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[Music] for the sake of this lecture tonight i separated my angles of discussion pride in two number one spiritual pride number two the pride of life let me talk about this they are the two aspects of pride that i see that have almost damaged the lives of people why am i teaching this out of love because this is the condition to access exaltation you want to be exalted in this kingdom there is a mystery that controls it let's look at spiritual pride spiritual pride in the book of revelation the bible when john was caught up in the isle of patmos please look up there were seven churches now theologically speaking those which there were real churches like that scattered across asia minor and there were warnings that were given to those churches but prophetically speaking it was a message to the entire church is that true and one of the churches please turn with me to revelation chapter 3 from verse 14. one of the churches is called the laudacian church the laudacian church received an instruction that is applicable for our lives today and for everyone who wants to remain relevant in the program of god relevant in influence relevant and to consistently be exalted it says anon to the angel of the church of the laodiceans right these things say at the amen the faithful and true witness the beginning of the creation of god it says i know thy walks so he's cautioning them now that thou art neither cold nor hot i would that that was cold or hot so then because thou art lukewarm and are neither cold nor hot i will spill thee out of my mouth seventeen because thou say yes what made you cold this is the basis thou sayest i am rich and increased with goods i have need of nothing i know is not that thou art wretched and miserable and poor and blind and naked this year you see is about the most painful rebuke of all the seven churches for the rest you will first commend them you have done this except this just work on this but when he came to the laudacian church there was no commendation it was the road immediately thou sayest i am rich i am increased with goods who does this look like in the bible who made such a statement lucifer himself the laudacian syndrome is a luciferian syndrome i am rich it says increase with goods and have need of nothing and no it's not that thou art wretched miserable poor blind and naked next verse we're reading to 19 i counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire that thou mightest be rich and white raymond that down my test be clothed and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear and anoint thy eyes with eyes have that thou may see 19. as many as i love wow can you see that there is a special love he had for the laudacian church that was why he didn't even have time to comment anything he just went straight to rebuke them and at the end he said i'm doing this because i love you as many as i love i rebuke and chase him it says be zealous therefore and repent [Music] luke chapter 18 from verse jesus taught us a very powerful lesson to describe humility and pride three or four verses full of truth from the lips of the master himself ready please look up the pharisees stood and prayed to us jesus is giving um a parable now to explain something and he spoke about two men one a pharisee one an ordinary person the pharisee stood and prayed tossed with himself god i thank thee he said that i am not as the other men are this a man pray now extortionist unjust adulterous or even as this republican he's praying next verse i fast twice in a week everybody says spiritual pride i give tights of all that i possess and the publican standing afar off would not lift up so much as his eyes onto heaven but smote upon his breast saying god be merciful to me a sinner 14 i tell you this man went down to his house justified rather than the other for everyone that exalted himself shall be abased and he that humbled himself shall be exalted jesus is teaching spiritual pride can i tell you this i can tell you by experience and i can tell you from scripture if god does not help you spiritual growth and spiritual excellence can turn and tilt you to the other side of the pendulum and bring your destruction when you begin to access revelation and insight when god begins to prosper your spiritual work and us i tell you pride if if god does not help you to create a system where you cry before him daily has destroyed many men of god respectfully speaking this has destroyed many great leaders this has destroyed many great business spiritual progress and many times you can grow in revelation grow in power to the point that you are no longer with us step by step and he's still helping us today spiritual pride the moment you feel you are the only one god is using apostle joshua salman it is only in koinonia god is blessing people apostle joshua salman you know while i was preparing this message i had to put my head and rest and think i have said this to you and i say it out of every sense of responsibility truly without exaggeration now it's even more i manage an average of say 800 plus text messages in a day and many of them like this apostle of the most high god i have searched men of god are you if you actually believe that thing like i'm talking to myself now if i actually believe that thing i'm not only stupid but i'm under an attack [Music] [Applause] as as funny and childish as what i'm saying is there are some of you who will believe it absolutely and go out of your way to create systems that reinforce those kinds of things many of us have gathered psychophants in our lives today because they have mastered us that this is what we want to hear even if you are entering the pit you want people who gather around you once they can massage your ego they have access to your life access to your inner circle until you