A hot trophy wife asked me to destroy her Porsche's tires

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she steps out of the car she's covered in blood [Music] this is a story about good intentions so it is 1999 and I had just gotten engaged to who would be my first wife she lived in another town I was working for a design company at the time and working kind of late and I had ridden my motorcycle to work as I usually did and stopped for gas at the way home the gas station a little ways up the road from where I lived some pumping gas and this red Porsche 944 pulls in its like Jake in sixteen Candles you know the red with black wheels on it and you know not a rare car to see but it's Porsche it's always exciting something oh the car pulls up and a you know pretty attractive lady gets out and I'm I'm probably 20 I was 24 at the time she was probably maybe 10 years older than me but you know very attractive and she gets out I'm finishing up pumping gas into my bike and she put some gas in the Porsche and she steps over and she said excuse me do you know much about cars and there's been a car guy that's like the dream question yeah of course I do so she said well will you look at my tires and tell me if you think they're getting bald okay so I'm looking they were worn they certainly weren't gone one of them is obviously an alignment issue on one of them but I I said well you need to get your limit check that one's a little off but I think though last she said well you know I've been telling my husband that I needed new tires I want to go see my mom in a month or so and I don't want to make the trip on these old tires but he just said they're still good and I just don't think they're good and do you know it like like scratch off the tires like spend the tires on a car I was like yeah of course she said well would you gonna be weird but like do you think could you like finish these tires off so they'll have to get me new ones before I go see my mom I'm looking around for the cameras at this point I'm thinking like you know my girlfriend put you up to this is there like is this like one of those reality shows like this doesn't happen but sure enough there's this pretty girl with a Porsche asking me if I'll trash the tires like okay so I push my bike off to the side and getting the Porsche and then I'm just thinking like wow this is happening here this seems very suspicious but I'm gonna go with it because this doesn't happen every day you know what's manual transmission and that's 944 is not the fastest Porsche ever but it's a great little car I'd never driven one before but but I've been you know I'd race some cars before I drew up race in a drag race and I'd done some performance driving here and there and I you know sure I can do this so we peel out and there was a like an industrial area you're not too far away it was the zoom bait company actually in Athens Georgia and so we go out there and I'm like you're sure right this is what you want she's like yep roast them okay so just you know down the edge you drop the clutch just peel out you know we're just doing donuts and just honing this thing around like I am this is you know ken block was probably 10 years old at this point but this is like a Gymkhana video I mean we are just killing the tires in this thing I'm having the best time just circling the building and just you know spin it out definitely clutch going backwards just tires rolling off everywhere and she's having a great time as we're trashing the tire she's giggling she's squealing she's got the window down just hanging her head out she's having the greatest time we are doing donuts in Reverse 180s and every Gymkhana move that there is in this little car she's having the grandest I'm just kicking her feet like a joyful child and it was really exciting to share that with somebody really because usually when you're trashing the car it's either your car or it's somebody's car that not gonna be happy about it but it was the most amazing experience to destroy a set of tires on a Porsche with the owner so gleefully riding along shotgun when we stop and I get out at one point to check my progress I mean there's just smoke rolling off their blistered there's chunks of rubber coming out these things are toast I'm like now I'm actually worried like we're gonna make it back to the gas station I was like okay well if your husband doesn't think you need new tires now you never will so we go back to the gas station you know I said thanks that was a lot of fun she said thanks a lot you've been a big help and she drove away I think wow that was really weird okay I go back home and I've you know I told my friend about the next day the craziest thing happened you know so a couple of weeks go by and I've kind of forgotten about this but it's probably one o'clock in the morning and again this is 1999 you know I don't have a cell phone let's get the old landline phone your my phone rings like one o'clock in the morning and you know obviously must be an emergency or something some kind of sleepy so I pick up the phone and it's some woman just crying that really high-pitched it even though I can't understand a word she's saying I can tell by the tone it's not my girlfriend it's not my mom it's not my sister it's my work like I'm like it's Tia with the Porsche and I'm like together with the Porsche what's wrong gotta find what I got I'm like okay well you need to go the doghouse I'm like my house I didn't you know in my house is about that time like I see headlights in the front window and she just drives like into my yard like over the driveway into my yard and I'm like oh my god your little pop-up lights are up you know again I've just come out of a dead sleep so I open the door and she's not really like in the bushes but she's just sort of partly in the flowerbed and like she's getting out of the car but it looks like on the gas so the engines revving wide open like my neighbors are gonna wake up I'm just like oh my god what was that she's upside the car she's covered in blood you know there's like a closet by the door and I grab a towel I just you know kind of give it to her and she started having her face off and I'm like oh my god you we need to go in with no go ahead no it's mud those was the doctor both oh my