a mod with banned swords

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- [Skip the Tutorial] This is every sword Minecraft will never add. And some of these, definitely, for good reason. And hey, we're always asking you to try some new and wacky way to subscribe to the channel, whether that's with your elbow, your tongue, or your mom, but this time, I wanna hear what new way you subscribed to the channel, so take a random action of your choice to that sub button below and let us know how you did it in the comments. It's free, and it helps out a ton. This is a Coal Sword. - Ow. - It gives blindness. - Ooh. Ah. - That's nice. - [Failboat] You just poked me in the eyes. - [JayMoji] Yeah, you actually just stabbed my eyes out. That's not cool. - [Skip the Tutorial] I guess you could do that with any sword, come to think of it. - [JayMoji] Yeah, well, it just expedites the process. - [Skip the Tutorial] Let me give you guys - Thank you. - a little bit of a munch. - [JayMoji] Oh, I love potatoes. - [Skip the Tutorial] So yeah, you literally just craft this with coal blocks, coal, and a stone sword. - [JayMoji] Does it set things on fire? That would make sense 'cause it's made of coal. - Ah. - No, it doesn't. The peg. - [Skip the Tutorial] Yeah, it's just a delayed reaction. (Failboat and Skip the Tutorial laughing) - Wow, that's so cool. - Wow. - [Skip the Tutorial] This is the Redstone Sword. - Well, that's just mean. - Ooh. Ow. - [Skip the Tutorial] It gives hunger and mining fatigue. - [JayMoji] Oh, it does. Only gives it for a couple seconds, though. Hold on, hit me again. Hit me again. - [Skip the Tutorial] Oh, gladly. I would do that outside of the context of the video is the thing. - [JayMoji] Does anyone have like a Snickers or... (Skip the Tutorial Laughs) - [Skip the Tutorial] But if you right-click with it from the ground, you get a speed boost. - Whoa. - Ooh. - [Skip the Tutorial] Give that a taste. - [Failboat] Let me right-click with this on the ground. Whoa, he's right. I'm going faster. - Look at him go. He's on his way to Olive Garden, even though he gave me the hunger. Ow. - Oh my God. - [Skip the Tutorial] This is the Lapis Lazuli Sword. It gives XP. - And it does so much damage. - No. I'm getting dumber every time you hit me. - [Skip the Tutorial] It does the same as the Coal Sword, but I love that you mostly get the experience. - [Failboat] Oh, never mind. I'm getting smarter every time you hit me. - [JayMoji] Yeah, it's kind of like a trade-off, like I'm actually getting levels - Yeah. - and you're hurting me. - [Failboat] Bro, my math class is coming up. Please, slash my ankles with this sword a few times. - Yeah, man, I got you. - Oh. - I'm sorry, that was the hunger and fatigue one. Sorry. - Oh man, now I'm just famished before class. - [Failboat] Oh yes. 5 plus 5 equals 10. 10 plus 10 equals 20. 158 times 158 is, NOOBster, put in an AI-generated voice- - At least five. - [Skip the Tutorial] This is the Bamboo Saber. It's faster, but that's about it 'cause it does no damage. - Oh. I beg to differ. It's gonna kill me in one more hit. - [Failboat] Skip, eye for an eye here. - [Skip the Tutorial] Oh geez. Okay. The amount of like spam clicking you could do, that's pretty good. - [JayMoji] Ow, ow, ow. - [Failboat] Yeah, because you can just like quick click. - [JayMoji] Yeah, not so much for damage. - [Failboat] Hold on a second. Hold on. Give me something to slash up here because I think if you do like the critical attacks on it, you're gonna do like a lot. - [Skip the Tutorial] Our classic. - [JayMoji] Oh, oh my god. Oh my god. - [Failboat] See, that's just eight hearts to me. I think he wins the sword competition. - [JayMoji] I'll hit him with the Experience Sword. This will take care of him. - Yeah. Oh, I guess that could be helpful. You could use it at like a mob farm for the Experience Sword and then you would get more experience. - Oh. - That's what it's used for. Now I get it. - [Failboat] Okay, can we get him gone now? I wasn't strong enough. - [Skip the Tutorial] What else is new? I got a silver ingot from killing it. We can make a Pillager Dagger. - [JayMoji] Can I have it? - [Skip the Tutorial] This one goes even faster. - [JayMoji] Not like that. Ow, ow, ow. I meant, like, can I hold it. - Wait, no. - [Skip the Tutorial] Look at how fast the attack speed is on that. It's a four-attack speed. - That's pretty good. - [Skip the Tutorial] That's double what the Bamboo Saber was. - Oh my God, that's so fast. - Oh my. - [Skip the Tutorial] This is the Slime Sword. When you right-click, it gives you a jump boost, and you also bounce. - Whoa. Wow. Bouncy mode. Yo, this rules. Hold on. Imagine the critical shots I could get with this. (strains) Boom. Oh my god. (screams) - Oh my God. The earth's cleaver. - Oh my God. - Witness his act of passion before God. - [JayMoji] I actually thought I did that, and I was like, this is the most insane sword ever. - That was awesome. - [Skip the Tutorial] That was perfect timing. - [JayMoji] All right, Skip, let's fight in the mountains with this bouncy sword. I wanna see who win, ow. Hold on, hold on. Not fair, not fair. Ow. Not fair. - Oh, it gives you nausea. - I have nausea. - [Skip the Tutorial] Oh, dude, you got your Slime Sword everywhere. You guys ready