THE DEEP SECRET OF THE HOLY SPIRIT with Apostle Joshua Selman Nimmak

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[Music] lift your hands and ask the lord for his strange visitation tonight lord an encounter of a lifetime an encounter of a lifetime an encounter of a lifetime hallelujah [Music] i want you to open your spirit bengal said it here open your spirit as wide as possible this for me is a very personal series very very personal because this is a mystery behind the making of men i'm sharing with you the grandest of all mysteries the secret of all secrets [Music] the access of all access the door of every door this is the key if you get if you get this thing this night this is it believe me you can know every other principle if you get this thing if you get this thing this night you will rise in a very strange way [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] ah hello [Music] spirit of god who is truly qualified to teach about you who is truly fully qualified [Music] can any man really have the right to teach about him based on what experience you can teach on financing because you have so much with respect to the richest man you can teach about academics with respect to a professor standard you can teach about family life with respect to a mortal family but what is the reference when you teach about the holy spirit what standard qualifies us to talk about him [Music] this this is not a an issue of condemnation this is an acknowledgement that we know so little so little so little the best of us the greatest of us is only a toddler in the matters of the spirit the highest of us i'm telling you this paul at the end of his life said that i may know him what what is the accolade is it because you heal the sick what now is the reference that you will use to teach about you the holy spirit the most misunderstood personality [Music] we're under the shadow of yours [Music] your influence is all over i'm under the is [Music] your influence is all over us we are under the shadows [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Music] your presence is what has made our lives what it is dear spirit of the living god tonight i will only attempt only attempt only attempt by your grace and mercy to help your people know you what pride to try to teach men about you who can who has the experience who has the experience who has the power and the wisdom by what standard but we beckon on your grace because we are partners on the strength of intimacy we pray oh god that the communication of our faith tonight will be effectual let it edify your body lord i pray that i will touch with accuracy let your people understand you for the kings to arise for the phantoms to return for the poorest to arrive oh [Music] hallelujah help us tonight over in the name of jesus i just want you to sit down quietly and just carry something to right be very sensitive tonight from my time of prayer i knew that this series would be an extraordinary one and the spirit of the lord told me that he wants this message to spread like fire to the body there are not many messages where the lord speaks to me about it this message will create an effect in ministries in lives see no matter what you think you know about the holy spirit just drop it aside and listen the maker of man [Music] the maker of men the maker of men the holy spirit [Applause] [Music] zechariah chapter 4 verse 6 gave us wisdom the holy spirit part 1 demons will cry out tonight i tell you i tell you yoke to be broken tonight is another miracle service just the teaching you dare not call him the holy spirit is not just a force as you will be learning when you learn his presence you will see how cheap satan is presence and reality you can't fake it no mimicking if it is not him then it is not him it's as simple as that zechariah chapter 4 we're going to read two scriptures tonight as we begin the holy spirit is the series we'll read it and then i'll give you the course content and then we'll start zechariah chapter 4 and verse 6 inside outside online if you can follow one to read then he answered and spoke unto me saying aha this is the word of the lord to zerubbabel saying not by might not by power but by my spirit so he shows you the key he's revealing something to zerubbabel don't waste your time this thing is not by might is not by power but it's by my spirit second scripture very quickly second corinthians 13 verse 14. let's read it everyone it's projected one to read the grace of our lord jesus christ and the communion of the holy ghost if you can have it in amplified that would be great the grace of our lord jesus christ just keep the scripture there the love of god and the communion it says the great favor and spiritual blessing of the lord jesus christ and the love of god and the presence and fellowship listen the communion and sharing together and participation of the holy ghost these three mysteries should be with you [Music] the grace of our lord jesus christ the love of god you have these two alone you will fail in life and the communion of the holy spirit so let's take down the course content [Music] tonight is part one we're going to consider the concept of the trinity very quickly just from little theological housekeeping the concept of the trinity and then [Music] the passing of the holy spirit the next thing we're going to consider is the passing of the holy spirit we are going to be examining who the holy spirit is then number three the ministry of the holy spirit the ministry of the holy spirit [Applause] the ministry of the holy spirit [Music] then number four the ministry of the spirit the ministry of the spirit it's not the same thing i said the third thing is the ministry of the holy spirit and then the fourth thing is the ministry of the spirit the bible says he has made us able ministers of the spirit the ministry of the spirit [Music] [Applause] hallelujah wherever we stop tonight would stop and then we'll take now let's start with the concept of the trinity i want to give us some theological background so that we will really have that understanding look up please theologically speaking there are certain words that we use in the body of christ but you will not find direct reference to them in the bible there are certain words that are of common usage among the body of christ and i hope you know theologically speaking that christianity what we call the faith life was an extension it came as a branching out from judaism are we together judaism is a practice that is hinged in the revelation of the god of abraham isaac and jacob that's where the journey so the jews from where there is also a branching out of islam a branching out of judaism today and certain different branches you notice that most of these religions from the story of abraham they agree then as you branch different kinds of confusion and misunderstanding stats so there are certain words that we use in the body of christ but they are not directly referenced in scripture one of those words is the word rapture we use it to mean a system where believers are transited out of this realm you know there are references like that but you do not find a single word rapture in the bible there is no mention of the word rapture now when you study systematic theology is a system where you are able to use scriptures and draw meanings it is the basis for establishing doctrines it is the basis for explaining scripture according to systematic theology scripture must explain scripture are we together now for any teaching to become a doctrine the theological condition is that number one that thought that line of thought must be referenced in the old testament that's the first condition condition number two jesus who is the bridge between the old and the new must communicate that thought to in his earth work and then number three it must be referenced in the life of the early church any thought that is referenced in the old testament testified by jesus himself and experienced by the early church fulfills the condition to be a doctrine so you you can use one scripture to buttress on a point but that scripture isolated in his own cannot form a doctrine are we together now yeah so there are many scriptures although the word rapture is not mentioned there are many scriptures from the old testament jesus himself testified of a possibility that a time will come when he can take people to where he is in john 14 remember i go to prepare a place when i prepare the place i will come and take you so that where i am there you may be also and then paul in his polling episodes began to open to the church the possibility of a mass exodus that he was using that scripture to comfort bereaved people and he said that they should not whip like those who do not have hope for a time will come there will be a trumpet that will be blasted and they who are dead in christ will arise first is that true and we who are alive will be caught up that experience of being caught up is what was coined that we call rapture so you cannot say rapture is not a doctrine no it's not in the bible in fact is one of the seven tenets what we call the tenets of the christian faith i will teach you in a separate series there are seven tenets like pillars of the christian faith if you are a christian there are seven major truths you must believe number one you must be don't write it i'm just giving you a teaser number one you must believe in the mystery of the incarnation god becoming a man the bible calls it the mystery of godliness you can't just believe in a savior just like that the first thing you must believe is that there is a supreme god in heaven are we together now and then you believe in the incarnation you believe in the virgin birth you must believe in the earth walk and the sinlessness of jesus you must believe in the fact that he died and died on the cross if you believe jesus died in a mortal accident you are not a christian that he must that cross must be there are we together you must believe that when he died he didn't go to heaven he went to hell because that's where sinners go to really hades the place of departed spirits and gehenna the place of the dead there was a transaction that happened there you must believe he rose up after three days not one week you must believe that he appeared to many in the streets of jerusalem you must believe he ascended to heaven according to hebrews offered his blood upon the tabernacle of heaven then you must believe in his return if you do not believe these things you are not a christian it's as simple as that no matter your denomination this is the id card of christians these seven things another series will explain them another word i'm still giving an introduction to the concept of the trinity another word is trinity you never find the word trinity mentioned in scripture there is no reference theologically speaking from genesis to revelation where in these 66 books you hear the word trinity are we together now so i want to establish it because when we are talking about the holy spirit there are many denominations today sadly who do not believe he is a person who do not even believe in his existence there are many christian sects who have all kinds of debates and all of that so before i begin to talk about this most precious personality i must establish from the word of god is yes such a doctrine as the doctrine of the trinity the triune nature of god three persons coexisting in one is it biblical and is it true so what is the proof of the triune nature of god the first evidence i'll give you a few scriptures and i want us to hurry up because you will need this to be the foundation of your confidence as we learn about god and then the holy spirit media you will help us we need a lot of speech genesis chapter one we'll look at verse 1 to 3 then we'll go to 26 the first reference of the possibility of the existence of god manifested as more than one person genesis chapter 1 he says in the beginning god now i want you to know that the old testament was written in hebrew a part of latin was also added to it but largely hebrew and then the new testament was written largely in greek and aramaic are we together now so the expressions when you read them from the greek context greek and hebrew sorry is a very rich communication it can break words one word can have several meanings based on whatever context this is what was referenced here english calls god god but in the hebrew it can tell you whether it is plural or singular so the bible says in the beginning god the word god in the hebrew is elohim and elohim is always in plural the singular is elohim one of the parties so we see here that the bible is referencing based on the hebrew manuals that this personality is not just an individual god created the heavens and the earth then verse 2 and the earth was formed was without form void and darkness was upon the face of the deep the hebrew rendition of darkness and voidness is it is darkness and confusion the same word that is referenced in isaiah chapter 60 a right shine for your light has come behold darkness and gross darkness the same word is you see i'm just giving you some theological foundation and then the bible says and the spirit of god now take note the first single personality of the trinity revealed from scripture is not the father not the word who we now call the son jesus yeshua but the spirit of god are we together now it says and the spirit of god moved round the face of the water so we see one manifestation of the trinity verse three and god said elohim elohim elohim elohim let there be really the the context yes actually elohim but i'm saying god at work elohim because he's speaking are we together he didn't just say god up here are we together but god spoke the word so we see the word we see god we see the spirit are we together now then in verse 26 it says an elohim the same word is used again say let us let us a classic confirmation it is a let me an elohim a discussion in heaven going on let us [Music] now maybe i should tell you that the original names of god or the titles god was never called father the concept of god uh being called father was a revelation that jesus brought are we together now yes the word father means abba comes from the greek word it means your source and sustainer but father like a procreator a progenitor of a personality was never used in the old testament for god are we together they understood fatherhood but not referenced to god they knew him as the almighty god they encountered him but that knowledge as father his original name as revealed to the people was el shaddai el shaddai el shaddai the deity that is limited the expression here is the multi-breasted one like a mother breast feeds her child now he has such abundance of supply is an attempt to explain his limitless dimension and then jesus according to revelations 19 his name was never known and called jesus except even by prophecy it was emmanuel are we together it was a name that was given by the angel to mary that they would call him in his earth his original name john 1 1 revelations 19 was and will always be the word and then the spirit of god now the bible uses a very interesting word he never really began to express him as the holy spirit notice that he called him the spirit of god um are you following me when you call him holy spirit you are right but classically speaking you are wrong because god is a spirit and he is holy jesus is a spirit although he ascended with a body he is holy are we together the holy spirit as a person is a spirit and he is holy you as a person you are a spirit and you are holy so if i call you holy spirit he's still not is guilty or logically correct so we just call him holy spirit because of the unique reference to him but it is rather an attempt to describe him the name the standard name that the bible calls him is the spirit of god no man knows what is in the heart of a man save the spirit of that man the spirit of god i will use the word holy spirit for it for us but i just i'm giving us a background so we see in genesis 1 26 let us make the trinity the next reference very quickly at the baptism of jesus in matthew chapter 3 from verse 14 to 17 matthew chapter 3 from verse 14 to 17. please give it to us but john forbade him this is the baptism of jesus look up everyone john is baptizing people now and then all of a sudden jesus shows up behold the lamb that takes away the sins of the world jesus is coming to be baptized and then john you know he said no no no i also need this baptism and then why will you come to me 15 jesus said so far to be so that scriptures will be all righteousness to be fulfilled and then he permitted him verse 16 [Music] and jesus when he was baptized so we see jesus god in the flesh the son of god by reason of their office the second person of the trinity then the bible says when he came out of the water lord the heavens were open and what do you see there the spirit of god another personality jesus is in the earth the heavens are open we see another personality descending in the similitude of a dove then the bible says descending like a dove and lighting upon him 17 and a voice so we see jesus on earth the holy spirit is coming upon him and a voice of another personality who is not the holy spirit and is not jesus speaking this is my beloved son in whom i am well pleased hear him and all of that so i'm showing you from scripture that the trinity the concept of the trinity is biblical two more proofs ready matthew 28 from verse 18 to 20 this is jesus now teaching the disciples himself jesus himself is teaching the disciples matthew 28 from verse 18 to 20 matthew 28 matthew 28 from verse 18 to 20 matthew 28 matthew 28 from verse 18 to 20 and jesus came and spoke unto them saying everybody listen all power the word yes exousia is given unto me in heaven and in earth 19. go ye therefore this is jesus teaching [Music] and teach all nations baptizing them in the name of the father in the name of and in the name of the holy ghost jesus himself acknowledged the fact that they were a triune reality in the in the realm of the spirit the godhead expressed in three personalities ready for one last proof [Music] acts chapter 7 verse 54 to 59 acts chapter 7 this was when stephen was about to be my tired the bible says something happened when they heard these things that's giving now the mattia the first recorded matthias when stephen was teaching them on these things the bible says they were caught to the heart and they gnashed on him with their teeth 55 were reading to 59 but he being what so we see the holy ghost in stephen full of the holy ghost one of the personality of the trinity he said he looked up to heaven and what did he see the glory of god the similitude of the face of god another personality and what did he see again jesus standing at what so full of the holy ghost here on earth god in heaven and then the holy ghost at his right hand read on and he said behold i see the heavens open and the son of man standing on the right hand of god you can't even stop there the point has been established so you see that from scripture old testament the gospels and the epistles i reveal to you that there is such a concept i know why i am for some of you this looks basic but many people who represent different sects some not even believers are going to be listening to this message and it's important that we start from a theological foundation so that it does not look like this is a pentecostal or charismatic phenomenon the concept of the trinity is established by the word of god there is such a concept now let me tell you a few things and i am very emotional as i say this the subject of the person and the ministry of the holy spirit in my opinion is the most misunderstood and most neglected teaching in the body of christ the subject of the revelation of the personality of the holy spirit i don't think that there is castness with the teaching of jesus as the son of god i don't think there is castness of the revelation of the father especially new testament believers we talk a lot about the fatherhood of god but the person and the ministry of the holy spirit most believers have almost no idea about the person of the holy spirit now the church especially the 21st century church it's not in ignorance as to the reality of the power of the holy spirit we watch televisions every day and we see people falling from church to church you come for koinonia and you see people shouting and flying all around but the person this entity this personality called the holy spirit is what i want to introduce to us tonight [Music] who is the holy spirit who exactly is the holy spirit we must know who he is why is he so important that jesus had to need him jesus walked upon the earth never was able to do any serious kingdom thing until he came who is this personality so important that the saints of old although they did not really know him but they could not resist his influence in their lives when he came upon them they could not articulate they never had a relationship with the holy spirit they could not know who he was they only related to him based on his influence upon them there were only two people in the old testament who communicated such an appreciable dimension of intimacy with him number one was samwell the prophet number two was david the man after god had these two personalities seem to have accessed deeper dimensions of their work with the holy spirit a prophet that the bible says his word did not fall to the ground it was the psalmist that said cast me not away from your presence he said take not your spirit from me who is the holy spirit now let me tell you something the holy spirit is not a bird the holy spirit is not a dove you have to believe this the holy spirit is not candles with fire on it the holy spirit is not anointing oil the holy spirit is not water the holy spirit is not wind the holy spirit is not sound all those things are similar of his operation similarly of his operation but not him the holy spirit is not an influence he's bigger than an influence who is the holy spirit number one the holy spirit is god the holy spirit is god he is not like god he is not a friend of god he is not a mentee of god the holy spirit is god every description that you give the father every description in terms of honor and acknowledgement and power and might it suffices to communicate the same description to the holy spirit now the difference of the trinity is not the power and the might but the system of their functions and their offices it is based on that that we now classify the father as number one the son jesus as number two are we together and the holy spirit has number three the holy spirit is not genuine god the holy spirit is not the inferior part of god he is god in every way in every system deserving of worship deserving of honor deserving of trust so the holy spirit is god number two the holy spirit represents the unlimited presence of jesus beneath him calls him jesus unlimited the holy spirit represents the unlimited presence of jesus when jesus walked upon the earth he was bound with a body listen give us quickly please john john chapter john chapter 14 verse 16 to 18 john chapter 14 verse 16-18 the holy spirit a manifestation of the limitless presence of jesus so it is it is fair and scriptural to say the holy spirit is jesus unlimited without bounds when jesus walked upon the earth he could not be everywhere at the same time it is the holy spirit that makes it possible for every believer to receive christ he is the representation of the presence of jesus on earth and in the heart and life of every believer and i will pray the father this is jesus speaking and he will give you another comforter you've heard the word the greek rendition is a los paracletos alos and heteros these are words that mean one of the same kind or one of another kind when you say alos it means the same in quality and species like the cat family are we together the bird family when you say heteros it can mean many birds but not of the same maybe a dove and an eagle they are not the same so we have a loss and we have heteros here it is a loss parakletos another comforter that he may abide with you forever next verse verse verse 17 even the spirit of truth whom the world listen jesus is saying the world cannot receive him why he says because it seemed him not so the first reason why the canal man cannot walk with the holy spirit is why because he sees him not now facebook and the social media has taught us that there is a possibility to relate with a personality you have never seen before facebook came they taught us something i think in secondary school or primary i don't know which one pen pal something that you write letter and post to another stranger who replies you but now with facebook you can communicate with a personality you do not even know and from his expression you can even know he is not happy yet you have never met him the person is in brazil you are in nigeria and you are communicating praying together growing together and you can even say how are you my good friend the world does not see him neither nowhere here an encounter not awareness the world cannot have an encounter with him because he is not the way you encounter physical men this is a spiritual encounter the two reasons why people cannot experience the person of the holy spirit don't forget this number one because they cannot see him except it is given to you by the grace of god you cannot see the person of the holy spirit with your optical eyes you can see the expressions of him you can feel the power of his presence you can see the influence the wind is in the similarity of the holy spirit you may not see the wind but you can see the paper it carries you can see the clothes it dries that's how the holy spirit is so you cannot you believe there is wind because you see it drying your float picking papers and occasionally dust can form a tornado and this is the effect of the wind but the wind is not a tornado [Applause] the holy spirit represents the unlimited presence of jesus in the earth number three who is the holy spirit the holy spirit is the wisdom of god the holy spirit is not wise the holy spirit is the wisdom of god [Music] look at me [Music] of the trinity the holy spirit represents the wisdom of god you have to understand this the wisdom of god that's why jesus had to wait for him to come so that he will walk in wisdom the holy spirit is the wisdom of god number one number four the holy spirit is the revealer of the presence and the power of god not just the conveyor but the revealer only the holy spirit can make the presence of god and the power of god real to men listen without the holy spirit no matter what miracle you see it cannot change you i hope you know in the old testament there's some miracles yet they were not converted in the new testament they saw five thousand people fed by five loaves and two fish correct they saw the water turn into wine they saw jesus walking yet they still doubted him john the baptist himself who commissioned jesus in ministry doubted whether or not he was a messiah jesus resurrected and when he resurrected the bible says he went to his disciples is that what son doubted why because they had not received the holy spirit only the holy spirit can reveal the presence and the power of god to men see let me tell you something that's why there are people who can carry anointing they can sit in a meeting you can be dispensing the gifts of the spirit accurate prophecy you can see someone fall under the anointing and roll and get up and at the end of that meeting someone can be nodding and say bros are you there now a cbd attend a meeting powerful meeting with signs and wonders but without the presence of the holy spirit there is no conviction there is no change there is no transformation jesus sent the seventy are we together now jesus said the seventy thomas was part of the twelfth and the seventy thomas used the name of jesus casted devils but when jesus resurrected he said no way until he comes and i put my hand in his hand and then jesus came and said thomas to it he said blessed is he that has not seen blessed is he that has not seen but believe the conveyor the revealer of the presence of god [Applause] who is the holy spirit let me give you a shocking definition number five the holy spirit is the author of scripture the holy spirit is the author of the bible the same way benny hinn is the author of good morning holy spirit the same way bishop poetico is the author of covenant wealth or a covenant of prosperity the holy spirit this book belongs to him it was not altered by zondervan it was not authored by a white taker house this bible scripture was uttered by the holy spirit you are a hypocrite if you try to read his book and ignore him [Music] the author of the bible is the holy ghost two scriptures second peter chapter 1 verse 21 and then second timothy chapter 3 verse 16 second peter chapter 1 verse 21 for the prophecy listen came not in all time by the will of man luke did not write the bible because he was intelligent listen john did not write the bible just because he leaned on the chest of jesus isaiah did not write the bible just because he had to write he said the will of man was too small to have written this bible look up there is no man that wrote the bible just by their will no it takes more than willingness to write this there must be a personality and an influence a compelling force 90 percent of the people who were used by the spirit to write the bible were not educated they were immigrants so how was the details of the character of god so captured with minimal error in spite of their personalities some of them never met themselves but see the synergy and the consistency of their communication no prophecy came not in all time by the will of man but holy men of god spake as they were what influenced the same word the holy ghost drove jesus to the wilderness so men wrote they speak and later documented it as moved by the holy ghost listen to me carefully i i may want to write one book now maybe translate some of my messages into books and i can tell the media department or we get a professional editor and say take one two three messages i need the transcripts of all of them and i sit down and edit it does it mean that is that person that wrote the book please respect him he is the author of this book man of god hold this book and they never know the author they preach it they write other books with reference to this and never give honor to the author they give honor to their wives thank you for motivating me on the computer while i type they give honor to their children thank you son for not being stubborn while i wrote the book and they ignore the owner listen there is something called plagiarism plagiarism is an offense correct when you take somebody's thoughts without you permission and without making reference how many people have plagiarized the spirit of god we use his words every time and every day and nobody has been arrested and we never give him credit [Music] if david catches somebody recording his song and making money from it they will first share it into half and then take him to court and say no way it came from god but through me you are not going to just read from are you that if somebody carries the colonial worship team song and just runs with it like that they'll sue the person to cut yet yet yet we take everything that is of the holy spirit he gave us all restrained access to use it as though we wrote the book look at how i put scriptures as if i was there i can quote it then i will be stupid to not acknowledge it [Music] the holy spirit is the author of the bible second timothy 3 16 ii timothy 3 16. [Music] i want you to read one to read all scripture is given by what is the word breath is the word numa the greek is work an expression a manifestation of this of the holy spirit all scripture how many all scripture all scripture not some not a major part all scripture is given by the inspiration of god and is profitable for doctrine reproof correction instruction in righteousness that the man of god may be perfect and all of that so the holy spirit is the author of the world write this now christianity is not a religion christianity is not one of the four thousand religions on earth that's quite an information you want to know i don't know what's the current maybe somebody has invented something from january till now now that recession is on somebody who must have come up with something but the last time i checked there were at least 4 000 religions on earth isn't it amazing 4 000 plus with followers always followers you can go and register officially your religion state your tenants of faith prove that it works they give you a patent to smuggle people from whatever religion into yours christianity is not a religion it has never been and will never be religion is man's attempt to manage his confusion about god religion this man's attempt to find god without the agency of the holy spirit religion is man's attempt to create an explanation of the realm of the spirit and the dealings of god without the assistance religion is the product of man's pride religion is a direct product of man's pride his refusal to accept that there is god but accepts that the realm of the spirit is real so people argue oh the sun is there the planets are moving around it and there are millions of galaxies and all of that and all of that and this one if the sun is too if the earth is too close to the sun if it's too far and then out of all of that the scientists who are succeeded in doing that tells you there is no god and the bible gives that person a name it's called a fool he said only a fool who say in his heart but these ones did not even say it in their heart they've written it in letters they have blocks for it only a fool will say in his heart there is no god look at me if all of a sudden you enter this place and you see this fan and this keyboard and this mic and i told you that some metals were just moving around and then a wind blew them and there was some electromagnetic force and it just came together and formed the mic and reduced down to two sims height and then another one became a pulpit how intelligent do i sound so to tell me that some cosmic bodies flew from mass another planet had a big bang boom then the water molecules suddenly had what they call that frogs that thing that toads carry like things and then started growing out leg and then became one ugly thing and then eventually grew and then became something else and then became black and ugly monkeys and then from there my great-grandfather was coming out and then look at how dull those things are but we believe them [Music] oh [Music] oh