30 Minutes For The Next 30 Years of Your Life | David Goggins Motivational Compilation

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[Music] i put every navy seal on the pedestal it's easy to do it's easy to do you read the books about them you see movies about them super human but what happens is once you drop your own limitations and you so one thing we do bad in life is we put all these people above you never put anybody above you man make it an even playing field but you can't make it even playing field if you're not working your [ __ ] ass off i'm not saying not to respect people you got to respect people but if you're playing tennis right now there's tennis going on here in queens if you're playing tennis and you're playing roger federer even roger federer's not here right now let's say you're playing roger best ever arguably best ever but i'm [ __ ] good at tennis but roger's the best ever that's in my [ __ ] head and we're playing a five-set match grand slam before roger serves the ball the first serve of the game first serve set one game one verse third in your mind you're thinking man that's the best [ __ ] person in the world to serve this i thought about navy seals so what happens is two sets fly by roger [ __ ] smokes you 606.0 or 6061. you're like wow man i can play with this [ __ ] but by the time you realize you can play with roger federer it's too late it's too late so that's what i mean by that don't go into any competition of life physical mental emotional whatever it may be too late you got to try so hard know know that you worked hard hard as [ __ ] to be on the even playing field so i did that so once i did that your eyes opened up so i so now you don't see roger federer as roger federer seem as a [ __ ] tennis player so now you're competing on the first serve so give yourself a chance to win so when i went to navy seal training after my first hell week second hell week third hell week i was like man i can compete with these guys i only compete with them i'm gonna go another level because i started seeing i put these guys a lot of people on a pedestal but it also hurt me it hurt me too because when you put people on a pedestal you expect people to be at a certain level so i was living off of wow all these mythologies of what a special forces guy is you get up you don't sleep you run on broken legs you know i'm just like you know i really fed into all that [ __ ] man so it actually helped make me who i am but i started looking around seeing man these are really a lot of normal [ __ ] guys and that disappointed me but it shouldn't have my expectations were of myself i was grouping everybody so that's why i realized being uncommon amongst uncommon it's really about yourself it's you against yourself it's not you against them but it kind of it sounds like that because really these guys are uncommon once you become a navy seal or whatever you become a big ceo you're now common again so everybody looks at these guys as uncommon but once you become one we're all guys again crawl in the same group of guys we're on the same fraternity so how do you separate yourself from the best talk about the repetition in my book a lot yeah gotta get the reps in so now my conversation is this i never set out to write a book when i was in the dungeon and no one was coming back to help me i just wanted that reflection in that accountability mirror that i hated so badly to be something that gave me pride to be something that made me feel it wasn't it's not about money it's not about success it's not about people oh my god that's david goggins sign my book no when i started this journey out years ago it's about i just want to learn to read so now i'm at a place now where i see the possibilities of the human of human potential what are we capable of is the conversation now the conversation now is how can i now talk to people in a way they can understand the message that i have for so many people so that's the that's the new conversation now is that i you are constantly evolving you never say you're getting better you're getting worse not staying the same so for me i have to constantly be getting better i have to constantly be evolving my message so i'm constantly thinking in the quietness of my mind that's that's the key point too the world is so fast-paced the world is so noisy so my conversation now a lot of times is my god slow down the world can take you here here be here be there be everywhere and i lose myself sometimes so i catch myself in the airport i catch myself in the plane while writing stuff down okay remember this remember that i'm going to hey hey what got you here this isn't what got you here slow the [ __ ] down go back to the quiet place of that dirty mirror in that seven dollar a month place you used to live in that's where you grew you so i so that's what i'm constantly reminding myself and go back to your roots i'm not saying go back to hell i'm saying don't forget where you come from as you start to explode out of the gate when you become someone my conversation is do not forget your roots do not forget your roots don't let this become so big that you lose yourself amongst the noise go back to the quietness of what made you successful that's the conversation now it's a constant reminder that's where you find yourself you find yourself you are the you're not comfortable you're not comfortable on a daily basis and that's how i started to grow like i said about the