "buzzing." (Failboat mimicking bee buzzing) - [Skip the Tutorial] "Poison mobs and players when you hit them." - [Jaymoji] Really? - [Failboat] Yeah, look at that! That's awesome! - [Jaymoji] All poisoned, how fun of us. - [Skip the Tutorial] If you right-click a hive, you lose the effect, but get a significant health boost. We eat all the bees. - [Jaymoji] We eat all the what? - [Skip the Tutorial] We become the queen bee. - [Jaymoji] We eat the bees? - [Skip the Tutorial] Yeah. - [Jaymoji] I'm still poisoned. Horribly. - [Skip the Tutorial] Yeah, that's an intense poison. Alright, well, bee milk's pretty good. Bee milk gets an A-plus. - [Failboat] How about, like, Endermite? There's no chance that actually works, right? - [Jaymoji] Yeah, ew. - [Skip the Tutorial] Let's give it a shot. - [Jaymoji] It Ender-might work out. (toy mallet squeaking) - [Skip the Tutorial] Endermite. (Failboat laughing) - [Jaymoji] Oh, ew, ew, ew. - [Skip the Tutorial] Gives you the "Endermited", which I think just makes Endermen mad at us. - [Failboat] Awesome. - [Jaymoji] It Ender-might make them mad at us. It Ender-might not. (indistinct) I have no... I just looked at 'em. - [Skip the Tutorial] Oh, you just punched it. Oh, it's the same as the silverfish. Just every time you punched, you spawn an Endermite. - [Failboat] Oh, awesome. Hate it! - [Jaymoji] A terrible milk to get. - [Skip the Tutorial] Yeah, not very good. - [Jaymoji] This is one of the weirdest episodes of "Skip the Tutorial" I've ever been on. (people laughing) Let's say. - [Skip the Tutorial] Cat milk. - [Jaymoji] Cat milk! Why is it yellowish? - [Skip the Tutorial] You're asking too many questions. - [Jaymoji] "Grants you night-vision and speed." - [Skip the Tutorial] You can right-click fish to eat them right out of the water. Alright, we gotta go find fish. There's salmons back here. (water splashing) Dude, you could literally just right-click fish and just swallow them whole. - [Jaymoji] That's awful. (fish swallowing) - [Skip the Tutorial] Oh, my god. (people mimicking fish swallowing) Just eat it straight. (people laughing) - [Failboat] Wolf milk! - [Skip the Tutorial] Perfect. - [Jaymoji] Dog milk! He's got that dog in him! - [Failboat] I like the noise it makes, dude. - [Skip the Tutorial] It gives you strength and "carnivorous." - [Failboat] Ooh! - [Skip the Tutorial] "Where all types of meat give you regeneration." - [Failboat] Oh, wow. What? - [Skip the Tutorial] Dude, catch me at the furry con eating a couple of raw steaks. (people laughing) Oh, we do this for a living. (Jaymoji laughing) - Alright, we skipped over the cave spider, which has its own milk. So cave spider gives you the exact same thing as the regular spider, except now you can poison people. - [Jaymoji] (laughs) Yeah. Well, it works... Ow, ow. Okay, I get it, I get it, it works! - [Failboat] And it gets poisoned? That's messed up. - [Jaymoji] I want some. No fair. Save some of that spider milk for me, dude. - [Skip the Tutorial] You guys wanna see what happens when you milk a donkey? - [Jaymoji] This is... I hate this. Oh, you get jump-boost and speed. - [Skip the Tutorial] You get jump-boost and speed. - [Jaymoji] That's what I said. (people laughing) - [Skip the Tutorial] What's regular horse do? - [Jaymoji] (laughs) "Regular horse"... - [Failboat] Probably the same. - [Jaymoji] As opposed to donk-ified horse. Horse milk. - [Skip the Tutorial] It gives me even more speed. - [Failboat] Oh, wow. - [Jaymoji] I don't see why the milk needs to be different colors. Why does horse milk need to be brown? - [Skip the Tutorial] I dunno. Is mule milk a different thing? Sure enough. - [Jaymoji] Oh, god. (laughs) - [Skip the Tutorial] It's a darker brown. - [Jaymoji] Oh, god. - [Skip the Tutorial] It gives you "jump boost III." Dude, I've become the strongest thing in history. I'm like the Miley Cyrus... I'm the Hannah Montana of