christianity is an experience christianity is a revelation it's not a religion what we call christianity the faith life the work of a believer what was committed to us by jesus is a revelation is an experience it's an experience [Music] it was the holy spirit who birthed the church the holy spirit birthed the church not only did the holy spirit father jesus the holy spirit birthed the church jesus was not ashamed to call the holy spirit his father he said my father in me there is my father who is in heaven but there is my father who is in me abba my source my sustainer so it was the holy spirit who birthed the church listen we talk a lot about christianity many zillions people have died in villages many people have been mad tired but we have ignored the spirit of god why we have ignored him as a mystery he started the church he started the church and today we drive him out of our churches we drive him out of our cathedrals we call him a new science we say he is too noisy we have sent him out of our families we have sent him out of our businesses we have sent him out of our lives we have sent him out of our ministries we have sent him out of our homes we sent him out of our children we sent him out of civilization we sent him out of government we sent him out of our finances the spirit of god second corinthians 13 verse 14 my assignment tonight is to bring him to your consciousness that he is a person write this down the holy spirit has a definite form he's not an amoeba he's not like a boneless creature no the holy spirit has an exact distinct form [Music] the reason why he does not reveal his form ordinarily to people is because he wants jesus to be glorified not because he does not have a form are we are we together now you have to get this when you are in the realm of the spirit you can see the person of the holy spirit now it's very difficult for you to understand this because pastor femikom [Music] if this is joshua selman i you cannot believe that i am in pastor femi's house or i am in his heart that possibility cannot be understood in a three-dimensional realm the concept of omnipresence is not a reality that our civilization is used to there is no that that ability to be only present is not there that's why the internet was allowed by god to show us that omnipresence is a possibility i can be in my room right now scattered across over 45 nations of the world there are different people connecting right now and they are hearing at the same time some with phones some with laptops some seated right now as soon as this series is over we will upload it and in minutes literally minutes people all over the world are downloading it omnipresence is a reality the internet has shown us that it is possible there is a station where facebook is zuckerberg is a person but he has multiplied himself through a mystery are we together so they say are you on facebook it's the same way saying have you given your life to christ but there is a personality called zuckerberg there is facebook office but there is facebook in your house there is facebook in your phone and whoever does not have facebook is not part of zuckerberg's are you seeing that now so how will you say it is not possible for the holy spirit to be living in you and to work with you you can have facebook in your phone but you can meet with the person zuckerberg and be in the real facebook office there is a real form there is an office today you can snap called facebook but there is a similitude of it zuckerberg is in everybody's phone whenever you say zuckerberg the phone facebook is the representation of the presence of zuckerberg so when you give your life to christ yes you were born again but jesus is in your heart it is true but in your heart in the person of the holy spirit the person jesus is in heaven seated today with a solid body he will return with it so when you say i belong to jesus it is true but the seal is the holy spirit he's the one who validates that your claims are true more on that next week when i'm and teaching you on the ministry of the holy spirit the holy spirit what do i want to get today to teach you second corinthians chapter 13 verse 14 i want us to dwell in the understanding of the passing thank you thank you pastor of the holy spirit let me talk about these three things the grace of our lord jesus christ it says and the love of god it says under communion coinonia fellowship intercourse sharing together participation of the holy spirit he said these three things should be with you number one the love of god the love of god is an expression of the benevolent nature of god is an expression of his generosity his fortitude to express his nature in and to and through men the love of god paul is saying if you want to walk and do business in this kingdom the love of god must be at work in you the love of god is revealed in the passing of jesus christ and also revealed in the substitutionary sacrifice of jesus jesus did not come to the earth just as a suggestion of himself he came in response to the father's love he came to prove the love of the father that's the first thing paul says we should know the love of god i'm not dwelling so much there the second thing he says we should know is the grace of our lord jesus christ what is the grace of our lord jesus christ it's not just unmerited access we're not doing a whole teaching on grace but grace is not look at me grace is not on merited access alone that is just a dimension of grace grace is a generic terminology that is used to express any and everything that comes from god any and everything that comes from god is called grace and you see now is not just salvation anointing is grace wisdom is grace my definition of grace is given in the bible every good and perfect gift that comes from above is called grace it's not just on merited access unmerited access is a dimension of the operation of grace [Music] if all you know about grace is just unmerited access no the power to perform is grace because it is not your own you are giving it the grace of our lord jesus christ then he says the communion please give us amplified let me dwell here and then we'll pray the communion i'll be teaching you the next time we meet on the ministry of the holy spirit but the starting point of the journey of your work with god the first thing he wants to achieve in your life when the holy spirit comes to you is fellowship partnership is a product of fellowship fellowship fellowship fellowship there are so many people who want partnership but they do not want fellowship partnership means to work with him that's that's the section four also of our course content the ministry of the spirit that's why i will teach you signs and wonders miracles raising the dead healing the sick increased multiplication signs and wonders that's the ministry of the spirit that is partnership with him but the starting point of a believer unfortunately most of our prayers are largely prayers directed towards our needs towards warfare which is important but very little of it is a system built for fellowship [Music] fellowship and the fellowship of the holy ghost the personality of the holy ghost not just his ministry not just his power the holy spirit is a real person real person real person he works with you he lives in you he represents the presence of the holy spirit in your life the presence of god in your life but he walks with you when the holy spirit comes into your life condemning when the holy spirit comes into your life listen the first thing he wants to achieve is not to use you for signs and wonders that's what you want so you want a sharp sharp invitation let me just fall down roll around roll around stand up and all of a sudden i look around and say look better invite me because i have power many people know his power but they do not know his person are we together imagine a woman who has been eating a husband's money and never knows him what is his name i don't know what is his best meal i don't know what are his best colors i don't know where is he now i need to i don't know he just left home and whenever he comes he knows but you are rich this is money ram his wife you must be an irresponsible wife correct the holy spirit there's so many things we don't know about him and we don't care the average pastor talks about him but does not know him our lives are very he is a demonstration that we are very ignorant of him we do not see the ultimate ministry of the holy spirit in your life listen is not to speak to you is that you and him will be so intertwined that you become an expression of his reality the same way he's an expression of the reality of heaven he is the one who makes thy kingdom come possible in your life so when people see you you are so bound to him you look like him you talk like him you walk like him your life is an effulgence of his presence i introduce to you tonight the person of the holy spirit he does not belong to pentecostals listen carefully he does not belong to people in lagos he does not belong to western allies he does not belong to those who can speak english and can read king james how many people go to the villages and do evangelism and dare talk to them about the holy spirit when you come and people are well dressed in suits like me say now these guys are candidates for the holy spirit but you see why my mind the village who cannot speak english i don't mind these people you see that many of us are here seated right now nobody ever introduced him to you they told you about jesus you cried and every time you pray jesus can you hear me and he looks in heaven and says i love you and i can hear you but you are not sincere i sent somebody to you you ignore the person i sent and you claim to love me no we have ignored him and he has watched us like a gentleman in our pride and confusion we have done everything we have done we have been taught that the moment you receive him you must be a judging christian a fiery brother or a lady that is going to marry a man of god is it me god has never spoken to me about ministry i'm a quiet business woman holy spirit you can just go and remain in coin on your team and they really need you there you see that attitude how many worshippers sing about him they write songs about him we twist our tongues on stage about him the god goddess and that we don't know him we don't know him is one thing listen it's one thing for god to be with you but it's another thing to be with god god can be with you as a person but that you be with him that means you have released your will to say yes lord [Music] the holy spirit wants to reveal himself the church of the lord jesus christ does not know him i'm calling us way beyond the realm of power this is way beyond the realm of miracles let me tell you something pastors leaders much more than miracles let the miracles be a derivative of his presence if they have they can happen in the absence of his presence because you can have the anointing the same way you can use my atm and withdraw money the atm will not refuse because my identity is on it the disciples did not know the holy spirit yet they went and they were raising wheelchairs casting out devils let me tell you that you cast out demons please listen carefully that you cast out demons and heal the sick is not a sign that you know him no no no for even the demons believe in god they tremble so many people in the body of christ the moment you see a man of god walking miracles and i'm not against it moving you know somebody rising from the wheelchair you just assume that god this guy knows the holy spirit no many people know him as an influence they know his power they know what his power can do but they don't know him because when you know him he alters you in a very remarkable way the proof that you know the holy spirit is that you submit your will for his characteristics to begin to find expression in and through you you see that when a demon you've seen people now you've seen people manifest time and again under the influence of spirits here and in different meetings notice you can for instance you can see this lovely lady right now and assuming there is a spirit attempting to influence her the moment you attempt to cast out that devil she can start crawling on her knees this is not something that she should do as a human being but the spirit is trying to execute his characteristics so when the passing of the holy spirit is at work in your life your life becomes and the full terms of its characteristics you don't just say we are angry people in our family that's how we are i'm anointed but we're hungry if he lands on me i give it to you even god you know beats me i beat you god no god those those stupid statements that people make they don't know him i have seen many anointed people who do not know him personally i sincerely consider myself not even to know him i know that many people say ah koinonia the whole name the minister of the holy spirit my prayer every time his holy spirit revealed yourself to me while i was preparing for this series i was almost ashamed of myself i said truly truly truly truly what am i now going to say about him that's why many people describe him because knowing him is not something it's like trying to teach you about your wifey jimmy it's difficult i can only describe her she makes cake because i have a product in my house but the sheet cake she has lovely sisters and brothers wonderful we can only use descriptions but do you know the best way to let men know him become an expression of him an expression of him when your life vetos culture all those listen carefully all those embargoes that make you look like a yeruba man all those embargoes that make you look like a cogi man all those irresponsibilities that make you look like a platoon man a kaduna man when they are swallowed up by that relationship they know that somebody else has oriented your life are you getting what i'm saying now very important you can be born again casting out devils but everybody looks at you they can't dress you so naturally they say ah this guy's jealousy he's from these states they're like that oh no forget that is anointed they are like that but when they can hardly describe your earthly identity you have switched to a true relationship with a personality that you are so intertwined with him that people can look at you and guess and say i don't know whether you are from rivers or you are from plateau state or delta and you tell them i'm from zion the zion of god truly speaking the same way when you see a jam bite in a university even if it's 40 years you will know he's a new student he's an adult outside but when he enters that institution he will try to be mature but you look at him you know that no this guy is not using this how are we together the lingua franca the way of talking the way people are doing there is a popular pothole that everybody in that knows if you can with your eyes closed you can jump in then he falls into it that's a jump right he's not drunk he's just new these are realities for the holy spirit when i look at your life and the characteristics of the spirit are not manifesting there i know something is wrong anger bitterness we think these things don't matter the passing of the holy spirit was designed to remedy these loves so on a good day based on my culture based on my village based on where i come from i cannot stand and look at it she should kneel down my like thou said because i mean i'm a man of the king he comes into your life and introduces who god is to you he shows you who god is and says in the kingdom that you so love and respect jesus that you so admire this is not how he is and he not tell he doesn't tell you what to do he influences you to become it the power to become not the information alone to become the power to become can anything good come out of nazareth you are talking to a man who has met the holy spirit without him nothing good can come out of nazareth but with him with him with him with him the passing of the holy spirit is the mystery the mystery that ton is tamara like benny to become a world renowned figure there are many people i have gone for meetings and have seen signs and wonders but never felt his presence he was almost absent in that meeting signs and wonders can be happening but he's not producing conviction people are just clapping but nobody is living with any sense of conviction because he's not there when you enter beneath his meeting whether you are dead or alive you know that the spirit of god is there signs and wonders are just a confirmation but you know let me tell you how you know a man of the secret place is not miracles presence [Applause] present not just when you are playing keyboard presence there is a presence if this ladies praise perfume very nice quality perfume and i hold that like this after a while is it true that i should begin to smell that perfume when you walk in a restaurant at the back of the restaurant where they cook and the firewood is there and you claim you were there for two hours cooking rice and you live you should not smell fresh that place should implicate you no matter how neat you are i should sit pump oil somewhere in your clothes or sweat you should smell like that rice or smell like smoke or smell like the kitchen you can't come out and you are still looking like this and say i was cooking rice not gassed off no he said son you were not there how many people claim they know him and they think because somebody flew under the anointing it's just a sign no sir no sir listen i tell you the secret of koinonia is not just miracles there are ministries that work in ten times more miracles ten times the miracle that this ministry has worked in put together if benny should show up here they will all happen in one night but brothers and sisters the difference that presence that's what creates conviction so you can listen to a message you already know everything about it yet it will pound you and change you and you'll find yourself on your knees that's something that even when your parents say you should do it you didn't do it present [Music] you know him when you can prove that you carry his presence you know him when you can prove the reality the reality you know a lot of people see me and they say apostle joshua sermon has a call you know revival helping people experience god it's not really a call that's not yes i have a dimension of a call to reveal the person of the holy spirit but it's even if i'm talking about finances or i'm talking about whatever that presence that presence that presence just like some of you are listening to me now there's someone seated outside the wind may not be as favorable as you want yet something is happening to him that's what can make somebody who is a non-christian sit down outside and you are talking about what is not directly salvation but a presence lands on his head you see him shaking and just sitting it's not every shaking that is just anointing that carry people is the effect of his presence his presence his presence i'd like you to close your eyes and pray one minute and say lord not just your power a revelation of your presence pray [Music] pray the presence in my life not just power for miracles you are in fellowship the grace of our lord jesus christ the love of god says listen under koinonia the fellowship that the holy spirit is not an archangel please the holy spirit is not an archangel the holy spirit is not the firstborn of the angels no he is called the angel of the lord's presence but the word angel there means the messenger of the lord's presence the conveyor not the slave of god no no no no the holy spirit we have ignored him so much spirit breaker [Applause] break our walls down [Music] [Music] break our walls of unbelief you are brooding over every darkness you are causing light to shine from darkness [Music] he's brooding over every darkness he is causing light to shine from darkness over every darkness you are causing light to shine from darkness that's what he's doing in your life he is beautiful over every time my god is causing light you listen the holy spirit is the one who taught me the word i remember let me tell you next the next time we meet i will share with you a lot of stories about my work with the holy spirit how the holy ghost started with me the spirit of god is not power many people want power they want somebody to rise from wheelchair because you think that's what will bring members have you not seen signs and wonders producers know his presence his presence is a product of a real relationship do you know him do you know him do you talk to him do you respect him is your life an effulgence of his characteristics show me how he took that anger out of your life show me how he's taking your pride and culture out of your life [Applause] you approved you were there i've shared a bit of my experiences with you people when i would be in the room lying down and i would see a mist like funk what you call fog a mist the shape of a man standing there a real miss next the next time we meet i'll share with you all these encounters a real mist and brothers and sisters i will be chosen not just under his power his influence every part of me shaking like a leaf for hours i don't know what it's like things are entering me and leaving me i cannot even explain is it that he's speaking to me is it impartation is it deliverance i don't even know all i know is that like a hand upon me and i tell you i remain like that for hours sometimes i will not even say one word one word it's not all this fake trying to pray and check time and say it's two hours let me steal so that no no no no his presence defines your longevity his presence defines how you pray his presence defines what happens you don't tell him his presence till today that is a practice i will never trade for anything no matter who i become or what i become listen let me tell you something the moment the moment you say oh god give me t i bind every devil you're not going to experience his presence but calm down and set the atmosphere spirit of the living god you are welcome here i give you my life take my body my soul my spirit breathe on me take my body my soul my spirit freed on me this is you pray now not give me tea and bread take my body my soul my spirit breathe on me breathe on me take my body my soul my spirit [Applause] my secret place please [Applause] tell journey prayer was primarily designed as a spiritual system to know him to meet with him prayer was designed primarily as the system that conveys his presence to you there is the warfare dimension of prayer there is intercession there is supplication there is the prayer but he said when you pray pray in this manner happy father listen what in heaven not kenneth he give me bread i must marry i need a child he said your kingdom your influence your person come let me tell you why many people's prayer lives are dead it's not because they cannot pray in tongues i know many people's prayer life my prayer life is one of the richest points of my christian life my my prayer i pray that one day during a vigil here after we do anything we will pray i want to show you what i do in the secret place my prayer life is not a boring time you know why because i don't carry all these things that people i don't entice his presence just disturbing him and talking stupid things let me tell you there is a strategy that the devil uses for your prayer life the moment you want to pray he tries to make you weak you will even think you don't have the strength for five minutes time of prayer and then this is what many of us do you just [Music] oh god i've been telling you about this sin oh god my job is coming tomorrow no you don't need his presence you need power for that one when you want his presence be ready to give him time this horrid horrid thing that people do you will not find him that way now [Music] i let worship begin to set the atmosphere i have made i have made an altar you see that an altar i have found the night time to be my best time of not just intercession and warfare alone but deep intimacy because in the daytime your phone is ringing somebody is disturbing you see don't ever give an excuse for why you don't seek him i'm married i have 10 children i i am i am an accountant we finish in the bank late you always have time for what you love hallelujah [Music] [Applause] i'm here to see what can distract me when i'm having deep fellowship with the holy spirit my phone can ring to her anything can happen you must you you use desire and respect to keep his presence not just faith desire and respect come and you are praying the holy spirit your boyfriend holy spirit how are you my boyfriend how am i who is me how are you no no no you are not serious and it's not just moving that's warfare not fellowship when you are ready for fellowship you let him define the modus operandi of the prayer session he is lord over the prayer session there are times i go to pray and as soon as i get there immediately do you know sometimes let me tell you what happens sometimes i can be studying my bible or even just relaxing i know when his presence shows up now his manifested presence the moment i begin to sense his presence around i try to discern is this just wanting me to pray or something immediately the holy spirit loves privacy he's a very private person forget that you see his power like this the holy spirit there are things she will never do and show you in public no sir thank god for corporate gathering but the specifics of his dealings with you must be in the secret place [Music] sleep [Music] me [Music] that's why many people's prayer lives are not rich let me tell you when he comes the first thing that happens is he's that man to learn it lend it the presence of the holy spirit should affect your spirit soul and body when he comes it's not just by faith you know he's there his instruments envelopes you this is how people become strong presence careers not just power careers presence beneath was describing one time you know he's my mentor in that area and then he was describing how he was preparing for meetings do you know he said when he's preparing for meetings it is directly from the secret place he would just buff ask anybody who knows me i know many times were coming directly from a trip but crinonia here especially miracle service it is from prayer and fellowship straight you see me stand up and come here not just no matter how many minutes stand up from watching football and just say guy my youth let me just wear my tie quickly who are you playing games you want to come and cast out devils you want to come and change somebody who they use a spell to keep him a non-christian for 30 years who do you think you are that you want to speak in two hours i remember i was teaching one time on them revelation of heaven and hell it was outside one of is it an imam ustas one gentleman he studied arabic he was seated outside while the teaching was going on i mean the presence of god was pounding on that gentleman and the next thing all of a sudden outside here the overflow the heavens were open for him and he had a vision of jesus way before an altar called he i don't know where that guy is now but that kind of born again there's no going back encounters are not products of power encounters are products of a person invited into your life and the effect of his presence this encounter thing that you see people talk about me different ministries they write all kinds of the supernatural when they say the supernatural let me tell you what they mean a man of god who comes and somebody falls down falls down a few healings here and they say man it was a powerful meeting let me tell you an encounter is an experience that makes a person and a thing real to you it doesn't have to be visionary but it must be supernatural are we together imagine if all of us here inside and outside imagine all the people here that we become true presence colors do you know do you know the dimension of the kingdom you will produce in the life of people dimension all these many discussions and counselling you just come and stand near somebody and in presence there is an invisible personality with you i tell you i give you two or three minutes you see that person shaking the person is not shaking just because they are not helped the person is not shaking just because there is an anointing the person is shaking simply because you think is power that's what people say that this is not power this is presence [Music] [Applause] you go into a business meeting you carry that cloud you go to your home where there is a shrine that they smuggle somewhere you don't need to know whether they planted it in a football field under whatever just carry that presence like the act of god in the house of obedient and you watch what begins to happen one of our ladies here was telling me i think she went home and she said she just played one coin on your message and when she played she said it was like human beings were running physically out of the house presence presence presence balaam caused them and he turned and saw no no no no the shout of the king his fault his presence is in their midst let me tell you what i will explain to you next week but the key to working in strange levels of health and freshness physical biological freshness is not just robbing good milk cream and all of this let me tell you the presence of god can revitalize re-fight our lives are you a christian re-fight our lives all this issue of somebody 20 years you are looking like 30 sluggish this and that that is presence roast away all that chaff out of you in all sincerity and in all truth i truly consider myself to be stronger and better and happier than ever his presence how you know he's with you is joy unspeakable full of glory is called the joy of the holy ghost ah in spite of all the sadness that surrounds me and this joy in my heart only comes alive every time i heal there's a joy in my soul in spite of all the sadness that's around every time the world is full of sad people angry and sad people you know why my wife offended me my husband offended me they didn't pay salary this person did this the government is wicked boar is not a nice man this one did this um or simba joy is not doing well this one is doing this let me tell you joy is not a commodity that you can get on earth joy is one of the blessings of his presence joy joy is not just laughing like a fool the ability to sustain up you ignore the storms that your you can see people in sea let me tell you in the olden days when they were going to kill missionaries before they were bombed they would blow them they fed them to lions lions and peronero will sit on his throne in a theater and they will bring out one of the saints do you know how the guy saw they took human beings and typed them and then they lit them to be the torchlight that you used to see human beings roasting to give life and many of them before they died they sang amazing grace they said no no no no when you laugh in the midst of the storm it's not natural the holy ghost is a sign that you are aware that we are about to stone stephen all these frowning around thinking you are the first the devil will cheat you you must learn a system of joy i know there's no money in your pocket but don't allow the first sign of depression is that it has a way of taking away joy when men are about to die the first thing is they stop talking ask the doctors they are angry they have entered into a state of acute depression [Music] but he said the joy of the lord is my strength strength you see why many people are weak you will never come and meet me like this [Music] [Applause] joy [Music] his presence gives me joy all the time all the time it doesn't mean everything just happens the way i want no there are there are too many people to annoy you every 24 hours that's what satan wants as you are sharing the grace somebody matches your your leg by mistake and it's hard to say what ah allow me to tell you sorry i was about to say and response your mind i said it's called onion it's all because we are serving god otherwise your joy is gone is your joy so small [Music] rich in joy you say for with joy shall you draw is one of the reasons why many people don't get miracles haven't believed they don't have joy the joy of the lord that is your strength they don't have it see let me tell you something some of you came to calinonia sad angry depressed as if the whole world is on you when there is nothing else you have keep your joy in spite of all the sadness that surrounds me and this joy [Music] that i now have it truly comes alive every time i hear there are times that we go for meetings and the hospitality is not at its best sometimes it can be so annoying because we've traveled so far and you see the people wasting time maybe keeping us so long at the airport to pick us those things can bring anger and all of a sudden i remember the joy of the lord the joy of the lord if you remember your bank account to be happy you will soon die if you remember the presence of your child if you remember that oh i have my certificate under under one newspaper that i wrapped if that is why you are happy this world does not have room for that to give you joy do you know many people try other things trying to get joy they try education they try marriage they try money this money thing you see they try everything they try bullying others they try politics no the true source of joy joy unspeakable it's the holy spirit look at what happened to joe a man boils lost his entire estate dogs were licking him he was seated in the ashes the wife had looked at him and he said do he slay me yet will i trust him my joy satan has not cheated you if he does not succeed in making you ignore the ministry of the holy spirit i don't care what else leaves you if the holy spirit is in your life convict that fellowship fellowship fellowship fellowship listen tonight is a night of restoration because some of us you were not like this listen carefully that's not how you started with god there are people here scattered across that day you became a pastor the day you became a man of god you became a reverend the day you married a pastor the day they gave you a position of a president that's the day fellowship died no need for fellowship again i'm busy busy for what busy for what i now have a job you know before i i wasn't working but now my job requires that i'm in brazil today for taco tomorrow i barely have time [Music] spirit cultivate fellowship with you your life would have been ten times better than it is if you did not ignore him now you may say he see me but you ignored his person i can have a visitor in my house and leave him in the parlor in anger to prove to him that you are wasting my time and