A Man With Poor Judgement plays Detroit: Become Human - Part Two

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that was by far the most boring party I've been to in the last 25 years every time I go to one of these I ask myself what the hell am I doing here well it's a chance for all those people who admire your work to meet you and no one gives a damn this guy just a placeholder for david cage all they care about is how much money they're gonna make out of it did you leave the light on a studio no no I'm sure I didn't call the police let's go check it out dude we should just like hide upstairs kérékou back upstairs don't be dumb hey look we've talked about this you gotta get that door fixed okay we gotta go here you want kind of piano again Carol and you won't expect this coming in behind leo what are you doing you refused to help me so I'm helping myself it's crazy when some people pay for this [ __ ] Marcus get him away from there get him out of here I don't mess up my blue Americus no he's already got some blue on the floor all you ever do is tell me to go away what's wrong dad not good enough you know perfect [ __ ] thing that's enough get out right now special anyway huh what's he got that Marcus don't define yourself you hear me [Music] they'll destroy you Marcus trashcan no get out of here it's about time Oh No say something goddamn it I won't look phone call [ __ ] it I'm out of here you always try roughing up a little after all it's not human androids don't feel pain you would only damage it and that wouldn't make it talk deviance also have a tendency to self-destruct when they're in stressful situations okay smartass what should we do then I can try questioning it so y-you just have them 28 times like why after the 25th time where you're like you know what this needs three more stops well I hate to break it to you buddy but you look pretty guilty right now a lot of the evidence we found at the crime scene does match up what is on your body reach optimal stress for confession if you won't talk I'm going to have to probe your memory no if you don't talk they're going to tear you apart and analyze you piece by piece they're gonna shut you down for good you'll be dead do you hear me hey Conor you might be stressing him a little too much no oh no we shouldn't have done that last one okay just apply a little no I meant to be a bit more calmer with this did you feel anger oh no no okay alright calm calm down a little Connor calm down a little hope it's getting real okay there we go yeah just tell them buddy cannot do any rewinds we have to live with our consequences this is bad cuz he's still very oh no okay oh god I said thanks Hank guys as rain and it's heavy hey the cage it's having too much fun with us leave Alice is warm at the moment there's still time for the couch hypothermia okay you can sleep in the bus shelter dry mostly unless it comes in an angle then you're [ __ ] we own to the 7-eleven side alley a haunted mansion the lovely cozy motel or the laundromat steal from the cat that's not a good idea that's good no like that pull out no don't want to get dope up to cheetah we still actually have the gun that night that's a terrible idea that's just gonna get the police on us surely we don't want to do that oh I don't need the money but there's a pack of mentos I saw that I just really got a craving for even the games like oh [ __ ] you want to do this hey you sure you want to go ahead with this they give you like a second option it's like maybe you don't want to use to come like dude try try something else now even the game thinks this is a terrible idea I'm sure it's safe oh the gun great hopefully he doesn't find the gun in a person you can stay if you want okay we're just gonna I'm just gonna buddy up with him for the night yeah let's stay here oh he's very happy with that knife it's practically a hotel as long as he doesn't find out about our gun we're okay just burn the place to hell I don't think that's gonna help us what does that mean but everyone's gotta have a hobby even if it is just writing the same word repeatedly into a wall with a knife and then abandoned home I just wanted him to love me I really wanted to shoot that that's why okay all promise you can't really turn to the little girl and say here no I like there might be like job prospects in ten years go I'm absolutely sickening don't mind uncle Ralph just scratching away at the wall watch how this from chair what's wrong with that two percent this is one person who just said I know look at that point it just didn't make the promise who's this one percent that has like commitment issues Oh Americans ain't looking through replace likes quest star SH relatable should just hate it when you're droppin the dump and left for dead oh it's definitely no nightmare fuel there definitely none whatsoever perfectly normal we're just going to get paint we're going to get paint