NEW LUCKY SLIMES Farming Mod ! Modded Slime Rancher Ep.18 | Z1 Gaming

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so you're our test subject here buddy [Music] what's going on everybody c here welcome back to some more slav ranchers so today i'm super excited i'm super okay the wiggly wonderland update is upon us it's super exciting but i'm not gonna lie the whole chimes thing isn't really my thing like i'm not creative when it comes to um when it comes to making songs and music and stuff like that but we have something exciting today you already know by the title of the video we have lucky slimes so uh a member of the discord well they joined the discord informed me that they made this month so we're gonna check it out today hopefully you guys enjoy if you want to check it out i will have it added to my mods page um and yeah we're gonna we're gonna check this out gate hack wait uh hack the rendering effect okay cool so i did have to i'm making sure everything's working good because like i said i did have to go through and i had to completely reinstall basically windows all of my games everything it looks like my save is good to go but i was a little worried that it wouldn't be so uh these are not okay some of them are golden not a lot though okay cool cool cool anyways oh no oh no my silos are gone are empty i had lucky slimes in the silos oh dear oh dear okay all right so we're going to go find we're gonna have to go find some lucky slimes so uh yes hopefully you guys enjoy if you did like subscribe all the fun things also um if there's any other mod makers out there if anybody wants to make a gilded ginger like farmable that would be amazing that'd be super cool i would love to check it out and i think that'd be cool i think it'd be neat if we could farm gold gilded gingers or even like the kookanubas or coca-dubas or whatever you want to call them i think it'd be fun anyways okay so we have to go find we have to go find some lucky slimes now lucky slimes are not easily just found i was hoping because i thought i had some in my uh i thought i still had some in my storage but they're not let me just look through again to make sure yeah nope they're gone they're not here they're not here anymore darn that's unfortunate okay so but what we need in order to feed these guys now these do not mix with largos so you cannot make a largo lucky uh slime it won't work with that it won't give you the uh the lucky plorts um static generator hey look at that yeah so it's gonna be getting me all this new stuff because like like i said i re reinstalled the mods and stuff like that so unfortunately but uh we have to feed them how do i feed them a stoney hint lucky for us we've got a few stony hands right here uh and we're gonna go set up a pen for stony hens and you know what i think we have enough fruit being made i'm gonna go ahead and demolish this plot and then we're gonna go ahead and put a uh coop right here purchase that high wall spring grass vitaminizer deluxe upgrade heck yeah let's get all those let's get all these things in here out of here okay perfect and we'll go ahead and throw in some stony hens and then let's go and grab we need some roosters so we'll grab those as well you guys are all like full i don't know what was in this pen actually you know what now that i'm thinking about it i wonder if i lost all of my were those golden slimes do we have our oh singularity slimes are gone those aren't golden anymore all right all right so some things kind of broke a little bit all right things broke a little bit it is what it is nothing too crazy though okay cool so we'll have to get those uh re-gilded i guess you could say we need a rooster though we need some roosters hey hello little buddy uh hey there's one right there too i can't look at these chickens oh my gosh there's so many chickens hey and another rooster okay that'll be good that'll be good so we'll go and uh we'll go put these in with the pen we'll get some stony hands being brought in and i think we might actually need to up the amount of pens we can have in a pen i'm pretty sure that was a mod that we can change some stuff so we'll throw those guys in there let's take a quick peek options noop um okay that's gonna be under the main menu so all right let's sleep and then we gotta go look for we gotta go look for lucky slimes this is gonna be this is gonna be a this is gonna be interesting because we can't just duplicate them in any way we have to actually go and find them all right you lucky slimes where are you we're never gonna find one you know that right like we're gonna go out and look for one and we're not gonna be able to find one i feel like that's just how it is actually you know what i wanna go look in the glass desert it seems like i've always had better luck finding uh lucky slimes in the glass desert for some reason i don't know why any lucky slimes over here lucky slime get your lucky stuff oh i need to get that thing going let's go grab that real quick too whilst we listen for uh for lucky slimes and i shall bring you to life plant all right lucky slimes [Music] wait don't lucky slimes look different now i'm almost positive lucky slimes actually look different now because we got a super secret style pack for him i hate that these things like jingle and jangle because i feel that i'm like oh is that looking slime around me it's not ah you little buggers oh you know what there's an area over here that's not watered yet either actually now i think about i don't think i've done this area over here either yet we got a whole bunch of areas that we need to do uh what did we need for this this uh magical pool thing to open up what slimes i know it's like up there i can't remember which slimes we needed for this though uh dervish okay it's dervish ports got