enter another parlor and be doing a business discussion is he my house yes but are we in fellowship no don't say god is in my heart don't say the holy spirit is my heart are you engaging him i know you prayed oh i prayed about it what did he say me i'd have shall pray if you pray and did not have an instruction or a direction from the word you have not prayed [Music] the confusion in the life of many people today listen there are many there are many things in people's life there are people today who have traveled to geographic locations where they have no business been there somebody just got up and felt like god was sending him to australia the holy spirit was not consulted you just felt it was just a rumbling in my stomach and you got up and got visa and went and you are almost dying in australia there are people who they just sat down and they ignored him and started churches they had prayer meetings they had evangelical meetings and just as you kind i think were large enough to start a church and they started it think how many things have gone wrong in our lives sincerely because we have ignored him think how many people right now are regretting their marriages because they ignored him [Music] my mother said i should just marry any child man him he told you have three children you had seven you have seen what is causing you now he said we ignore him all around think of how he has cautioned people many times and we refused our stubbornness and stiffness tonight is a night of genuine restoration there are many people who used to walk within his presence the holy spirit would wake you wake you at specific times there are people who have that encounter where he would wake them but now you threw him out the holy spirit is like um in fact when you study certain hebrew studies he's like a woman that's why you get the word ruach hakodesh you see that it's a feminine characteristic if he's not invited he does not come if you keep him in the parlor he remains there forever you tell him holy spirit enter my house but parallel bedroom and the first toilet that's that's where you don't ever enter my kitchen you will keep eating nonsense and have a beautiful parlor because the area you allow his influence is the area you see the glory of god don't say he's in me that you invite him to your finances his presence not his principles we try to learn bible we go to theology schools we go to bible schools and we never consult the author i told you he's the author of scripture [Music] he walked with people in the old testament have you not seen how he turned a little boy called somewhere to a wonder he called somebody looking like me samson and made him a judge over israel look at the people he transformed he turned the border mary says how shall these things be said don't worry the father of this child will be the holy ghost the power of the highest the holy spirit the manifestation of the possibilities of god listen let me tell you everything today that is happening that is good i learned something from bishop he said everything that is good credited to god everything that is bad credited to my not hearing him i adopt that principle if there is anything that is good in coinonia the wisdom from the system of the messages if there is anything that is bad in colonia i take responsibility it is a revelation of the area where i have not yielded to him [Music] so is your life so is your life you gave him access to your academics look what his presence is doing you literally sit down in an exam for 20 minutes you don't have an idea all of a sudden something comes in your life and you begin to write even things you know that you did not read you gave him permission there but you rejected him in your finances and say look you know this economics we have to do it with intelligence and oh how gentle he is he will truly step back truly step back the psalmist said cast me not away from your presence he said take not your holy spirit from me it's not enough to have him have you allowed his person to influence your life that's what we're talking about look at many of our parents he's not an influence of their decisions they have used experience and look at the things that are happening in their lives because they have ignored him you are too young to master life your age is too small to navigate the vicissitudes of life the oldest person on earth is not up to 150 years trust the ancient spirit he's the holy ghost spirit of the lady [Applause] [Music] it's the four holy ghost satire of the kingdom [Music] is i woke up this morning and i got a very sad text from a man of god i remember talking to the man he said he wanted to start ministry somewhere and i told him i said i think you need to relax i look at you and i do not see based on the description of the kind of ministry i don't think i've seen intimacy in the holy spirit and he ignored me just forgot everything and he went to one start the ministry and he sent me a text this morning he said i'm frustrated i don't know what to do he said for the first time in his life early this morning he was contemplating suicide i can tell you not with the holy ghost impossible suicide where from the voice that can show you a way where there is no way the holy spirit when the nation of israel were trapped he said i will send my angel before you that was the angel of the lord's presence not just an angel like michael no [Music] mary how shall these things be see not that i know not a man he said the power of the highest please hear me [Music] the secret to you doing what has never been done in your family is not anger it's him all of them embrace the spirit you you are not embracing anything you just say i'm born again i will be successful it's pride you are a joker nobody succeeds without the assistance of a spirit [Music] i will teach you partnership next week the minister of the holy spirit tell you his ministry to unbelievers his ministry to believers and his present day ministry to the church but tonight i want you to know that the holy spirit does not just want to be you he wants to walk with you and the lord working with them and the lord walking with koinonia and the spirit the author of the bible opening it to joshua selma not that you go on youtube and download a message and say ah this greek word you write it coined them together and one preached no the same way where you meet and author the autographs on the copy he gives you and you know that you met with the author [Music] to you i will run my beloved you've captured my heart [Music] listen [Music] come can you surrender your life to the holy spirit i'm not saying be born again that's not what i'm saying donate your life holy spirit i donate myself i'm tired of what i can be without you and my lifetime is too short to keep guessing and later find out i've wasted my life so i hand it over to you are we together to you i will run my beloved the songs of solomon like the prodigal son who the father saw him and he ran embraced him hugged him put back the road of royalty the signet ring and said my son was lost but now i'm found many of you have left him you left his influence and you went to do your own thing i'm not just talking of it doesn't have to be bad but if it's nothing you would suffer how many hired servants do my father have they leave him plenty and here i am a son of the kingdom feeding on peace and my benevolent father is there but i must run to him before he comes i will arise and i will go to my father and i will say father i have sinned against you and against heaven i am not worthy to be called your son but take me as one of your servants he said and when the father sought him a pharaoh he ran one thing i know with the holy spirit all he needs is for you to take one step and say holy spirit i ignored you i have ignored you in my life the moment a guy came into my life he just took away my brain took away my sins took away you would you dance with me [Music] [Music] one more time would you dance with me listen let me tell you how i prepare for miracle service i lie down with my paper and my bible i don't just get up and say the seeker coming spirit of the living god i am limited thousands of people are coming probably thousands and millions of others connecting around the world i am too small to heal them i am too small and i mean his presence just mantling me and i'm saying lord right about now there are people the venue is part full the troubles that people have is too much i can't be the one to solve it and then he tells me don't worry partnership let me show you one scripture before we round up give me this scripture please quickly first corinthians chapter 3 verse 9. first corinthians first corinthians first corinthians three verse nine i hope i'm right he just came to my spirit please quickly first corinthians chapter 3 verse 9. i never walk alone i know he's with me for we are what led borders together with god we are laborers partners [Music] partners partners partners there is a role i have to play there is a role he has to play i'm a partner with him i never walk alone i would have died if i'm the one leading koinonia alone no i'm too small i don't have that wisdom and experience my life is too small to be the way it is by my own strength youngji cho wrote a book holy spirit my seed not my mate holy spirit my senior partner in his church he has a big chair like you find in the anglican that chair is for the holy ghost he said i cannot be sitting down in front and the holy spirit is nowhere [Music] you may not put a physical chair but open up your heart and say this is for you forever forever and then he will show you things i told you he's the wisdom of god he comes into your life and produces signs and wonders i look at my life today and i'm humbled i don't even know what to tell you holy spirit what you are seeing if there is anything good that you see in my life behind the scene there is somebody living through me if i stretch my hands it's his hands what you are hearing now you are looking at a physical person but if god were to open your eyes i'm like a puppet he's speaking to me that's why the power that comes from him only flows through me to you the devils know what they are seeing the sicknesses know what they are seeing the lady who had an issue here when i was hearing those testimonies you know they were all thanking me thank daddy what i was doing in my heart is thank the real daddy the father in me the lord of cornonia the true apostle of this ministry not joshua sermon i'll be stupid to claim that i have the power to lead people [Music] you made a way you made away don't know how but you did it don't know how but you did it that's my testimony for his move you cause wars to fall and with your power tonight don't know how much you may be going through things tonight like humanly speaking you don't know how it will be done that is not your business that trying to find out how it will be done is the secret to killing yourself leave that to your partner your senior partner is the wisdom of god he is the author of scriptures he knows where elite your answer is listen stop weeping stop crying stop looking like life is all over your head no say to the righteous there is a reason why you say to them he gave them the holy spirit he said in jerusalem don't let pride make you go out and stop preaching sorry until he comes [Music] look what he has done with this ministry today you see let me tell you something [Music] every time i hear the reports about what god is doing we travel around all the place all the time tomorrow we're in lagos and i see the mighty things that he does and i see people coming sometimes to enter the car people are all around trying to touch any part of my body crying man of god and i keep looking hi do i really truly in all honesty do i really have the power to solve their problems pride is what has killed many of us we drove his presence through pride yes i'm the one ah that prophetic word came from me that prayer came from me that fasting came from me that this my church i built it with my wisdom i studied xyz that business i i know these things let me tell you ask all those who know me i look like a bold person but my personal life i can be so shy especially when you start thanking me or i don't know where to put my face you notice that we want to appreciate a very great man of god ah you have killed me i don't even know where i'm going to hide my face because i know you are lying you think you are telling the truth but it's a lie i know him prayer point number one lord any part of my life that is yet to subscribe to your influence tonight i lay down i lay down [Music] [Music] lay down pray [Music] surrender everything don't say i'm not a pastor this is not a pastor out there don't say i'm too old i'm too young [Applause] i surrender all to you [Music] everything i keep to you with holding nothing [Music] with holding nothing [Music] i'm withholding [Music] [Music] nothing lord i'm withholding nothing we've holding nothing not my life not my ego lord i surrender hope to you and everything i give to you i'm withholding nothing with [Music] take my mind with my prayer alone transform me play coinonia take my wings surrender everything take my heart take my mind transform it i give you my way i give you my way for me yes everything i hand it over to you do a handover ceremony tonight i stop this pride of mine and i hand over my life on everything not just to your power lord of my lord of my life lord of my finances the chief influencer of my destiny [Music] hallelujah prayer point number two lord manifest yourself in my life and to me man let there be a revelation of you a revelation an encounter with the holy ghost lift your voice and cry [Music] for some of you what you need to say is lord restore it [Music] i want to know you i want to hear your voice i want to touch you i want i want to know i want to hear two lord whatever i have lost because your presence was no longer in my life let it come back like the hell of something you know what you used to carry you know what was in your life don't act like he's still there cried for mercy there was a grace upon my voice that every time i stand i reveal to people the reality is nobody there was wisdom untold upon my life [Music] how many battles are you fighting in your life by yourself and is killing you killing you because you were not designed to fight alone david would have died if he there tried to fight goliath alone [Music] hallelujah hallelujah the last prayer point tonight before i make the altar call i want you to cry a cry of reviver you know what revival is many people it's not a language that the church even knows again they don't know what revival is i tell you they think they know revival when fire comes back to your life when fire comes back to your home when god returns back like they were dancing when the ark was returning back to israel revival i'd like you to leave your voice and cry set my life on fire set my life aflame again pray my prayer life afraid revival my word life reviver find the flame for gold find the flames of god hallelujah hallelujah [Applause] hallelujah [Applause] hallelujah again please revive us again please rest for us again please bring me what [Music] hallelujah i want to pray a prayer holy spirit i stand on behalf of your people and on behalf of this ministry [Applause] [Music] we ask that in any way as a person and as a ministry we have ignored any part of your presence and your ministry we ask for your mercy [Music] and lord i pray afresh i'm asking you tonight by the privilege of the grace to lead this ministry and on behalf of your people and the thousands and the millions of people in a fresh way we invite you again to our lives we invite you again to calinonia you are the wisdom and the power of god you are god alone you are the source of every grace and unction you are the influence behind our teachings and we will outspokenly let the world know that we are nothing this is not about joshua selma this is not about the wisdom of a man we acknowledge you and we declare that to you be all the glory do you be all the praise let no flesh ever boast in your presence in the name of jesus and i pray for you as this series is on encounters with the holy ghost fresh encounters listen hear me some of you from this night you will start having series of dreams i mean dreams that will continue the next day another episode of the holy spirit revealing himself listen you will start feeling physical presence working with you you will know that a personality is working with you [Music] some of you will wake up in the morning and see your bibles open to chapters by the holy ghost open to chapters by the holy ghost he will lead you to the messages to listen to listen every embargo blocking his voice to your ears to confuse you i command that thing lifted right now [Music] but one of the most remarkable things that you will see tonight as we make the altar call is brokenness there are many of you that have never had it your heart is stomped on towards anybody god and man i am the god of myself i do anything that i want to help with anybody brokenness brokenness some of you can insult your parents they call you you blast them and off the phone insult authorities insult anybody blast your roommates from tonight something will eat you up like a cancer and you will change brand new in the name of jesus christ [Music] hallelujah first of all father we're gathered tonight as your people no one has the capacity to bring together people to learn but you and we thank you for giving us the privilege to learn may your name and your name alone be praised in the name of jesus please walk around to two or three people just greet them and then be seated [Music] hallelujah i want to appreciate everyone thank you so much for your commitment especially for those outside it truly is a sacrifice and we honor you as always those online following us from any part of the world we bless you you're part of us the lord will do you good in jesus name amen the holy spirit part two three weeks ago we started a series on the holy spirit and um we had two weeks off one with pastor jimmy and then the miracle service so we'll take it off from there the cost curry column was [Music] number one understanding the person of the holy spirit then number two the ministry of the holy spirit and that's what i'll be discussing today and then number three the ministry of the spirit that will be next week by the grace of god we started i apologize for the sound i'm sure they are working on it we started by discussing and attempting to understand the passing of the holy spirit if you were not around during the first session please try to get the teachings they are free after service but we did the goal of the last teaching was to validate the fact that the holy spirit is god to validate the fact that the holy spirit is not just an influence it's not just a thing not oil not candle but that is god and maybe i should just reiterate uh to buttress on all that we established we said that the holy spirit possesses the attributes of a person now there are three factors that make anything a person the concept of personhood or personality you must possess a will you must possess emotions you must possess intellect so the will emotion intellect any entity any object that possesses a will emotion intellect has a personality are we together now so the bible clearly tells us that the holy spirit has a will meaning he can make decision because you use your will to make decisions the holy spirit has emotions meaning he can feel he has feelings the holy spirit can be grieved for instance and then number three he has intellect that means he can think so the holy spirit is a person um you may want to write a few scriptures we'll do a lot of hopefully scripture reading just to help us the bible tells us when you read from the book of acts 16 6 to 7 you don't have to turn their media just validating that the holy spirit has a will and then first corinthians 12 11 these are two scriptures acts 16 verse 6-7 first corinthians 12 verse 11 validates that the holy spirit has a will the holy spirit has emotions ephesians chapter 4 and verse 30 ephesians 4 and verse 30 the holy spirit has intellect romans chapter 8 and verse 27 romans chapter 8 and verse 27 and then first corinthians 2 verse 10 to 11. i need us to be on the same a level playing ground tonight because i know that many of us come from different i don't mean to be insultive but different religions some of us and even in christianity we come from different sects with different perspectives about god and i understand that there are many people who do not accept the holy spirit as a person they accept him as an influence they accept him as um [Music] in fact some believe that he's one of the angelic headers he's not i have proven it to us and then the bible clearly tells us again that the holy spirit is god amen so let's deal with the ministry of the holy spirit i want you to really pay attention because this tonight's teaching will be examining the need the advantage the benefit and the operation of the holy spirit in our lives now that we have agreed that he's a person sent from god we have to examine why he sees such a big deal because let me tell you something there are many believers who think discussing about the holy spirit is inaccurate you know you hear them say look it is jesus we want to know he's the one who died for our sins what is all this idea about the holy spirit is jesus we want to know and you know they make it look as though the teaching of the holy spirit is some kind of occultic movement and it is important for us to understand his ministry in our life john [Music] chapter 16 for our text tonight let's look at the book of john chapter 16. jesus is teaching the disciples here and in the chapter before he began to introduce them to the personality of the holy spirit and then he went further to let them know the things that he would be doing his ministry let's read from verse seven john chapter 16 from verse 7 we're reading down um to 15 7 to 15 quite a long reading ready nevertheless okay i tell you the truth it is what expedient the word expedient is advantageous to your own advantage for you that i go away for if i go not away the comforter notice all the names that he's used because his names are also a representation of his operation and his ministry is in the character of god to name things according to their usage how some people do a lot of that they name people based on what they do so you can you don't need to ask what the person is doing they can name him by his occupation or profession we do that a lot in the north this is where this whole idea came from so when he is called a comforter that introduces a dimension of his ministry the comforter will not come to you but if i depart i will send him to you we're reading down to 15 and when he is come he will reprove the world of sin righteousness and judgment verse 9 of sin because they believe not on me of righteousness because i go to my father and ye see me no more of judgment because the prince of this world is judged i have yet many things to say unto you but ye cannot bear them now now that's that's a very interesting we can stop there and spend all the night please go back to verse 12 he says he cannot bear them now this is very powerful i'm coming to that point you cannot bear them now does not mean they are too heavy for you your organs of interaction with the realm of the spirit the capacity to understand spiritual things has not been activated that means the word you cannot bear them means it will not be profiting to you if i attempt to explain it to you are we together now because the natural man cannot receive the things of the spirit nor can he understand them they are spiritually discerned are we together how we eat next verse when he the spirit of truth is come he will guide you into how many truths he will guide you into the word sanctify them by thy truth thy word is truth so he will guide you into all truth for he shall speak he shall not speak of himself but whatsoever he shall hear that shall he speak and he will show you things to come shall glorify me for he shall receive of mine and shall show it to you 15 all things that the father hath are mine therefore said i that he shall take of mine and shall show it to you praise the lord the holy spirit inasmuch as it is important for us to know he's a person we must be able to know that he was sent by god to accomplish specific things in the earth the holy spirit's ministry caught across creation and humans he is not limited just to human beings you have to understand this the ministry of the holy spirit miles monroe dr miles monroe calls him the governor of the earth how powerful a description are we together now not the governor of men the holy spirit's ministry for many of us even among the charismatics we have limited the ministry of the holy spirit to just men and so we feel that the holy spirit has no relevance in culture the holy spirit has no relevance to plants and animals the holy spirit has no relevance to creation that's not true when you read genesis chapter one he was the very first his first manifestation was not as a helper of man are we together now it was his presence representing the power of god that brought order and dexterity to creation i want you to know the bible says he of whole thing he upholds all things by the word of his power the holy spirit is the mystery that holds creation together you have to realize this he's not just um one force that was sent to men and so if you are not a man you are not right but no no no no we see the holy spirit's ministry finding expression even in animals donkeys spoke that's a manifestation of the power of the holy spirit rods boarded that's the manifestation of the power of the holy spirit a rod turned to a serpent and back again water pattern all of these things we see his power the might of the spirit of god demonstration all through creation so i want us to know that the relevance of the holy spirit cuts across culture cuts across animate and inanimate things the relevance of the holy spirit cuts across civilization whether the 18th 19th 20th 21st century and whatever it is the relevance of the holy spirit cut across dispensations dispensations when you realize this the holy spirit does not become he no longer becomes an issue of christians please listen the holy spirit is not just on earth for christians the holy spirit is god he is the spirit of god as i'm going to be teaching you the holy spirit has a ministry to creation he has a ministry in our world today cosmos the social system the holy spirit has a ministry to unbelievers the holy spirit has a ministry to believe us are we together now so regardless of what category you find yourself you need the person and the ministry of the holy spirit say amen because if we do not understand some of these things we can feel the holy spirit he's a nuisance and he's only needed by those who want to heal the sick that's the ideology many people receive so every time we talk about the holy spirit we leave him to pastors and apostles and prophets and all those who want to be part of ministry as we know i'm a businessman i don't need him i'm a politician i don't need him i'm a career person i don't need him that's a fallacy the holy spirit is needed for life and godliness he is the life of god he is the power of god ignoring the holy spirit and any aspect of his ministry will cost you your effectiveness everyone say i need him jesus the model of the church the very son of the living god the first born among we the begotten jesus was helpless on the earth the holy spirit was required to get mary pregnant he played the fatherly role of mary the holy spirit was required are we together now in in the the growth and the understanding of jesus as he grew in wisdom statue the holy spirit was responsible for his empowerment the holy spirit was responsible for that invincible and flawless life that jesus lived the holy spirit was responsible for supplying the grace for his passion the holy spirit was responsible for his resurrection the holy spirit was responsible for his ascension responsible for the bad thing the holy spirit is the mother that blessed the church we can never ignore his ministry and prosper listen to me please whether you are presbyterian whether you are an atheist whether you are a muslim christian buddhist whatever religion whether you are you are a christian catholic pentecostal charismatic orthodox you know whatever it is i want you to know that the holy spirit please come the holy spirit was not sent as a choice for christians no the holy spirit is god's gift to earth god's gift to humanity regardless whether you are a sinner he has a ministry in your life whether you are born again he has a ministry in your life in business in ministry as we call it fivefold whatever it is we have ignored his ministry in fact in fact many believers do not doubt that there is an existence of such a personality called the holy spirit you seldom find people argue with you about the existence of such a personality however in fact many have even supposedly received him it's one thing to receive the holy spirit but it's another thing for his ministry to be activated in your life that you have received the holy spirit and you are even praying in tongues does not necessarily mean his ministry has been activated in your life are we together help me with this bottle of water watch this give it to me i have received this water is that room but this water was designed to accomplish specific things in me quench my thirst help me become healthy now if i keep holding this bottle for a long time i am not in doubt that there is such a possibility i know i'm feeling it i hold this bottle so if you talk about the bottle i say wow yes i hold it i'm a possessor of it but i'm not a benefactor of the advantage the possibilities that this bottle could bring i can die of tests yet i am holding a bottle of purified water that can quench my thirst so don't be caught up with this self pride and arrogance that i know him after all the name of my church is holy spirit maybe assembly or something and you convince yourself that because you mention his name and talk about him so much it means you know him no thank you the advantage that were designed were designed to take advantage of his person and his ministry not his person alone an awareness of you if this guy is a um what do we call it now let's assume that this guy's a very good driver being aware that he's a good driver is wonderful but that does not profit me if this guy now drives me then i am enjoying his ministry brothers and sisters thank you very much many of us seated here and listening to me following online have not maximized the ministry of the holy spirit we have not even allowed him we have not allowed him and i'll be showing you shortly there are specific things the holy spirit was sent to achieve in our lives i won't talk so much about his ministry to creation my focus especially in this series is on men we have been discussing the issue of men we really want to understand the dynamics of triumph and we're examining the minister of the holy spirit [Music] with respect to men the holy spirit has a two-fold assignment please write with respect to his ministry to men he has a two-fold assignment the assignment of the holy spirit to men is twofold number one his ministry to unbelievers that's the starting point of his encounter with men his ministry to unbelievers unbelievers those who are yet to encounter christ those who are yet to surrender their hearts to his lordship he has a ministry to them and then number two his ministry to believe us all the church the ecclesia the holy spirit has a ministry to the body of christ not just to believe us to the body because believers are part of that body so he has a ministry to unbelievers and then he has a ministry to believe us the church the bride of christ [Music] several things the bible tells us that the holy spirit would do in the life of unbelievers let's look at them very quickly john 15 26 to 27 john 15 26-27 [Music] the bible says when the comforter is come listen jesus is teaching here whom i will send unto you from the father even the spirit of truth which proceeded from the father what will he do he shall what testify testify like a witness to my reality remember we discussed the last time that the holy spirit makes jesus real there is no amount of oratory there is no amount of audio visual that is capable of making jesus real to a man no amount of jesus film no amount of um what do we call it visual drawings that can attempt to paint it can just capture emotionally but it it cannot reveal jesus the holy spirit is the one who testifies of jesus are we together now next verse 27 [Music] and ye also shall bear witness because he has he have been with me from the beginning jesus is saying the holy spirit will bear witness to unbelievers and just like him that will be for next week you will also end up being like him to men witnesses are we together the faithful witness is not a man he's the spirit of god he's called the faithful witness on bending the faithful witness testifying of him when you see [Music] people convicted give us john 6 44 when you see jesus come alive to people brothers and sisters listen the reason why it is not difficult for us to believe in jesus is because we were born in a religious environment and so although we have not surrendered completely to him we were in an environment that seemed to appreciate his reality so it was not very difficult to switch are we together but if you were born a buddhist an atheist a non-christian or your father was involved in all kinds of um extreme witchcraft you will realize that it takes the power of the holy spirit to make jesus real why will you walk up to me and just tell me i am going to die i am going to perish i shall hand over my life to someone called jesus what is so special about him i'm already rich i'm already healthy i already live in a mansion i already live with all kinds of luxurious things why do i need jesus it's very easy in africa for people to receive jesus because our economy has already tilted us to uh the point where we need a savior so it's very logical the moment you propose jesus and what he can do it makes a lot of sense to a man who is hungry but you see when you go around the world and meet men in their arrogance who have built empires without him what exactly should make a multi-millionaire what exactly should make a man who is a professor for excellence what exactly should make a man listen to you enough to respond to an altar call it takes the holy spirit it's not just good