A DIVINE VISITATION OF GOD | Apostle Joshua Selman

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brothers and sisters this place is a place of encounter have told us again and again this is the mountain of the lord's house i only pray that one day god will open our eyes to see the profound angelic activities that happen here there are more angels in this place than a thousand of us put together they respond to his word but alpha shared something that blessed me so much profoundly it's not just taking action she's a response to the word of the lord that's what brings the miracles you can do what you know to do every day but were you doing it at his word that's what produces the miracles hallelujah there are so many people who have traveled from far end to end of this nation whole families around people enduring the cold inside and outside do you think god is so stupid to gather people and just come and waste their time i made a vow unto god that i will never waste the time of god's people that's why when you come in from the beginning of the prayers you see that we are very very serious because there are people whose medical report here is a matter of life and death that's why i told you people may just keep quiet and be watching and you think they are all right until you see the reports they brought [Music] there are things money cannot do there are things sympathy cannot do people need the power of god i believe in the anointing of the holy spirit believe me without the anointing of the holy spirit we are noise makers we can talk and tell you god will do this and raise your expectations and disappoint you fill me up till i overflow i wanna run over i wanna run over fill me up till i overflow i wanna run over [Music] i sang that song because that's someone's desire in this place there are people who did not just come for miracles there are people who are tired of where they are spiritually maybe presidents or fellowships pastors in different churches who are coming to say lord i can't fake it you know let me tell you something about your spiritual journey for a long time you can pretend what you are not what it will eventually show a man can pretend he's anointed you can pray pretend you're a man of prayer you can pretend you have intimacy with the holy spirit time is a revealer of truth are we together now i'm sure there are people who have come before the throne you've left your church you've left your fellowship i told you that this place is a place of renewal and restoration there must be a prophetic platform like this in every city where even the great can come and drink from it's a tragedy when as a leader you do not have any source of spiritual supply that strengthens you yourself are we together now there are pastors and leaders here family people who have been strained from the the reality of their activities but you need a place where you can draw strength and get renewed that's why i sang that song [Music] there are people here tonight who have been under bondages bondages i've said it again and i will say it unapologetically anyone that tells you to ignore the reality of bondages upon the life of people has deceived you are we together [Music] when god opens your eyes brothers and sisters and you see the decree and the dimension of bondage that are upon people [Music] i want you to make no mistakes you see the thousands of people gathered here they are not just gathered to stare at a man people are coming to ask questions and say lord is this how we will continue there are families you know and we pastors are very interesting way of forcing people to lie we just look at people and say um what's wrong with you and they say oh we're okay see i hope you're okay say yes but there's a little problem say forget about that just say you are okay look faith is not foolishness the end of faith is a manifestation are we together there are people seated here who are you love god you are born again but there are all kinds of oppressions that need the hand of god this is why god anoints people and places and makes them centers for liberation where you can step in with your body and say lord what what is the issue what is the issue with my life inexplainable delays inexplainable setbacks mysterious things around our lives that we cannot explain i pray that god will give someone an answer tonight there are people who are at the verge of making mistakes making decisions that can cause them cycles of pain and god has brought them so that they will hear the word of the lord that will give them direction there are pastors there are ministries who are about to make costly mistakes and this is where the word of the lord comes to you there are people here who have zeal but there is no grace they have the passion to win souls they have the passion to see lives changed but it takes more than passion there is an empowerment from the spirit that must come upon your life may you find it tonight [Music] in the name of jesus there are people who need restoration please hear me the brother who was sharing right started his educational pursuit 2006 and this is 2016 10 years ordinarily speaking you know that that person has lagged behind drastically my goodness but there is a mystery in the spirit that listen there is a difference between restoration and progress when the limitation holding you is lifted that's you just continue moving from where you are but you will never catch up restoration is where god picks you you don't move he picks you [Music] and drops you where we would have been so if a woman is supposed to have had three children and for whatever reason she's been delayed and god gives us triplets that's not a breakthrough that's a restoration are we together now but you must discern where you are jacob said the lord was in this place and i knew him not this is not a cinemato you don't watch film here are we together now even those outside i know that you are focusing on the projectiles but i want you to know that the anointing of the spirit can change your life brothers and sisters i told us last week for those who were here that human beings have prophetic implications and atmospheres you can come into everybody flows with the spiritual reality that is dealing with god provides are we together now when you come under the influence of certain graces possibilities that would not have happened in your life suddenly can happen because you are under an influence you can tap into a man's fellowship with god and receive results from it are we together so don't let the devil tell you i pray down faster we fasted as a family and so you come and say well let's come and see what god will do be careful you don't know the encounters that are producing this meeting you must come to god believing [Music] don't come and say agree with me no god god is not trying to agree with you he wants to give you results he wants to change your life [Music] there is no sickness in this place that cannot be healed believe me you cannot take that pain and go back with it no even if it is just one side of your head insisted leaves anything you tolerate will never leave you are you hearing what i'm saying don't say mine is just headache at least i'm grateful i've not gone to the hospital is it necessary [Music] mine is just that my hair used to fall mine is just that i have bad luck wait till you see how far that bad look [Music] while i was preparing for this meeting i told the lord i said lord please visit everyone to the my new test of the needs i told you the greatest way of convincing you is to give you a personal testimony not just your neighbor's testimony a personal testimony that you can say i traveled from ibadan to this place and i left back with an anointing a strange grace i went back to my church and i cannot even explain what is happening one song of worship and the seeker getting healed seen as running by themselves i went back to my shop with an anointing and it's like they charmed the customers what in the world is happening i went back to my place of work and even those who used to walk against me now are mysteriously favoring me brothers and sisters the greatest weapon of publicity to any church is results undeniable result it will do what posters cannot do it will do what harm bills cannot do jesus gathered us here tonight so that he will give us testimonies jesus gathered us including you so that you will have something to hold on to personally please insist it must be personal we are not talking corporate breakthrough now right that lord i came with a hunger i came with a desperation in case you were invited and you just came carelessly i'm giving you reasons to rethink and have an expectation believe god believe god to step in and change your situation it's called a miracle service it's not a suggestion service it's not a counseling service a miracle is a supernatural intervention of god in a man's life to produce results that would otherwise not have been produced you hear the testimonies of people here you must insist that it must be yours today there are many demon spirits that stand in the way and the destinies of people please listen to me there are families seated here you think some of you came to report your stubborn sons or stubborn daughters or husband or wife but you do not know that masquerading through all those myriads of problems are the presence of demonic influences that rejoice over the downfall of families they have no respect for intellect you can be whatever you are they have no respect for age and gender a woman brought a a one of her young boys i think some years ago and she brought the boy this boy steals but the issue is not the stealing is how he steals no matter what you hide no matter where it is you know how word of knowledge works that's how yes a little boy he must just move by that spirit and he will know where it is and pick it up and go and so they tried flogging him they did all kinds of things applied all kinds of skills he was obvious he wasn't working and when i looked at that boy i knew that this boy was a very good boy but his spirit made him otherwise just like somebody is about to throw away his wife and say she's a stupid woman she's not i know many prophets told you she's a witch it's not it's not easy to be a witch there is just an influence that needs to live are we together the condition to be a witch is the negative side of the same condition to be a very anointed man of god it's not easy in any way you don't carelessly become a witch no sir there are stringent conditions that subject your spirit to a level of alignment there are many of us here from anger problems are we together even the issues of marriage there are ladies you are beautiful you are nice a guy comes to you the moment he says i think you are fine it's like a charm on his head and off he goes they can even go as far as meeting your parents create an emotional excitement and then they end up disgracing your parents after they've gathered everybody the guy says i'm