swap our his out gotta be real quick one you got a buddy breast triangle for freedom I was like batter to a bloody pulp put his teacher grace that's convenient that this is like a trenchcoat sitting there waiting for [Music] take away over in this place that probably doesn't exist finding that deviant was far from easy you showed great skill in your investigation Oh should have been I thought I couldn't make him talk it was a judgment error mom is angry I'm sure you'll be more careful in the future that's code word for she's going to kill us if we're not careful he's an intriguing I think he's irritable and socially challenged you're the most advanced prototype cyber life is ever created if anyone can figure out what's happening it's you you can count on me Amanda excuse me do you know what time the lieutenant Anderson usually arrives depends on where he was the night before if we're lucky we'll see him before noon he likes donuts with 452 calories he'll love that information and he lets his plants die those are just real people in the photo okay so Jared when they do the Hat not a dog people just keep saying gun I don't know if there's a gun here thank you guys gotta calm down looks like our ji it's been five minutes and you haven't killed anyone who's it's good to see you again lieutenant Jesus Hank happy to see me in my office we're getting reports of assaults and even homicide like that guy last night this isn't just cyber life's problem anymore it's now a criminal investigation and we've got to deal with it before that [ __ ] hits the fan why do I gotta be the one to deal with this [ __ ] I am the least qualified cop in the country to handle this case and kind of here like [Music] several I've sent over this Android to help with the investigation it's a state-of-the-art prototype it'll act as your partner no [ __ ] way I don't need a partner and certainly not this plastic prank I'm starting to piss me off I'll pretend like I didn't hear that so I don't have to add any more pages to your disciplinary folder cuz it already looks like a [ __ ] novel this commerce that's a reference of the fact that David Kate has read novels literary references to me he's a genius I'm just gonna leave I won't keep you any longer don't even try talk to him like the lassie is gonna want to hear it's like hi my name is Connor what's your name I am said by cyber life our friend the plastic detective is back in town I would not have gone in here if I knew very impressive got so many Android if you hadn't [ __ ] it up just ignore him just ignore him ever seen an Android like you before just which is gonna be - Lisa talk to you hey bring me a coffee [ __ ] get a move on it's gonna confuse the [ __ ] I'm ignoring him I'm sorry but I only take orders from lieutenant Anderson Oh stay out of my way then they're gone for coffee you won't get off so easy it's the it's the deviant oh maybe not what this it just keep staring at him [Music] okay buddy that's all we all have those days when we realize our on - row I've just got to be optimistic about the future and you know if anything it's even easier to do now because like you know if I think that far ahead sorry Hank I got I have to go we'll be bullied by your coworker and then watch a robot kill himself do you listen to Knights of the Black Death I really like that music yes so full of energy Connor now you're just sucking up to him - heavy metal well I don't really listen to music as such but I'd like to hey Alice is Warren I honestly just checking our temperature Canada is still Android free Canada where the air is clean and the welcome is always warm good to know even when the world's going the [ __ ] that Canada is still fine the Wardrobe in the bedroom there is nothing there there is yeah look see you got you're gonna you're gonna backseat game it well you're right cuz I forgot this were true go for the matrix look over bright white hair that looks natural in kind of odd though I got a little scan and chip it's like so easy to remove it has so little consequence just a teeny little indication it's an Android and that's it hasn't no other significance that's all for now oh no the bus driver out of this Irish you've got officers sweeping the neighborhood in case anybody saw anything okay well let me know if they turn anything up are you gonna do with that it took the first bus that came along and stayed at the end of the line its decision wasn't planned it was driven by fear Android's don't feel fear deviants do they get overwhelmed by their emotions and make irrational decision I don't want to help Connor here because helping Connor means that I still doesn't tell us where it went our analysis my present to make up for past misunderstandings well that's great sweetie bugs you know we had spaghetti last night seems like Bert meet Ralph we gotta go we have to go and a little girl we're leaving now come on Alice little girls