Nobody Will Save You, It's All on You Alone - 1 Hour of David Goggins

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M is so powerful and I didn't realize it I went through three hell weeks Ranger school Delta Force selection all this stuff this incident I'm going to explain to you right now was where I realized we are only at 40% of what we are capable of here I am Bri idea to do this race called badwater 135 I Googled the 10 hardest races in the world what came up crazy race in Death Valley summertime 135 miles I knew nothing about ultra running I thought you would like you know camp out run 20 miles then one day and then run 20 mil again until he got 135 miles had no idea what I was doing called the race director up he's like hey have you run 100 miles I was like what in a week or what what are you talking about he's like no in 24 hours or less I said no he goes you got to qualify to get in this race you have to run 100 miles in 24 hours or less he was trying to call my bluff I call him up on a Wednesday he goes hey there's a race in San Diego on Saturday where it's a 24-hour race where you run around you know a track a one mile track for 24 hours and if you get 100 miles I will consider you in my race it really helps to be smart people and I was not smart in this situation I said all I did the math it's about a 14 something Min mile I can do that anyway I show up on Saturday with the blue lawn chair Rich crackers mlex and my ex-wife and every mile I'm going to see her I'm going to grab some Ritz crackers and some mlex I don't know what the hell I'm doing but it's Bliss that whole ignorance is bliss thing so I get to 70 m pretty damn fast I get 70 miles in like 12 13 hours what do you think happens to your body we hav't trained for that kind of mileage a lot of bad things but I thought I was in good shape it was amazing I hadn't gone to the bathroom at all I sit down big mistake I sit down this blue lawn chair I sit down looking at my ex-wife I'm seeing like three or four of her I'm like oh this is not good so I'm trying to play it off because I know where I'm about to go so I'm sitting there and when you haven't gone to the bathroom you're dehydrated your nutrition's all jacked up you sit down you got to go to the bathroom now so I'm sitting there literally pooping up my back and peeing blood down my leg she's a nurse so she's concerned learn and I'm telling you right now there's one thing you never want to hear as a black person she said you're starting to turn white so I'm sitting there and I'm all jacked up and I'm like okay how in the world am I going to I got 30 miles to go I should quit but I didn't what I started doing through this whole process was I started to study myself in the dark times so instead of just quitting real fast I said you know I'm going to quit but not right now so I sat back for a second and I said let me get some water let me hydrate let me clean myself up a little let me get some nutrition I wasn't dizzy said okay my feet are all messed up let me see if I can walk I'm going to walk one mile and then I'll go home that'll be a great accomplishment for me 71 miles so I took this massive thing and I started breaking it down into small chunks and as I started breaking it down to small chunks I started realizing maybe I'll walk one more mile but at the pace I was walking I wasn't going to make the time so this is when I realized that whole 40% rule those of you who you know R can't hurt me you understand it basically the 40% rule is when we have a governor on our brains like a governor on a car a car may say 130 but if you put a governor on a car it can only go 101 we do the same thing to our brains I was born with limited Horizons born on the other side of the tracks I didn't think I could be anybody so my governor was myself so once you take that governor off you have Limitless Horizons so this gu just passed me he said goggin just be average today some of you just don't understand some of you've been average for so damn long you don't know what it is to do hard work but there's a lot of you out there who want to be much more than average but just don't know how to do it every single day the crime so check it out this is a mindset Maybe it's true maybe it's not but there's a mother out there who wants what you have who wants the position you are who wants the job you have who wants the wife that you have or the husband is someone out there hungry and wants everything you can have maybe it's true maybe it's not but if it is it's going to be your ass so make that a motivation for you stay hard I want to be that guy I want to be a guy that's capable of doing exactly what I'm doing today you have to if you weren't born that guy that mentally strong guy he can be made woman man whatever whatever the hell you are it can be made but in making that person you have to turn be able to turn down book deals you have to be who you are every day of your life and never care about anybody who gets in your way that said you're not doing something the proper way I was always afraid of people not wanting to like when you get beat as bad as I did I lied all the time I wanted to be accepted and loved and that I created about 50 people whatever you like I like just if you would be my friend just be my friend and that's where we get lost in life [Music] so today I decided to try to PR my long run so the first half the run I'm feeling great my mind is clear nothing going on think about nothing but my just my running pace what I'm doing my breathing and everything like that get to mile 15 I turn around and the demons start to creep in that inevitable wall is creeping up on me when you push so hard something's about to give and I started to give my mind started to break down I started feeling my legs starting to hurt I started feeling dehydrated started feeling sorry for myself started looking around why don't you go ahead and just stop call your girl have her pick you up get out of your head and stay hard this guy stopped me at a stoplight he was like hey goggin why am I not getting better I'm a big time goal Setter I run half Iron Man I run half marathon I go for that new promotion at work why am I not getting better I asked him a question do you have fear of not reaching those goals he said no I that's your problem you're setting goals you know you can reach and when you do that that fear that insecurity that doubt that's where you grow he's not getting that you must always set goals that you think you cannot achieve and then there you get better stay hard everything I didn't want to do is what got me to where I'm at today it's about what you're saying to yourself but it also comes with work so whenever I was getting beat down physically mentally spiritually whatever I was going through just saying you can't hurt me I have this haunting voice in the back of my head a lot of us have it we just ignore it and it was there for years years so I knew in the back of my mind that I could pull off this whatever whatever I wanted I knew I could I knew that but I I was afraid of the work because I wasn't gifted with brains I wasn't gifted with god-given Talent as far as like athleticism so I knew to get to where I had to go to be in the same playing field as these men to even try