not doing again you think it's because of the cloth you are wearing you now change is no no no no there is an influence producing that how about students that go into the example no matter what you read you get into the exam hall and you hear people say i i conduct tutorials for others but i get into the class and i blank out when you come out you know the answers do you need it when you are out are we together you are selling something in a shop people come and pass you and can go so far to buy the same thing listen the realm of the spirit controls this realm are you hearing what i'm saying the realm of the spirit controls this realm there are families it's like an impartation you know what we call bad luck bad luck it can work for anybody till it gets to your tongue cycles of defeat and failure is not normal i'm showing you reasons why your heart must be open there are women who are godly they love god wonderful women but as as soon as your husband comes and it will always happen when you are praying and getting serious with god that man suddenly becomes a very strange man insulting you are beating you all around you think he's just a man but he's a slave to an influence are we together now god must step in tonight and do a miracle must step in tonight and do a miracle i really am trusting god for healings look god will touch us in different areas but specifically this pain must go away these sicknesses do you know what it means to live with a medical report that you know your life is at stake for instance hiv or cancer imagine living knowing that they say you have hepatitis b or whatever it is you smile around imagine what it means for your genotype to be s when a gentle man comes and he says i want to marry you you you love him but you are afraid of his reaction when he knows there is that problem imagine that the doctors told you something is wrong with your womb or you do not have a womb and a brother comes to meet you and say i saw a vision you are my wife you almost want to say my brother look i'm not denying that i'm your wife but i'm not sure you are ready for me these things mock jesus are you together they are a mockery on the teaching of jesus as love don't forget that the bible says god is love it says if you being evil know how to give what good deeds if you've been evil there are armed brothers as wicked as they are they have wives meaning they have conscience enough to take care of a woman they have children they still have peace coffees meaning at least they know their children should be educated yet they are armed robbers if you've been evil know how to give good gifts if you be evil [Music] if the father sent jesus as a demonstration of his love what is it that he cannot i've been holding on to god believing that he's able that revelation of god being able is important that you settle in your heart because i know that talk is cheap many of you as you hear me you say well joshua salman i know you are talking like this because you don't have my sickness my own they said my my spine has twisted in fact i don't even know on my own i'm not sick but this man that keeps appearing to me every time an opportunity is about to come there he comes he shows up again strange man sleeps with you or does whatever you get up into a circle of disfavor you met a man of god and he says you should assume he's not dear he's there are we together is there a must be i must be dealt with this favor anything that is outside the provision of the word of god you must fight it tonight and insist that it will leave you we were never designed to serve god under pain and stress so doing that is an extra demonstration of our love to god but it's not our default way of serving him you must insist he's giving us a word that this is a year of multiplied grace do you believe it [Music] do you believe it this is a season for you to break out to the left and to the right or do you believe it i'm saying this to us this is a charge really to encourage us so that we are not casual as we begin to minister you are not just casual [Music] i came with my heart full of expectation with us right now at the list of our loved ones and friends that were trusting god to save the question is do you believe you can save them because when you look at them and see how much they are in sin or in the world you are wondering how is god going to really appear to them is none of your business just know that god is mighty [Music] there are people who have come here you were once a christian you were serious with god but for whatever reason you found yourself back sliding it's even a miracle that you are here don't be discouraged there is always a place for you to rise back hallelujah so tonight koinonia let your heart be open i will do my best to see how that we can walk with the time but i i trust that god will grant us grace to do a thorough job let's see how god will grant us grace maybe i will be able to move at least to a bit of the people outside wherever we can stop but god must visit us whether i call you out by prophecy or not that's not the issue calling somebody out by prophecy is not a it's not necessarily a sign that the person has received i can call you out by prophecy and tell you everything and you can go back and sit down laughing believing that because i call you you have received it takes faith god is not a magician are you together now it's not even about falling down and standing up i remember a lady who said why is it that god i will lie i will never fall what is all this as if it's supposed to be i mean people fall down sometimes i'm even afraid i'm saying oh god let them not enjoy themselves and the lady said god at least let me just know you you can't be passing me like this i bring in visitors there under the anointing i'm just watching no you must believe it's the word of god that changes you i may not be able to walk up to everybody but i want you to know that this atmosphere carries like like current is an anointing it will meet you where you are believe me believe me to meet you where you are hallelujah it will meet you where you are expect change if you visit a herbalist even if you enter the shrine and say sorry it's a mistake your life will never be the same that you entered a shrine and just said no i didn't i intended to pass around but i just found out it's a shrine that you stepped here the man would just smile you will see him in your dreams you will see him all around you say nobody just walks like that and goes back how much more the presence of god you are preaching you think you are breaking air no no no you are not this is not the same thing you were breathing in your room you are breathing a reality that is doing something to you believe this believe this [Music] believe this [Music] my god i ask that you visit your people in a mighty way tonight visit your people please everyone under the sound of my voice i like your heart to be open don't sit down even if you are not a christian just me know that we are not playing games here praise the lord and open up your heart who told you god cannot step into your life and change that situation [Music] if you allow it believe me it's because you want it whatever does not look like god in your life this night you must contend with it [Music] are we together mothers you are going to stand not just for yourself but for your family father stand for your family this night is not a night to just do things for yourself if you are blessed and your family members are suffering they will destroy you are you hearing what i'm saying yeah i say this particularly to those who are visiting for the first time i know you came with so much expectation i was told that as a 3 30 you'd hear about almost half of the auditorium or maybe three or four so there are people who have been yes since maybe two three four you can't stay so long and be playing games like that there are people who came there are no seats there are people around the fence sitting in the gutter just finding anywhere to make contact brothers and sisters god is not a mocker god is not a wicked person it's not an idol it's not an idol he that comment unto god must believe you must believe that that sickness will leave you must believe that that infirmity let me see how many of us are trusting god for you brought someone who is sick you are trusting god for healing for yourself let me see your hand inside and outside just lift your hands honestly you you came trusting god for healing see let me tell you healing is a very easy thing very easy thing healing does not just depend on god alone are you hearing what i'm saying there's no time to begin to talk to you about all of this but let me show you something compass or family watch this if pastor femi has qatar everybody look up if pastor femi has qatar did he and i stay close to him what happens to me what happens to me most likely i'll contact that qatar did he pray that i will get it did i choose to receive it but it happened to me are we too if a man can impact sickness why can't i release health are you following what i'm saying no listen listen when it comes to healing we just say just god alone but when this guy was sick i he came with a sickness there are even certain diseases they say don't come close to the person because he has the ability to transfer to you his presence implicates you are we together now so why can't a man take the reality of the life of god within him and communicate it to you but you don't believe it you see because we are already conditioned the bible says listen before you ever receive anything you must believe in god and also believe in the vessel that is using when you hear that somebody has a particular kind of sickness especially a communicable one please help if it's under the anointing yourself are we together now listen brothers and sisters these are not ordinary hands you see watch this you you i know you are looking at a physical body but this is only an expression you never say i am ice you say i have an eye who the you your spirit possesses equal you don't see with your eyes you see through it right the bible says the first adam listen listen the first adam was a living soul he said the second adam has been made a life-giving spirit in other words the first adam could not transfer his content to another although he was enjoying it but now the second adam is not just a spirit a life-giving one a dispenser you can dispense your spiritual reality to someone else [Music] you can literally like lighting a candle fed from the abundance of the investment of the spirit upon your spirit and release it upon the people that means just like if we if we announce that this guy has lots of fever many of you are going to get up and say lassa fever he the last fever may not ask you whether you have the ability to believe it just by making contact whether it is through air it is through water are we together but what of the anointing of the spirit is it so bound that it cannot reach you is it so bound