A Few Minutes Can Change Your Life | David Goggins Motivation

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I've saw myself as the weakest human being on the planet and I wanted to transform that into the hardest man God ever created who's going to carry the boats when you go to war with yourself you find a lot of Peace because you know exactly who you are when you quit your mind says we're done so it doesn't expand there's no expansion when you quit your mind takes control of you you have to say you I run this [ __ ] you got to tell your brain where you want to go and how you want to go and how you want to get there stay [ __ ] hard that Warrior mentality that I'm so proud of I wasn't boring with it I was not always this strong guy you see I went through a lot of hard times in my life to get here today what changed me was I had to be hard on myself and I have to continue to grind myself into a fine dust the only way I could find myself was through put myself through the worst thing possible I was a scared uneducated kid who stuttered and I had to look at myself in the mirror and hold myself accountable for who I wasn't and who I wanted to be nothing was coming back to save me so I realized I just save myself you gained knowledge through suffering and on the other end of suffering is a world that very few very few have ever seen It's A Beautiful World cuz that's where you find yourself got to go into that hell hole of life that you have that you up and fix it and that's what I'm here to do it's a hard journey it's a real journey it's a journey that's going to take you way outside of being comfortable we all look for toughness we all want it but we look for it in a comfortable environment you will not find toughness in a comfortable environment you have to do your best work when you're the least motivated so those days you don't want to do it guess what you got to do you got to suck the up and do it you have got to suffer to grow to grow you must suffer the things I don't enjoy that I still do that's where growth is at and that's for me the only place growth is at is in that uncomfortable zone so you want to be normal so you just want to be like everybody else that roams the world not knowing the power that's in them being fine with being mediocre you want to go back to who you were huh David don't like that man I want my mind to know who's in charge so for the better part of 26 years my mind was in charge of me which is why I made all these horrible decisions once you take control of your mind you start making decisions for yourself versus your mind making decisions for you so B basically a lot of us aren't prepared for life we get up willy-nilly and it's hope life is going to happen it is going to happen but it's going to happen with a prepared mind or unprepared mind most people attack life with an unprepared mind what I do is I try to account for all things that could happen might happen probably will happen and then the unknowns so basically I can't account for everything but I do know there going be some things that come up in life that you need to be ready for I know for a fact I'm not going to want to work out tomorrow therefore I'm preparing my mind for that I don't want to do that I know tomorrow come with some difficult decisions to make it may come with getting a phone call saying someone died this happened that happened I'm always preparing myself not in a morbid way but just like look man be ready for life don't let life just start attacking you left and right make sure that you start to build a mental armor so then you're ready for life and that comes with a very physical way and the physical helps out to mental I realized at a young age how to change myself was through discipline and the military didn't teach me that it was something I realiz I had zero discipline zero self-discipline and I realized I have to start developing this and I started really because I was horrible at reading and I was horrible at writing I have so many learning disabilities not even funny so I just sit down at the table and spent so much time in this reading and writing and and learning and that kind of translated over to my self-discipline with working out so that's where it started I started when I was about 16 years old I said well I'm have a fourth grade reading level you know let me go ahead and now and start really uh focusing because I'm not going to get in the military CU I got to pass the test so that's where it started for me it's more important to to own your weaknesses you have to really triple down on those man because why you want to become a full human being we like to run away from weaknesses like for instance if you're good at running all you want to do is run if you're great at reading you have several books but we don't do those things that we're not good at so for me I realized man like I keep on running away from these things I'm not good at I have to dive into these things I have to become one with these things and that's what happened and so I I I own them both and I talk very openly about them both I see a whole bunch of people walking around out here we have no idea how talented they truly are now I'm talking about Talent like some god-given ability talent that sometimes you have to hone you have to work on you have to harness yourself and they just walk around this on their phones this clueless to how powerful they are the biggest thing you have to do is shut off technology you have to go dark and what I mean by that is you have to be quiet in your mind get away from people we love being around people we love talking we love we love parties we love all that it's okay to be alone it's also okay to be unhappy it's okay to be unhappy sometimes man it's okay to say you know what man I'm up so you got to go to the truth first who are you get really accountable and say okay who am I what's the truth about me get to that dark place in your mind figure out it may take months may take years figure out your purpose figure out what you want to be in life and then from there okay I have my purpose it may take a long time no one knows their purpose cuz it's too loud find your purpose from there all right you got to start planning people love the planning phase because it's very comfortable then from the planning phase you got to go to execution so the execution phase where we all hate because that's where the real work begins and that's when the failure happens and the failure and the failure but you know that's that that's kind of how you have to do it CU every day is a battle every day is a battle because your mind wants to choose the path of least resistance every day but you don't become better by by ever doing that you become normal and I don't want to be normal so it may not be a life for everybody but I find a lot of Peace in not being normal in my life so if you could define happiness for you what would that be it's overcoming yourself at all costs whatever that takes to be at the point of your life where you don't care about being judged you can be in a room of a million people and they all hate you and you walk in and you go like this because not because you're angry at them because you know yourself inside and out and you know that you've put yourself to hell to be where you're at today you've walked to walk you've talked to talk and you've walked the walk and that's to me what it's all about it's all about putting those Bo boots on the ground and getting after it every day and once you do that you have a feeling about yourself that no one can ever take away or even understand life is always giving you a test trying to give you a way out trying to give you excuse not to show up you got to have the mentality to show up every [ __ ] day of your life no matter what life throws at you it's our responsibility to show to the cisum of life life beat me the up bad I mean I was uh knocked out in the 12th round of a of a 15 round you know heavyweight bout I was knocked out but what happened was in the 12th round when the Challenger turned his back on me I was getting up and I got up and won the next three rounds and knocked that mother out in the 15th round so that's my mind about can't hurt me I was hurt man like literally i' had overcome so much those first 26 years of my life and I still do every day today you know it's not over but the mentality of can't hurt me is just that the matter what's in front of you man you have to face you have to confront you have to overcome and move forward so my father you know some of the kids that bullied me my learning disabilities all these things I went through in life stuttering you know had so many different issues failing and failing and failing had overcome them or they would have overcame me I was able to look at my childhood and how I grew up as the ultimate training ground for my life someone there has to be some people in this planet Earth who have my mentality as gross as it is to some people and as far off as it is and not understood there has to be some people like me on this planet earth has to be some Warriors out there that are able to take this mindset and do something with it so that right there once you are able to look at your life and realize that all these bad things are actually the ultimate training ground for what you're going to you know encounter in life you start looking at your past very differently I'm still examining human potential how far can the mind go how far can we go as human [Music] beings but it's amazing that once you get control of that thing how far you can go go go at the end of the day I ask myself one question can I take one more step and usually the answer is yes so if you can answer that question and not take another step that is real failure that is real quitting so a lot of people can take one more step but they choose not to I don't know if you can take two steps you got to answer that question after you take the first step but I can always take one more step so if I choose not to that's on me and I got to live with that most people think I'm just some Grand animal who runs and yells and this says mother all the time and that's nowhere near the truth that's maybe what they see in a one minute video that's what we believe but there's a lot of thought behind a person being a born loser becoming who I am today you don't just wake up and just Rocky you got to wake up up and think about you know there's a process to getting better for me like I built gawkin from the ground up I was born David gogins David gogins wasn't good enough he was a scared bullied abused kid that kid whenever something got tough no matter how hard I trained no matter how ready I was whenever something got tough for me David goggin the real David goggin would come out and he would quit so I realized that this over a period of time so I had to build goggin and in that process I have to go back to that mental lab and that mental lab is that scratch that mental lab isn't that trained humility and so that's where I get better I get better when I'm digging holes in the ground when I'm waking up early knowing I don't have to do these things that's where I get better what do you think most people get wrong about motivation they think it's a permanent fix they think it's something that that is a constant they think that maybe once I get it I'm going to hold on to it nothing is permanent nothing is permanent and a lot of times you have to learn to perform without motivation you have to learn to perform without purpose you have to learn to perform a lot of different things and that's what people think they think I need to have this motivation to work out to study to be better so if they don't have it they just don't do it and that's where you fail you have to learn to train your mind well beyond motivation if you have motivation that's great that's some kindling to the fire all it takes is a little bit of spark you can burn a whole Forest up but motivation you have to learn to exist without it you have to be your best self and your least motivated and that's the tricky part about all that motivation is just a word you have to have these different things in your mind on where you want to go and know that motivation is not going to get me there cuz I'm not going to always be motivated learn to pick yourself up on your own you got to be your own coach I'm trying to build people up I'm trying to armor their mind I'm trying to get them the belief because this world we live in is tough it's tough it will beat you down the world and the life that we live in is the ultimate competitor it will find your weakness and it will just Hammer you so if I can help you build belief build confidence to the point where nothing can hurt you because you know exactly who you are being ashamed is one of the biggest things that kill people nowadays in their minds kill them from moving forward