DO NOT Use This Ghost Tracker App at 3AM on Halloween 2

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i'm talking about evil spirits we're them evil ones dexter this is not a time for planes we're hunting ghosts get away from it oh my god what [Music] a portion of this spooky video is sponsored by norton lifelock [Music] good evening hello there did you like my spooky voice yes that was great tales from the crypt exactly sounded like them good evening we got here with you so once again it is 3 a.m on halloween so like it's the day before halloween we haven't gone to sleep yet and the next day is halloween but it's technically halloween because it's three a.m yes that's not it's confusing it's halloween which is when the veil between the spirit world and our world is the thinnest and we did this two years ago but at our old house which we found had lots of ghosts in it so many ghosts so many ghosts you got me yeah oh yeah yeah you died i forgot about that i didn't die i just was petrified ah that makes more sense so this year we're in this house for the first time on halloween because last year on halloween we were in california and this year on halloween we haven't left the house in like seven months so we've decided to try and do the ghost hunting once again but in our new home to see if our new home is as spooky haunted as our last home i'm kind of afraid don't be afraid because i have i haven't given her a name i created her so i figured that like she'll protect me even though she's haunted maybe she won't protect me because i did this to her yeah i mean usually this is all very confusing yeah i feel like you're kind of attracting spirits with her what about bob oh god i did not see him yeah i thought if i surrounded myself with creepy things then ghosts wouldn't mess with me okay good logic let's see how it goes this portion of the video is sponsored by norton lifelock now norton 360 for gamers may not be able to protect you from ghosts but it has the malware and online privacy protection you need while reducing the notifications that you hate you probably know this by now but hopefully haven't experienced it yet but cyber criminals may try to hack your gamer tags and steal your accounts in-game loot and items i mean to me that's even scarier than finding ghosts and a perfect personal example you guys probably saw a video of mine from a couple weeks ago where one of my own online gaming accounts was hacked i still haven't gotten it back yet guys keep asking haven't gotten it back yet probably wouldn't have even had this problem if i had norton 360 for gamers it can happen and i mean i'm proof they could be hacking your devices with malware stealing your personal information for doxxing which is basically like finding out where you live and sharing that creepy or even taking over your webcam to invade your privacy even more creepy but to try and help prevent these situations from happening norton 360 for gamers has dark web monitoring for your gamer tags to alert you when they may have been compromised a no log vpn that hides your ip address super important to have fewer of the notifications that interrupt your gaming pc safe cam that will notify you if anyone tries to access your webcam and advanced multi-layer protection so level up your cyber protection with norton 360 for gamers make sure you click my link in the description below to find out more and to get a special offer today thanks to norton lifelock for sponsoring that portion of my video and now back to more spooks okay so i haven't opened this app in two years i'm hoping they updated it calibrating sensors immediately what if i have demons in my house i have to pay to find that out yeah app upgrade activated oh yeah ghost radar activated walk around slowly to detect supernatural entities i don't like that sound i can see you i don't like this should i i guess we have to get up and walk around yeah i'm scared this is so much scarier than last time why maybe we have no ghosts good so far kitchen try the kitchen or bedrooms i feel like ghosts like bedrooms we can go in the downstairs bedroom but a ghost may have left clothes all over the place ghost signal are quiet where dexter dexter where's the ghost signal where's the ghost dexter oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh oh something's happening you see something something fogged my view oh what uh it's a giant skeleton bob is it bob oh god it disappeared put it back up make sure to hit the what in the okay who was the skeleton i'm so confused this guy looks dapper what's your name receiving response wow this is so much quicker technology's really caught up bert's the name wait so i can't ask my own questions it would appear not he seems cool are you good or evil hi bert translating just a good man he's just a good man okay are you bird i don't want you bye okay i'm talking about evil spirits wear them evil ones can i just like leave you a boy terminated all right i need evil ghosts evil dexter's going outside dexter senses the ghost follow him anything yet nothing dexter keeps turning on the lights it's probably scaring off the ghosts oh he sees one oh damn get the ghost oh oh ghost signal oh boy oh oh it's up on the deck oh my god it's right where we just came here we ran right by it hello oh it's like three in the morning i probably shouldn't be yelling do i need to go up to it i guess so i'm scared ghost where'd it go oh oh it's right there oh boy we're getting closer that one doesn't look nice i see it on the radar oh oh oh we found it you got it what's your name that doesn't look like a person receiving response my name is vinnie vinay benay my name is vinay well it's gonna hate us are you male or female i don't want to assume your gender translating neither whoa it must be a modern ghost you understand the times that's okay you don't have to be male or female oh wait what kind of entity are you receiving response yes we found the ghost translating they call me a demon of the darkness oh my god there's so many more questions are you good or evil i mean i'm gonna assume evil but maybe they'll say good evil radiates from my very being i mean a simple yes or no would have been fine we can either ask if it has a special message for me or if it wants to hurt me uh do the special message let's go with that one first transmitting dexter no dexter's going for it yesterday he's looking right at it submit to the darkness is it no thank you do you want to hurt me where do we go well we have to run past it to get back in the house i hope it says no oh dexter yes you're submitting with a the light hurts me i am driven to destroy it where i find it oh dexter i told you start stop turning the lights on when you came outside please let us pass and the light will turn dexter once we go inside dexter coming come here come over here come here dexter quickly no dexter no you smell it dexter no stop smelling the ghost come on let's go yes run go i'm sorry ghost the light is going to turn on again oh oh god it's gone people back in the house we're going back in the house we got to turn the lights off it wants the lights heard it terminated okay we're going in ghost radar activated dexter find the next ghost okay so maybe there's good ghost inside oh god do you see one