A History Teacher Reacts | "10 Bizarre Wars History Completely Forgot" by All Time 10's

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[Music] hey youtube welcome back to another history teacher reacts video of mr. Terry's that continued my search for historical knowledge here on the Internet alright today's video was voted on and last week's patrons pick pull so once we could put up a poll for patron members to be able to choose what video gets highlighted this week and this is the one that came up but I'm glad it is it's 10 bizarre wars history completely forgotten this is by alltime10s whose great channel that does a lot of history related list videos and what's videos of course are always fun but hopefully with this since you know it said that their bizarre Wars the history completely forgot I'm hoping I learned some new things here and hopefully you do too and if we can add some commentary or some thoughts we'll definitely do it but thank you to the patrons if you'd like to become a patreon member a link will be down in the description you can join starting at simply $8 a month pledge level and you can move up from there you can do the $5 a month pledge level which also gives you discord benefits but if you'd like to do that link down in the description if you like this original video make sure you go down to the description as well and give them a like and a sub so we can support the original creators here alright let's go ahead and get started 10 bizarre Wars history completely forgot sounds good let's do it okay interesting already never heard of this you never hear about much of Canadian wars because I mean outside of like World Wars and some of the ones you know in in in with the least globally with being part of the British Commonwealth and that kind of thing but that's the one thing I'm gonna be thinking about this is this going to be having them related to being a part of the British Commonwealth or what but alright anyways let's check this out Croatia interesting remember that time that Canada defeated the croatian army despite no no that's probably because the canadian government banned all reports of the incident after yugoslavia collapsed in 1991 a brutal ethnic war broke out between the new croatian and serbian governments story people the whole like balkan sort of region grander region there is way more divergent diverse and tumultuous than most people believe i mean it is it is extremely diverse and cultural and religious differences linguistic differences there's so much and people kind of will brush that off and also in modern history i don't know if borders have changed more in the world than they have in this part of the reason region in southeastern europe here i mean it's always changing it did in the world wars and does recently nasa do with the the incredible amount of diversity that's there so alright so it starts after you a Slavia says in the 90s the UN to intervene sending 900 Canadian troops into the region to act as a peacekeeping 900 presumably never having watched an ice hockey fight the Croatians thought the Canadians would be a pushover and attacked them with 2,500 soldiers the Canadian military not only managed to hold off the enormous ly larger force but didn't suffer a single casualty doing so the Croatians lost 27 men and suffered 87 casualties before retreating you'd think the Canadian government would be proud of such as 13 actually banned Canada's Press from reporting the incident for nine years why's that supposedly this was to avoid ruining his administration's peace-loving image more upsetting Canada's Croatian population it's a pretty big can a Croatian population pretty big in in Canada but I want to be a peace-loving one but yeah I guess if you did fights and there was casualties although when people think about you know having was they would they say 900 Canadian soldiers or whatever and casualties were less than a hundred and on the other side most people would see that as like that is the peaceful resolution he would see that other countries do that but it looks like you know the Canada wants to keep this image or specifically Prime Minister it might just be that Canada was too polite to boast about it 9 Britain versus Zanzibar generally speaking [ __ ] are the sort of thing you can fit into a lunch break or Anglo Zanzibar war you could fight the whole thing and still have time to swing by the new quinoa place the shortest war in history this 1890s conflict lasted only 38 minutes you'd wonder how much can you do in 38 minutes in a war in a real war I mean you could attack like I do a battle or an attack that might last that long at an actual war after the death of the Sultan of Zanzibar on August 25th the new Sultan Khalid bin bag ash rose to the throne the British who controlled the colony had a different successor in mind though and offered car lead until 9 a.m. on August the 27th to resign they even parked five warships in the bay below the palace to show they were serious news College refused and after the deadline passed the British ships bombarded his palace the shelling only lasted 38 minutes but over 500 Zanzibar Eze were killed or wounded like a bad decision right by Khalid you know I mean did they really think they were gonna be able to put up a fight against the British I mean what do they say 1896 or some British had the best Navy on the planet the palace surrendered at 9:38 and the