Extremist Ideologies Explained Through Minecraft Villages | ibxtoycat | History Teacher Reacts

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[Music] welcome back to another history teacher reacts video of mr. Terry as I continue my search for historical knowledge here on the Internet alright today's video seems like an interesting one it was picked by our patron pledgers and it is extremist ideologies explained through minecraft village by IB X toy cat I don't know much about this channel but this seems like an interesting thing if it can go through yeah like like extremist ideology especially if you know ones that have been prevalent in history to see it come through I guess minecraft and billing these society so I have no idea what to expect so interesting pick from the patrons but I it sounds fascinating to me so I'm looking forward to checking this out if you like this original video go down below and down in the description will be the link to it so make sure you go over there give it a like give it a subscription of yourself if you like the channel and pretty awesome alright and again this was chosen by our patron pleasures if you would like to be able to vote in polls that get videos featured on this channel go down below and you can join that as well starting at $1 a month if you want to but thanks for being here let's go ahead and just get started extremist but I mean it's you want to be extreme but you don't know which extreme is the best extreme which is why I'm making today's video because as you all do know the first thing people turn to when they want political advice is of course minecraft videos so today we're explaining political extremism fruit this minecraft village and the various changes it undergoes okay cool all right so okay I only stopped just to say that minecraft is such a good program you know it's a game but the use can be used as basically a program to do so many creative things right it's a sandbox game and I think this is a brilliant idea if you're gonna set up communities based off of ideologies and try to show what they would look like and I think that would take a lot of skill to and at just knowledge of these concepts to be able to set this up so I think this is a really really cool idea yeah all right so libertarianism all right let's see what they're gonna say about it and how one how do you make the Minecraft society your village would ever reflect that I'm interested to see what they go here I would say this videos but it's really popular Scott like well over a million views within less than a year so let's see our incredibly wealthy from trading however there are no line golems so the village gets raided and everyone dies so they got no okay so they do very well economically but they don't they aren't there they aren't investing in their military so it could leave them vulnerable guess that could be something that people you know criticizing libertarianism might be that they're gonna be very economically yeah a lot of free economics going on there but yeah I'm not talking that it's your military oh okay so that just made them a victim for like any other village out there makes sense I mean they didn't like like ten seconds but alright fascism interesting let's see what they go if they go more of a I guess a classical more more I guess like a like a Mussolini Italian type of fascism or if it's somehow you're gonna be more like racial with like I like I like a German fascism pretty bad but at least let's go back these are so short I guess we can just look at them we can just look at them all again in the fascist village the village itself looks really bad the villagers themselves are doing pretty bad well I guess it in especially the Italian and German scenarios fascism emerged in a not very strong time especially with the Germans of course but post-war for for either of them and so maybe I know if that's what they're kind of talking about there because the thing that people said was always trade off with fascism was yeah they might now like a lot of things handled but like things are going generally pretty well what was that famous quote the mayor not have happened there like it all like Mussolini but the trains run on time you know what I mean so it's like is give and take thing but fashion is also is supposed to be like glorification is you know the state the state comes first that's with that so at least a national pride is is huge in fascism so yeah sure not the other ones primitivism so okay their houses and of course the walls that separate them and instead all of the villagers live off the land and of course eat rabbits which arguably makes them happy ok ok so there's a little bit super-simple that's been kind of one of the things that they say is that just because you know people in the past have lived what it's seemingly been primitive lives and histories and necessarily mean they were less happy right a lot of them have more time to do things other things as well so you can see like John Green in the crash course series talked about that a lot about they really seem to kind of emphasize actually those those type of communities in a way that said they're happy and as John said they're more time for you know other types of community building things and and skoodilypooping if you know but the John Green terminology at a crash course ok absolute monarchies all right so absolute monarchy so you're gonna have a ruler and they rule with absolute power they don't use democratic process don't even delegate actually very much absolute rulers you know people like louie xiv of france or maybe peter the great of russia those would be considered absolute monarchs people that took at roll basic of every institution so how would you guy that have that come through minecraft under monarchism all of the villages farm and work for the Monarchs benefit and in exchange some of that wealth is very generously given back to the village that's always been supported that if you're especially looking up from the feudal perspective where it's like hey you have this person that is powerful right they have land they have protection and you work for that person not necessary for wages but for protection and a livelihood otherwise you couldn't survive on your own but I mean all right communism so everyone just gonna they're gonna say just