going nowhere Ralph no okay yep okay Ralph went to a lot of trouble to find something little girl to eat it wouldn't be black for her to refuse would it hey come on out let's just take one for the team and eat that raw and I'm gonna be so selfish if you don't do this let's take one for the team Jesus Christ I can't fail Conners part of the quest like I think I care more about Connor that I do Kara though we gotta hunt them I'm not gonna hurt you be nice oh no Ralph's not gonna get a good end here where is it Connor what's going on it's in the area calling it which way did it go that way they're headed for the train station they're over there I mean we're not we're not gonna catch them this is like no matter how hard we try Oh God Oh God hey guys I'll be a bad time to mention my hands are very sweaty and I'm still feeling a bit sick [ __ ] we gulp Sin City here we go Oh Hey I can't let them get away they won't and never make it to the other side I can't take that chance you get yourself killed let's go I care more about color oh my god I've got I got him maintain focus no herpes oh come [Music] we got away oh they're volatile life there the whole life oh god there's other outcomes for not two they cannot reach the other side I Connor who's Coalition is one of them precious memories oh so we have the line of graffiti is that oh and they all lead to like future symbols like in a running start here so go this way okay never mind I was thinking we go up that and then over to the scaffolding on the left but sure yeah that's more like it and we're pretty much in the clear oh that is dastardly okay all right big boy you ever play the witness guys go for a light jog across the screen I don't know if I want to do this what's the plan here he's okay hi I'm Jericho welcome to Jericho what is your problem don't you ever do as you're told look you don't have to follow me around like a poodle there you go don't don't scan here not a chance just let him enjoy it's very word like Connor is gonna like it's kinda like did you notice this contains I like more than three times the recommended daily intake of like body fat and it's going to give you a cholesterol Ike higher problems in seven years from now enjoy your meal I just got a report in the suspect of deviant it's a few blocks away anybody home open up Detroit Police well that's a lot of hedges heck what's in his fridge learn a lot about a person what to keep in the fridge this case are dead inside it says Artie oh god we've already dealt with Daniel on our deal no one called Artie like what is this what are the odds we're just going to catch myself constantly the driver's license is fake Rupert Travis that's not that's not what I Artie game's sense for any idea what it means okay so he was here and he ran off and hid somewhere race is a poop like literally everywhere on this thing Artie lame with the 13-under pits as hey rumble tumble games just want to pop in and tell you to keep up the amazing streams you know best story where I know thank you very much please don't call me horrible tumbles I want to leave that name behind look it was it was a different time it was eight years ago eight years okay it's just our tee game now it doesn't mean anything wait a minute guys it's a cage on the ground those fingerprints over it it was knocked over and those traces of [ __ ] David cage placed this kit he's done them again goddamn [ __ ] pigeons waiting for g6 I got appreciate if you didn't shout at me oh god okay here we go funk Connor fast but risky fast but risky [Music] direct book proudest yo true hey whoosh baths risky okay thank you I just wanna lay low here out of the way oh my gosh Oh God okay well we gotta get in this good books save Hank save Hank yeah don't don't don't take Hank's gonna resent you if you just leave him it's my fault I should have been faster yeah like there's not even any debate that if you like Hank was very likely to survive but if you just let him tangle there he's gonna hate you forever you have to save him yet or alternatives you just catch him I imagined maybe there's one way you just die if you get caught by one detractors there's something in the field [Music]
Channel: RTGame
Views: 1,190,169
Rating: 4.9792857 out of 5
Keywords: RTGame, RTGameCrowd, RT Game, funny clips, funny montage, highlights, Irish, funny, moments, gameplay, Detroit Become Human, Detroit: Become Human, Detroit become human funny moments, Detroit become human funny, Detroit become human funny gameplay, Detroit funny moments, Detroit BC, Detroit Become Human lets play, Detroit Become Human playthrough, Detroit Become Human Hank, Detroit Become Human bad decisions, Detroit Become Human bad choices, Detroit Become Human death
Id: LAyCRk26OSw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 42sec (1542 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 27 2019
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