talk it's not just evangelism look at what he says here no man can come to me except the father and i told you that two dimensions there is the father in heaven abba the source and sustainer residing in the heavens are we together the first person of the godhead then there is the father in me the holy spirit are we together now he says no man can come to me except the father which had sent me draw him and i will raise him up on the last day no man please hear me if you have ever given your life to jesus christ it never happened just by your willpower alone the holy spirit was there it's unfortunate right now we organize crusades without him emotional crusades we share tracts we put jesus film at the end of it people cry you see them crying you think before you make the altar call they should come and lie down while you are making the other call they are crying and they are sitting down looking at you that's to tell you that this thing is the same thing that would happen to them if they watched an indian thing [Music] are we together [Music] no man can come to me no man has the power to be so convinced just by the eloquence of men no your words are not articulate enough to cause a man who is 50 years in his mind as an 80s has written all kinds of scientific propositions disproving the existence of god and then you claim to speak to him in 20 minutes and have him bend down on his knees no it takes more than just intelligence it takes the power of the holy spirit i am it never ceases to amaze me the salmon of peter have you read chapter two what a boring summer what a disjointed salmon i've been teaching our school of ministry homeless for five years i've been teaching them how to preach and i understand certain things that should be contained in a good message to make sense peter's message had only two of that five you're meeting a lot of people and then telling them some history that doesn't make sense wasting their time and then at the end i thought they would say what a boring man you gathered us here to waste our time the bible says they were caught to the heart that's not the excellency of speech that's the power of god [Music] are we together the holy spirit convicts and draws the heart of unbelievers to jesus when you read john 16 from verse 7 it says that when he the spirit of truth is come please give it to us john 16 verse 7 when the spirit of truth is come he says he will reprove the world the world of unbelievers of three things of sin righteousness judgment [Music] go to verse um yes thank you verse eight when he's come he will reprove the word of sin righteousness and judgment listen no man has the power to create conviction in men every man that tries to convict men brings condemnation to man are we together now it is not given to man to bring conviction no you can only partner with him [Music] it is the holy spirit who can convict a man brothers and sisters men are arrogant the fallen nature designed men that way when a man kneels down to the lordship of christ especially when he's an accomplished man then it was the power of the holy spirit are we together now when i make altar calls i am surprised sometimes i see the people coming out you know that he must have taken god to bring these people out they are even surprised as they are coming up what am i doing here the holy spirit how many pastors how many evangelists do all kinds of theological dissertations and they refuse this ministry they finish preaching and they call and people come out while you are praying the prayer somebody is pinching someone and say the camera is capturing us and they are laughing at the end of it you say amen and then you count the number of people and after 10 years we say we have won 1 million people to christ the convicting power [Music] ben shared something very powerful about the holy spirit that blessed me watch this without the holy spirit miracles will not change people the nation of israel saw more miracles that we will see combined in our generation yet yet the bible called them a stiff-necked people when jesus walked on earth john 20 tells us many more miracles did jesus in the presence of his disciples which were not documented in this book so there are many more miracles we only know he walked on water because it was recorded there were many other miracles jesus said but the bible says when he resurrected some doubted how do you doubt a man who is disinvincible he died lazarus died he brought lazarus back to life the son of the widow at name brought her back to life the daughter of the centurion brought her back to life made five love and two fish to feed five thousand men aside women and children walked on water had a harvest of fish without any kind of assistance yet the people doubted him when jesus died they all ran away when he resurrected they did not even believe thomas said no way i will have to see him and put my hand in his hands and his side why the holy spirit was not given to them the holy spirit it is possible don't forget that jesus sent the 12 and the 70 all together they went out to go and do evangelism they themselves said even the demons brothers and sisters when a demon bows to you that's like the effects of a demonstration of spiritual power yet they doubted jesus they doubted the life of god you can go to theology school without the holy spirit preach for many years and one day hang yourself and say i don't believe this have you seen people after several years of preaching we just look at this i once saw a book i didn't read it of a man who was once a christian and then i think he refused to be a christian and he said it's nonsense he said there are many inconsistencies in the bible and frankly speaking physically when you look at what he's saying he brought a lot of logical things from a historical perspective from an archaeological perspective from even a logical perspective from a prophetic perspective brought all these things together and just said christians are wasting their time this is complete nonsense while being as indoctrinated as whatever produce the book this is somebody who was once in christ [Music] are we together without the holy spirit you cannot truly experience the reality of jesus you will be claiming he is real to you it is the absence of the ministry of the holy spirit that makes people to stand and sing hallelujah and all of a sudden when things go wrong they just go to a habalist and they say after all it doesn't matter every power belongs to god when you see people talk like that they are not enjoying the ministry of the holy spirit you join a charm come to church and receive prophecy and then add another broomstick that they gave you one coven mix everything and say it's just different ways of manifesting the power of god no sir no sir now i'm talking to africa some of us here our parents is amazing there are pastors who love god they are not fake but the minister of the holy spirit is not in them the moment especially when people get sick you see people bringing all kinds of alternatives they tell you they're in christ and you look at what they are doing they say no no the guy is not exactly herbalist he's just gifted by who everybody is influenced by his feelings [Music] are we together now very very important [Music] what is his ministry to unbelievers conviction and recognition of the need for jesus what is his ministry to unbelievers conviction and recognition of the need for jesus that's his assignment to unbelievers he has the exclusive ministry of bringing conviction supernatural conviction like some of you now are being convicted supernaturally is very supernatural is there's no there's no physical logic to it this is something that is entirely supernatural can bring a man to his knees to embrace jesus saul of tarsus was on his way to damascus a man who was so hardened you will imagine when they were killing the matter stephen it was it was sold that sat down and they kept their clothes at his feet yet he later became the greatest one of the greatest of the apostles listen how we need the truth about jesus to spread across our families to spread across territory the issue of introducing jesus to people listen listen listen i don't like giving it religious names because we have abused religious names if i say evangelism now i know what comes to your mind a tract and people two by two strolling and knocking someone's door that's wonderful that's an aspect of evangelism but this is if you see introducing jesus to creation is a matter of life and death it's not an option by a sect to increase their membership no jesus is the answer for the world today you know that song above him there's no other jesus is the way jesus is the answer for the world today above him there's no other jesus how we need everyone around us saved how we need do you know most of the confusion in our society is because men are governed by an ideology that is outside of the christ look at the way heaven is total submission to the lordship of the christ look at the dexterity and the order our world our government our politicians our business people have no respect and recognition for jesus the issue of him of opening up the hearts of men to receive jesus is not an activity for preachers no the holy spirit has a ministry the first and primary way that the earth will be full of the knowledge of the glory of christ is not building of luxurious structures and having multi-millionaires spread across the church the first thing is the establishment of the lordship of christ across the hearts of men number one first things first i don't care how rich a church becomes i don't care how prosperous i don't care how educated a people become if jesus is not institutionalized in an environment there is trouble when ebola broke out something that is a temporary thing governments came together to drive it out because they perceived it to be a threat jesus is a threat is a threat to humanity a life truly without jesus please hear me this is not an initiation into a christian religion [Music] there's nothing as terrible as a life that does not acknowledge jesus [Music] as we are seated here there are many of our loved ones who are not saved completely not saved they laugh at you every time you men ah don't bring any jesus in please i'm not a small child we did all those things so when we were young you hear them say now that we are old we are facing life intelligently jesus has been taught a nuisance to civilization you mentioned him and you see the disdain especially on young people you mentioned jesus is as if you mentioned unemployment you mentioned jesus i think you mentioned barriness who indoctrinated us who pushed away the ministry of the holy spirit such that we cannot even partner with him to allow men listen the holy spirit is still on earth today carrying out a massive campaign on unbelievers what is he doing convicting them that's why you find out that right now find out what is happening across the world especially the middle east mighty manifestations of jesus people having encounters of jesus since we are not going to be serious since we are more interested in making money since we are more interested in having building empires and being called apostles and prophets the holy spirit himself engineering conversions in whole families without the assistance of a single individual he said if you will not praise me i will raise up stones everybody say conviction say it again conviction say recognition [Music] do you know do you know that saul was not part of those who walked with jesus christ yes he was a pharisee but he was not part of those who worked with jesus christ but the moment he encountered jesus he called him lord see for those of you who have had visionary encounters let me tell you something in fact any kind of encounter if it is the holy spirit that introduces jesus to you you must acknowledge him as lord if he's a preacher that introduced jesus to you without the assistance of the holy spirit you may just see him as an intelligent historian one of the many and you will clap for him every religion believes in jesus but as what as what hallelujah say conviction we need to allow the holy spirit step into our homes and change our loved ones step into our offices and change people step into government of nations the decadence that is eating up society is as a result of this exclusion thing holy spirit remain in church his first ministry is not to throw people under the anointing now his first ministry to men is to introduce jesus to them [Music] he makes jesus real although never seen him we believe him why the holy spirit the faithful witness the faithful witness [Music] have you ever seen him to believe him how can you be this convinced the spirit of god he makes jesus real without the holy spirit a non-believer can even come out and recite salvation prayer and not be born again hallelujah the saints and the angels bow the redeemed worship you now holy holy holy are you lord holy holy holy are you lord powerful song holy holy holy ah you lord the saints and the angels bow the redeemed worship you now holy holy holy are you lord i'd like us to pray one minute and say holy spirit i give you access to every unbeliever in my life i allow you step into my home step into my office are we praying on you holy spirit my village is in need of your touch holy spirit my office is in need of your touch holy spirit my campus is in need of your touch holy spirit my environment nigeria is in need of your touch holy spirit africa is in need of your touch holy spirit my people are in need of your touch bring conviction bring conviction bring confusion bring confliction bring conviction to my father bring conviction to my mother bring conviction to my sisters bring conviction to my brothers are you praying lord i'm tired of talking to them every time and they insult me i've been doing it without you but holy spirit visit them yourself you are the only one who can make jesus real the way my father is no preacher can lead him to christ he needs you by himself the way my unbelieving brother is they need you leave your voice and pray we're talking about the holy spirit here [Applause] hallelujah listen let me teach you something about intercession for souls when you are praying for souls don't just pray blindly oh god save the no cry for an encounter with them and the spirit of god is a coalition one person must give up it is the holy spirit no no no no you can't use the holy spirit and he goes back it's a joke if the holy spirit comes it will swallow up every stop oneness it was here some years ago while i was teaching on the reality of heaven and hell one person who i think he was a new star or something like that had read arabic was sitting in the overflow outside i don't know how i'm sure just for curiosity just came to sit down and listen and while i was speaking all of a sudden he said the moment i was speaking is as if outside just became blood and everywhere just vanished and there he was standing alone with jesus the son of the living god while calling onion was going on that guy broke down gave his life to christ god filled the holy spirit now that's the holy spirit at work please listen many of us are suffering today because the heads of our home have thrown him out so he can't come in he can come into your life but not your home because the doorway the priest of the house has willingly kicked him out many of our fathers don't recognize him many of our mothers don't recognize him you talk about bliss don't bring all those church church garbages you need to pray and say holy spirit you are the testifier of jesus you are the testifier of jesus [Applause] i'll never forget one of the most awesome testimonies that we've had in this ministry one of our ladies long before she left it was a non-christian family everyone then she was the first to get born again and kept growing and building and then gradually i think it was her mom who later got born again supernaturally a non-christian family not just a few people and then gradually i think her younger brother are there about god born again everyone got born again and he was the dad that was left he was angry already persecuting them criticizing them you know you know what i'm talking about withdrawal of benefits etc etc and then one time i would never forget one night we're preparing to go for prayers and this lady comes to me crying and saying the lord has done it god is faithful what happened i don't know what made the father to meander into living faith fire fell on his head that day [Applause] [Music] do you know the holy spirit has a way of navigating a man who has no business going for a crusade he will just be passing and say what is this guy shouted and stand there and does it that's the end of it [Applause] do you believe what i'm sharing with you his ministry to unbelievers if you know this never never get rid of anyone the holy spirit has not given up on are you hearing some of us have our brothers our sisters our loved ones they smoke around they snuff everything as stubbornness whatever you give them a bible they sell it and use the money to drink all kinds of things when the holy spirit meets them one day you will just see that gentleman who used to dress like a thief holding his bible and saying are we not going for kanonya and he said no oh it will happen or it will happen in the name of jesus why are you surprised have you forgotten how you used to be [Applause] have you forgotten so soon that the holy spirit can convict me [Music] number two quickly his ministry to believe us and i want to dwell here a little and then [Music] [Applause] the holy spirit has a very extensive ministry to believe us [Music] who are believers recipients of the life and the power of god recipients of the grace and the mercy of god those who have been redeemed partakers of his divine nature [Applause] now write this down please give us second corinthians 13 verse 14 and then philippians chapter 2 verse 1. ii corinthians 13 14 the popular scripture in the body of christ the ministry of the holy spirit in a believer is primarily carried out through communion fellowship please understand this the ministry of the holy spirit in the life of a believer the principal channel for the holy spirit manifesting his ministry and trust me i know what i'm talking about the holy spirit the chiefest way that he manifests his ministry in a believer is through communion please give us amplified if we can find it the grace of our lord jesus christ the love of god and then he says and the presence and fellowship the communion the sharing together the participation in and then king james says off the holy spirit be with you amen so there is a fellowship say fellowship there is a communion say communion without the communion of the holy spirit the holy spirit cannot find his ministry cannot find expression to a believer [Applause] [Music] what is communion fellowship what is communion oneness are we together now let me teach you something listen um i know you're writing can i use you again thank you there is the dimension of the ministry of the holy spirit in you there is the dimension of the ministry of the holy spirit with you allah let us one who is called to walk an extension of the ministry of jesus are we together now both are very important but communion is the key communion intimacy koinonia the word are we together that participation fellowship a recognition of himself in your life and then that allowance creating the atmosphere your assignment in terms of your partnership with the holy spirit as far as communion is concerned is to create the atmosphere create the atmosphere create the atmosphere for communion to be possible create the atmosphere for fellowship communion does not happen anywhere and anyhow there is an atmosphere there is a state of being there is a state of surrender that can cause communion to be a possibility in the life of a person thank you [Applause] hallelujah many of us fail to create that atmosphere every other thing that i'm going to be listening here is communion dependent is fellowship dependent if you do not have what the bible calls the fellowship of the spirit it is impossible to access these other dimensions of his ministry [Applause] fellowship philippians chapter 2 verse 1 philippians chapter 2 verse 1. it says if there be therefore any consolation in christ if any comfort of love then it says if any fellowship there is such a thing as the fellowship of the spirit fellowship of the spirit fellowship of the spirit that introduces you to a lot of other things when i sat down i watched jimmy and his dear daughter he was busy talking with her that's fellowship communion coinonia and then after a while of conversation she left with his phone i think he put a game for her and she was happily going and i said that's the fringe benefit of communion it started with her coming to him they were discussing i did not know and then as a result she had access many of us want to access the riches of christ the blessings of christ but we ignore the place of communion the platform upon which the ministry of the holy spirit is manifested in the life of a believer it's not prayer it's not fasting it's communion prayer is a subset of fellowship [Music] are we together now [Music] fellowship so what is the first ministry of the holy spirit in the life of a believer let's hurry up number one write it down please the first assignment of the holy spirit in the life of a believer is activation of his spiritual senses [Music] activation of his spiritual senses a believer is one who has already received the life of god [Music] when the holy spirit comes into the life of a believer his first assignment is activation of your spiritual senses the bible calls it being alive to christ first corinthians chapter 2 verse 14 please first corinthians chapter 2 verse 14 very popular scripture the bible says read please everyone is projected one to read but the natural man received not the things of the spirit of god why for they are what foolishness unto him neither can he know them because they are spiritually discerned let me explain to you what that means the natural man not just a canal man the natural man one who is alienated from anything christ among other things responds to his environment only based on his sensory perception are we together so his decisions are made from the impulses around him the limit of his interaction is just a three-dimensional realm the natural man the bible says for such a person his organs of interaction with spiritual realities are deaden he cannot understand spiritual things because they are not scientific spiritual things are not scientific spiritual things are not philosophical they are spiritual so your organs of interaction with the realm of the spirit must be heightened and activated for it to make sense it does not make sense to drop a prayer request on the ground and dance around it a natural man will tell you that stupidity it does not make sense to write your problems on a prayer request and come and drop it at the altar have a man lay hands and get up smiling it does not make sense to believe something you have not seen and start taking action in advance no the natural man cannot do that in the world they say seeing is believing if i can't see it i shouldn't believe it how in the world do you want somebody whose organs of interaction with the realm of the spirit has not been heightened to believe that someone can stand with a growth a lump a malignant growth cancerous growth and just with a word it disappears [Music] see let me tell you something most people's doubting of god is because the holy spirit has not activated the organs of his interaction remember when you used to laugh at praying praying in tongues remember that's what was happening to you you see believers praying and sweating and he said eyes who lie to these people see you now you're in the same thing happily a foreigner of it how about the bible how about confession to believe that you can communicate things thank you that you can communicate things and then they will come to pass because you opened your mouth and spoke you just sit down in your house and expect a destiny helper to help you dash monkey banana where will that come from you mean somebody just sits down and comes to bless you all of these things that we teach brothers and sisters are spiritually discerned self-time is spiritually discerned [Music] why would you ever believe that a man went to the cross for you what if he's a lie was your name on the cross you were not there you were told he went to the cross for you how are you sure it was for you what if he went because he did something wrong and they just created a story to cover up [Music] let me tell you how you know the organs your spiritual senses have been activated the things of the spirit no longer become an embarrassment to you you are not ashamed of it some of us still do big management for spiritual things shout lift your hands don't follow our hands that's someone whose spiritual senses are deadened does not understand you are sick to take the communion what is communion i beg i saw you baking this cake i saw you you even put small wine inside and you are now all of a sudden telling me it's anointed and it can cure please the less less we are i'm i'm sorry to say this but even some of us passed us we stand on stage and we bastardize spiritual things we tell people look you you have common sense i mean what is how can you walk around your house in the night prophesying get a police and we laugh over it and make it look as if spiritual things are nonsense [Music] if you are not a spiritual man you can't believe that somebody can come with a result that is not working and you lay hands on it and it goes back and check and all of a sudden he finds out that's changed his own cynical people are those who are organs of interaction with the realm of the spirit you saw our mother giving a testimony there are some of you here if journalists will come now you say mama open that leg let's see i don't believe it seeing is believing because many of us believe that an elderly woman at her age like this would come to stand to lie to you cynical about everything i'm showing you the need for the holy spirit in your life this is why you cannot experience speed when they see a young man all of a sudden come you see this gentleman he was he grew up in the village just like you and in one year god has changed his life and changed his level when people see him they say look all these young people it took me 20 years to buy my first car because you are a natural man but this guy has tapped into a supply he knows there is a system in the kingdom are we together now and you look at him and say no job you graduated with that class what are you doing whose head did you cut now you are now buying a car you are ever saying you buy a car for your mother how did that happen the natural man cannot receive the things of the spirit how can tithing open the heavens for you this thing is just a gimmick man of god use this thing there they eat people's money and you share the next time you can know whether people are alive in the spirit by their conversations their conversations are a window to their spirit man so never argue when you want to argue with people find out what level they are first so you don't make it full of yourself there are people when they talk the kids just say all right god bless you it's all right you know i'm telling you all these things you are sitting down saying you are hearing god to marry well this one now you are seen we are all seen this is how your elder sister did now she's 40 years you don't know what the other sister believed but you know the principles of the word are you hearing what i'm saying is god blessing you yes spiritual man god gives you an instruction you finish building a house and you carry the house and go and give the house of god and say they should turn it into a missionary house is that normal no you have to be spiritual [Music] are there spiritual people in this place so why do you argue about miracles why do you argue about signs and wonders why do you argue about dreams i call this guy now i give him a word of knowledge and somebody's watching me i'm watching if somebody is telling me something is it very easy to act like that [Music] say i'm a believer say i am spiritual i am alive to god say it i am alive to god yes the natural man i'm showing you the number one assignment of the holy spirit to take us out of that natural state and that canal state to become spiritually alive all of a sudden you now know that prayer has power all of a sudden you now know that the word of god can direct the course of a man's life all of a sudden you now agree that if i honor my parents my day will be long all of a sudden you now know that it is possible for someone to insult you yet in spite of the insult you can still say god bless you natural people who fight and tear themselves but a spiritual man alleluia is a spiritual man that will see his car burning to ashes and while the car is burning you one lock the door and just be dancing and say oh god i think you can't you at least quench it and sell the tire and he said it doesn't make any difference it's just my car is limited but i'm connected to a supply that is infinite i'm not irresponsible i'm only showing the extent of the abundance of the kingdom i represent spiritual man let me tell you how to know you're a spiritual man jesus gave us a test your environment will fight you because they are not used to behaving like that where will the money come from i'm typing i'm giving god will give me an idea are you are you aware that we're in may and you are saying by december the house will be built please don't be stupid spiritual people if you are here and you find yourself cynical towards spiritual things you are always doubting can god do this it's a sign that you need to cry for your spiritual senses to be activated i remember some years ago someone told me that he doesn't really believe in miracles that he believes that every healing miracle is fake because they have not been able to bring any concrete documentation i told him i said there's no point arguing and i've had the same thing with several preachers around i told him the day the doctors look at you and say sir you have three days to live that day you will believe in miranda for sure you know this one way god helps us to believe him he just steps back and allows us to struggle with what we think can be him in our lives when you see how incapacitated you are outside of the spirit it will make you to embrace it thank you activation of your spiritual senses number two the second ministry of the holy spirit to a believer this is very important is revelation and understanding of scripture the second ministry listen listen scripture does not help you know the holy spirit the holy spirit helps you understand scripture are we together i am a word addict but i'm going to be correcting many things shortly and i pray that you have the grace and the fortitude to receive it because the way many people are taking their path their journey to spiritual progress they are not going to make progress that way [Music] revelation and the understanding of scripture the holy spirit himself is called the spirit of revelation the spirit of understanding when you read isaiah 11. right he is called that in fact paul prayed in ephesians chapter 1 from verse 17 for this course i paul bow my knees to the father of our lord jesus christ that he may grant unto you the spirit give it to us please ephesians chapter 1 from verse 17 let's see the prayer of paul that the god of our lord jesus christ the father of glory will give unto you the spirit of what wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him is a spirit is not just a desire there is a dimension of the holy spirit that helps men to both have revelation and understanding of scripture let me tell you something if the holy spirit look our place lord jesus help me how do i say this now it is the holy spirit that inspired the writing of this remember the last session we discussed that the holy spirit is the author of the bible the bible did not bring the holy spirit the holy spirit all thought the bible all scripture right was inspired of the holy ghost holy men wrote as they were moved led by the spirit i hope you know that the apostles never had the privilege to hold this document i hope you know the early church did not go to church with something in their hand called bibles do you know that when they went around they did not hold a little book with 66 books it was their testimony the testimony of the ministry of the holy spirit in their lives that have been documented to help a generation understand the character of god the purpose of scripture is very clear he said he air not knowing the scripture these scriptures testify of me they don't give you power in themselves the scriptures are a pointer the end of scripture is an encounter with a person a person [Applause] the spirit of revelation [Music] jesus himself told us that when the holy spirit came he would grant us access to the understanding of scripture say understanding of scripture there are several people let me tell you something look up please it is dangerous to study this book or any christian material without the holy spirit because you are going to gain an understanding from it but it may not be the understanding that god intends and the terrible thing this is why for many of you who have studied the bible and studied you know church history you will know that the translation of the bible was done well but it came with many mistakes um because many of those who translated the bible did so sadly from hebrew latin greek aramaic into english they did not really consult the ministry of the holy spirit seriously many of them just consulted archaeological and theological materials and there are some of the modern translations of the bible we have now are very disturbing very disturbing they are a communication of canality men attempting to interpret spiritual things in the flesh and so you have all kinds of bibles they remove several things in the bible that they feel are an interruption to civilization they carefully extract certain verses from the bible they add certain things that were not there revelation of scripture [Music] revelation of scripture revelation of scripture i will come back to that body sufficient for you to know that if you ever want revelation the key is to embrace the ministry of the holy spirit when you study scripture with his ministry activated in your life then you will have understanding then you will have revelation number three the third ministry of the holy spirit to