milks. Wait, I've got the best of both worlds. (laughs) - [Jaymoji] (laughs) Okay. Now I get it. (people laughing) You had to catch me up to speed there, Skip. - [Failboat] Oh! Oh, oh, oh, oh. Guardians, parrots and Phantoms. - [Skip the Tutorial] Alright. We're gonna do a little show-and-tell. Jay's gonna go research parrots, Dan's gonna go research guardians, and I'll research Phantom. And everyone will share with the class. (person drinking) - [Failboat] I got something special here! - [Skip the Tutorial] Alright. - [Jaymoji] I got parroted. Play a jukebox, Skip. (jazzy piano music) Oh, my god. (people laughing) I'm not even doing this. I'm not even doing it. (people laughing) - [Failboat] That's awesome! - [Jaymoji] Help! Help, I can't stop! - [Failboat] He does, like, "Minecraft" machinima dancing! - [Skip the Tutorial] Dude, how about nightmare? (Jaymoji exclaiming in pain) (Skip the Tutorial laughing) Nightmare! - [Jaymoji] That ruined my whole vibe. I was having a good time with my dance, and you ruined it. I actually can't stop. - [Failboat] Jay. - [Skip the Tutorial] Yeah, Jay, eat a cookie, mayhaps. It'll make you feel nice and strong. - [Failboat] Yeah, I just wanna, like, you know, show off the whole feature, right? - [Skip the Tutorial] Oh, now he's not parroted anymore. - [Jaymoji] Oh, I'm not parroted, hang on. Uh, uh, bird. - [Skip the Tutorial] While he's doing that, Dan, you wanna show us your milk? - [Failboat] Yeah, Guardian milk! - Do you have thorns? Yes. (Failboat exclaiming in shock) - [Failboat] I have "fisher", conduit power and "guarded." - [Jaymoji] What? - [Skip the Tutorial] Well, Jay died when he ate a cookie. - [Jaymoji] I died immediately on the spot with full health. - [Failboat] The other thing I got here is Elder Guardian milk. - [Skip the Tutorial] Oh gosh. This is our first of the boss ones. - [Failboat] Oh, oh, I didn't realize it was a boss one. Okay, let's try that one. (bell ringing) (people exclaiming in shock) - [Failboat] Oh, my god! - [Skip the Tutorial] You gave me mining fatigue. - [Failboat] Dude, I got fisher, "Drowner", guarded, inking, conduit power and "dolphin's grace" from one thing. - [Jaymoji] My god. - [Failboat] And this. - [Jaymoji] Ow. Ow. - [Skip the Tutorial] Oh, dude. So you get every water effect from a mob. Okay, well, we should cover the Drowned one, then. So when you milk a Drowned, you get... - [Jaymoji] Drowned milk. - [Skip the Tutorial] The Drowner. - [Jaymoji] Oh. You have a small chance of receiving a trident when you do it. I got a Trident. - [Jaymoji] Oh, I didn't get one. - [Failboat] Ow! Wait, hold on... - [Jaymoji] Everyone's got tridents except me now! This is not fair, I want one. - [Failboat] Stay right there. - [Skip the Tutorial] When you reach a fork in the road, eat it. (trident clanging) - [Jaymoji] Ow! (people laughing) - [Skip the Tutorial] What's our next one? - [Failboat] Oh, panda? - [Skip the Tutorial] Panda. Oh, panda milk. I guess... - [Failboat] I know they're endangered, but, like, that just means it's we'll have a limited supply. - [Skip the Tutorial] Yeah, dude. It means one of one. (people laughing) - [Jaymoji] I got bamboozled! - [Skip the Tutorial] I'm guessing we're able to eat bamboo? Yes. - [Failboat] How'd I get a slimeball? - [Skip the Tutorial] You can occasionally sneeze out a slimeball. - [Failboat] Ew! - [Skip the Tutorial] It's a sneezing-panda thing. - [Jaymoji] That is cute. - [Failboat] Wait, hold on. Speaking of slimes, did we milk a slime yet? - [Skip the Tutorial] No, not yet. Let's do it. - [Jaymoji] We're gonna get the slimed effect, I'm calling it right now. I bet five dollars. Ow, ow, why is it a big one? Oh, god. - [Skip the Tutorial] We got "jump boost VII." - [Failboat] Whoa! - [Jaymoji] Oh, my god! Wait, this is awesome. - [Skip the Tutorial] Wee! - [Failboat] I have a rapid-fire one, if you're interested. - [Skip the Tutorial] Let's