History of the United States, I guess... | History Teacher Reacts

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bill wurtz's history of the world and history of japan are major reasons why i ended up doing reaction content on youtube well unfortunately bill wurtz doesn't put out a ton of content and there's so many things you could do history of too that leads me to today's reaction video in my suggested feed came up a video that was titled history of the united states i guess now immediately i was like oh did bill wurtz come back but no this is made by somebody else and this youtuber is crispy kareem so i watched like only like the first five seconds or so to be honest and saw that it was in the same editing style as bill wurtz so i wanted to give this a shot and add what i can to it and this video just came out a couple weeks ago and it is getting a ton of hits so i'm hoping i'll like it you know the bill warts videos have some of the most high-tech intense editing that i've ever seen and that leads me to this today i'm excited to celebrate one year of skillshare sponsoring this channel and over this past year i have learned so much from skillshare's courses and hopefully it's coming through with the videos i know i've still got a long way to go though for example the most important thing i'm still focusing on right now is editing you know being a smaller youtuber i can't afford to pay an editor to do videos for me so it's important that i learn the skills for myself and one of the courses that's really been helping me is jordy vandeputs class on editing on skillshare because i know editing is extremely important in helping people keep retention in your video and to make your video stand out from others but you know skillshare can help you develop skills in basically anything you can think of so to help me celebrate one year of skillshare sponsoring this channel skillshare is offering you all a free one month trial so please check out what they can do for you you've really got nothing to lose use the link down below to get started with your trial right now and thanks again to skillshare for supporting the history education community here on youtube all right let's get back to the video all right let's check this out again this is my first time watching this i'm excited to see a video of that style of bill wurtz for the united states this should be awesome i'm excited let's do it the united states is a country on earth with 50 states it's powerful and it's hey guys check out this bridge it goes to the other side of the world and there's a lot of food oh nice all right nailing the style right now but yeah talking about the ice age right so coming over the clovis people it's kind of this super ambiguous term though it's basically what people are saying just the early people that came to north america without like much of any type of actual like like distinguishment of them it's it's a piece of archaeology and anthropology that is still you know heavily heavily needing to be searched more well you're all stuck now okay so people are chilling out on the land gathering food and hunting mammoths well they died but they got a backup okay now we got food and land let's form a [Music] society someone just discovered gambling but more importantly someone just discovered farming wait we couldn't plant stuff in the ground yeah and soon everybody learned about this planting corn in the process now that we got farming let's form a better society you know corn of the the biggest uh domesticated uh products that have ever come out of the western hemisphere which isn't a lot especially when it comes to animals but crops as well maize the ancestors of corn by far the most important is it's one of the major things that all food products today and civilization built upon it in the americas i mean it just it's one of the highest calorie per acre foods that we have but maybe the biggest achievement technologically when you come when you look at things that came out of the west then they make some hills then they die but they still make some cultures meanwhile the mayans become so obsessed with this that's right their astronomy is great some natives in the west like the desert building their town under some rocks north america was getting pretty diverse pretty complicated sort of the aztec and the inca empires are getting started wait hold up check out this boat yo what's up my indians where my spices at columbus politely asked this disease killed the entire population hey spain i found india india and so europe began legally assaulting me as you know columbus never knew you know that it wasn't necessarily india it was just you know somewhere off the coast of asia somewhere right i guess technically he's not wrong it's just bad because it's so far and uh as you guys know christopher columbus was turned down so many times for his voyages because his mathematics for the size of the world was so bad um he thought the world was way smaller than like any person would have thought and we're talking people that knew this stuff like in ancient greek days that's why everybody you know again turned him down so he went to his grave not knowing exactly where he was america's sorry guys give it a second wait this isn't even india but dang check out these resources hey portugal i'll take all of this and you take this tiny chunk because i'm better than you in the meantime let's use the name the pope said that line uh it's got a line of demarcation uh the portuguese and the spanish both were having claims around the world it's not just from america portugal was the first country in europe to go and european country to reach asia and spain was trying to get involved in that too and they were you know having arguments about who gets claims to what and both as catholic nations uh the pope stepped in and said all right