I'm ashamed of myself don't be ashamed of anything you've done in your life face it fix it make it better you have to build a person that can withstand the pressures of whatever they're going to be dealing with in life I'm not trying to send a message of run 200 miles be the bad motherucker in the world but be tough you better have a part about you that's tough a part about you that can break down situations and get better and break down situations very quickly within some trauma in your life some Devastation in your life CU it's going to come the devastation the trauma is going to come and you can't allow that to become a jersey barrier it can't be a jersey barrier it has to be something that you can maneuver through very quickly and move forward that takes a lot of toughness unchosen suffering is going to happen right so the only thing that you can do is have some chosen suffering to prepare for it it's the only you can do that's the only thing you can practice for the unchosen suffering is have chosen suffering do something that sucks every day I know there's so many people that have the ability and just refuse to get off that couch refuse to study a few more hours refuse to go deeper to go further and that's where I gain the advantage it's so easy to be great nowadays my friend cuz most people are weak most people don't want want to go to that extra mile most people don't want to find that extra cuz it sucks it's miserable it's lonely you become very very powerful when you overcome yourself you have to want it you have to want to be better and it starts off with you have to have pride in yourself you have to have pride in yourself you have to have there's something about you whether it's your last name whether it's just the smallest thing you have to be proud of yourself and if you have no pride of yourself I can't give it to you cuz you're always going to compromise you're always going to fold always I'm very proud of myself now not talking about bad Pride the attention to detail for the human being I want to do I call this thing like I want to be the standard I want to be that guy like every place I went in the military there was this ethos about how this place is how we're going to live how we're going to represent ourselves and I walked around and I saw that most people didn't live up to that ethos like if you go to whatever whatever company they they have this mission statement on how we want to run our company I made one for myself on how I want to be and that is why if people can make up a mission statement in ethos and which they want to live by and every morning you wake up you hold yourself accountable to that not a compan is your own make up your own mission statement what do you want to be in life and once you do that now you can work with somebody to get better you can work with yourself to get better but until you know what you want to stand for you will always just be sitting down you'll never stand for anything your mind takes control of you you have to say you I run this mother and that's what that's all about about you have to build a person that can withstand the pressures of whatever they're going to be dealing with in life because this world we live in is tough it's tough it will beat you down the world and the life that we live in is the ultimate competitor you have got to suffer to grow to grow you must suffer the mind has the Tactical advantage over you at all times at all times of your life the mind has a tactical advantage over you why is that it knows what you're afraid of it knows your insecurities it knows your deep dark lies and it starts to push you away from that [ __ ] it pushes you in a direction that is comfortable your mind takes control of you you have to say you I run this mother when that alarm clock goes off at 4:00 or 5 in the morning your mind says no you just say this just what we do it's what we do now because to get to where you want to go the amount of pain involved I'm not saying physical I'm not saying you got to break yourself off the amount of mental pain of how many times you're going to have to do something that you don't want to do to get to where you want to go there's going to be more times you do something that you don't want to do than you are going to want to do it that's your new Norm that's your new norm and then once you do this over and over and over again it becomes like breathing I don't want to live this lifestyle but to get to the other side of this I have to the only way you're ever going to get to the other side of this journey is you have got to suffer to grow to grow you must suffer we have the ability to go in such a space if you're willing to suffer and I mean suffer your brain and your body once connected together can do anything I'm trying to build people up I'm trying to armor their mind I'm trying to get them the belief because this world we live in is tough it's tough it will be beat you down the world and the life that we live in is the ultimate competitor it will try to take you out it will find your weakness and it will just Hammer you so if I can help you build belief build confidence to the point where nothing can hurt you because you know exactly who you are you have to build a person that can withstand the pressures of whatever they're going to be dealing with in life you gain knowledge through suffering and on the other end of suffering is a world that very few very few have ever seen It's A Beautiful World cuz that's where you find yourself every day you have to do this [ __ ] cuz why when you stop doing it you don't just maintain it if you stop shooting a gun you're not going to be a great shot if you pick a gun up a year from now if you want to be great you want to be bad motherucker ever at what you do you going be misunderstood by everybody because you're going to be so obsessed and so driven to get there that's what it takes takes every second of your life anybody says balance yeah balance is important for a lot of people it is but if you want to go to that edge where people do not like you don't understand you question everything you do you have arrived when you are misunderstood to the point where people think you're psycho and you're nuts and you're this and that why are you in the gym at 1:00 in the morning you will never understand what is wrong with me and that's why I'm so glad you don't cuz I'm in the right spot when people don't understand you anymore you're in that spot of obsession and drive where people like what the is wrong with this guy I don't want to talk to you man cuz you're not going to get it I can't get this paragraph I can't remember what the in this paragraph to pass this test to get in the military read it again still not getting it read it again but if you're not getting it write it out and that's how I started learning I can't swim I'm negative buoyant go back again I can't swim go back again go back again go back again I got it I realize if I keep going back and going back and going back until the [ __ ] just becomes your mind will sayfe okay we're going to figure it out because he is not going to stop it's not like I'm going to try one more time no I'm going it's just like alarm clock goes off Boop we're going back I can't read right we're going back I gave myself no way out and my mind realized that they said okay we're going to adapt and overcome now a lot of us want to find peace first so people say man you always talk about this suffering and pain and [ __ ] I'm at peace right now because I went through that you don't find peace first if you do Merry Christmas more power to you I found peace on the opposite end of finding myself and no one really finds thems without going through trials tribulations suffering accountability and accountability is suffering being accountable everying day for doing right for your self for the people next to you it's measurable one thing we don't do is we don't have a new Norm my new Norm is you get up every morning at 4:00 and you suffer this is your new Norm that became my new life most people want to get out of it I said no mother this is your new life this is who you are your new Norm is you wake up and you suffer and I started realizing if that's my mentality this [ __ ] ain't hard anymore not giving civilized is about having a Savage mentality it's a it's it's a comfortable World a lot of us say you know like for instance I see these athletes right now who retire you know I'm 38 you know I'm 39 I did 20 years at the top of my game and I'm chilling out now you see them a year later and how they look what the hell just happened to you what the hell you're one of the greatest athletes of all time kids looked up to you women men of all ages looked up to you and they hit the Pinnacle where it's time to retire and their mind says I'm civilized the worst thing that could ever happen to any human being is they become civilized it's that total accountability like even when you retired there's a mother looking at me and judging me right now man I was the baddest person to ever live doesn't go away man you got to wake up even though you retired you're never retired you're setting the example every single day of your life and being civilized feels so good but I'm sorry man once you get to the top you may retire but you ain't never coming back home man cuzz now you're judged people see you falling off you want to be that guy who knows I may be retired from the sport or forever I did but I'll be damn if you ever see me looking like [ __ ] feeling like [ __ ] not arriving people I've arrived I've arrived mentality you're always setting the example civilization feels so good these comfortable feelings are what people want they want retirement they want that they need that they it's a it's a yearning feeling I want it too people love putting a label on me about my God man you're just wi different not wi different dude I'm thinking right now after I got past my stuttering thing now I'm on a roll I'm good now you know I'm thinking about right now I got wake up tomorrow and do the same [ __ ] again I got to leave this interview and go stretch out for two and a half hours I hate that [ __ ] but guess what it does though I'm constantly callousing over my victim's mentality that I once had growing up every day you have to do this [ __ ] the only way to keep from getting rusty is to constantly owe that mother machine the machine is this you got to keep challenging it every day how do I do it how I'm able to do what I do on a daily basis you know how do I fight the demons cuz they hear me speak and I'm very raw and real how do you fight my my insecurities all these things and uh they're there every day they're there every day I'm in search for a feeling I'm not in search for a trophy I'm not in search for love I'm not in search for more followers on Instagram or social media when I started this journey years ago and I realized that I'm going to be somebody and I'm searching for a feeling a feeling of true victory for myself and only myself the second I shut out the whole world and realize that one thing that I am in this world alone I'm fighting in this race by myself yeah I'm all about people I'm all about team I'm all about that [ __ ] but I'm really all about right now and in my life no one knows the real truth about me how hard I really go I don't care if anybody knows I don't want anybody to know I'm an introvert I live an introverted life and I love that about me that right there is my fuel is I know that there's really no one out there grinding like me and if they are so be it if I know about you I'll make sure that up my gang that's what the mentality is all about my whole thing is a mentality thing I view myself as the weakest person on the planet Earth I was just an insecure scared kid and the only way I could find myself was through put myself through the worst thing possible my goal in life was to in my mind believe I'm the hardest man alive and that's why the whole thing is can't hurt me that's what it's about it's about whatever you think you are you have to make that dream reality but that's where the hard part is is making that dream reality that's where the hard work comes that's where people know how do you keep grinding every day you have to make those insecurities those fears like when I was 300 lb I didn't have any drive I'm going to go be a Navy SEAL what kind of stupid [ __ ] is that 300 lb there wasn't like a drive to go be a Navy SEAL I was an insecure lying kid afraid I had to look in my insecurities and in my fear and find drive in that we're all looking for passion passion is all around you you have a whole stack of it all around you it's your insecurities all that [ __ ] you got to dive deep in that [ __ ] all it's all in there all the energy fuel You Need Is Right In Yourself it's all there you got a lot of stuff to do to overcome and you know that's where I