oh here we go sit down sit down so you know she sits on my couch I gave her the towel and I kind of clean her up a little bit and she's actually really not even that hurt you know she's really drunk just beyond drunk and as I clean her up a little bit like really the only injury she had was just this tiny cut on her forehead where I cording to her some guy had broken a bottle over her head but when your blood alcohol level is half you tend to be out a bit so I get it cleaned up I can't stop the bleeding I've got like a paper towel my hair hold this and anyway I'm like all right that's it you're going to the hospital we're going on she's so drunk so I just kind of pick her up like I have a car I've got a 5 Series BMW at the time I'm thinking like I don't want her bleeding in my car and I don't want her in my car and what I'm gonna do with this Porsche in my front yard so something okay okay so I put her in the passenger seat I get into Porsche back it out of my yard and a driver to the hospital and on the way there she's like I'm so sorry I'm so sorry I'm like how did you get my phone number and she's like I'm sure these guys just just try we were going out but now I'm like Tia what the Porsche how did you get my phone number again she's drunk and she's still kind of crying she's like my friends a police officer and you're really nice and when you drove off on your motorcycle I got your tag number he gave me your phone number I'm like well that's really great you found me what's your friend's name she wouldn't tell me she was smart tell you what I'm gonna take you to the hospital I'm gonna drop you off I'm gonna take your Porsche back to the gas station where we met I'm gonna leave the keys with the clerk his guy named Shane he's a friend of mine when you're done I want you to get a ride get a cab to the gas station get your Porsche and please don't call me again I'm sorry okay okay I'm sorry I take her to hospital and kind about it her drunken stupor she looks up and she said no you can't go to this hospital this is what my husband works at oh my god there's only one of the hospital in town so leave the hospital take her to the other hospital drop her off as I'm pulling out of the hospital I pass a guy in another car and he puts his arm out the window and I stop and he looks in the car and he goes where's my wife and I was like she's inside she's okay he's like why do you have her car I was like I'm taking it back to the place where she was and he's like if she hurt and I was like she's inside she really need you so he goes into the hospital I scoot back to the gas station drop the car off lock the doors get the keys to my friend Shane and said Shane somebody is gonna come looking for this Porsche please give them the keys do not tell them my name so I walk again it's 3:30 in the morning hours sleep get up go to work thinking this poor girl is a train wreck about three days later my phone rings again and it's Tia with the portion sober this time and I said I'm too young I'm glad you're okay however I kind of wish you hadn't to call me back she goes well I didn't mean to I'm really sorry you were really sweet to take me to the hospital did I leave my pager at your house I was like no she goes it's white it's got little sparkles on it I'm like again this is 1999 people had pagers I said no I don't have your pager please don't call me again about a month later a guy worked with comes into work one day all excited he's like dude remember the girl with the Porsche he told me about I was like yeah he's like dude she crashed it in my front yard last night and I was like what he goes yeah it was her and some guy in like there's like this heat my friend lived on the outside of this curb there was this telephone pole about twice a year somebody would plow into this telephone pole sure enough Tia totals the Porsche into the telephone pole and I said oh my god what happened the okay is that dude they were hurt pretty bad man i called 9-1-1 but went out there and i came some blankets for some blankets on him the guy gave me this big bag of weed and he said can i hold it so the cops don't get it and i was like what you do is acknowledge us took it back in the car and i was like oh my god that girl is a train wreck about a month later my girlfriend was gonna engaged she's up visiting for the weekend she lived out of town she's in for the weekend we're sitting on the couch watching a movie I'm in the kitchen and put some dinner together come back in with two plates you know kind of bottle of wine I've got some plates got dinner I'm not excited and yeah we were having a great time and I went into the kitchen but I came back and her face was like you know she's the angry face on what's over the face it's the pager a white pager with little rhinestones on it no I never did anything inappropriate in this story but at the time you think there's no way my girlfriend's going to believe that an attractive woman stopped me at a gas pump and asked me to trash the tires on her Porsche nothing happened so maybe it's better if I just don't ever share this story being a story about good intentions even though my intentions were good when your girlfriend finds a bedazzled white pager in your couch a month later it's not so good if you love then wiki you'll have heard us talk about minimizing ownership cost on exotic cars but the guys at exotic car hacks have developed a system an educational resource that you can access now using an exotic car hacks comm /bin wiki and get the best membership race that they've offered since Black Friday it shows you how to leverage financing minimize what you pay maximize how you sell it and minimize the cost while you've got it so be sure to join 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Channel: VINwiki
Views: 513,774
Rating: 4.9399266 out of 5
Keywords: Porsche, 944, Turbo, Tires, donuts, stunt driving, burnout, gymkhana, ken block, athens, Georgia, pager, trophy wife, indecent, proposal, good intentions, best intentions, fiance, crash, accident, damage, husband, hospital, storytelling, vinwiki, car stories, Christopher Michaels
Id: F7neZlq2QyA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 24sec (744 seconds)
Published: Mon May 04 2020
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