out for this program I knew the work was going to be something that I didn't want to even even attack so I was just putting it off it haunted me that's what I realized for myself was I wanted that comfort zone that everybody looks for that pad on the back they don't want to hear all the bad they want to hear everything that they're doing right and I realized that's what kept me in this world that's what kept me in this world of not accomplishing anything what I did was I became that big bad Nas that you don't want to walk into at night time I became the roughest critic in the world on myself and that's what Chang me the harder it is the more you start to push back and the more you push back and it's not right for people to talk about not right for like let's say you are fat I was fat that's why I talk about [Music] it and it was hard as everying day to get up I know what it feels like when you roll your fat ass out to bed all you want is some damn cinnamon buns and and chocolate milkshake I I know what it is I know exactly what is but I can't want it more than you and so many people just want it the easy way it I'm sorry man it's not so what they start to do is they build this Narrative of it's okay when the narrative should be you need to work harder you need to discipline your mind better we need to help people more than just saying it's okay it's okay that you're not willing to help yourself out that's not okay I stopped caring about people that what they thought being judged wow if I say this if I started right now are you going to make fun of me I sto caring about that and that's my life started really changing for me slowly but surely or situations that have wronged me because once you've come to a place where you are really happy with who you are in life no one with you anymore even though they're [ __ ] with you it doesn't with it doesn't with you what do you want in your life we have so much influence coming at us that we are so lost we don't know what we want to do cuz we don't spend enough time with ourselves I'm insecure here this isn't the real me I li to you about that I wanted your acceptance in life all those things happen but the thing about it is that we get judged so quickly by who we are we don't know we don't go to the to where it happened life created this person me and I had to realize man that's okay man it's not my fault now I got to go back and fixed it though so a lot of this isn't your fault why you do some things you do why you feel the way you feel but no one's coming back to save your ass you have to go back to where they started wherever that place is for everybody and had the courage to go back there and start fixing what broke you I was just an insecure scared kid but the best thing that happened to me no one helped me so only way I could turn around was to suffer I had to build calluses in my brain the same way I built calluses on my hands I saw myself as the weakest person God ever created but I never blamed God for anything he did to me so I wanted to change that to be the hardest man ever created am I that I don't know but you had to have a goal and my goal when I was sitting there not going to school being bullied being having no self-esteem my goal was the only person that's could to turn this person around is me all these insecure people putting their insecurities on you you got to flush it out you got to just be whoever the hell God or whoever the hell you believe in if you believe in nothing but yourself I don't care what it is you got to take everything and throw it away you have to believe in one thing and that is yourself and and I'm not saying don't believe in God or what you believe in but right now for you to find greatness in yourself you're not going to find it by looking in a book or by even hearing me I may give you the spark but you've got to go inside yourself to find it how that's the question how are you going to do that thck in your skin come more of a human being don't be afraid of the reflection in the mirror CU that's all you can be you're afraid of once you overcome the reflection in the mirror on the other side is greatness greatness is whatever the hell you dreamed of in your own mind you got to first see it you got to First create this Vision in your mind once you create this Vision in your mind it's how am I going to get there but you've got to go inside yourself to find it and that means you got to be quiet shut the up go in a room stop talking search your soul search your mind search your abilities and you'll find it but if you're not looking for it you won't find it so you got to go start your journey and the journey starts you finding why the hell am I here on this planet Earth why am I here if you don't know that you will live the rest of your life searching always asking the question why well the big thing that got me lifting was my self-esteem was real low so I hid behind that big body so I was 175 lb before I became that 300 lb guy and the reason why I became big was to hide my real soft insecure fearful of everything self and being being a large individual it scared people away from the real soft David gogin inside so I built this humongous exterior to keep away the enemy because my mindset wasn't um what it is now when you know these things about yourself and you know that you're hiding from certain things and you know why you became big I didn't become big for the love of the sport you know it wasn't like you know what I just want to be some jacked up cat man walk around eat you know 10,000 calories a day you know bring around my you know eight gallons of water to the gym sit down my damn smelling salts and just get after it I love that part but it was fighing a lot ofit going on in my in my life my personal life so that that big guy became my armor became my shield so people wouldn't pick on me anymore and they'd be scared cuz I would you know just either just beat the out of him or just eat him whatever the first and the one thing that I really realized was for me to become a tough guy and that's what wanted to be I I saw myself as a very weak man and for me to be hard and be tough I had to start going over to that list that scary list to start facing that cuz I knew over there I was going to find a whole new person cuz if I kept on doing the things that made me feel comfortable I was going to continue being that same person I always was the lying insecure fearful person living this nice comfortable life of mine so I just designed a very uncomfortable world for David Goins and in that world I found a whole new different David gogin the biggest problem in this world is other people not yourself it's other people in your head they are puppet mastering you pretty much on your life we live by The Narrative of other people but what means the most to me is the emails I'm getting emails talking about how you're setting different goals how you're leveling up how you're finding more how you're not feeling sorry for yourself how you're not looking for that handout that the world's not going to give you I tell you right now wolves a lot of wolves travel in packs but there's times when even the wolves in that pack don't understand who you are you must go out there sometimes and travel alone and even the toughest