found it I found it right there in my own insecurities I found Drive in my own insecurities and that's the most powerful thing in the world when you can find Drive in your own doubt fear insecurities you become very Unstoppable let's say you're in the hospital bed and you're getting ready to die and somebody walks in the room and you have one copy of your book and it's sitting right there on the table and you're taking your last breath and you're talking to this person you say to them I want you to read this book as you're dying think about this that book that you just wrote Would it changed your life forever and if it's not changing your life forever you have to rewrite your book you got to start rewriting it right now I wanted to live my life life in a way that when I died I was proud of myself I know what Pride felt like and if it took pushing myself to death I was willing to do that but I want to look in that mirror not impress anybody not money not fame not nothing I wanted to impress the guy in the Dagon mirror and I worked endlessly and tirelessly to do that and it happened I see what is not the norm what's impossible with all the theist say you shouldn't be doing this that's the wrong way to go and I'm like H let me see if I can pull this [ __ ] off it's so easy to be great nowadays my friend CU most people are weak most people don't want to go to that extra mile most people don't want to find that extra cuz it sucks it's miserable it's lonely I really started to enjoy seeing what the human mind was capable of and seeing that what is so horrendous there's so much joy and glory in this [ __ ] the most important conversation is the one you have with yourself you wake up with it you walk around with it you go to bed with it eventually you act on it sometimes you act on it good sometimes bad you got to change the internal dialogue that person in your head that's talking that [ __ ] to you until you change the internal dialogue in your head until you callous over the victim's mentality that the world is out to get you because of you you are the only you got to change that [ __ ] man I get that mentality I once had that mentality that no one understands what the going through and if you keep that mentality you're going to stay in the same exact spot that you're in I saw myself as the weakest human being on the planet and I wanted to transform that into the hardest man God ever created your mind takes control of you you have to say you I run this motherucker you have to be your best s and you're least motivated you have to have these different things in your mind on where you want to go and know that motivation is not going to get me there the only thing that changes your DNA is discipline if you can get through to doing things that you hate to do on the other side is greatness you have to be willing to fail a 100 times to succeed once and if you're not willing to do that man you're not going to even get a fraction of what you're looking for there's a new bar that you must always set in your life life and once you become complacent and you become civilized you've arrived you're no good for [Music] anybody everybody's journey is different everybody's journey is different I was on a journey to see who David Goggins was and that Journey took me in some of the hardest areas a human being can even imagine and right not and I'm the happiest person on the planet because you know I had to climb out every several times just to look down on my life to see where hell I came from and that's what kept me going through all this stuff like I I envisioned myself going through like when I was a young kid and they called me n all time I got my dad beat the hell out of me and I was had no self-esteem I had this vision of if I can make it to where I want to go imagine when I look back on my damn life how proud I will be and now I'm here I'm able to look back on this Life I Lived that many people will never understand because why when you're passionate they think you're crazy and you can't even explain to people why you're doing or why you did what you did because you found your purpose and once you find your purpose you can't really explain it to normal people because they don't understand passion because they live everyday life that's going not really finding their purpose so I become a foreign language to people that think so they put me in the category of you're just crazy no no no no no I'm passionate I found my purpose in this life if you want to be great you want to be bad mother ever at what you do you could be misunderstood by everybody because you're going to be so obsessed and so driven to get there that's what it takes the first step you have to do is face yourself and be accountable for what you're not so then you can be what you want to be I call myself fat because I was fat and people don't want to do that they want to say oh don't call yourself fat don't call yourself dumb if you're not real and raw with who the you are nothing's going to change and in this nice new world that we live in we want to hear you're just a little big no man you might be fat how you address it is you face it you face it every day you face it every single day of your life where you say okay like if you're fat you need to lose weight it's patience it's Pence I in this fact of accepting who you are right now I'm fat I don't like myself excepting the fact that if you lose three or 4 pounds that's a huge accomplishment I started realizing man just by going to war with myself every day and putting these challenges and these goals and these obstacles these insurmountable obstacles so it was about losing H6 lb me losing 5 lb was an accomplishment me losing 10 10 lb and then 50 lb the more I did this the more I gained confidence I was just working I was just sacrificing and then through that all these different tools started coming up but I would have never found these tools if I didn't put myself in a very uncomfortable place we all look for toughness we all want it but we look for it in a comfortable environment you will not find toughness in a comfortable environment those of you who are listening to this who ever hear this you will not find it I was trying to look for it everywhere the only way you find it is to drown yourself in a position where you're just out of sorts where you can't swim and you're drowning you're drowning you're drowning in life but you say no what man' that I'm going to figure out how to backstroke or something when when you quit your mind says we're done so it doesn't expand there's no expansion when you quit when you say you uh-uh this sucks I'm drowning I'm miserable I'm suffering I'm broken but I'm not going anywhere what happens to your mind is it does this it says he's not leaving so we got to expand we got to grow we got to figure this thing out we're only 1% away from True greatness there's a big difference between 99% and 100 I always thought that I was given 100% I wasn't but I was only 1% from making that money from being where I want to be from having everything in life that I've ever dreamed of but it's that 1% that we sleep on it's that 1% that we wake up in that morning we like you know what not today maybe tomorrow well guess what that's why it's so easy to be great nowadays cuz most mother are weak and if all you do is when you are trying to hit that [ __ ] snooze button on life not in the morning on life just know this all the it takes is thinking about all those weak mother who are taking a day off and trust me you will come up real fast like I say it's easy to Great nowadays cuz mother is just weak very [Music] soft well I believe that you have to build belief belief is like there's an after school special belief where the mom says Bel in yourself and that's all great but there's also a built belief and the built belief is one where you are constantly like for me I came from a bad place How I build belief is through the daunting tasks I put myself through so that's proof positive that I can so it correlates and that's how this piece of sh kid I once thought I was built belief by saying hm I was in three hell weeks I went to Ranger school I tried out for adter selection undeniable stack of proof that is proof mother so whenever you think whenever you think you can't confidence comes from the thing that you built you must build belief you must build confidence it can't be like hey I'm going to go knock that [ __ ] out you got to look over here and say I can knock that [ __ ] out it's belief and it's built on what you put in to yourself and one thing I was able to do was to dream I was able to dream outside those [ __ ] Four Walls of that small town and until you're able to really put yourself into that dream but don't make dreams your master that's where you truly become what you're destined to become what do you mean don't make dreams your master a lot of people sit back and they dream about being a sports figure or dream about being a seal or dream about being an astronaut and all it is is a mother dream they don't put the work behind the dream that dream has become their MK Master when you become the master of your dream is when you say I want to go be a Navy SEAL and you say okay I'm going to lose 106 lbs in less than three months the dream was the one thing I thought about and the dream was now gone now what comes in the dream goes away and the laundry list of details and tasks come up got to do this got to do this got to do this got to do this that's when you become the master of your dream so a lot of people out there dreaming we are all great no matter if if you think you're dumb no matter if you think you're fat no matter if you are fat no matter if you've been bullied we all have greatness it just you got to find the courage you got to find the courage to put your B's headphones on and silence the noise out of this world and Def find it you have to get in a quiet place in your brain we all live on our phones we all live on Google we all live in in this whole social media world that I really hate I absolutely hate it why you can't find purpose because in your head there's a bunch of noise when I was younger growing up they called me this they called me that I had all that noise in there the second I put on the kind of quote unquote Bose headphones and silence the noise I listen to my internal voice half of us live our whole lives and never even listen to what the hell we want to do get off the podcast don't be on social media too much cut out all the noise get back to the mental lab you don't know what you want to be because you haven't spent time Real Time with yourself spend time with yourself trust me and once you find that passion and that purpose your goals your purpose everything will just start lining up and then you'll find the courage to start that Journey you have to believe that you are here on this Earth for a reason and if you don't believe that you're here for a reason your life will seriously hurt and I started looking at my life and all the [ __ ] I went through as God put me some God every beli in put me here to go through this and now I see all the hundreds of thousands of lives I'm changing by the hell I went through there's a lot of power in that so my purpose as I started going through this journey instead of looking like wo is me God man why why the man why why I start looking as it's the perfect training ground you knew exactly what you were doing you knew exactly what the you were doing obviously you put me in every situation possible to tell a story that needed to be told the reason why my story resonates with people because I don't hide I'll tell you exactly who the I am I will admit to it people are great at hiding so they want to just find peace no you got you got to take your [ __ ] fix whatever up in you don't just shove it under rug fix it and then you'll find some peace later how the is a 297 lb cockroach guy who quit on everything is now considered one of the best man of the planet how is that possible it me means I had to change one thing my mindset I had to believe to make that belief work and through hard work I did [Music] that I also believe that we're going to end up one day meeting a maker and I believe that maker knows everything about you everything about you knows I going to be here and talking to you knows everything and the one thing that scares me to death in my life is getting to heaven and not being what supposed to be and I believe that God has a chart and he looks at the chart and he puts it in front of you when you get to heaven he says hey this is what you're supposed to be and one of my biggest fears in life was to see that chart and not have every block checked off you know I want to make sure that I'm constantly pursuing whatever it is I'm pursuing just constantly grinding myself into a fine powder that's my purpose now to continue to push myself so others