Tree climbing with spurs for the first time ? TIPS

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okay nick pixel my buddy nick pixel we all know who he is he's a heck of a man i should say nick i know that you went out and bought yourself the weaver 1085 okay but i i noticed you didn't have any suspenders i'm going to tell you something i'm i was not the forget it i'm not even going to go there i wasn't the kind of fella to think about how can i do this easier i climbed in a leather belt from buckingham for 20 freaking years with no suspenders just a strap of leather and a freaking saddle that goes around and hooks into a couple of d's for my repellent i was so old school but i'll tell you something i got onto the suspenders stillborn was getting barking at me there for a while and hogan and that or whatever but suspenders nick i'm gonna do a video i got a dead balsam to climb over here well nick i've got myself a dead balsam over here i'm gonna get into the tree and start climbing i'm gonna run you through some simple things that'll make it nice and easy for you when you decide to start your climbing career there in pennsylvania now nick depending on your climbing situation you're rigging you're gonna want to put your belt on before you click your spurs on let me tell you right now anyways listen get some suspenders i'll see over the tree okay nick nick pixel here's nick what do we do with nick nick's interesting climb actually they're new to me so trust your gear buddy you're going to hear that more times than you'll you'll be want to admit but listen nick here's the deal okay learn how to climb down nick before you start repelling you got me brother learn how to climb down nick okay you want to see that again nick sometimes when the trees are bigger just go out stand there at the bottom of the tree and do these things just before you get going see you see what i mean and just get clicked in nick okay lean back on your strap this thing's always try nick and climb the back side of the tree it's tough you're underneath it it's tough sometimes you got to go there not always nick find your comfort zone now listen these spurs actually don't feel that bad i adjusted them the other day now nick get some suspender son can you check the view on that camera and see if we're good so nick um listen buddy before you go straight to your work wherever your work is if you haven't climbed a tree get in there get yourself set so you can you know grab the grab the spurs don't try and flip your line by by grabbing it here and going like this see what's gonna happen look at you're gonna go nowhere buddy you either put gloves on and get your freaking hands inside the tree see look see this that's how you flip a line you take small steps like that lean in you know do whatever and get get this going like this okay or you do the old sloop like this nickel okay but listen nick before you get way up there in the first 10 foot of the tree just get your strap in get comfortable and go like this nick short steps flip your line short steps trust your gear boom then go like this nick why do you think cats get stuck in trees because they don't like climbing down they can scale anything but they ain't coming down you need to learn to climb down nick i'm not going to teach you a rappel you can you can learn that anywhere okay that's your lesson start climbing small steps don't take big steps you'll tire out nick okay son you can do whatever you like with that oh we're gonna run out of batteries darn it okay nick this is an old school i'm an old-school climber this is for nick pixel he's a friend of mine he loves he's he just he wants to learn how to climb trees and i'm his good friend and he's my good friend and we're friends and we love one another we both have wives don't get no funny ideas anyways um nick uh i told you i would do a little video on the basics of of of just getting into a tree listen buddy just take small steps people make a big mistake about taking these big steps take small steps okay i'll have some uh other footage for you on the on the small on the apartment the phone camera you know what i mean getting into the tree and that we're going up the tree i'm just gonna cut okay but if there's something that i need to think about cutting i'll stop i'll talk to you about it but we're just gonna cut and turn this camera on it's it's literally one minute into the tree it's a good size balsam it's close to 100 foot even with the top out of it it's probably 100 foot climb our tree and uh we got lots of space it's fairly straightforward but it has a lean and i'm just going to start rocking so nick watch what i do if i see something that uh i'll talk to you about i'll just talk to you about okay it's always nice nick if you're like i don't climb like here's my other strap right there there's my my two in one okay um i i don't use it i could literally right now leave all this foliage on it and two and one my way through this tree go up to the top cut the top and then i could leave these limbs on it and just fall the tree or i strip it you know what i'm saying so because it's kind of a video like that i think i will strip it just a cutting video and you can watch how i i cut okay nick oh boy so what you want is you don't want anything hanging down at your feet neck you just don't so get rid of your excess material i just run my extra strap out the back so it's behind me nick you see what i'm saying behind me and here i am okay so this is what we're doing oh good that