mind it wants to put you in that nice 72 degree temperature with everything right there it wants to be in that knife with a little massage therapist that's where your mind wants to be it doesn't want to be you're going to talk about healthy so the other one being healthy and whole week i was in three of them i finished two of them in one year only person never do that is still history there's been people who have gone through a couple of hell weeks but in like five years six years seven years eight years i did i was in three in one year they say it takes off three to five years of your life so hell week is 130 hours of continuous training you might get two hours and what it does is it's designed to breaking to breaking man down to the parts where like i talk about the surface how it's fixing the surface if you only fix the surface you will never get the help because what it does it starts to bring out these demons because even though there's a lot of yelling and stuff like that there's times where it's very peaceful in a very theory way so the first hour of the 130 is breakout you're shooting done just loud it's noisy your mind is in chaos when your mind's in chaos you can't think so you're having fun yeah this is great yeah we're healthy for navy seals or trying to be navy seals or badasses then what they do and i don't even think that they understand what they're doing but i studied the mind it's perfect it's psychological warfare they go from an hour the first hour when you're going crazy the second hour of the 130 they put you in the cold water it's called surf torture now they don't call it surf tours because it's a kind of general word it's called surf acclimation they put you out there no one's quick there's only been an hour maybe a couple of guys have and you're in the pacific ocean which is never warm you're all linked arms you're sitting there and the waves are crashing over you i went through winter hill weeks which is cold the pacific ocean is like 50 degrees it was 49 this particular night in my third hell week and what it does is it makes your mind flip out we've been doing this now for three weeks being in this water but for some reason now the water is colder than it's ever been it's not our minds are fragile we can process a day it's hard to process 130 hours there's no end there's no end so the mind starts to ramp up so you're sitting there as quiet no one's yelling at you hear the ocean and you're freezing and your mind goes [ __ ] starts to think i'm another 129 hours if you're not going home you're getting yelled at you can be frozen so you panic you freak out and you want to quit what i realize about the mind is those people who can be in that time and embrace that time and be in that moment and not allow the mind to go to 129 hours on hour one it's the control that we don't have in our minds it's a control that you had to have for three months when you're miserable when you're suffering when you're laying on the floor when you're doing all the disciplines it takes to be a monk you cannot think about the whole process it will make you it will it will make you so insanely crazy it's impossible it's inhumane what i'm about to do to myself you have to be able to break all these big humongous painful things in life down to the smallest molecule that's all the brain can handle the brain can't handle hours and hours and hours of suffering but it can handle right now i'm in the pacific ocean and it's very cold and this is what i'm doing don't think about the rest of it so that's what i've learned from hell week that's why i learned from being in three health weeks that's what i learned from all the military i went to ranger school i went to all these different schools to learn all of that to learn how the mind process so i talk about theorists i talk about practitioners a theorist is a person who reads a book doesn't do it reads a book learns about something and then talks about it a practitioner is myself a practitioner as a person like me i wanted to be an expert in the mind a mental toughness guy beyond mental toughness the only way to do that in my eyes is to put yourself in hell put in help repeatedly repeatedly put yourself in hell and study how you process it and that's how i was able to come up with all these different ways all these different tools to to slow the mind down in hell because the mind just speeds up the mind wants to get out of the painful situation the suffer it can't it can't process it so that's what i realized by going through all these different processes of being in hell weeks there's some times where the mind gets overwhelmed and you cannot slow it down but by these these certain tools are developed by not allowing your mind to get away from the moment you cannot you have to think about the exact moment that you're in but i saw when i was younger the moment became too big when it became too big i spazzed out now we quit but now i don't think about even like an hour from now i'll be eating i don't even go there because in your mind oh no we must embrace this because now there's you have to be a leader at this moment it's not about you just getting through it i had six guys i had five guys and six including me in my boat group now as the bull crew leader so now another trick is this if you don't think about yourself there's no pain which can also lead to pain later on in your life but in these moments when you're struggling if you are a true leader