can see what is possible let's say you're in the hospital bed and you're getting ready to die and somebody walks in the room and you have one copy of your book and it's sitting right there on the table and you're taking your last breath and you're talking to this person you say to them I want you to read this book as you're dying think about this that book that you just wrote Would it changed your life forever and if it's not changing your life forever you have to rewrite your book you you got to start rewriting it right [Music] now you have to make the decision whether you want to be a badass or whether you just want to be mediocre and everything's okay but being a badass hurts real bad life isn't fair at all at all so what are you going to do about it it shouldn't be fair it's a trial ground it's a testing ground it's built to make us harder is built to make us as strong as we can to test us to drive us so mentality is the only thing that gets us through life I was an underdog I knew that no one was coming back to help me no one was going Miracle me to be somebody special everybody that called me n my dad my mom all my situations were on me now and solely on me so I had to start developing an indestructible mental toolbox the most most powerful weapon in the world we walk around with it it's our [Music] mind you have to believe that you are here for a reason that there's some reason me getting beat up me getting tortured me being bullied me being going no Foundation me having to figure all this [ __ ] out on my own figuring out this indestructible mental toolbox had to be for a reason and my reason I believe now I know for a fact was to unlock the code human potential and for me to share that with people I'm amazed at what a human being can actually do I literally made this human being out of just like a whole bunch of scraps and I started putting this scrap met together and after a while I started learning more and more and more through pain and suffering through all the failure I went through trying to build this person who's gogging the one thing that made me who I am today is being vulnerable is breaking myself down to the absolute rock bottom and being able to tell people who I am and that's how I fixed it literally you know look somebody in the eye and say you know what man I have a whole bunch of character problems character flaws I've lied about this I've cheated here I'm I'm insecure here this isn't the real me I lied to you about that I wanted your acceptance in life life created this person me life life created me to be this up person I was back in the day and I had to realize man that's okay man it's not my fault now I got to go back and fix this [ __ ] though so a lot of this isn't your fault why you do some things you do why you feel the way you feel but no one's coming back to save your ass you have to go back to where the sh started wherever that place is for everybody and have the courage to go back there and start fixing what broke you one thing I'm most scared of in the world is is uh losing touch with the best thing in the world is is your mind your mindset how you can picture yourself how you can focus how you can drive how you can put yourself in so many situations get out of it because those headphones we listen to those those phones that that we Google to to find information there's so many situations in my life where that [ __ ] is not going to help me it's not going to help me cuz I know what's helped me none of that stuff's ever helped me none of that stuff's ever helped me what has helped me has been me alone getting my [ __ ] together and being accountable for who I'm not and who I want to be so only thing that's helped me we all live in this world where our brains are keeping us in this box outside that box on the other edge of suffering is a world that's endless of opportunity but we are afraid to go outside that box because in that box is comfortable that's where all of our nice stuff you know that's where the nice four-lane highways at I know where the restrooms are at I know where the gas stations are at outside that box man God gives you a shovel and says Man start digging that's not fun but when you dig you dig your own path to all kind of stuff that's unknown and that's why I started realizing man like on the other end of this is some beautiful stuff so I got outside my box and realiz man 300 lb now look at me I'm 185 lbs and on the other side of the box was all this stuff and I didn't know was over there till I climbed the wall and saw it I really started to enjoy the fact of seeing what the human mind was capable of is seeing that what is so horrendous there's so much joy and glory in this [ __ ] taking Souls it's about finding energy and strength when you have none there's energy all around us but we think that we have to have it has to come externally a lot of times we got have like a TV in front of us watch somebody listen to a podcast listen to a great music a lot of times in life it's [ __ ] quiet and those are the times when you want to run and hide you got to be able to find energy you got to make up games make up tricks make up whatever you can to get to the next evolution of life when you're running you run for hours days it's the thing that makes me so pissed off in this world man is that so many people die with untapped potential because they think that someone else is Fu better than them and they were born you know not with the greatest tools you don't need sh you need to ability to grind your ass into a fine powder and when you're that fine powder find a way to build that motherucker back up repeated you have to always be willing to work and a lot of people now are talking I hear so much talk I don't hear a lot of work I hear a lot of people telling you what you should be doing how you should be doing it how you should be living and I look at them and you're fat you're out of shape you look like [ __ ] but you're telling a mother how to live the West me mental ality it's too hard life isn't fair these things in life are are are not easy for me you you you look to your left you look to your right and you start to judge yourself off other people everything starts to corrupt your mind you start to look around too much at other people on what they're doing and that starts to corrupt your own dialogue we are judging ourselves against too many [ __ ] people you have to judge yourself against yourself this race against David goggin and David goggin alone and once you can silence all that [ __ ] all the outside interference and things that are attracting your mind to everything you can then start to grow we want to skip forward to peace let's skip all this pain and suffering and misery of real life let's cover it over nice big blanket and let's find peace no sorry it's not possible got to go into that [ __ ] hell hole of life that you have that [ __ ] you up and fix it and that's what I'm here to do you must go to war with yourself before you find peace I'm trying to give you tools on how to do that and I'm not considering a smile and be happy about it it's a hard journey it's a real journey it's a it's a journey that's going to take you way outside of being comfortable you be very very uncomfortable I'm not a theorist people there's a bunch of people who are theorists who go to the library study the mind they study in a book I studied by being a practitioner I put my mind in hell and I realized how I was thinking and I figured out tools and tactics on how to get through it by being in it not by studying it by being in it I did 67,000 pull-ups in 9 months and it calloused my hands it calloused my hands real good to protect my hands against the bar I started learning how to callous my mind to callous over my victim's mentality and that's what I did and so they sent me to John Hopkins everybody studied my body they studied everything and one guy say you know what we can't find anything think of how you did all this how are you able to do all this a head guy came in from MIT and he say know how he did it so mentality is the only thing that gets us through life and the can't hurt me mentality itn't matter where you come from the sewer or wherever you think you're from when I got out of the sewer I got to the road and looked around and said can't hurt me nothing should be able to hurt you if you believe that it starts to become true I wanted to live my life in a way that when I died I was proud of myself I know what Pride felt like and if it took pushing myself to death I was willing to do that but I want to look in that mirror not impress anybody not money not fame not nothing I wanted to impress the guy in the Dagon mirror and I worked endlessly and tirelessly to do that and it happened I actually sat back when I was fat nasty out of shape miserable and created a human being in my mind that didn't even exist and said that's what I want to be I want to be that guy I want to be a guy that's capable of doing exactly what I'm doing today if you weren't born that guy that mentally strong guy he can be made but in making that person you have to be who the you are every day of your life and never care about anybody who gets in your way that said you're not doing something the proper way when you get beat as bad as I did I lied all the time I wanted to be accepted and loved and all that sh that I created about 50 people whatever you like I like just be my friend and that's where we get lost in life you start to create a whole bunch of people that aren't even yourself you you never figure out who you are you you never live up to your dreams you're ambition you live up to what whoever is around you that you like so much that you want to emulate and be like so much you live their dreams you lose your power you lose your power the ultimate power is own in yourself so how did you get to where you are I became feelingless and what that means is I'm not saying turn off your feelings towards your family your wife your husband I'm not saying that turn your feelings off when it comes down to you wanting to be better who's going to carry the what that means is when that alarm clock goes off your feelings got to go away it's raining outside it's cold outside when you don't want to put those long hours in that work that's what I'm talking about your feelings must go away when you know everybody's gone home to their families but you know you want to be the top sales person in the world or you want to be the best lawyer in the world who the it is when everybody leaves to go home and there's only one light on in the building of 15-story building and only one office every office is dark there's one office with one light on and as those [ __ ] go from the club they look up every day 2:00 in the morning they see that fuing lights always on that's the mother right there you got to be you can't have feelings about when everybody leaves oh man I wish I was going home to my beautiful family that is true but you got to learn to shut your feelings off if you want to achieve greatness hope ain't going to get you everything happened for me and we always fall back on what's comfortable to us what's comfortable for me was if it's easy for me you know I'm going to do it and so when I was going through P Rescue Training I ran up against an obstacle that I didn't think I was going to run up and it was the water I hated the water and but I tried hard to get over that and I would go to the pool and I would try and I would try but my mind wasn't strong enough David God even with all the discipline I didn't have that next level when you're truly committed to something not like were you like you know I want to be a doctor but when I run into this roadblock I don't want to be a doctor no I'm going to be a doctor come hell in high water I needed that kind of commitment and David gogin didn't know about that commitment I knew how to wash a car I knew how to clean a house I knew how to you know do all these manual labor jobs but when it came down to True suffering to the highest of suffering I didn't have that next level of all right mother we have this next level David Goggins wasn't enough so I went into my mental lab and realized but I want to be great but I don't have greatness in me so I had to create a mother that was great and in my mind I'm really big on visualization and people I think it's all kind of [ __ ] believe what the you want I don't give a [ __ ] this is the true [ __ ] right here man I went in my mind I said Okay I want to look like this I want to feel like this and I want to have a mind that is cast iron steel that is never dull that is always sh that was the biggest thing I wanted I wanted to hit obstacles that most people up including myself but I did didn't waver I didn't fear I didn't run away I just stayed and marinated in the fear in the suffering and through that building goggin I will become goggin when