A Man Who Can't Punch plays Punch Out Wii

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[Music] mike tyson's punch out for nintendo wii we have to use janky motion controls my favorite where's the chair i have to stand for this uh this is this is a boxing game i can't just be sitting down like you know you got to be able to see me like i'm like a camera like that 5 10 110 pounds how much is 110 pounds in kilo because this guy may be the personification of me i know i'm quite like a skinny bastard do i just start going i can't either this guy just start punching and we'll hopefully get through it come on [Music] okay i i've learned dodge and i've learned the basic punch i don't know any of the other controls don't lose against glass joe please don't look i can take the french all right it's poor man like his ribs will be shattered when i'm done violence never the answer i mean it is a boxing game presumably violence is the answer here oh okay so i can punch him in the face with the jabs that does way more damage oh i have a chance to dislocate in his neck that's great violence is the question and my answer is yes is he not gonna block me does he he doesn't know that though i think i'm gonna eat my chocolate bar sideways doc what that just sounds impractical okay next up we have von kaiser okay this man looks quite menacing oh is he gonna punch all the kids no they're gonna kill him i was worried for a second that could have gone bad real fast oh geez [Applause] that's a pretty good one actually this man is pathetically weak please stop i mean you say that he is punching me quite hard how do i get up oh come on little mac don't die here not against the germans it's probably bad that's the second enemy and i've already been knocked down once you're doing worse than the kids i'm trying mommy punch him once when he says mommy did i get him i think i did he doesn't he doesn't even have a chance to get back up i got him so hard we killed him with style but i i mean club nintendo today man moment of silence for club nintendo um it's been shut down i think for at least five years this go kid i don't like this man he gives me bad vibes like you don't want to meet this man in the alleyway at night he just loves his music that's it oh no ready for this stop aggressively thrusting your abs at me let's go i think i can punch this guy in the face yes i can he's just doing like a fancy post like yeah okay i'm gonna get this punch just get him each time he does that so satisfying come on we gotta win for ireland we're gonna be the next conor mcgregor oh connor's not got nothing on me ow i'm gonna take his title wouldn't he won me mcgregor i can take you i'm hungover right now too because i oh i was up late last night this is an even peak performance for me he's using two percent of his power i'll get stronger as the night goes on is he dead yes he is don't forget to punch the heel during the downs oh thanks doc what do you mean punch when he's down like when he's on the ground if i punched in do i get help back yes i do oh i didn't know that okay where's this man from yeah i'm a teeny fella come on do you not speak oh can't be a legal match yeah i feel like he's in a different way category what the [ __ ] oh we just have to tip him over and he can't get back up apparently they already defeated him yes i have he's too big a boy hey great work man now let's take down the next circuit histon hondo piston who names her kid piston very muscular man very intimidating but he hasn't seen me with a wii remote nunchuck oh [Applause] what what's that oh my god right left and then there oh no not like this okay so have i punched her in this then i get the help back come on one two three i gotta heal keep your blocks up baby keep your blocks up i haven't blocked once how do i block again do i just press up on the controller [Applause] oh i blocked there i did it by accident i'm learning oh i gotta heal i gotta two three it didn't matter at all get back up yeah right i'm so bad at the combo all i know is dodge and punch oh i gotta heal he's almost down get him before the round time counts down we're in the cliff little back is so badly injured i've been within an inch of my life against this man calm little mac because he doesn't expect to live long okay we got the bear hugger in it his head is bigger than like my upper body he scares me he really scares me oh my god i forgot the heel i'm sorry i keep forgetting oh my oh he's killing me i like raw fish i mean he could just be referring to sushi if you're a snort sound like that you need to go to a doctor something is wrong with like your passageways [Applause] [Applause] every time i forget [Applause] [Applause] we defeated the canadian i'm within an inch of my life again that fight was excited now let's get ready for the next challenge doc i'm not doing too good