for a useless sword? - [JayMoji] Yes. - [Skip the Tutorial] This one is the Cactus Sword. - Oh, dude, you spoiled it. - Does it hurt you? - [Skip the Tutorial] It hurts me. - Oh. (laughs) (Failboat laughs) Oh, that's, wait, who does it kill first if we both have full health? - [Skip the Tutorial] Well, if I were only, so few are brave to go. See you on the other side. - [JayMoji] Oh, it does three hearts for me. - Yeah, yeah, skip one side. - Okay, yeah. Wait, you know the actual useful part for PVP is that when you get damage ticked, you can't get damage ticked again. - [Failboat] Oh. - [JayMoji] Wait, hold on. Let's try this. Here we go. Oh, it does. It like totally gives you, - Yeah. - [JayMoji] I'm using the fast dagger, and it gave you invincibility frames. - Okay. Sweet. - That's amazing. - Wow. - That's overpowered. - [Failboat] That's really good. - [JayMoji] Oh, everyone's dead. - [Skip the Tutorial] All right, we're gonna keep in the desert for this one. 'cause we've got two sand-related swords to show off. - [JayMoji] Whoa. - One for Jay and one for Dan. - Ow, ow, I hate it. - Oh. - Oh wow, that made me blind again. - I don't like mine. - [Skip the Tutorial] They're both just blindness. - [Failboat] The Sprite looks really cool. - [JayMoji] It's like cheddar versus mozzarella. - [Skip the Tutorial] Yeah, I tried to scoop out peanut butter with one of those. - [JayMoji] Yeah. Mm. Fight me to the death. - Where are you? - Fight me to the death. I don't know. - Oh, here we go. In this corner, we got the red sand, and then the other one, we got the, I can't see anymore, so I guess one of 'em won. - [JayMoji] We have no idea when someone died and someone lived. - [Skip the Tutorial] I didn't know that the commentator was part of the competition. This is part of Nintendo's new policy rules. All right, how about a different sand kind of sword? Soul Sand. (gasps) Wa-Chi-Kow. - Okay. - Oh my God. - [JayMoji] It's just an instant kill. That's what it is. - No, wait. - [Skip the Tutorial] Gives a blindness effect and a 10% chance to give a wither effect. - [JayMoji] What does it matter if it kills you immediately? Oh. - Oh, just three hearts. - [Skip the Tutorial] It's as strong as a Diamond Sword. - [JayMoji] All right, so what's the chance that it'll give me wither? Try it. Try it. - 10%. - Ow. I don't have it. Hey, slow down, slow down. - Hey, wither. - I didn't get withered, but I died. - Yeah. - Yeah, my body withered away, if that counts. - [Failboat] Are you sure? I see like the black hearts. - No, that's blindness. - That's blindness. - [Failboat] Oh, okay. - [Skip the Tutorial] Ow. - [Failboat] Wow, this thing works well. - What? That's the wither effect. If you get into a cactus, it does it even better. - Got 'em. - [Skip the Tutorial] Ooh, two more sand swords. Dan? - [Failboat] Does that make me fall like sand? - [Skip the Tutorial] These ones are sandstone. They don't have any ability. They're just cheap - Oh. - [Skip the Tutorial] and quick to craft. - Oh, that's all they are. - Oh. - Okay. - Oh, okay. - [JayMoji] Dude, I'm actually so good at PvP. I mean, I guess if you're stuck in the desert and you need a sword real quick for efficiency, I can imagine that being very useful. - [Skip the Tutorial] All right, fellas, from stone to clay. Let's give everyone an effect like the bad omen. - [JayMoji] Oh, okay. - Gone and gone. - What's that do for me? - [Skip the Tutorial] It clears potion effects. - Wait, what? - Oh, it removes the effect. Why is that good for you? - [Failboat] Oh. - [Skip the Tutorial] I guess if someone has something useful - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - like if you have like regen or like you just ate a golden apple. - [Failboat] Wait, that's really useful. - If. - Yeah here, I'm gonna eat my Enchanted Golden Apple. Smack me. Yeah, all of it gone. All of my absorption hearts, everything. - Wow, - Wait, - [JayMoji] get rid of the hearts too. - [Failboat] how much damage does it do? - [Skip the Tutorial] It does two hearts. - Not too bad. - Oh. - Honestly, not too bad. - So if you could cycle through these hearts, you could use that sword to remove the effects, the last sword to give blindness, and then the blood sword to kill and the last kill, you get enchantment. - [Skip the Tutorial] There you go. - [JayMoji] Not that you would do all that, but I mean, - Yeah. - [JayMoji] a chef should have a knife for every occasion. - [Skip the Tutorial] Yeah, just casually give up four of your hotbar slots. - Yeah, yeah, - Yeah. - [JayMoji] for different swords with different uses. - [Skip the Tutorial] All right, can it clear this effect? This is the Withered Sword. - [Failboat] I don't know. Hit me with it. Help me. I'm dying. - Oh my God. - Use the other one. - [Skip the Tutorial] Use the other one. Oh, sorry. Bam. - Oh. There we go. Thank you. - Oh, it did clear it. - [JayMoji] You saved him. Thanks. - [Skip the Tutorial] All right, so if you hold something in your offhand, and you hold this, and you right-click, this is the Furnace Sword. - [Failboat] Oh, like food. I'm holding another sword in my offhand as if that's gonna help. - [Skip the Tutorial] Hold that. You also need coal. - Mm, delicious meat. - Oh. Oh, look at that. - [Skip the Tutorial] And it instantly