do it. - [Failboat] I got five different eggs. You guys ready? Grab your buckets. First up, on your four-course meal, gourmet adventure, polar bear. - [Skip the Tutorial] Okay, polar bear. I'm detecting notes of fisher and "strength II." - [Jaymoji] Very strong. Very nice. - [Failboat] Okay, okay. Llama! Next up. - [Jaymoji] Llama. - [Skip the Tutorial] Llama. (person drinking) - [Jaymoji] "Spitter." - [Skip the Tutorial] Spitter. "Spit on mobs when you hit them." - [Jaymoji] Ow. Ow. Hang on. - [Failboat] Oh, oh! There you go! - [Jaymoji] No, I got it. - [Failboat] No, I'm flying. - [Jaymoji] Yeah, nice, dude. (Jaymoji mimicking spitting) - [Skip the Tutorial] This is disgusting, next one. - [Failboat] Okay, next up on the menu, fox. Go get him. They're running. They're running fast. - [Jaymoji] Oh, he's running. - [Skip the Tutorial] Fox milk. Whoa! - [Jaymoji] Oh, I got invisibility. - [Skip the Tutorial] You get super speed, and I disappeared. - [Failboat] Whoa, this is awesome! (Jaymoji exclaiming in excitement) - [Jaymoji] This is so cool, dude. I'm going so fast. - [Skip the Tutorial] Wow, I don't know how this is fox. - [Jaymoji] Is this what a fox normally does? Oh, 'cause they're invisible, 'cause they are quick and they hide, and they're also frail. So it's weakness, speed, and invisibility. - [Skip the Tutorial] This is such a crazy speed. - [Jaymoji] I love it. - [Failboat] Alright, next one! Dolphin! - [Skip the Tutorial] Dolphin! - [Jaymoji] Dolphin milk. - [Skip the Tutorial] I hardly know her! - [Jaymoji] Can't even get... What? (Skip the Tutorial laughing) - [Skip the Tutorial] Dolphin's grace and fisher. Okay. Whoa, I'm so fast! - [Jaymoji] Wow, look at you go, dude. Look at you go. Nice, man. - [Failboat] Shulker! - [Skip the Tutorial] Oh, geez. "Shulked." - [Failboat] Whoa! Oh, you shoot... You can shoot a missile. Wait, wait, hit the dolphin. Get 'em, get 'em, get 'em. - [Jaymoji] How are you doing that? - [Skip the Tutorial] Oh! See you later, when dolphins fly! - [Jaymoji] What? - [Skip the Tutorial] Okay. - [Jaymoji] What is happening? Where's he going? (laughs) (people laughing) - [Failboat] Okay, well, that's my five-course meal. How'd you like it? - [Jaymoji] Pretty delicious. - [Skip the Tutorial] I'd give it an A-plus. Alright, let's go find a village and do a raid. - [Jaymoji] Oh, turtles are over there. Oh, wait, wait, milk the turtle. - [Skip the Tutorial] Quick, milk the turtle before the raid! - [Failboat] They have not been milked yet. Try 'em out. - [Skip the Tutorial] It gives you slowness, fisher, conduit and "turtled." (people laughing) You can crouch to go into a shell. - [Failboat] Oh, I can't hit you. I can't hit you. - [Skip the Tutorial] Well, I'm in Creative. - [Jaymoji] What about...? Try me, I'm not... (loud thudding) Ow. Oh, I'm, like, taking no damage. I take no damage. - [Failboat] Oh! Yeah, I hear, like, a breaking sound. - [Jaymoji] Beat me up with that. - [Skip the Tutorial] Dude, I'm in my shell. - [Jaymoji] Like, a real hit. (loud thudding) - [Skip the Tutorial] Yeah, I take no damage when I'm in my shell. Guys, the raid is happening, and we're not even doing anything to save them. - [Failboat] Oh, sorry about that. - [Jaymoji] We should go do something about that, yeah. - [Failboat] Follow the cookie trail. - [Skip the Tutorial] A pillager. - [Jaymoji] Getting myself fired up. - [Skip the Tutorial] Gives me a crossbow. - [Jaymoji] Oh, yeah. Oh, and you got the banner on your head. - [Skip the Tutorial] Whoa. Wait, you get the banner on your head? - [Jaymoji] Yeah, yeah. - [Failboat] Look around! - [Skip the Tutorial] Whoa! That's awesome! Who's the pillager now? Ah! Okay. New guy. This is our vindicator. - [Failboat] Get 'em, get 'em, get 'em. (Skip the Tutorial exclaiming in shock) - [Jaymoji] Milk it up. Milk it up. Milk it up. Get 'em, milk 'em! Hurry! - [Skip the Tutorial] Who's the vindicator