Bronco Natural Selection 2021 REPLAY: Baldface Valhalla Showcase

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something feels different it's in the air hell after what we witnessed in jackson hole last month things are different we are here to make history the excitement has literally been building for over a decade the greatest roster in competition history we witnessed a new generation rise and a wild card become champion zoe sadowsky sanat she is going huge we saw destiny come to fruition and the future of what's possible in the back [Music] [Applause] the country is alaska she beckons us all the world championship on the line but on that terrain-riddled road one must first pass through the canadian wilderness and nothing is more untamed than the kootenay home to the bald-faced valhalla and a whale shoot paradise for stop two of the natural selection tour the ever-evolving forces of earth have compelled us to adapt this week 10 canadian snowboarders will compete in a video format contest part of the format is creating a video segment this one could be visually just a little more pleasing a natural evolution of the culture survival of the sickest one might say but most importantly they must seek out and execute an entire line take you off from that little spine traversing off this next one judged from top to bottom and in these mountains top to bottom is no small feat [Music] our judges will analyze their part critique their lines and determine a men's and women's champions that change in the air is brewing and it's heading north this is the natural selection tour [Music] [Music] [Music] here [Music] [Music] well i grew up on vancouver island spent most of my life exploring british columbia um all corners all corners it's so vast and so big and you can never see it all british columbia is definitely the right place for the second stop of the natural selection tour because it kind of offers you know the pillows the cliffs the the bigger lines like that's what british columbia is known for um it is one of the most vast and biodiverse places i've ever been to the hydrology the geography it's incredible elements that come together to create this perfect place that is now our playground and to me it's the shangri-la of snowboarding and i'm just so lucky to have been here this whole time and grew up riding it [Music] there are locations on the planet that perfectly lend themselves to snowboarding where mountainous terrain and storm systems intersect perfectly one of these places is bald-faced valhalla a geographical oddity of the highest order and snowboarding's holy land just across the washington border into canada sits a little hamlet called nelson british columbia only a 10-minute flight from baldface this area is nestled deep in the monashee mountain range although they are part of the greater rocky mountain range the monashes are geologically older and distinct in their unique characteristics these mountains are comprised of a large batholith of granite forced upwards over the course of 80 million years by magna deep below the earth's surface although this area is 500 kilometers from the ocean it sits in the perfect location for cold air to sweep down from central and northern bc and collide with the moisture coming from the west this convergence of hot and cold air flow rings out the moisture from storm systems causing the monasteries to receive over 1200 centimeters of snow annually when this snowfall is coupled with the unique terrain of the british columbia interior it creates the kinds of conditions that dreams are made of every year for millions of years this perfect storm this beautiful cycle has continued to make this area a unique and special location appreciated by all who are fortunate enough to set foot here [Music] what's happening boys hey buddy 30k on an icy road trailer was slipping and sliding but we're here we made it yeah we drove from squamish yesterday pulled in around seven met up with everyone had a zoom call about what was going on sounds like the conditions were a little wild so day one of natural selection bc um we just got to the mine which is kind of our staging area to head up to the valhalla tenure and yeah it's kind of first day with the crew so really excited to get up there and check out what this new tenure has to offer find your group get your beacon and radio head up the mountain and um we'll stop and then uh we'll do our beacon training and a bunch of meet and greet at that point and that's that's in our terrain uh it's crazy out here right now uh a lot of big names a lot of sleds it's natural selection day one [Music] that's how you do it folks that's how you do it guys probably done that a thousand times in a day we're going to natural selection and i brought a scoop of shovel i'm really excited to be part of the natural selection tour this year the second stop after watching the amazing stuff that they did down in jackson and the incredible film angles natural selection was this idea that travis had to show the world video part style backcountry snowboarding in a competitive format with all the border restrictions coveted restrictions became pretty clear as the season progressed that there was no way we were going to be able to get the international athletes into canada we realized the only way we were going to get this together was to have bc riders bc filmers in a bc location we found the 10 best riders all in british columbia now we're getting into natural terrain where the riders are going to be matching beautiful steep terrain with beautiful steep transitions for them to land on they gotta find the perfect line and they gotta link up three four hits on the way down it's gonna be flowy it's gonna be fast there's cameras all over the place to capture it over the course of the week they're shooting at top to bottom line they're shooting a short video part and at the end of the week we take the top man and the top woman they meet up with the top riders from the jackson event and they all go to alaska and i'm so excited to see what these guys are going to put together on the course [Music] [Music] [Music] look at how beautiful it is that's the face looks steep looks big looks like there's cliffs a bunch of canadian bad boys and gals on the same spot yeah it's pretty