everyone shares all the stuff can you make can you make like banners like this is that them trying to make a hammer and sickle the state decides the state can decide if you yeah work with a communism that is completely run by the government where they can deliberately if wanting to cut food supplies right which is often been or was it was a tool like in the Soviet ian's things for places that may be shared more dissent as a way to kind of get people together French ISM okay how you don't know to say and also no one can understand what they're saying by gamma strike yeah I mean it in Europe in general strikes are especially labor strikes are so much more common than like in the United States or Heil if it's just like a normal thing where you can be there and on a vacation or something and it's like normal thing yet that train company train workers are on strike it'll be over in a few day hire day or two but anyway they don't understand they're saying why cuz we're French you speak French by the way I know a lot of people are gonna say this isn't the actual French flag I know this is a common misconception because the most common black flown on the French Battleford looks something like this so that the English guy taking a stab at the French Zoey saying can understand him and then putting up a white flag not fair all right wait what's the next one low blow colonialism okay so you're a colony and someone a foreign nation is going to take advantage of you and take it to advantage of your resources and you're not going to benefit so much the key is going to be the imperial nation their benefits come first with as much as a quarter of the world being covered in houses which are from this exact same village I guess they're just using the British perspective here right so Britain yacón eyes at its height probably about 1/4 of the population of the world specimens as huge parts of North America and India and things like that bunch of parts of Africa so that's a lot okay all right yeah yeah you like to see them say maybe something more about exploitation right exploitation of the colony political religion ISM we pray to the but they don't salt start and stop so it just reminds me of like the Reformation prior information we had these groups that were so confident in their religious beliefs that they thought basically their their their God would just make everything happen for them like go into a battle without having any weapons cuz God will just wipe out the enemies and you don't usually hear those groups anymore because they all die out just like you say our National Socialism we're gonna go Nazis here is what Nazis stood for so this village is a really great idea that has absolutely never been tried in real life before what we have to do is build really nice roads rebel to enjoy and then kill all of the villagers with big noses although they are going not see their finish also just in case you do see some historic precedent here the roads actually one instigated by had tendencies towards both nationalism and socialism and basically because of that you got to bear in mind that it was actually kind of a wine wall project that was headed up by a certain man [Music] anyway so what he's referring to if you don't know is when the Nazis came to power I Nazi was shortened from National Socialist they the biggest issue was unemployment unemployment was unbelievable in in in Germany after in their in their early to mid 20s all right a lot of again mostly because of the the ravages from World War one and the Treaty of Versailles and stuff like that and one of the things that the Nazi Party had done was Public Works programs try to get people working one of those were infrastructure projects like highways like the Audubon for example so that's what he was referring to but then you know returning on the yeah he's making the Juara references to to Jews and in their in their state they're alright you che socialism this is North Korea so the Jew che is basically a term in Korean that essentially basically means like up yours world like we don't need you kind of thing so very inward internalized [Music] look at the walls who's built massive okay we're just inside nobody's getting in nobody's getting probably takes away from the well-being of people but if you never see any of the people then we can lie and we can just say they're doing just great inside those houses they definitely living over there no slums here that's for sure just a beautiful glorious state under us so okay so if you if you're not catching the references with it's it's going to North Korea they're talking about North Korea and along their border their border with South Korea one thing that's been famous about North Korea is they build up a really good facade to show off across the border like these big nice buildings to make it appear that it's going really well there when actually a lot of those buildings like they were referring to were actually empty they like nobody lived on they were fake like they're hollow on the inside just to give the impression that things are going way better than they actually are I globalism so they're just saying hey all kinds of ethnicities and welcome [Music] this might sound like a criticism but lebra Mar is really cheap now so we've got it's also really cheap to make the banners that describe exactly where we're at which is why we've got the one true flag in bolt quantity today this is a couple of flags I could get used to seeing earth and Brittany guys coming through with his his heritage there okay anyway Ireland circa 8 1800 okay he's gonna go like potato famine here which is such a tragic event in Irish history or millions basically we're starving to death leading to a mass exodus of Irish people to places like the United States yeah just get so reliant on one thing corporatism all right business is gonna run things huh America but they do so by working in a giant office every single date in 95 they feel locked inside they feel like that life has no meaning they feel like they are trapped in this office for every suburb every single day but deep inside them they realize even though they have all of the physical possessions they could ever want their life has next to no meaning trying to fill the void if they're left over time with something that just makes them feel less alone but they