now? - [Jaymoji] It gave me an ax. Let me ax you a question. - [Skip the Tutorial] Ah! - [Jaymoji] Ravager milk! (Jaymoji exclaiming in pain) Well, I got it. I just didn't survive. - [Skip the Tutorial] Ravager milk is pitch black. It gives you "effect.notenoughmilk.ravaged." Perfect! - [Jaymoji] Nice. (laughs) - [Skip the Tutorial] Oh, dude, you can knock them back and slow them. - [Jaymoji] Oh, nice. - [Skip the Tutorial] Awesome. Look it, I'm cooking 'em. - [Failboat] I love how, when they attack, they look like the Rock 'Em Sock 'Em Robots. - [Skip the Tutorial] Yeah! Yeah, they just stick their whole jaw out. Ow. - [Failboat] I don't think this is worth the milk. - [Jaymoji] (laughs) I don't think it's worth the milk either. - [Skip the Tutorial] Guys, this is a bad time to mention that I actually get tons of troubles from milk. - [Failboat] There we go. (Jaymoji laughing) We're all lactose intolerant, all three of us. - [Skip the Tutorial] It is a bad time to mention it, I will say. You should have brought that up with the doctor a little bit earlier. Oh. - [Skip the Tutorial] Vexes! Vexes give you... (person drinking) "Vexed." Ow. Let's just do this back at base, this is too hard. Let's do the evoker milk. - [Jaymoji] I already got it! Goddamn it! (laughs) - [Skip the Tutorial] Evoker milk gives you Totem of Undying as well as the "evoked." When you do it to any mob, evoker fangs. - [Jaymoji] You just milk it endlessly? - [Failboat] That's awesome! - [Skip the Tutorial] Ow! What's a vex give me? "Spawn a vex on any player that you hit." There you go! - [Failboat] Oh, look at that! - [Jaymoji] I can milk the vex and get the same effect! (laughs) (Failboat exclaiming in shock) And then spawn it on you! Get 'em! (Skip the Tutorial laughing) - [Skip the Tutorial] The evoker milk's one of my favorite. I love just the summoning... (loud clattering) And the free Totem of Undying. - [Failboat] Yeah, evoker milk seems like the best one so far. - [Jaymoji] It was wicked. - [Failboat] Alright, guys, Failboat's back with another four-course meal. Here we go, baby. First one on the docket. - [Jaymoji] I would never trust food from a guy that looks like you, no offense. - [Failboat] Tropical fish. - [Skip the Tutorial] What? We did the fish. - [Jaymoji] We did the fish... - [Failboat] Oh, yeah, right. Next one! Strider! - [Skip the Tutorial] Strider! - [Failboat] Hurry, he's gonna die soon. - [People] Stride milk. - [Jaymoji] Gives me nothing. - [Skip the Tutorial] It did nothing. - [Failboat] Awesome! Witch! - [Skip the Tutorial] Witch? - [Jaymoji] Ew. - [Skip the Tutorial] "Witched." "When you fall into lava, you receive fire resistant..." It makes you into a witch. - [Failboat] I got some lava milk. Here you go. (Jaymoji laughing) - [Jaymoji] Oh, it killed me. (people laughing) - [Skip the Tutorial] Okay. (people laughing) - [Failboat] Well, it works perfectly. - [Jaymoji] Yeah, it works real good. - [Skip the Tutorial] Oh, I think the witch is killing us now. Oh, it just gives you a fire-resistance potion! Ow! - [Jaymoji] Oh, it gives you fire resistance, as in it gives you the potion. That's hilarious. - [Failboat] Oh, oh. Wait? It doesn't just give it to you? (laughs) Alright, fourth one! Last one! Wither skeleton! - [Jaymoji] Oh, Wither skeleton. - [Skip The Tutorial] Ah, marvelous! - [Jaymoji] It gives you nothing. Oh, wonderful. - [Failboat] Oh, here's a stray. (Skip the Tutorial exclaiming in shock) - [Jaymoji] Stray milk. - [Skip the Tutorial] Stray... - [Failboat] Whoa, what? - [Skip the Tutorial] Gives us the "strayed" effect. Which is just the same as the skeleton, except now, we can shoot slowness arrows. - [Jaymoji] Oh, nice. - [Failboat] Oh! - [Skip the Tutorial] Alright, Mooshroom milk! Oh, it looks disgusting. (Failboat exclaiming in disgust) But you can eat mycelium! - [Failboat] Oh, don't do that! I mean, you can, I suppose. - [Skip