POWER IN THE WORD OF GOD | Apostle Joshua Selman Sermon

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hallelujah in one minute i'd like all of us to lift our hands to jesus all over this auditorium and those connected online and let's cry for an encounter tonight open my eyes that i may see open my ears that i may hear [Music] she balakata please pray let it be from the depth of your heart are you praying father give me an encounter tonight and all through this conference sheila kata pranda gada balatu i have come with my heart opened send your word [Music] hallelujah praise the name of the lord just two things very quickly and then we'll sit down number one i'd like you to be very sensitive genesis chapter 28 the bible says how that jacob came and found a place in the night to sleep he set a stone there and began to sleep and as he lay to sleep the bible says he saw a ladder that connected the heaven and the earth he saw angels ascending and descending but the bible never said they were coming to him they were passing him and going to those who were calling them he was there and yet they were moving angelic activities but he did not benefit from it and when he woke up he said surely the lord was in this place and i knew not he said this is the house of god the gates of heaven he learned his lesson then when we get to chapter 32 god would come again this time around he held on to him and said i made that mistake before i will not make it again i will not let you go unless you bless me he said leave me for the day breaketh and he said i will not let you go. then he says what is your name he said jacob said thou shalt no longer be called jacob for as a prince you have had power with god and prevailed he touched the whole of his tie and blessed him the sun arose and he called the name of the place penny l i have seen god face to face and my life is preserved in every meeting please listen carefully in every meeting in every conference like this there are usually two groups of people number one there are those who come as spectators hoping if they could learn one or two things and that disposition of pride alone will not even allow them to receive anything because the quality for reception in the spirit is meekness you receive with meekness the engrafted word then there is another group who are hungry desperate sincere passionate even though they have been helped by god in different measures they know that even in heaven you can still come up higher and so they come with their hearts opened and desperate and it's my prayer sincerely that god himself will cause all of us to be in this second group that we prepare our hearts to receive to be enlightened there is nothing that god is not able to do if we pay attention and if we listen to him always like him the lie seated shortly but i don't know why god does this there are four people right now so i'm speaking one of you one of them will start running out by the spirit just hold him and bring him out here i don't want you to find it strange we are believers we believe in the full counsel of god this is what god is showing me the power of god will come upon one person literally i want to just help them and then there are three orders in total four people this is what the lord is revealing to me because i'm seeing even before i sit down to or before we sit down that the word is taught there is a hunger and a desperation that some of you have come with help them please and the bible says now the lord is that spirit so do not doubt the spirit the spirit is the lord the lord there are other spirits but this one the lord is that spirit and you know he is that spirit because where the spirit of the lord is there is liberty please bring them out i stretch my hands by the spirit of grace that hunger that desperation in the name of jesus christ please whether you're an osha or not just help them help them please majesty you brought us here to change us you brought us here to lift us you will never be the same i assure you you will never never be the same not after this conference you are the covenant keeping god you want the covenant keeping god yah with the covenant keeping god [Music] the name of jesus everything that is not the planting of the lord over this once and over any life represented here even before the word comes in the name of jesus the son of the living god may be off from your life and destiny in the name of jesus christ and for those of you who have come i release you into very deep dimensions of encounters in the spirit encounters of light encounters of fire by the power of the living god i declare that your lives will never never be the same in the name of jesus christ may the lord bless you may the lord lick you in jesus name please be seated for a few minutes let's get to the word [Music] mighty god we're going to be exploring the word of god in line with the theme of your conference and whilst the word is coming i like you to please be sensitive because the lord is going to be healing the lord is going to be delivering the lord is going to be setting the captives free and then he will be enlightening us through the word the bible says in isaiah chapter 60 and verse 1 it says arise shine for thy light is come and the glory of the lord is risen upon you amplified says arise from the depression and the prostration that circumstances have kept you rise to a new light [Music] it is at the instance of god's word that we rise it is at the instance of god's word that we reign this is a kingdom that is knowledge driven please pay attention this is a kingdom that operates by light and operates by knowledge our inability to sufficiently understand the truth of scripture