British marched in to find that Khalid had already fled to Germany to become a pro British Sultan was installed and Zanzibar became even more of a puppet state than before something to add about a British imperialism is they will very much preferred indirect rule in most of their colonies unlike other places contrast that like the French you like to do more direct rule the British like to do indirect rule what I mean by that is putting somebody that basically acts as a puppet to Britain but rules on their stead and they thought that you know would be more efficient right and especially more cost-effective which is definitely true then direct rule the people of America came together to form the United States all except those in the county of Vance and the people of this tiny Texan County it had to be Texas didn't it see both sides and in 1867 decided to secede from the United States they even wrote their own Declaration of Independence unsurprisingly the US wasn't happy with their proxy counsel embarrassing them I mean you just had you just had the the whole southern half of the United States just declare independence right you think I'm gonna let some small part of Texas know that America has shown that they will not lose their territories absolutely not to deal with them not to be outdone the Vanzant officially declared war on America and gathered their own troops in the densely wooded conditions of Van Zandt County cavalry was useless and the van zan managed to defeat the US troops having pulled off the ultimate underdog victory the new nation did the only sensible thing to thank God blind drunks celebrated when the defeated American soldiers heard how smashed their opponents were they simply oh it had to be Texas didn't it prisoners would like to escape and the US army never bothered chasing them the county's Declaration of Independence was never officially repealed meaning to this day van Zandt is technically its own nation you know I have this conversation with my my students about declaring independence does that make you actually independent or you not actually independent until the nation you are declaring independence from agrees to it right I mean because you could declare independence and nothing's gonna happen go ahead go outside of your house and yell that you're independent right she would even write a letter see if anything happens and nothing's gonna happen right I have that tooth that's why like we have the conversation in my class about the Declaration of Penance how it's very poor in America and that's what the Independence Day get celebrated as but should it actually be when the war was over in the treaty with the Treaty of Paris and the British officially observe and agreed to American independence right that would change things but a interesting thought conversation of seven Japan Russia okay this could be a lot of things hopefully it's not the russo-japanese war the big one that you think of around the turn to the turn of the 20th century there because that's a very big thing and I do know a lot of people don't know about it but it is a major one so let's see if that's specifically the war they're talking about because it is consequential this was a show of well I guess it's low good talk I'm presuming that's what the war is gonna be but if it is it was a big huge thing that we should history should not have forgotten because it brought it honestly brought Japan into the global stage and showed that they were a power a global power as people think that Russia's involvement in World War two ended when they rolled into Berlin and forced the Nazis to surrender after all you could hardly blame a country that had lost over 26 million people from taking a breather but if Stalin was known for one thing it was being kind of intense as that USSR declared war on August okay okay good okay so this is good cuz yeah glad they wasn't the russo-japanese work that's definitely not something completely forgot but what had happened a lot of people don't actually know that right on the eve the time bomb Russia declared war on Japan it's actually one of the bigger criticisms that a lot of people have about the American use of the atomic bomb was never really got a chance to use the Russians as an ally because that was the deal that the Allies had made you know and and and specifically was Stalin that if the Americans you know and and I guess just the West Western world and in general with the the British etc especially with the Americans that if they would open up a Western Front aka d-day that and help with Hitler then Russia would help with the Americans with the with with the Japanese right help the help Leo lies in general with the the Japanese and I was one of the things that America was quick to jump to the gun not allowing the intimidation that the Russians would have but what it I guess interested to know here is just because the atomic bombs were used does that necessarily mean that the interaction between the Russians and the Japanese did not actually materialize to anything I'm gonna go back five seconds just so we can see this launching three separate invasions of their territory in China this sudden attack took Japan by surprise and they would driven out of China in a matter of days not done yet the USSR began to attack the Japanese land in Korea Stalin's hope was not just to finally in World War two but to grab as much land as possible before