that it cannot touch you what of the life of god what of the wisdom of god i want you to expect if you have this revelation then the man of god does not need to come close to you that you are sitting there are virtues of wisdom there are virtues of power there are virtues of grace there are impartations all kinds of things happening if you sit on that you are conscious of it you will receive it but if you sit down wondering and say wow great things are happening it doesn't happen that way there is no man of god that is ordinary there is no true man of god that god has anointed you may just look as this as ordinary hands biology tells you these are just ordinary hands but it's more than this there is a mystery surrounding it you hear the words that i speak the same way you cannot see the sound but you cannot deny its effect you are hearing it are we together i'm not just speaking from my vocal cords i'm speaking from my spirit man so together with that sound there is an anointing that is living and entering into you when it's time to pray some of you will stand up and find out all of a sudden have been healed my goodness where is this group it has disappeared [Music] if a man's leg starts swelling we never asked where the body found the added flesh to make it swell but when he shrinks we say where did the flesh go to are we together if someone like me now has my leg two times the size nobody will say but where did the body get the extra flesh to add to it but if it disappears and comes back people say where did he go to condition your mind to believe god condition your mind to believe god is able are we together now let's see and you see let me encourage pastors especially when you come here don't just watch and be happy i like you to not just look but see because in seeing there are things you receive don't sit down carelessly and just say wow these guys are anointed no that's not the goal the goal is that is and it's not just to inspire you it's not inspiration there is an impartation a transference of spiritual quality hallelujah praise the lord you've got to be tired you've got to insist that god will step in there are impossible situations in this place and i admit that some of them are humanly impossible there is no way but don't don't play with god once you bring god into the equation step back you'll be foolish to bring god and still be wondering will he do it the bible says they limited god in the wilderness by saying can god can god make a table in the wilderness oh yes he can hallelujah are you ready for what god will do in your life tonight are you ready to insist that the word of god must find expression please let me tell you if you don't believe in what we're saying don't waste your time just go home so that you don't sit down in this cold and waste your time and after calling on you they ask you what did you receive you just smile and say kai aya fibabo no no [Music] because you see there are people some of you coming here alone has attracted a lot of mockery they say why come and sit down there a man of god can't you pray in your room and god will hear you is he not the same god we are worshiping nothing can be further from the truth that it looks spiritual but it's an error are we together the next time anybody tells you that tell them human beings have prophetic implications human beings have prophetic implications lift your voice and pray in one minute say lord jesus [Music] lift my faith tonight i have faith in you i've tried medications i've tried human connections i've tried everything i know to do but i come before you the god of all flesh the one who can change my situation lift your voice and make sure you are praying [Music] give me a visitation tonight oh god i refuse to be a spectator you can change my story [Music] [Music] make sure you are praying lord every spirit go to the root of my problems so god that every force of darkness that is responsible for the situations in my life it must be addressed tonight it must be addressed tonight [Music] that spirit that has tied my family down tied my destiny down tied my womb down [Music] those outside make sure you are praying no matter how far you are the lord is seeing your faith you are enjoying the goal because you want your destiny to change you will not be disappointed tonight [Music] pray to the god that answers all flesh our god is greater our god is [Music] oh is is hallelujah the lord is showing me a vision i'm seeing i'm seeing a vision i'm seeing a vision and in this vision i'm seeing chains this is what i'm seeing [Music] before i even start the mass prayer i'm seeing change and those people are affected the power of god is going to begin to come upon them inside and outside i'm seeing change this is the spirit of delay i'm seeing delay written in the atmosphere delay delay i'm going to begin to pray listen there are people whose lives and destinies have been held bound by the spirit of delay [Music] by the spirit of delay no matter where you are inside or outside is like a force an energy of the spirit i want to help those people outside here your hands just keep your hands lifted inside and outside just lift your hands the lord is asking me to stretch my hands towards you and as i stretch my hands towards you and begin to speak it's like fire the power of god will begin to come upon such people those who are outside you can stretch your hands just over your various projectors in the name of the lord jesus [Music] that spirit i speak to you in the realm of the spirit you have held the destinies of men and women you have held the destinies of families [Music] but the bible says upon mount zion there shall be deliverance and holiness and the sons of jacob will possess their possession therefore i stretch my hands right now in the name of jesus and i speak every spirit of delay right now right now right now i stretch my hands by the anointing of the holy ghost i stretch it right now bring them out multiplied grace i stretch my hands the ends of the of the lord are moving row to row row to row row to row it will get to your thought inside and outside road to road if that's not your situation it will not affect you but you will never stand the power of god if this is one of the reasons god brought you here right now i stretch my hands [Music] outside lift your hands the angels of the lord are moving lord every row every row i keep my hands stretched that level of delay you must leave you must leave you must leave the second overflow god is touching people dear the second overflow like fire is coming upon people the second overflow that spirit of delay your time is up tonight your time is up tonight embrace there's a lady wearing white hair tie the anointing of the spirit is causing that delay that delay right now that delay right now right now right now right now is a spell is like a charm i'm seeing it on the heads of people i command that spell that charm of delay you must leave [Music] you must leave you must leave [Music] i tell you no spirit will stand the power of god tonight no you must let them go in the name of the lord jesus i come against you i come against you i come against you [Music] delay is a dangerous thing it traps your life so that when you ought to move and make significant progress it will hold you back [Music] there are many lives and destinies that are tied down families [Music] please lift your hands the lord is telling me that he wants to visit the root of witchcraft in families pay attention to what i'm saying because the power of god will move in a mighty way there are families here hear me you love god but you do not know what is at the root of the tragedies of the families [Music] there are spirits there are covenants there are fraternities with darkness that have kept families bound it may not even be your fault you are inheriting the wickedness of men but tonight lift your hands i want to pray for you i want to pray for you i want to pray for you i want to pray for you as i speak over your life again the lord is going to be ministering to families it may not have anything to do with you as a person some of you you will step into visions immediately and begin to see a lot of destruction and havoc going on [Music] father in the name of jesus i'm praying right now inside the first overflow the second overflow across the road every family that is under the influence of any satanic manipulation lord you will not only identify them they must be free at the count of three i want you to shout i am free are you ready now one two three second ticket secretary all tasks altas altas altas i call you by your name and i cross you by the god of heaven i call you by your name out that's in bedway state altas in cooking state altas in catuna state altas in the west altas in the east my goodness every local government every state i set fire on those altars fire fire fire fire on those altars fire on those altars every covenant with the waters every covenant with the air every covenant with the earth every covenant of darkness entire families i declare that this is your time of jupiter i send the word of judgment i send the word of judgment [Music] [Applause] hallelujah i wish the lord can open your eyes to see the mighty things that are happening mighty things that are happening [Music] hallelujah [Music] listen something very strange will start happening here now listen listen to me because i just saw a vision like a bunch of keys it just dropped on the ground listen this this is a sign of access in the spirit the lord showed me a vision and i saw in the spirit a bunch of keys now it's not for everybody but i'm about to pray once it comes from you except god did not call me you will see doors open it's called breakthrough lift your head i stand under this apostolic anointing and in the name of jesus every destiny that needs this breakthrough at the count of three receive it receive it take it now take it now take it now take it now take it now i distribute those keys in the spirit i distribute those keys inside and outside in the name of jesus in the name of jesus by the blood of the eternal covenant breakthroughs breakthroughs breakthroughs the opening up of destinies the opening up of destinies the opening up [Music] listen those of you outside i want you to hear me because the holy spirit is going to do something now the lord asked me to come out hallelujah [Music] now i want round three my goodness there is such anointing in this plague and i see the angels a lot the moment you count three i'm going to start moving across this crowd and the of god will start falling on people whatever has locked your destiny it must open it right now are you ready now those outside please believe we are not playing games father in the name of jesus may the angels move in this crowd in the name of jesus at the count of three shout outs one two three receive it right right now right now right now right now i stretch my hands as i move across let an anointing come as i pass your role as i