will short secure the potential of the life that we have received in christ this is very important we must understand just being born again being saved as important as it is does not automatically release in and through us the fullness of the potential of what we call eternal life it takes knowledge ephesians 4 and verse 18 having their understanding darkened it says being alienated from the life of god through the ignorance that is in them because of the blindness of their heart so spiritual ignorance can make a man even though that man may be a believer not be able to come into the fullness of the potential of what the faith life produces psalm 82 and verse 5 there was a lamentation there it says they know not neither will they understand they walk on in darkness and all the foundations of the earth are out of course verse 6 as i have said ye are gods and all of you are children of the most high the tragedies in the next verse it says but you shall die like mere men and fall like one of the princes so even though we have been called into a life of beauty and glory a holy calling and a high calling it takes knowledge to pay attention to knowledge what conferences are feasts of the world where we receive the word access to the mysteries of the kingdom access to spiritual information that are able to build are able to mature he says and that from a child thou has known the holy scripture which is able to build you up are we together now yes to give you an inheritance among them that are sanctified the word of god is very powerful while discussing the power that is in god's word we're trying to explore the riches that are captured in the word of god and will be very brief tonight and then we'll pray let's start from habakkuk chapter 3. habakkuk chapter 3 from verse 3 and 4. i wish we could get verse four in amplified but if we're unable to get it that's all right god came from tehman and the holy one from mount paran his glory covered the heavens and the earth was full of praise verse 4. i'd like you to please read verse 4 if you can see projected ready let's read together one to read and his brightness was as the light and the horns coming out of his hand and there was the hiding of his power that the power of god has a location now you read amplified amplified is projected thank you media can we read again now ready one to read and his brightness is like the sunlight uh-huh he has bright rays flashing from his hand and there in the sunlight splendor is the hiding place of his power the power of god has a location where it resides the bible says in his light light light light please bring the lady that shouts loud under the anointing right now to the hearing of everyone a loud shout this is what i heard from the spirit this is a ministry an apostolic ministry is a ministry of science and wonders and these things it's not just about some pentecostal jamboree there is always a message in everything that god does no no i'm not asking you to come out at random the power of god will bring you out loud shout from the congregation the power of god will come on a lady this is what i'm seeing please when that happens hallelujah pay attention are we are we still here so the word of god [Music] is where the power of god resides and we're going to be exploring let's see how far we can cover for tonight the lord is bringing captivity to the family of that lady this is what the lord is telling me captivity comes to an end did the bible not said now the lord is that spirit i repeat and that where the spirit of the lord is there is liberty the things that we read in this bible are not just stories they are not just parables if you're a man of god here you're a minister of the gospel here it is my prayer that in this conference you will contact the grace to represent god in reality that we will stop advocating a theoretical god and bring to bear the reality of scripture i write these things to you excellent to your philos of all that jesus began to do and teach [Music] in his presence an age-long captivity like this just like that gone this is what jesus does he does not just do it to show that a man of god is powerful he does it to demonstrate the excellency of this kingdom so when you tell someone come to jesus you are not advocating a religion no you are telling him i am advocating a life that is superior and whose superiority can be proven here and now are we blessed john chapter 1 verse 1 what is the word of god let us begin by discussing the word of god john apostle john now please look up theologically speaking the gospels are divided into four we call them the synoptic accounts these were all eyewitness accounts let me just minister to this gentleman in the name of jesus christ i stretch my hands and i declare let captivity over his life and family come to an end amen all right so let's continue now john chapter 1 verse 1 the bible says in the beginning it was only apostle john who began his discourse from the divinity of christ when you read other synoptics some of them started from an archaeological standpoint or that started from a historic standpoint with the census that was going on in the days of jesus are we together others started like mark straight from the miracles but it was john that approached his synoptic account from the standpoint of the divinity of christ he traced it down to the beginning so having that in mind let's read john 1 verse 1 in the beginning was the word it says and the word was with god and the word was god now very instructive statement the word was with god the word was god verse 2 the bible says the same the word now was with god in the beginning and then a very interesting rendition verse 3 