are always alone they are always alone or they are always working and they feel as though just this one more YouTube video now be the thing that fixes it but it never really is talk about a depressed America is with their nine-to-five jobs but even though they have everything taken care of and shouldn't be depressed about things because they actually have things very very good you know behind love being rich is pretty swell because I mean who doesn't want any Shawn to kiln apples Switzerland all right we're just going neutral living in the mountains Nazis that's what their criticism is gonna be that the Swiss were able to stay neutral because that's where the Nazis kept their assets their gold [Music] all right nihilism all right this could be interesting so just stay in super pessimistic don't even don't even care just kill his character villager okay so we're gonna deport all the villages that don't look like the superior villages because we're clearly the best based on that color there's going pure like like at the ethnic cleansing okay all right 21st century liberal democracy okay they should go like Scandinavia here I will see what's happened so we finally walk out system that manages to separate the church and the state that manages to get everybody a voice and the managers to avoid violence for the vast majority of villagers and that all that involves is an election however nobody votes in the election and then everybody complains that politicians suck no politicians suck that's what I say okay they just take it for granted like everything's on fire no cares about democracy don't need to do it oh but I'm not gonna vote but I'm gonna be mad if someone gets elected even though I didn't vote for him or vote against them and still feel right to complain the irony of democracy right technocracy any elections instead we put a librarian village in charge because he probably knows the most and can probably work out public policy decisions based on his expertise that he's gained in the library that he spent some time in okay this definitely seems like a better version of democracy to me and it took 8 to 49 Oh No ok I just went back to the potato stove potato famine all right Zimbabwe if it's great Zimbabwe that was an incredible African nation for a long time so the thing they're referring to here is we heard about is the just insane hyperinflation that Zimbabwe had where if you can you can buy like a you can get like a trillion dollar bill it's worth like 2 cents or something whatever it is some crazy thing and this is all the British what I've taken away from this I actually want to know more about that store about about what happened with the hyperinflation in Zimbabwe I want to learn more about it cuz I write a couple students are like like they're a student or something that brought it in was like look I have like a trillion Zimbabwe bucks mic though that's really cool and I knew it was Aaron Flay did but and then I looked like is that actually like it seems like a lot and then you look at it now it's like virtually worthless utilitarianism okay so the whole idea of gold society should be the maximum amount of happiness for the maximum amount of people this was a response to the early Industrial Revolution where they thought workers are being exploited and working conditions were bad and our goal as a society should be to focus more on the well-being of others oldest villager and we're gonna kill him Annie is flesh it's just the logical course of action there the greater good oh now cannibalism is too good for the smart library villager maybe he should be eaten next now they're using that is just like a metaphor or am I missing a utilitarian group that actually went to call like that actually identified as utilitarian that practice cannibalism but yeah he was right though the idea of like the greater good is that's that's the most important thing of society some of those extreme ideas maybe you want to be extreme one way the other way and now you know just how great they really turn out and you know all the time every time because as we you'll know rather than talking to people about your ideas it's way better to you know think about them inside your head and then never discuss them of the world but assume you're right all the time all the best systems have become great point humanity in a nutshell the country and what's even better than that is when you don't only just you know stick an idea in your head you take an idea from literally over a hundred years ago in a few of these cases right you take hundred-year-old ideas and then you make those into modern-day things it goes really great that's why all the successful countries you know famously use hundred-yard ideologies that they never adjusted never tried to work out the works in the Mande world in the slightest instead they just assume that yeah you know what if they thought it was a solution to 100g regress problems it's totally the solution to all the problems they're facing the world today with the increasing amount of automation of jobs and whatnot yeah he's making some interesting points just is he's letting them go here which is a lot of these ideologies people stick to and a lot of these again these ideologies are before kind of what you would consider real modernization in a way and you can define that whatever the however you want but he's making this I think a pretty good point though that when as times change ideologies have to adapt don't they I'm in some way because there are new challenges that are always happening so what might have worked a long time ago I mean work now and that's the hard thing knows you don't know I mean you can look at history for examples of things but history does not always repeat itself when it comes to a changing world especially at ever-changing world that we live in today what smart people we were back then in the same way I only use Windows 95 because they perfected it back then everything since then has been impure you know ruining of that original idea and I won't have that in my beautiful village but yet no more seriously I hope you'll enjoy it it took a long time to pull these things together in case your sister out we did all this stuff because I did make up most of a village into one of those things each time well basically I have this really solid seat so long