they destroy you and they will turn back and show people that this is where he died listen to me you've heard me say this you know you are being transformed by the holy ghost when there is humility connected to your growth the moment you begin to treat humility for revelation you are in trouble now this i say this with every sense of love and respect this is one of the greatest fear for my generation of ministers you see it in africa one of the biggest mistake especially with the apostolic and the prophetic ministry in africa generally and world over is that the little that god has done and is doing with our lives is so garnished with a lot of pride it even damages the beautiful thing that is there that is not even much relative to what god wants to do [Music] are we together chances are that because of what god is doing in a ministry like this and how god continues to glorify himself we can go back and begin to destroy ourselves with that sense of pride how do you know you are walking in pride when you believe listen to me when you believe that there are certain things you are the only one who can do and the only one who can bring is the mistake of elijah elijah came to god and said god every other person has deserted you every other person does not like you i am the only one that's a nonsense what are you saying there are seven thousand others how many preachers today we preachers i don't say them we preachers how many of us preachers today actually sit down and believe that without us god's purposes will fail look at that level of pride there are people who stand and speak as if every other person has backslidden every other person does not love the lord [Music] we must be careful there is destruction that we are programming the one who built the church is still alive and his jealousy will make sure he defends his walk to the end can i tell you this as a man of god i've had the honor and the privilege of meeting people and god many times opens my eyes and i'm able to see these people they themselves do not know how mighty they are in the spirit i shared with you a story one time that i was preaching at a pfm crusade in cano and i was calling people out by word of knowledge ministering to people you know people were watching with wanda the anointing and all kinds of things and then i called this woman out and when the woman came out she was an intercessor and then she told me that every 15 days she finishes her bible a household bible 15 days without fail and yet they are not on air yet they are not the joshua selmans who sit in front and yet we can have the audacity to believe that we are the only ones god is using not so my brothers god has a mighty army some of them mighty and greater than the joshua sermons you celebrate nobody knows them yet some of them are hiding in the school of the spirit god is using our own life to teach them lessons and train them we must have the maturity the wisdom and the spirituality to know this are you learning something tonight [Music] spiritual pride people bully one another across the body of christ today with rhema revelation many people this is what led them into divination and some of these things now pray from prayer groups you go to different campuses now you see things that make you afraid everybody is trying to search for anything once there is greek hebrew and latin and you can join then the spiritual pride that comes from account of prayer prowess once i can pray two hours three hours four hours you can bully others to make it look you are not spiritual then crowd once you have crowd inside and outside we are the only ones god is using brothers and sisters it is not true it is an attack from the pit of hell there is such a thing as spiritual pride the more you see the glory of god can i tell you this the more you are exposed to god i'm telling you the more you see your inadequacy before him and the need to remain humble many times when i enter and i come to sit and i watch people looking at me in my mind i'm just saying oh god [Music] someone was at a pastor's conference it's a story that i heard years ago they were at a pastor's conference ministers were praying and our father in the lord baba the boy was there and when it was time to pray mass prayer everybody was praying and then the man had the opportunity to lie down not too far as he said from baba de boy and pastors were praying lord the grace on this ministry must come upon my life i'm tired of 300 members i'm tired of power and when he came close for more than one hour or so he said all that baba devil was saying is mercy oh god mercy oh god mercy oh god that's how you know people who have grown others who just came lord fire lord bring partners now why do i have this quality of sheep bring people who can help me and and change this and stop this work from being hard someone else is crying and say lord mercy keep me to the end mercy the humility it takes to finish can i tell you this it is a caution that god gave me and i continue to obtain grace from god to stand in partnership with the holy spirit that as he opens new graces and new vistas of spiritual reality that we are patient with people today many people come who are just starting ministry and they come apostle and sometimes they almost want to worship you can i tell you this spiritual pride works in two angles there is the one you create the people who praise you by yourself you praise yourself but there are others you would not create it but when you see it you will sup that you will enjoy it like squeezing an orange until there is nothing is still pride there are times that you have to go out of your way to thank them and say thank you for this but please be careful there are things people want to do in my life today if i'm to allow people do everything they want to do in my life it will almost become another religion