sexy to see one nub at the bottom that looks really fun i think that's mine everybody else back off never been here before um i don't think any of us have ever been here before so it's kind of this like mystery venue okay so welcome to uh valhalla it looks like it's gonna show itself a little bit at a time we can see the bottom of huckleberry here you'll be shredding lines from the ridge quite a bit above there back down to here and then there's two other spots like this kind of across here that we're going to introduce you to today and our goal today is to just familiarize everybody you're the first people that we've taken back here that are kind of from the bald face world and we're we're meeting up with a bunch of our new valhalla family and this is the first time that we're all working together and so far it's really smooth but i'm extra stoked that we get to do a next level snowboarding competition to open this place up but we're gonna break up after this and go with your guides and do the beacon training thanks uh crew this is gonna be really cool to work on together all right here we go today when the riders showed up we issued them a beacon we do a familiarization with everybody where we actually practice the beacon skills practice the shovel and probe techniques that we'll use in the case of a rescue or a self-rescue so you guys what's been happening with the snowpack we've tyler and silas have been tracking the snow since the beginning of the season we've had a couple of natural cycles run through here we do this with everybody that comes into the backcountry it's a really important part of accessing terrain like this it's a lot of people a lot of athletes and a lot of variables so i think just uh keeping it tight and working together we're gonna have a really successful week so there is some problems but we are feeling like it's acceptable to be in most places in this venue to gauge the safety of the conditions on the mountain we spend a lot of time in the snow we look at how the snow has fallen historically and we have a series of tests that we can do on the snow that allow us to forecast what the snow stability will be we'll start off with just avalanches what to do if you're starting to get caught in an avalanche yeah yell i heard a yell so yell you want everyone to see you you don't want to go down silently in an avalanche we have eyes on you on slope at all times you've got all your buddies here so we'll be coming for you your goal is to get to that person as fast as you can statistically if you get someone in under five minutes you're doing really good if they haven't been banged up by trees and rocks ten minutes not so good okay when you turn your beacon on that means let's go shred the tools that we use back here in the backcountry can all be held in a backpack a small backpack and in your pockets we have a shovel we have a probe that we can stick into the ground to try to find someone who's underneath the snow and then of course we have our avalanche beacons if someone is missing i turn this thing on into search mode and when i turn my beacon on to receive i can slowly and methodically find my way to where you're at in the snow and then find you with the probe and then dig you out with the shovel when the numbers are big from 60 down to 10. you're moving in a rapid manner i've been coming in fast now i'm at 10 meters i'm going to slow it down a little bit i'm going to be walking probably a little bit more deliberate 4.8 3.5 2.5 you're that far from the person yeah are you gonna get your probe out now and say skip the beacon i'm close enough yeah yeah and deeper snow packs like coast or anywhere in the interior your probe should be at least 280. so good long probe make sure it works so i go down here where i thought it was didn't get it first try no panic that happens all the time but we're gonna try and be systematic with it right so now we've got a strike i have a strike okay you need to confirm you get another probe well now we would need to shovel that person out you want to dig until you feel like vomiting takes not even a minute what um yeah super good refresher there from dem and a little bit of info on the snowpack i definitely feel very safe in the mountains with these girls yeah excited to go check out the zones now yeah that's so that's further down that way [Music] teamwork's gonna make the dream work out here and even though we're all boys are all competing against each other and gals we're gonna need to work together to see where our lines are and to possibly even build them together depending on how much uh building is necessary [Applause] we got a limited weather window with a lot of terrain at the end of the day figure out what they're seeing a bunch of lines in there lots of good options if they're seeing the same thing i'm seeing looks fun it's fresh snow's really good the team is hyped coming into it you're like pretty anxious there's like some photos being shown none of us has been here so there's like so many question marks coming in i'm feeling better now than i did i would say last night a little overwhelming the terrain is freaking unreal spines and hits and rocks and bumps everywhere everyone's fired up this place is insane [Music] you actually get like into the environment and you start getting comfortable and you're like okay look at our crew i mean ramsay here rasmus here craig mcmorris dustin bo we got the ladies crew that just been dancing up a storm they've been having time what are you thinking jeffy [Music] [Music] whoops i think it's gonna be like a really fun week regardless of what actually happens just like being in this terrain and snowboarding together especially after the past year that we've had i mean it's so nice to be kind of feeling like we have our community together right now [Music] here at valhalla we're just giving this blank face it is god's country the snow the trees the rocks everything is untouched it's just this face in the mountain it's not a course it's literally just a backcountry face the mountain is what nature did to it this is the way the snow fell this is the way the trees grew you don't get to go scope your landing before you don't know what speed you don't know you know it's a very different type of riding you're gonna have a lot