the conflict ended sure and that's what people said about Stalin in the West who that although I said there would be free elections and things like that in Eastern Europe that of course never happened that's where you get the whole Iron Curtain like the whole Iron Curtain like like attack on Stalin is that they were building up this curtain as this this this defense or whatever this is this line of communist Nations to protect Russia which definitely is was was the idea and their Stalin's rebuttal to that was well we've just been invaded by Western Europe twice and just led to millions tens of millions of people dying Russians dying from World War one and World War two like they felt that they had a justification for having occupancy in those Eastern nations as a buffer zone between Western Europe and Russia but yeah you see I guess also the land grab on East to the fighting lasted three weeks and killed 12,000 Japanese soldiers eventually Japan reeling from two nuclear attacks surrendered whether it was planned as a cynical land grab or not many historians now believe the Russians played an unprecedented part in making Japan given as early as they did while people say that's that's what it was you know yeah you had the atomic weapons but you also have the Russians getting involved and there's no way I mean the Japanese could could defend against either of those on their own let alone both of them there's no way six the Netherlands versus I love silly if you're okay 300 years and don't take a single casualty you might not do it if you're at war for over 300 years and don't take a single casualty you might not be trying hard enough they're talking about the Dutch Oliver Cromwell in his army of royal hating parliamentarians drove the remainder of the Kings forces out of the English mainland the defeated royalist leaders were pushed out of Cornwall and settled on the Isle of silly you know the Isles of Scilly obviously they're located right next to the Isle of zany and the isles of wacky in an act of solidarity with the parliamentarians the netherlands decided to declare war on the 6 square mile archipelago the Dutch navy arrived off the shore of Scilly and demanded money from the royalist forces receiving no arts earn knowing the parliamentarians were about to win anyway the Dutch sailed home without firing a shot the Netherlands quickly forgot about the incident and never bothered signing a peace treaty it wasn't until 1986 that a historian from the Isles of Scilly pointed out that the area was still at war with a Dutch rather than immediately invading the islands the Dutch did the grown-up thing and sent an ambassador down to sign a peace treaty the conflict lasted 335 years making it one of the longest wars in history just wide the swiss versus the swiss o civil war won Switzerland I guess you're neutral in Foreign Wars but not in your own the Swiss neutral having not picked a fight with another country since 1815 but that doesn't mean they won't beat each other up from time to time in the 19th century Switzerland was more of a loosely connected collection of regions for the country there was a move to unite the areas under a single centralized government but a collection of seven Catholic regions opposed the move they distance themselves from the rest of Switzerland and ironically bonded together to create their own nation under a centralized government the new country of sunderland formed at the bottom of Switzerland in 1847 morosely Protestant Switzerland not happy with you catholic country on the doorstep I mean this makes sense Protestantism in Switzerland has been a big deal going back to John Calvin where the first Calvinists were Protestants had their success in Geneva so yeah it's like this is very much religiously motivated right now unlike I mean basically everywhere in Europe had a Protestant verse Catholic conflict and a lot of it did result in two wars now all over all over Europe so it looks like Switzerland it's almost as though as they're having their religious civil war if you want to call it much later than most everyone else in Europe did most of them had done that fifteen 1600s you know and had figured it out definitely by by this time perhaps surprised that Switzerland liberal places wanted a war the Sunderbans were caught off guard and appealed for help from Austria and France but the two nations spent so much time discussing the right way to aid Sunderland that they ended up doing nothing or they've literally 20,000 men stronger than Sunderbans the Swiss forces rolled in at the beginning of November and had forced a surrender before the month had ended for Mormons versus America nowadays Mormonism okay so we're gonna get something you know within the United States here and other religious conflict the rise of Mormonism as it was specifically with the the polygamy issue was seen as unlawful right and was it was it was it Abraham Lincoln that said the two biggest threats to America we were like slavery and polygamy or something like that and yeah the the relationship of Mormons in Utah in the United States was very difficult because they were seemingly breaking the law in a lot of these specific but what practices of polygamy back in the 1800s and stuff like that and basically defended themselves like a war known as the Utah war I believe mostly famous for being extremely nice and polite however there was once a time when the Mormons