necessary and I started to do these things on my own I have my own training ground I built a training ground I wasn't Navy Seals if you go to Navy SEAL training not prepared you're going to quit so I built this training ground on my own own and I started doing these horrific things that David gogin couldn't handle but gogin started slowly coming up I started putting that visualization of the guy I wanted to create and in that water when things got hard and I was training my own goggin would appear goggin would appear when David goggin would come up Goggins would snack him the down they said no [ __ ] we're going to drag you through this and that's kind of how it happened over a period of time this man evolved gogin became the guy that can withstand all kind of torture and pain and keep coming after you and that's where that next step with Evolution became well I put this way man a lot of people say don't be like him like me and I get it and you say was it worth it it was worth it I'm going to challenge these people people who say that's a little too much it is which is why most of my message is for everybody when it comes down to the uncommon amongst the uncommon it is only [Music] for [Music] 1% and these are the people who are want to be the uncommon amongst the UNC talking about Grover Michael Jordan is in that category it's those people who realize what they want and beyond all things I'm going to achieve it so if you don't want to be like me I get it but is it so bad that a person has millions of dollars in the bank is it so bad that a person has two of the top books in the world top of the list of all time is it bad that a person has broke all kind of Records is it bad that a person's been the Navy SEAL Army r rer going to Delta Force training going through Air Force smoke jumper is is that bad is that bad that by 40 7 years old you're trying to find what to do next is that so bad because youve done everything in the world because the second you thought about it you did it if that's bad I don't want to see what good is so why it's bad to most people because it looks exhausting and it is exhausting and that's why it's bad to most people most things that are bad to people is because they can project what the it takes to get there and as they're projecting that [ __ ] they're like oh man dude you're destroying your life your health you have no family you're unbalanced I can make up a million things but what the real thing is you projected what the that [ __ ] looks like and it looks like hell it looks like hard work it looks like suffering it looks like a dedication that people don't understand and it is that but that at the end of all that [ __ ] my friend I front loaded my life front loaded everything I wanted to do I did the second I thought about it not 47 I am 100% retired and I still live like I'm not by choice your brain is the most powerful weapon in the world once you put away your phones and your computers and all that we have nowadays yeah it's great we're up to date you know you but your brain is the only thing you have when you're going through depression when when you're going through hard times when you're going through death real life you can't Google that man you're alone you're alone you may have a shrink you're going to you may have a best friend you're going to but there's 24 hours in the day where you're alone in this brain and your brain is talking to you in all kind of ways and it wants to control you and pull you in these different Pockets if you can't control your own brain and your brain controls you your you got to tell your brain where you want to go and how you want to go and how you want to get there you got to control it if not it's over what existed for me was okay man how am I going to make this work and and all I knew back then was hard work the only way anything gets accomplished that's all I heard back in those days you got to work hard you got to work hard I'm not getting how to I can't get this paragraph I can't remember what the in this paragraph to pass this test to get in the military read again still not getting it read it again but if you're not getting it write it out and that's how I started learning okay well I can't I got to write out everything I do and then write it out again and write it out again and guess what happened I got got it I got it I can't swim I'm negative buoyant go back again I can't swim go back again go back again go back again I got it I realize if I keep going back and going back and going back until the [ __ ] just becomes your mind will say okay we're going to figure it out because he is not going to stop it's not like I'm gonna try one more time no I'm G it's just like alarm clock goes off Boop we're going back I can't read right we're going back I gave myself no way out and my mind realized that they said okay we're going to adapt and overcome now like a lot of people say trying hard they your mind knows man it knows this guy's bull me man this guy's lying there's no truth behind it when I was in Navy still training people go how are you there for 18 months the program was only 6 months long you were in three hell weeks in one year no one's ever done that how did you do that I talk about the new Norm when I lived in a $7 a month place and I was growing up for a short period of time I loved it I didn't know I I didn't know any different that was my Norm once we moved out of that place we moved to $236 month place I was like I never want to go back to that little piece of but if you go back back to that $7 month place and you realize this is where I live this all I got your mind says Roger that this is home so when I was going through Navy SEAL training for 18 months and going back through all the hard Parts over and over again I told myself after the first time I knew it was going to be a long journey there my body was breaking down it was it was just how it was going on I said you know what this is my new Norm so my mind said it's like going to work like you go to work you put your suit and tie on I go into suffering every day every day suffering being broken duct taping my feet up stress fractur shin splits being broken this is my new norm and your mind says if we're not broken this ain't normal we got to be broken so then your mind starts to get tougher and tougher and more C people how how did you run on broken feet broken broken shins my mind knew this is how we operate we're in we're in Navy still training this is what we are I became hell and that became my new Norm I gave myself no way out there was nothing outside these walls of Hell nothing I became I love God but for a short period of time I became the devil CU that was hell I became I became the boss the owner the CEO of Navy seel training that was my mindset and that's how you get through things you put yourself you immerse yourself in wherever it is you become that you become that and give yourself no way out when I was 297 lbs and I was fat as hell trying to be a Navy SEAL the scariest thing in the world to me even to this day was that that could have been the rest of my life I thought then I was trying hard that's the scariest thing in the world I thought then 297 lb working for eolab spraying for roach is making $1,000 a month I thought that was me at my 100% potential come to find out a few years later I wasn't anywhere near that 106 lbs less graduate Navy still training went on to do all these other things looking back on that that was me trying hard that's why people got to understand what is in us we have no idea until we start trying hard and I mean really trying hard where you're obsessed with hey this is my new Norm my new Norm is that wow this isn't always fun it's not always meant to be fun and that's when you know you're trying hard people hear my story and think this guy is sadistic I realize how the how the brain works I figured out how the brain works I I'm a scared kid and that's what gives me so much power I had no foundation and I built this off of Just researching the mind the feeling you get is basically invincibility you realize that you can't do it all the time when you need to do it I know I can go to a place that I can live in and when you know that you can run on broken legs and you can do certain things that a lot of people can do but they're not willing to do this power this sympathetic nervous system of fight or flight in you're fighting it it gives you this charge of energy of when you're sitting there at 3:30 4:00 in the morning and you're duct taping your feet up because they're broken and you're doing it by yourself and you're going through arguably one of the hardest training in the world and these guys most of them are healthy and you're going through it broken and you already at a disadvantage but you're still there you can feed into that and tap into that for a lot of power but if you look at it well I'm broken man like I'm not going to make it but if you look at it as man I'm broken and I'm still here and I'm fighting I'm gonna find a way to get through this because I have no other place to go it gives you a lot of power when things start to suck really really bad my brain and a lot of people's brain they they they don't go to your dad beating you up your brain says we get out of here this is miserable so anger goes away a lot of times when you're suffering because your brain just says we got to run we got to go so that anger is not popping up saying oh I'm going to show them I want to show those people no there has to be a much deeper if I say deeper it has to be down to Mineral Mineral soil it has to be down to that nice mineral soil where nothing can burn you can't burn dirt so it has to be down that low that literally is something in you that's at the core of your soul and but you but you don't find it unless you spend a lot of time with what you want to be in life you I I can't give that to you you can't get give it to somebody when when you find your true passion in life and my passion for me was like oh I want to be I give Navy Seals Army I don't give a sh I want to serve my country I cared about I want to be someone that I'm proud of I want to look at myself in the mirror cuz I was so disappointed that accountability mirror I talk about I was so disappointed in what I saw every day I wanted everybody to Love David Goggins and a lot of people did I didn't love myself but I knew a lot of us want to find peace first so people say man you always talk about this suffering and pain and sh I'm at peace right now because I went through that right you don't find peace first if you do Merry Christmas more power to you more power to you I found peace on the opposite end of finding myself and no one really finds them himself without going through trials tribulations suffering accountability and accountability is suffering being accountable every day for doing right for yourself for the people next to you it's measurable it's hard so you know even the smallest details dude I'm not a masochist I'm not crazy I'm not this and that people try to title me and label me when I was growing up I saw my mom getting beat and I got beat and I was some stuttering little black kid in all white school and I used to go home and cry like my God man I'm [ __ ] up I'm so up so I had to train oneing thing you better train your mind because my talents can run out way early when [ __ ] got hard for me back in the day bro I'm done I'm out see you okay I got to invent a motherucker that can so I invented goggin I invented a [ __ ] that realized we're not good enough but gogin realizes we're mentally strong as and we're going to outstrength these [ __ ] in the mind you need to work harder you need to discipline your mind better we need to help people more than just saying it's okay it's okay that you're not willing to help yourself out that's not okay it's not okay it's not acceptable I came with this thing called perform without purpose and so many people they need to have a 5k a 10K I need to have a a a a course in front of me I need to have something in front of me for me get my ass up and do some [ __ ] and that used to be me and nowadays you know [ __ ] for past 20 some years I don't need [ __ ] purpose and people miss out on this man the purpose we're all looking for this golden purpose is it this is it that is it making money it is is it my family mother the purpose is you we forget that every day I wake up and I don't want to do some [ __ ] I'm like okay man do you want to be a [ __ ] today do you want to feel like a little [ __ ] do you want to walk around all day knowing that you could but you didn't so it's performed without purpose you have to learn how to get up and do [ __ ] when you ain't got no 5K no 10K nothing nothing exists your life sucks you're in the dungeon but guess what mother I'm still going to get it because when that time comes cuz the time is going to