the believer this is important let me spend a few minutes here guidance and direction [Music] this is one of his major ministries to the believer guidance and direction john 16 verse 13 john 16 verse 13 please give it to us and then isaiah 30 21 john 16 verse 13 guidance and direction everyone say guidance say it again guidance and direction how be it when she not when it when he the spirit of truth is come what will he do he will guide you into how many truths all truth i know many of us don't believe this let me tell you what it means to guide can i use anybody i've been using you okay [Music] to direct is to say move when you get there turn left that's direction so you go on your own all i give you for direction is an information and then you go but this is what guidance is hold my hands let's work together oh be careful jump this be careful move this way this is guidance the bible says the spirit of truth can guide a young man who is confused no father no mother where do i go oh lord and the spirit of god says hold my hand and watch what i will do i will guide you i will guide you okay you will be in zarya for two years guidance after that you plan to go to london no it's not london it's acquired for one year oh god what am i doing there just follow me [Music] guidance many people pastors leaders have have ignored the guidance ministry of the holy spirit attempting to get direction directly from the bible without him is hypocrisy and religion do you know why look at me look at me there is nowhere in the bible here that is written apostle joshua sermon by 2011 and 17 you should be in zarya it's not written here the principles of the kingdom i will come there are written but there are times your life requires hands-on customized specific information this is where he comes in you see that the spirit of truth he shall guide you into how many all truth what is all truth does it include ministry does it include your finances please help me does it include your establishment why did you leave him in church and you are around trying to look for jobs all by yourself are you never into you go to submit proposals alone and then we don't pay attention to his ministry i think what is invoked now is once you're in lagos or abuja about your life will be better and you transport yourself and transport your ignorance to lagos and you're on your own and the city that should bless you punishes you because it's not there with you someone else can be in zamfara led by him what are you doing in zamfara he asked me to come there and he's living like a hero in zamfara please hear me when it comes to guidance you must submit to the leadership of the holy spirit let me show you something isaiah 30 21 isaiah 30 21 read it if you're a christian one to read and thy ears shall hear a word behind thee saying aha this is the way walk ye in it when you turn to the when you turn to the this is the way what you need if you go about it this way it won't work this is it oh i just want to go and do business one get a master's lord what do i need for just two weeks i am directing he leads me and guides me to the city of bubba he leads me and guides me to my place of destiny he leads me and guides me to the city of pablo he leads me and guides me to my place of destiny prophesy he leads me and guides me to the city of the lord he leads me me listen somewhere had the voice of god because he was lying down close to the ark you don't hear his voice if he's far from you he's a gentle spirit the secret to hearing his voice is to walk with him don't keep him far there and say lord where are you no so close i believe [Music] you're holding me down many fathers did not seek the consent of god they just got pension 2 million just traveled to the village you traveled to the village the second day your leg stopped working the third day you started walking halfway the building the money disappeared did he meet you you must learn to take responsibility allow his voice guide you see let me tell you something god is not always speaking i know we say god always speaks i don't have a right to question anyone saying that but i've read my bible and i've walked with the holy spirit god does not always speak he speaks read your bible in the 5th day of the 10th month the word of the lord came the word of the lord came like a messenger god sends his word before his senses is with him when he sends it it comes your job is to wait no matter how long waiting is cheaper than paying a price unnecessary god is speaking to someone here because your your head can move you as the voice of god waiting the hardest things for believers lord you said this year you will prosper me what is this you've not even given me an idea a business idea and god says just be praying just be waiting oh god by now my colleagues have started ministry and all of them even have 5 500 members huh i look at all of them and he says if you didn't call me i got them born again and god says just wait if you don't hear his voice die there waiting for him as you can what i'm saying i'm giving someone a powerful powerful revelation man of god if he does not speak don't start this tv ministry don't say because you have money not every door that is opened is opened by god [Music] you shall hear a voice satan can open doors your force can open doors when you force a door to open there are too many inconsistencies in the life of believers and the reason is because of that stillness [Music] stillness [Music] the holy spirit does not speak to men under an atmosphere of noise noise noise noise lord there are 12 men around my life tell me quickly which one truly you hear anything the holy spirit is a master of solitude silence silence oh god five jobs speak quickly before i choose my own you will hear that kind of thing [Music] waiting is a sign of faith waiting is proof you believe he will come he will come and save you he will come and take you say to the weary heart your god will surely come who am i singing to save he will come and say say to the weary heart your god will surely come he will come and sing lift up your eyes to him for you will arise again lift up your eyes to him you will arise again he will come and say apostle i was never taught that god can direct people look at how ten years of my life has become a mess i married wrongly i did all kinds of things i entered into every wrong known business i did every kind of thing wrong friends look at my life lift up your eyes to him for he will you will arise again he must come no regrets is there hope for a tree yes there is even though it because if you can lift up your eyes i just feel my spirit god is speaking to someone you are saying can this thing ever work my god my god an expert in changing the lives of men have you not heard of abraham [Music] i lift up my eyes to you so i will rise again you will come and say can my church get back again yes you joined all kinds of friends in the name of ministry preaching all around and before you knew it that grace left what like something like samson you will arise again okay you will arise again for he will come i speak to your weary heart your god will surely come how long his time his time how long apostle we've been building for 10 years our neighbors are finished leave your neighbors he's preparing a table for you lift up your eyes to him and you will rise again psalm 23 please let's hurry up our time is gone goodness god is blessing and healing people here psalm 23 god is encouraging someone stop crying you can't cry forever there is hope there is hope you can start afresh again i don't care what happened the lord by his spirit is my shepherd the sheep does not have horns the sheep cannot fight its security is entirely based on his trust for the leadership of the shepherd two he maketh me everybody say he makes me when he becomes my shepherd when i make up my mind i'm not a small child yes but i will follow him sometimes we get too much out for his voice oh god you know i'm not i'm not a child again don't play all these games he makes me to lie down where for him to make me lie down means he knows where it is he searches for it and says son this is green your eyes seem black but god says just lie down this is green pastures lord but based on what i was taught when i was in the university this is black and god says me lie down when you lie down all of a sudden it turns to green and people say how did you get it [Music] every wise man knows the power of the leadership of the spirit you can't fake his leadership your life will be too ugly to pretend he's the one leading you a sign that is not leaving you is perpetual absence of beauty and glory in every area of your life he leads me beside the steel waters verse 3 [Music] quickly help us media he restores my soul all these are things that happen when he is shepherd he can be your lord you will not benefit from this you can make him your shepherd that if you are leading me lord i will follow i will follow you need to see how i talk with the lord and i tell him lord i'm not going from here brothers and sisters i can tell you how many people have given nice proposals wonderful things for the ministry to do but i know you ask everyone who is close to me if god does not speak i'm not going anywhere if after 30 years god does not speak this is where we remain as a ministry are we together i'm not under pressure to show ministries everything that has happened here is a product of his wisdom the messages that have blessed people around the world it was a simple direction from god do not upload your videos do not sell your audios not at this season put them free online i will cause it to move like an angel to the nations of the earth look what god has done today you see when he speaks to you foolish things can bring powerful results because his voice is upon it [Music] he leads me in the path of righteousness for his namesake four yeah even though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death how you got there is not important the most important thing is that you are dear the value of the shadow of death what happens i will fear no evil why is it because i already know what will happen no you are with me although i'm in the valley if your voice is still with me then i'm safe thyroid and thy stuff they comfort me five thou prepares a table before me in the presence of my enemies because i am close to you i enjoy the french benefit of being anointed with oil and then my cup comes guidance believers please hear me let's return back to the place where the voice of god becomes a timing of our lives [Music] don't allow this scientific living fool you young man you are 30 years by now you should have three cars you should have three cars you should be married you should have um uh what are some of these things again you should be in i mean you you have a masters in etc etc the voice of god will make you look like a fool for a moment but the beauty and glory that will rise from his voice will shock people and they will say how did you do it i remember when we started out in ministry many people thought we were fools many people thought we were idiots but look at his wisdom look at his grace look at the mighty things that he has done you are here today as a product of his voice who will be in your life because you had well pray one minute lord correct my hearing i am determined to hear you i am determining to hear you lift your voice and say lord i no longer argue with your voice if you don't speak i'm going nowhere there is a way that cement writes inside and outside make sure you are talking to the lord there is a way that cement right for a young man but the end hero for the ways of death there is a way to make money that seems right there is a way to marry that seems right there is a way to get connection that seems like there is a way to do ministry that seems right but the end thereof will leave you with pains and regrets but when he leads you his voice comes with speed his voice comes with direction his voice comes with direction guidance very simple song yes that's my response to your lady yes my heart says yes number four the fourth ministry of the holy spirit in the life of a believer are you learning something tonight the fourth ministry of the holy spirit in the life of a believer is renewal and transformation write this i want to teach you something powerful and then we pray renewal and transformation renewal and transformation transformation second corinthians chapter 3 verse 18 but we are second corinthians 3 verse 18 but we all not we some as many who are interested it is the destiny of everyone but we all with open unveiled beholding as in a glass the glory of god the glory of god is the holy spirit he's called the glory of the father he says we are changed into the same image from glory to glory even us by the spirit of god [Music] the holy spirit is responsible for the transformation of men what is transformation a change of state that is caused about by a change of beliefs a change of values a change of paradigms listen carefully one of the major ministries of the holy ghost in the life of a man is to cause renewal renewal of your mind romans chapter 12 from verse one i beseech you brethren by the mercies of god that he presents your bodies a living sacrifice wholly acceptable unto lord which is your reasonable act of worship verse 2 it says and do not be confirmed the word confirmed is the word pattern do not be patterned after aeon the the word word is the greek word aeon the thinking pattern that comes with the age do not allow yourself there is a pathway young people are taking that will land them in failure there is a way people are taking that will cause them to be mediocres in business in ministry whatever it is it says but be what transform how through renewal transformation the process that makes you become like christ experientially is called transformation [Music] transformation the bible challenges us to have the mind of christ challenges us to cultivate the mindset philippians chapter two and verse five it says let this mind be in you the word let is permit allow authorize this mindset this thinking this ideology [Music] this is the reason why the ministry of the world is important now let me tell you something about the word of god while i was preparing the holy spirit kept drumming in my spirit to correct this i want to correct something now the confusion that has come and has been in the body of christ for a long time as to where the ministry of what we call the word and the ministry of the spirit because it's a thing of confusion for a lot of people now that i'm talking about the holy spirit in transformation many people are saying i think it's just the word of god there is a system and this is what i want to teach you listen there is the word of god as a person understand this are we together john 1 verse 1 in the beginning was the word there is the word of god as a person say the word of god as a person we know him our dispensation knows him as jesus are we together we call him jesus the bible calls him the word of god revelations 19 13 the man upon the white horse riding had a name his name is the word of god give it to us please revelations 19 yeah i believe verse 13 it should be revelation 19 13 let's look at it [Music] and he was clothed with a vessel dipped in blood what was his name is the word of god his name has always been the word of god so there is the word as a person his name is jesus we know him as jesus jesus is the name that was given to him when he was a human body angels don't call him jesus in heaven they don't call him jesus that's a discussion for another time the only time in the angel mentioned jesus was simply telling mary his name it shall be called this they don't call him jesus read your bible in heaven they don't call him jesus every time they call him jesus because they are relating with man so that we are not confused as to whether there are many of them he is the word of god a person but there is the word of god as a testament as scripture as the bible the testifier of the person this is it look up there is the word of god as a person but there is the word of god a scripture a testament jesus said that scriptures testify of him what we call the word of god a scripture is a compendium of the dealings of god with man to the end that we may understand the system of god's kingdom and see hear by the help of the holy spirit the character of god in dealing with men to understand his system his person his agenda the word of god as a person the word of god as a testament a written document that speaks about the life the power the realities of heaven now listen to me you are transformed by scripture but only when the breath of the holy spirit is upon it when the holy spirit does not breathe upon this this did not fall from heaven this was published by zandavan or published by any of these people they may not even be born again they just published a book i hope you know that 66 books are the ones that are given to us but there are many extra biblical materials that are still the historical documentation of the apostles are we together now so there is the word of god as a passing the christ himself there is the word of god as a testament what we call scripture listen carefully scripture in itself cannot do you anything now this is the problem we embrace scripture yes we call it the word of god yes it is a testament testifying of christ but it should lead you scripture is only useful when the holy spirit is participating in the process of opening it up if you open scripture just by yourself you will be like the scribes the pharisees the sadducees [Music] so the unity of scripture and the spirit is what produces the living logos the rhema of god it's not just to think that okay because this is the bible many people sit down and then they can look at this this is only as harlowed as the ministry of the holy spirit makes it in your life otherwise this is just an ordinary book an ordinary book that archives the teachings of this man we call jesus the bible in itself cannot do you any good it is the minister of the holy spirit breathing upon the word giving life to it so everything you see in the bible he empowers you to believe it act upon it and delivers the results he is the power behind scripture the holy spirit is the power behind scripture you have to believe this [Music] there is the word of god as an information as a testament that reveals the life and the principles of the kingdom listen i've said it but let me say it again these words in themselves only educate you they can't transform you that's why a lot of people do devotional without the holy spirit and at the end of it they finish and they close the devotional many people do bible studies even in church there are many churches that do bible study for decades but there's no transformation in the lives of the people you know why because we're only doing an exegesis on a spiritual document in fact even what we call confession i wrote something down here i said confession of scripture without the presence and power of the holy spirit is mere psychology confession of scripture without the presence and the power of the holy spirit is mere psychology it's the same thing that happens when you go to a yoga class and they're helping you to be able to train your mind to have some kind of transcendental experiences what gives life to your confession is that the holy spirit is back of it otherwise you are just speaking nonsense we mock ourselves and just speak this and that this and that we judge ourselves and we ignore the ministry of the holy spirit words generally are powerful but they do not bring your desired effect until they are directed by the presence and the power of the holy spirit confession of scripture without the presence and the power of the holy spirit is mere psychology in genesis chapter 1 verse 3 we see that the lord spoke the word but the holy spirit was there before the word was spoken not after not during the holy spirit was there fulfilling round don't invite him after you have spoken everything you want to do and that is the holy spirit if there is any space for you no transformation part of the ministry of transformation is to producing you the character of the spirit galatians 5. you read from verse 16 down to 22 but for times sake let's go to verse 22 galatians 5 22 look at what the bible says but the fruit of the spirit in other words the recreated human spirit that is in alignment with the holy spirit should produce this effect love joy you cannot love except by the spirit you can be emotionally attached to a person or a thing that's a natural thing even animals do it but you need the holy spirit to love agape undeserved love how about joy the bible calls it joy in the holy ghost joy unspeakable and full of glory it says rejoice in the lord always it's impossible to do this he says again i say rejoice a life of joy is a product of his presence when you are ever joyful is a sign that the transforming power of the spirit is working you brothers and sisters let me tell you when you see people joyful it's not because everything is working it's just because the spirit of god they have learned to walk with the holy spirit there are people here seated right now as i talk to you they've had bereavements they've not even buried the people but you see them happy they will be the first to hug you and shake you after service excessive sadness dullness is a sign that you are walking in the flesh so when they send you pocket money when you come for koinonia everybody knows that is the end of the month you got something or if your salary lands help me nigerians as soon as your salary lands everybody knows you dance in church and you do everything where you stand with your title wave it everybody should see but the moment they don't pay to see everybody say please clap and say is he not enjoying he should come and face what i'm going through no everybody say i will be ever joyful yes it's a product of the spirit be so joyful that men will be surprised when you tell them what you are going through because you say i never knew pastor you mean you've been going through this this is what you've been going through for the last three years yes joy unspeakable full of glory don't pull your mouth and frown if you get up in the morning good morning no joy somebody was supposed to give you a job you even gave testimony in advance and implicated yourself and then the job didn't come hi oh god this is how you disgrace me so now i'm i'm going to come for conor i will be joy i am ever joyful i'm a very very joyful person it doesn't mean that people do all kinds of nonsense and foolish things around my life all the time but i'm ever joyful when i see people who are happy and joyful they look beautiful they look wonderful regardless of what they are going through joyfulness is not irresponsibility it's a sign of faith that you know things will change why we look not at the things that are seen but the things that are unseen that's why when i saw that our mother singing a song and joyful oh dear what a wonderful mother some of you just come here and say look i'm i'm sad we thank god for the miracle what then is the testimony they gave me two injections and the need almost broke but god gave you a miracle and we don't even know you are finished you just say you are finished does it what then is a miracle [Music] laughter do it good like medicine turn to your neighbor and tell him or her laughter do it good look at me prophesy to your neighbor and say please don't carry a load on your head god is not giving you [Music] some of us you are 20 years you are looking as if you are 90. what's the problem i'm the one sponsoring myself now what i say which of you by worrying can add are you aware that i have three children we didn't plan for the third one he just came so what schoolfist is now 50 000. i don't know what is happening nigeria who is getting the high blood pressure no don't put tension around your life say myself relax god is in control save myself relax god is in control let me tell you what the devil will tell you he said don't mind this nonsense apostle has what you eat after this program we will we know ourselves finnish coin only i'm waiting for you listen remember what we spoke about carnally to be carnally minded what does it take god have you not seen people walk to others and say look america come god said i should give you 10 naira take one drink you don't believe god can do that say i am not popular in calinonia is talking of popularity didn't he say god said the all-seeing eye of god that can locate you and bless you don't always think people have to bless you with strings attached not everybody is a bad person there are genuine people who can walk to you and say god just instructed me they will even allow you to explain it who are you sir i'm just obeying god may that happen to you after the service [Applause] please give it to us again we're hurrying up now fruit of the spirit let's find somewhere to tie it up peace peace peace are you peaceful boys terrorists worried long suffering another word for patience there are too many impatient people listen you have to learn it don't say we are like that in our family we are too impatient you call somebody uncle will you send the money he says call me a little later after telling me he said uncle is me again i hope you're not offended of course he's offended ten minutes there are some of us it's like you know how parkinson's disease is we if if we there is such tension you advise yourself create images and get tensed by them you need to have patience lord i thank you i know that the devil wants to confuse me and put pressure in my life now but in the name of jesus i will wait for the promises of god nigerians are too impatient too impatient that's why we destroy ourselves overnight the blessings god creates we we destroy it overnight because of impatience gentleness i don't care what tribe you come from i don't care who trained you i don't care where you where you have to change and trust the holy spirit to re-engineer you to become gentle it is part of the ministry of the holy spirit a believer should be known for gentleness to be gentle doesn't mean to be a clown are we together now you know what we call gragra hello that's the best workout you know what we call gragra you are into everything you want that kind of life you will sap your energy profitless labor the bible calls it the label of the fool it says where yet every one of them some of us are not gentle they say we are sharing zombo immediately you come where where where are we twice gather this place you are leading a bad attitude you go for weddings they say everybody just walk they are coming you are impatient first you are trying to be gentle later you say this you know you won't get it you push everybody around you are not reflecting listen listen you are not reflecting the character of one who the minister of the holy spirit is at work in his life this gradual life has destroyed people [Music] say from today prophesy say from today i receive grace from god by his spirit to be notably gentle say to be notably gentle once you find yourself fighting over everything you are not gentle fighting over scholarship fighting over withdrawing money atm fighting over getting fuel fighting over buying kerosene fighting over the battery [Applause] [Music] goodness goodness benevolence the ease with which you supply joy and beauty to others is a measure of your goodness it's a character it's a dimension of god's glory goodness equality of benevolence the ease with which you release things to bless others it's a measure of your goodness giving is part of an expression of goodness some of us you see my hand look look at me what is this what is this what do you say [Applause] i am not getting what you're saying i'm not i'm not sure i heard what you are saying but anyway i'm the one teaching just follow my hands are you saying this this is how many of us do tongue talking this is a reflection of our understanding about please keep it there keep it there media about goodness someone can be dying sir of course you are not called to feed the whole world you are not called you are not jesus but you should be able to make a difference you can sit down with hundred thousand and your roommates are crying for one cup of rice so that they can cook as a room not even as individuals just sit and say you know the way this country is you come out quietly listen don't laugh i'm very serious god is walking on us this is a year of triumph you must change you smuggle yourself quietly down to pz enterprise eat quietly and close your mouth as if as if nothing happened and return back if nobody has told you the holy spirit is telling you now is very bad now it doesn't mean please let me balance this it doesn't mean you go around inconveniencing people because i said they should be good because there are people whose lives are a perpetual nuisance to everybody you go to people's house go around begging everybody for money telling lies i've had people use over five six different phone numbers to call me as different people looking for money you see that truthfully speaking i'm saying it thank god i'm speaking honest and it's on air people are following so let's let's balance it being benevolent it's not that people come and stand and say it's a right opposed to say anytime i cry you should answer no lend the principles get financial dominion get the wealthy place meet edgy me for impartation finally find ways of exiting that realm of suffering don't inconvenience people please hear me if you are here and you are used to going to people's homes and becoming a nuisance to parents workers and responsible people who are making a meaning out of their lives you have to stop it you have to stop it don't go to people's homes expecting they must give you money you must want fetch rice when you go to their house they must give you your who are you no you don't behave like that [Music] learn to release open your hands and you will never be poor you close your hands you cannot even receive it is only when what is in your hands is given some of us are really stingy you are stingy you are greedy and you are selfish you have to change once it's not you consuming it to help with anybody no you can't be that desperate for things that you are inconsiderate about the feelings of others oh i came to buy 10 bottles of water and sir i'm so testy it's just one more i'm sorry oh god will help you you pack your 10 bottles and go you are very very heartless you cannot even say okay let me keep one for you i came before you i came before you many people who hear what i'm saying and say he's just talking nonsense remember i've taught you when you hear people talking these are the things that make your life excellent [Music] goodness let's finish up faith or faithfulness really the rendition is faithfulness the quality of consistency and stability faithfulness is a name that god is called he's called faithful and true 23 please meekness another word for this is humility another synonym is teachability two words combined meekness is a product of humility and teachability when you bring humility and teachability it produces meekness the capacity to lend the capacity to submit yourself to knowledge and information regardless of what you already know many people are not meek the bible says that we receive with meekness the engrafted word temperance another word is self-control a better word is self-restraint look at me let me teach you something not everything haven't said talked about giving not everything is acceptable there are some things collecting it is collecting your bet throwing away your bet right there are pastors for instance you don't have self-control you step into people's homes you know that this home the highest salary here is 20 000 but you see them packaging hundred thousand to give you it's not like it's an instruction from god you are happy you get into a house three bottles of wine chicken and the rest of places there pepe i i always like pepe you are not a responsible pastor don't act insensitive to people as though you are not aware no say myself behave one more time myself behave there is a time to collect there is a time to say thank you there is a time to pray on the seed put pray and swing back preserve your honor there is a time to know that this is not collectible there is a time to restrain your mouth many of us have entered trouble we are still trying to manage today because our mouths were jealous you opened your mouth and spoke over and information you were not sure of later you found out it was a lie now you are in trouble do you know you can any living just speaking correctly [Music] there are wrong things you utter with your mouth about people or to people that can cost you five years are we together now school of ministry yesterday we were watching fella dura toy in one of our leadership and then we were watching fellow toyota and he said something uh okay no no not school of ministry i was actually watching him personally and he said something he said will your life become a key for your children or a padlock there are people you mention them they say you know him leave this office now i was going to help you but god over my dead body leave this office even god man they won't give you there are others they say i would have driven certain people but because of this [Music] your mouth if you cannot control your mouth to speak well especially about people if it is not good keep quiet are we together yes you say anything anyhow and you see let me tell you something about life come darling come two of you come watch this do you know that [Music] i can hate this lady and at the moment me and her are fighting are we together now me and tosin are not close but simply because two of us hate her we can partner together listen now while i am enjoying the friendship with her to hurt this person i reveal many secrets about me that should not be said and then after the fight is now finished one day two of them will now come and be friends against me and then you say i have a confession that day they are an apostle it's only god this is the foolishness that many people have chained themselves you turn your eyes your hands your leg you kept yourself in one place when you have a track record of sewing seats of discord when you have a track record of not being self-control many of you revealed certain things and tips came to rob your house you just went around and said you can imagine for the first time i saw ten thousand dollars and so one guy is drinking minerals close to the shop and listening ten thousand dollars my father brought it new from the bank and