already oh god what it's from the old house are you serious i didn't think you didn't put this here no i didn't put that there i what the hell i thought we left it at the old house it literally came out of it it literally look it's showing through it this is so creepy i hate it that scared the crap dexter how are you so fearless get away from it did you see that yeah it came out of the clown thing i want to talk to you you have to back up there we go ghost signal are quiet i told you this clown is evil everything yeah the last time i touched it i passed out can i talk to it it doesn't want to talk to me it's a it's a mean one oh there we go what's your name creepy lady translating my name was marion hi marion oh that's my grandma's name but she's still alive so this isn't her what kind of entity are you tell me more about yourself a ghost it's a ghost well that's more straightforward how did you die oh god oh god you're saying a lot oh no i don't need your life story i just oh god oh no marion stop marion he's married my man left me i begged him not to go i couldn't live without him i ran out into the street calling his name i guess in the darkness i can't see the cars that were coming up the road behind me oh marion do you have a message for me receiving response stay don't hurt me and no harm will come to you lawrence they knew my name it even said lauren z lauren's oh my god she's a fan so it's the clown so it's the clown she's possessing the clown yeah okay how am i married well thank god we didn't get rid of it no it says don't hurt me and no harm will come to you okay so if i would have should leave that if i would have tried to destroy that clown something would have happened to me so now we have to leave this clown here forever yeah dexter you guys gonna chill with the clown how old were you when you died i was gonna keep talking to marion she was only 34. girl you don't look 34. death has not been good for you are you good or evil i guess good probably good the only way she was going to hurt me is if i destroyed the clown so i'll leave the clown marion one word answers are fine hear me and obey no harm will come to you if you do what i say uh okay can we just leave her let her be yeah bye marian actually i'm just going to walk right past you bye girl bye oh god the clown is showing through nope nope nope all right how's my doll girl doing how's she doing hello did you miss me see i told you she's not possessed she's a non-possessed possessed doll yeah she's you know oh no no okay never mind she's pizza she's possessed she's possessed doll oh god i have chills don't let it have the chills it's very short i'm slowly walking away what is your name oh no oh he doesn't like it no dexter is very concerned translating among the learned i am known as boreal vorial well i'm assuming you're a demon are you a demon that lives in my doll be careful dexter i am a spirit of the shadow realm oh great okay are you good or evil dexter this is not a time for playing we're hunting ghosts this is very serious we're trying to get all these ghosts out of here you're not helping us are you in pain yeah did you see what you did to me as a doll my whole life is pain i mean well that makes sense cut to how she was made oh yeah oh no this makes it so much worse i'm sorry for your pain it was youtube's fault i had to make a video are you male or female receiving response oh god that's a way longer answer translating in your world i may be labeled in the mail fashion okay none of them have said they want to hurt me yet though no this might be the first time i would understand it is only with pain that you can experience true bliss okay we're gonna leave yeah goodbye l'oreal i'm not a fan of you i don't know where to go i don't know where to go where do i go where do i go i don't know all right i'm just i'm going downstairs i got to get out of here well this is definitely the creepiest part of the house yeah oh of course it's in this creepy room of course i don't know what it is yet though i gotta go where the ghost i gotta go close dexter find a ghost he found it ghost signal quiet i'm afraid is it near me oh wait no it's over there oh it's sitting on the couch i don't know what it looks like i don't like this uh i can't tell what it is what's your name it looks like sasquatch receiving perspective i am ajit aji okay what kind of entity are you we are ghost explorers documenting ghosts we met one nice ghost and we just abandoned him immediately i hope you're nice i am a spirit of good wealth and fortune oh hello there hello we may have just hit the jackpot baby good to the core my friends oh good ghosts yay good what's your message for me oh dexter sitting on them you sit with the ghost good boy today's the day my friend what you seek shall come to you oh what do you seek ghosts why have you come here to bring me wealth and fortune i am a portent of riches to come my good friend all right friend thank you i guess that's it thank you for blessing us shall we go further into the basement yes in search of the real dangerous ghosts okay into the garage which is where we ended last time i'm scared i don't have good memories well that was a different garage we're probably fine ghost single are quiet did you get something oh my god what i don't like it what is your name oh it's like the girl from the ring response i hate it i'm mary hi mary hi mary um what kind of entity are you i'm a lost soul that's so sad why i gotta see if she's good or evil receiving response she's the creepiest one of all i mean you're lovely i try my best to be good she tries her best does that mean she's not always good dasher that's herself sniffing the ghost that's your move get out of the way so mary's gonna get you okay she's going right he's going right through her are you possessed by mary right now i'm asking how she died she's probably like a dog a dog attack an accident on the farm do you have a special message for me mary cherish your family while you can what what does that mean i don't know you're my family mary what do you mean wait what what is that what is that your doll no no we got her upstairs that's your doll lauren that's your doll that's mary maybe she was trying to be good she said she was trying to be good maybe she brought it down texter what is this why why is she down here lauren i don't know i feel like the clown did this last time bobby bobby bobby not again why does this happen every time bobby mary oh god she's closer mary mary did you i can't even ask her won't even let me ask her are you in pain yes sir next we have to get out of here dexter come on let's get out of here leave the doll dexter come on let's go upstairs come on run run run go go you
Channel: LaurenZside
Views: 2,458,523
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: laurenzside, 3AM, ghost hunting, ghost app, ghost hunting app, Gaming antivirus, Gaming virus protection, Antivirus for gaming pc, Cyber security in gaming, Online gaming security solution, Norton 360 for gamers, Norton 360 for gaming, Norton for gamers, Norton for gaming, scary, creepy
Id: FvmjpE-1w0w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 38sec (998 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 31 2020
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