A History Teacher Reacts | "The WWII Japanese Soldier Who Didn’t Surrender Until 1974" SimpleHistory

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[Music] YouTube welcome back to another history teacher reacts video of mr. Terrence I continue my search for historical knowledge here on YouTube alright today's video is the winner of this week's patrons pick poll so this was chosen by our patreon supporters and it is called the Japanese soldier who didn't surrender until 1974 this is by the channel simple history which we have covered before and they make awesome videos love doing these so I'm excited to do this now of course the big the big hook to this is just Japanese soldier that they're gonna be talking about didn't surrender till 1974 nearly three-year are sorry thirty years after World War two had ended so you got a wonder what was going on this guy's still fighting you know does he not know the war is over these are just the questions that I have going in and we'll we'll see what we can learn here alright before I begin though if you like this original video it's important to me that you go down to the description below and make sure that you click it or click the link there that will take you to the original video so you can like and subscribe over there even if you're subscribed a simple history over there make sure you give him a like the view support the early channel there like I said before this was voted on by patron pleasures of my channel here and if that's something you'd be like to do there'll be a link down below and you get to vote in weekly polls there but let's go ahead and get started the Japanese soldier who didn't surrender some 1974 let's see what the heck was going on with this guy this video is brought to you by skill share hero Onoda the Japanese soldier didn't surrender until 1974 hero Onoda was a Japanese intelligence officer in the Imperial Japanese Army who refused to surrender until decades after World War two attend can we just appreciate the voice guy that does the voice of simple history he sounds like a movie trailer when I do that I don't know if he's the creator or just the narrator for this channel but it sounds good I wish I wish I could sound like that ended in the Pacific Theater there were many Japanese holdouts Holdings enryu Nippon yay or remaining Japanese soldiers they were that would that would make sense just so far because of course they wrote the Japanese were known for is not surrendering I mean the battles I battles like II would you and Okinawa such high casualty because they would not surrender it's not part of their cultural or strategic opinion their to do that so that wouldn't make sense right there that they were still just holding on holding all down holding on because that's what they were expected to do right but again the question is gonna be as 74 I mean you'd have to know that the war is over by then right holding zenryoku nay or remaining Japanese soldiers they were motivated to continue on after the surrender of Japan in August 1935 because of their dogmatic militaristic indoctrination or simply because they were unaware of the surrender true hero Onoda was trained at the Nakano school as an intelligence officer where he was taught guerrilla warfare and intelligence gathering Onoda was sent to Lubang island near Luzon in the Philippines in late 1944 where he would soon meet up labor of other Japanese soldiers already on the island miji Yoshimi Taniguchi dogs importers to live off the land and forbade him to die by his own hand he would further reassure officer or navy and forbade him towards the fur balls media shimi Taniguchi had given him orders to live off the land and forbade him to die by his own hand he would further reassure officer or Noda because that was kind of a thing like if you you mean go back to like a guy Bushido honor code and and like seppuku where you like like rather than surrender to keep your honor you would commit suicide so he's saying don't even do it by your own hand you're not supposed to do that either just stay alive okay that would make it different you're not not allowed to by saying it may take three years it may take five but whatever happens will come with her to you until then so long as you have one soldier you are to continue to lead them higher-ranked officers in the group made Onoda unable to carry out his mission to sabotage the enemy airstrip and pier at the harbour this in turn made the u.s. conquest of the island which was achieved in February 1945 easy once US forces which which is not generally a scenario for these islands these islands may be small but for the Americans every inch was difficult the the they're small but the like they're saying they defend so well they don't surrender and a lot of these islands are just completely fortified like they're like you wouldyou in Okinawa though you got like very mountainous and they're pretty much just a giant fortified floating fortress you know I mean plus the surroundings here they they're very there's a lot of them are jungled like this so everything there could be Japanese soldiers anywhere that could be in trees it could be in traps underground do you know what I mean so it took so long to clear what seemed like far as square like kilometers go could be something very small but could just be at a snail's pace for for actually conquering for the Americans in the island the large group split up into smaller groups of three to four men and escaped into the jungle and were either picked off by the US troops or surrendered until it was just hero Onoda and three others under his command which were left active private yuuichi okatsu Corporal show each each Shimada and private first class Kim Chi Chih cazuca all of which had set up base in the mountains after Japan had formally surrendered in September 1945 Onoda and his group came across a number of leaflets the first leaflet left behind by locals was discovered quite soon reading the war ended on August 15th come down from the mountain however they concluded there was an allied propaganda trick after this conclusion the groups trying to raid local Islanders for food and other resources true that's when a general Tomoyuki Yamashita of the 14th area army also dropped leaflets from the air with a surrender order but again the group decided that they were a trick with a lack of knowledge of the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki it may have seemed more unlikely that Japan was will to surrender in 1949 yuuichi a katsu escaped from the group and surrendered to Filipino forces in 1950 even even that's crazy because the war 1949 the war's been over for years still held not that long just living off the land like were they not not making much connection at all with other people losing the remaining three to be cautious to disloyalty in 1952 the search mission was expanded with letters and pictures from the group's families dropped from an aircraft but again this was wrote off as a trick by the three soldiers every piece of evidence the group came across increased their paranoia and hostilities while they were dressed in their Imperial Japanese uniforms the people they came across were in civilian clothing which they interpreted as allied soldiers in disguise with the strategy of luring them out even a third as a result they didn't think twice what a liar anon the locals coracoid Shimada was shot in the leg but recovered with the help of odd case so now we're another four years out and he still doesn't