here's what we're gonna do basically gonna put this line in the you know at this part of the world a line of latitude and this side is going to be uniquely you know portuguese when it comes to claims and this side will be spanish and there are some exceptions to this right there's portuguese brazil and then there's also like spanish philippines but for the most part they kind of stuck to their side where portugal's going to focus on spices in the east and then the spanish with mining and agriculture don't get their spices but they're going to get plenty of mining and agriculture and agricultural opportunities in the west natives to do the work for us but the natives died remember so plan b 90 check out nine percent triangles i want a bigger slice of that wealth cake suckers the british are off to everyone second try by the way and they did it look at that tobacco well so much of them coming over wasn't even just to get territory in the americas because it was still not known what the geography of the americas um was the dutch the english and the french a lot of them or they were trying to find uh asia as well and where they do is with the spanish kind of you know exhausting a lot of the options in kind of the central and southern parts of america um the british and the dutch and the french they tried to find routes north right is there a northern passage and there isn't they exhaust all the possibilities you can go up to st lawrence river which is the best you can do i mean you can't really go north of canada because you have the arctic so that's a lot of them ended up doing but you did find lots and lots of land that's going to pave the way for all these settlers replacing land that native americans are going to be dying from and uh going down with that uh as well it kind of sucked religiously ew so the pilgrims sailing away for jesus dude let's make some colonies there's so many things in the middle i can't eat pork but bacon just made slavery popular england still sucks slavery came immediately you can do whatever you want check out those immigrants let's talk about the south here slavery was a big hit what did britain do about this by the way why slavery a bigger hit south and north agriculture in the north not nearly as much plentiful land and the climate to do the agriculture that you can in the south north north has you know good port cities like boston new york go up river with philadelphia but the south's climate and land makes agriculture better so immediately when you have people settling you got your timber and your trade coming up north and then agricultural society in the south starting immediately in the 1600s you're also going to get the development of what's going to be in the united states a very different culture between the north and the south with of course this developing for a couple hundred years and peaking its ugly head in the north or uh it uh in the north and the south with uh the american civil war right and since agriculture benefits from saudi arabia so much that's why usage has a high slavery count in the south then you are the north nothing sweet we're free great awakening because we got to stay christian a bunch of new rules getting intellectual the colonists heard about it and started reading stuff like john locke adam smith toad understanding liberty and democracy check this one out brendan and france are killing each other britain wins and they're broke damn we need some cash but hey can we go west no also give us money so britain starts taxing the no french ninja war okay let's talk about that so they talk about the seven years war which is a global battle between britain and france for colonial and imperial supremacy in the 1700s they fought on pretty much every continent and a part of that war was fought over kind of the midwest if you want to call it that the ohio river valley um but britain and france fought each other for the territory in north america and since britain won that uh the territory and kind of the claims from france end up going into the british i tell my students you know if you need if you ever need to remember who won the seven years war remember which language you're speaking and as it's english that's going to basically solidify that english and the british are going to be the dominant force in north america but he's right about what's happening now which is although britain won it basically bankrupted their country and to make up for that they started taxing their colonies in the places where they were fought part of that was in their 13 colonies in north america as they start to increase those taxes although the tax rate was much lower in the americas here than it was actually in england which surprised a little bit the english and you know wondering why the americans were causing such a fit about it hell out of the colonies something just happened in boston hell beer told everybody let's dump some tea in the ocean because they taxed it hey bryn can you stop ignoring us britain didn't really care they just kept doing it okay we gotta talk about this people so britain's clapping us right now don't worry i can still make peace with them look another shooting and revere told everybody writing a book about independence now people hated britain and they declared independence you guys suck yeah i mean if you didn't know that independence wasn't declared for over a year after the fighting technology started like in 1775 at lexington and concord and it was still at that time uh up up to that that point not necessarily that the americans were wanting revolution in fact when things were starting out you know it actually was a pretty radical opinion to say the americans wanted independence they just wanted more freedoms and they wanted representation in parliament and things like that but it's as the war was going on that you start