more natural takeoffs it's a much wider longer slope yeah you're really kind of going off intuition and feel this is pillows this is cliffs this is like a line from the top of the mountain to the bottom this tour like each stop is such a different style that i think you can expect kind of it to be any rider's game and there's going to be different skill sets that are stronger at different venues it's pristine and you just have to make the best of it maybe you can walk around in your snowshoes a little bit but everything else is natural it's natural selection straight up it's day two natural selection yeah a lot of chatter a lot of locker room talk out here but the other thing that's happening is freezing levels are going through the roof like friday they're saying twenty three hundred meters and like oh that just got it's warming up snow's still good right now but i think we're on a bit of a time constraint so we're going to really try and get eyes on everything that we want to ride today and then the goal is to do some contest runs tomorrow before it warms up to 2000 meters and the snow goes to crap ready to put a flag down let's do this what are you thinking how that's looking just looking me i i i kind of want to just like we got a lot to look at yeah we got a lot to look at we really do still don't know still have no idea what i'm doing [Music] feels like this is a one-and-done zone hard traverse right to get to the good stuff it's hard to find a place that has more than one feature i think the challenge uh in this event is to line things up so that it flows um but yeah everybody's in the same boat boom once people see from here they're gonna realize that to get from this to that main island at the bottom is like you're not really gonna make it unless you're just cutting across the whole course i can see where i can i'm gonna get to and then i'm just like okay there's nothing i can like die on in there that's true that is true that looks cool yeah it's freaking gnar i know it's a rock ride basically yeah it's like an all-you-can-eat buffet and you don't know where to start just trying to eye up a good step down through whistler style let's go over there first before we shut down we're about to get shut down are we yeah let's do it quick might have found something that no one's looked at yet there's my step down there we gotta go yeah they're whistling at us coming here we're coming getting in trouble from the guides gotta go yeah question is did you bring the right nd filter fog filter freaking hope so my name is justin hostinic i've been making snowboard movies for quite a while well traditionally we always really welcome the input from the writers to edit their part for our movies and we're doing the same for this event having them select the music that they want and have them intricately involved as much as they want to be in the editing process working with travis is a very unique experience in that he is making every moment count the 10th snowboard film that i made was his debut part and transcendence in 2001. he blew my mind right out of the gates and very firmly established himself in the history of snowboarding depth perception i mean that film was probably one of the most enjoyable filmmaking experiences i've had really fun to make we had a great crew on board for it we were able to make depth perception with quicksilver's support and belief also justin taylor smith and chris murphy were the two co-directors and then zach hansen did all of our graphics and you know with that film we wanted to make a fun educational snowboarding film that focused on interior british columbia rainforest for me filmmaking i've really enjoyed the process because it's truly like a team sport i mean snowboarding competing it's a bit individualistic where making a snowboard film you only succeed when everybody works together one of the other components is when you're filming and operating in the backcountry safety is paramount and needs to be really good communication everyone on the team has to be educated and well practiced in a number of things from first responder tactics to avalanche safety avalanche awareness and response the post-production side it always is such a heavy lift you don't get to the end and find yourself where you want to be unless all parties involved that are making it are passionately committed to it look i grew up and was incredibly inspired as an impressionable youth with the snowboarding film and you know here in bc especially here at bald face valhalla it's just such an incredible place to support this type of writing and approach to writing okay ryder listen up we did the one scoping line that gets us a pretty good view of the whole course and i think everyone's pretty happy with what they have chosen so we'll be able to get on the ridge up there really look down into it move around so you can get some eyes also so the camera crews can get some eyes on the slope figure out camera angles i mean this is such a massive face so to get 10 riders to pick lines and see everything is really really hard what we're doing is we're writing down our names on these little flags we're gonna put them on a bamboo stick and we're all gonna go up there and pick our entrance of our line your staff sir thank you sir i present to you there we go all right thank you what were you thinking i'm going to i'm going to go off that rock and then we uh i think we're probably gonna have a better idea of where we're gonna ride where we're gonna start and then we can place the cameras and take this uh kick this contest off we're gonna go stake our claim but all the guys went ahead so we're kind of behind we're gonna have to take a claim on their claim which is totally fine [Music] kind of thinking now i'll just snowshoe to take off there over that tree into there and then hit the wall i think it's good and it needs no building which makes the rest of the day easier i don't really have like a super plan i just want to try and link as many features together as possible so once i'm down this face and you're kind of on the second bench and i just have a couple dead trees to look for and yeah hopefully i can just link the whole run so strategy is send it because i didn't come here to go tiny that was my strategy in jackson put it