cooks. Yeah. - Sure enough. - Oh, that's good. - Ow, my hand. - Pretty good. Seems like it really hurts a lot. Can you do oars with that? - [Failboat] Dude, we have the same brand. We have the same brand. We're just like that. We're just like that. We're built, we're built, it works. - [JayMoji] No way. It actually smelts ore? That's amazing. - Yeah. - [Skip the Tutorial] That is sick. Let's get a real furnace and see who can smelt 20 first. Go. All right, Dan's taking an early lead. See if we can distract him. - Five, six, seven, eight, nine, - This is like John Henry. - 10, 11. - This is you versus the steam machine. - [Failboat] Yeah. Time. - [Skip the Tutorial] All right, yeah, this is only done four. Wow, that is remarkably fast. - [JayMoji] I'm over here, doing it the old-fashioned way, fellas. - Oh, it's like a- - It's a pork roast. - [JayMoji] If you guys wanna grab a seat, we're gonna be here for a while. - Yeah. Oh, it's overcooked. - Ah, there it is. Oh, I burned it. Dang it. (everybody laughs) - [Skip the Tutorial] All right, the way that you make this one is very funny to me. - [JayMoji] Oh, thanks for the paycheck, Skip. I appreciate that. Finally. - [Skip the Tutorial] What you're gonna do is you're gonna go into your crafting grid, and you're gonna put an iron ingot on top of a gold ingot or gold on top of iron. Gold on top of iron. - Oh. - [Skip the Tutorial] You get- - [Failboat] Whoa, gold ingot and iron ingot. - [JayMoji] Oh my God, wow. - Wow. - That's so smart. And you can only stack 32 of it. That's great. - Awesome. - [JayMoji] I'm so glad they made that. - [Failboat] What's the point? - [Skip the Tutorial] What's the point? If you smelt it, you can make alloy. - Oh. - Alloy. - [Skip the Tutorial] And that's how we get the Alloy Sword. - Whoa. Okay. - Yeah. - [Failboat] Whoa. - Ow. There's three hearts. - Three and half hearts. - There's two and half hearts. - [Skip the Tutorial] It's like as strong as a Diamond Sword, so that's pretty good. - Wow. - [Skip the Tutorial] All right, you guys ever listened to Guns N' Roses? - Nope. - How about Slash? This is called the Slash Sword. - [Failboat] God, I feel disappointed. - [JayMoji] I think that I have to take my leave. I should probably go. - [Skip the Tutorial] It gives me the haste effect when I slash with it. - Whoa. Wow, that's nice. - Oh, so you can kill us faster. - [JayMoji] Who's faster? That or the dagger? - [Skip the Tutorial] Owie. - [JayMoji] Looks like the dagger wins. - [Skip the Tutorial] All right, so this one's gonna do not much to you. This is the Prismarine Sword. Summon a guardian. So this does 20-plus damage to a guardian. - [Failboat] Oh my goodness. - [Skip the Tutorial] So you can kill it in two hits. - [Failboat] Help me. Kill it. - [Skip the Tutorial] Hold on. Ow. Okay, well, if the it you wanted to kill was me, mission success. - Skip. - Whoops. - [Skip the Tutorial] Okay, it's like marginally more helpful. We did get guardian spikes from killing it, though, which we can use to make - Oh. - [Skip the Tutorial] the Guardian Sword. When in hand, it gives you dolphins grace, water breathing, conduit power, and strength effect in water. - Wow. - And it stares at you. - Dude, look, it blinks. - That's nice. - [Skip the Tutorial] Oh my gosh, the item's huge. - [JayMoji] That's awesome. - [Skip the Tutorial] That's sick. So when we go into water, you get stronger. - [Failboat] Whoa. Oh my God- - [JayMoji] I'm stronger in the water now. Mess with me now. - [Skip the Tutorial] Yeah, look, you're flying through water. It's awesome. - Wee. - Oh my God, this is awesome. - I'm invincible. This is really good. - Yeah, This one's sick. - I'm actually like, like I could raid an underground, oops, I'm dead. - This is awesome. - This is awesome. I'm so awesome right now. - [Failboat] I actually feel more powerful swimming underwater like this. - [JayMoji] Dude, you swimming with your two swords is such a funny animation. - [Skip the Tutorial] Oh my gosh, you're like breaststroke, you just like, - [Failboat] I'm paddling with it. - [Skip the Tutorial] it's like the face is opening up. Yeah. - [JayMoji] Ow. Oh, you zoomed in my field of view. Thanks, jerk. - [Failboat] Whoa. - [Skip the Tutorial] This is the Frozen Sword. - [Failboat] Oh, my gracious. ♪ Let it go ♪ ♪ Let it go ♪ ♪ Let it go ♪ - [Skip the Tutorial] Wait, hit me with it. I wanna see what happens. Whoa. That really does push your FOB in like crazy. Gives you slowness five. - Yeah, right? - I'm sat next to the fire. Will it keep me warm? - No. - No. Okay, good to know. - [Skip the Tutorial] Dude, look at how cool the Dragon's Breath Sword looks. - [JayMoji] I wanna see it. I wanna see it. - [Failboat] Oh, so like purple tinted. - [Skip the Tutorial] Yeah. It does extra magic damage, so it can hit you through armor. - Wait. - Oh. - [Skip the Tutorial] Here we go. Hit me. Come on, hit me. - [Failboat] How's this doing? - [Skip the Tutorial] Yeah, that still hits quite well with another Netherite. - Oh, why are you running? - [JayMoji] Dude, this is the JayMoji branded sword. Look at it. - Oh, it is. - Dude, that's the soda sword. - [JayMoji] Literally just me. It's literally just me. - Boom. Boom. - Dude, if I was, that's my sword sona. - Boom. - My sword sona? Is that what these are? - [Skip