to see people slide a little bit more into the opinion that america needs to be uh the united states needs to be you know free this territory these colonies need to be free completely so there were you know still years of potential negotiations um up to this point you want to team up against britain france is coming wallace and they win get out of here now we're in control we need a government they create a con thank you france we'll get you back in world war one and world war ii got to feel bad for the french though because the french basically got nothing out of helping the united states and it also helps ruin their economy even more so which is going to lead to the french revolution the french monarchy again was not over the fact that they had lost you know back in the uh seven years war and this was a way to stick it to france again so americans uh may not have won this war or not have won this war without the french so if you feel bad again you could say united states help you out in world war one in world war two prostitution but a bunch of farmers fail okay we gotta talk about this people we need to remaster our government the states had some ideas let's just do both we went without a constitution in our country for a few years basically it was just like states are going to rule things we found out it was too difficult to do that so it went years without a national constitution at a federal government it's called the articles of confederation was the closest thing we ever had to something like that which had very very basic things you can look at it but not enough to you know probably able to govern and organize a new country that was expanding to people like this but some people didn't like it so they add 10 rules to make sure they like it we need a leader so they invent the president and everyone made it this guy because he was such a legend during the war nice bank traitor to the british how strict should the constitution be yes goodbye washington wait he's got something to say don't that debate has never been good parties worst mistake of my life okay just in america creating them anyway hey can we not follow the law you know washington had some pretty good foresight in a lot of things about terms of presidents and political parties but you can see it didn't matter i mean the same issues that we were talking about in the 1700s the same ones we're talking about in 2000 whoa france is going cray-cray right now probably because we did that napoleon wants to remake an empire with this huge chunk of land he's got he doesn't want it he might as well sell it yeah hey do you want my land okay some people saw jefferson as a hypocrite it literally doubled the size of the united states overnight the french territory napoleon didn't want to worry about north america anymore um he's more focused on europe sold it for pennies on the dollar one of the biggest financial successes the americans ever had with that after this i did it i ended slow and uh it's going to be tougher now for another thing that just you know uh slavery was actually on its way out uh before the invention of the cotton gin that brought it right back dude they're stealing our semen i'm stopping too much never mind it's land don't tell the canadians nice new reform movements now slavery is becoming controversial of 1812 machines now what the heck and it made the north more complicated everyone's america was perfectly set up for the industrial revolution the the civil war helped amplify it major reason why the north beat the south was because of the more industrial nature of the south the united states had everything you need for industrial revolution it had labor it had a government that was supportive of it has natural resources out the wazoo was a perfect place for this to be supercharged here with an economy that was already strong built on the back of slavery it had all the ingredients he's moving to cities and slavery's still bad but you know it's balanced perfectly guys western expansion screw you we're adding maine to the gang hey europe stay out of our area you're pathetic henry clay just announced a dank new system we'll be good at the south didn't hate it john c calhoun's evading taxes again scary-looking i want to remove the natives why because we said so okay and you removed the natives check out the wigs versus the doorbell trailer industry is fire right now but factory working is horrible let's just stop working infestations because we're american all of the northern natives in mexico in the process a lot of irish people just died so everybody started familiar to the country this sucks a lot of anti-irish immigration too that came along with that uh they're moving in to work at agriculture work in the cities uh one of the places where you saw europeans you know heavily prejudiced against the nothing party knowing nothing on foreign influence we got more land but how do we use it okay that new land from mexico no slaves here you can make a political party out of this it didn't work but it did piss off the south don't worry i got this said henry clay again adding california after our gold thing happened there it didn't go well fricking let's let the people decide never mind the woman just had a pretty cool meet up advocating better rights introducing the elephants as if donkeys weren't enough hey excuse me i'm in the north and my master died can i be free and be like a citizen no because you're black the nations started falling apart after all several presidents didn't really even do anything [Music] by the way he won wait guys i won't take away your slaves just chill for a bit yeah nah kept the words in lincoln's mouth too though in his campaign he was pressed you know and things like saying are whites equal with blacks and he's like no i've never said that before um and he's like i you know and slavery's