the Tutorial] "If a player shears you..." - [Failboat] I'm ripe for the picking. - [Skip the Tutorial] "You lose the effect, and you get mushrooms." - [Failboat] Ah! - [Jaymoji] No way. - [Failboat] I get mushrooms? - [Skip the Tutorial] Dude, you clipped it off of me. You clipped my wings. Alright, time for bosses. - [Failboat] You can build them horizontally? - [Skip the Tutorial] Yeah! Wither milk. Gives you stridered, fire resistance, "withering", "slowness II." So I can give you the wither effect. - [Failboat] Yep. Yep. Don't worry, I got it. - [Skip the Tutorial] I can walk on lava. - [Failboat] Wait, you can walk on lava? - [Skip the Tutorial] Yeah, I'm gonna go into the Nether. Alright, Jay, you handle that. I'm gonna go do a big sploosh. A big swan dive. - [Failboat] Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Jump in. Jump in. I'll get the cool camerawork. - [Skip the Tutorial] Oh, my gosh! Look at me go! This is what the strider would've done. - [Failboat] Oh, yeah! Oh, you're making tracks. Wait, can you hold shift and go, like, downwards? - [Skip the Tutorial] Yeah! - [Failboat] Ah! How about that? - [Skip the Tutorial] Wait, so were we supposed to drink the Piglin milk in the Nether? - [Failboat] We can give it a shot. - [Skip the Tutorial] This is great, 'cause I already relate to a strider on a lot of levels. - [Jaymoji] Yeah? - [Failboat] True! - [Skip the Tutorial] Yeah, I have no limbs. Okay. (laughs) - [Jaymoji] Here you go, Skip. Here's some lava milk. - [Skip the Tutorial] Ow, ow, ow. Aw. (laughs) - [Failboat] Okay, maybe I could've given you a less... - [Skip the Tutorial] Ow. Ow. (laughs) - [Failboat] Oh, wait, hold on. Skip... (laughs) - [Skip the Tutorial] Oh, I got fire resistance. And I got the golden swords, you do have to drink them in the Nether. That's weird. - [Failboat] Oh! That's cool! - [Skip the Tutorial] We should cover these. Blaze milk! - [Jaymoji] Blaze milk gives us fire! - [Skip the Tutorial] Blaze gives you the "blazed" effect. - [Failboat] Can we shoot fireballs? - [Jaymoji] Oh, wait, did we not...? - [Failboat] Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Just slowly look forward! Slowly look forward! - [Jaymoji] Hey, Dan. What are you cooking up? - [Failboat] You. - [Jaymoji] Excuse you. (laughs) Ow, ow, ow! No! - [Skip the Tutorial] I'm assuming ghast is just more of the same. Alright, ghast gives you slow-falling, and also the ghast effect, which lets you do fireballs. - [Failboat] How cool that this only works in the Nether. - [Skip the Tutorial] Yeah, that is weird. - [Jaymoji] Oh, if you stand, it summons one, and then you launch it. - [Failboat] Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - [Skip the Tutorial] Alright, fellas, we gotta go for our last one. - [Failboat] Ooh, you're right. - [Skip the Tutorial] Alright. "This milk is still work in progress." Okay. Well, we will get the Ender Dragon milk ourselves. "When you drink the Ender Dragon milk, all other players will teleport up to the sky." (Failboat exclaiming in shock) - [Jaymoji] Oh, god, oh, my God. - [Failboat] Hey, wait, I don't... Do I have anything I can milk, really quickly? Nope. Okay, well, bye. - [Jaymoji] Me. Me. (people laughing) - [Jaymoji] Well, sorry. (laughs) - [Failboat] That was awesome! - [Jaymoji] Wow, that was a Calcium-hefty episode. - [Failboat] I went into this mod like, "Okay, what is this gonna be? This seems very anti-climactic as, like, a mod." This was awesome! - [Skip the Tutorial] And with that, folks, YouTube thinks that you might like this video, so see if they're right, and have a good one, alright?
Channel: Skip the Tutorial
Views: 801,650
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: BxvjcJVzH-s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 15sec (1275 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 29 2023
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