and then we'll pause for now it says all things how many things all things were made by him not it him so we see the first expression of the word being personified that the word is not just a book he's talking about the word of god and he's saying that please give it to us now verse 3 all things were made by him and without him that means outside of him was not anything made that was made all things were made by him and if you ever see anything that was made he was the one who made it the word of god for many people we pick up a bible like this and we say this is the word of god generally speaking we are right in that is a book that was inspired the bible says all scripture was inspired of the holy spirit that holy men wrote as they were moved by the spirit are we together but in reality this was a book that was published by a book publishing house it is possible that the publisher of this book is not even born again are we together now yes in this bible demons spoke in this bible god spoke in this bible animals spoke are we together in this bible men spoke in the depravity of their hearts in this bible man spoke from a standpoint of repentance in this bible god spoke from the standpoint of his strength and majesty so what exactly is the word of god it is important that we understand what the word of god is what is the word of god that is so important the bible says all things happens at the instance of that word what then is the word of god [Music] but you see even before we begin to discuss the subject please look up please pay attention even before we begin to discuss the subject of the word of god our first pot of call is god himself you see if your study of scripture and your pursuit of the knowledge of scripture is isolated from the larger picture of trying to know god study of scripture will not profit you the study of scripture should be a derivative of a bigger appetite and a bigger agenda that is to know god it is the passion to know god that now drives you to begin to make reference to this material are we together now yes john 17 from verse 3 this is the lord's prayer jesus is praying he said this is life eternal that they may know thee not just to know about thee that they may not be the only one true god and jesus whom thou has sent so our highest pursuit listen carefully is not just to study scripture it's not just to crime verses it's not just to feel religious about holding a book or an ipad that contains a christian material the highest desire must be to know god himself there are many people who have read this book and it did not change them because the desire was not to know god the desire was to find controversial statements and accuse the faith work there are people who have studied this as part of their thesis for an educational certification just because you open and study does not mean it will profit you the desire must be god himself and see the way it works in this kingdom is that whatever else you seek good or bad if it rises above your knowledge and your passion and your desire for god it is idolatry if you seek anointing above god it is idolatry if you seek angels above god it is idolatry you seek signs and wonders above god these are positive things the jealousy of god does not allow him to contest with anything at all in your heart every other thing finds its credence when god is first and god is priority are we still together so as we discuss the idea of the word of god it's important for you to not limit your mind to just okay let me lend this so that i can go and get results let me lend this so that i can administer healing those things are wonderful but it starts with god the rule is in the beginning god that must be the formula that must be maintained in the beginning of your spiritual pursuit god not miracles not anointed not breakthroughs these things are not wrong you've already seen god visiting his people in the beginning the accurate posture that makes scripture to come alive and the understanding of scripture profitable is when your heart is on god not bible when your heart is on god not heaven when your heart is so if you worship the throne that god is sitting on is still idolatry we don't worship the throne it's him that sits on the throne are we together because there are many believers who are word addicts they really have passion for scripture but the motivation behind it is just to find the principles they're in and obtain results that are isolated from the knowledge of god eventually you will meet with destruction on the way are we together [Music] unbelievers without giving their lives to christ can sit down under a conference like this and learn the principles of the kingdom and use those principles even refusing to acknowledge the lordship of christ and it will work for them because there is a dimension of god's power that is invested in his laws and principles they will not acknowledge the god but they will use his principles to get results even if an armed robber goes to the farm to farm it will produce because the law of sit time and harvest is still at work it does not depend on a relationship it just depends on obedience to the principle so before we begin to discuss this i have an assignment to redirect your focus to him that sits on the throne not a book from the standpoint of him who sits on the throne we now begin to follow the road map that he has created so when we search for scripture and we explore the knowledge of the word it is ultimately to the end that if it revolves back to him who sits upon the throne are we together this is what makes the christian experience profitable you will be surprised that a time can come in your christian experience where