all out there [Music] didn't work out but you know second time the charm i was really surprised i walked over here and saw no other footprints i was kind of shocked because the whole other eight riders were here before us but i'm psyched because of right now it looks like i got this thing to myself just like the settlers of saskatchewan uh planting their their land i'm planting mine right here uh we're gonna air off of this little hip into the landing and then uh try and take something on over there so hopefully this will set me apart or you know what the other thing too is you're gonna get a savage tomahawk down this mountain it's a win-win not for me but for the wonderful people at home pretty cool to see 10 people on a ridge building stuff and looking at everybody's options and i'm looking forward to seeing what the other riders put together it's a shoot and then into some uh really runally fingers and then at the bottom of the fingers there's like a 10-foot kind of mandatory cliff that um should hold some good snow kind of open to like drop in maybe with an air and then i think from there anything you land off the top you're going to be hooting hollering so loud it doesn't even matter straight line it's pure bliss i've planted my flag up on um this kind of shoot line over there but uh we got a couple other riders looking at the same thing so right now i'm just hustling around kind of looking for plan b and c i'm gonna snipe it in between these trees and i'm gonna there's this little nub there i'm gonna front three land hopefully there's a back three going into that next little roll do a little method and then just [Music] surf the rest of the way no backing away now uh yeah my line is just kind of a bit more straightforward and surfy and a nice little panel into a gully and then hopefully a little side hip you know maybe crank one i've got a few different zones kind of picked out i'm still a little hesitant on the middle of the course and um there's a lot of trees and not a lot of landmarks so just gonna do my best to navigate through that and hopefully find some fun stuff to hit along the way oh look at the sun that's perfect takeoff looks great [Music] this is this is the hardest part is when you're so nervous about something and like you just want it to go good and i don't know we tried hard we put everything we had into it so hopefully it works you know i i'll do a couple checks tomorrow i think it'll give me a better idea you gotta love those takeoffs look like you're flying off the edge of the earth and you're dropping them this line's a good idea because i'm combining a freestyle element with lines instead of just straight lining a shoot or only spinning off a bump at the bottom so it's kind of why i gravitated towards this fingers crossed it works out i'd probably go from their lanes faster i was a little stressed because i was seeing everyone like build all these sick features and i was like kind of scrambling around like oh no what am i gonna do but i think this thing's pretty cool and [Music] a little bit of a tight landing and it's going to be kind of like a big heel side slat kind of back in towards the uh lower section so it'll be neat as long as i want to hit the trees [Music] that's a good really good scope dan super needed honestly i don't think anybody at the start they knew what they were doing and after today everybody's kind of like we're good to go i like being nervous kind of it's the heart going what we're all out here doing anyway any person has a shot here which is kind of wild because only one of us is going to ak [Music] great day out there picking out the lines and shaping it up nice job everybody one piece of uh housekeeping before we go is it's time to hand out the vests for when you ride the lines so uh we've got chris and robin here who came up from jackson you guys want to hand them out come on up natural selection british columbia valhalla bald base first best nike wrens mr bo bishop bojo and for the ladies we have pelosi kicking it off [Applause] my roommate mr marks dollars mr dustin craven yeah [Applause] tomorrow will be game on uh sleep well dream of good lines going in tomorrow i am very nervous hoping i can find everything i'm looking for and put something cool together everybody's got these ideas so does everybody funnel in the exact same place does everybody do different stuff left to wait and see what's for dinner that's the other question there's some good lines that like people chose so like i'm really excited to watch like everyone else ride i'm excited to ride myself and like hopefully it turns into this kind of like ride session where we're all just kind of feeding off each other i'm not really a morning person so first thing i do is have a little coffee every morning i like to make a little smoothie just to kind of kick start my day crank up the power i eat everything pretty much i don't have a special diet i just like to eat whole food and of course i eat candy chips like everybody else you know but um everything kind of in moderation i try and keep it somewhat healthy all summer and fall i do a lot of running and i work out in the gym just being outside and kind of practicing what you like to do during the winter i don't love to stress my body like that and i'm more on the yoga program and just stretching a little bit every day like it's important to push it a little even if it means a couple bales in your run make sure that when i go out snowboarding i'm nice and warm and limber and ready for an attack you know [Music] okay it's day three the forecast is both good and bad the instabilities that we've been a little bit worried about are curing themselves with some warmer weather but i'm really worried about snow quality today so i'm hoping to get up and get after it get this thing going sounds pretty good i think everyone's just a little bit more excited now to get up there and do their runs like really after everyone does their first run it gets going i think everyone's just gonna have fun and i think that's when the contest will kind of shine the best there's a little nerve-wracking going first there's definitely a lot of perks of going first um obviously with 10 riders we get three runs that's 30 tracks down this face and especially in these warm conditions