it got it okay so we'll probably come over here later and mess with that hmm yeah see there's a dervish dervish and then i think there's one more like up there or something if i'm not mistaken all right i'm not seeing any over here uh i guess we'll go over this way oh see there's a lucky slob right there but it's converted you're a jerk that means that there might have been a lucky slime here that it ate something of course no or that's the same i don't think that's the same lucky simon that we've had this entire time oh darn it i missed out on that one hey look it our gate is singing to us again oh no it's the twinkly slime hey i found you again oh gosh that means there's gonna be things everywhere oh we got a piano oh we did get the the chime changer oh that's exciting um good gosh that's a lot of chimes uh we'll look at that later look at that later i'll leave that for now we're on the hunt for lucky slimes oh okay all right another one of these what are we gonna get now arcane oh that must be the booms the booms now look arcane that's gonna be kind of cool still trying to find a lucky slime i gotta say that does actually look pretty cool hey hey hey let's not eat me okay let's just not eat me hmm oh there's another secret style pod right here what is this one royal jelly oh instead of honeys the royal jellies that's super cool okay uh wait what do you guys look like are you that's so cool looking i love that i love that all right we're gonna sleep again we're gonna go look for more lucky slimes ugh this is gonna take a while oh there's another secret style pod over here we gotta go get it we've gotta get all the pods especially these ones these ones just look super cool oh there's an advanced one right there too jeez whoa oh it's a treasure it's a cheshire that's so funny it's a treasure cat i love it that is so cool that's a neat one i like that one okay so i have been looking and i still haven't found one so i'm going to say for the sake of making things happen we're just going to bring one in right here i want to check this out i want to see what it looks like and then we can go out and find more in the future as we do anything as we do stuff and there he is there's our body get over here get over here get over here get over here all right so we have one lucky slime oh they look so cool they look so different i love them i love them all right so you're our test subject here buddy you're gonna hang out you're gonna do your things uh let's go over here let's get some stoney holy moly that's a lot of stony hands and let's get this started up here okay come here you eat that all right and then here you can have all those oh that's gonna be so exciting they're really loud though oh my gosh they're like super loud look at oh he's just oh that's so cool oh he's just going to town like these things are ruthless i think you eat it just as much as you want in there now you cannot make these largos so uh with other mods we have some other things that work with like golden slimes or whatever where even if they're a largo which means they're mixed with something else that they'll still produce the lucky uh or the the golden ports these will not so you can't like i can't then take these lucky plorts and then make more bigger lucky slimes unfortunately right now so i don't know that might be something changes might not be i'm not actually sure but let's go see how much these things sell for of uh yeah on the market uh 326 not bad not bad not bad now i don't really need money um i just really wanted to farm the things you know so you know what let's just go ahead and do the test let's just do the test because i know people are going to ask let's grab look at some stony hands real quick we're gonna do a test with the largo thing now the mod specifically says it's not gonna work and i don't think it's gonna work but i know if i don't test it somebody's gonna ask then i'm like well how come you didn't test it we will test it um where are we gonna test it at though well let's go test it actually this pen right here is currently empty because unfortunately our um singularity slimes are gone which means my tar slimes are probably gone too darn it oh well it is what it is all right let's go over here and grab a slime i need any slime literally a slime oh man i would have i would have laughed pretty darn hard if uh a lucky slime came out of this let's see let's use you know what let's use a tabby and then we'll also test we'll also test the pink as well now i don't think it's gonna work like i said but hey we'll find out you know we're gonna sleep until morning before we do this it's too hard to see oh there's our chime changer i was wondering where this was gonna be interesting i was wondering where that was gonna be okay so let the testing commence we have pink slimes let's start with the tab because the tab is already very similar to a uh lucky slime so we'll give you and there eat that are you not gonna eat that oh you're not gonna eat that okay pink slime will you eat that they might not realize it as as food i don't think they do okay so that's that's interesting because all of the others the gold the singularity of the tarzan thought well actually i don't know about the tars but the gold golds and singularity slimes like those plorts other slimes recognize that as an edible food and what they'll change into interesting okay so actually if we're gonna do this we gotta test it the other way we gotta test it from lucky slime to like a a largo slime okay let's just let you guys go you guys have fun be free so that is a big deal actually because you definitely don't want your lucky slimes to be turned into anything else that's not going to give you lucky ports [Music] um okay so let's go let's go put let's go to sell these plorts we'll grab a couple