and you're worried about your men or women beside you your mind doesn't care how cold you are your mind's only worried about taking care of the men and women beside you so i started realizing man if i take care of these cats when i left in my right in the worst moments my mind is no longer thinking about you're miserable david goggins get the hell out of here think about how is john how is andy how was sam how was pete hey how you guys doing you're not thinking about me so there's so many things you can do to get outside your own head because then a lot of your body just feel like hey we're just machining but you have to let your mind be able to process all these different tactics do that take a different vantage point in life when you are in the hell you can't see the beauty of being in it when you're in it get on top of that mountain top in your mind just off that mountain and look down at what you're doing you can see a whole different world that world is beautiful but you gotta get a different vantage point in this in the suck don't be in it spiritually get out of it get that soul look down on what you're doing be amazed by the process of where you're at now and where you came from and i looked at my [ __ ] was this is the perfect training ground to being a man you know a lot of people like i was talking about taking the path of least resistance i believe in life you must earn the right to be called a man and a lot of people do not think the way i do and that's fine i'm not asking you to be david goggins trust me it's a hard [ __ ] road to home it's not like it's not fun all the time but the thing about it is you have to look i i looked at my hardships as challenges once i got over the pity party because i went through that face of course i'm a normal human being but i realized that that got me exactly where i was at even worse as i looked at those challenges the way most people do what was me why the [ __ ] can i get a break why i wish i was better i wish my parents were better i always had a better education i wish this i wish that they have all these wish sandwiches i started realizing how can i [ __ ] figure out how this [ __ ] can [ __ ] work for me so the one thing we don't do is we don't we're in that dark place that dark place is a great learning environment if you can sit back in a dark place and find quiet to this think there's so much power in your failures and your [ __ ] in your suffering because while you're still alive you're still [ __ ] here so you gotta look at that [ __ ] as my god man this is power man like now i gotta flip this [ __ ] how many men will be able to do and i'm about to do what i'm about to try to do like literally what gave me strength was when i was at the worst of my worst how many men would even [ __ ] say they want to try to be a negative right i'm at the worst spot of my life like i can't even walk down the street let alone run down the street and i'm gonna now call a recruiter up and try to be a steal there's a lot of power in that but people don't see it there they see man that's stupid i had this voice in the back of my head that kept on running from i was afraid the water i was afraid of dealing with things that made me feel unaccepted i didn't accept myself so i kept on going towards things that i felt good let me let me go this way but something kept on saying [ __ ] you you have it man you got it man but you're gonna have to fail a lot but you have it and like i said that voice kept on haunting but that voice kept on saying if you face it you realize it's not that bad i said i'm tired of feeling the way i feel every day i'm tired of how i feel tired of lying to myself lying to people and just being some piece of [ __ ] and i always knew in the back of my mind i could be something special but i knew the work it was going to take was going to kill me i was afraid of that i was afraid of the brutality and the suffering i was going to have to endure but i knew i knew i could do something but i'm like i ain't trying to do that kind of work man what got me to this point was i was just the opposite of what i am today i was that guy who ran away from absolutely everything that i got in front of me but not many people knew that like the real me was like this very scared insecure stuttering got beat up by his dad all this kind of stuff first of all you have to start your journey and many of us think because we're born into this world that we have started our journey that's not it man that's not it it's not that simple i wish it was that simple many people have died and lived to be 100 [ __ ] years old and never started their journey that journey starts when you start to meet yourself at that battle you start to battle yourself and start to break down those walls that you and society start to build in your own mind once you start to break down those walls you've now started your journey your journey has to be hard at first i couldn't run the first thing about it was so i said to myself i'm gonna run four miles my first run off the gate i'm gonna run four miles i ran a mile i went a quarter of a mile walked home sat on the couch depressed i said man there's no way i can do this but what i realized though is i wasn't going to give up because i already given up a million times and i thought about how would i feel at 50 years old if i gave up now not to have you know so i kept all this stuff in my mind basically i started becoming obsessed i slowly it