and hardest people in the world don't have any idea what you're trying to do and that's okay you must always look to be uncommon amongst the uncommon stay hard you know a lot of people have like teammates and like family push my my mom was struggling bro she was strugg so it was like me and my mom and so it's a lot of this me so when you're waking up every morning by yourself getting after by yourself and it's the hidden work people see a one minute you know video of me running this these Fighters you know they they see during the fight or after the fight they don't see mother what they deal with every day I'm not good enough I'm not good enough I shouldn't be here I shouldn't be here cuz every day even though they're from the best in the world that little mother seven or eight years old is still in there saying oh man we we don't have something man we not good enough we shouldn't be here so you're always fighting that [ __ ] even though you beat it you never truly beat it and you get up early and all these things you do to start forming yourself you're alone you're alone you may have a shrink you're going to you may have a best friend you're going to but there's 24 hours in the day where you're alone in this brain and your brain is talking to you in all kind of ways and it wants to control you and pull you in these different Pockets if you can't control your own brain and your brain controls you your you got to tell your brain where you want to go and how you want to go and how you want to get there you got to control it if not it's over you have to be quiet in your mind get away from people we love being around people we love talking we love parties we love all that it's okay to to be alone it's also okay to be unhappy I put my phone away I put it away and I go dark I go dark a lot and it's because I have to find out I'm on a journey of life and we all have a different journey and I want to be in my pine box and I believe your spirit lives forever has to it's too powerful no way in hell that thing just dies when you die I want to be able to look back on my life when I'm all dead and be soing proud of myself forever this is all temp my big takeaway of life is if you're constantly taking the easy way out you're never going to call your mind I was a chameleon living in life who could barely get by so I know that they were taking the normal mindset of people they weren't talking about the 1centers the people who want it like there's no tomorrow everything I didn't want to do is what got me to where I'm at today it's about what you're saying to your St but it also comes at work so whenever I was getting beat down physically mentally spiritually whatever I was going through just saying you can't hurt me I had this haunting voice in the back of my head a lot of us had it we just ignore it and it was there for years so I knew in the back of my mind that I could pull off this whatever whatever I want I knew I could I knew that but I I was afraid of the work because I wasn't gifted with brains I wasn't gifted with god-given Talent as far as like athleticism so I knew to get to where I had to go to be in the same playing field as these men to even try out for this program I knew the work was going to be something that I didn't want to even even attack so I would just put it off it haunted me that's what I realized for myself was I wanted that comfort zone that everybody looks for that pat on the back they don't want to hear all the bad they want to hear everything that they're doing right and I realized that's what kept me in this world that's what kept me in this world of not accomplishing anything what I did was I became that big bad NASKA that you don't want to walk into at night time I became the roughest critic in the world on myself and that's what changed me I literally saw myself in the mirror I saw the truth versus saying you know my dad did this to me from you know from beating me my life did this to me my Broken Foundation did this to me I took that and said you know what well some people may help this happened but now I have to own this 99.9% of the I did to get to where I'm at today was alone alone out there running in cold in heat suffering in pools trying to swim at home in a room by myself trying to teach myself how to read and write how to study you know no one saw that there was no video cam there was no podcast there was no who's David Goin it was me I just just for me trying to get in the military everybody can do it's easy just trying to learn how to read and right with something that blows Rocky away because I'm I'm I'm proud of her I created about I'm more part of I created it without an audience without a cheering Squad without someone like come on man you got it you can do it you know who you are when there's no [ __ ] out there when you're running and you're at Mile 75 150 mile race ain't nobody cheering for you you're broken you're defeated it's you and you alone in youring head and I stayed that way for the better part of 30 years trying to figure it out a lot of us are going throughing hell maybe not as bad as me maybe worse than me but they don't know how to express it because we supposed to live in a world where we have to talk a certain way we have to walk a certain way we have to act a certain way nothing gets handled in that [ __ ] world you stay stuck in that world you stay in a world of things will get better because someone said they would and I need to find peace no you need to go to war with yourself man at the end of that war you'll sit back all damaged and bruised and scarred up and up and maybe your so ass muscles so tight that you may lose two in on your body who knows but then that war you're going to sit back on a couch maybe have a glass of water drink a beer drink a beer the war may be 30 years but when it ends you will know what the it's all about then and then you'll find your piece no one's going to come back to save me no one's going to come back on this couch and say hey it's okay you're going to be okay no I'm not I'm not going to be okay I I had to realize I had to take a stand I I I had to make a real stand and it was painful to look at who I like who I was what the world and myself created it created a a very lonely depressed insecure man that would do anything just to have a friend I will guarantee you one thing about me is that we all talk about time we don't have enough of it that's [ __ ] what you don't do right is you don't prioritize what is important in your life and for me me training and the things that I do on a daily basis that's how I start to build my armor I started finding self-esteem once I found that that's when doors started opening I started I stopped caring about people that what they thought being judged wow if I say this if I started right now are you going to make fun of me I stopped caring about that and that's when my life started really changing for me slowly but surely I saw working out as a way for me to build calluses on my mind I had to callous over the victim's mentality I always equated training to mental toughening it always looked brutal people waking up early and doing all these things it looked it looked horrible I like wow I got to start doing that not to get better bigger and stronger but that is