people will now almost worship joshua salman ah may i not live to see that day in the name of jesus christ [Music] looking at me now and following online many of you the devil is already programming this spiritual pride that's what has driven many people to go on 40 days dry 10 days dry you ask them why they tell you no we started ministry with these guys i can't remain like this and you think it's a very nice motivation no i can't be some of you are listening to me some of you that's what even brought you here and god is looking at the corruption in your heart there's nothing wrong with praying fasting don't get me wrong but that motif is already dead it's already gone spiritual pride why do you think people go to dapple into all sorts of demonic things it is because people are looking for a name [Music] spiritual pride take it down for me let me think that's in that song the more i know you the more i want to know you jesus more of you [Music] the more i know you the more i want to know you jesus the more i see you the more i want to see you jesus more of you listen historically speaking do you know and i say this with every sense of respect one of god's generals i may not mention his name because i'm speaking to a global audience but one of these generals that was one of the things that brought him down he was a mighty general of god used of god powerfully but he got to a point where people told him you are one of these prophets elijah specifically [Music] and when they said that for a while he said no no no our glory be to god i don't mean the spirit of elijah elijah incarnate you are that elijah that revelation said would come again can i tell you this in the state of pride there is nothing you would not believe that's why it's good to ask god for mercy [Music] i want more of you i want more of you jesus the more i know you the more i want to know you jesus more of you listen and eventually they now made him believe that he was elijah and after a while he started believing it and he went and saw the regalia [Music] at that time there was no social media so you would not really know what god was doing at the other side of the world it was at that time that the woman that we call maria woodward eater god now lifted her and when that man heard that god was using someone outside of him he persecuted that woman seriously number one that she was a woman number two who are you for god to use you i'm the only one that god is using here and thank god he served god but he did not finish well the things that are written are full time they are for our learning so that we through the comfort of scripture some of these people have allowed their scars to be seen not to condemn them we honor them in life and even in death for the contribution that they brought but there are lessons for us to learn there is nobody destroyed who starts with the potential of destruction keep going as god is lifting you spiritually apostle joshua salman you know sometimes i watch with shock and wonder it's almost it's even embarrassing as i'm saying it now please forgive me but i mean people can give you this god like i know it's a sincere way to honor you there's nothing wrong with that except that sometimes people can give you all this description and all this spiritual paraphernalia and if you are not careful you will fall into it with joy joshua salman i can stand now and begin to pray and the power of god moves in this place and people are blessed [Music] spiritual pride on account of the progress you are making in the spirit on account of the fact that god it has so pleased him by his sheer mercy and grace to lift you to a position where you now represent the voice of god to a generation i warn myself every day god can do without you god can do without you mr man you are a man you are only of god [Music] lord if you're lifting someone in this city don't do it without me don't do it without me lord if you're healing someone in this city please don't do it without me don't do it without me lord if you're changing someone in this city don't do it without me [Music] i submit to you by god there are many men of god there are many people who need a retreat fast to go back and break down before god and say my maker and my king everything i ever have it came from you and thank god for the spirit of revelation thank god for the ability to minister healing thank god for the nations who are hearing what we are doing but lord i pray the pride that comes based on spiritual achievements may never never never [Music] while you are saying it you will look like a fool but you are already signing your relevance for the next move of god see this is why you see a lot of people used by god and then a time comes you see another move of god they are still alive and yet you see this is not backsliding it just looks like god says no no no i can't make you do with this again [Music] some of you here are leaders over small prayer groups you are already copying all kinds of nonsense it doesn't matter even if it's from me [Music] we have to be careful the things we are learning pride that destroys people it is at a result of this pride that this honor has crept into the body everybody is correcting everybody someone who has not even started ministry standing at the back of the tree and calling fathers and insulting everybody spiritual pride till today when i have the honor and the privilege of meeting any of our fathers in the faith or anyone who has gone ahead it does not matter what they are saying i sit down quietly as if i do not know anything in ministry i submit to you brothers and sisters and people of god the man talking to you is not stupid by the grace of god forgive me if i sound arrogant i have seen honor i have seen the grace of god i have seen jesus i have stood before kings i know what it means to have spiritual progress