like my eye is so badly bruised i haven't died yet i would say that in itself is pretty good but i can get them down and i actually have to remember the heel do if i press the buttons does that do anything keep track of the real one there's 10 seconds left get him get bastard little mac's not looking good i must be in the wrong corner doc you're supposed to be on my side press minus the heal during the breaks it gives you help oh six that's good to know well we beat him anyway but you look mighty tired out there isn't it past your bed doc it's only four in the afternoon okay yes i might have been a bit awake at close to four in the morning last night but don't you start parenting all right that's the why i moved away from home don flamenco handsome man [Music] but he's doing drugs he's gonna punch a bull yes he is okay i don't i don't know if i can beat him i see that seems pretty hardcore away don't like him [Applause] i don't like how he sniffs his flower hit him and dodge not like that though no [ __ ] [ __ ] i was busy healing [Music] not like this heal oh got a new one oh my god i'm dead little mac has died that's the first set [ __ ] you spain there's no need for that doc instead of practice fight for an exhibition go to practice any time to fight your current career opponent without taking damage or getting tired no just to fight him again i'll learn i don't practice all right i brute force the problem until it's solved even if inflict severe pain upon myself i can't dodge that one i did it no he hit one more knocked off his hair oh he's meaner now i only have time for one punch there we go i hit myself in this eye with my strap his eyes not yours i'm trying the boxing match is tough let that be it don't get up that's it lose the motivation your life is meaningless no one loves you oh it didn't work [Applause] now let's take down the next circuit another train montage look this is me going come on that's me faster faster faster look at me run auditioning for the next rocky movie aaron oh [ __ ] is this man irish oh [ __ ] he is [Applause] what the [ __ ] is he doing [Music] oh good god what is he doing let's go let's go let's go let's go i come on you're eating that's getting back [Music] he is hard to get [Music] how what do i do you need to hit him before he hits you oh god [Music] that's okay let me see if i can get the timing down come on [Applause] what did he even say is he dead no he's back up what the [ __ ] that has to be illegal oh my god he's just breaking the rules [Applause] i was trying to stare i was trying to do the step he's killing me he's killing me oh i got him [Music] [Applause] come on come on okay all right you really just have to live dangerously [Music] [Applause] oh it didn't connect i wanted to give him like a proper concussion oh [ __ ] you conor mcgregor punch there we go i'm still alive if i get him down one more time in this round minute 40 on the clock i can get him [Music] i got him he's back it's broken kill the man soda popinski oh no he looks mean my record's not looking as good as his he's twice my weight like again this is just illegal oh no he's very naked he's very naked oh ow i haven't got a single dodge in i'm dead [Applause] holy [ __ ] oh my god [Music] he's dead you're making progress kid every loss is a small win a very small win come on get it down get it down he moves so quick i don't have time to dawn [Music] oh i'm getting you now i am getting you now drank some soda [Music] oh my god he didn't like that i shouldn't have knocked the soda out of his hand arguably the soda is like performance enhancing drugs let's go back fraction himself at the bottom who does that that's a glass i'll be fine without the chocolate i don't need drugs [Music] i'm not dead now i am oh come on be down [Applause] let this be it this is the g fuel sponsorship that's it mac baby chill this soda with your uppercut then watch it feel a doc doc i'm not i've lost visibility in one of my eyes i'm not doing too good right now come on [Applause] how many drops have you got in your bottle [Music] i died four times that fight yeah he's always up for a fight this jokester 34 and four i'm 10 and six i don't know if i should be here he's three times my weight oh i don't like this guy [Applause] what is he doing what is he doing i touched it [Music] punch him just before he punches oh when he's doing the ball thing okay just killed someone in the audience okay all right no punching him before he punches me does not work i'm just gonna dodge the ball i can keep doing this i can do it all day i did that wrong 10 seconds come on did we do it did i win you can always take a whip he granted it to me you won by decision let's try harder i'll i'll take win by decision super macho man oh no rank number one we're almost at the end already i'm only two hours in there's no way he's 