Held up at knife point by a Nissan customer

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he thinks there's 1.2 billion dollars in his account I was living here in in Atlanta at the time and I decided I do things very spontaneously I decided one day I was actually a wedding photographer at the time and I said I don't wanna do this anymore I called up a buddy who had moved and said hey do you know any we're hiring he's like this did this Nissan dealership is so I I call him up I'm like hey so until referred me you got a job they're like can you be up here tomorrow to start and I'm like sure might as well I'd never done it before I literally that night found an apartment put the down payment on an apartment grabbing you grabbed a u-haul trailer put everything that could fit in the u-haul trailer and my truck there and left anything that didn't fit I put a curb alert on Craigslist it's a lot different than other car sales you get a lot of the bottom rung you get a lot of bobs that's you know just people with 320 credit scores like not possible credit scores people coming in and being like I want the $60,000 maxima or you know the $60,000 Pathfinder Armada they have a 390 credit score and they're like I can afford $120 a month and I'm like this isn't possible and then they're like you won't sell me the car because I'm and then insert whatever reason you want you know it's like because I'm fat or be it I heard everything I've been held up in a bank I've been I was getting gas and I was I was remember when the killer Klown stuff was going down like people come out of woods with machetes yeah I was getting gas and guy came out of the woods in a clown mask and overalls and blood and a machete and started running at me he you know it's like an old-timey gas station I live out in the country and so he grabs the gas starts pouring it everywhere and I'm like I don't play these games I don't I don't do this right and he just keeps coming and keeps coming and you know I'm I carry in my car so I reach a nice grab my gun and I'm like I point I say look I I don't play these I had my daughter in the car man and he he takes off and guess I'm doing this for the kids I'm like what kids he points at a truck and all these kids are dying laughing and I'm like it takes a special kind of stupid to do this because it's all it's all over the news people are like actually getting scared about this what made me quit is I was held up in a bank by a customer and it wasn't in a great neighborhood and so this customer comes in he was in a long black trench coat had a look kind of like me actually had a long beard and I mean but except he was really skinny and he comes in he's guys scratched in and he's like looks at the gt-r Nismo looks at it and says I want that and I'm like let's move to this 370 right here and he's like re I want this and I'm like whatever I hit him 10 grand over sticker and he says okay he's that kind of wire you the money I'm like we don't do that here but what bank do you bank with so he and he says you know fifth thirds or whatever he said and we then I say all right what I'll do is I'll get a I'll get a used car and we'll go to the bank like this is all in five minutes I know there's something up that deal never goes through this easily so I pull around in a used Altima and it's brown and he gets physically angry and says the Altima has to be black it has to be black like he gets angry I'm like whatever you know at this point I make I'm making good money if this goes through so I'm like all right we'll pull around you know I go get another black Altima and as soon as we go on the road he cranks static all the way up and starts head banging and it's really weird and I'm looking for a tree to dive into like I'm hoping the safety that I've been preaching for these Altimas is actually as good as I've been saying it is but we get there uneventful E and we get to the bank right and as we walk in I'm giving the teller this look like this guy this guy's crazy watch out for this guy and we walk up and I act cool my K my name is Austin he's buying a car I just need you know a cashier's check and we can get this you know get this over with he thinks there's 1.2 billion dollars in his account there's 15 cents I mean if you wholeheartedly believe there was one point two billion dollars in her account you'd get angry so he then got really angry asked to go into the back and the lady bless her heart she just she just agreed so we're in the back and he he says you know she puts us in this small room he starts saying this people stealing this money there's people in a tall tower like just crazy stuff there's been a lot of people that have died a lot more people they're gonna die today like a direct threat on my life and I talked him out and we get out into the bank and he gets out a knife I starts wailing it around like trying to hit people and I'm sitting there like calming him down calming them down but cuz I'm alone when they got rapport with him right I called the cops about ten minutes earlier I took the cops 29 minutes to get to this place and you know what my boss thought my boss called me and said so you're coming back into work right I mean so I got held up in the bank needless to say I quit the next day but he he got arrested and turns out he'd been arrested a couple days before for I didn't know this was a crime defrauding an innkeeper but yeah so that was my car sales of an experience that I you know you hear all these horror stories about it but that was that's mine that's my claim to fame as I was held up in a in a bank you know and then I said it's time for a time for a quieter life and I started buying really really bad cars and so now I own to you goes to mail jeeps a ramp truck an Avion travel trailer my truck has three hundred and seventeen thousand miles on it and just my new Lexus SC 301 jay-z twin turbo 5-speed manual swap [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: VINwiki
Views: 663,540
Rating: 4.8660941 out of 5
Keywords: YouTube, YouTuber, Austin Childs, VINwiki, Car Story, Car Salesman, Strange Customers, Nissan, Nissan Dealership, Car Sales, Maxima, Knife
Id: FVVfwnR_d1A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 14sec (374 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 03 2017
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