pass your role you will stand it as i pass your role an anointing an anointing take it take it take it take it take it take it take it take it now i stretch my hands take it take it this side receive it take it now take it now take it now let me now take it now take it now i stretch my hands take it now take it now everyone in this role receive it right now receive it right now take it now all those here there is an angel of the lord standing on your row take it now take it now take it now take it now just allow me pass your roll as i'm coming there are angels walking with me as i'm coming the power of god will touch you right now i stretch my hands here everyone here right now take it now take it right now take it right now in the name of jesus i stretch my hands to you call this man come this big man come on what's your name come now let's hurry up what's your name the lord is saying what's my name daniel from where from edu state i mean are you in zarya you are in zarya i want you to rejoice because you have entered a new level this night are you hearing what i'm saying as you celebrate them you connect with your prophecy listen because i'm seeing you in a cage this is what i see i've not started prophesying yet but i'm seeing you in a cage and i'm seeing you telling the lord i know that if i come here my situation will change in the name that is above all names i lay my hands upon you and i end that captivity right now take it right now in the name of the lord jesus christ who is grace there's someone grace around here who is grace i'm hearing that the lord is showing me someone grace who is grace please come quickly let's save time come where is your mother [Music] sango is she sick don't worry is your mother sick she doesn't even know she's sick but she's sick i'm seeing an angel of the lord going to your house and healing two people your mother and your sister are you hearing what i'm saying your mother and your sister what do you do you're a student what do you do ah applicant job applicant do you believe that if i pray for you the lord will give you a job will you come and testify before god's people i lay my hands upon you and i release that job for you in the name of the lord jesus christ from this road down like this there are a number of ladies with abdominal pain because i'm seeing like the apple of the lord is doing something i stretch my hands right now whoever they are the power of god is coming upon them right now right now right now right now in the name of jesus christ that pain that abdominal pain must go it must go right now in the mighty name of jesus christ let me try to walk to the first overflow in the name of jesus christ look at me you will start experiencing the power of god in your life in a very strange way are you hearing what i'm saying i lay my hands upon you right now step into a new season i want to pray for this overflow there are so many people please believe god don't think i've come outside because i want to identify with you so you don't think you are at a disadvantage no distance is no barrier some of you are enduring cold is touching my heart talk more of the heart of god are you hearing what i'm saying and some of you need to watch because what you have seen me do is what you will be doing in some years to come so just watch it you are just receiving miracles there is an impartation joseph who is joseph here joe if i'm hearing your name joseph you are wearing like a collar like for cold who is that you are joseph the lord is going to do mighty things through you stand up this cold so you don't enjoy yourself are you hearing me i want to stay true with god and watch god do great things in your life in the name of jesus i'm seeing two old women they're sitting on the same seat where are they here this room to mama like this where are they is there some who is that the lord is asking me to talk to them don't sleep there mama do i know you have we seen before i'm looking at you can they if they cannot hear we can't speak any language can i talk to you mama i'm looking at you and i'm seeing the spirit of death over your head [Music] don't be afraid i'm seeing the spirit of death over your head and the lord is saying if we don't pray for you that's how you'll be getting up and a bite will collide with the car is like a station workout and it will kill you for nothing but the lord is saying i should pray for you the second thing is this all finances are tall everything's flat is that true is that true in your life is what why you came where is your daughter do you have a daughter ah i'm still a lady close to you like a i don't know if she's a daughter or logical or not because i'm seeing the lord is saying that he wants to bless her with marriage you are the one okay you are the one standing close to her are you ready to marry because god is going to surprise you do you believe that ah say iris i received i received you are not you are you are trying to because ladybug my dear prophecy you s a madman like this i'm only responding to god just out and see what you're pointing don't shout i receive as loud i receive jesus christ i take that curse over your head mama you will not die all of you here stretch your hands to her and say mama will not die take us your mother pray for her mama will not die in the name of the lord jesus christ hallelujah hallelujah i'm looking at this other mama i don't know what's wrong with this woman but there are three things i see the devil want to do number one eyes ah a two i'm seeing her inside a coffin they have already closed it and there's blood on top of the coffin are you and what i'm somebody used her eyes to make money with it this is what the lord is showing me i'm not prophet of doom meet like what i'm saying but i cannot but say what god has asked me to say are you here a lady here i'm still going to come and please we're trying to walk with the time um but i'm seeing a lady here how you know is the power of god is about to come upon you right now one of the ladies here this is witchcraft that has destroyed the life of your family and the lord wants me to minister to you in this other overflow father wherever she is right now locate her the power of god is going to come on one lady right now it will be like fire you can't stand it he'll come upon you please when that happens let me know that lady right now [Music] not just those inside i know god is about this road this road further wherever that lady is i'm declaring right now by the anointing of the spirit of god that you will be located so that can be free in the name of jesus christ [Music] your name means joy is a tribal name but it has joy it's like it who is that person please your name means joy [Music] that's if you translate your name it has something to do with joy joy or joyful or something like that we have someone like that please make sure you are telling the truth so that it doesn't look like we're acting if you are that cop with the protocol who is that what child of joy i want to pray for you where is your [Music] lay hands on you and i want that if you go back and see your mom just [Music] [Music] is [Music] because that has tied your family down i look at me look at me does it make sense to you the lord is dead because i'm seeing your family tied down in witchcraft and god is saying that he's lifting them up by his grace father let him end right now out of this family right now in the name of jesus christ in the name of jesus christ i lay my hands on all of you i lay my hands on all of you your hands upon you [Music] who is that in the name of jesus christ i pray for him [Music] by the power of the holy spirit hallelujah please hold on there is a lady wearing white scarf she's on at the wall she's leaning on the wall where is that lady please bring her i'm seeing in a vision there's a lady wearing white scarf white scarf is there someone like that you are leaning on the fence white scarf who is that is there someone like that give god a praise [Music] who is that what's your name favor but there's nothing favorable in your life and the lord is saying change her story do i know you that your name is favor i want to pray for you do you believe if i pray for you the lord will grant you favor hold my hands in the name of jesus christ i restore favor to you right now i restore favor to you by the power of the holy spirit come my dear this lady has come [Music] hallelujah there is an anointing listen there is an anointing i promise those of you outside by the grace of god hopefully by next miracle service will try to work on amplifying the sound so that it will it will be very clear for you outside all right i know that that people did their best but you can see that the crowds are increasing praise the lord but there was an anointing that was upon esther it's called the faithful anointing in the course of the meeting i'm going to be praying for people but the lord is saying i should minister this to you do you believe it ah father in the name of jesus i lay my hands upon this lady and i release this grace upon her in the name of jesus i release this anointing upon her in the name of jesus i release this anointing upon her in the name of jesus who came from i know i'm seeing kano come you are not alone you are with one lady where are you ah two of you husband and wife come did you tell me you are coming come she's your friend who is she how are you my dear you came from kanu what do you do [Music] i'm no you are not just a student there's something else you are doing i'm teaching you you are teaching how about her [Music] witchcraft is what god is breaking now in the name of jesus christ because i'm seeing something like a chain leaving your friend i command that chain to leave right now in the name of jesus christ i lay my hands upon you and i i command that chain to go in the name of jesus christ and for you i declare you will step into a new dimension of intimacy with god that's what you need you have been praying for faster and help him you fasted that god will give you an anointing it's not an anointing for ministry it's an anointing for fellowship with god in the name of the lord jesus christ in the name of jesus christ in the name of jesus christ [Music] in the name of jesus christ in the name of jesus christ in the name of jesus christ [Music] look at me what has happened to your music ministry that's what the lord is saying i should tell you do you sing sing something less here my god is your son he will move the whole world what has happened to your music ministry god gave you an anointing you have been playing games with it come on because god wants to restore that fire as soon as i pass you i saw i saw i heard like music and god says restore his music ministry there are three things that can destroy a man's ministry any ministry one pride two women or men or anything just human beings are you hearing what i'm saying and then number three is premature exposure when people don't stay with the spirit to create a track