come when that purpose is there you'll be ready but most of us aren't ready because we don't know how to do without having the golden carrot in front of us and so you all every step you take in that Journey as you're like for me run I run every day hate it but every step I take I'm like all right [ __ ] you beating the demon again I made the decision and my decision was to be the best person I could and I basically a lot of mornings I wake up and say your feelings and that doesn't mean like you know don't take it literally your feelings but sometimes you have to go beyond what you're feeling and my knees were [ __ ] but guess what I wanted to run and I knew that okay you can get knee Replacements this and that wasn't because of I Ran too much people always want to say oh man you ran so much so you f up your body you know you don't want to be like David Goggins I hear all the time you don't want to be like David Goggins I gave everything I gave everything to who I am I gave everything and when you get everything man you have no regret people didn't understand me people don't understand me now I don't give a I know exactly what I was doing I'm not a masochist I'm not crazy I'm not this and that people try to title me and label me no I had something to do the way I describe it to people when people ask me like why does he do all these things like what is what is the motivation here I go he's on a mental Journey that very few people have ever been on because people don't understand you they or they misunderstand you or they purposely misinterpret the way you're living your life you're trying to understand your mind in a way that very few human beings ever get to understand their mind because you're taking your mind into these terrible Dark Places all the time and you're trying to pull things out of that you're trying to learn things about yourself and about your potential from that that's exactly it and that's what people don't understand I studied the darkness you you you find no [ __ ] answers in the light none it's too happy it's too nice we don't need to be taught how to live in happiness that that just comes naturally to us happy moments but the dark times man and you can't get there unless you put yourself there life will take you there but when you get get into those dark moments that's where people that's why people how are you able man I couldn't read and write to I was a junior in high school how are you able to write like this man motherucker I go to such places in my mind and I study the darkness like it's not just physical when I was growing up and I saw my mom getting beat and I got beat and I was some stuttering little black kid in all white school and I'm on stage and I got to say one line oneing line in front of 15 people and I walk up stage come with stutter all the those insecurities and all those things man I used to go home and cry like my God man I'm up up I hang on man as I got older we got to study this [ __ ] man the only way we're going to get through this if we study it so every time I'm in a dark moment and life's up around me whether it be physical or just life I get in it man with the pen and paper I'm like okay this sucks I can feel like I'm losing my ship let's study this let's come out of this mother genius I studied the the black matter of the Mind the dark matter you know like stepen Hawkins that's if that's his name I said it right that [ __ ] studied the space and [ __ ] that's where I consider myself man and so many people get it wrong I don't give a man you can't for me I cannot help people there's a lot of cookie cutter [ __ ] out here in this world oh discipline wake up early take Cod shower this that whatever it's all [ __ ] it's not but what they don't teach you within the cookie cutter is like our minds are like a garage and the garage if you open a garage and it's all cluttered up it's all up you can't put your car in there you got boats and you got kids toys and [ __ ] everywhere but if you organize that garage and you put everything in this rightful spot you can pull that car in there you can put two cars in there you can put bikes in there and that's like with the Mind people talk about discipline and determination and repetitions and all this [ __ ] consistency why people fall off the wagon so often is because their mind is full of [ __ ] there's no room in that mind for discipline there's no room for consistency they may do it once or twice but then the mind takes over and that cluttered garage comes in and then it's like a circuit breaker man a circuit breaker just overloads and it Sparks and our minds that's that's our mind man it's like a circuit breaker that has so much [ __ ] in it you keep unloading it you can't put any more into it so I've I talk about it in there man so much about clearing space in your mind so then you have room for all those discipline waking up early taking those because they they they do mean something but we don't get to that dark matter that is keeping you from clearing out that mental garage that's a good way to put it cuz that is the mind of most people is filled with stuff that they have to move around to get to what they want and it's constantly piling up and there [ __ ] unorganized and organized mind man you looking at I got to take care of the kids the kids schedu all up my husband my my wife I'm going by McDonald's to get this and I'm rushing my schedule everything's just I wish I was doing this but I'm doing that and that and this I want a raise but I can't get one I boss a [ __ ] where's greatness in that man yeah you can't you you can't fit discipline into that you can't fit structure you can't fit consistency you can't fit the grind and then when you try it gets overrun by the clutter in your step mental garage every time I'm in a bad situation like you know I I study it and that's the only reason I do have to should I do is I'm studying this [ __ ] cuz I know that I never thought I was going to be writing books and trying to help people get better but I was always trying to do it cuz I knew I sucked and so when you know you're trying to get somewhere you know you suck you know that you you believe that you're a born loser you are taking snapshots man like you know you you see something on your phone like oh man I'm going to take a SN snot of that or however you do the little picture [ __ ] so you can save it on your phone I do that in my mind so I get in these moments I'm like okay wow that's some good knowledge right there man I snapshot it cuz I know that I can use that later I can use this cuz I'm not out there just I'm not most people they go out and they run and they go out and they do and they're like oh this is beautiful look at the mountains and the [ __ ] and all this [ __ ] no I don't like it my body hurts I'm hurting how do we get through this it's a lab it's my mental lab and so when I come home I'm not forgetting it every day I get done running every day I get through working every day I get through studying whatever it is that brings me to that place of knowledge so I come home from running and I ride everything out people have talent and this is going beyond your talent when there's no more Talent what happens to you most people quit people only go to their talent level and once their talent level is gone it becomes a mental gra that that whole mental game sets in then and most people can only perform to their talent and they realize man why am I always messing up right here why why why is this my big hurdle it's because you're performing to your talent and then after that your mind has nothing for you I see Fighters I see Runners I see people who they're great but they get to the edge of their talent it's like man what what's what's up because you're now at the point now where you're talented could do [ __ ] for you my friend now it's the mental game and that's where people get lost in life get lost in that next level and that next level is found for me in the things that I do first of all I didn't have much talent so I had to train one thing you better train your M because my talents could run out way early when [ __ ] got hard for me back in the day bro I'm done I'm out see you okay I got to invent a [ __ ] that can so I invented goggin I invented a mother that that realized we're not good enough but Goggins realizes we're mentally strong as and we're going to out strength these mother in the mind and so many people just wanted the easy way it I'm sorry man it's not so what they start to do is they build this Narrative of it's okay when the narrative should be you need to work harder you need to discipline your mind better we need to help people more than just saying it's okay it's okay that you're not willing to help yourself out that's not okay that's not okay it's not acceptable even though it's your life if that's if if that's acceptable that's unacceptable and there's a lot of people in this world me included that if I accepted that I wouldn't be anywhere so yeah a lot of people just they they start creating a narrative about themselves that make it okay the ultimate get out jail free card and now the world is set up to have so many Gil free cards everything is okay and you can't say a mother thing about it man man why are you always yelling guys you this how I talk [ __ ] cuz I'm proud mother you know what I'm saying I'm a proud motherucker man it's not proud like look at me it's like mother I know where iing came from [ __ ] I shouldn't be here right now talking to you shouldn't be talking to you [ __ ] I shouldn't be here I a fat sloppy [ __ ] I'm proud so I'm able to tell you I was up many people can it's not real all those mornings that you didn't want to get up and and I look at it as like a like a rock and you find this rock and that rock is you and every day you fight not wanting to get up and you do anyway you chip another piece off that rock and every day you eat the right foods and every day you go to train you train harder and harder and harder and harder and you get up earlier and all these things you do to start forming yourself you're chipping another piece of that rock up before you know it you have this beautiful piece of of artwork that that you built and then once you get there you see it it becomes real like oh my goding did this [ __ ] and so like the the journey becomes so real then but so many people aren't willing to chip away at that stone that is them to start chipping off those rough edges that's the fear the fear is never Reaching Your Potential that's it that always falling short always quitting before you're done always procrastinating always not doing the right thing and then one day you're an old man yep and you look back and go God I could have been great yep I could have been great I never forget one time I was running by a graveyard when I was [ __ ] just trying to become I was fat and I ran by a graveyard and I looked out there and I have all these epiphanies man I have all these moments of like of it's crazy man of of this thought I'm always by myself I'm always in deep thought about how to be better I look out there I'm like man I wonder how many of you mother in there are so upset with how you lived your life anding just regret how you lived it and I'm running at 300 lb man thinking man don't fing die like this bro don't die like this so people wonder where this [ __ ] comes from from me it comes from such deep thought of trying to see what this is all about what is this life all about what am I all about why am I here you know I had to I had to find purpose and my suffering it had a purpose it had a purpose many people build confidence in different ways and they build belief in different ways coming from where I came from I didn't have any belief in myself so some people can go read a book and get belief some people can go take a yoga class have good parents so where I came from was so far down underneath soil that I had to build belief by truly ingraining it in my brain so the things I do I'm always every day building belief and my belief had to be where it is cuz I was so far down so it may take a 200 mile run for me it may take 100 mile run it may take late nights in the gym but without belief you have nothing and I realized that when I was a young kid I have no belief I have to build it and a f mile run didn't do it I had to push myself to such extremes cuz I came from people judge me by not knowing where I came from so unless you're me and you came from where I came from I guarantee you would have made it out guarantee it and I knew that so my belief comes from going I had to build it and that's how I build it man I build it by the things I do I never cared about myself never never ever which makes what I do now for people I understand because I care about people even though I'm an introvert I'm an introvert cuz my [ __ ] life sucked but what I do for people I really do