that uh snow is going to be concrete in no time once i get this first kind of tricky section out of the way it's just like so slow and creepy around this tree i think i'll just be snowboarding and i won't be thinking about it and i'll be comfortable i'm gonna try to step it up on this actually no i'm not gonna claim that because we'll see what happens but i might i got some things i might try poppy you let me know when you're ready we are ready up here stand by let me know nice and slow until you get around that tree you just tell me when you're ready and i'll come in 2021 natural selection valhalla mark solar is first on chorus dropping in three two one mark is on course on court [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the contest is on i can't wait to see what everyone else is gonna do and uh and now we just uh we snowboard our hard part is down now we just snowboard natural selection 2021 spencer o'brien dropping in three two one spencer is dropping do it you got it yeah we saw you coming just pressing over here my top section went good i got a little air in and then i managed to kind of sneak under this um upper cliff and get like another little nose in into the bowl which was kind of not planned but really fun i just kept seeing stuff to jump off which was kind of stupid i was like and then all of a sudden i was like next to the photographer and i was like oh this isn't good oh no and then i actually found my one feature that i kind of had picked out on the far ridge yeah tossed a little front three out there for the girls and did a little tommy you just got so excited when you're snowboarding it was really fun it was really fun right yeah how was your run uh it was good it was good i i stayed true to my line which was nice so yeah it was fun really fun round and um yeah like just really excited to shake the nerves off and get that run out of the way [Music] hey second run what do you got here um yeah i'm kind of dropping into the same shoot i did but picking a bit of a different line um i'm definitely a little more nervous for this one it's a little finger kind of airy into the chute um and then yeah i'm kind of going to try and mimic my line and hopefully hold a bit more speed through the bench and uh yeah hopefully i can stay on my feet it's the plan [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] ready [Music] [Music] i kind of tried to do what i did last round with a couple tweaks it felt really good and just super stoked to be here and for the opportunity i was born in alert bay bc which is a small fishing community off of vancouver island it's a predominantly native community i'm first nations on my mom's side i'm part kwakuwa and part haida growing up my whole life i've always had a really strong connection to nature and then also being first nations the older i've gotten and the more connected to my culture i've become the stronger i feel that connection to the mountains it's crucial that we learn the origins of our lands in order to honor those nations who have lived off it since time and memorial we would like to acknowledge that the land in which we gather is the traditional territory of the sanik's nation and is home to many diverse indigenous peoples we honor their connection to the land and rivers and respect the importance of the environment to our strength as a community located near the headwaters of the columbia river the greater nelson area where boldface sits was originally inhabited by this mighty nation the sineks people claim ancestral land in this area it is considered unseated or unsurrendered territory meaning that it was never formally given away by the sin nyx nation nor did they willingly abandon their territory and it is still occupied by them today each nation across our continent known as turtle island speak their own language and is culturally unique but each believes deeply in the connectiveness of the environment and all living things the spiritual connection with snowboarding and the mountains is undeniable for centuries these first nations peoples sent their young into these sane mountains to connect with nature fend for themselves and learn to live off the land today the indigenous life sport academy has been using this ideology to connect indigenous youth with their natural environment through snowboarding the natural selection tour represents another opportunity to bring our community together to grow both spiritually and culturally as we forge the path ahead it is vital that we look to our past and respectfully acknowledge those that came before all right guys our competitor leanne pelosi we were joking in the car on the way here that it was like the natural labyrinth because it's like there's so many trees to navigate it's kind of rocky kind of gnarly it's in like the narnia zone it'll be like a success getting to the bottom see that little booter right there just doesn't look like big enough pelosi dropping in three two one rihanna on course on course [Music] [Music] where am i [Music] so [Music] it was so blind and then it was like a pretty nice cliff like decent size and then just got to straight hot pal when i landed the cliff i was like oh this is bigger than i thought had it i just hold on and i was almost like yay and i tried to slow down i just hit the hot pal as i was on a heel turn and i just slid out at the bottom and i was just like no that's okay okay drone guys you guys let me know when you're ready i can hear racial drugs coming towards us now i'm just kind of starting here i hit hang it right off that sunny nub and then i kind of traverse across and there's some features in that gully there and then down and then make my way to the second bit of the the run there link together a couple more errors hopefully okay stand by renzi ready i'm good all right mikey runs dropping next dropping in three two one mikey on curse on course [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] yeah we saw you on these two drops your spiders and they were sick you had like a waterfall of snow coming in uh yeah i dropped in off the first nab and then i was like because i was kind of 50 50 if i can get on that wall or not yeah i was like oh yeah i got it but it just kind of like shucked me like this this super whack method went through the trees