the Tutorial] This sword is funny. This is the melting sword. It's literally melting in my hand, but it'll also melt you. - Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow. - Ow. Oh my God. - Oh my God. Oh my God. - It works well. - Oh no, water, water. Help. - Water. - Help. Oh. - [Skip the Tutorial] That's actually pretty crazy fire. That's way longer than Fire Aspect. - [Skip the Tutorial] Yeah. That's really good. Well, we're in the water, Skip, so I don't know that it's gonna really do, okay. - [Skip the Tutorial] You wanna see a sword that's gonna break easily? This is the Glass Sword. - Ow. Ow. - A Glass Sword. - That hurts a lot. - It sounds like it's breaking as you swing. - [Skip the Tutorial] It does eight and a half damage. - [Failboat] Oh my God. - Oh my God. - I would like it better if it broke instantly when you hit it. - Yes. - That would be funny. But it's kind of a funny like roulette of like who's it gonna break on. - [Skip the Tutorial] Yeah. - This is a lot of durability still. - It's not breaking at all. I'm kind of amazed that it hasn't broken yet. - Okay, it broke. - Oh, there it goes. It broke on me. - There you go. - [JayMoji] I win. Nothing but shards in my face. This is great. - Yeah. Now I would say the damage of that is really good. I think it should be breaking a lot sooner for its gimmick. - [JayMoji] Wow, you're really warming up to these. - [Failboat] Oh my God, the pond is so far away. - [Skip the Tutorial] Wait, Dan, come back here. I got something for you. - What's up? Oh my God. - Whoa. - [Skip the Tutorial] This is the Water Sword. - [JayMoji] As if on cue. Wow, do it again. - Wow, that's beautiful, no, wait. - [Skip the Tutorial] Hit me with it, Jay. - [Failboat] Skip. - [Skip the Tutorial] Right-click. - [JayMoji] Wow. - [Failboat] Skip, if you wanna- - [JayMoji] Wow, it actually- - [Skip the Tutorial] Oh, just immediately extinguishes me. - [JayMoji] It immediately puts it out. - Wow, that's awesome. - That's amazing. - [JayMoji] Wow, that's really good. You wanna get Dan? - There he is. - Thank you. - Put him right out. - Call. Out of his misery, yeah. - [Skip the Tutorial] Yeah. - [Failboat] That's awesome. - [Skip the Tutorial] When you take the Glass Sword and you add something to it, you get the Water Sword out of bucket of water. - Oh. - Oh. Ow. Wow. How nice. - So it's like a vial. - [Skip the Tutorial] This is the Lava Sword. - [JayMoji] Just three fellas burning. - Could you make a milk sword? - Oh, here we are. - A milk sword? - A milk sword? What does it do? It quenches you? - [Skip the Tutorial] There's no milk sword. - [Failboat] Is that a mushroom sword? - [Skip the Tutorial] This is a mushroom sword. - [Failboat] Oh, that's not what I thought it was. - It does- - Oh, like very little damage. - Yeah. - [JayMoji] A heart and a half. - [Failboat] My God, a useless sword. - [JayMoji] Giving that a 10, baby. That's a 10 all the way. - Yeah, this sword stinks. - Yeah. - [Skip the Tutorial] Mushroom Sword? Mushroom bored. (JayMoji laughs) You guys ready to go for the Nether for these next ones? - [JayMoji] Ooh, let's do it. - [Skip the Tutorial] All right, this is the Quartz Sword. - Oh, squartz - It's just a decent sword. - [JayMoji] Is it better in the Nether or something, or? - Nope. Next, we're gonna show you the Glowstone Sword. - Ow. Whoa. It gives me glowing. - Wow. - [JayMoji] Wow, Dan, you're glowing or did you just do something different with your hair? - [Failboat] I'm wearing a hat. - Yeah. (laughs) - Oh, ow. - [Skip the Tutorial] This is the Thorny Wooden Sword. - [Failboat] Oh, thank you. - [Skip the Tutorial] It gives you thorns damage and also wood. Wait, punch me. - Oh. - [Skip the Tutorial] So it just does incremental damage. It doesn't like hit you with thorns. - Oh. Oh, okay. - [Skip the Tutorial] So it's just a slightly stronger wooden sword. - [Failboat] Cool design. Cool design. - [Skip the Tutorial] Yeah. - [Failboat] Looks a little like a centipede, actually. Nevermind. Terrible design. - Yeah. Ooh, now that you said that, it's getting a negative four for me. - [Skip the Tutorial] Yeah. - Yeah. - I actually wanna reduce points. - [Skip the Tutorial] Remember the Guardian Sword? - [Failboat] Whoa. - [Skip the Tutorial] How about the Elder Guardian Sword? - [JayMoji] Oh, I was waiting for this. I totally knew this was coming. Dude, that's a huge item. - [Skip the Tutorial] Thanks, man. - [JayMoji] Ow. - [Skip the Tutorial] Whoa, look at that sound when it hit you. - [JayMoji] That was awesome. That was cool. Do it. Hit me. - That was awesome. That was cool. - Some of the noise it makes. - Hit me. Come on. - This sword rocks. This sword rule. - [JayMoji] Oh. - Whoa. - Give mining fatigue when you hit someone, you can remove mining fatigue when you right-click and it gives you the same effects when you're underwater as the other Guardian Sword. - [Skip the Tutorial] Whomp, whomp, whomp. - [JayMoji] Oh my God, it's so powerful. - [Failboat] Dude, this thing shreds. Come back here. Oh, wow. - [Skip the Tutorial] Yeah, this does 10 and a half damage. Oh my gosh. - Oh my Gosh That's crazy. - [Skip the Tutorial] Okay, this is a killer sword. - [Failboat] Hey, look at this. - Wow, look at you go. - This is awesome. - [JayMoji] You're like a real