as far as spiritual activities are concerned you are not failing in it and yet your relationship is not growing your knowledge of scripture is increasing [Music] but because your motivation was never him your motivation was just principles principles are powerful but principles are secondary it is in the beginning god all the people who wrote this they did not start by looking for a book they started by pursuing a man it was the opposite of that man that led to the book that we now read right after an encounter john you have now encountered me now right the words that have come from that encounter they are faithful and they are true [Music] are we blessed so it must be god and when i say god i'm speaking to a global audience there are people connecting from all over when we say god we refer to the god of the bible the almighty god the creator of the heavens and the earth the one who came and manifested as the word made flesh jesus in the beginning god whilst you're seated i want you to pray prayer lord everything that is not you and has been exalted in my life i dethrone it in this conference i redirect and reorder my passion more than bible study more than prayer meeting all these are a means to an end the end is you the end of a believer's journey is not prayer the end of a believer's journey is not bible study the end of a believer's journey is not worship the end of a believer's journey is not given the end of a believer's journey is the knowledge of god all those things become keys that help us to know him and then excel in life are you praying lift your voice and pray know you genuinely sincerely to know you to have an encounter with you [Music] in the name of jesus philippians 3 and verse 10 let's hurry up philippians 3 and verse 10 paul mentoring the church in philippi he was so broken by his passion to know god here's what he said that i may know him this was a man who wrote two thirds of the new testament this was one who even before his conversion he was a pharisee did you see as a pharisee he was not bankrupt of scripture he had scripture but he did not know the god of the bible it was whilst he was going to persecute the church that he had an encounter the bible says he met this light that we call jesus light of the world you step down into darkness open my eyes let me see you're the light of my life you step down a man who was full of scripture and yet did not know god you could not stand with paul to debate on scripture he was a pharisee did you know that the scribes and the pharisees the condition for them to be scribes and pharisees among other things is that they had to learn the five books of moses they knew the torah of heart even satan no scripture but does it doesn't mean he has a relationship with god the blind knowledge of scripture does not automatically equate to a relationship it is written satan is speaking [Music] he starts with a relationship not an archaeological search or scripture so paul is having an encounter and he looked at him and said saul saul why persecutors thou me he had memory verses in his head but there was no relationship who are thou lord he said he said i am the one who you are persecuting even though you seem to have information that talks about me you have not met me he said you cannot kick against the pricks and that began the journey of this ignorant but knowledgeable pharisee who would later become an apostle of the lamb then now please go back to chapter 3 and verse 10. now you will understand what he said philippians chapter 3 and verse 10 guess what he said that i may know him i have known about him i have known the books that were written of him but now i want to know him and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of his suffering being made conformable unto his death that i may know him please write this down there are four baby club platforms four biblical platforms i'll just touch on it and then really go into the matter for tonight wherever we stop we'll pray and continue there are four biblical platforms that have been provided to help men know god for number one the first biblical platform that can help any man know god is scripture write it down please scripture that means you can see someone who maybe is an unbeliever or an atheist and then you lead that person to christ you can give the person scripture and with the correct understanding he can use scripture to know god number two [Music] i just thought to touch on that very quickly number two you know god through his names the names of god are a capture of the different dimensions of god's power and ability you see when you study scripture you learn the character of god and you learn his methodologies when you study scripture scripture reveals the character of god more than just verses modern parables modern stories you familiarize yourself with the character of god if you are a sound student of scripture you should be able to discern immediately that this is not how god behaves because scripture opens you up to the character of god it opens you up to the modus operandi the methodologies of god how god acts number two the names of god every time they saw the mighty hand of god they captured that experience in a name and every time they wanted to see that dimension of god again they would call that name so he is jiren chara will not heal you he will only provide rafa will not provide he will only heal seeking righteousness are we together now so the names of god are a revelation of different dimensions in him he said who should i tell pharaoh had sent me and then he said i am that i am he said go and tell pharaoh i am i sent you the third way the third platform for knowing god is the revelation