the guy is listening say in fact let me tell you something it's not that i'm humble we live in social social and the person just calls his friend in the night they kill your father take the money some of us somebody likes you instead of you to keep quiet and pray he has not even said anything the whole world and he just hears and says no no no i can't i'm not ready for this scatter your your breakthrough are you learning something now someone secretly called you and said i know you have to carry over us but i am the lecturer and i'm a fellow believer i'm not talking of um maybe sleeping with you too brad that's not what i'm talking about just the favor of god and he says oh you come for koinonia i'm also a lecturer okay because of you you have 37 let me see how i can upgrade it for you to 40 but i'm doing it just for you you see a wise person you go and thank god and the next thing you go around saying you know this canonia the lecturers they are very nice so what did you get in the other do you know this man did this and the next thing you hear rumors that something happened between two of you and you are trying to argue telling everybody nothing happened a fool even when he's silent is considered wise please lend this lesson our time is gone we're going to pray but i want you to learn thank you thank you you must know when to say what you must know when to go where you must know when to go where some of you have entered places that they threw you out and you would never enter the again except to favor because you did not understand self-control praise the lord two people are walking two people are walking and all of a sudden another person sorry another person comes you know to talk to maybe me and all of a sudden you just go what are you saying whereas that person is a very great man somewhere you did not know how to respect your boundaries there are some of you you sit down i'm teaching you practical things you are sitting down in somebody's house and a senior executive comes somewhere you don't need to be told to stand up there it's not weakness it's called self-control are we together your parents are discussing destiny issues you just pass and say uncle i had you i was passing no i'm teaching you very simple things that can make your life adorable don't do that there are times that somebody can pick a call in your presence you know that this is too confidential you can gently diplomatically just throw somewhere and allow them have their privacy they don't have the courage to tell you to leave but you should have the brain to live they will respect you enough are you becoming wiser tonight self-control temperance self-control you are angry your father spoke about something maybe your friends came and lied and your father just called you down just slapped you you are not those but i will slap you and then later they discovered that you were innocent and you see that you are boiling should i slap this one back should i should i revenge i can't be a fool like this listen that's when we know whether the holy spirit is lord over your life because i'm rounding up with this i've seen believers do foolish things when a believer fights his fellow person boxing people because of differences truly the holy spirit is not at work in your life listen i'm not a fool people offend me all the time you cannot imagine but when you sit down and say see i know we are all colonial members i'm going to show you that what a woman can do a man can do better you now want your hand to punch the person unfortunately that's what many men do to their wives beat the wives and then let us say why did you annoy me you know that i have temper you need deliverance there is no body who has temper that is a quiet issue don't say elijah had tempe he was in the old testament john the baptist tried it he died in the new testament there are things you do you will not go scot-free this issue of temper stop it when it's time for us to pray now you are going to pray and say lord i must respect my wife you are in a relationship two weeks into the relationship you fought over over ten times what kind of a love love [Music] are we together there are couples as you are joining them by evening wedding night they are already fighting fighting over money fighting over a gift fighting over whose parents brought what some of us parents please let me encourage us let's not sow seeds of discord in our children by planting hatred for others you are in a compound of ten people you create a team from house four to seven is you are the team house one and two you are the ones fighting against that thing will not profit both of you fire to fire ends both people in ashes say in the name of jesus i receive grace to control myself [Music] self-control self-restraint a word spoken in due season knowing what to do knowing what not to do knowing how to not overstep your bounds somebody gives you access and says look entire shopping mall and shop at my expense you just clean your hands and say today is it thank god this is favor this is how some of you have abused privileges somebody gave you his phone to call you have 200 in your own phone but you spent 1 000 in his own phone that's not wisdom are we together self-control how about wearing people's clothes today the shirt you wear is not your own tomorrow the trouser is not your own next tomorrow i like your watch can i wear it stop it cause virtuousness is part of lack of temperance please believe what i'm saying i know some of you are offended stop it that you see if your eyes seed something drives you i must get it no you will die young if you do it that way oh this lady my level wearing this kind of hair wearing this kind of clothes i must do it you don't have self-control someone met me one time i said apostle there is a there is a kind of suit now there is a trend that they are doing i said i don't know who they are i wear what i want i'm not i'm not anti-civilization but nobody puts me under any pressure to say okay this is what somebody was telling me the other time he said now this that that suit is now pencil pencil trousers no socks i said what what that what what the what the heck if i catch myself i don't have a problem look look look look go ahead do your stuff i don't i don't have a problem but if i catch myself at least if i catch us if i catch myself [Music] finally the last ministry of the holy spirit thank you darling empowerment the last ministry of the holy spirit there are many more but i broke them into these sections because they are relevant for us activation of spiritual senses revelation and understanding guidance and direction renewal and transformation and then empowerment isaiah 61 verse 1 to 4 talks of the minister of the holy spirit to empower acts chapter 1 verse 8 talks about the ministry of the holy spirit to empower acts chapter 10 verse 38 sorry i'm hurrying up talks of the ministry of the holy spirit to empower the holy spirit is the custodian of the anointing the holy spirit is the custodian of the anointing what is empowerment causing god's ability to walk in and through you is called empowerment empowerment is causing god's ability [Music] to walk in and through you mary said in luke chapter 1 verse 34 speaking with the angel when the angel came and began to speak with her all this and of glad tidings you shall have a child and so on and so forth she said how shall these things be how shall it be and the angel said this is how it will happen the power of the highest will overshadow you how will this year be a year of triumph for you the power of the highest will overshadow you how will all of a sudden in one month you step into a dimension that you have never stepped into the power of the highest overshadowing the holy spirit is still in the business of empowering people please listen the gifts of the spirit the fullness of the spirit dimensions of the anointing rivers of his power and his grace it is still available for the end time church there is darkness everywhere there is need to forcefully advance the cause of the kingdom and it will require empowerment everybody say empowerment if you reject the holy spirit you reject empowerment you can have a bottle of anointing oil in your house that's not empowerment if you reject his ministry he is the secret behind the empowerment in my life he is the secret behind the empowerment in this ministry i am happy i am very very proud of him he's done more things in and through my life that i can never dream of i remember years ago when the lord was telling me i will use you and you will be so mighty apparently i knew he was going to do it but i didn't realize the extent look what he's done in my life look what he's done in your life some of you when you came here months years ago you were absolutely ordinary people but look how he's transformed you the holy spirit was given to us by god to help us he is the helper he is the comforter he is the spirit of truth he is the guide he's an advocate he's a standby he's a strengthener he's a creator he's a revealer he's a preserver the holy spirit rise up on your feet please [Music] oh god you are my god and i will ever praise you oh god you are my god and i will never praise you oh god you are my god one more time oh god you are my god and i will never and i will learn for step by step for time oh instance oh god oh [Music] jesus will bless you tonight let the name of the lord be exalted to be a night of encounter night of lifting lord we thank you we bless you honor you it's unto you that we are gathered tonight hallelujah pray one prayer lord visit me tonight take me to another dimension are you praying visit me take me to another dimension tonight my heart is open it is within your power to ask it is within its power to release fresh grace fresh wisdom hallelujah father tonight we are gathered thousands and thousands of people all across the nations of the earth waiting hungry expectant ready to receive and lord we thank you because it is within your power to give us fresh encounters fresh dimensions for our ministries for our businesses for our lives lord we pray that you spare not your hand tonight let your outstretched hand be made mighty in our midst let the sick be healed let the oppressed be delivered let every life and every destiny receive a touch in the name of jesus christ please be seated god bless you hallelujah good evening everyone it's good to have us around again um pastor luca god bless you i appreciate a very dear friend all the way from jos thank you thank you so much medical doctor and a great man of god doing a mighty work in jos tonight the lord will bless us in remarkable ways in jesus name i will just perform a function very quickly um the lord blessed the meshach alpha family with a bouncing baby [Applause] boy may men clap for you the way you are clapping now hallelujah praise the lord so very quickly in one minute we'll dedicate the child unto the lord to the glory of god please let me invite pastor alpha and his lovely wife let's honor them [Applause] praise the lord [Music] [Applause] see her looking as if um it was someone else who gave birth ladies if i were you i was so into that kind of anointing hallelujah praise the lord one more time let's appreciate them we'll be very brief look [Music] luke chapter luke chapter 2 please quickly luke chapter 2 we're blessing the lord you see dedication listen carefully i wanted to learn something dedication is an act of humility by the parents of any child when you bring a child to god you are acknowledging that regardless of your sense of responsibility regardless of your financial capability the vicissitudes of life and the factors that need to synergize themselves together to make a child become a responsible man is not absolutely within your control so when you come to hand over a child to god it's not religion unfortunately we make a lot of religion out of it but it is a declaration by the father and the mother that lord we're handing this child over to you you gave us this child as a loan and we are wise enough to hand over this child you see that luke chapter 2 and we'll read a few verses we're reading from verse 22 down to the last verse but then we'll be jumping them when the days of our purification talking about moses now according to the law of moses were accomplished they brought him to where jerusalem to do what to present him not before a man of god not before a church before the lord 23. okay let's go to 24 please so we can hurry up and to offer sacrifice according to that which was said in the law of moses a pair of this and that and that and that and that next verse quickly and behold there was a man in jerusalem whose name was simeon the same man was just and devote waiting for the consolation of israel read on it says give it to us 26 please okay and it was revealed to him by the holy ghost that he should not see death before he had seen the lord jesus christ i want to show you two things that happened and he came by the spirit how did he come not by the will of man not by the traditions of a church he came by the spirit into the temple and when the parents dedication except one of the parents are dead you don't dedicate a child with the father alone or the mother alone according to scripture the parents must be dear acknowledging together it took two of them to bring that child there and it's going to take two of them to hand over the child to the lord are we learning now he says to do for him after the custom of the law read on let's hurry up and he took him up by his arms and blessed god and said [Music] lord now let your servant depart in peace according to your word for my eyes have seen a child what did he call the child what did he call the child that means dedication is the place where the prophetic destiny of children are unraveled he didn't call him jesus he said my eyes have seen what you call a little baby now but i see the salvation of israel which thou has prepared before the face of all people [Music] a light to the gentiles this is a man prophesying on jesus and the glory of thy people israel 33 and joseph and his mother marveled at those things which were spoken of him were reading down to 40 and simeon blessed them so he did not just bless the child he empowered the parents to be able to help the child become all that god destined him to be and he said to mary's mother behold this child is set for the fall and the rising of many in israel and for a sign which shall be spoken against yeah a sword okay that that let's go to another prophetess now next verse the bible tells us that there was one anna a prophetess the daughter of fanueil of the tribe of asha the bible says she was of great age 38 please and she coming into that instant gave thanks likewise unto the lord and speak of him to all them that looked for the redemption the redemption in jerusalem 39 and when they had performed all things according to the law of the lord they returned to galilee to their own city the last verse and this is the result of that dedication because of what happened in the temple certain things became possible what became possible read on christians and the child grew and then worked strong in spirit filled with what and what happened great grace was upon him this became the experience of that child because the parents were able to hand him over are we together pastor alpha and his lovely wife have brought their child before the lord to hand over and say lord you are the only one who can take care of this child i can buy him drugs but i cannot give him life i can cover his head but i may not be able to cover his destiny in my strength i can give him food but i cannot keep him healthy are we together now it's an acknowledgement a handover and we're going to pray i want us to stretch our hands i may not have to hold the baby just just hold the baby yourself father hold the baby let's stretch our hands over this child and speak in one minute set for the rising of many o god in the name of jesus we honor this child we bless him when the wise men came they saw a baby yet they bowed down to him we declare that kings nations will bow down to this child we command that this child like jesus will grow and work strong in spirit will be full of wisdom and great grace upon him the diseases that destroy children will not destroy him we place upon him the mystery of exemption in the name of jesus christ this child is a proper child and he will grow well in the name of jesus christ when he reaches an age of discretion he will hand over his life willingly to jesus and remain in the faith all through his life the fullness of his days he will fulfill i empower you pastor alpha and your lovely wife and i decree and declare to you that the grace the resources the wisdom it will take to raise this child i pray that it be supplied you in the name of jesus that everyone who looks upon this child will favor you whoever means evil for this child we declare him on kosovo whoever speaks against him in the name of jesus the earth will fight them we bless this child in the name of jesus christ hallelujah the name of the child is david egahi or joe omokore day meshach alpha the parents will tell us which one we are going to use to identify the child but this these are the names i i read it one more time a david egahi or joe or more david we bless you in the name of jesus we declare that it is well with you we decree and declare that when men are cast down for you it will be a lifting up and in the name of jesus by the election of grace i lay my hands upon this child and we dedicate him in the presence of god's people in the name of the father in the name of the son and in the name of the holy spirit he remains dedicated unto the lord in the name of jesus congratulations i'm acknowledging you for help me i don't know how to sing it celebrate with them just for one minute oh we always issue a certificate is a beautiful certificate so that when the child grows up he will know that he was handed over to the lord praise the lord so the father in the name of jesus i hand this over to you let me shake you my hands are busy in the name of jesus christ let it be a token of this child's dedication in the name of the father of the son and of the holy spirit passover congratulations my dear congratulations young man congratulations for having a younger brother in the name of jesus christ hallelujah please return back to your seat i know many of us who want to sow into their life celebrate with them further after service there will be somewhere waiting for you do well to celebrate with them and the lord will honor you in jesus name amen and amen let's get to the business of tonight holy spirit part three the holy spirit part three jesus we bless you and tonight we're going to be looking at the ministry of the spirit we started off looking at um [Music] the person of the holy spirit you know different kinds of encounters with the holy spirit and then we looked at the ministry of the holy spirit last week or the last time we discussed this and today we are looking at the ministry of the spirit we're looking at how a man can operate in fellowship and partnership with the holy spirit the ministry of the holy spirit defines his activities in the life of a man but the minister of the spirit is a communication of how a man can partner with the holy spirit to do wonders in the earth for reference tonight i want us to look at mark chapter 16 please mark chapter 16 the gospel of mark chapter 16 verse 20 mark 16 verse 20. let's read together is projected one to read and they went forth aha and preached everywhere read on the lord walking with them and confirming the word with signs following the lord walking with them not just going ahead of them it was the signs that followed them but the lord walking with them i told us that there is a dimension of the holy spirit in you are we together now but when you want to begin to describe the ministry of partnership with the holy spirit it's not just the holy spirit in you the name i lost paracletus when you read the epistle of john from 14 15 16 he says and the comforter whom the father will send in my name you know he began to introduce us the word the greek word is a lost paracletos one who is sent to continue what someone else was doing so the holy spirit um as we discussed the last time is on earth today as an extension a continuation that everything that jesus christ was to the disciples who would later be apostles he is to the church today are we together now the last time we agreed that the ministry of the holy spirit is to creation to unbelievers to believe us at any given point in your life you need the holy spirit as a non-believer you need him to furnish the reality of the christ in you and to plant in you conviction you can't get convicted by yourself it takes the ministry of the holy spirit as a believer we discussed extensively the last time several things that the holy spirit would do in our lives activating your spiritual senses revelation and understanding of scripture guidance and direction renewal and transformation birthing in you the fruit of the spirit and um empowerment and so on and so forth but the bible says the lord walking with them [Music] they were moving doing all that they were asked to do but there was an invisible personality listen carefully working with them and his assignment in that context was to confirm that means to force things to comply to force things to comply to ensure that the word of the lord upon their lives notice the bible never said confirming the award no they spoke it but it was the word of god confirming the word with signs all kinds of diverse miracles signs and wonders now you would see peter you would see john james moving alone and you would see supernatural possibilities possibilities that cannot be affordable to the natural man and the bible gives us a mystery behind it he says that there is one walking with them can i use you holy spirit working with them now you imagine for one minute that i'm working with this guy and um as limited as i may seem my partnership with this gentleman is affording me certain possibilities for instance if i'm supposed to lift this and it's a bit difficult for me i can't lift it with one hand and assuming i have only one hand then you will see another don't lift it just touch it you'll see an invisible hand you are seeing only one person holding this boy you are seeing the results of two people it says the lord walking with them [Music] are we together now walking with them so when it was time for peter in acts chapter 3 4 right to lift that guy at the beautiful gate it was just peter and johnny you thought but it was peter john and the spirit of the living god when peter held the hands of that man there were two people holding his hands it's only that one is feasible and that's the one you see and he lifted him listen i want to teach you the mystery behind the strange results of many people you see ordinary men but results that are super human results that are beyond the scope of men i was so blessed by the testimonies of the wonderful people and those testimonies are signs they are proof that you are not alone [Music] are we together now it's one thing to be aware that the holy spirit is available is one thing to even receive him but it's another thing to walk with him working with the holy spirit is an entire aspect of the believer's life there are many people filled with the holy spirit born again but they have not mastered the art of partnership let me show you a scripture i found this scripture and it blessed me so much isaiah 48 thank you you'll come back shortly isaiah 48 verse 16 isaiah 48 verse 16 i want us to read it is projected want to read come near unto me hear you this i have not spoken in secret from the beginning from the time that it was and dear am i now i wanted to read this the part i want us to read together one to read and now the lord god and his spirit has sent me who sent you the lord god and his spirit other version says the lord god alongside his spirit that means the lord did not send you a loan he sent you and attached the holy spirit like i would send you to the bank um well it's not a good analogy but let's let's just assume i would send you to the bank and give you an atm machine that atm machine is what will give you the capacity to be able to withdraw money you can go to the bank on your own you can stand before the machine but you need another agency outside of you this is the mysterious yet simple reason result um how do i put it now um factor that's the word i'm looking for behind the result the mysterious results of people you're looking at koinonia for instance and you are seeing amazing things that's why we say it is by the spirit by the spirit is only in partnership with the holy spirit that certain things can be done listen human beings are limited it's a revelation i want you to get used to no matter how intelligent no matter how educated no matter how civilized there is only so much the three-dimensional realm can afford you it takes an understanding that your victory and my victory your triumph and my triumph in life is exclusively non-negotiably a product of my partnership with the holy spirit understanding him his ministry and learning how to align and then you will produce wonders one does that will shock you jesus himself the bible tells us that when jesus walked upon the earth for 30 years ladies and gentlemen his life was as ordinary as anything the living logos the word of god we never saw him prophesying to anyone doing anything no he was just in the temple learning like any other student nothing ordinary extraordinary about his life and then the bible tells us that one time he went and saw john baptizing people and when he was baptized watch this the heavens became open over him and a voice spoke this is my beloved son etc etc then the bible says the holy spirit drove him to the wilderness and he fasted for 40 days and so on and so forth satan tempted him and afterwards the bible says he returned in the power of the spirit the next time we hear of jesus christ is turning a city upside down the next time we hear of jesus cripples the dead rising the sea the elements of creation obeying him and they asked jesus what the secret was and he was not ashamed listen listen carefully jesus himself revealed to us a very deep secret in john chapter 15 john 15 please give it to us john 15. john chapter 15. my hell you most high i am the true fine and my father is a husband man so we are seeing that there is a participation of multiple people the results that we saw in the life of jesus saw in the life of the early church jesus is telling us that this is not just a one-man show some are visible some are invisible but there are forces there are personalities working together to make this thing happen verse two every branch in me that buried not fruit he take it away so branch in me branch in me that means he is different from the branch he said i am the fine you look at it three but there are specifications all of them are not doing the same thing there is one responsible for producing the fruit there is one responsible for making sure the branch is healthy this is called partnership it's called partnership a participation a distribution of assignment like a husband and a wife he supplies money take ten thousand naira and he sits down happily in the palo you think he's irresponsible but he has played his part and the wife goes to the market buying all kinds of things and goes to the kitchen and you see how working so hard you will think the man is wicked wait until it's now time for the child's coffees you see the woman singing praises in the morning while he's calculating how to raise the money partnership and love is so powerful that sometimes they help themselves ah this is where the mercy of god comes in there are times that the woman may be incapacitated and the man says look i know that it is your role to walk in the kitchen but i love you so much we are a team if you feel i still feel so i can come into the kitchen that's why you see the holy spirit sometimes can move even beyond the jurisdiction of his work and step into your life and you see things you know that you did not finish keeping the principles that should produce the results but he came in spirit of god are you learning something now the lord and his spirit has sent me how many people in this world you see people say i'm alone i don't even know what is happening that statement is a product of ignorance listen very carefully that statement hear me please is a product of ignorance it looks like a well-meaning lamentation over the vicissitudes of life but that is a communication it's an embarrassment it's a every time you act helpless you make the holy spirit look irresponsible listen um let me use a lady to sing come watch this now we're going maybe to the market and there is a distribution of work and i'm saying tossing walk with me you are going to help me make some purchases are we together now now look at this please if we get to the market and let's say we are going to buy a cow and we stand and there are several cows they check the cows and we find out that these cows are healthy cows who are ready to buy it and all of a sudden toasting is shaking are we together are you following my my example toasting is shaking and then the people are asking her madam why are you shaking and says huh i i just hope that we'll be able to buy this cow who is who will take the shame i'm standing there as a responsible personality i was the one who asked her to go and buy a cow it was not her opinion are we together now and i'm standing and only because they said the cow is 150 000 she's shaking two things will cause that one she does not know me or number two is an act of rebellion she has done something that makes her perceive that my partnership has been cut away now she is as a result of her consciousness that she is not holding the money in her hands it doesn't matter who holds the money the most important thing is let payment be made you see why we have a lot of fear oh god you are leading me to do certain things but lord based on what i have there are things god does not give you it is your partnership with him he's the one who does the payment but the flesh wants to hold the money by yourself lord i want to be let it be that the anointing is like a charm if there is an anointing where is it that's why we like oil that's why we like things we can hold and the holy spirit says this journey is by faith if you are going to pray for the sick there is nothing on your hand you are going to have to believe that i'm there partnership let me tell you this is my mindset i never walk alone you hear all of those results human beings cannot produce it no not with the stringent academic system that we have no sir [Music] partnership so she's standing unable to pay and i am more than enough to buy the whole cows there are we together but she has a price they say there's a role that she has to play and this lady can be shaken there embarrass me and then without consulting me she can tell the cow seller sorry we accept an embarrassment we came here to disgrace ourselves it is not within our power and she reverses the interesting thing about the holy spirit is he's so gentle he will follow you [Music] so your limitation is not his limitation your limitation is your inaccurate understanding of the resources that are resident within him you are only looking at what you have listen listen listen the greatest dimension of the faith work of a believer is not to receive things is to walk with the spirit you will not always receive there are things that will remain with him but he will work he will be the doer you see this receiving is a nice thing and there is a dimension to it but most of this sense of reception is a communication of unbelief we just want to be in control is our obsession for control lord now that um you are sending me to this place how am i sure that you are going to help me father let somebody send me an alert now let me know i have my transport fair going and coming and the money to rent the venue and god will say no we are together and they say god i love you but um you are not the one who will pay the rent you see we make those kind of stupid statements lord i want and a lot watch this if you get on a lot now then you are happy and he said lord let's go and he says no it's difficult for me to take glory now because their life is already in your the miracle is not your receiving their lot the miracle is walking with you entering a city where nobody knows you and you say shibra qatar the spirit of god where in this place and all of a sudden your trust puts pressure on him and a stranger comes from nowhere and says sorry it looks like you are what is the issue and he said well um i'm just coming he said what's your name are you sam i had a dream last night and i saw you are you the one that's how he is glorified so while you were sleeping the other part of the equation the spirit of god was already making an arrangement that he did not inform you does not mean he did not do it this is where our own belief is we always want god to give us all the details before we trust him no the mission is follow me follow me follow me lord you are sending me to zamfara what how how are we going to do this you must give me the details when will i marry how many children will i have will it be a girl or boy show me everything first and god says me i created the heavens and the earth i left the compendium of my integrity to convince you that i am able we like disgrace myself just because of you and we say lord keep talking all i know is that if i don't see it and handle it if you pay attention to what i'm sharing with you today your life will be a wonder yes because when people look at you they are only looking at the smallest part of the equation yonkicho calls him my senior partner are partners in this but i'm not alone so where you see me physically weak there is a mighty invisible force standing to back me you want to kill me you kill both of us you see that you want to cause me you cause both of us [Music] i agree that i can fail on my own but with god with him with him quarter to failure he will appear and manipulate the equation and you know that no no no based on what this brother did you are supposed to fail but with the introduction of this personality he will alter everything change everything [Music] believe us the partnership with the holy spirit is not for men of god the partnership the ministry of the spirit i will tell you what it is shortly but the partnership with the holy spirit is not some kind of thing for preachers so many people say wow this guy is called into the miracle ministry why not