what's going to build me that looks uncomfortable so I know how it is to be alone you have to be able to flip alone on top of his head I gained a lot of strength from having a sewer mentality and what a sewer mentality is is how many people can make it out of the sewer alone with no coach no trainer no one to guide you no one to Mentor you just having a a a straight up killer mentality having a warrior mindset having a no matter having a round 14 I'm going to get up mindset and you have to learn to flip that loneliness into like total like power and that's what I was able to do I was able like you know what if I can come out of this sewer that I'm living in in my mind if I can overcome all these things by myself how how much strength will I gain from this that looks brutal and getting up early I don't want to do that so I me this long list of things I don't want to do and through that I found myself and you gain a ton of strength from it so that's how I looked at my life growing up I stopped looking at all the bad things that life handed me and I I started looking more as a the ultimate training ground for where I want to go my my mental armor starts to get built up by doing these things that are uncomfortable for me so I still hate running you guys are getting up at 5:00 in the morning running over here in this golf course so I started seeing myself very differently than the average human being I was like hold on a second I have something they don't have I've never had a lot of people in my life and I keep my circle real small um it's been my mom and you know it's my fiance right now and the more people you have in your life the noisier your life gets the more distraction you get in your life the more you start to hear grow comes from a very quiet place in your mind and when you can organize it you have to organize your mind and you have so much noise and distraction there's no organization in that so I believe in keeping my circle real small and those people know who they know what they get from me I know what I get from them and it keeps me going forward never stagnant and that's when I started to develop these things through working out it was this great NeverEnding work ethic and through work ethic I developed self-esteem I always equated working out to struggle and I struggled my whole life but I ran from it so I started realizing man I got to start facing the struggle and I got to be mentally strong for the struggle so that's why I started coming up with like I I'm training for Life mentally I'm training for life I'm not training for like I don't care about winning trophies I don't care about winning anything all I want to was go to distance and I found out on my own pretty much is that through this through through discipline through self-discipline through repetition through tons of repetition of the same thing that you don't want to do that's that's the key thing through repetition of things you don't want to do you develop mental like like an armor for your mind start to armor your mind mind's like okay we suffer we suffer every day it's what we do we do stuff that sucks every day so then when the suck stuff comes you're ready for it and that's how I started coming up you know I just started being very uncomfortable and now I'm it's like a just a way of life and I am happy because this is my lifestyle this is what I want to do but trying to find your best self you become unbalanced and people always talk about this mythical creature called the balance you want to be balanced I I I think balance is a bunch of bullsh yes I really do you think for everybody yeah I I think almost for everybody everything in my life so I had to learn this ability as I talked about my physical gave me the self-discipline and that literally has carried me over to I can sit down and study what may take some people an hour to study I can I have to sit down for maybe 10 hours to learn the same and that's very frustrating so I always talk about running and swimming and all this stuff I did in the military and pullup records and powerlifting all these mental all these physical Feats some of the hardest I do in my life is just learning but I got that self discipline from waking up at 3: and 4:00 in the morning to go out in the cold weather to to you know get my run in to get my lift in to get my swimming to do those things it totally transfers over to my learning it's that self-discipline you gain from feeling good about yourself by overcoming yourself on the physical aspect of life but I was like cuz I kind of was preparing myself for the next part of my journey I don't like to lay in my too long and I give myself a couple minutes okay we got man the up we got to get back like what's next you know let's go let's go see you know let's let's go back to college let's let's do something because you're you're running and you're athletic CH done and this was this was like literally a a trained skill for me was I'm I'm always preparing for like like not being a bit like a lot of people get to a point like for instance like if Jennifer can't do something like you know if if if she can't go for a run or whatever just like cuz she something's wrong like some simple [ __ ] it's going to bother her I got to a point in my life where I realize this is life and so I move on past things real quick so people like oh my God what are you going to do David if you can't run I'll swim or I'll go to college or I'll do something else this like like this isn't my life I'm very aware how quick life can take from you and I've always prepared my mind for the next [Music] chapter and what happened with me was I started this thing called front loading so when I was young I used to be a little piece of sh oh I'm not good enough I can't do this I can't do that the second I got my head out of my ass and I realized man you can achieve a lot of if you get off your ass you start moving and you start motivating yourself start becoming a self motivator so I started front loing and front loading these people man you've done so much by 47 because I don't know what tomorrow is going to bring me so my my military resume is fat you know I did a lot in the military I did a lot outside the military I've I've I've made money I've I've I've done almost every race out there hard race in the world I've broken pull-up records I've done a lot of so when these bad times come and also not like not only that like work your ass off so so you can enjoy yeah yeah you taking a shot you know you you may not live to be old but what if you do and you worked your ass off when you were able and you were able to get up early able to grind if you frontload it properly the back half of your life is money and that's what I [Music] did and this is one thing about life this is why you always must be ready always be ready never get ready people go oh hey what are you training for David I ain't training for [ __ ] when something pops up I'm ready so when Cam Pop the up and cam calls hey man I'm going to be in uh Las Vegas you want to go for a run sure do sure do brother sure do while the Run sucked I was ready went got some steak same day same oh we worked it out dude whenever me and him together you can guarantee it's going to be two people that love each other but are