fine where it exists i just don't want it to expand that became lincoln's um platform that way i'm impressed by stephen a douglas the country's fighting itself guys we need to fight like a snake right now i'm gonna free the slaves [Music] didn't matter accepted emancipation proclamation so interesting did you know the emancipation proclamation only freed slaves in the rebellion states the states that seceded because technically not all slave states joined the confederacy there were states that didn't and when he frees the slaves i always wonder about you know emancipation proclamation like do you really think that when lincoln sent this thing off to a set of states that no longer consider themselves part of america it's like they got there their congress has got the emancipation proclamation we're like oh crap lincoln freed the slaves i guess they're free now well no there's still a war that has to be fought about it it's like the decoration of independence okay you can sit there and sign that okay america we're free now from you britain and give it to king george it's not like king george read that one oh i guess they're free now there's still a war that has to happen the emancipation proclamation so interesting in that fact that yes it's freed slaves in the confederacy not the ones in the united states weird it didn't really do anything but it did change the idea now we're just made the war library yo but we're still fighting pretty good not anymore the north just set the south on fire and they eventually died hey nice german one lincoln's actually chilling now and he gets assassinated great now we got to rebuild everything the south carolina and pretended the war never happened the whites wanted to stay the best race so they start using on violence outside but disgusting in the inside businesses became bigger but the working conditions became better this sucks said the knights of labor yeah we're only taking skilled workers bro hey farmers do you hate railroads introducing the grangers now the populists the south was getting more industrialized but now more racist no no trust me it's separate but equal i'm gonna yeah and it's again it's not like when the civil war is over the southern whole mindset was like all right we're all equal now we're all going to have the same economic opportunities you're going to have job opportunities and equal pay and schooling and all that no south dragged its feet incredibly until a lot of government intervention and even military intervention going down during the reconstruction area to start to do this and then even that it's going to take decades and decades of new laws and constitutional amendments and stuff to try to break apart the um status quo that was still trying to be established in the south bye everybody wait why don't we donate all our money for society sweetie let's focus on the cities which are garbage right now introducing the progressives let's fix that crap oh shoot we just ran out of land imperial right there but spain controls cuba playing the main on spain you sunk our ship bro we didn't even do anything they didn't never actually happen including the philippines this is lit said william mckinley getting assassinated yeah took over the philippines out of that and we're telling the filipinos that they fight for the americans they'll get more like independence and then the spanish-american war ended and philippines just became a territory all the way until after world war ii so we got 50 years of occupation by the americans though a little bit of the taste of american imperialism in the early 19th century and they lose cuba the united states becomes a world power while doing some other stuff too sherman's vice president not william sherman this is a different sherman under the new president william taft you stuck in a tub while europe's killing themselves in this war the us was actually chilling and making money germany just ruined it i'm going to show you what democracy feels like when we already did this in after the war germany was the duns force to pay a lot of money check out the league of nations can you guys join him please no no united states well i should say president wilson proposes the league of nations and congress shoots it down he spent their last of his presidency and really the rest of his life trying to campaign for the united states joining the league of nations hoping that it could be a good power to have on that seat to prevent future conflicts but the big thing is the american congress was afraid that the league of nations could dictate american policy especially the right to declare war which is one of the most important rights that the legislative branch of american government has is the declaration of war and didn't want to get involved back in europe or lose that autonomy anymore so interesting united states joins it never um or sorry united states never joins it although they propose it which brings an interesting question um if the united states actually been in the league of nations would they have more influence to potentially settle the problems that will create world war ii question i asked my students a lot everybody russia just became the soviet union and it scared the crap out of everybody that's kind of sick and woman finally hey blacks tired of the south move to the north and share that epic culture right my 1920s we're now in cars watching movies and breaking it down and this stock thing is going to do good just kidding and then hoover tried doing something but failed then fdr comes in with the new deal and it actually worked but it failed yo germany's going wild italy's going wild world war ii gets the americans out of the department and take over the entire world this great video the us did their same brilliant move and was actually just chilling japan wanted more land but they were scared