27. yeah he looks like at least 50. oh crunch [Applause] hey i gotta dodge the other way that's so not radical man broski make sure you get my good side oh wait i only have good sides he's a bit full of himself make sure you get my good side i've only got good size i tried to push it [Applause] i didn't know what to do there we go that was a good start we got there tried to punch him i gotta stop like try counter attack because that's not a move in the game my solution is if i'm being punched to punch them first i only have good sides stay on top of you make sure you get my good size i'm a boxer trained in the way of the fist crunch there we go feeling good about this round there we go bogus i can do it oh no i can't do it [Music] [Applause] i didn't know if he was gonna go against oh i got him injured these sunglasses you can't afford these sunglasses and get your hands off the ropes i i hate them [Music] oh my god i'm poked him so hard he explodes i got distracted i was reading shot [Applause] [Music] oh i'm so close i just had to dodge that [Music] we did it just like that instead ladies and gentlemen one just one punch round all i need to do four five six seven eight nine ten oh that's the round oh i don't know my own strength here he is mr sandman okay i believe this is supposed to be mike tyson uh but they just couldn't get his namesake for the game anymore because there was some kind of copyright thing the final boss 31-0 here he is just killing everyone else in the competition [Music] delays [Music] out [Applause] ow ow oh my god he's murdering me you gotta do one that's an uppercut oh [ __ ] get out back oh he's dead dig deep learn from your mistakes gonna be a lot of mistakes this round absolutely [ __ ] he's getting killed [Applause] out [Applause] i am afraid sir we're gonna be on this fight for a while i feel groundhog day but we're permanently dying every time we get a little further in the fight each round perseverance is how we're gonna win out of that or my arms will give out i hate the boo i hate the boo i'm doubting everything i got him down one i'll take it do it a little better every time arms are very tired i got it wrong i got it wrong i got it wrong my neck is being snatched okay got him here got him here a little better every time afraid wow let me just uh quickly restart that round [Music] i gotta stop counter attacking after that first one if he does the afraid boo he's lining up several punches and i need to stay in the game i'm not gonna be alive much longer [Music] there we go why don't you stand still huh ow ow yeah he didn't punch come on oh she was gonna kill me he was gonna kill me i'm glad i'm glad i got out of there there we go i have a slight advantage right now doing it ow 50 seconds two each i'm still alive oh little man gotta stop trying to punch him in that we're so close on this mike tyson needs to die gonna be greedy didn't have been grady shouldn't have been greedy shouldn't have been greedy there we go [Applause] not today [Applause] there we go two down [Applause] i just need one more cow there we go i got him first afraid ow i thought i could take one twice in the first round i just got just looking to live the next 26 seconds and get as much damage as we can get them come on come on [Music] beat up mike tyson and the spirit of mr sandman night night you did it mac you did it you're the best of the best party is dead yeah i'm coming for all the people in child didn't believe in me next you better watch out you better watch you challenge your weights being world champion brings on the responsibility of defending your belt against all challengers to become the greatest of all time now you gotta play the game again id's gonna be ripped i'm just exhausted exclusively from playing like motion control wii oh it's games joey's back he's got a helmet this time [Music] he won nasia oh my god what i'm not dead hey what i didn't expect to be alive you did it [Music] [Applause] joe his little back is defeated yo i like the idea of just ending the stream here and just like saying that joe won joe's the champion i'm happy with that my arms are tired [Music] you
Channel: RTGame
Views: 1,326,417
Rating: 4.9511786 out of 5
Keywords: RTGame, RTGameCrowd, RT Game, funny clips, funny montage, highlights, Irish, funny, moments, gameplay, rt game, rtgames, rtgaming, rt games, punch out, punch out wii, punch out wii u, punch out sandman, mike tysons punch out, punch out all bosses, punch out gameplay, punch out wii gameplay, punch out all fights, punch out mike tyson, punch out wii boss, punch out final boss, punch out all rounds, punch out lets play, punch out playthrough
Id: jEeIwsGL2v0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 31sec (1951 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 18 2021
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