flick is a nice thing to do nick you know what i'm talking about i'm old school nick [Music] see so climb up to where you can cut some stuff now nick i work around one way if i was gonna strip all the limbs i work around the right i just keep spiraling around the tree okay right small steps buddy so you got always take a look at what you got you can slide around right just slide around right flick that strap up small steps there really right up a dead ball awesome not all the way dead yep tops dying gonna follow suit there's all septic and stuff down here so they're getting it while it's still climbable sorry about the burps are you getting it while it's still climbable and we can still take it small and not not damage up the septic it's a nice size tree to climb [Music] i got a little one i got to set a rope in that alder and i just climbed it for the heck of it nice and small [Applause] oh when you first start climbing you're gonna want a problem when you first start climbing you're probably gonna start forcing your legs hogan do you remember having to force your legs out when you first started climbing yeah also i noticed you might think it's more comfortable you'll notice all new climbers have their legs bent like this they got their knees bent it's harder and it's harder on your body you want to be back that's right like this yeah like this nick is what he's talking about you'll see guys and the reason they've got their knees bent is because they're not trusting the gear no they like a bear and you're so afraid so trust the gear oh i yeah and and actually yeah and a thing for what you did son what what hogan did a lot of is look down at my feet if you look down at my feet is hogan would literally it was it was like this i'm scared to even do it he had his legs like this neck like this and he he didn't splay his legs out you've got to learn to kick your legs out in the beginning kick them out because your toes are going to hit and they're going to go like that and you're going to kick out and it's no fun kicking out we all know that actually son yeah don't be one-handed off the hop you want to try and keep two hands on the power saw unless you get an if echo want one yeah and then i can run the double strap why don't you okay you'd be fighting your rope then because you got to drop your rope down i'm okay with that it's less weight so i'm gonna go get a i'm gonna go get a another rope you sure there's nothing there okay well you know what i'm actually not going to worry about it then yeah i don't think you'll enjoy it no so friends i don't have my other strap uh i just don't have it send me the simplest setup you got okay my nice young man's son went and got me good to see steel d-ring there okay so now here is my two-in-one ordeal now i'm gonna be mr climber dude who's got a double tie-in which is right here now i just um yep that's funny so there you go nick nick yes it is that's septic okay friends so so here it is i have two this is a two in one system nick this is what you want okay if this is what you want okay buddy now i'm just gonna strip the tree i'm going to save fuel now if you've got a big tree like this to climb and you're by yourself you want to turn that gas off look at see buddy now we're right into limbs you watch for kickback nick okay so now just take a look around the side of the tree do a swing take a look what you got not bad because all you're going to do is get caught on stuff and it's going to be frustrating if you're not clean see how that lines flipping nice and easy yeah let's give this a little snug here we go there's our two in one so if something failed i'm not going you're right son it does feel good having out there [Music] we're coming up to that dog leg now this thing's rocking around pretty good okay sure feels good having that tie in see this thing's rocking around pretty good okay sure feels good having that tie in see just like that i love it to the center d awesome you guys still on yeah cool well so we're at the loop uh i'm gonna have to climb high because unless i throw it into there okay so you got a time lapse going yeah i'll get some footage of this dude i'm gonna shoot right to the right of that fur right here yep yep that's what i'm thinking so here i am nick sitting here straight legged leaning back on the strap okay leaning back on my gear trusting my gear you will burn yourself nick you'll burn yourself right out there's a hundred thousand different ways to do different everything right i'm just one man who knows nick pixel who asked me he or didn't ask me i'm volunteering a little old-school climbing video for the guy that hopefully it'll help him out nick the biggest thing is learn quickly at the bottom of the tree before you get up into it how to climb up and climb down do it that's it that's where i used to start yep 40 50 feet right out not only are you trying to learn some new things that's right learn your gear at the bottom that's right so you learn your system at the bottom of the tree even though you know how it works work it double check it yeah work it all at the bottom in the first 10 12 feet just go up and down a couple times friends uh nick just just do it and take small steps i can't how important is small steps boy mary you do you're pulling yourself up it's true okay exactly so so here i am with my buck and billy ray soldiers of kindness sweat top on with the sleeves cut off with my kid on the ground and i've i'm able i got lots of room underneath me i'm able to let a good chunk