of the us so japan spits on them scared of the us i mean and the others declare maybe i mean uh the the attack on pearl harbor was a direct response to america embargo uh united states putting the embargo on selling oil to japan which was necessary for their imperial ambitions japan imports is almost is completely reliant on foreign oil and they mostly get it from the united states and japan didn't or the united states didn't like a lot of the japanese imperialism they're also threatening land by uh uh that was colonized and territories of of um allied nations like france and american interests in the philippines of course and used that embargo as a way to show some strength against japan which then directly led to the attack on pearl harbor so and then rather than you know it intimidating the americans into ending the embargo brought the americans into the big old backfire for the japanese war in the us hey that's what friends do the us is making a big fat bomb like a really big one we gotta take down germany man they're freaking crazy so they take down germany then the u.s starts taking down japan roosevelt died and harry truman carries on the presidency mr president we can invade the mainland our soldiers will die bro let's just use the bomb so they drop it on japan twice moreover the war ended after that goodbye league of nations hello united nations but we got a problem these nations like each other they started now with nuclear bombs scary yeah that's what everyone thought yeah maybe we shouldn't do that but i still hate you it's alliance time baby now with other countries also germany's in shambles it's like the hot spot there's no big deal right now [Music] and it scared the crap out of everybody two super powers everyone's economy in weapons wars allies and now in space the soviet union just put a thing in space oh heck not then the us creates nasa america is booming like the population everyone's got television and fast food becomes a revelation like we're talking about the first mcdonald's here wait cuba's communist this results in the end of the world almost screw this said kennedy we're going united states are so scared of that you know although the americans you know had nukes and allies in places like turkey right next to russia the americans didn't feel like there was much of a communist threat right next to the united states until the uh until you know castro until you know the communist uh um take over in in in cuba and then once you know there could be plans for uh a weapons in cuba the americans said that is enough human missile crisis closest we ever came to a war with the soviet union and he gets assassinated racism is bad civil rights time buses education it would take another hundred years after world war after the civil war for equality to fight racism and the us agrees why is everything sexy lyndon wants to take vietnam to the next level so he sends a lot of troops the u.s slapped the soviets in their face and landed the first time introducing richard nixon and he's done vietnam not a lot of people know that the russians beat amer the united states in basically every milestone of space technology except landing a person on the moon but first put a satellite first to put a person first to put something on the moon a whole bunch of other uh milestones even put something on mars but i love the united states once we landed a person on the moon we basically said we won fantastic because it's a disaster there goes watergate ruining nixon's career now nobody trusts the government iran just had a revolution kidnapping multiple americans because jimmy carter is no problem it's reagan time technology is getting better too and the world's more connected oh my god bro it's computers you can check emails and play games on it i'm gonna make things [Music] that the first world trade attacks um that were a good ten years before that you can look into it first starts over that surprise there's the earth where i was actually born it's on fire and the economy crashed again surprise obama and now obamacare it's like healthcare but from obama now you can talk to people online on your phone now you can order stuff online on your phone everything just got shut down and it just got political and canceled on twitter then we buy the universe or maybe go extinct i don't know [Music] this was fantastic let's wrap up and i want to know what you think down below all right i'm hoping this video can now tide us over a little bit while we hope bill wurtz is making his next video for whatever he decides maybe he'll do the united states although this was very good and just i mean if you had you know switched out the voices for bill wurtz i don't think i would have even known the difference i mean he obviously nails it and and gets it but i thought it was a great job that was fantastic there's so many things again i could wish i could keep going but this video is long enough you have to look for smaller video topics throughout my playlist and throughout what i do to get a little bit more on that but never um nevertheless let me know what you guys thought i thought this was fantastic let me know down below what you thought hey a big thing right now is i'm going to put this original video link down below i need you guys to go support this creator he's new and did a great job and let's make sure this thing gets in the algorithm that people can find it out because it is fantastic all right with that we'll see you next time bye [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Mr. Terry History
Views: 63,006
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: react, history, bill wurtz, united states
Id: 5lp1L_eFOJ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 20sec (1700 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 01 2022
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