salmon. - [Skip the Tutorial] You're 28. You have to stop swimming in the kiddy pool. - Ba-Ra-Ra-Ra-Ra-Ra-Ra-Ra-Ra-Ra. - [Skip the Tutorial] Oh, oh, oh, he's gone hostile. - Oh my God. - You can swim in there as long as you want. Just leave the other people in the YMCA out of it. - [Failboat] Yeah. - [Skip the Tutorial] This is the beacon effect, which every time that you - Oh. - [Skip the Tutorial] are holding a material, it doesn't use it. You just have to hold it. So I'm not holding iron, nothing happens, but if I'm holding iron, I can right-click with it and occasionally get new abilities. So now I got speed, too. - Whoa. - Whoa. - [Failboat] Okay. - [JayMoji] That's pretty good. It could just give you anything? - [Skip the Tutorial] It gives you a random beacon ability. - [JayMoji] (laughs) Give me speed. It's cool. It has a heavy cool down, though, but it's cool. - [Skip the Tutorial] This is the Sword of Undying. When you hold it, it will regen me when hit. - [JayMoji] Oh. - That's not undying. - Yeah. - [Failboat] That's healing. - [Skip the Tutorial] And when I right-click with it, though, it gives me six absorption hearts and basically is a golden apple. - Ow. Oh, that's nice. - That's crazy. Well, we have a sword that can remove those. - Oh, that is true. - Oh yeah, we do. That's true. - [Skip the Tutorial] Okay. Yeah, this is the sword. - Here we go. - [Skip the Tutorial] Ow. Oh, geez, dude, your sword is so strong. - [JayMoji] Oh, yeah. Thanks, I know. Thanks. I've been working out. - [Skip the Tutorial] All right, this sword stinks. You can take it along. Hey, Dan, say cheese. - [Failboat] Cheese. - [Skip the Tutorial] Oh, hold on. - [Failboat] Oh my God, your arm. - [JayMoji] It's the cheese spawning. - [Skip the Tutorial] It's supposed to throw a fireball. I don't know why it's not. - [JayMoji] Do I have to have a fire charge in my inventory? - [Skip the Tutorial] Probably not. - [Failboat] Why you guys got items on your head? - [Skip the Tutorial] No reason. Oh, no, you've got a hat. We just felt it left out. - Whoa. - Oh. - Oh. - That was what it was. We needed that. Okay, figured it out. Oh my God, that scared me. Give me another one, dude. Oh yeah, this is the stuff. This is the stuff. - That was a good scream. - Yeah. - Yeah. - [Skip the Tutorial] Now, this is better. - [Failboat] Wait, that did no damage to me. - [JayMoji] How about this? - [Failboat] No, that does like one heart. - [JayMoji] How about that? - [Failboat] No, it actually does one heart. - [JayMoji] Hey, wait, but what about this? Oops. - [Skip the Tutorial] All right, from the Gas Sword to the Nether Catalyst Sword. - [Failboat] That is not what a sword is. Oh my God. Ow. - [Skip the Tutorial] It's basically the burning and the wither effect. - Ow. - God. Yeah, I get it. - [Skip the Tutorial] It can also cook the same way that a Furnace Sword does, and it gives you fire resistance and strength effect in the net. - [JayMoji] Wow, I was gonna say we gotta try that. - Wait, you said there were no swords that got better in the Nether. - [Skip the Tutorial] No, I said those swords didn't. - Ooh, - Yeah, Dan. - you little word manipulator. - Yep. - What? What's happening? - Whoa. - [JayMoji] Whoa. - What's up? - What did I do? - [Skip the Tutorial] Dude, did we anger it? This feels like talking to Sauron. - What the? Oh, okay, bye. - Oh my God, what? - [Skip the Tutorial] All right, time to see if there's fire resistance. - [JayMoji] Well, he jumped down. - [Skip the Tutorial] I lived. - [JayMoji] Nice. Wait, let me try it. Skip, give me the sword, give me the sword, give me this, oh. (laughs) - [Skip the Tutorial] You guys ready to see what the Wither Sword does? - Ow, ow, ow. It's awful. I hate it. It gave me wither. Oh, it's bad. - [Skip the Tutorial] Oh, it gives you a strong wither effect, too. - [Failboat] Ow, it gives me wither. - [JayMoji] God. Wait, did it give you wither? - Yeah. - It gave me wither. - [JayMoji] Wait, give it to me. That is way too big of a sword. - [Skip the Tutorial] That is just the fork. - Did it give you wither? - Yeah. - [JayMoji] But I think it gave him wither. - [Skip the Tutorial] Well, hold on. - [Failboat] Oh my God, he's withering. - [Skip the Tutorial] Wait, come hither for the wither. - [JayMoji] Hither for the (laughs). - [Skip the Tutorial] All right, this is the Dimensional Breacher. Dimensional Breacher? - [JayMoji] Hardly know her. - [Skip the Tutorial] Dude, you can literally right-click with this and teleport to any dimension. - The End? - What? - [JayMoji] Any of the three? - [Skip the Tutorial] I'm guessing the PvP elements are pretty good. I'm at a single block in the, here we go. - [JayMoji] Whoa. - Ah. - Oh, teleported the block below you. - [Skip the Tutorial] Oh, nice. - Wait, what? - Whoa. - Wait, wait, what's that? - Ow. Hey, watch it. Watch it. - Hey, man. - Oh, fireball. - [Skip the Tutorial] If I wanted fireballs, I would just go to the Nether. - [JayMoji] Which did you just do that? - Yeah. - Yeah. - [JayMoji] That's awesome. - [Skip the Tutorial] Oh, well, I guess I have to wait for the cool down. You guys have a nice spring. - [Failboat] To the next sword that we're showing today. Yeah, Jay. - This is our show now. What are we showcasing, Dan? Ow. - Oh. - Yeah. - [Failboat] No, wait. No, no. - [Skip