go i don't have to go up into that school mark again nick watch this watch what i do see this you grab both of these okay buddy see the balsam they're terrible these these are just terrible for sap look at this i'll show you one see that right there see all that look at it this is these are brutal they smell wonderful but they're horrible on your gear it you just you turn black so anyway here's the thing with flipping your line okay dig your pick you you pull yourself in nick you pull in okay pull yourself in and just give it a quick flick up you've got to get the weight off the strap or you're not flicking nothing right nick so see my hips young climbers new novice old everybody you've gotta you you pull yourself in get your hips in and drop boom now you're back on the gear pull yourself in get your treat a tree which is you know what i mean get your berries up close to the stump and give it a flick real quick flick that's it that's the that's the ordeal it doesn't have to be violent and awkward just you know and then you'll learn to swing and and twist the rope and it becomes quite glorious actually and you you start to it becomes methodical and it is lovely it's a lovely lovely trade there's our septic tank down there there's no point in me being over on this side i want to see where my holding wood is so now i come over this thing will fit right in there i'm going to shoot it just to the right of that fir tree okay so here's the deal i do conventional in when i tree climb mainly unless i need to do a humboldt for some reason [Applause] you're not fighting anything whistle around the back take a look look at that friends look where she's at take a look don't be lazy that sight is facing right to that fur just to the right of the first see it now if you line up if you line your cuts up that's going to mean you're right in the hole let's slide back around and you're trying to get around the tree you slide the strap like that you see that that makes me go that way when i slide this i come back this way okay let's put a little bit more over there because we got the room i don't want to hit the bird correctly okay there we go we're just about right on the money [Applause] okay i like to do a little swanson on a long piece so i'm gonna drop my strap down get on the back side of your cut take a look at your holding wood we're almost cut out look see that right on the money okay here we go now's when you watch your top watch what it's doing see now you look up the stem because you don't want to hit the fur take a look at what you got you got about two inches let's go [Music] interesting good holding wood right across the stump there it is now will this thing fit boy let's pull off a bit of that which we need to i don't even know how these things work i honestly don't oh there we go okay okay i think i'll just flop one uh oh maybe i'll put it here so here's the deal we are going to yeah because this thing's leaning out that way but they're septic so i'm going to drop it side hill all the reason more to go deep i'm going to do something that a lot of climbers do seasoned climbers um and we take it it's a good thing to show guys because it saves so much energy unfortunately this isn't a real long bar but we're gonna do it again here we go boom done better than doing this right now okay loosen off your scare straps nick loosen this thing right off okay lean back on your strap see this thing look at what's happening now so you go like this nick come come up so now your strap is up on an angle right like this just boom bang it you're not you're not leaning on your belt right now really i mean you are but you're using your arms so you're not shocking your belt you're actually this is what the old boys used to do turn on that video from the 20s and watch those climbers they literally pulled themselves i i haven't even been in the house i haven't even been in the freaking house it's here friends friends jonah i know you're watching this buddy and i'm going to tell you something right now for me at this stage of this channel and and my life i'm kind of speechless buddy because we did this over the phone dude you and i you're 16 freaking years old and i gave you an idea through through video and messages and and and and i pulled out every freaking axe that i split with and and and you he dude you did a really good job dude i thought it was bigger in that friends that's that's almost five pounds friends that's almost five pounds it's just under we're shooting for five right i think it's four and 14 ounces but guess what check this out this axe is four pounds just for like four and a quarter i think check this out it's bigger this thing is bigger than this one or smaller pardon me friends this is heavier and smaller it's it's crazy i can't wait it's freaking like my wife's videoing right now she's just chuckling because i'm so excited right now friends i'm so so excited anyway there it is and check the balance point out friends oh yeah oh yeah right in where the steel meets the wood that's a rock and a sock and you've heard me say it oh you're done dude you have okay friends catch on the next video i'm looking forward to this few changes a little couple this and that joni good job mm-hmm oh yeah you
Channel: Buckin' Billy Ray Smith
Views: 300,442
Rating: 4.8814673 out of 5
Id: mk8g0O_wCJQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 21sec (1641 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 21 2020
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