that's why I want to make sure that [ __ ] book and things I do that's why I don't like why don't you sell [ __ ] why don't you always you know why why AR you like promoting this and that and no man no I care that you understand that I want to see you kill [ __ ] I want to see you better the purpose is always there the purpose never leaves us cuz the very purpose is you you are always the purpose that is the number one purpose in life is to better oneself but where do you go to you wake up on a morning it's cold it's wet it's dark you've got no cartilage in your knee you've got shorts whatever it is that's the issue today keep talking I need you to keep talking about what you were just saying it's warm on the couch your M says stay in bed it's comfy it's cozy you've got work later on you had an argument last night you're slightly hung over CU I know every mother ain't going to do what I'm going to do so this is how you level up that's how you level up I know there's a whole bunch of people with that right there that fires me up that makes me happy what you just said that brings joy to my life right there why cuz I know there's so many people that have the ability and just refuse to get off that couch refuse to study a few more hours refuse to go deeper to go further and that's where I gain the advantage it's so easy to be great nowadays my friend because most people are weak most people don't want to go to that extra mile most people don't want to find that extra cuz it sucks it's miserable it's is lonely I figured this out most of us are only 1 to 10% away from greatness but we think we're so far away from it that we never tried and once I start going down this journey I started realizing that and those percents started to add up and before I knew it my mind started hardening and I started passing so many different people that I thought were so far above me and then before I knew it man I became uncommon amongst the uncommon life is a is a training ground while you may live a long life it doesn't mean you graduated at the top of the class you just lived a long boring despicable life and that's not what I wanted to do when you're truly committed to something not like were you like you know I want to be a doctor but when I run into this roadblock I don't want to be a doctor no I'm going to be a doctor come hell in high water I needed that kind of commitment and David gogins didn't know about that commitment I knew how to wash a car I knew how to clean a house I knew how to you know do all these manual labor jobs but when it came down to True suffering to the highest of suffering I didn't have that next level of all right mother we have this next level David Goggins wasn't enough so I went into my mental lab and realized but I want to be great but I don't have greatness in me so I had to create a mother that was great and in my mind I'm really big on visualization I went in my mind I said Okay I want to look like this I want to feel like this and I want to have a mind that is cast iron steel that is never done that always that was the biggest thing I wanted I wanted to hit obstacles that most people up including myself but I didn't waver I didn't fear I didn't run away I just stayed and marinated in the fear in the suffering I want to quit every single day but many dreams die while suffering and many of us out here have suffered and when you're suffering I'm not talking about just physically I'm talking about emotionally spiritually it could be a relationship when you're suffering you give up on the very things that you wanted the most when I was going through PA rescue I wanted to be a PA rescue man so bad but that water haunted me so when the suffering got too much my dream died and pretty much I almost died with it if I didn't find Navy Seals and getting past that hump and and overcoming my demons and facing my demons every day I would have never been up here today you can't outrun your demons they'll always know where you're hiding trust me at that don't stop when you're tired stop when you're done it's not putting yourself down people take this the wrong way in this new Society I'm not saying to put yourself down I'm saying listen to the truth and the truth isn't in the 20% the truth is in this other part of your brain saying look man you're wasting a bunch of percentage here we have 80 more per that we're not tapping into because in this other 80% is suffering pain failure failure failure self-doubt darkness and then a whole bunch of light but to get to this light you got to go through all of this so a lot of us know that I can get over here but over here man this is much better CU I got to go through this journey that is not fun this this from 20 to 100% this in between is not fun so we decideed to live over here there was so many times in my life growing up I wanted to fit in and I wanted to be part of a group and I didn't have any want and I didn't have that desire so when you're trying to fit in when you're trying to be cool when you're trying to be whatever the hell it is without having that internal dog that fight when things get hard in life all you do is quit when you have that internal in you like I've developed over a lot of years this dog it starts to get built up in you this fight this Warrior and when things get difficult you may not make it but you come back I wanted to be one of the 1centers not the 99% I realized I had One Life to Live and I have to live it there's not two lives there's one life and all these things started happening to me and then once that started happening man everything flipped but that internal it starts to build a voice in you that doesn't allow you to sleep in doesn't allow you to take days off when you know that you're behind it just keeps you in check throughout everything you're doing in life cuz it's not going to allow you to fail but if you don't work on the inside of you you will always have that nurturing voice that guides you where it's okay it's always okay and if I were to have that it would have been okay to stay 300 lb doing what I was doing so that internals everything you can't run you can't work out so that's why I went to school and I became a medic so I'm always in constant Pursuit of my 100% whatever that is if I can't run anymore I'm going to see what else I can do I I was real proud of how I handled that when when my whole life got stripped from me and I was at like 20 years in the military and that my my life was getting stripped man and I couldn't run I couldn't work I couldn't do sh anymore and I didn't lose my all that training I gone through mental training I gone through I was able to utilize it to find a lot of Peace in myself a lot of joy and a lot of uh self-fulfillment I want to raise money for the Special Operations Warrior Foundation it's a foundation where 100% tuition goes to these kids to go to college you know full tuition whatever so I found this great Foundation I'm going to raise money for it so I say you know what I have to Google something that's that's evil something very hard I knew nothing about Ultra marathons I hadn't even run a marathon I knew nothing about this world so I Googled that you know the top 10 hardest races in the world and what comes up is a badw water 135 it's 135 Mi race through Death Valley in the summertime I thought it was a stage race I thought it was a race where you run like 20 miles set up camp you know barbecue outside and then go run some more the next day so I called the race director up at the race and said hey Chris his name is Chris Cosman I want to do your race so we had a long conversation you know I was I was much heavier then and I hadn't put running shoes on over a year I'm around between 240 to 270 I'm in there I'm in that range I've my my weight has varied a lot through the SEAL Teams and out of the still team so I was a heavy guy but the long and short of it all was I had put running shoes on in over a year I was a big- time powerlifter I lifted weights heavy that's what I did I got back home from Iraq went straight to freef fall school and then this happened so I called Chris cman up on a Wednesday he says look man the only way you can qualify for my race is to run 100 miles at one time in 24 hours or less there happened to be a race that Saturday so 4 days later and he said if you qualify by running 100 miles or less in 24 hours I will consider you my race I'm going cut to the chase I signed up for this race it was called the San Diego one day where you run around a one mile track for 24 hours to see many miles you can get my goal was 100 miles so um I got to M 70 and I cleared 70 mil in like 12 13 hours pretty quickly but I was done my feet were broken I was stretch fractures shin splints muscles were tearing I was in bad shape I was eating Rich crackers and drinking mlex that's all I had no water didn't know what the hell I was doing out there had on some tube socks it was just ridiculous it was it was a clown show so I sat down at Mile 70 and at this time I was married and I I I look at my wife and I was like um I'm I'm messed up bad so I literally start to turn white here I am I'm at mile 7 think got 3 miles to go I'm jacked up I got to go to the bathroom the bathroom's like 20 ft from me supporter potty I can't get out of the chair so I'm peeing blood down my leg and I got 30 miles to go and I'm I can't stand up cuzz my my blood pressure is all messed up I've been in three hell weeks Ranger school overcome so many obstacles in my life this last 30 miles of this race is when I realized a human being is not so human anymore we have the ability to go in such a space if you're willing to suffer and I mean suffer your brain and your body once connected together can do anything and this 30 mil was the lifechanging moment I was out of it I was in the worst pain in my entire life I was to me on the brink of death and I was able to chunk this 30 damn miles into small pieces I was so driven I'm not I'm not going to say motivated CU motivation is crap motivation comes and goes when you're driven whatever's in front of you will get destroyed so I sat in this chair and I was so driven to succeed in this race and and at this time everybody goes were you thinking about the guys that died and I'm not gonna lie to you I wasn't this became a personal thing this became me against this race me against the kids that called me me against me it it it it just became something that I took so so violently personal and I broke this thing down into small pieces I said okay I got to get nutrition I got to be able to stand up before I can get off this curb and get off this chair and be able to go 30 miles so I went through all these small steps and I I was able to stand up and then from standing up I was literally walking around with my wife at the time and she goes you're not going to make the time she goes you're run I mean you're you're walking like 30 some minute miles I got to mile 81 and the second she said that I'm not going to make the time I ran the last 19 miles nonstop so this was years ago I had literally the size of half dollar I had to get compression tape and I taped up my ankles and I taped up my feet and that's how I got through that race my shins hurt so bad from having stretch fractures that the only way I can continue on was I taped it so I wasn't doing the flexor motion that that activates your your shins so I taped my ankles and my shins up and I got that from because in my third hell week they were W going to let me go back through you know train anymore so I literally went through all the buds my last SEAL training with stretch fraction shin splints and how I did it was I would take my ankles all the way up to my calf every morning so for the first hour the pain was excruciating but what happened is my feet would go numb and I did that every single day for 6 months that's how I got through my third hell week cuz I was so broken from the first two that the commander said hey the co said this your last time we sending you through so that's how I got the idea to do that and and people may listen to this and say this guy is sadistic he's crazy he's no if you know how I came up you realize I was just a scared kid that found drive and passion to be something much better than what he thought he was that's all it is cookie jar is something that I've made up of all the failures of my life all the things that I failed and I went back I failed and I went back and I finally succeeded all the things that kick my ass I put them all in the cookie jar CU at times of hell even the hardest men in times of suffering what we do is we forget how hard we really are because that's what suffering is suffering is a test that's all it is suffering is the true test of life and so that cookie jar travels in my brain so whenever I get put in a situation where I have poopy pants the well was me mentality of oh my God life sucks I