the Tutorial] All right, this is the Crystal Sword. - Ooh. Very pretty. - Punch me. - [Failboat] Oh, it's halo. - [Skip the Tutorial] Just keep punching me. - [Failboat] Oh, finally. - [Skip the Tutorial] I'm supposed to have a 20%- (JayMoji and Failboat screaming) There we go. 20% chance of exploding. - Whoa. That was 100% chance on account if it happened. - Yeah. - Now, why would that happen? - That's ow. - So this is an end crystal sword. - Oh, the Crystal Sword. - Yeah. - [Failboat] I know it. I see, I see. - [Skip the Tutorial] I'm supposed to be able to right-click to regen with it. Oh, if you have a dragon head. Okay. (Skip the Tutorial screams) - [JayMoji] Oh, sorry. That's scary. Anyways. - Sorry. Whoa, it animates? Look, when you walk, it goes (munches). Dude, this is the Ender Catalyst Sword. I can set a location, so that block, and then when you hit me, I can teleport back to it. - [JayMoji] I know what to do. - [Failboat] Hit him. - [Skip the Tutorial] Okay. (laughs) - [Failboat] Hey, there he goes. It worked. (Skip the Tutorial and JayMoji laughing) - [JayMoji] Ow. Ow. Oh my God. Okay. - Wait, that teleported you. - What? - Oh? Oh? Okay. - Whoa. - [Skip the Tutorial] Oh, it teleports anyone I killed with that. - [JayMoji] Whoa. I don't like being here. Oh, hey, dude. - Oh, I didn't die yet. - How are you? - [Skip the Tutorial] And then if you're in The End, you get a strength effect with this. (Failboat laughs) - Whoa. - What? - [Skip the Tutorial] This one throws an Ender Pearl. - [JayMoji] That's pretty cool. - Huh. - Fight me. - [Failboat] Oh, look at him. He's ready. He's winding up with that one. - [JayMoji] I missed. - [Skip the Tutorial] Okay. Okay. I can only throw it so often. - Oh. - Ah, how about this? You wouldn't hit a guy without legs, would you? All right, Shulker Sword. Now we're talking. I could open up a Shulker box when I right-click. - [Failboat] Hey, they added bundles. - [Skip the Tutorial] I can also give you the levitation effect. - No, no, no, no, no. (Failboat screams) - [JayMoji] That's so awesome, dude. I love that. - [Skip the Tutorial] Oh, look, his corpse floats. - [JayMoji] Oh, that's cute. How wholesome. Sorry, I'm loading up on gas swords real quick. - [Failboat] Oops, excuse me. Let me just get up here. - [Skip the Tutorial] Dan's just off. He is like, it's so whimsical. This is how Oz lifts at the end of the movie. This is the Valhalla Sword, which gives you a speed effect when you run, and it can also give me a slow falling effect. Wee. Whoa, this has even faster levitation. Look at how high you go. - [JayMoji] My God. Oh my God. - [Failboat] Wait, wait, the Valhalla one does that? - [Skip the Tutorial] Yeah. - Wee. - Oh, that's awesome. - [JayMoji] (laughs) That's so funny to watch. - [Failboat] Wow. Uh-oh. - [JayMoji] Uh-oh. - Parkour. - Oh, well, okay. I guess we didn't need - Nice. - [Skip the Tutorial] that part of the map. - [JayMoji] Ahchoo. I'm sorry. - [Skip the Tutorial] This is the Bugged Diamond Sword. It's a one-hit kill, but there's a one in five chance anytime you use it that it'll just turn back into a regular diamond sword. - [JayMoji] Oh, well, it's not doing it. - [Skip the Tutorial] So far, I'm coming up pretty good. - [JayMoji] What does it one-hit kill on? - [Skip the Tutorial] Summon a ravager. - [Failboat] You're the one that created it, bud. - Okay. - Oops. Oops. - [Skip the Tutorial] (laughs) Ow. - [JayMoji] All right, one-hit kill. Let's see if it works. - No. - Well? - [JayMoji] (laughs) It does. It one-hit kills. I'm quickly realizing this was a mistake. - [Failboat] Here's a ravager. - [Skip the Tutorial] Oh, I tipped you off. Thanks, Dan. - Oh, no. - [Skip the Tutorial] Too little too late, pal. Let me try my bugged diamond on this guy. Yes. - Oh, wow. - [Skip the Tutorial] Now it's a regular diamond sword, though. - [JayMoji] Oh, now it works when it doesn't kill us? - [Failboat] Wait, try it on this guy. - Leave my Sculk Sword. - Oh my God. - [JayMoji] God. Oh God. - [Failboat] It didn't work on the dragon, but, oh, there we go. - Oh, God. - There we go. - [Failboat] Oh my God. There it goes. - [Skip the Tutorial] So, it one-hit kills when it turns back to normal. So, it could just delete things from existence. How about the Vex Sword? - [JayMoji] Whoa, you became invisible. Whoa. - Oh, I still see him. I know where he is at. - Oh no. I don't know where he is. - Never mind. I don't know where he is at. - [JayMoji] Hold on, I can get him. I can get him. - No, ow, ow, ow. - [JayMoji] He's right next to you. Hold on. I think he's behind you. - No. - [JayMoji] I think he's in front of you now. - No. - Oh my gosh, I have no clip. - Where is he? - He's on top of you. - [Failboat] Where is he? - He's on top. - No, ow. - [Skip the Tutorial] Dude, I gave myself vex no clip. - [JayMoji] What? Oh, there he is. - [Skip the Tutorial] When he, ow. All right, Spider Sword, Jay. - [JayMoji] Let's do it. Ow. - [Skip the Tutorial] It spider traps you. - [JayMoji] Oh, it actually does. It gives me also poison. Oh my God, it gives me poison three. Oh god, that's awful. - [Skip the Tutorial] This one's rocks. I like the Spider Sword a lot. It looks dope, too. This is the Charged Sword, which is a sword with lightning on it. - [JayMoji] It's