and then i rode this really fun rib up here there's like so many trees here obviously but the only landmarks are dead trees so i'm just like okay take a right at that dead tree a little left at this dead tree and uh yeah uh the bottom bit was awesome i was really stoked that worked out man i feel so good just to get one out of the way yeah i know that's exactly what i said when i came down [Music] are we doing a full breakdown of gear this is my kit that i read rasmus pro model by lip technologies burton custom yes standard ride snowboards uh berserker family tree hometown hero k2 party platter burton flight attendant my very new pro model snowboard with arver levada it's good for park laps and side heads i've just fallen in love with this board slash pillows on it the bindings are the workhorse in the line for me k2 hue ride 810 burton cartel x's union bindings legacy flux xf just flexi enough where you don't sacrifice style and wrap tweakage now bindings women's conda bindings malavita bindings which i actually ride on all my setups sequoia bindings that's what i rock for outerwear north face future light everything ak aka head to toe bonfire aspect coat keeps you warm keeps you dry burton breaker i'm like a traffic phone walking around my goggles are called country goggles goggles dragon d1 goggle spy optics raider model boots we're going to boots next this is the go to women's backcountry boot the vans viaje vans vans viaje boots i absolutely love these boots burton's ions go to patagonia backpack the kind heli pro 20 liter bcaa float 12. it's an airbag pull this trigger right here if you're ever getting an avalanche big bag comes out helps you keep on top of the snow you're a cookie that's what we need out there in the backcountry and yeah we're spoiled a little nervous but uh off this rock maybe a couple little wiggle turns and then i'm hoping there's like an air down into the steeper panel [Music] run one couldn't have gone much worse for me sort of just slipped in off my heel edge and and got like kind of worst case scenario pulled off the cliff super blind into rocks and trees oh you're so lucky super scary uh yeah i'm just really happy not to be hurt head back up there and hopefully run two goes better i might uh throw an audible change up my run different line picked out it's uh kind of like a step down with a really tight landing so hopefully catch that little pocket throughout the needle and then uh header on down see what else i can find okay beau bishop next run drop it in three two one drop in [Music] we got ours on he's up [Music] [Applause] uh [Music] there he is ah you okay paul i smashed my tailbone okay yeah it really hurts the report was hard it's right here nice little bruise there wow probably this big you hit it you hit it it's not your spine though it's your is muscles okay got a step down into this nice cold sun protected shoot and hit a pillow launcher at the bottom of it should be good [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] it all went well oh yeah buddy my legs are burning i just did my first run and it went better than i thought it was going to uh cab fives off this step down into a chute rolled onto a pillow did a miller flip there back side three off that little ridge quick turn mini front side three off that bump and then a nice little laid out back on the last pillow to the finish line what a rush i'm happy bo is okay these events are crazy because everyone wants to win at the end of the day the reason we're pro snowboarders is because we're all a little bit competitive to some extent then there's this weird thing up there with all of your best friends and it's the worst thing seen one of your best buddies each i was like this close to just riding down and calling it after seeing beau's bail but i was kind of like that he wouldn't want me to do that he wrote out he's okay he's okay enough okay you guys can get the drones in the air standby i'm just gonna get dustin in position and get him strapped in and then we'll be ready to go i'm gonna try not to go for a ride in a big slop right now that's my primary goal you got this dustin craven dropping in three two one craven on torque wow [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey that was like one of the probably bigger lines i wrote all year oh yeah yeah all right that was my first run um i kind of put all my eggs in one basket my plan was just to make it down the first part of the line and i did and i was so stoked to let out a scream i launched a good sized method i was just uh kind of in an euphoric moment of like release from pressure and stuff to have that over with last night i had to kind of uh rethink my line so we got all the drone footage that leanne took yesterday and we just kind of spent you know half hour to an hour just going through it all and yeah the more you look at it the more options there are i think that one's better than one below it's always a little bigger on top you know yeah totally and like even the stuff you're getting yeah it's really small yeah yeah take a small red one and stay on your feet we're quite a bit ways down slope riders right down the ridge okay you ready robin all right next competitor i did a little pillow line to a little air and then hit a cliff and then the launch rock at the bottom psyched to have a landed run in the bag robin how was the first run yeah it did made it down the bottom some heirs and now i can build on my run [Music] ready to go all right robin van gin second run dropping in three two one robin is dropping [Music] [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] oh [Music] nice job i count that front three yeah i'm stoked went good yeah hell yeah went like on the upper cliff a bit more like a bit bigger on that and then front three yeah yeah i landed right next to that tree like so close to hitting it yeah yeah but yeah feel good nice these wild places that we get to go and host events like this i think protecting these places and protecting those experiences is something that is really important for our culture the natural selection tour and the athletes that we're able to showcase really wouldn't be able to exist without a healthy and stable climate my name is emily newman and i am a part of the natural selection team as a