waiting for the other [ __ ] to break 100% dude it's like this thing in the back of her head okay maybe this will break them maybe this will break them so we haven't broken each other yet but I'm sure the day will come in my mind a lot of times man I'm like it doesn't mean I quit I don't quit you know I may not make it the first time but I'll come back I got to call an audible can get my head back in the game I got to I got to figure this [ __ ] out it doesn't mean you leave it means you study it more it means you study it more and and whenever I feel at something people I say man how do you handle failure man I fail a lot dude I fail all the time they go how do you handle it what I'm trying to do and this isn't being arrogant man I I it's being real not many people are trying to do there's not many people that who who can even open their mouth and criticize me when I do fail cuz I'm on trying to do man that many people aren't trying to do but I don't look at failure as failure I look at failure as your first second third fourth fifth attempt I look at them as attempts I don't look at anything as failure because when you're willing to try to do something not trying is failure that's that's and that's not some after school special [ __ ] but when you're able to go out there there there is no failure it's attempts cuz when you're trying to do something that's bigger than you whatever you are whoever you are if if if you're paralyzed you're trying to walk one step and you didn't you didn't fail mother that was your first attempt if that's your biggest thing that's how your mindset needs to go into everything so I don't look at it as failure is a big word like that gets people down we give so much power to words I don't I take the power right away I didn't feel sh hey come here brother let me talk to you Brother people don't like that man but I'm not going to allow you to go to a place that's going to be hard to get out of it's going to be hard if I allow you to gain five more pounds or allow you to take four more days off of school or allow you to keep on procrastinating in your life and I see it and I tell Jennifer behind your back I'm doing you no justice zero justice so where this world is now you can't say a mother I do I still do and I always will don't like me don't like me I'm good with [Music] that where it gets hard and the harder it is the more you start to push back and the more you push back and then it's not right for people to talk about it's not right for like let's say you are fat I was fat that's why I talk about it go ahead and say something mother I was fat too and it was hard everying day to get up I know what it feels like when you roll your fat ass out of bed and all you want but I can't want it more than you and so many people just want it the easy way it I'm sorry man it's not so what they start to do is they build this Narrative of it's okay when the narrative should be you need to work harder you need to discipline your mind better we need to help people more than just saying it's okay it's okay that you're not willing to help yourself out that's not okay it's not okay it's not acceptable even though it's your life if that's if if that's acceptable that's unacceptable and there's a lot of people in this world me included that if I accepted that I wouldn't be anywhere so yeah a lot of people just they they start creating a narrative about themselves that make it okay the ultimate G jail free card and now the world is set up to have so many Gil free cards every everything is okay and you can't say a mothering thing about it I want you I want you to go there with me I'm taking you there with me I'm I'm a Storyteller I want to take your ass down Paradise where I so the house I lived in in Buffalo New York that I got my ass beat every day funny we lived on Paradise Road and it was anything but Paradise so I want you to go there with me you want to learn from me let me take your ass home let me take you there so that's the whole thing about it man we're we're scared to dive into our lives what made us who we are the beautiful people that we are we're all jacked up in so many ways that's the beauty of us that's the beauty of me I'm jacked up but I figured out my own little process and how to get unj up and how to I'm not going to get the same you know I'm not going to get the same way you're going to get there you may get there by going point A to point B I'm might go Point C to D to e to F I'm going to be there the same way you are just a little harder that's how I train my brother brain so it's just different I'm just different thinker my part-time Savage was me running like 50 miles a week what I used to do and I do now is I got to a point I be running I was like okay man we could do 10 miles today I get I get to 10 miles back on know that demon that I let out every morning that walks the streets at night he comes say no bit not today man there's somebody out there that you don't know have never never met in your entire life that is doing 12 13 14 you're going to do another one and when you meet him you ain't getting ready so Godin kept on running I'm the hard working guy that that doesn't talk about so basically I don't take any days off as far as working out first thing in the morning time is you have to build your confidence in every day you're constantly gaining and losing confidence you're never staying the same so how you build your confidence is if you like what you see in that mirror that's how you start your day off if you wake up and you and you look fat you look out of shape you're not feel good which is you know or you don't feel good inside so my whole big thing is get up and work out shed some calories get the adrenals going get the mind going get all that going every day I run every day I work out a lot of people what they do is they have these these Finish Lines and I have a saying that says I don't stop when I'm tired I sto and I'm done when I was uh younger I didn't have any goals it's not really so much about goals it's just to-do list a to-do list and as a human being if you don't have a to-do list you're going to sit back and just fade away so I've been grinding lately every day run over 20 M A Day get up early going to bed early eating the right this last week started taking a toll on me I usually don't think too much get my shoes on head out I've been thinking a lot that internal voice has been talking to me talking about oh man you're tired looking at my shoes about pushing back the time of that that I go out to go run so I decided to tape record myself that Eternal voice I put on on tape so if you ever have a hard time out there tape yourself listen to what kind of bit you're being stay hard you need the ability to grind your ass into a fine powder and when you're that fine powder find a way to build that [ __ ] back up repeatedly that's possible I always fix the things on the surface if I couldn't read them right I learn to read them right I would always fix these things on the surface level and so whenever something hard with like rais his ugly head I didn't have any kind of tools to handle it like man I thought I fixed this already man but no I didn't go deep into the dungeon of my soul to say okay what is making you a quitter what is