god has helped me but the way up is to remain on your knees many of you are simple you are not humble simplicity is not humility [Music] humility is not refusing to acknowledge what god has done in your life no no [Music] i remember one time years ago when i finished that preaching someone sent me a text and said i've been calling you and you did not pick i said look they said i'm humble not stupid do you know my activities don't don't let people blackmail you emotionally just because you said you are humble no but can i tell you the truth my brothers and my sisters please listen to me pride based on spiritual achievement god forbid but if i die today i sleep and i do not wake up it will not change what god is doing on earth the church is marching on the church is matching up the gates of heaven shall not prevent never get to a point in your life where you believe god cannot do without you and he says really no it is a privilege beyond imagination to be part of god's program it is a privilege to help build and bless people it is a privilege to be granted the gift of influence and access it is it is a privilege there are many things today that i know from this scripture i did not study it is the spirit of revelation that brought it i cannot take credit for it there are things have i told you i have seen people who are faster than prayed more than me years ago a gentleman most times when people are fasting sometimes i join them and round it up with them there was a gentleman who fasted for 400 days six to six i rounded up the 400th day with him and yet that person did not carry any power more than the spiritual activities we are doing believe me it is the mercy of god i know people who have studied more books about church growth than me i know people who have gone to different theological seminaries i know people who have had the opportunity they have so the little and the beats that god does in and through our lives as we accent this mountain spiritually may we ever remain humble and i'm saying this to those who are also leaders in this ministry or leaders all around we have to learn this man can clap for you that is important but you must get to a point where you say this is enough my life is to see jesus glorified because you see there's something the anointing and the glory of god does upon a man it makes it look like you are not human again and when people stand in awe of that glory that majesty the wisdom that comes from god many times they begin to look for sincere ways of expressing honor and appreciation to you you are the one who needs to be wise to know when it has gone beyond honor into something else and to lovingly draw that line and keep that line drawn [Music] are we together everybody says spiritual pride please shout it say spiritual pride god is speaking to us right now there are people who have not been patient with younger ministers as they rise because of pride i've told you this when you are mentoring and raising people part of the responsibility of fatherhood is that you must be able to take a lot of nonsense from people as they are growing you must know and be patient with people the same way god was patient with us [Music] spiritual pride revelation rhema healing prophecy africa i speak to you by the voice of the spirit men and women of god across this nation and across this continent may we obtain grace from god to be humble some of these god-like things we continue to do we need to pray that god will have mercy on us otherwise we'll keep falling like rain one by one at the instance of pride pride based on revelation pride based on oratory pride based on prophetic prowess pride based on the miraculous pride based on wisdom pride based on all of these things anything spiritual except the lord beauty house the labor in vain that build it except the lord watches over his city the watchmen watch it but in vain it is vain to wake up early and to sleep late in the night only to eat the bread of sorrow so you want to keep growing spiritually you want to keep accessing supernatural levels of power let every lifting that god brings in your life culminate to a greater level of humility lord i am so honored that you have granted me this access sometimes when i'm sitting before the lord in the night and some of these revelations come tears just come out of my eyes and i say lord thank you thank you thank you you have been merciful to me and i'm grateful jesus you love me too much oh too much [Music] jesus you love me too much oh too much of excess love spiritual pride the second area of pride is god helping us [Music] tonight's message is hard but just receive it with love it is it is the way we make the maker is making men [Music] the second aspect of pride is called the pride of life please write it down first john chapter 2 and verse 16 what is the pride of life the pride of life is the self-exaltation [Music] you see that that on that inordinate feeling of importance that that that not confidence self-exaltation based on obvious achievements the pride of life is for people who have achieved something tangible if you have not achieved anything you can have pride but not the pride of life the pride of life is the self-glorification that is derived in the presence of obvious achievements you have results to show for it first john 2 16 for all that is in the world the lust of the flesh the lust of the eyes and the pride of life is not of the father but it's of the world the pride of life jeremiah chapter 9 from verse 23 to 24 the prophet speaking by the spirit admonishes us though saith the lord let not the wise man glory in his wisdom it does not mean to not celebrate your wisdom you know what pride is the refusal to acknowledge god as the basis for your success the refusal the ashamedness the moment you are embarrassed to let people see jesus as the basis for your