Here's why car guys make bad kidnappers

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I'm a big fan of trying to kidnap my friends I feel like most car guys have some sort of prankster gene inside of them that certainly has come out a few times and different opportunities I've had to to play pranks on people and probably the easiest one and one that a lot of people have done is when my buddy was going on his honeymoon out of the country and I knew he wouldn't have cell service I got some pictures of his Infiniti g35 and posted it on Craigslist for just slightly below value not enough that people would think it was a scam but enough that everybody would be calling him so of course he came back after a couple weeks away to his voicemail completely full of people trying to buy as g35 asked him where to wire the money why I was priced so cheap all that and he called me immediately cursing me out and it was the gift that kept on giving because he would get calls for months and months afterwards because people would find the cash a listing and all that even after I had taken it down so that was a good one but that was a very simple and easy one but a couple of other ones I've done is I'm a big fan of trying to kidnap my friends so the first one was when my friend Dave was getting married so we're like alright well we're gonna kidnap him for his bachelor party this seemed like a great idea at the time so he took my Subaru wagon and three of my friends we mounted cameras in it and all that and we had told him the bachelor party was the next day so he wouldn't be suspecting something we had arranged us with his fiancee and she was over at his house and they were doing some work on his house and all that so we knew he was going to be there and we were just gonna show up and we were gonna roll in and put stockings over our heads run in the four of us guys could certainly take him and just grab him and throw him in the car now we realized this might be a little bit of a bad idea as we're driving down the street where he lives because he lived in kind of a not too great area of Cleveland at the time and for white suburban guys driving down the street with stockings over their heads we certainly got some funny looks thankfully it didn't amount to anything more than that but we roll up to his house and jump out and we're like all ready to go we run in we bash open the door and dave is sitting in the middle of an unfurnished room that they had just been painting he's just sitting in his armchair in nothing but his underwear sweating just covered in sweat from all the work he had been doing we all kind of like run in like ready to grab him and just stop and go hey Dave you wanna go shower and put some clothes on and his fiancee like hey we we tried I tried to get him to clean up but he wouldn't so that was kind of a kidnapping gone wrong and he certainly enjoyed the effort of it but he went with us of his own volition and we took him out to the racetrack and you know got him sufficiently liquored up and had a good bachelor party notwithstanding the failed kidnapping try number two was certainly a little bit less dramatic we were taking my friend out for his 30th birthday party we were going to a steam room and Mike heylet's there was like a dozen of us I'm like let's all park down the street and you know roll in and and try to grab him and do the same thing just put him in the car because it was a surprise and that one was completely undramatic nobody heeded the instructions you know people just didn't Park in the right place he saw them pull up so it really completely backfired there so that was the the most undramatic kidnapping failure ever I was determined the third time that I was not going to fail my friends Steve had appointed me as his best man and therefore I was in charge of his bachelor party so I said well what's a what's a bachelor party without a production and of course a well orchestrated prank he loves pizza and beer so we lined up to have all the best pizzas in Cleveland to my shop and a bunch of microbrews so we could have like a pizza and beer tasting and determine the best pizza in Cleveland and one of my friends who was also in his party has some some criminal background in fact one time I asked him to go to my shop to like get something to pick up a sign I think and I'd realized that the door was locked of course because I wasn't there but I'm like you know how to break in right he's goes yeah so and I had had to break into my shop once before and it taking me like ten minutes to get in and I'm on the phone with him and I disabled the alarm while I'm on the phone with him I said okay let me know you know when you're good to go and about 10 seconds later he goes okay I'm like oh you in you guys know I'm already in and out I got the sign Mike what I'm like this is the guy who knows how to do a kidnapping and he had actually done it multiple times before for pranks with his friends or so he says he borrowed an unmarked van from a friend who had helped him out with this and he walked me through how to do this properly so what we're going to do is we're gonna pull up where my friend works which is ironically at our church and we had told his boss and a couple other people what was going on so they wouldn't freak out and like actually call the cops on us because we were wearing ski masks and all that so he wouldn't know our identity we had this all orchestrated we were gonna park next to his car and say that we needed a jump start and you know that our cables were in the side door and we opened the side door and the two of us who were inside were gonna grab him my other friend who is just a giant Shrek of a guy would come around the back and grab him and push him in to make sure he got in the only thing we had to be careful about though is Steve always carries a utility knife so we're like alright we need to make sure that the element of surprise works and we grab him and get him in before he like freaks out and tries to get at his knife so we had coordinated this with his wife she had made plans with him for that evening so that he'd be available the problem is at the last minute my friends in these previous kidnappings couldn't get away from work so he sent his son in his place who had never done this before and that kind of proved to be our undoing so me and my buddy Ian are in the back of the van ski masks on and so all we can do is hear what's going on and we wait and we wait and we wait and Steve finally comes out and I hear this kid get out of the driver's seat and he's like hey you know car won't start do you mind giving me a jump and Steve ever just the kind light-hearted person caring about others is like yeah sure no problem they get in between their two vehicles right in position and now my instructions are I'm not opening the door right the doors being open from the outside so we're just waiting there and my buddy mudra comes around the corner and grabs Steve but because this other kid was new and he wasn't used to this before he didn't exactly know what to do so the door never opened and we're just sitting inside this van and Steve starts screaming bloody murder after mooder grabs it man honors here just screaming his lungs off and so like I'm like I just I gotta open the door and we got to assist this so I rip open the door and like try to grab Steve and Steve's a scrappy dude but mudra is twice his size but it is unbelievable the strength that people will have when they are literally scared for their lives and flailing and we could not get him in the van so we finally determined that this was just not going to work and we let him just go and he starts just running away across the parking lot and so I like rip off my ski mask and chase him down I like Steve Steve Steve chill out it's us it's just a prank it's us and he was so relieved that in the middle of the parking lot he just rips off his shirt not the reaction I was expecting but there Steve in the middle of the parking lot glad that he didn't just you know lose his life and shirtless and panting like well Frank that one didn't work either it sounds like all right Steve well okay now that your relief but seriously you got to get in the band come with us he's like no no I I can't me and me and Nicole which is his fiancee we're going to ice cream because that was her alibis as what their plans were that evening and I'm like now Steve get in the van you're coming with us he's like no no we have to go to ice cream I'm like no you don't know you don't she's in on it just come with us and he's like what are you kidding me he was so upset that she was in on it and this whole thing was orchestrated so we finally got him to acquiesce and come in the van with us it was a fantastic bachelor party although we did not get the satisfaction of torturing him for 10 to 15 minutes in the ride in the van to my shop while he thought he was possibly going to be interrogated or kidnapped or something like that so the practical jokes will probably continue while they will not be to the level of you know an April Fool's cannonball prank they will continue and I'll probably eventually get ed with something when he's least expecting it but I've certainly found out that automotive style kidnappings are not my forte and I should probably pick another type of practical joke [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: VINwiki
Views: 231,033
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: prank, kidnapping, friends, doug, switchcars, vinwiki, car stories, ohio, cleveland, party, practical joke, unmarked van, joke, car dealer, car flipper, entrepreneur
Id: ZPM3z3eJPgQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 46sec (646 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 12 2020
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