sustainability coordinator as a part of our sustainability strategy we feel that it's really important to educate and motivate folks to commit to climate action we've had a strategic partnership with yeti for a few years now and yeti is also a strategic partner with the natural selection tour my experience with the yeti product is that it reduces the amount of stuff we have to use out there i think that's a real commitment to sustainability that yeti has made by just making a really high quality product that can withstand the rigors of bald face the natural selection tour is really excited to be partnering with conservation international which is one of the foremost leaders in international and community-based conservation we are working with all the cat drivers all the sled drivers to figure out the exact amount of fuel that we use this week and i'm really excited to be able to present that number to the natural selection team and work with conservation international to do a carbon drawdown on our entire event it means a lot to all of us here in the kootenays and i think that's a great commitment those moments that i see where people get out of the cities or get out of their stressful lives and have three or four days in the mountains the natural selection team is committed to keeping these experiences whole because they're integral they're really important uh to all of us all right getting ready to drop in speeding up quickly the challenge here is it's just all natural right nobody has been too familiar with this space we don't even see any photos you don't get to go scope your landing you know it's a very different type of riding i just wanted this yeah three two one stop it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the run was super fun the top turns felt amazing the snow was insane in there so flowy kind of like surprised me how steep it was i kind of missed my grub a little bit but um the rest the bottom everything went smooth you have the best method well not not today yeah right now we're right on schedule we wrap run two by two that means we should round i'm the last to drop so i gotta wait for quite a while now uh my landing is definitely getting a little sunbaked so it's gonna be a hot pow at best somebody has to go last it sucks but um you know i'm fighting back my little brother did it from dropping last in jackson so why not we make it a more stubble feet that's my way i'm looking at it always find the silver lining okay guys if i leave you with anything craig mcforrest is dropping in three two one he's on his way dropping [Music] [Music] so [Music] i'm pretty happy with what i did um i did a front side five off that jump landed switch cut across the gully on my switch toe edge did like a little cab one off this pillow then came down found my way back flipped off of uh a step down a couple little cliff drops a little tail grab at the end and then rode out with some speed today was great day three uh we got out on course all the riders rode their line the course maintained itself throughout the day we didn't get the warming that was forecast and the snow kind of held in there i think i won the contest on the best seat in the house it was remarkable and then to be able to invite this crew and have the caliber riding be what it was was fantastic i'm so grateful that we got through this thing with no no major injuries except pose butt seems to be a little bit sore from literally breaking a tree off in half about 30 feet in the air drop it in three two is this sick event and after run one and two kind of went horribly wrong i just popped some advils and and went up and and uh just tried to basically do a fun one [Applause] [Music] right it's always better the next day game seven double overtime who's gonna be the person to light the lamp that's the question everybody's asking who's gonna get the w out here it's morning day four our goals today are to let the riders ride yeah we're gonna try and stack some clips today i'm just gonna tee it up with a little shoot ride nothing too crazy just to get one in the bag justin's up here i think maybe we'll just kind of work her way top to bottom and try to shoot a couple things all right i'm ready when you guys are it takes a lot to make a video part usually you have a whole season to film a three to four minute video part and here we had basically two days yeah i'll just set up short quick shots along the way and see what we get [Music] wow [Music] destination outside these walls [Music] is [Applause] [Music] me to be free [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the skype [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yep [Music] the skype [Music] [Applause] [Music] this [Music] i think day four today is going to decide who the women's champion is and it was a battle i actually think it really improved what we're gonna get out of this contest because it made everybody kind of like buckle up and get after it it was actually pretty cool because we really only had about three and a half hours and everyone just like kicked it into fifth gear oh that was so fun i wish we could just ride another one like that unlimited potential being reached today it really felt like the women were watching each other trying to outdo each other cheering each other on and on the men's side i saw some lines i didn't think were really ridable and it was incredible to witness uh nobody got super seriously hurt so that's all that really matters at the end of the day um i think there was some landed runs so it's gonna be interesting to see all the camera angles pieced together in a perfect world we would have rolled up here would have stayed cold we would have had a week of sun or even just a week of storm and we could have just kept on filming but it's spring in bc and sometimes the weather does what she's going to do people had to work with what mother nature provided like this is the snow this is the terrain how are you going to interpret it and put down your best line and your best tricks and it's been really cool to see the riders the filmers the crews all work together to make plans that collectively we all agree are the best look for snowboarding this week was unreal the venue was amazing the people were incredible and like the riders list for me just seeing my