other ports and we'll just spawn in some uh some lucky songs we'll just do some testing here let's see let's make them uh what royal jelly lucky's maybe uh okay it's this one it's confusing now because i'm not positive i'm like because the color of the slime no longer matches the color of the plort that's the thing with the secret style pack it's kind of uh interesting all right two lucky slimes for testing let's see we'll throw one in there honey pork eat that [Music] now it's a lucky honey but you're not gonna eat that are you but honeys like fruit so let's go grab some mint mango real quick all right bud here you go eat that you're not gonna eat mint mango what maybe it's not hungry i guess that could be a possibility all right we'll throw that in there throw actually no i don't want you in here right now this is for testing purpose eye we're going to see what you you're not hungry because your mouth is happy he's not hungry you know what's really funny is that this is neither of the secret styles currently because it's like a standard tabby or the standard lucky and it's like a standard um uh standard honey slime come on eat something um i'm gonna say that this guy is just never ever gonna get hungry ever again it's just never gonna happen i haven't seen it eat anything i don't know what your deal is you know what let's just sleep and come back if we sleep and come back we'll we'll be able to see what happens okay i accidentally slept two days but that's fine that's fine no big deal all right did you eat anything oh there's no mint mango left oh probably because the mint mango rotted is why there's still oh nope there's honey plugs okay so confirmed make sunny florids no other plorts fantastic so um i'm going to have to get you out of here um let's see let's throw those over there come here bud okay i'm just gonna go drop my other lucky slime over here and i think these things will eat infinitely so i actually want to test this out a little bit i want to go grab as many of these uh these stony hands as i can holy gosh there's a lot of them ear buds all of this started with four okay so there's those we got 40 stony hands i think these things will just eat and eat and eat and never stop so let's just throw those on there are they just gonna chow down through all of them it looks like they are oh my gosh they are they just keep going they just keep eating 40 stony hands later these things could be these things to be some thick slimes jeez louise i'm just gonna wait for them to get through all 40 ends oh hold on hold on it looks like they took a pause they had to they're they're thinking of their life choices and how much they ate oh and they're back at it oh yeah definitely back at it they are hungry these hens never stood a chance they never stood a chance against a lucky slime you know this makes me want to make like like get a whole bunch of lucky slimes in this pen especially since they're like little a whole bunch in here and get a bunch of stony hand farms and just like see how fast we can go through like hence like that's not terrible but how fast we could go through them because that was 40 hens which means we should be getting about 80 ports well it means we should get exactly 80 ports minus what was already there oh and the last one's gone good job little buddy you're such a hungry little fella aren't you i feel like i'm feeling like zombies or something you know it's gonna be frowned upon all right let's get these out of here let's go just sell these actually i don't think i can put them in the refinery link do you have a refinery link option oh they do wait yeah they do go in the refinery link i don't think there's anything that we need them for ah you know what let's store them why not might as well perfect look at that oh they're throwing their ports everywhere oh i need to get the uh i need to get the drones back up and running you guys need to do your thing there okay they're good they're watered up good to go so uh yeah there you have it we have there is a mod now for lucky slime farming how cool is that how neato is that i like it i think it's fun unfortunately uh like i said i had some lucky slimes in storage but since i did like my whole save migration thing it looks like my stylus pretty much got wiped out so but we have a couple of them they're fun they're neat and i'm thinking i think the next episode i think we just need to play with stuff i think we need to get a whole bunch of lucky slimes in here and get a bunch of chicken coops going with a bunch of stony hands and just see how fast these things will go through those um i think it'd be interesting i think it'd be interesting indeed let's get in this episode hopefully you guys enjoyed if you did make sure you leave a like if you're new here don't forget to subscribe as well for some more um also i do have a link down below to the mods i'm using uh it actually goes to my website now which is kind of neat kind of fun kind of exciting but yes thank you again for coming out have a fantastic rest of your day if you guys want to see any other games or anything like that please comment down below i'm super curious because uh we're always shifting games always trying to do something new and exciting and uh yeah but yes i'll talk to you next time [Music] you
Channel: Z1 Gaming
Views: 110,508
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: slime rancher, slime rancher mod, z1 gaming, slime rancher mods, modded slime rancher, slime rancher gold, gold slime, lets play, slime rancher update, slime rancher gameplay, lucky slimes, slime rancher lucky slimes, slime rancher z1 gaming
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 22sec (1222 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 22 2020
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