record but i'm going to pray for you huh your characters you must you must behave well behave like where you are going i hear what i'm saying this is you need a lot of restoration in your life it's not because anything is wrong it's just that you need to step up otherwise you will not experience the grace of god but there is an anointing upon your music ministry and i lay my hands upon you right now you step into that level in the name of jesus christ all of you here please lift your hands i want to pray for you [Music] please lift your hands and believe [Music] as i pray for you and i come through i want you to shout the name jesus there are people here under yokes and spells as soon as you shout that name jesus the anointing of the spirit will move through this very overflow this very overflow i wanted to leave but god is still speaking to me about this overflow please i want you to believe help them so they don't fall inside the gutter father i'm doing as you have instructed me and i prophesy right now that as they all shout the name of jesus let the power of god visit the foundations of every family represented here are you ready now at the count of three one two three right now in the name of jesus right now have them right now in the name of jesus i curse that spirit i curse that spirit i cross that spirit i cause that spirit i curse that spirit from your life and your destiny there is a man that appears to one lady here as i pray for you now fire is coming upon you you will never see that man again not in your dreams i command him go go go go go in the name of jesus christ i bring you deliverance by the power of the holy spirit it never comes to you again never never never in the name of jesus greater strength greater prayer fire greater prayer fire greater prayer fire in the name of jesus the lady with the black heart tap that lady for me look at me stretch your hands where you are an anointing is coming upon you right now beautiful as she says the spirit beauty for ashes i release that anointing upon you in the name of jesus christ in the name of jesus christ before i leave this place there are seven people the spirit of prayer is coming upon you right now seven people lord where are they right now right now across this place seven people it's like fire to come upon you some are men some are women take it take it take it right now take it right now the spirit of prayer the spirit of prayer the spirit of prayer prayer prayer prayer the spirit of prayer like never before tap this lady for me the lord is visiting you and he's wiping your tears in the name of jesus the lord is saying he's wiping your tears by the power of the holy spirit the lord is wiping your tears in the name of jesus christ the lord is wiping your tears let it end right now let it end now now never to return to you again never to return i stretch my hands all over this room right now right now right now right now every source of darkness never returns in the name of jesus there is a spirit i'm dealing with i know what i'm seeing right now right now i judge you by the god of heaven right now let them go let them go let them go now in the name of jesus christ [Music] i'm seeing the hands of certain people tied here like a chain holding your hands those of you here just lift your hands don't worry once it constrains you you cannot stand it father visit them right now you will feel like literally fire on your hands the chain is breaking right now i stretch my hands let it break let it break let it break let it break let it break now now now now now now let it break i break it by the power of the holy ghost by the power of the holy ghost now i break that chain in the name of jesus i break that chain in the name of jesus i break that chain in the name of jesus i restore your glory i restore your glory in the name of jesus christ in the name of jesus please pray and ask the lord to visit you pray and ask the lord to visit you aha a high you must go in the name of jesus you must go go go go any spirit represented here you must live right now i tell you any force of darkness tying down your life [Music] who is this mama hold on please hold on who is this mama my brother what's wrong with your marriage [Music] this person i'm seeing was supposed to die october 21st is because of prayer because you used to carry this picture everywhere you go i'm seeing you in a meeting stand up madam i'm seeing you in a meeting no no no please this is help her with a handkerchief this is a mother you don't have to cry please this woman you are seeing is a very good woman i'm seeing you in all kinds of meetings you are not even concerned about your own problem you are lifting up this person because i'm saying 21st october he wants to be to die and please my mind is okay it's okay the lord will help you in the name of jesus christ because you do you have problems but you are not even concerned about your problem you are not concerned about what is happening to your finances you are not concerned about the pain in your back you keep feeling pain in your back when you wake up as i enter here i hear my pain don't just go away the pain just went away when she came here look at this even before the meeting hold on okay i'm all away from kaduna with my children sleep with you abs with your scriptures we work with your scriptures even if our past during the scriptures is on the two of them are pastors oneness here the other one is happiness you requested hearing you have a ministry my goodness can you imagine i'm looking at you what is i'm seeing your ministry has something to do with spring let's spring [Music] in the name that is above all names mama listen please don't cry the lord is visiting you because this woman you see is an intercessor this woman can stay for hours praying for people who are not even is none of our business as the holy spirit ministers to her you see but nothing is changing in your own life you pray for people and god will do miracles is that true the lord says i should tell you your whole life hallelujah please come follow me mama the lord is wiping hey are you hearing what i'm saying the lord is wiping your tears who is this uh mommy this is not your son hold on this boy is not your you are calling him son but he's not your son because i'm looking at him and i'm not seeing a father where's your father he's dead father is dead and this is what the lord i'm looking at him and i'm not saying father it's like the father is related to you he's my elder and so you took him as your son that's why you are calling him son but this boy is not your son in the name of the lord jesus christ the lord is going to use you are you hearing what i'm saying the lord is going to use you mightily mummy you god is wiping your tears because this finance the thing can't just enter your hand it will enter and go out and we have to pray because the people that killed his father want to destroy you and we have to pray i'm not i don't want you to feel bad what i'm saying it's gone and but we're not just going to allow it happen until they come and kill mama and it's because of the destiny of this person i hear what i'm saying the lord is going to visit you in a way that will surprise you what's wrong with him you see bar what the lord is showing me i'm not going to say everything here but what the lord is showing me today they will see that he has one sickness they would do another test ah they would do a scan and come out with something else the devil is just plain using medicine to play with your mind this is witchcraft they have already buried this blessing and this issue has finished but in the name of the lord jesus christ i'm declaring and i'm speaking to everyone here i stand under the anointing and i pray for you that every power that is tying down your family it must leave you this night in the name of jesus it must leave you this night it must go go go go go the same thing it must go in the mighty name of jesus christ please come madam the lord is saying i shall anoint you come [Music] you are going to do great things for god god is going to use you greatly i know you may not think you are like that but god will use you from today i open your eyes to the realm of the spirit you will step into unusual dimensions of grace i activate dimensions in your spirit elijah prayed on the eyes of the servant was open i open your eyes to visionary encounters in the name of jesus christ stretch your hands towards our mother earth this woman's situation has really touched me come on no no no mommy please stand up stretch your hands and let's pray for our mother all the way from kaduna a woman with a ministry interceding for others this is our brother the devil wants to terminate the life of this person i like us to pray over this picture and say the name of jesus the same power that raised christ from the dead the same power that raised christ from the dead [Music] hallelujah mommy will you believe if i tell you you are stepping into an unusual healing ministry from tonight listen you believe with all your heart have you forgotten the dream god showed you where you saw yourself in a meeting praying for people i believe i saw it so i remember did you tell me is now is the time for that dream to come to pass because you had a dream you saw yourself praying for people i am just praying healing them you are healing them and you have been interceding innocently the lord is telling me that now is the time for your ministry to step into another two areas the issue of barriness the issue of buriness it would be like a special anointing to destroy barriness are you hearing what i'm saying you will come back and testify before the people of god this thing is being recorded and the second area the second area is hiv such an anointing will come upon you as you pray for people with hiv listen paul said i desire to see you he said that i may impact some spiritual gift it doesn't matter the age impartation can happen are you hearing what i'm saying madam hold my hands i want you to shout jesus and watch what begins to happen to you go ahead father i pray from today an anointing an anointing a transference of grace an ordinary woman will become a woman of power from today an ordinary woman will carry an anointing of the spirit in a strange way in a strange way go and heal the sick go and heal the sick go and heal the sick go and heal the sick in the name of jesus christ come madam [Music] look at me come watch this mommy lay your hand on him and pray for him just do what i'm asking you to do lay your hands and speak to him look at me you carry this anointing and you will wreck half in the kingdom of darkness anointing is not for sure brothers and sisters but i tell you it will scare you this anointing will bring wealth to you people will sow into your life because of the impact in her life come on go when you go back lay this picture on your brother and pray for him god will take him out of that hospital and when he does bring him here and he will come