name next to all those guys and gals was really really cool those are the riders i looked up to yeah i memorized mikey renz's part mark solar's part you know like dustin craven the gnarliest dude rasman beau bishop marie francois spencer o'brien liam pelosi ron benjamin like these are absolute legends and the fact that my name is even close to theirs is really really special everybody cheering each other on there was this really beautiful canadian moment and really all of us supporting each other is this like really tight-knit group of canadian snowboarders in canada we're just all so happy for each other and happy that we have this amazing place to do what we love [Music] hey what's up robin hey everyone trav why don't you kick us off here yeah well we appreciate you guys hopping on with us and you know i think one of the reasons you're here is you obviously have some pretty sharp common sense so i think it comes as no uh no mystery that from myself liam our whole natural selection team here we are thrilled to say congratulations on winning the bronco natural selection at bald baseball you work hard for that and so for winning you get to pick out your own brand new 2022 850 rmk congratulations oh my god [Music] as soon as i hopped on this call and didn't see any of the other riders i'm like okay something's weird sick i'm so psyched me too i need a new sled straight up you go snow check on their website you get to pick out a tunnel color no like what i'm getting a pink one i'm getting a pink sled with flames the icing on the cake for this as well is obviously you have earned yourself an all-expenses paid trip up to go compete at the natural selection toward finals at the hemp fusion natural selection of tordrillo mountain lodge and the opportunity to win yourself a brand new bronco sport oh my god i feel like i'm on a game show this is man i actually can't believe it believe me it is our divine pleasure and you only have yourselves to blame for this so no really hats off though i mean you guys you guys put the work in you put your heads down and um there was we haven't seen anybody else's footage that's the thing i was like i knew i had a good run but i also had no idea how everybody else did and i saw a bit of marks running out on the computer the other day and i was like damn it'd be mark too could be dusted and like how tell me a little bit though guys about your time in bc it was different than jackson because every feature in jackson was meticulously thought out to work right like travis and yourself and the whole build crew are making things to work and this was just a run and it was like okay it's not just about your riding now it's about your terrain selection it's about what you can make work like it wasn't just about like can you do the tricks on these features it's about like can you pick a line down here and put together a good event run contest surrounding i actually got like battled and lost for leanne's line oh the old row shambo no the seating oh right yeah yeah yeah so i didn't even i didn't have a clue what i was gonna ride after i was like oh great i have no idea i think the canadian vibe was uh it was a really cool gathering of the um canadian snowboard community it was really heartwarming to have everybody back together as soon as we were doing the flag planting it started to feel like okay it's a contest oh look it started to everyone kind of kicked into competitive mode it was kind of like it was a stacked field i mean on both sides like absolutely it was it was earned actually really close um robin between you and leanne um she actually edged you a little bit on the video part but not by enough to take you out on the line rosman on your end you were a clear leader there was actually a battle between second and third between sawlers and craven sawlers had the the second best line craven though ended up in second because his video part was that much stronger honestly it was uh everybody was riding so good it could have been anybody's date yeah but it was your day robin three three pete for me and rvg three natural selection events that's pretty damn sick i feel i'm honored very grateful to have a second opportunity after jackson to make it through and i'm just so psyched to go to the tours yeah and i actually just got back from alaska i just did the scout you know coordinate figure out everything uh so that we're ready and it's go time when you all show up up there it is looking incredibly good up there like conditions are really well like the lines are all filled in this is one of those years so i really can't wait to see uh everyone throw down because it really is i mean the the venue that we have up there is is one of the most you know hands down uh spectacular natural contest venues on the planet like bar none bucket list trip for me that's basically all you need to know uh you don't have much time but you got a little so best of luck packing and uh we'll see you in ak you guys thank you so much i'm like over eating joy chris rosman robin van ginn you guys are the best i won't be sleeping bye everyone thank you later you thanks trav well i'll be we actually did it [Applause] sure it went a little different than we thought it would [Music] but we got two more champions heading to alaska [Music] the tordrillo mountain lodge awaits something special just happened in these here mountains sometimes circumstances lead the way and you end up somewhere special if you ask me anyway we're heading on down the road to see what comes of it but one thing's for sure you won't want to miss it you
Channel: Red Bull Snow
Views: 64,432
Rating: 4.8920541 out of 5
Keywords: red bull, redbull, action sports, red bull snow, wintersports, red bull winter, extreme sports, snow, snowboarding, red bull snowboarding, red bull skiing, red bull signature series, red bull winter sports, scotty james, glimpse, red bull motorsports, red bull snowboard, snowboard, snowboarding video, mountain, action sports tv live, snowboarding tricks, action sports channel, red bull snow youtube, powder, winter sports, ski, powder snowboarding
Id: FiMvUf8l9qc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 0sec (4740 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 21 2021
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