take a second I take the one second decision I step out of my life for one second go in the cookie jar pull up oh you went you were in three h weeks and finish two one of those H weeks a guy died because it was so bad oh you are my badass you are I put it back in the cookie jar and I remember who I really am I'm not the kid that got that was called I'm not the scared kid this is who I am it's a a reminder of who you truly are at the core of yourself but what I was saying to myself the whole time on that track and it and this is what I say to myself selft talk and visualization are the two keys to my success I believed for that last time 19 miles I was indestructible cuz I took myself in that chair crapping up my back peeing blood down my leg Shin splin stress fractures I use all that for motivation versus negativity I use it for motivation I I I said to myself who on this Earth would still be going right now you are you are you got to be the hardest on the planet is it true I don't give at that time it got me to the finish line of that race I believed it I believe it today I believed it enough to where my body said he's not not going to stop I took all the negative things I need to go to the hospital this and that who the hell could even get out of that chair you did who the hell would even think about taping stress fractures up you did all those things I use for motivation and in hell week what they do in hell week CU this is where I really went to the dark side what they do in hell week is they design hell week to find your flaws and they do a really good job of that it's 130 hours of continuous training you may get two hours of sleep and they beat the out of you and find everything wrong with your mentality and then they start hell week and that's the beauty of it and for me I'm not some n you know nasty god-given guy you know I don't have a great bit of talent in anything so what got me through horrible times was the dark side my name is David goggin I created goggin goggin is the guy that can take anything you put in front of him you want to break my legs so be it I have a way of going to a place like I did in that race where all the pain and suffering that they put on top of me in hell week I will reverse that pain and suffering and I will take your soul so every instructor that put me through buds my job what drove me was I wanted you to go home that night after you beat the living sh out of me and I smiled in your face I wanted you to feel worse than I did and you were going home to a nice warm bed with your wife or your kids in a a nice meal and I was still out there in the grip suffering for another 100 hours I wanted you to think about me knowing that I'm comfortable being very uncomfortable and I want you to think about when you went through from hell week how uncomfortable you were and how bad you wanted to quit knowing I'm not thinking that way so the dark side is something that I've designed it's an evil place I can go that very few things can hurt me I use the hurt you're trying to put on me I flip it upside down and use it you trying to use it for Kryptonite no it's power pillars for me me I'm I'm using it for strength I just flip negative into positive that's all it is I was just a insecure scared kid and the only way I could find myself was through put myself through the worst thing possible my biggest advice to give everybody in the world is like I say we live in an external world everything is is you got to see it touch it it's it's external if you can for the rest of your life live inside of yourself stop listening everything that is makes no sense all these insecure people putting their insecurities on you you got to flush it out you got to just be whoever the hell God or whoever the hell you believe in if you believe in nothing but yourself I don't care what it is you got to take everything and throw it away you have to believe in one thing and that is yourself and and I'm not saying don't believe in God or what you believe in but right now for you to find greatness in your s you're not going to find it by looking in a book or by even hearing me I may give you the spark but you've got to go inside yourself to find it and that means you got to be quiet go in a room stop talking search your soul search your mind search your abilities and you'll find it but if you're not looking for it you won't find it so you got to go start your journey and the journey starts you finding why the hell am I I here on this planet Earth why am I here if you don't know that you will live the rest of your life searching always asking the question why well it was pretty crazy for me it um it it took a while to get to that point where enough was enough but it happened that I I came home one night from work spraying for cockroaches and um long story short I turned on the um Discovery Channel I saw some guys going through Navy SEAL training and they were going through hell week and they're getting their ass just beat you know in and out of the water guys ringing the bell um there was suffering and I was weighing like 297 lbs and I had to make a change in my life you know I was at all time low and I wasn't going anywhere and I was exactly what everybody said I was going to be which was nothing so I had to make a [Music] change no one was helping me out my dad made my mom kind of irregular so she worked three jobs went to College full-time so she was never around one time this this person drew a picture of me and you know said we're going to kill you on my Spanish notebook Jes and I took it to my principal and my principal said they spilled Niger that was the best advice he can give me so long story short what I realized was no one was here to help me I started shaving my head when I was 16 years old and the feeling I had every morning I looked in the mirror was horrible and I didn't want to feel like that anymore and how I felt was a a kid going nowhere a kid that was scared and most kids will accept that and look for help but the best thing that happened to me no one helped me no one felt sorry for me no one looked at me and said like this day and age they'll they'll take you in and they'll tell everybody stop picking on this person back then they didn't care the KKK marched in our fourth July parades they had to stay 100 yard back but they marched in it wow that's how this town was and my mom cared about me but my dad took our soul and she you know did the best she could I had to figure out I wasn't going to be a punk kid all my life so only way I could turn around was to suffer I had to build calluses in my brain the same way I built calluses on my hand so I broke the Ginsburg Royals record for puls a long time ago but I failed at it twice and I did 67,000 pull-ups in trying to break this record so to do 4030 pull-ups I had to do 67,000 for training for that and so what I realized is for me to become the man I wanted to become I saw myself as the weakest person God ever created but I never blamed God for anything he did to me so I wanted to change that to be the hardest man ever created am I that I don't know but you had to have a goal goal right and my goal when I was sitting there not going to school being bullied being having no self-esteem my goal was the only person that's could turn this person around is me and the only way I can turn around is put myself through the worst things possible a human being can ever endure and that'll be the only way that I can build this brain to handle anything that comes in front of it callousing my mind through pain and suffering in the end what would your advice be to that 16-year-old kid who staring in the mirror does not like what he sees but is still running from adversity well my biggest advice to him is that first of all he won't like what I say to him because I'm going to say the exact opposite of what the world today's world is saying so we read a bunch of books nowadays as as humans we we want to find out how to be someone else what we don't do is we don't go inside so literally turn yourself Inside Out read the book that's like like we're writing a book every day of Our Lives but we never read that book so what I would challenge this young man or or young woman to do is you have to look inside of yourself to see what you really want what what are you passionate about we use these words and these little phrases of Only the Strong Survive and all this other crap they're all just words I get so tired of hearing people just talking like right now someone may think goggin's just talking you don't know me so when I speak I speak from Passion I speak from experience I I speak from suffering I have to tell this young man or woman that the only way I believe this is this my experience in life the only way you're ever going to get to the other side of this journey is you have got to suffer to grow to grow you must suffer and some people will get it and some people won't but they have to see what their journey is to start their Journey several people live to be a hundred years old and they have great lives and they have great kids their kids go to college and all sort of stuff but somewhere in their life there was a point where they had a decision to make they can go left or right on this path left was the easy route right was the hard route a lot of people take the easy route and they had a good life that way but the better life was going to the right side and you may have 20 years of pain and suffering to get past it but a lot of us die never truly starting our journey and I would tell this young person you got to start your journey it may suck but it will it will come out the other side where you're coasting every day we're seeing who we are as people when I was growing up I I lied for people to accept me because I didn't accept myself so I would make up stories so so then you would accept me into your world everything I did was for someone else to like me it wasn't until I started reading my own book about how pathetic I was as a human being I can blame my dad I can blame kids at school I can blame having health issues add my mom not being around great mom but she was doing her thing right I could blame a lot of people and that's the book I was reading and I put it off on everybody else it wouldn't until I say you know what for me to fix this I got to read what the hell what is wrong with David goggin not not blame anybody read my book and say okay I'm afraid of my shadow how can I overcome that go in the military get your ass kicked do things you hate to do be uncomfortable every and day of your life Roger that I'm not the smartest kid in the world okay instead of somebody saying Oh no you're smart no no don't say that to yourself I said to myself no I'm a dumb mother okay Roger that how you get smarter educate yourself so the things that we run from we running from the truth we're running from the truth man so the only way I became successful was going towards the truth as painful and as brutal as it is it changed me it it allowed me to become in my own right who I am today so hopefully I can help people that believe that they're much less than what they truly are help them find greatness in themselves and greatness isn't running 200 miles at a time or doing 4,000 PS or being a seal greatness is whatever the hell you dreamed of in your own mind you got to first see it you got to First create this Vision in your mind mind and then that's when I come into play once you create this Vision in your mind it's how am I going to get there now and that's when I come into play But first you got to create your own vision and it's not external it's the the vision that created is inside of you so until you create that I'm I'm I'm nobody to you I'm slowly writing a book right now it's taking me four or five years cuz I have so many things to talk about it's going to be several probably several books but um the first book will probably about my life story how I came up and um a few Lessons Learned along the way but you know I have so much to talk about so much to say just to give people a lot more than hope [Music] [Music] so [Music]
Channel: Motivation Madness
Views: 395,006
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motivational video, motivation, motivational speech, speech, motivational, success, inspirational video, motivational speeches, motivational speech for success, motivation madness, study motivation, life advice, inspiration, powerful, david goggins motivation, david goggins motivational speech, david goggins interview, nothing changes if nothing changes, david goggins speech, david goggins edit, 2024 motivation, motivation for 2024, 2024 motivational speech, david goggins 2024
Id: b0FVTOxsWw0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 115min 30sec (6930 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 04 2023
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