and testify to the glory of god the lord told me he's wiping your tears come sir what do you do what do you do what did you study i'm going to pray for you you want to father yes sir political science [Music] because god is going to use you in the area of leadership it was in in prayer god put in your spirit to study political science although what you studied i'm not seeing a university like a college or something you study something that has to do with education business education business education but then it's leadership and god is taking you to that position when you started he will make you a great leader are you hearing what i'm saying wait mr man just wait let me finish i'm praying for you make sure when god blesses you you'll never forget this woman i hear what i'm saying you'll never forget this woman just don't work for you many people would not she has taken you as a son she has spent her money to the last to help you is that true if you forget this woman god will not be happy with you let me use this as an encouragement you see when somebody suffers to help you and you rise you'll be a wicked person to forget that person some of us are like this some of our parents have labeled to help us don't say i must be a millionaire before i bless them the day god gives you twenty thousand you can take one thousand and say mathematic some of us are very greedy god is blessing you but you are still latching onto the little resources of the parents it must change in the name of jesus lift your hands let me pray for you father take him to a new dimension in the name of jesus i impart upon you wisdom and leadership occupy that mountain fire is coming upon your hands in the name of jesus you will never be the same never be the same never be the same father visit our mother for what you have done my my god will visit you in the name of jesus christ i pray for you from the depths of my heart my god will visit you in the name of jesus please bring this woman for me this one wearing this very one yes this she's she's not feeling fine something is wrong with her please let her come [Music] is god blessing you tonight [Music] who brought her lisa brother if you brought her please come with her so that we know what [Music] this woman what's wrong with her mama diabetes diabetes how old is she do you know oh you just met her or you know her okay it's your junior sister from where [Music] can she hear me or do you need somebody to talk to any language you need translation if i talk to you can you talk to her in the language tell her that jesus christ is going to heal her of diabetes what tribe are you madam er he got a pastor now carry mike what are you here oh yeah yeah carry mike because i'm trying to let's make this easy give him mike please every tribe here there must be somebody there's nobody who lay hands on somebody for the purpose there's no other mind okay don't play compasso tell her that jesus christ is going to visit her jesus christ how [Music] what couldn't she do anyway mama i just tell her i'm going to pray for her and the power of god will come [Music] i'm going to pray for her i will not walk we will run together [Music] look at what is happening to her it's a spirit look at have you seen this look at the spirit you call it sickness look at what is up this an old woman ah diabetes is a spirit i command you to live now in the name of jesus out of her mama tell her tell her then that she's going to do what she has never done enough you should not be afraid [Music] walk come fast come come come [Applause] [Music] come on give jesus praise hold on give us one powerfully color where is um you sang one song during annie's wedding sing that song tell my man she's going to dance now and the gala people join and dance with the shame of the devil [Applause] [Music] hosanna oh oh give jesus this miracle remains permanent forever [Applause] jesus how many of you saw the way that woman was standing here you saw the way she was standing look how god can change a man's story hallelujah give jesus praise god bless you there is a woman here that they brought i don't know where she is but i'm saying is it's something that is a medical condition i don't know if it's a fibroid or a growth please who is that person we really have to be fast a growth like a i don't know if you say growth that the person came with they said the person has something like a growth i don't know if it's a fibroid now whether no no no the person i'm talking about is yellow it may be inside or outside i'm seeing somebody um it's like there's a medical condition that has to do with a swelling or growth or something who is that who is that person come no you are not sick he's his demons justin will deal with that one now now no no no leave him this your stomach is swollen they want to kill you somebody somebody shoot you with something in a dream some months back you'd even remember now your stomach is swelling we'll deal with that one i don't know you i'm just just stand there that one is it's an easy something this come become you have a problem come up the devil the devil wants to destroy this lady because if i don't pray for you they will i'm seeing your kids getting so serious they will now take you to india for a kidney transplant what's wrong with you [Music] what does that mean [Music] you see the wickedness of the devil that even to sleep you can't sleep this way you can't sleep how end hours do you sleep lie down flat that devil must leave you what's your name you know how who knows her before you announce that i'm talking another wrong story [Music] daddy please come sir uh daddy yes sir that is praying a prayer and the prayer has to do with no the hold your photo like this sir open it to the third one that's what i want to talk to you about one okay i'm saying okay i thought it was the third one back i'm seeing another photo this thing is like it's supposed to be three it's not two where is the third one is that two that's the one i want to talk about that's why i said take it to the third one you brought two here but the person i want to talk about there is a third one who is in that photo henry because we want to pray demons stop him from coming did you ask him to come i asked him to come he chose not to that's what i'm saying if that boy had come let me tell you do you know that if if if you can come for conor alone you don't want to know the powers you overcame to arrive tell somebody going on and see the way demons fight they are coming here flimsy excuses they will tell you i just think i don't have this it's because the devil knows he knows that's what happened to this person and you see today would have been his day of visitation i looked at this and i saw three because i'm not you may see me looking at you physically but i'm operating from the spirit i saw three pictures and i said go to the third one you left the third one at home just like the person to come if you agreed the holy ghost would have reminded you and forced you to carry the third one you see please brothers and sisters when you invite people and they refuse don't insult them you're a spiritual man you should know that is to you a sign that god wants them to be here are we together now daddy i'm going to talk to you now and i'll pray with you [Music] there's something about him but i will not tell you in public so that you will not hear that this person left the faith into something else you hear what i'm saying i don't want it's not something where there's a public talk but we don't want to hear that kind of story because it's already happening there is a spirit that converts men it doesn't happen by default we must attack it in the name of jesus christ what is this already come we are going to pray for this kidney both of your kidneys is verified that you have a kidney problem so we're going to pray lay your hands on it please can we pray for this dear one anything that happens to one of us happens to all of us don't say it's not yet my issue [Music] pray for how your prayer is working there's a surgery the lord is doing place your hand on him i command that devil right now out out of her that spirit masquerading as kidney kidney problem in the name of jesus christ i command a miracle for you right now i stretch my hands i make contact by the anointing of the holy ghost my goodness there's such power flowing i declare a miracle i declare miracle i declare miracle [Music] stand up stand up what couldn't you do before press it press it right now [Music] sauce [Applause] see the ladies even surprised even her her and her own body she's even surprised that something is happening and our own body i pray that god will anoint you to be able to bring healing and deliverance to people in the name of the lord jesus christ you don't know how cheap the devil is until you are really anointed if you are not anointed you will make a ceremony out of nothing but when that anointing is not about trying to get it done if it's there is there if it's not there it's not there my dear check it honestly if this pain tell us will not be afraid yes [Music] god is touching another lady heal her oh god in the name of jesus [Music] fire is coming on a lady's throat i don't know what has to do i'm about to pray for the secret i'm seeing throat right now there is a lady like that fire is coming something will touch your throat it's like a sickness [Music] my dear i'd like you to shout i am healed shout it shout it again shout it one more time go and check yourself and you come back to testify in the name of jesus king jesus christ [Music] hallelujah the anointing is on that lady covering her mouth and knows this lady i don't know who she is i'm not yes that very lady you are holding there's a strong anointing on her strong anointing on her in the name of jesus christ strong anointing on her we're going to be very fast because it's cold and we have to there's one of the ushers the power of god is coming on you now i know you are doing austrian work wherever you are i'm seeing an usher please bring that person right now an ultra lady right now you are busy doing your work quietly but the anointing of god will land on you right now where's the usher please bring her you're an usher you are doing your work that's all right but god needs to visit you now that you are working whether or not protocol you mind your business there's somebody in welfare welfare the power of god is coming on somebody in welfare right now welfare department welfare department i'm seeing an anointing coming on somebody in welfare department god just does strange things they are called signs and wonders we really don't know why it's done [Music] before we continue there's one person from protocol that's what i see in the spirit protocol department the protocol department there's somebody that the lord is touching right now in protocol department wherever you i really don't care where whether inside or outside but god is touching somebody right now right now in protocol department