making you a weak man what is making you afraid that's why I kept on quitting and going back to start or not knowing how to get through hard times and that's why I was tell people I'm not a theorist I didn't study like you know I didn't study a book I literally put myself in a fire repeatedly like a sword you put a sword in the fire repeatedly and repeatedly if if you keep on doing that you're going to get a nice sword and you keep on beating it you got to beat the out of it and that's what I am I I became that I I I said okay we can't quit we got to figure out what's wrong with you what's going on here so I kept on putting the sword back in the dag on fire and I just beat it harder and I beat it harder before I knew I started realizing H all right man the brain is starting to get hard the brain is starting to get hard the one mentality that you must have in life is that regardless of which in front of you you still must grind I'll never be in the Olympics I'll never be a professional athlete but still I grind I fail at most things I do but still I grind I don't want to do what I do but still I grind and that one day you see me down a dark alley running at 1:00 in the morning no one thing I was grinding stay hard and I know how to self motivate a lot of my don't know how to self motivate man like we like to put the headphones on like before the big game and listen to the music what do you do when the headphones come off bro it's you and your own mind I know how to do that that's that's the hard part man do you ever listen to music when you run never I'm afraid of this I'm up here life made me this way here I stutter I I have these issues with get reading and writing and I'm I'm fat and I'm insecure we can't live like this we can't live in fear we can't live in judgment we can't be afraid of what people right now are looking at me saying about me we cannot be afraid of that my reading my learning my my workouts my my my diet you start neglecting all of that you neglect one of them you can you can neglect all of them a long time it's going to haunt you when you start seeing that my God I haven't eaten right in a long time haven't been sleeping right in a long time it can only be one of those things to take you off I'm very aware of my eating my sleeping my disciplines of life and I start to get too far away from them it's a hard stop and the one thing that only thing gets me mad nowadays is that so many people die with untapped potential because they think that someone else is better than them and they were born not with the greatest tools you need the ability of grind your ass into a fine powder and when you're that fine powder find a way to build that back up repeatedly that's possible when you come from a small small town and you come from a place that a lot of people don't want to come out of it and get out of it and all you want to do is become somebody you've got to be able to get out and let your mind see open-mindedness cuz a small town what it does to you is it closes your mind completely closes your mind not everybody this isn't everybody a lot of people you have to be able to go out there and create old openm mindedness you need space you need space to see the world like a lot of racism a lot of a lot of ignorance in the world it comes from people not being out and seeing other things seeing other people that's why we judge so harshly cuz our minds are so closed to the reality of of Life period self-esteem was built at a young age I had zero so that's why that discipline for me was for it takes nothing to be a loser and that's why I hold most people to a higher standard because I know how little it takes little like little ability like you need no Talent you need no greatness inside of you and you can still be a bad [ __ ] you have to be open-minded to the possibilities that I can do this once you shut your mind down to the possibility that it can be achieved there's no way can happen so that's why my my eyes and my body light up about things cuz I know that if you're in a fight you have to attack you have to keep attacking that enemy has to know he is not going to give up he must break the soul of whatever the is in front of you that's what I realized I was never breaking the soul of anything in front of me I started to devise ways to break a soul of a human being of a of an object of of of whatever's in front of me if you keep on attacking something nothing wants to stand in front of anything that is Relentless nothing I'm the hard working guy that that doesn't talk about so basically I don't take any days off as far as working out first thing in the morning time is you have to build your confidence and every day you're constantly gaining and losing confidence you're never staying the same so how you build your confidence is if you like what you see in that mirror that's how you start your day off if you wake up and you and you look fat you look out of shape you're not feel good which is you know or you don't feel good inside so my whole big thing is get up and work out shed some calories get the adrenals going get the mind going get all that going every day I run every day I work out a lot of people what they do is they have these these Finish Lines and I have a saying that says I don't stop when I'm tired I stop when I'm done when I was uh younger I didn't have any goals it's not really so much about goals it's just to-do list a to-do list and as a human being if you don't have a to-do do list you're going to sit back and it's fade away so I've been grinding lately every day running over 20 m a day getting up early going to bed early eating the right cuz last week started taking a toll on me I usually don't think too much get my shoes on head out I've been thinking a lot that internal voice that been talking to me talking about oh man they're tired looking at my shoes about pushing back the time of that that I go out to go run so I decided to tape record myself that Eternal voice I put on tape so if you ever having a hard time out there tape yourself listen what kind of bit you're being stay hard I'm no longer a theorist I'm now a practitioner I put it in hell I dissect it while it's inhale cuz you can't dissect anything in a normal environment you can't dissect anything in 72 Dee you must put it in the [ __ ] freezer and freeze and then you dissect it dissect it when it's miserable dissect the brain when all is thinking about I need to get out of here man I want to get out of the freezer open the door and he said No 5 more seconds Man 5 more seconds in the freezer and that's when you start to pick that brain apart and that's when all this stuff did to me I kept on putting myself back into the freezer or the fire and beaten out of myself mentally and physically before I knew it this is what happened I am a even though people want may not believe it cuz I cuss which is hilarious I believe in God big time I've had this voice in my head since I was a young kid so what trained me was that voice this voice in my head guided me to the spot where I'm at today and if you don't believe that you're here for a reason your life will seriously hurt and I start looking at my life as God put me some God very believeing put me here to go through this and now I see all the hundreds of