a sword with a tax you have to pay. - [Skip the Tutorial] But it just is stronger. - [JayMoji] I mean, it's cool. It doesn't do lightning? - It's huge. - Oh, it's huge. - [Skip the Tutorial] This one's a fun sword. - [JayMoji] I'll get you out, Dan. Hold on. - [Failboat] Yeah. No, wait, no. - [Skip the Tutorial] Look up. - [JayMoji] Oh. Oh my gosh. - [Skip the Tutorial] This is the Tamed Sword. On hit, it makes me ride you. - What? - That was weird. - A demon. A demon. A flying demon. Oh, my goodness. Ow. It doesn't look like you're on me. It's lagging bad. It lags the server real bad for me because you just stand still for me. - [Skip the Tutorial] Oh, no. Okay, next, the honeycomb effect. - Dude, what? - Ooh. - [JayMoji] The items that you're holding are like above, this is weird. - [Failboat] No, I was on his head. - I was invisible on his head. - Oh, it was you on his head. Oh, I was like, what? - Oh. - [JayMoji] That threw me entirely. - [Skip the Tutorial] So the honeycomb gives slowness and mining fatigue. - Oh. - [JayMoji] That looks delicious, but it does not feel good at all. - Oh, and falling slowness. - Slow falling. - [Skip the Tutorial] Oh, weird. - It's pretty nice, actually. - Yeah. - [JayMoji] It's pretty good. I can jump into this fire pit. Ow. - [Skip the Tutorial] Next, these are all the same. These are the Coral Swords. It's literally stronger than diamond, but it just breaks. - Whoa. - Huh. - Yeah, so they're basically just glass swords. This is just another version of the Molten Sword, but it doesn't - Ow. - melt in your hand. - [JayMoji] Oh, that's nice. Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow. - [Skip the Tutorial] This is the Magma Stone Sword. - [JayMoji] It hurts badly, though. - [Skip the Tutorial] It's just a stronger version of this. - [JayMoji] Oh my God, ow. Ow. Yeah, I get it. Ow. - [Failboat] Oh my God, that's a big sword. - [Skip the Tutorial] Ah, this is a broadsword. Look at how ridiculous this is. - [JayMoji] That looks like... - [Skip the Tutorial] Ah, it looks like it's in the wrong hand. - [Failboat] You look awesome with, dude, no, that goes great with a Netherite Chestplate. - [JayMoji] Do I look awesome? - [Skip the Tutorial] It does more damage than a Netherite Sword, too. Dude, that is like half of my health. That's crazy. - [JayMoji] That's awesome. - [Skip the Tutorial] How about a Corrupted Sword for your troubles? - [JayMoji] Apparently, that's even more powerful than mine. - [Skip the Tutorial] This is even more strong than the bugged diamond. It's just the Netherite version. - [JayMoji] That's a one-hit kill on me with Netherite armor. Well, I don't have a full Netherite Armor, but still. Ow, that is insane. - [Skip the Tutorial] It's 30 damage. - [JayMoji] That's more than you need. Back off. Whoops. - [Failboat] We should see what it does against a ravager. - [JayMoji] Uh, yeah. - [Skip the Tutorial] Ow. (everybody laughs) - [JayMoji] It just immediately took a nice bite, and it was done. Wow, that's really... - Wow, dead instantly. - [Skip the Tutorial] All right, Crimson Sword. - [Failboat] Oh. - The Crimson Sword. - Warped Sword. - [JayMoji] That's gonna back to bite you. Oh, you missed. (laughs) - [Skip the Tutorial] Crying Sword. - [JayMoji] Crying Sword. Does it cry? (Failboat cries) Oh, wait, it actually (cries). - [Skip the Tutorial] God, I need to get rid of you guys just to get rid of the sound. This is the Frosted Sword, which just makes you completely immobile. - Yep. - Oh. Sorry, I'm emptying my inventory. - [Skip the Tutorial] No, it's fine. Just whenever you get the chance, I wanna show you something. - Yeah? - Yeah, man. - [Failboat] Dude, come out of your inventory. Come out. We just wanna talk. We just wanna talk. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Hold that thought for a second. Hold that thought. - Truce for about five more seconds. - [JayMoji] Okay, truce off. Ow. Gave me slowness five. - [Skip the Tutorial] This is when I would do the L Dance to you right now. This is one I would dab. - [JayMoji] Absolutely. - [Skip the Tutorial] Okay, now we're onto the Sculk Sword. Summon a warden real quick, please. - [JayMoji] Uh-oh. - [Skip the Tutorial] Ow. Okay. - Okay. - This one does increase damage to the warden, but the warden also does increase damage to me. - Yeah, it is not good. - Four hits, five hits, six hits, seven hits. - Ow. - [Failboat] It's on seven hits. - [Skip the Tutorial] Okay, this is not worth it. First of all, there's no reason to kill the warden. - [JayMoji] I don't think so either here. - [Skip the Tutorial] Okay, killing a warden in 10 hits is impressive, but like not that much. - [JayMoji] Yeah, you still died three times trying to do it. - Yeah. Dripstone Sword. This one does more damage to like blazes and Enderman for some reason. - Ow. Ow. - [Skip the Tutorial] It can also extinguish me. - [JayMoji] If you're on fire, for example? - [Skip the Tutorial] Yeah. A Copper Sword, but I think when you just get struck by lightning- - [JayMoji] It makes you super powerful and awesome? - Ow. - [Skip the Tutorial] Yeah, you get a charged Copper Sword. - [JayMoji] Ow. That just kills me a lot. - It's just a strong sword. It attacks really fast, though. - Ooh. - [Skip the Tutorial] These four attack, like, this is how quick I can click. - Ow. Oh my God. - It's crazy, dude. - [JayMoji] Whoa. Oh, you've melt me, dude. - [Skip the Tutorial] This one's called Message in a Sword. - [JayMoji] Oh. Dude, the message was, "Bye, you're dead." - [Failboat] "Why don't clams give to charity? 