story short I have a box of plaques and I have a really nice seat in my opinion from which they all you know can be placed down because this village right here I decided to build a wall round it's one of the best villages I ever seen the Minecraft seed it manages to have not only a jungle and a swamp so kind of like minority groups in that way you know but a much bigger majority of the plane spine but then it also has an outward fret the inside sign of the pillager outpost okay so he did actually make those villages and right now he I guess he's just highlighting just one that he kind of really likes he say if this was based off of one of those ideologies you're just showing it off a little bit is it I mean it's kind of cool to have the different biomes and things scare off there are different groups with different priorities different rich levels like oh yeah up here look how rich the villages are down there look how sad the villager houses are on the Swamper which interestingly enough lines up with this one minority is that a coincidence heck if I know I'm not making any actual political commentary yeah and I just wanted to give a quick exhibit ia's right so he's building in this town based off of like K that the were the worst environments are naturally going to be places where higher income people are going to want to live so you are resorted to the lower income communities that live yet by the swamp or something like that showing the diversity I guess of cities especially the large cities today where you know you know there they're so diverse and these are this type of community this is this type of community and having to deal with all those issues it'll be linked down below and if it's not then you can find it on my channel it should be linked down below tell me in the comments it's not linked down below and then it will be linked down below and all the comments tell me that it's not linked down below something you know somebody just appeared to be wrong but no yeah I hope you're under this video let me know when you thought in the comments down below because I know I like the idea of just making fun of everyone and I hope see you all in the next video thank you very much watching and I'll see you all next time bye okay alright so okay so he went with the the quick the quick cuts right going through these different ideologies little hints of historical content there which of course I liked hopefully I was able to add some context to just I mean the little things and it was cool I guess yeah just kind of seeing that using minecraft more as a tool like to just to just to cut to do commentary maybe that's what this channel does a little bit more of is using minecraft to do a lot of other things right cuz you necessarily like explore the villages necessarily main like what would I eat fascist one look like because it said it just kind of explains what it looked like necessarily showing what it would look like and again that would be very difficult to do and would be extremely impressive if someone's like alright this is okay in the fascist village or the communist village K here is exact like we're just gonna show you everything here's the community like here's all the workers and then there's all this and showing like if you could show somehow in the villages what the positive and benefits would be and actually like show it with with like the evidence from the cities themselves that we call that would I mean that would take so much more time you would be able to do I mean I don't know how if anyone counted let me know how many of ideologies he put in there it would have to be like one video where it's like a communism explained through Minecraft that would be kind of neat I'd love to see if if anyone has anything like that right like yeah our just like recreating and it doesn't have to be just the the the ideologies but it would be cool just to see like alright let's recreate yeah you could you could do like Stalin era Russia or shoot I don't know the the the Renaissance in in Florence or ancient Rome or something like that and try to make it historically not just like okay here's a building that looks like the Colosseum but like society how could that be organized and maybe you can't really do that minecraft I'm just thinking about time I had some other things that would be really cool to do with Minecraft for for history is try to create like that yeah the social as well as architectural recreation of what life would be like do anything like that that'd be cool and if you're a minecraft person that'd be cool if you did that if you ever do anything like that let me know that would be really cool well anyway I thought this was kind of this was this was just kind of fun I guess to see that you see him putting his little wisecracks in there and showing his personality which is a big part of you know being a tech content creators being able to do that and have some fun with that but it's cool I liked a lot of the points that he made because a lot of them were you know did have some some accuracy there so alright well it was kind of cool just to get something very different than what I've done before you know I left you guys know me I love video games I love minecraft minecraft such a incredible game and such as star wall a stalwart of just that the last decade or so of gaming and what its kind of changed what gaming is such a big thing and you can do so much with it it's really there are no limits there so awesome awesome through there um just to remind you guys this with video was voted on by patrons this week is won the weekly poll so thanks to you guys that were participating in there and like I said before the video if you would like to join our patron pledges start at just dollar a month if you feel like supporting the channel that way there's a link down below other ways you can support the channel and to get in more involved is join our discord server there's a link down below and you could talk a 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Channel: Mr. Terry History
Views: 717,631
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: react, history, minecraft
Id: GMaI3bGcMHk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 13sec (1693 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 16 2020
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