victory you want to so enjoy that spotlight you don't want god to interrupt his spotlight lord i've waited all my life to shine and now that the spotlight is on me jesus get out of the way let me not have any interruption let me enjoy and suffer the moment [Music] let not the wise man glory in his wisdom neither the mighty man glory in his might let not the rich man aha glory in his riches what is the pride of the believer 24 but let him that glorious glory in this that he understanded and knowed me that i am the lord which exercise loving kindness judgment righteousness in the earth for in these things i delight say the lord everyone say the pride of life this is where all other groups now come in politicians successful people businessmen god intends to lift us but we must be careful our world has a very superior architecture they can design a house where you will die when you rise they will consciously we may not know i've arrived we call it i don't know what i've arrived that's the one i know are we together count you know what made the rich man foolish read the bible it was not his money the problem was not the rich the problem was the fool you know what made him foolish he built his burns and stole them and god said today your soul is required of you [Music] my father used to tell us many years ago that no matter who you are no matter where you go to make sure you fight pride i think is one of the most most outspoken virtue that he pounded in our heads growing pride [Music] may god bless him for this in the name of jesus christ [Music] pride my power and my might i am this i made this happen you hear people make all kinds of statements i've taught you that everything comes from god through men pride is when men want to become the source of everything i can lift you i can do this i can frustrate you we have to be careful there is a god that sits in heaven the monarch of the universe [Music] so whilst you achieve all that you achieve using these keys that we keep sharing as god lifts you as god blesses you at god as god honors you make sure that you unashamedly stand before god and before men and tell them the lord is the doer of these things you hear the testimonies weak in week out all of the mighty and marvelous things if god has done anything good in and through this life and in and through this ministry and in and through any life here he deserves the glory so when men clap for you appreciate them but be sure to point them to the one who is the doer of every good thing and god says you had a chance to stand and suffer this moment and you are directing people to me you are ready for the next level let's go and he will lift you fearfully help those under the anointing their place fearfully to another level this is one of the secrets and one of the graces that i prayed for and i continue to pray for deuteronomy chapter 8 from verse 11 deuteronomy chapter 8 remember he gave them a warning call anonymous is the lord speaking to you tonight he gave a warning beware that thou forget not the lord thy god in not keeping his commandments and his judgments and his status which i commanded this day next verse lest when thou has eaten and are full you see something happens to people when they are not hungry again hunger is not the best but he has a way of making you to remember your maker is that true when you are trekking is easy to pray in tongues while you are trekking when you don't have a job you have something to wake up in the night and pray for in the name of jesus this spirit you fought my father might love me you can pray till morning when you are trusting god for some breakthrough but when this happens there is something about men being fooled remember the five times the five loaves and two fish they were hungry and they listened what happened when they were full they threw everything and went away there's no record in the bible of them telling jesus thank you they left he said no problem leave them gather my crumbs for me 12 baskets the same people who were once hungry lest when thou has eaten are not full one level and has built houses and dwell daring next verse and when your herds and flocks multiply and die silver and gold is multiplied you see the keyword there multiplied multiplied and all that thou has is multiplied then thy heart shall be lifted up that's the bible's definition of pride when your heart is lifted up no longer your hands again it used to be your hands lifted up but when you become proud your heart is lifted up and thou forget the lord thy god which brought thee forth out of the land of egypt from the house of bondage who led thee through that great and terrible wilderness wearing were fiery serpents and scorpions and drought and where there was no water who brought the fourth water out of the rock of flint sixteen who fed thee in the wilderness with manna which thy fathers knew not that he may humble thee that he might prove thee to do the good at the latter end 17 and thou say in thy heart the classic definition of pride the pride of life my power and the might of my hand has gotten me this world my connection is what gave me this electoral victory my business connection i am such an as huge businessman you will tell yourself i am such a great preacher [Music] let it not be that when this has happened and men continue to clap for you you say my power and my might pride therefore is the refusal to acknowledge god before men as the doer of every good thing in your life either directly or indirectly [Music]
Views: 137,911
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Keywords: apostle joshua selman, joshua selman, koinonia, koinoniawatchtv, koinonia watch tv
Id: EqiyOZRSsEk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 51sec (2391 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 23 2021
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