thousands of lives I'm changing by the hell I went through there's a lot of power in that so my purpose as I started going through this journey instead of looking at like wo is me God man why why man why why I start looking as it's the perfect training ground you knew exactly what you were doing you put me in every situation possible to tell a story that needed to be told people don't really understand what that is when you're in the worst environment possible the worst situation possible and everybody's looking like God man I hope this ends and you see that time slows down you see that you're you're feeling that everybody has that look on their face like God this got to go I don't want to be anymore and when I started realizing I started playing mind games I was like you know what I bet these are looking at us judging themselves about when they were going through hell week about let me see I'm looking at Goggins right now I was better than him I was like okay okay you GNA judge me right this what I'm going to do to you they tell you how you're supposed to feel you are feeling that way I like uh don't let these mother tell you how you're supposed to feel no it's day one mother this is hour one so I was getting my B crew all jacked up I said we're going to take these mother for Souls so when they had us doing this simple thing that guys were struggling with I looked on the instructor's faces and it looked like someone had just with their soul and I looked at my guys my brok I said hey guess what we own space in their head we own space they're going to think about us tonight we start fueling off the fact that man it takes one second of energy to steal everybody's and then you have all the energy you need it's all you need you need to look at someone's eyes you know how it is when you fight somebody you broke that he's like oh God man I don't want to go back the next round and you feel like my God I can fight all day I can fight all day long that's what taking Souls is but you have to have the will the heart the courage to go that distance when you're exactly jacked up you have nothing left to give and give more in life a lot of us believe that we're working much harder than we actually are we think if we got up early for 4 days we've earn something you got to drop your entitled mindset we believe you work harder than we actually have trust me most of us have it learn to help yourself don't count other people to help you stay hard the mind is a medieval mother is constantly fighting against you it's the only thing in the history of the world that shows up on time every time it has a tactical advantage over you it knows your fears it knows your insecurities it knows everything about you it may be the only thing in that world that knows all about you you got to know about it because the end was near but there were some [ __ ] instructors that would hear the happiness and go right on past the end point when that happened everybody stopped talking head would sto dropping and I start taking Soul at that time I knew what happened in their mind they were living off the Hope Factor they they hope the instructors would stop running they hope the water was never cold they hope the weather was good I don't live off that H I wish the water was cold I wish the instru keep oning running I wish the rain when the endi is unknown and the distance is unknown that's you know who the you are they hold most of us fail in life because we're afraid of what everyone around you is they do that's 100% truth that's the one thing I realized I walked around and I put these people on on [ __ ] pedestal everybody was better than me so I can't tell you anything about me CU you're going to judge me and I'm going to feel even worse than what I am always be ready you never know when your next challenge is coming out of the blue a lot of people need to have that special event that's down the road that gets them motivated to get ready for the next challenge I'm telling you right now every day in present the next challenge today I'm minding my bed doing pull-ups sitting here doing pull-ups 5 6 7 8 on the minute this guy want to jump in we get to 30 minutes he looks at me thinks we're almost done we get to an hour he says to me how many can you do I say one more than you always be ready in life stay hard I want you I want you to go there with me I'm taking you there with me I'm I'm a Storyteller I want to take your ass down Paradise where I so the house I lived in in Buffalo New York that I got my ass beat every day funny we lived on Paradise Road and it was anything but Paradise so I want you to go there with me you want to learn from me let me take your ass home let me take you there so that's the whole thing about it man we're we're scared to dive into our lives what made us who we are the beautiful people that we are we're all jacked up in so many ways that's the beauty of us that's the beauty of me I'm jacked up but I figured out my own little process on how to get unjacketed up and how to I'm not going to get the same you know I'm not going to get the same way you're going to get there you may get there by going point A to point B I might go Point C to D to e to F I want to be there the same way you are just a little harder that's how I train my brain so it's just different I'm just different thinker one thing I found out in my life I used to always want people to accept me and like me so I became who they were if you like something and I didn't like it I liked it because you liked it become Unapologetic of who you are in your life if you get after it and you're hard mother get after it you got to make yourself better than what you think you are and what that requires is people to not understand you not know you not get you at all look at you like you're off look at you like you have a problem don't worry about that be Unapologetic get after it stay hard be who the you are stay hard what are you doing today tomorrow the next day that's why I'm listen to theorists I don't listen to all that bull I listen to Mother who's like this man what's wrong man I'm tired dude why you tired cuz tomorrow I got to do the again man whatever it is that made me nauseous and sick to my stomach it made me hurt there's no ending and that's the person I listen to that's the person who's gained knowledge you gain knowledge through suffering and on the other end of suffering is a world that very few very few have ever seen It's A Beautiful World cuz that's where you find yourself you don't find yourself in over here you find yourself on the other end like like the 100 mile race I was on I ran for 24 hours I found myself on the other end so today I decided to try to PR my long run so the first half of the run I'm feeling great my mind is clear nothing going on think about nothing but my just my running pace what I'm doing my breathing everything like that so this guy just passed me he said God just be aage today some of you just don't understand some of you've been average for so damn long you don't know what it is to do hard work but there's a lot of you out there who want to be much more than average but just don't know how to do it every single day to grind need to find someone to oil those gears up so check it out this a mindset maybe