didn't happen that night on the couch over a period of time i started becoming obsessed with studying with weight with being somebody was making people who thought it was gonna be nothing kind of like feel like [ __ ] i became obsessed with you have to make this right and the only person could do is yourself so i became obsessed with just being obsessed the reason why we go back to old habits is because our goals are too lofty we're not achieving our goals fast enough so what happens is you know what ah man we're very impatient nowadays for me it was good i have a phone i was i was i was out of this world by myself it was a race against david goggins they want to race against god i don't look good for this person or that person it was me i got to change myself so for me if i lost five pounds in a week i got a feeling i allowed myself to feel proud of that i didn't look i gotta lose 106 pounds i'm like man i went from 297. now i'm 292. in one week man i'm i'm killing it we don't we're not proud of ourselves for the small accomplishments what we need is we need this monstrosity of the thing to happen say ah did it nah there's a process that you have to go through and patience is the process and if we don't have patience after a week i haven't lost 30 pounds and i'm done i'm over it so that's why i found out with people man they're not patient enough to realize and to enjoy the moment not living it just enjoy it there's no finish line in life but enjoy that moment roger that man i lost five let me go 10 next week so that's the whole thing about it that's how people lose it it starts with yourself man you got to start diving into those things that you are afraid of you don't gain confidence by going to the spot that makes you feel good it could be a false reality and the second life gives you that challenge all you want to do is go back to what made you confidence or or or what gave you confidence is that happy spot no what gives you confidence what gave me confidence was spending years at a kitchen table trying to learn how to read and write on my own realizing i can't learn the way you learn i can't but i can learn what gives you confidence not being afraid it's overcoming the fear isis stutters severely bad so right now i don't know how many people are going to watch this you know what gives me confidence is knowing i no longer care if i sit and start stuttering to you yeah that's what gives me confidence is facing these things overcoming them and maybe not overcoming them every day but facing them and facing their face and preaching like this you know what man this is where it's at it's not in that comfort zone it's in the discomfort zone is where my confidence is getting built that's where it's getting built but people want to they want an easier answer there has to be an easier way there's not i'm sorry i searched for it my entire life you changed your life i lied i did everything and i still felt empty i coach a lot of people nowadays billionaires who call me on the phone and say man i'm still missing something it's because they did what they were good at and they had this beautiful family two three houses cars everything has everything in the world on the outside looking like my god man how can you be unhappy i walk around with the backpack with all my stuff in here no car right and i walk around happiest person in the world have nothing happy as hell it's because i found out the whole key to life it's not in all that you have to face yourself so many people live to be 100 years old and they die miserable having everything because they never examined i call it my live autopsy you never examine this happiness peace enlightenment it's all up here man it's all up here if i start talking like this people are man you know no no it's the truth man yeah it's true it's all up here he's gotta be willing to go and face it and that's the hard part um i saw a rocky train in the movie but i see what i went through in real life that that movie is a fraction that all those movies i watched that inspired me they're all fractions of the real work i put into my life and i don't ever talk about enough the amount of work i put into being who i am i don't have enough time in the [ __ ] day like i don't talk about it i don't i don't brag about it no one even knows about it like 99.9 of the [ __ ] i did to get to where i'm at today was alone alone out there running and cold and heat suffering in pools trying to swim at home in a [ __ ] room by myself trying to teach myself how to read and write how to study you know no one saw that [ __ ] there was no video okay there was no podcast there's no who's david goggins it was me i just just for me trying to get in the military was everybody can do it's easy just trying to learn how to read and write was something that blows rocky away so all these different challenges that i've been through my life i've i've easily you know i don't i don't look at that movie the same way because i'm i'm proud of what i created but i'm more proud i've created it without an audience without a cheering squad without someone like you know like you run the boston marathon and people love that race they run so fast because for 26.2 miles there's a motherfuckingness come on man you got it you can do it you know who you are when there's no [ __ ] out there when you're running and you're at mile 75 150 mile race ain't nobody cheering for you you're broken you're [ __ ] defeated it's you and