so you go ahead and try to know the holy spirit no the holy spirit was sent listen to me carefully as a strengthener as a comforter as an advocate the revealer of secrets he said then the secret was revealed to daniel until it was revealed he did not know [Music] sheep battles we have lost cheap battles in life because we've been fighting alone our parents have been fighting alone they are still fighting alone that's why people carry their certificates and say no no based on this certificate it must be and then when they are coming to god for help they don't just say god come and help me they say god see i'm a graduate so use it and god says please when i want to move you don't tell me how to move your job is to believe that i move don't hold a certificate and think that is the basis of me blessing you [Music] lord i have seven children they are all useless use them to bless me and god says i can save your children and lift your children but if i want to bless you it has nothing to do with using your children i can use anybody including your enemy [Music] the ministry of the spirit and the lord working with joshua sermon and the lord working with koinonia producing results that you know are not human producing results you know defy the wisdom of men whenever you see an extraordinary manifestation of wisdom is not just by studying no the holy spirit you can have knowledge but to create changes it takes power it takes the introduction of someone else that is not you someone once asked me a question a man of god he asked me a question and he said man of god how do you gather supposedly the best of everything how do you get worshipers that are so nice protocol people that are so nice is it that you apply is it that you do this and i laugh i i tell him do you think i have the power in myself to vet people i know don't forget that we are not alone spirit of god he knows how to draw them [Music] the same way he knows where your destiny helper is the same way he knows your geographic location but the trouble is this our unbelief this is our own belief we must listen we must walk this thing tonight to say lord i trust you and i believe in you he said but i know whom i have believed and i am persuaded that he is able i am persuaded that he is able i'm persuaded that he is able i wish we had time and i i'll allow pastor alpha and his lovely wife to share with you the testimony of your child how this lady gave birth it was his there were supernatural things that happened he shared with me a bit of it let me just share one of it if you permit me pastor there was a time the baby it was like the baby was too big brothers and sisters she pushed twice the baby came out they measured him a few minutes later on and his weight am i right his weight had increased [Music] shrunk came out and increased back that's not a man you can get pregnant you can't shrink a baby it takes someone else with you this consciousness of not being alone this consciousness of not being alone our canality our our sensuality is what makes us feel because i'm alone i don't see anybody that means there is no help no he said i will lift up my eyes listen unto the heels and he said from whence commit my help he said my help comes from the maker the lord the maker of the heavens and the earth i will not leave you comfortless don't act comfortless jesus said it i will not leave you comfortless i will not leave you comfortless apostle you don't understand my situation my father is late my mother is late i sympathize with you but brothers and sisters if you knew what the holy spirit could do in your life if only you recognize his presence and give him whom give him whom the holy spirit is a gentle spirit he will not bump into your life when you make the holy spirit the chief influencer of your decisions you will be amazed at the miraculous things that will come from your mind what is the ministry of the spirit write this down i'm preaching this with all passion in my heart because this is one of the biggest secrets of my life [Music] listen listen the bible says it is not good for man to be alone i know we talk of marriage this is marriage is a marriage is a borrowed is a borrowed phenomenon to represent something spiritual it is not good in other words man cannot be effective alone i will make a help suitable suitable in other words there are potentials in man but all by himself there are things he cannot do so i will make a help so when jesus sent the holy spirit as a helper is because he knows the bible says we do not have a high priest who has not been touched with the feelings of infirmities he knows he will face financial troubles he knows that your health will be challenged he knows there are forces in the earth he knows that the world we live in is so unfair unfair [Music] and he left us his spirit the minister of the spirit is a revelation [Music] the minister of the spirit are you writing is a revelation on how a believer through fellowship and partnership [Music] a revelation on how a believer through fellowship and partnership with the holy spirit will produce extraordinary results will produce extraordinary results giving glory to god a revelation of how a believer an ordinary person an ordinary villager an ordinary uneducated person an ordinary orphan an ordinary widow an ordinary widower an ordinary that class graduate can come into partnership and fellowship with the holy spirit and they too together always will produce extraordinary results results that defy science defy logic listen you've heard me say it here it has become an anthem that when it is listen when it is the doing of man it is ordinary and relatable but when it becomes the lord's doing it becomes marvelous in our eyes when your career is just the normal pathway every graduate takes there is nothing worthy of applause but when it becomes extraordinary and supernatural then it is marvelous and listen john chapter 15 give us verse 8 please let me show you how god takes glory john 15 and verse 8. let's read one to read hearing this is how my father is glorified read on that he bear what that you produce results everybody say results shout it please results listen listen listen the f only responds to one language results results the end of your confession the end of your jumping falling around the end of whatever is to be able to produce results that men can recognize it is only through the results that men can see is a demonstration of the might of god it is results that makes you a witness it is results that makes you an ambassador you are promoting the interest of a man and you have proofs for it are we together now when your life is barring of results especially extraordinary results god cannot be glorified it's impossible for god to be glorified there is a statement that he wants to use your life to make to principalities and powers and so he takes ordinary you ordinary you i don't say that in a directory way i know that we are in christ but you need to understand the dynamics every time we say we're in christ understand that we are the weaker part of the equation it is his love that meets us and his grace that makes us together it's not as if you are two like two intelligent business partners one has money one is an i.t guru then they come together no it is one totally weak helpless failure and another infinite personality coming into partnership are we together now so never mistaking the fact that when i talk of participation i'm not talking of a participation that is something you would have done outside god for without me ye can do nothing your own participation is alignment through obedience alignment through obedience that's all you are required to do that's your part of the equation in your work with the spirit there is only one assignment as far as partnership is concerned is called alignment through obedience alignment you are lying to him and that happens through obedience obedience is a summation of every principle every law every strategy every dictate of god as revealed by his word to commit god to your affairs it's called obedience having the readiness to judge all disobedience when your obedience is complete the ministry of the spirit how many preachers today pray in tongues jump up and down believe they are filled with the holy spirit but they don't work with the holy spirit they go for programs alone they even pray in tongues to be filled with the holy spirit is not the same as walking with the spirit you are working with the consciousness of partnership with him i'm standing on this stage you are only seeing one man are we together now but there are two people you are hearing one voice but there is an invisible power behind that voice that will produce conviction [Music] are we together so i look at someone and i prophesy to you and say in the name of jesus may your life change can a man tell you that kind of thing you too you i mean you are intelligent can a man talk to you and change your life no you are hiv positive go and become negative just like that what pride without the holy spirit who gave you that audacity the centurion got it right for i am a man in partnership with an authority and based on that partnership i say to one go and he goes i say to one come and he comes jesus i know that you are standing here you are a 33 year old body but mysteriously there is an ancient spirit walking in you and jesus said i have not found this faith this understanding no not in israel that ordinary men can walk with an ancient spirit and produce results that are bigger than them you see ordinary men but you see god's results [Music] let me show you the partnership of the spirit he says the lord is my shepherd as a result i shall not want he says he makes me to lie down i can refuse but my own partnership is compliance to lie down in green pastures he restores my soul he guides me he never forces me he guides me guides me the first the first proof that you are working with the holy spirit is your submission to his leadership the first proof that you are working with the spirit write it down submission to his leadership where his leadership is not an opinion where his leadership is not a discussion you don't do things the way you want to do there is an influence submission to his leadership and thou shalt hear a voice from behind saying this is the way walking in it you can choose to refuse you can choose to argue look at me the first proof that a man is walking by the spirit is total submission to the leadership of the holy spirit lord if it be possible let this cup pass nevertheless not my will but thy will submission to the leadership of the holy spirit knowing that the holy spirit is god and according to jeremiah 29 11 he says for i know the thoughts that i think towards you saith the lord listen carefully they are thoughts of good or peace and not of evil to bring you a future an unexpected end that means i can be led of the spirit i do not even know but i believe by faith i've taught you something about the leadership of the holy spirit let me reiterate on it watch this let me use someone complace if this guy believes with all his heart that he is being led by the spirit or led of the spirit watch this if this guy believes that he's led of the spirit are we together and this is where the holy spirit wants him to go to but he takes a step this direction and he's doing it innocently with all sincerity believing his lead of the holy spirit the spirit of god would take the door and put it here to make sure he passes right this is the mysterious thing about working with god perfection is not a requirement sincerity is the sincerity of your heart so it is not it's not the issue of perfection of hearing god perfection oh god no no no no no you will make so many mistakes trying to discern his voice but regardless of which his integrity is committed to making sure you get to the place of destiny this is our consolation there are many times paul wrote certain things and said i speak as a man this is my opinion it's not that the holy ghost gave me any understanding this is my opinion yet all together the bible says all scriptures were inspired how many including what paul was saying an opinion of a man he leads me and guides me to the city of pablo he leads me and guides me to my place of destiny he leads me and guides me to the city of above he leads me and guides me to my place of destiny one more time he leads me at night listen every time god speaks to you about your destiny he speaks to you as if he's talking to himself it will be so big god will tell you white men will come you are going to take over europe and you are watching little you and you are saying god don't mock me don't mock me how shall these things be mary said seeing that i know not a man and the angel said you have asked a good question it will not happen just because you have a womb the power of the highest there is a provision i'm just giving you the information so that you will align but it won't be only you i will call you into a healing ministry oh lord i have never healed the headache don't worry your job is to believe for when he comes then you will see wonders wonders listen this is what god told me many years ago yes to walk with him the holy spirit was introduced to me in a very strange way i've shared a few of those those stories with people i wish i had time i would have shared with you my encounters with the holy spirit just a little naive young innocent boy moving around and the holy spirit came like a guy who is looking for a wife ah he comes to propose to you joshua salman can you walk with me and i turn you into a wonder and all your own belief says based on what the newspaper and the history books told us you have to do a b c d there must be an uncle in civil defense an auntie in cbn then when you add that equation is equal to success and this stranger comes to you that you have never met and he says walk with me like a gentleman will come and hold a lady's hands and say i want to marry you it's a risk is that true and he says just believe me i don't look like it now but there are all kinds of potentials and that lady takes a risk and they begin the journey the journey of destiny 10 years later she is the wife of the person with the largest company in the whole world and you admire her no admired her risk admired the sacrifice admired that step of faith that even when she did not understand many people see what god has done in our lives today and they say apostle you are lucky no i'm not lucky no i'm not lucky no i'm not lucky it's better to even say i'm a benefactor of god's grace not luck where were you in the night when he came to me and said son trust me when he was speaking to me you were not there [Music] the same way god is telling some of us you may have come from a village you are the last born you can't speak english but just trust me and let me make a wonder out of you and many of us are saying oh god it can't work that way [Music] partnership when the holy spirit comes into your life he doesn't ask you your age he doesn't ask you your gender he doesn't ask you your education he doesn't ask you how many hours of prayer he doesn't ask you what revelation you know because all of those things are seeds they will still die no matter what the accomplishment is when a seed is big or small it will still die when he comes he says look i want you to trust me and let's walk together then he will begin to guide you he will destabilize your life into nonsense because your plans your dreams your hopes everything scatters you think you are confused what is leading you all of a sudden brothers and sisters one more step and you are into a life of beauty and glory oh lord my plan was to marry that lady my plan was to marry that guy why have you been stopping every brother coming and god says just keep walking with me when we arrived here you will look back and all the glory will be to him [Music] there are businessmen who have held his hands naive ignorant people they know nothing about business nothing about finances come they came from families that no destiny no future full of all kinds of courses and in their frustration he came to them and he said can you trust me and he said lord i don't have much you he says no problem i'm not asking you for much just give me your hands give me your hands and he will hold you step by step i remember when we were about to start koinonia where would you get a big venue i saw these days in the vision and i said lord there's no auditorium i know that can take people and i was praying and there he came [Music] koinonia is not your ministry calinonia is my ministry so let me guide you you are only the physical representation that they can see like a manager of a company what i am the owner let me guide you and i saw in a vision cgc how would i get the venue the venue was small but if he's leading you he will shake man he will raise donkeys he will make stone speak when he's leading you he will move all kinds of things the leadership many of us have been cheated in life because we have allowed over dependence on intellectualism to cheat us we have robbed ourselves of the simplicity and the foolishness of following him are we together yes [Music] brothers and sisters listen this battle is not your own if you leave it to the right fighter you will win you have been fighting a battle you have not this you are not i don't know i'm prophesying to somebody this battle is not your own it will kill you on your own it will kill you it will kill you that's the song the battle isn't yours but mine the battle isn't yours but mine god is speaking battle isn't yours but mine the battle isn't yours oh god i am 25 years i am 27 years how will i ever be establishing this life no uncle to help me that's nonsense that battle is not your own you were not designed to be established by yourself there is something that establishes man listen believe me when i tell you i live a fearless life i don't live i don't live a fearless life just because i am a macho man i don't live a fearless life just because there's ten nights in my pocket i live in shield the day i discovered that i am never alone in the equation i found rest they got it very well fine rest fine rest look at this little boy pastor alpha son he knows i have a responsibility to breathe and leave this man has a responsibility to feed me for as long as i remain his son [Music] many of us have become god to ourselves that's why we have been punished day and night many pastors are almost dying how do i raise money for church as if you are the one who sent yourself how do i gather members one person is about to leave me pastor why do you want to leave me all that is nonsense when you realize that you are not alone say i'm not alone prophesied say i'm not alone [Music] yes and the lord walking with them and the lord writing exams with them and the lord walking with them and the lord building that house with them and the lord doing that business with him and the lord working on that job someone looks at you and says you'll be a failure in life you are going to fail i will make sure i frustrate you he's talking to two people he should know who the second person is frustrate who now because we're inseparable who are you going to frustrate me or the fountain of wisdom so when you see people run oh somebody said he would kill me in the village somebody said i will never marry over her dead body all of that is nonsense it is your faith they are walking on and you believe it and receive it and your life begins there are many of us constantly requiring endorsement by people because we do not know that the spirit of the lord makes everybody a first class personality there are no second class people with god [Music] submission to the leadership of the holy spirit let me tell you one big secret in my life i never do anything until i hear god [Music] did you hear what i just told you if god does not speak i will not carry this speaker and leave it there now the problem with many of us is we have been indoctrinated that god is always speaking i respect those opinions but based on the word of god and my experience god does not always speak he speaks but he's not like a robot talking in the fifth day of the tenth month of the tenth year the word of the lord came the word of the lord came the word of the lord came the word of the lord came the patience of knowing that when his voice comes what you call waste that time is rubbish when his voice comes it will bring you speed oh god my colleagues have gone and left me i've been a graduate for 10 years what are you doing with my life most of them have even built houses let his word come when the holy spirit comes and says son is time you will not walk you will fly oh no no no no he does not give you progress he lifts you me see this is why you see some people quiet and then all of a sudden in certain seasons they just explode and you look at them and you're like ah where did this guy come out from nobody comes out of nowhere it's a lie you just were not dead during their times of dealings with the spirit if we launch a television station now all over the world for the next six months they'll say there is a channel going on your tv my god come and see what is happening as though it just started no sir nobody just starts in on stage there is a track record of walking with the holy spirit [Music] that's why you see i acknowledge him so much so much when you see me talk about the holy spirit it can annoy you i'm not copying benny hill no it's a revelation take away the holy spirit from my life you will be so embarrassed by what is left it will not be worth it take away the holy spirit from my life i'm not worth your attention take away the holy spirit from my life i'm not worth your confidence but with him [Music] now you be god almighty god for you nope you know me man one more time [Music] you know [Music] listen do you know the meaning of what you just said you don't use human strategies you are not a man when he comes to hold your hands he's not going to divide the eggs he's not that dull he's called the spirit of god my ways are not your ways neither are my thoughts your thoughts for as far as heaven is when god comes you expect him to move you this way and god says let's start going back i said lord the destination is there he says i know just go back do you go back to go forward you are just leading and you turn and you find out you are there listen he does not know the way he is the way it's not like he he just leads you he's the way he said i am the way [Music] have you learned to trust him show me what role he played in the decisions that you made show me what roles he's playing now show me the role of the holy spirit in your financial decisions show me the role of the holy spirit in your relationships marital decision show me the role of the holy spirit in your ministry show me the role of the holy spirit in your academics ask your parents that's the secret behind the failure of many of our parents we cannot see how he led them pride and arrogance i went to school i've done this i've done that and live with them left right and center and then you find a dear poor woman in the village oh lord i may not be educated i don't have much i can't preach but lord i just have a little boy if you can use me if you can use him and god says these are the kind of people i want 10 years later at age 10 or 11 that boy is already doing wonders and the woman is there 20 years 30 years down the line he's already celebrated all around the world because an innocent woman listen there is nothing in my work with god the i know how to touch the heart of god let me tell you surrender that is the is the best language of god in his dealings with men surrender lord i can't do it lord it is not in my power i acknowledge you that's music to his ears i show you a secret to walking with the spirit surrender [Music] surrender lord i'm brilliant let me start when i hook somewhere i will employ you like a consultant and he watches you [Music] some of us have learned to die in his arms when you see me worshiping god i worship him like a fool i will roll from end to end lord what am i without you spirit of the living god you are the mysterious wisdom behind what i do when i was i was i think it was yesterday night into this morning i was just lying down and i said lord imagine the mighty things you're going to be doing today healing people blessing people imagine the thousands of people you are going to be gathering today and the lord told me something as long as you keep walking with me you will see my life in your life my life in your life that's what god told me this morning for as long as you walk with me you will see my life not my hand you see a man living you know that this is another life this is another resource that's why we keep going from glory to glory that's why we keep going from dimension to dimension that's why we never give credit to the flesh never give credit to the flesh [Music] now the truth is men will clap for you men will say wow you are this you are that sometimes the holy spirit will allow you don't stop them let them pat your back but a wise person will go back and kneel down and say spirit of the living god look what you've done with my life this is the way you father me i love the way you father me this is the way you father me i love the way you father me this is listen i show you a fail-proof secret respect his voice respect his leadership whether it is comfortable to you or not i just believe that the end is peace your mind is too small to understand the ways of god i respect him i've lost the ability to tell god no if it is the voice of god and it's the direction of god so be it ancient kings never went for war until they inquired haven't prepared the army they will either use divination or prophets of priest let us know god's opinion and god will say go i have given you victory [Music] the moment he spoke there was no fear again moses was confronted [Music] with several challenges notice how moses will always retreat back to god all right nation of israel there is a red sea standing before us i know what many of us would have done look um i'm an intelligent man just just allow me ah let me process this now moses said all of you calm down are you calm they said okay you run to god and say god what do i do what do i do partnership what do i do partnership remember i said if your presence would not go with me i can't go i don't want any embarrassment and he said look moses don't be afraid stretch your road tell the people to move forward moses i said god please can you just do something can you compress a cloud to become like a road let's use that strategy how can you tell a man to go and park water is because it has happened that's why you believe it [Music] and all of a sudden moses went and nation of israel let's start moving and they looked at him they said you see this idiot is back from wherever he went he's back as stupid as always he said we should die instead of him to just say i don't have a solution he's now saying god said but there was the invisible part they didn't know the moment he stretched what is road signs and the lord walking with moses confronting the world with signs how about joshua went around jericho and destroyed what is the strategy of god how do we defeat a city whose fans can seat five chariots the whole of cgc from here to here was still not defense of jericho so even if the fans turn around it will still be another offense it sunk and god said let me give you the strategy walk around once every once for seven days the seventh day moved round seven times and he went foolish enough i said guys i've gotten the strategy they went wrong i can imagine a nation of israel listen even if you are afraid still obey while you are complaining be obeying lord i don't think i understand but let your legs keep taking you to the place of obedience faith is not fearlessness faith is the resilience to obey him to the latter regardless of what you feel [Music] the menace of the spirit submission to the leadership of the holy spirit number two the second dimension of the ministry of the holy spirit is walking in the might the power and the grace of the spirit walking in the might the power the grace of the spirit where it is not your strength again i can do all things philippians 4 13 through christ which strengtheneth me the word christ yes not just the person alone his anointing the ministry of the spirit is a ministry where a man has been overshadowed by the power of the holy spirit where you begin to walk by another agency you are the one carrying out the physical activities but the energy the might the power the wisdom the strategy is not yours [Music] watch this if i lift this keyboard or i lift this on one hand it's understandable you look at me and feel i should have power enough as an adult to lift that is that true but when i gather these four people no don't hi you think i'm going to do that when i gather these four people and i hold them and you see me lift them you're going to say i have jazz you will attribute it to an advantage that is tied to the realm of the spirit because human beings should not do that when you see a man use his teeth to drag a car please be wise there are two people dragging that car when you see someone in the market square putting his head inside the hyena's mouth and he doesn't enjoy him you see people do it in the market or someone shoot an arrow or cut themselves with knife there are two people there are always two people a human and a spirit when you see an old woman say you must die there are two people talking the old woman who is the medium and the spirit speaking when you ever become alone on earth you will die is always a ministry of truth you and the spirit of god and his power and his grace if you are not conscious of that oneness and you just drag yourself i want to go and pray for the sick how many people have died of sickness because they thought it's just because the bible said it the bible said it they shall lay hands on the sick and they shall be healed god's word said it i believe it it settles it are you one die because of ignorance you just want to lay hands on somebody and all of a sudden carry what is upon that person and produce casualty in your life there is the dynamics of the operation of the world it starts with the holy spirit it is his power that produces the results when you speak do you speak alone or are you just an echo of the real person speaking john said i am the voice of one crying i'm not the word but i am the voice i allow that word to find expression brothers and sisters this is the secret of this ministry you see operating under open heavens the power of the spirit the might of the spirit john chapter 3 verse 1 nicodemus comes to jesus by night and then he says rabbi we know that thou art a man sent from god for no man here it is no man can do these things except god be with him accept god be with him no man can become fulfilled in one year except god be with him no man can defy all of these things except god be with you your results are ordinary although you look like you are filled with the holy spirit although you are praying in tongues but you have not come into the eternal consciousness of your oneness with him two people becoming one here is a statement that is made during marriage and it was god himself that made that statement therefore what god has joined let no man put that means only god can put us under what god has joined [Music] who joined you and the holy spirit please help me so the principle is still applicable what god has joined that partnership with the holy spirit no man should be able to put asunder no charm should be able to put asunder no limitation should be able to put asunder because he was joined by god it's not an opinion of man your background notwithstanding when he supplies you power when he supplies you grace you activate possibilities in your life that cannot be done by a normal human being when he does something to your brain you will now see that four points five points is not something you should sit and dream about it is a possibility that can happen when he anoints your hands then you now know that your hands may look ordinary but you can shake somebody and change his life forever when he anoints your words then you will know that speaking is not just about grammar there is a life that flows through it and produces results i know the smartest communicators around and they are unable to do much for the kingdom it takes more than speaking good english to drug people it takes an ability he's working in me is working in me [Music] it's god's ability it's god's helpful it's working in me it's working in me no matter how frill i look god's ability [Music] is [Music] [Music] that's what the ability of god can do is the ability of god that has put us in over 45 nations of the world not been there never been on tv is an ability of the spirit is the ability of the spirit that has brought his breath upon our teachings that are changing people around the world is the ability of the spirit the miracles and the signs and the wonders the ability the crowds that you see gathered here there is no man walk around this city you are not going to see one coin on your poster the one billboard that was put was taken away it's making it's made no difference because you see brothers and sisters there is a force it's called ana castle it's a compelling power the power of the spirit that compels men into the will of god [Music] that's the ability that will come upon you and drag destiny help us to your life as if you are charming them yes yes this is what god has done over 80 percent of the people who bless this ministry i don't know them i have never seen them with my eyes i don't know how they got the ministry account details over 50 percent of what am i saying fifty percent of the people that bless me i don't know them i've never seen them i don't know how they got my details is god's ability when his power is upon your life he will shock you shock you they may see ordinary you ordinary you but then there is an ability of the spirit he said there is this treasure listen carefully in ethnic vessels that the excellency of power might be of god [Music] the ability of the spirit walking in us acts chapter 19 please quickly i want us to find somewhere and begin to pray now acts chapter 19 we're reading 11 down to 20 but we'll jump some verses acts chapter 19 let's see what happened to a man when the power of the holy spirit was upon him it says and god who wrote the miracles please help me who wrote the miracles but who did the sick people see the sick people saw who paul but who was doing the miracles in koinonia who is doing the miracles but the one you can see is