'Cause their shellfish." "Why are there fish at the bottom of the sea? Because they dropped out of school." - [JayMoji] Oh. - [Failboat] Is that just a broken bottle with a hilt? - Yeah, I think so. - Yeah. - [Failboat] Awesome. - [Skip the Tutorial] "What did the carp say to his crush? Do not play koi with me." Nice. (everybody laughs) Oh, this one's cool. The Neptunium Grab Sword. Put down some mobs. - [Failboat] Yep. - [Skip the Tutorial] Look, it pulls mobs towards you, but not drops. - Oh. Wait, wait, wait, how about this guy? This is a little bit more tankier guy. - Ow. - [Failboat] All right. - [Skip the Tutorial] Wait, wait, wait, if I do like the iron golum thing, yeah, this is, oh my God. - Oh my God. - [JayMoji] Whoa. - [Failboat] Whoa. Jay taking this opportunity to you go clay pigeon shooting again. - Dan. Jay, take the shot. Take the shot. - [JayMoji] No, you have to launch him up in the air. - [Skip the Tutorial] What do you mean? Sorry. - [JayMoji] Fine. - Thank you. - Ah, you making me work for everything. - [Skip the Tutorial] This is the Rotten Fish Sword. - A what? - A what sword? - [Skip the Tutorial] Rotten fish. - [JayMoji] Oh, it gave me nausea. Oh, I don't like it. Ugh. - [Skip the Tutorial] This is basically the God Sword. This does more damage when you're in a lighted area. Put down some torches. - Well, it's the sun. What do you mean some torches? It's the middle of the day. - [Failboat] Summon torch. - [Skip the Tutorial] All right, well, Jay's gonna be lighting this up. Allow me to introduce myself, okay. I'm sorry. I don't know why it's so funny. - [Failboat] And when does this nausea go away? Oh, there it goes. - Everything still just had nausea the whole time? - [Failboat] That was awful. Oh yeah, seven damage. There you go. (JayMoji laughs) - [Skip the Tutorial] This one's called the Copper Jigsaw Slicer. Ow. (Failboat and JayMoji laughing) - [JayMoji] You having trouble with that, Skip? - [Skip the Tutorial] I'm trying to show off how cool this sword is, but apparently, it's not. - [JayMoji] Oh, well, iron golums are cooler, I guess. - [Skip the Tutorial] Yeah, it looks cool. - [JayMoji] It's the coolest-looking thing I've ever seen. - [Skip the Tutorial] This is the Brass Head Turner. - Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. - Okay. - Ah, ah, ah. - Dan. - [JayMoji] Oh my god, I hate it, I hate it, I hate it, I hate it. Why is it like this? - Ah. - [Skip the Tutorial] Hit me with it. - Bonk. - Oh my God. Dude, try like turning your head backwards with it, you just freak out. - [JayMoji] No, I hate it. - [Skip the Tutorial] This one is the Chocolate Sword. You can right-click to eat it. - Did you just burp at me? Oh. Ow. Oh God, I'm even spinning when I'm dead. - [Failboat] This is an awful sword, can I just say? Forcing people to turn? I would call this a 10. - [Skip the Tutorial] Well, let me show you it's older cousin, the Guster Sword. - [JayMoji] Oh. Oh, no. - [Failboat] Oh, I can spin even faster now. - [Skip the Tutorial] Put down some cows. - Cow. - "Are you guys planning on doing more to cows in Minecraft?" Yeah, how about this? - Oh. Oh, oh. - Wow. That's funny. - Yeah. Wee. - [Failboat] Boing, boing. Jay's having the time of his life here. - [JayMoji] This is awesome, dude. - [Skip the Tutorial] It's like shooting cows in the air. - [Failboat] All right, Jay, challenge level two. - [JayMoji] Okay, here we go. No, stop hitting it. I hate it. It's so bad. - [Skip the Tutorial] Okay, before we get to our scariest sword, (Failboat gasps) - Yeah. - [Skip the Tutorial] I wanna show you guys these ones. You guys remember the Twilight Forest? - Yes, I do. - Yeah. - [Skip the Tutorial] This is the Naga Sword. - Okay. - Oh. - [Skip the Tutorial] It makes you burn. - Wow. - Wow. Like all the other flaming swords. - [Skip the Tutorial] Here, Dan, heal yourself. Hit me with that. Life drain. - Oh, this is fantastic. I want more of this. (slurps) Come here. Come here. - Ow, ow, ow. - What? It heals you? - Come here. More life for me. Oh, ow. - [Skip the Tutorial] This one is the Pesting Sword. - Ow. Pet sword? - Just gives you nausea. - Oh, not again. - Oh, nausea. That's great. Ugh. - Ugh. - [Skip the Tutorial] You ready for your scariest sword? This is called the DNA Cutter. - [JayMoji] Oh my God. Ow. - [Skip the Tutorial] This one also ignores armor. - Oh, no. That's insane. - That's ridiculous. - [Skip the Tutorial] So it's not a very strong sword, but you can't have absorption and you can't have armor, so it's literally the great equalizer. - [Failboat] Wow. That's fantastic. - [Skip the Tutorial] And with that, folks, YouTube thinks that you might like this video, so see if they're right and have a good one, all right?
Channel: Skip the Tutorial
Views: 421,780
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ytlF9QK3DcA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 59sec (1739 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 26 2024
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