were bloodthirsty enough to fend off the US me having met opposition to their polygamous lifestyle in the US the Church of latter-day saints formed their own territory in what is now Utah right that's what if you know about about the religious history of Mormons they're pretty much driven out of in the Midwest and left the United States to go to out west which which in Utah at this time when they when they arrived was not part of the United States yet that won't happen until the end of the Mexican American War and some of the trees there but had to had to leave the United States to to do this to leave and start their own kind of community their own their own territory there in Utah but it wasn't very long because within a couple years Utah gets incorporated into the United States thus the church is now just back into the United States and we'll have to deal with the laws there as they will now be under American jurisdiction now government Mormon leader bring him young kicked out all the officials he thought were too corrupt or Anette that turned out to be a bad idea the disgruntled former officials returned to the US and started spreading rumors that young wanted to attack America President James Buchanan said a huge military force of 55,000 troops to deal with the perceived threat but despite their numerical advantage they kept losing skirmishes to the local Mormon forces after a series of small battles one of the Mormon militias attacked a train of civilian wagons hoping to trick the u.s. into believing the area was populated by a tribe to make Americans 126 innocent men women and children died in the massacre at this point the war had become an embarrassment and both buchanan and young agreed it was best to end their fighting and pretend it never happened you can look into that it's called the Mountain Meadows Massacre the Utah was basically in a kind of a lockdown of military hysteria and were fearful that people coming into the state were militia with that and a group was my migrating through four southern Utah from like Nebraska I forget where some we're kind of middle east dirt than the Midwest or something like that and we're passing through and the militia the more militia here attack them and try to pass it off as like a Native American thing and it didn't happen and they killed just slaughtered a whole bunch of a ton of people there and this end up being a big black eye kind of for the church there as a lot of the church officials were kind of involved in that although they ended up punishing a lot of those people that were responsible for that ended up being executed under under the law with that too but yeah it's definitely what it shows was the the hysteria of the the Utah War as it was called back then but it's interesting a little part of Western history if you're into kind of the Wild West and all that stuff is look up the at kind of the Utah War and you can you can understand the bigger context here Utah would continue to be under Mormon rule for 40 years until it became a US state 1896 three Christians versus pagans gone wrong you're no doubt aware of the Catholic Church is repeated Crusades to capture Jerusalem but like with Hemsworth's there are other less famous Crusades you've probably never heard of one of these was the so-called northern our way later known as the Wendish crusade the 12th century expedition aimed to wipe out paganism yeah well you'd think that paganism by the 12th century would be gone pretty much I mean most people had converted by then this is I guess you do have more the Scandinavian states were we're still some of the last ones that were holding on to some of those ways there's an interesting transitional period if you're into religious history where you saw these Scandinavian nations that were and people's combining actually a lot of Christian elements with the the Nordic religions which is kind of cool like went to a museum once and they showed a like a crucifix that at the end of it was the hammer of Thor really cool because it's like combining these two things about their culture now were they actually trying to think that was like a thing that those Christ and Thor or whatever can like simultaneously exist or is it more just a cultural thing but it is interesting and them adapting like Valhalla to the Christian heaven and that kind of stuff it's really interesting there's a period of when they eventually I mean eventually they've dropped the whole Nordic religion completely but there's an interesting transitional period you can look at with so neat artifacts where they're trying to blend the two for a while these militaries were also backed up by the Teutonic order and the livonian brothers of the sword which for Crusaders disorders and also great heavy metal band names sadee army swept into northern Germany in June 1147 scattering their pagan opponents and killing or forcibly baptizing them by the end of the summer the Christian forces had pushed the largest pagan army the winds to the edge of Europe this really makes you realize that the Crusades was not just about the Middle East who knows focus of that it's it's it's all over the place the northern crusade was largely regarded as a success although scholars at the time pointed out forcing people to become Christian at the point of a sword isn't exactly Christianity spread by the sword in Europe notes that space kodos going back to the Franks with