understand how do you just not have that much connection Noda in 1953 but on May 7 1954 he was killed by a search party when he fired upon his potential rescuers who returned fire on a beach at Gunton so it's like it's almost like he's got crazy now like he's gone crazy with that kind of isolation and disconnection is that why they I wonder if they chose these guys based off of their what I'm gonna say them being gullible but they're very trusting nature that they knew that these guys would be just so loyal that even as time goes by like they're still gonna be committed to their original instructions endured that's why they why they specifically chose these guys now just two remained Onoda and cazuca would continue the mission to sabotage gather intelligence on and attack the enemy which no longer existed but on october 19 1972 during a skirmish cazuca was shot and killed by the police when he was burning a farmer's rice collection lieutenant Onoda was now alone On February 20th 1974 a determined Japanese explorer called norio Suzuki Onoda yeah how how disconnected was this guy and removed from societies he totally just hiding out in the jungles and mountains or something like there's no connection because there's no way if he had any kind of real life connection to anybody they would know that the war is over I mean he must have been right just completely isolated still oh no doubt still refused to surrender however Suzuki had the idea to locate his original commanding officer major Yoshimi Taniguchi in march 1974 his former commanding officer major Yoshimi Tim Iguchi traveled to the Philippines to fulfill his promise to return you wonder if he forgot do you think this the commanding officer is forgot he's like all crap that guy I sent out he's still out there I haven't heard back from him oh it's been 30 years did he forget about the guy you sent out oh I better get back to him oh man what's this gonna be like go back five seconds uh sir major Yoshi meet Emma Gucci travel to the Philippines to fulfill his promise to return and end his orders in person Onoda still wearing his tattered army uniform from decades ago saluted the Japanese flag and handed over his samurai sword is functioning Arisaka type 99 rifle several rounds of ammunition hand grenades and his family-- dagger the Philippine government untranslated dub sorry I forgot man we just wasted your half of your life fighting a war that doesn't actually exist and Ferdinand Marcos granted him a pardon taking into consideration that although he had killed 30 innocent people during his campaign on the island he thought the war was still carrying on when he returned to Japan an Oda was very popular but he found it hard to adjust to the new post-war Japan and the decay of its traditional values I mean the world changed so much especially in Japan from the 1940s to the 70s it's like a completely different country they're gonna go and he's gonna go back there and be like wait because the Americans oversaw with a MacArthur and everything like reading redoing their constitution rebuilding our industry they started technologic or being a expanding in the technology center which would have been all these new technologies would have seen like tell efficient and all the stuff that now Japan not only wouldn't have had as a technology when the war started but now they're like a leading producer be like it coming back to a complete different thing oh there's Americans all over apparently we're friends with them now and the world has completely changed holy cow and hard to adjust to the new post-war Japan and the decay of its traditional values deaths published an autobiography and in 1975 left Japan for Brazil where he raised cattle and later opened a series of training schools in his last year's hero Onoda said in an interview you're every Japanese soldier was prepared for death but as an intelligence officer I was ordered to conduct guerrilla warfare and not to die I became an officer and I received an order if I could not carry it out I would feel shame I am very competitive the indoctrinated this video was made possible by Skillshare Skillshare is an online learning community with more than 17,000 classes some of the apps that we use to bring simple history to life are Adobe Illustrator for drawing characters and Premiere Pro for editing Skillshare is a great place to learn these skills and with a premium membership at less than 10 bucks a month you get unlimited access to high-quality classes from experts so Skillshare is giving the first 200 people using the promo link in the description below two months free access to try it out risk-free give it a shot whoa wooed so okay um get back to the video here or okay all right so a couple things I'm still wondering was the guy pissed first off I mean it sounds like he wasn't when he finds out later he was just still doing orders was he pissed would he resent the army it sounds like it's not you could tell that he why he or why they chose that guy cuz holy devotion right like that's that's not say they he totally did exactly what he was ordered to do and commit it to it completely I mean he would have had there's no way that word of the war ending wouldn't have got to I mean I already said they they just there was a few times where this was happening when those leaflets but just thought it was propaganda it was you know fake but wow what a devout guy it's just unbelievable that you could do that I just understand I can't think that'd be possible right to be thirty years out of the war and still not just didn't know about it but like fighting it said he killed another 30 civilians or something even after that so right is this guy heroic is ego Lobel I don't know as a bull that way now fascinating story that's one thing I like about this channel for you if you don't know much about salacious tree they give a bunch of these really interesting stories of just way out there yeah stories out there that you just you never hear about and they're very very unique and that's awesome to see that more so awesome great job thanks patron voters for choosing this I thought this was really cool it's definitely an interesting story I could share my classrooms just as not the decided effect on the war but just something interesting out there to do that I love to insert that kind of stuff in my history classes it makes it makes it fun alright so thanks again to for watching today again thanks for everyone for voting for this it was awesome if you'd like to join our patreon the link will be down below and you can get involved in voting on videos and be a part of that also want to plug our discord community we have an awesome discord community where were 4000 people and a bunch of active people that are great to talk history with so if you'd like to join that a link is also down below if you like the original video go down there as well and click the original video link to give them a like and subscribe and that'll be awesome alright thanks again for joining me if you haven't subbed to me love to have you as part of my little journey here on history and trying to learn more and add anything I can so thanks again and we'll go and call here bye
Channel: Mr. Terry History
Views: 48,277
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: react, history, world war 2, japan
Id: QPM0alLl5Q8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 47sec (947 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 16 2019
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