it's like fire it will just come on you all of a sudden it's a sign and a wonder it's a miracle please let me have those people out there there's a reason why i'm calling them out that person from porsche who is that protocol department where's the blessing [Music] hallelujah bring three of them it's a prophetic language i want to tell you what god is saying through this the first impartation is god prophesying to men that you are entering into new seasons so just like an usher brings you it's a prophetic word in the name of the lord jesus christ i release it upon you i release it upon you right now just like an usher takes you into a new level i stand under this anointing and i prophesy an entire new season entire new dimension in the name of jesus the impartation upon the welfare person is the mystery of supplies the lord is saying his ending stagnancy in the name of jesus christ the lord is ending stagnancy in the name of jesus christ the person from the protocol the lord is saying i will be your defender even in this season i release that word upon your life in the name of jesus christ please everyone that came with a sick person um it's already happening to pastor femi but pastor femi and three members of rhema will come under the anointing right now three members who are members of rhema chapel that's what i'm seeing as it's happening to him it's happening to three people three people who attend rhema chapel three people in the name of the lord jesus it's a new season for you new season for you new season for you by the power of the holy spirit you don't have to bring them out just leave them where they are hallelujah we have five minutes to do this five minutes because there is the session where i prophesy please make sure we are going to try to finish fast but make sure you receive everything don't come and waste your time and stay now all those who came with sick people apart from those who have been healed if you brought somebody sick please bring them out quickly quickly let's lay hands on them give us please quickly the lord is healing people there's a healing anointing in this place right now [Music] [Music] god is a miracle worker god is a miracle worker please quickly no matter which of the overflows brothers and sisters there is multiplied grace in this house [Music] don't come and go back sick [Music] you just need a touch it's just a touch there's no need for any long story so you don't necessarily have to be saying this what is wrong with me if i don't ask you just a touch even if you are coming here for the first time hallelujah praise the lord those of us who are out here jesus loves you that's why he wants to heal you please i want you to receive you can reject it but i want you to receive it with all your heart as i pray for you you go back check yourself because of time we may not have time to share testimony but hold on please let me say something about testimonies um it is you are robbing god of glory when god gives you healing and blessings there are so many people who god has been touching but they never return to give thanks one of the ways you maintain your miracle is by giving thanks please come your breakthrough has come yes please madam come the lord is bringing a visitation to you right now don't put her up just keep her somewhere because the anointing is still on her and so that she doesn't keep collapsing up and down [Music] look how many people are trusting god for healing man please look at me yes [Music] god is restoring you financially spiritually financially there is an anointing on you as i speak to you financially spiritually i'm seeing god step even into your marriage our mother is crying your marriage this is the reason why you came because there's nothing here god is stepping in to do a miracle for you to the glory of his name miracle for you who is this your mom what's wrong with her [Music] why didn't you bring her here [Music] yolanda hold the picture just hold it i'll use you as a point of contact hold it with both of your hands the power of god will come through the picture to you and will touch her right now in the name of jesus lord let your healing power touch mama she's in yola but touch our god right now in the name of jesus god is also bringing speed into your life speed right now by the anointing of the holy spirit speed i prophesy it upon you never to be the same again and we pray for healing for my man he will testify in the name of jesus the anointing is so strong on you god is bringing restoration in your marriage god is bringing restoration in your finances god is bringing resurrection in your spiritual life i command everything the devil has stolen to give way in the name of jesus there are so many people here who are going to be very fast just a touch please i want you to believe if you are standing in for somebody you can agree with them as you go back you can touch them hallelujah praise the lord i want you to believe we'll be very fast in the name of jesus all over the congregation i want you to begin to pray in tongues because immediately after this will be prophesying while you are praying in tongues pass your prayer request vote the one for souls and then your prayer requests please pass it so ushers you can split yourself inside and outside someone attend to those in the overflows please very good thank you jesus let your power touch your people right now in the name of jesus christ [Music] hold on let me attend to this gentleman i promise that we'll look at him everybody look if you can look at it from your screens or wherever you see that when you look at this guy this is unusual this is abnormal right how long has it been my brother since last year what happened i am just sick i don't know what is happening to me so i went to the hospital they said she wanted me scanning they said my feeling long don't be my spleen don't be so later what is that [Music] cancer cancer of what for now that i'm still there for this hospital for this shaka so they never told me for cancer for what was still who told you about this place he's my friend may god bless that friend forever in the name of jesus my brother look at me do you believe jesus can touch you i believe jesus lord jesus i love jesus i'm born against him yes very very serious very serious i want you to know that jesus loves you do you think he will just watch you just die like that do you believe this is will for your stomach to be swelling if you have a child and you have the power to help that child and you see the child stomach swelling like that will you smile and tell him continue and die is that love so i want you to know that this thing god has no hand in it this is the devil the bible says for this purpose was the son of god made manifest that he may destroy the works of the devil lay your hands on your stomach don't let the name cancer scare you you understand it is because of what you have heard the conditioning in your spirit that has made you feel that is cancer and make you feel it is destructive there is the life of god it's called the way the very life of god and i want to pray to you you believe that you want to kill that cancer and it must leave your body so that you will not die i believe that like every other person you have your plans and aspirations and this is already threatening you to cut short your life huh are you married where's your wife [Music] because i'm seeing your wife crying your wife is already thinking now and saying that this how my husband will die and i'll have to start looking for another man to marry me the devil is a liar in the name of jesus father do a miracle for this brother we know that cancer is a spirit in the name of jesus cancer die die in the name of jesus the condition for your disappearance in this body we bring them to place and i'm prophesying in the name of jesus that this cancer will die and it will leave your body forever in the name of jesus christ you will return and you will testify make sure you testify when god gives you a breakthrough what's your name say ah so make sure you testify in the name of jesus christ i worship you [Music] [Music] i worship you we give oh [Music] i worship you [Music] i worship forever i worship forever [Music] i worship forever [Music] hallelujah praise the lord we're getting into the most important please those outside can we rise this is a very prophetic moment hallelujah this is a very very serious moment the request here contain the names of loved ones i want you to know that everyone is an evangelist this year there is there is need for massive salvation the lord spoke to me and said he is trusting that he will find the people who will bring souls this year like never before and i told him i said lord i'm available so make sure that from now until december you don't come alone we are on a mission not just to ease ourselves of the guilt of not being so winners is serious business hallelujah please those who are here to submit the names of their loved ones that you are trusting god for them to be saved and then our requests [Music] very quickly we have a few minutes now we're going to do it in this order the moment let me make an altar call before we pray for this so we can conserve our time there are people here hear me first overflow second overflow across the road listen there are people here probably were invited and you know that you need to make your ways right with jesus the bible says for god so loved the world he so loved you and he demonstrated that love by giving his all his one and only begotten son and while the people march forward please clear the way for them we'll stretch our hands and be interceding first for souls leave the issue of your needs we're going to intercede you wrote their names you no call them by their names and say lord we receive their salvation if you save me you can save them you don't want to watch your family members in hell and they are calling on you and saying you know me we came out from the same room but some of them we know that they are going to hell there's no confusion about it god is a god of love we'll be learning next week but then the truth is there is hell don't let anybody deceive you there is a place called hell there are people there right now praise the lord you are here you need to make your ways right with god you've been hearing preachers talk again and again outside inside you probably are making this decision for the first time seriously in your life or you've been answering many other calls you don't even know how many and you do the name of what you have been doing and tonight you are saying i really want to come out and make a decision or you have even given your life to christ you are a pastor you are you know functioning in the body of christ but you know that you need a rededication of your life things happen around your life discouragement god didn't answer your prayer and it made you to derail out of the way of the lord those two categories of people i'm going to count one to five please