the first of the Germanic tribes to convert guys like Charlemagne they were they were Christian conquerors I mean they're Christian warlords pretty much converting by the sword which is not uncommon for religious history in general but in the Middle Ages especially that's exactly what was happening transnistria okay I heard about though of our Transnistria Masood Moldova Moldova I won this because we've never heard of Transnistria are they trying to break off of them let's see [Music] wanted to remain close allies with Russia and Ukraine however the other two-thirds preferred an allegiance with Romania and the West the pro-russian side attempted to form their own country and regulation war broke out between Transnistria and Moldova although the fighting only lasts in a little over four months it was bloody with the Moldovans losing 324 men and the Transnistrian over 900 the war came to an unsatisfactory end with the sides agreeing that Transnistria could effectively orl as their own country but with no other nations recognizing them what makes this war stand out is that the soldiers weren't about to let a little thing like civil war brewing their social lives you see that in a lot of or in some of the civil war endings where you get a compromise basically in effect which is alright you're not gonna be foreign Lee accepted as a an independent nation but you're gonna get more autonomy a lot more autonomy to run things you know it's a compromise you do see that in a few quite a few war histories opposing troops have meet up in no-man's land every evening to drink together individual soldiers would sometimes form such close friendships with enemies that they would agree not to kill each other if they ever met on the battlefield this strange fight by day booze by night attitude led to the whole affair being nicknamed the drunken war by locals one Paraguay Paraguay versus the world may have heard this can't can't tell it sounds fascinating doesn't it buckets over the course of human history there have been some pretty dumb reason buck at war of war but taking on three countries at once to impress your celebrity crush is certainly up there president Solana Lopez ruled over Paraguay during the mid 19th century and to say that he was a Napoleon fanboy would be putting humanly in fact Lopez was so eager to prove he was as great to general as Napoleon had been that in 1864 he simultaneously declared war on Brazil and so paraguay's landlocked think the only landlocked nation in South America right but are not pig and Brazil and Argentina the two biggest nations what was the other one Brazil Uruguay and Argentina good luck Paraguayan about as well as you'd expect just just to be like a conqueror like like like Napoleon well if you'd learn from the point you notice he basically was trying to attack all of Europe at once too and that didn't end up well it's a field to their credit the Paraguayans didn't give up after their military's collapse and continued fighting using guerrilla tactics the nation refused to surrender not giving in until over 90% of its population had been slaughtered it was a brutal pointless war that probably made the people of paraguay wish their leader had been a belieber instead so that was tempers our wars history completely forgot did you have a favorite what do you think deserves more attention so I mean that Paraguay want seems like the most devastating massive backfires right holy cow anyways let's finish up be sure to let us know in the comments below and if you're still in a war you don't check out the 10 dumbest wars in history playing on screen now sounds interesting let us know if you want to see 10 dumbest wars all right well this was cool because most of them I had not heard of and seeing how those play out you can see some historical examples like you know themes like religion with that happening - there's so many wars of religion religiously motivated that there's gonna be some bizarre ones in there right you see the ones of about loyalty right loyalty to other nations and that sort of things you also saw how Wars can end differently with giving more autonomy or just completely shutting it down and it ending more abruptly and having no concessions made right I guess you see a lot of similar outcomes in these themes of these wars happening as well but that was great thank you to the patrons that voted on this video again if you are not a patron member and you'd like to get involved in polls just go down below and you can register on in and the link below in patreon but thank you though first and foremost just for being here if you have not sub to the channel love to have you around and be an active member of our community another place you can really be active is with our discord server there'll be a link down below if you have not joined our discord server we have a good 4,400 people in it that talk about all kinds of historical topics and it's a good place to just mingle with other history minded people alright with that we'll go on into the video here thanks for joining me and we'll see you hopefully very soon bye [Music] you
Channel: Mr. Terry History
Views: 218,689
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: react, history, war
Id: tSdHizvInFQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 12sec (1692 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 30 2019
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