you alone in your [ __ ] head and i stayed that way for the better part of 30 [ __ ] years trying to figure this [ __ ] out and once you figure it out you look at your everybody hey so you're all broken now you know is that how you want to be yep if you could feel if i could put my brain in your [ __ ] head you said the same [ __ ] thing you would no longer think i was [ __ ] crazy you know what i think i was sadistic you realize [ __ ] this guy found it there has to be something so deep in you that drives you so what really does it for me is i know what we're capable of and i know that most human beings aren't willing to go where i am and that's a very very dangerous thing i'm not saying i'm bearing anybody else everybody has this talent it's not a talent it's just realizing that we stop way short of our true potential so through my life i realize these things and i know what gives me feeling as i know that most people who are blessed with so much talent great parents great upbringing didn't it count where i come from they're going to equip it for me having all the tools that they have they didn't have the ability to examine themselves when you have everything so nice in life it's great to have a great life but what happens is you don't self examine you don't do a live autopsy when you have a [ __ ] up life it almost forces you to do a live autopsy it forces you to find strength from places that no one looks from because food is not at the ready you know you're me i have a learning disability it's not at the ready i can't just pick up a book and start reading right right there's preparation behind everything i [ __ ] do there's there's everything i do has to come with so much [ __ ] preparation it's despicable it makes me sick my own personal life makes me sick that's why i'm so disciplined now without my self-discipline there is no david goggins like i can't like stop reading i won't be able to read tomorrow it will i will lose it that fast you know i you know i cannot stop going to the gym my mind is set up in a spot where hey the second i stop it wants to stop because i had a quitting mind growing up when you get beat the [ __ ] out of you all the time your mind wants to go to that nice spot where you're comforted where you're not trying where [ __ ] is easy that's where your mind it doesn't want to think you have all these things in the mind and the mind can only absorb so much [ __ ] so all the pain that has to go through it doesn't it wants to push it away it says let's not do that so every day i'm fighting where the mind wants to go so it's a it's a it's a constant it's a constant evolution man spirit life is that there is a final resting place in this world and there's a final judgment and you talk to something much bigger than you i don't want to sit down have a conversation with someone with something that says you're in heaven this is what you should have been on earth and are you really in heaven now are you in hell thinking about how much i left on a table for fear for not willing to go over the wall and over the next wall and over the next wall so my mind i believe that and god knows all at least i believe that i want god to be up there right now as we're speaking writing stuff down saying my god he exceeded even my expectations that's how i lived my life i now know that there is no cap on the human mind there's no cap we cap it ourselves some of us are going through [ __ ] hell maybe not as bad as me maybe worse than me sure but they don't know how to express it because we're supposed to live in the [ __ ] world where we have to talk a certain way we have to walk a certain way we have to act a certain way a kind of gentler world nothing gets handled in that [ __ ] world you stay [ __ ] up in that world you stay in a world of things would get better because someone said they would and i need to find peace no you need to go to [ __ ] war with yourself man at the end of that [ __ ] war you'll sit back all damaged and bruised and scarred up and [ __ ] up and maybe your psoas muscles so tight that you may lose two inches on your [ __ ] body who knows but then that [ __ ] war you're gonna sit back on the couch maybe have a [ __ ] glass of water if you drink a beer you drink a beer the war may be 30 [ __ ] years but when it ends you will know what the [ __ ] is all about then and then you'll find your [ __ ] peace you'll find your [ __ ] piece then but until then you'll always be searching to find that nice kind book that guides you beyond all your personal suffering and [ __ ] that miracle is your [ __ ] after piece it doesn't happen man maybe it does for some people but you're just scratching the surface of real life
Channel: Fuel Motivation
Views: 2,003,982
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: david goggins, david goggins motivation, motivational video, motivation, motivational speech, motivational, motivational speeches, david goggins interview, david goggins story, eye opening 10 minutes, david goggins 2021, 2021, 2021 motivation, workout motivation, gym motivation, david goggins speech, jocko willink, jocko, jocko motivation, motivation for 2021, fuel motivation, fuel, david goggins compilation, 30 minutes for the next 30 years, motivational compilation, compilation
Id: yErh67ls9XA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 49sec (1849 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 14 2021
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