joshua sermon so you say wow this guy is powerful you are not wrong except for the fact that when you come to me i will redefine it and tell you it's true joshua sermon is powerful but in christ and god wrote special miracles through the hands of paul so that from his body were brought onto the sick handkerchiefs and aprons and the disease departed from them and the evil spirits went out of them are we together then talks about the sons of skiva and what happened to them let's go to verse 16. [Music] it says and the man in whom the evil spirit was left on them and overcame them and prevailed over them do you know why because they thought it was just about talking be healed be healed when you see a man ministering by the spirit it looks so easy you can think it's so easy till you try it that's what these guys did no partnership with the holy spirit and they wanted god's result and the demonic pounced on them 17 were reading down to 20 and this was known to all the jews and greeks also dwelling in ephesus and fear fell on them all and the name of the lord jesus was magnified and many that believed came look at this look at what the power of the holy spirit was doing and confessed and showed their deeds 19 and many of them which used curious acts mantras and scientific books books that they use with divination those things became obsolete brought their books together and burned them before all men and they counted the price of them and founded 50 000 pieces of silver brothers and sisters 50 000 anything this morning are we together 20 so mightily grew the world and prevailed so mightily grew how by the results that were communicating it takes power to produce the result that don found men listen you can criticize what you cannot withdraw power no you can't withdraw it from careers of it this thing comes upon you and it's upon you and it remains for as long as you keep walking with god it will only keep multiplying i wish i had time i would have shared with you i have not even touched so much of the things that i want to share but we'll find somewhere to stop tonight no notable achievement in life is ever done by a man alone it is always done by a man and a spirit either a demonic spirit or the spirit of the living god there is no man in his ability please hear me brothers and sisters no matter how sophisticated you are there is a limit to your ability [Music] he empowers you and i'll tell you why he empowers you acts chapter one verse eight acts chapter one verse eight when you begin to read from verse five jesus was talking to them and then they told him they said will you at this time restore the nation of israel and he said it is not for you to know the times and the seasons that the father has put in his care then verse 8 says but ye shall receive power after that the holy ghost is come upon you and ye shall be what one more time one more time a witness is one who validates the claims of another are we together a witness is one who proves that the person testifying is not lying there are many things that god has said in his word and satan is saying is a lie so he empowers you to be a witness so they see a young man a young woman grace upon your life he has said i will restore the years that the cankerworm has eaten the parmesan and satan says it's a lie it can't happen so god says let me use somebody as a specimen he finds someone that is 10 years backward and then he tells creation watch me now and in five months he turns that person to a wonder you know how you prove a mathematical equation and you write qed [Music] not open to debate anymore i've proven it i've said it and i've done it that's what god is about to do with someone's life there are many statements that god has said but satan is saying is a lie watch what happens to you when his power comes upon your life listen the power of the spirit does not throw people down the throwing people down is just the impact of his presence the power of the spirit leads people to unimaginable realms unimaginable dimensions unimaginable dimensions [Music] let's look at two scriptures i saw a scripture that really really really really blessed me and i thought that would just look at it second second corinthians chapter six and verse one [Music] it says we then as what work us together with you like you are talking to a workforce there are times that we have the workforce meeting here in the ministry and it's just exclusive for workers so god is talking here he says we then as walkers together with him see i may walk out together with him [Music] say it again i'm a walker together with you when you are walking with him then you will produce extraordinary results you will produce unusual results this thing i'm teaching you has no respect for gender some of you are sitting looking at me and saying can god do anything with me [Music] the god of heaven that i know can turn your life around in ways that you will not imagine read from genesis to revelation he met ordinary people turn them around ordinary people turned them around ordinary jesus turned him around ordinary peter turned him around stammering moses turned him around young fearful joshua turns him around weak feminist deborah turned into a warrior [Music] he will not suffer my food stupid i carry your presence everywhere who am i your mind is [Music] in a few minutes now we are going to begin to pray and you will watch him once again in action doing wonders changing lives in split seconds disease is dissolving watch this in split seconds deliverance is happening in split seconds impartations happening brothers and sisters a man cannot bless you like that learn peace no [Music] but he will not suffer my foods to me for i carry his blood everywhere awesome say in the name of jesus from today i walk in the consciousness of the leadership of the holy spirit i submit to the leadership of the holy spirit i submit to his anointing i will never try to do anything without his anointing without his empowerment without the unction of the spirit together with the holy spirit my life becomes an awesome wonder that's right i know some of you think i'm just talking help that lady on that anointing i know some of you think i'm just speaking and making noise no sir we are not teaching you corningly device fables that which we have seen that which we have heard that which our hands have handled this is what we bring the sickness in your body can live because he is here you see that the disease in your life and all these things can live because he's here the oppression in your life the retrogression the mountain that stands before you you have been staring at it for years can you shift back and let your senior partner stare that mountain for you and watch the way he will dissolve it your you're calling it a mountain is relative to your perception step back and let the creator of the heavens and the earth the one who the mountains keep like lambs before him hallelujah let's end with this scripture daniel 11 verse 32 i have to stop here so we'll pray [Music] daniel 11 and such as too wickedly against the covenant shall he corrupt by flat race he says but the people that do know their god not their neighbor's god but the people that do know their god the first thing that should happen to them is capacity in the spirit and the second thing that happens to them is that they are graced to do exploits listen brothers and sisters this thing is not by might zechariah chapter 4 give it to us please and verse 6 it is not by might it is not by power it is by the spirit the empowerment of the spirit when you walk with the holy spirit he empowers you to represent him when you walk with the holy spirit it takes away fear from you your life no longer becomes a thing of fear this year all around is a product of our thinking that all the results will come from us the bible says then he answered and speak unto me this is the word of the lord unto zerubbabel unto joshua sermon on to koinonia saying not by might you won't build that house by might you won't build it by power no your cgpa will not change by might not by power reducing your prayer time will not change it throwing away your good friends will not change it it is by the spirit the next time people ask you how was this resolved by the spirit by the spirit by the spirit coinonia by the spirit his wisdom upon us by the spirit leadership by the spirit the miracles tonight by the spirit the impartation by the spirit i have learned to work with him i have learned to walk with him i have learned to work closely with him he promised me listen the holy spirit never promised me money [Music] the holy spirit never promised me faith listen carefully the holy spirit never promised me title the holy spirit never promised me good clothes the holy spirit never promised me crowds the holy spirit never promised me ministry but he promised to be a representation of the presence of god [Music] and to empower me continually the only thing he promised me is still what he is keeping [Music] because every other thing [Music] the highest value a man can have on earth is to be anointed the highest value you can possess on earth is to sustain an ability to provide solutions that are supernatural [Music] where your word becomes his word the holy spirit has possessed me like a demon literally [Music] every part of me every part of me when i speak is his voice when i bless is his authority when i command it is his authority speaking it is based on this consciousness that we can gather people and say come bring your pain bring your burdens bring it there are people here sick there are people here saying apostle can my life change keep watching you're about to watch the biggest drama in your life how fast situations can change because of him man of god you need him businessman businesswoman you need him you don't need bottles of minerals you don't need a bigger container you need him and his wisdom are we together now i said it last week the key to working with him is communion fellowship fellowship whatever you bring to the stage of life is the product of your secret place with him you're not going to stand here and fake relationship with him no sir no sir many people do it and disgrace themselves whatever you bring to the stage of life is an effulgence of your secret place so when i stand here when i'm preparing to go for coinonia i imagine he just waiting happily i know he's here but he's also with me and as i enter while i'm coming those who come usually a protocol person follows me and as soon as we take this stone and i see people they just see me smiling they don't know why i'm smiling when i come here and i sit down here i'm just watching people and watching the testimonies in my mind i look around and sometimes the lord keeps showing me the visions of people's issues and then i am overjoyed you see me waiting i can't wait for worshipping to finish singing you know why because i want him to speak to you when he holds this mic through my hands and he speaks to you through my voice and commands situations and circumstances then you will watch them melt away you are amazing you are amazing you are amazing you are amazing you are amazing you are amazing you are are amazing [Music] from tonight you will walk some of you as you are going you will see phone calls that should not enter listen every time you see anything unusual smile back to him and say my partner at my partner at work you go back to that ministry fire on the altar my partner at work you are lying down and sleeping and a dream comes with a powerful idea my partner working while i'm sleeping somebody calls you and says sorry i used to walk against you but now i repent someone at the backside has been compelling [Music] are we are we together [Music] do you believe all that i've shared or are you just excited i can't speak hausa the holy spirit does not speak english i can't speak you robert i can't speak this no no apostle i am so weak i am i am like a non-entity no problem you are the exact candidate for partnership with him so that at the end of it the excellency of power may be of god and not of you rise up on your feet let's stop here [Music] i want you to lift your voice in one minute [Music] and cry passionately with the holy spirit more than ever before [Music] more than ever before i want to walk with you lift your voice and pray [Music] so [Music] [Music] change our lives anoint us [Music] anoint me [Music] anointing and power my destiny [Music] [Music] [Music] anoint me that's your prayer tonight anoint me fresh anointing fresh fire i want to work with you i want to work with you doing wonders with you changing lives with you transforming destinies with you transforming destinies [Music] king of kings lord of lords faithful and to blame [Music] faithful lamb of god i [Music] lamb [Applause] [Music] me [Applause] [Music] [Music] regardless of what it has been in my life but now oh lord had a shield for me my glory [Music] hello [Applause] [Applause] hello listen there is a fresh impartation that is coming upon your life an impartation is a transference of unction is a transference of possibilities so that what was not in your life all of a sudden is activated in your life what you have no business seen in your life steps into your life and you begin to walk in those dimensions [Music] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah please lift your hands we're going to be fast tonight tonight's session is an impartation please i want you to believe it i don't know how else to convince you there are things crazy some dimensions that we need in our lives but we cannot access in ourselves but if we believe them if we believe them if we believe them we will see it hallelujah the first impartation god is releasing tonight and i want you to bring those people out there is a strange grace i see for speed and the lord is saying i should stretch my hands it's a dimension of the spirit is a year of triumph god is bringing speed right now i stretch my hands let it be now inside and outside speed speed speed speed [Music] like fire is coming on your chest it's coming on people's chest i don't know why but it's coming on people's chest a strange mantle grace for speed and impartation of the anointing for speed is by the spirit hallelujah hallelujah i'm seeing 27 people climbing ladders in the spirit let it be now let it be now now the anointing of the spirit is locating those people it's a new dimension and seeing attendance in the spirit people rising that's what i'm saying writing climb that ladder is happening to you there is an energy of the spirit that is taking men to this dimension 27 people inside outside i've seen it happen by the spirit man rise into new levels of possibilities we may not have space to bring everybody out but who just gathered rising rising rising from one dimension one dimension one dimension [Music] please i want you to lift your hands up lift your hands up my hands are shaking and the lord is telling me that he wants to do an impartation of the healing anointing now listen the healing anointing right now in the name of jesus it will come on your hands it will come on your hands it will come on your hands take it now take it now take it now the ministry of killing not just an emotional ministry a real dimension laying hands on the sick by the influence of the holy ghost and watching dramatic miracles miracles miracles miracles i'm under the shadow of your your own all over me i'm under the shadow of your wings your influence is all over me [Music] i am under the shadows your influence is [Music] there are people here praying lord prove to me that i'm called into the ministry the lord is saying an anointing is coming on you now as a proof as i'm speaking you may not even know but that grace that grace that grace is a time it's a sign it's a sign it's a token right now right now is coming on people it's time it's talking it's time it took us many ladies many ladies are experiencing this time it's time tiny time of his hand upon your life he's giving you a time beyond any shadow of doubt i'm hearing in my spirit the spirit of wisdom the spirit of wisdom the spirit of wisdom the lord is asking me to count for one two three four take it now let it be lost straight wisdom until manchester mantle's falling strange wisdom coming from heaven strange wisdom coming from heaven receive it right now supernatural wisdom supernatural wisdom [Music] supernatural wisdom [Music] hallelujah the lord is showing me somebody who used to have dreams and everything you see will come to pass but it stopped right now i'm seeing a graceful restoration coming upon you right now in the name of jesus it's not a general prophecy there are exact people that this is happening to a restoration a restoration a restoration a restoration a restoration hallelujah [Music] there is a grace i feel like praying for students there is a grace for academic excellence listen it doesn't just happen believe me it's not just about what you learn there is a grace there is an exact grace for this lord i pray right now in the name that is above all names i stretch my hands to your people as many oh god as we please you let this baptism of this function for extraordinary understanding let it come upon them right now at the count of three receive it now one two three make it now please help them receive that grace right now is coming upon you extraordinary intelligence capacity to assimilate capacity to understand capacity to understand [Music] hallelujah hallelujah that fair lady that shared a test only lift your hands i see an angel pouring something like fire on your head father in the name of jesus let us step into a level of extraordinary intelligence i don't know you but i release that grace upon you from today you a strange dimension of grace and intelligence in the name of jesus receive it right now by the power of the holy spirit receive it right now by the power of the holy spirit [Music] by the power of the holy spirit [Music] there is a grace for entrepreneurship creativity witty inventions in the name of jesus christ i'm seeing at least 43 people right now in the name of jesus i stretch my hands let it come on them oh god believe me let it come on them oh god [Music] let it come on them oh god in the name of jesus let it come on them oh god in the name of jesus let it come under god in the name of jesus i stretch my hands now 43 and 73 strange ideas coming on your spirit now strange ideas creative ideas strange ideas creative ideas receive it right now i want to pray for those in ministry there is always an auction for the next dimension i don't know where you are but you're going to begin to feel fire from your feet rising upwards that's the instruction god is giving me in the name of jesus lord i'm praying right now fresh fire fresh mantle let it begin to arise now you are ministering this place begin to receive it right now in the name of jesus receive it right now in the name of jesus receive it right now [Music] strange fire i see strange fire rising from the feet right on top from the feet rise on top from the feet please help them in the name of jesus can you carry the child so that it doesn't in the name of jesus strain fire revival fire supernatural action supernatural function supernatural action supernatural action [Music] hallelujah [Music] the lord is ministering to me about a group of people here that he wants to bring into intimacy with him there is a dimension of intimacy it will surprise you you will start finding out that you are going alone to go and sit in a place the holy spirit wants to reintroduce himself to certain people lord where are they where are they find them find them tonight find rest in them where are these men and women where are these men and women that you want to introduce yourself to say [Music] [Music] [Music] i'm seeing people here who will be burning for days like fire literal physical fire that will not stop you will go with it you will wake up with it it will continue there is an energizing of the spirit that is happening to people and energizing of the spirit happening to people is a fresh fire it's a fresh fire hallelujah if you came with anything that is a point of contact whether a document certificate whatever it is that is a point of contact whether you're inside or outside anything you can use i want you to lift it up so many things are happening to people the realm of the spirit there's someone at the media stand the lord is lifting that person to the next level i'm seeing someone in a visual down at the media stand stepping over let them enter oh god right now let them enter into that ramp that dimension somebody at the media stand the lord is like an initiation into a dimension into a dimension [Music] hallelujah acts chapter 19 says handkerchiefs and aprons handkerchiefs and aprons i've explained to you the mystery behind these results no man can speak over your life and you just have results like that it doesn't happen that way i'm about to speak over your points of contact if you don't have anything you are the point of contact yourself are we together many of you will be surprised believe me believe me many of you will be surprised at the dramatic things that will happen we're talking about the holy spirit here we're not just talking about an anointed man we're talking about the holy spirit he's anointing like a cloud comes to mind through certain aspects of your life and you see grace speaking for you grace speaking for you [Music] lift it up you can lift your hands [Music] ah [Music] [Music] [Music] the power of performance that makes things to work i release it right now upon that instrument i release it upon your documents i release it upon your pictures check it out i release it upon your certificate i release it upon your proposals whatever you are agreeing for as a point of contact i give life to it now in the name of jesus christ and i declare and declare by the power of the holy spirit a dimension of results you have never seen begin to see it now i speak to every cgpa that is down here hear my voice i speak as one sent by the lord i command you to arise now in the name of the lord jesus christ there are people who are supposed to graduate but as it is now it looks like they may not graduate i change it now in the name of the lord jesus christ i decree and declare where your helpers have passed you and ignored you i put an anointing on you that will compel them to bless you i put an anointing on you that will compel them to bless you listen everything that used to flow in your life and stopped mysteriously i open the door for you to continue everyone here in business any kind of godly business i stretch my hands enter a level of rest now believe what i'm praying for you i bring you into a dimension of rest now every troubled family here all kinds of troubles from lack of finances to trouble to fight to quarrel in the name of jesus i introduce an anointing to that family and i command let there be peace right now let there be peace right now let there be peace right now let there be peace right now every troubled family let there be peace right now there are people here who need divine direction as a matter of urgency i speak to you hear his voice and hear it claire hear his voice and hear his prayer get his voice and hear it clash in the name of jesus christ in dreams and visions may his will be made known to you in the name of jesus christ i command every manifestation of the spirit of fear fear of the unknown fear of the future uncertainties around your life that is making you do foolish things i command right now fear go in the name of jesus here go in the name of jesus yeah go in the name of jesus yeah go in the name of jesus [Music] every veil of this favor that is around your life that makes things to work for others until it gets to your tongue and then mysteriously when the breakthrough is almost coming you'll never see it i decree and declare scotland [Music] in the name of the lord jesus i command that captivity to end now i command that captivity to end now hear me everyone called jobless here i stand in the name of jesus the son of the living god i decree and declare may your miracle job find you what you are hearing may your miracle job find you in the name of jesus now i pray for anyone here having any infirmity i don't care what it is i don't care how long any stranger in your body a lady is going to shout now under the anointing and then the power of god for healing will touch people in the name of jesus i command the healed now say amen be healed now be healed now be healed now every blood disease be healed now also be healed now my brains be healed now every kind of abnormal condition in your body be healed now growths and lumps around the body whether breast lumps all kinds of lumps i command that they disappear right now in the name of jesus christ in the name of jesus christ i pray for your family in the name of jesus between now and the next seven days may you hear strange testimonies please believe me i say it again between now and the next seven days i stand in the name of the lord god of heaven and i command in the next seven days unusual testimonies unusual testimonies unusual testimonies unusual testimonies unusual testimony it doesn't take time it takes this anointing everything that your hands have done and it did not work [Music] become a proof producer i command today become a result producer become a resort producer become a proof producer in the name of jesus tell me every pending issue over your life every pending issue any kind of pending issue right now issues that have been hanging in the realm of the spirit and will not be resolved [Music] i decree and declare let an end come to those issues now let an end come to those issues now let an end come to those issues now [Music] every family here that has experienced delay as a family not an individual law sheikh dosia there is action upon me the hand of god is upon me in the name of jesus i declare and declare the lord is asking me to push families forward i push you forward now by the mystery of prophecy i push you forward now i push you forward now [Music] damn it [Music] in the name of jesus christ whoever must show up in your life and lift you and lift your mother and lift your father and wipe your tears in the name of jesus i stand by the god of heaven whose i am and i decree and declare that between now and the next two weeks strange encounters strange encounters strange encounters with the gift of men strange encounters strange encounters mysterious coincidences that will lead to your breakthrough everything that has died in your hands and in your life hear the word of the lord i command you to come back to life now [Music] i want to pray please drop your hands just the brothers lift your hands i want to release upon you graceful establishment listen if you are wise you will pay attention to what i'm saying there is a grace that establishes men are we together now establishment is where you gain stability in life financially are we together relationally spiritually purposefully there are many men many church brothers the reason why many people are not in relationships the reason why many people cannot move forward in their life is because the devil has taken this aspect out of their lives so you find a godly brother but you are 35 years you are still begging for money you are still living in your parents house it's a course lift your hands in the name of jesus i pray for every brother here the grace and the unction that turns weak men into great men the trace and the ocean that establishes men financially ministerially career-wise and in purpose at the count of three in the name of jesus christ whose i am and who myself i declare and declare may that grace come upon you now one two three take that grace now take that grace now take that grace now upon you i command that grace there is a gentle man outside that grace is coming upon him in a mighty way take that grace right now brothers receive it now in the name of jesus christ listen it is this grace that brings speed of establishment in your life help us come to support you to gain your footing in life is not just by growing old there is a grace you don't have to pay for everything by yourself there is a grace that sends help us to your life to your ministry establishment is a mystery in the spirit you can have a thing but when you are established you are you are well stabilized enough to now begin to be a blessing to others there are many people who are experiencing finances here but they are not established you are established means you can bless others without being affected established in wisdom your mind is developed so that you no longer act like a child two more prayers and were done tonight the lord is ministering to me the lord is ministering to me that he wants to take away buriness barriness barriness it doesn't just mean physical barriness alone unproductivity is a cause is the cause of hardship the classic sign that a man is carrying that demonic thing is barriness in the name of jesus i command your desert to become a fruitful vine in the name of jesus i command your fruitful fine to become a forest i say it again in the name of jesus i command your desire to be a fruitful friend i command your desire to be a fruitful fight in the name of jesus christ hallelujah in one minute i want you to ask the lord for any one thing i'm releasing my faith with you just one thing lift your voice and pray i'm releasing my faith with you please pray one minute ask the lord and watch it happen i release my faith with you in the name of jesus i release my faith with you ask the lord don't say it is impossible we're talking about the god of heaven here we're talking about the spirit of the living god what you see is the ministry of the spirit the ministry of the spirit ask what he will and he'll be granted unto you by the spirit of god are you praying just one thing change my life just one thing give me laughter just one thing answer my marriage just one thing give me a child just one thing say to me financially one thing multiply your grace on my life [Music] whatever it is that you have asked the lord i release my faith with you and i call it your testimony in the name of jesus christ i release my faith with you and i call it your testimony listen the bible says and whatsoever adam called it that was the name thereof if it is called a testimony then it becomes a testimony in the name of jesus christ no matter how impossible it is may the god of all flesh the god of jesus that rides upon the wings of the wind i pray that he will step into your life and give you dramatic testimonies in the name of jesus christ hallelujah listen as you go back this night don't be careless meditate meditate on the things you have received and begin to walk conscious of it do you know many of you as a result of today's meeting you will literally start feeling the presence of the holy spirit like a presence walking literally literally i mean what i'm saying literally walking like someone walking you enter a room some of you you will feel it as wind some of you you will see that shadow a similitude of his presence you will begin to have encounters not demonic encounters encounters with his presence you will be sleeping gaming you will be sleeping and you will feel a physical touch a man will wake you you will be alone in the room yet you will hear a voice claire a real voice you will know that this is the spirit of god leading you in the name of jesus i activate that dimension begin to walk in the impulses of the spirit the voice of the spirit the touch of the spirit the feelings of the spirit i programmed your spirit man to understand the impulses of the holy ghost in the name of jesus christ [Music] yes [Music] he will come to you he will come to you he will open your bible while you are sleeping you will wake up and see your bible open he will write notes and leave physical notes on papers you will see it happen you will pray and he will come to your room like benihin it will be good morning holy spirit [Music] you will have similitudes of encounters with him you will sleep in the night and your whole night will be full of fissions fishers fishes encounters fissions encounters visions hear me men will come and sit on your bed and start shaking under the anointing because something a deposit of eternity has followed you [Music] they will wear your clothes and the mantle will catch up with them they will wear your shoes they will eat in your place and you will carry strange fire in the name of jesus you will hear men call you and confess and tell you i'm sorry i'm the one who stole your laptop i'm sorry i'm the one who took this from you i'm sorry because of the presence of god listen by this new dimension of encounter i command that you become untouchable untouchable by witches and wizards untouchable by accidents untouchable by bomb blast untouchable by armed robbers in the name of jesus hear me water to shame your senior partner will arise for you [Applause] [Music] no longer will people say where is your god your life will be an answer to that prophecy in the name of jesus christ listen there are some of you here what has happened to you tonight it will last for a long time the word of god the bible will open to you in a fresh way a way that you have never seen it a dimension that you have never seen hear me [Music] some of you after tonight god will start giving you instructions to go and pray for certain people don't be afraid you will go and you will watch miracles erupt signs and wonders erupt in the name of jesus christ hallelujah [Music] father i asked finally that everyone following online everyone following here inside and in any of the overflows everything that has made men mock god in your life i am agreeing with you from the depth of my heart i give you the next 13 days surprise them surprise them with the enviable results that will come from your life surprise your accusers surprise everyone who knew you in the name of jesus [Music] you
Channel: SBiC Connect
Views: 5,978
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Keywords: Apostle Joshua Selman Nimmak's Videos, Koinonia Videos, SBiC Connect, AJS, Apostle Joshua Selman, Apostle Joshua Selman 2020, About Apostle Joshua Selman, Apostle Joshua Selman 2021, Apostle Joshua Selman's New Sermons, Apostle Joshua Selman Powerful Sermon 2021, Koinonia Global, Koinonia Abuja, Koinonia Zaria, Commanding Results, Joshua Selman, Selman, Nimmak, Apostle, joshua, Selman's Videos, Online Sermons
Id: wCcLqTsoEzY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 417min 25sec (25045 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 11 2021
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