it's true maybe it's not but there's a motherfcker out there who wants what you have who wants to position you are who wants the job you have who wants the wife that you have or the husband there someone out you're hungry it wants everything you have maybe it's true maybe it's not but if it is it's going to be your ass so make that a motivation for you st hard let me take something those that criticize others that really got something going on themselves wish rather criticizing you quick story had some family come in town eating some breakfast Goin is nowhere to be found I'm out for a little work out we'll run I come back in for my run here come the jokes oh let me guess you were out running you probably gotten 100 miles this morning all the sarcasm you know how it goes I annoy people and they let me know about it I never say to them but they have no idea how annoying it is to me every morning I wake up I get chance to see your lazy ass in bed stay [Music] home I love these men but there's very few of them there's very few of them and there's very few that are willing to go there more than once a lot of people even people who've gone through special offs it kicks the to a point where in their mind what got me bad in perir rescue was when I was going through it I said I'm only going to do this one time and so many people in Special Ops whether they believe it or not in anything special ops in anything that's hard I'm only doing this one time once you say that you [ __ ] when I was in the military we going these instru lead runs most of the time we knew the start and end point so on the way back I started seeing people getting happy and because the end was near but there were some [ __ ] instructors that would hear the happiness and go right on past the end point when that happened everybody stopped talking heads stopped dropping and I start taking Souls at that time I knew what happened in their minds they were living off the Hope Factor they hoped the instructors would stop running they hop the water was never cold they hoped the weather was good I don't live off that hope sh I wish the water was cold I wish the instructors keep on running I wish the rain when the end is unknown and the distance is unknown that's what you know who you are stay hard I prioritize trying to trying to win the battle in the morning every morning I go for a run that's the first thing I do every morning haven't taken the day off of running since December 2016 so I also stretch out every day for about two to three hours every day I missed two days in about five and a half six years and about 4 days a week I'm in the gym hitting the weights cuz you know you can't just be a runner so this is every single day the the monotony of my life but this is what builds discipline you know and not everybody I'm not telling everybody to do this but this is my lifestyle This is How I build self-discipline what are the some of the most valuable things you learned in the Navy you know what some of the most valuable things a lot of people say teamwork and stuff like that teamwork is big but I learned that you have to be a good individual first you have to Triple down on your weaknesses because a lot of times like you always count on your buddy so the different leadership styles one [Music] right you know I'm having a hard time trying to find a place to run but I'm spending a lot of time on you know the elliptical trainer I'm making it work I don't I don't mind learning it all you know I've been a lot of places in the world L you know London's good you know what um for me most of my life people didn't know it I had to tell them the truth my mom got abused physically mentally by my dad and so I kept everything everything from her pretty much whenever I wanted to tell her something it seemed like bad sh was always happening not just to her but to me also but at a young age I felt like I was a man of the house so I didn't want her to know anything about my life you like what I was going through you know I had a learn disability I still have a learn disability my dad beat the hell out of me school wasn't great for me so everywhere I went I was having all these kind of obstacles hit me in the face so I just hit it so I became a really closed person because I didn't want to stress her out anymore so I became this person who walked around with like two sides of David goggin there's one side that was like I'm a tough guy that was the the outside surface but on the inside I was a kid that was just hurting that needed all kind of help but no one knew it and never talked about it because why that show weakness and my mom didn't need to hear it at least that's what I thought so you know for for me to come out and be this vulnerable cuz everybody thinks I'm Superman everybody thinks I'm Superman so I had to tell them the truth and the truth is very important and for me a lot of years of my life growing up I lied a lot because didn't have a lot of friends felt socially just all kind of awkward I was hiding all kind of stuff so you do whatever you can to create a another human being that's acceptable that you think is acceptable in society and when I did that all that came out was a bunch of [ __ ] A bunch of Lies a bunch of Filth a bunch of nothing that's who I am I was lazy that's who I am but what I found when I was 297 lbs so I'm not a guy that read a book and said oh they're the answers all this came from here it came from me putting myself on the hot seat and then said okay wow okay 297 this is the where my mind was at to get to 187 this is where my mind went to to be to go through three hell weeks to run tours in the 5 miles to do 4,30 pull-ups and I'm a natural born fat guy even though I was born 175 I gained 125 lbs I was lazy that's who I am I'm going gu actually to sit back watch TV and eat pizza through a process of time I realized that I was lying to myself and lying to people what got me to this point was I was just the opposite of what I am today I was that guy who ran away from absolutely everything that I got in front of me but not many people knew that I had two people had the real me was like this very scared insecure stuttering got beat up by his dad all this kind of stuff and then I I built this fake person that walked around like my didn't stink you know you know yeah so that was that's kind of how I did it but what they don't understand is they don't understand the journey that it took me to get to this point well it's a it's a long process in my mind I I was always afraid my whole life I was afraid but I had this voice this this conscience that would always be battling me saying hey you got to get up and do something I didn't want to do sh you know I was just afraid but I would that that voice would force me to get up and I decided to make moves
Channel: Inspiring Squad
Views: 106,979
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: david goggins, new david goggins, david gogins, david goggins motivation, david goggins motivational, david goggins podcast, david goggins speech, david goggins compilation, inspiring squad
Id: TFOtT-flgtc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 25sec (3985 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 08 2024
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