for time sake for time sake wherever you are leave your seat and run like there's fire on the mountain especially for those outside one quickly god bless you god bless you don't don't fight it win that war tonight there are so many people coming from outside no matter how far don't say it's too far make your way to jesus god bless you one [Music] two keep coming please don't stop don't let your friend don't let anyone stop you this is a destiny decision you have seen the power of god you have seen the grace of god you know that he loves you that he allowed you come for coinonia tonight it's a sign that he loves you and he has great plans for you make your way to the front very quickly while they come keep coming please stretch your hands towards this request and begin to pray in tongues please everybody pray in tongues first for the salvation forget about your prayer request please keep coming you know you need to be out here no matter how long it will take please make your way to the front no matter what you have done jesus loves you and he can give you a new beginning so make your way to the front stretch your hands and let's pray on this request all of you that are inside just stretch your hands as a point of contact those outside stretch your hands towards the screen and let's pray [Music] [Music] m lord we pray for every soul every soul every soul every soul every soul every soul every soul in this place lord save them some of them are not even christians save them to the uttermost young and old will receive their salvation give them dreams give them encounters you died for them they must not go to hell you have great plans for them they need to experience the love of jesus we intercede for their souls we intercede for their souls we just sin for their souls in the name of the lord jesus lord save our fathers save our mother save our brothers our classmates our colleagues in the office in the name of jesus our families no matter how far they are from the cross bring them to meetings give them encounters holy spirit we permit your ministry their lives in the name of jesus christ hallelujah hallelujah now begin to pray over your request lay your hands over your request by faith and say lord i turn it into a testimony go ahead and pray i turn it into a testimony i turn it into a testimony i turn it into a testimony buzz father give your people testimonies breakthroughs in the name of jesus we bring this before your altar give your people money for testimonies money for testimonies manifold testimonies money four testimonies four testimonies in the name of jesus manifold testimonies by the power of the holy ghost by the power of the holy ghost hallelujah in the name of jesus the son of the living god we pray for every soul represented here we release angels of salvation wherever they are in the name that is above all names we authorize these angels to hunt for their souls they will know no peace till they find the cross in the name of jesus christ we release dreams we release visions of jesus we release encounters with the world in the name of jesus everywhere they turn to they will hear the gospel they will hear it in church they will hear it in class they will share it everywhere for those who are fouled that they will not give their life to christ lord in the name of jesus we we place their stomp on us side by side with the blood of jesus and we declare that their souls must be saved and not only saved they will be saved added to the church and establishing righteousness [Applause] [Music] in the name of jesus lord we pray for this request lord right here are humanly speaking impossible situations but lord as i walk upon them they become testimonies as i walk upon them they become testimonies and lord your people will stand to testify in the presence of everyone healings and miracles and breakthroughs and salvations and restorations in the name of the lord jesus christ now those of you who are making this decision for jesus christ i love you from the depth of my heart and i thank you for coming out to accept jesus christ it's a very noble decision hallelujah there's no need to feel as if you are going to hell fire it's an exciting thing because it looks natural but it is supernatural in every way lift your right hand and say this after me i'm just guiding you but is this is the truth from your heart that really sets you free say lord jesus i love you with all my heart some of you as you are praying you will literally feel things leaving you as you are praying jesus said i am the way the truth and i am the life say after me again lord jesus i believe in you and i love you with all my heart i accept that i cannot help myself and i ask you tonight save me cleanse me in the name of jesus everything in me that is not from you i command to leave me right now i declare that i have eternal life in my spirit i'm a child of god my goodness i send such heavy anointing of the holy spirit even just right here in the altar right here i'm sensing that there is such a strong anointing ministering to people ministering to people something is entering you [Music] in the name of the lord jesus christ those who are getting born again as you are getting born again some of you are getting filled with the holy ghost instantly instantly because i see the power of god coming on some of you in the name of jesus after me from today i'm a child of god the life of god is in me i will never be the same in the name of jesus keep your hands lifted i pray for you by the power of the holy spirit may you become mighty men and women of the spirit in the name of jesus may god do great and mighty things in and through your life i really pray for you from the depth of my heart may you never go back to the systems of this world again may the holy spirit guide you may he instruct you and teach you in the name of jesus christ may you be established in righteousness in jesus name i pray may god bless you i'd like you to follow the lady waving her hands she will have your details and i promise that we'll send you a text and we'll follow you up may god bless you in jesus name follow the lady very quickly hallelujah god bless you please everyone stand everyone stand [Music] i want to speak over your life now and please i want you to pay attention those outside this is when everybody gets to receive something mighty upon their lives [Music] i believe in the power of prophecy i believe in its ability to change the course of your life please let's prepare the announcement quickly so that we can take it afterwards we have seen in this house what god has done with prophecy when pastor alpha came up here he was admonishing us and he told us he said you don't just believe in the lord what you believe in the prophets that he has this is not human worship it's an election of grace god sends men and anoints them with apostolic and prophetic mantles and graces because he wants to use the words through them to step into your life and destiny there will be radical change as i pray i prophesy over your life lift your hands [Music] inside and outside lift your hands the power of god is strong i already feel like fire on my hands i speak over your life a dimension of speed you have never seen a dimension of speed you have never seen receive it right now in the name of jesus christ receive it right now in the name of jesus inside and outside let a man to come on you for supernatural speed in the name of jesus [Music] i pray for you every spiritual blindness everything covering your eyes from accessing insight in the word of god you need insight your life is at the mercy of the spiritual insight you have i'm praying for you like a veil turned from a man's eyes i command that field to be torn right now i command that faith to be done right now i command that veil to be torn right now [Music] i speak against the spirit of limitation that falls from hell it allows you to move forward but if you say you will not cross this border in the name that is above all names i come under this anointing this night and i command whatever limit you have seen in your life i break it tonight i break that limits tonight in the name of jesus [Music] in the name of jesus [Applause] every strange dream every spiritual encounter of the night that is not orchestrated from heaven every visitation of demons they appear as animals they appear as men as women they appear as all kinds of things seeing yourself in primary school wearing all kinds of things i don't care what it is in the name that is above all names i command judgment upon those spirits now i command judgment upon those spirits now [Applause] [Music] every voice that calls you fought in your sleep and programs tragedy over your destiny the bible was not it didn't leave us in darkness as to what happens when men sleep i pray whatever calls you forth are your sleep and reprograms your destiny so that you wake up into tragedies by the blood of jesus i attack those enchanters i challenge your enchantments in the name of jesus christ i pray for you prosperity like you have never seen a dimension of wealth like you have never seen receive it in the name of jesus [Applause] i pray upon you the same way favor can come on a man like a mantle you can carry it you can know you are carrying help that guy please see this will come on people seriously this ministry has enjoyed a level of inexplanable favor i'm praying for you from that which has come upon this ministry let it come upon your life right now [Applause] i release that favor in the name of jesus receive it receive it receive it receive it receive it receive it receive that favor receive that favor [Music] hallelujah i pray for you and japanese was more honorable listen honor is not just age or no is a mantle god can is a distinguishing anointing that sets you apart and men not only recognize your difference but they celebrate it i'm praying for you in the name of jesus christ from today an action comes upon you a strange grace that makes men to celebrate who you are and what you carry [Applause] believe me when i say this i pray for you inside and outside from the depths of my spirit that mantle of honor that distinguishing anointing receive it in the name of jesus you
Channel: Salvation TV
Views: 14,641
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Keywords: online sermon, apostle selman sermon, apostle joshua selman sermon, new sermon 2021, apostle joshua selman new sermon, youtube sermon, sermon on youtube, apostle joshua selman messages, apostle joshua selman nimmak messages, koinonia, apostle, joshua, selman, nimmak, prayer, apostle joshua selman, apostle joshua selman 2021, koinonia messages, download apostle joshua selman messages 2019, how to grow spiritually, god, how to desire greater glory, powerful prayer, prophetic prayer
Id: SlaYel5d-KI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 128min 1sec (7681 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 08 2021
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