of the passing jesus jesus hebrews chapter one when you read from verse one and three the bible says god who in sundry times and diverse manner speak to us in time past by the fathers and the prophets he said had in these days spoken unto us by his son whom he had appointed to be heir over all things by whom also he made the walls he's making reference to john 1 1 now now verse 3 it says verse 3 says who being the brightness of his glory and the expressed image of holding all things by the word of his power are you seeing that now so jesus came listen please this is a believers convention jesus did not just come to die alone [Music] there are three major assignments of jesus when he showed up on the earth number one jesus came as a correction of our perception about god [Music] until jesus showed up there were many things about god that the saints and even the prophets did not understand they credited things anything that was super human they credited it to god and so jesus came as a correction he came as a marking script as a reference everything the father said he was you could compete and see captured in the life of jesus so that by looking unto jesus we may know the father i am the way the truth and the life he says no man commit to the father but by me so no matter what it is that i think i know about the father i look on to jesus to correct my perceptions number two jesus came as perfect theology he came as the pattern man a portrait of what can happen to a man when you walk in alignment with the spirit of god [Music] jesus came as a representation of the father's desire what we should become he says as he is so are we he came to show us that we can walk in victory he came to show us that the excellency of the power of god is a reality and he demonstrated it in his ethic and then thirdly and finally and more importantly he came as the substitutionary sacrifice the one who would become the mediator of the new covenant he came as a revelation of the father's love demonstrated in and through his death his burial his resurrection his ascension his enthronement he did not just come to reconcile man alone he came to correct our perception about god imagine with me for instance let's say there is a gentleman who is a ceo and most of the staff that work in that company they've not been able to see the man anyone who claims to know the man can tell you things and say the man directed you is that true but when the man sends a special envoy that man comes as the most accurate representation of the character of that man so you can use the person and compare let me give you an instance very humorously many of you would have noticed i'm not on social media and yet there are probably tens of social media pages daily people open ask me and sadly they can ask people for money everywhere just take advantage of the fact that people like this man of god now you are only defrauded if you do not know me when you know me for instance you can judge is this the character of this person are you getting what i'm saying now so jesus came as a correction to what we think or thought the father was because when you read the bible outside of the manifestation of jesus your conclusion would be god you are mysterious sometimes it looks like you are kind sometimes it looks like you are wicked sometimes we read scripture and we don't understand you and jesus said leave the confusion watch my life i am a everything you see me do is what the father does whatever you did not see me do don't let anybody tell you that's what the father does he came as a correction of our perception so for instance if you believe that it's god's will for people to remain in sickness and in poverty and in failure you don't need to create a debate look at jesus what did jesus do when sick people come he did not leave one to go sick so immediately we know that sicknesses of the devil what did jesus do when poor people came when poor people come to when they came around at the crusade after teaching he did not leave them hungry what happened when they tried the fishermen the businessmen who were trying to catch fish [Music] so immediately you know that the father is not only interested in your eternal salvation he's interested in your well-being jesus the correction of our perception about the father are we blessed and then the last platform to know god is called our experiences job chapter 42 and verse 5. job 42 and verse 5. this introduction is very important i have heard of thee by the hearing of the ear but now my eye candy there is a dimension of the knowledge of god that only your experience can minister to you you can ask every man of god or anyone who has lived long enough there is a way you sing and say lord you are faithful you are not just saying it because you read it in scripture there is a history your life has a track record of it so when you are speaking you are speaking from a standpoint of conviction it was his faithfulness that gave you your first born it was his faithfulness that delivered you from an accident you fell at sea and yet he delivered you so when you are saying god is faithful you are not reciting a chorus that church people say you have an experience scripture the word of god now the names of god number three jesus manifest in the flesh number four your experience these are the four biblical platforms given to help us know god so this entire conference this world conference now is speaking one of those platforms are you seeing now so when we explore scripture it is not only helping us to know god but helping us to know how to use the truth of god's word to excel to reign but our attention will never be pegged at just raining and ruling it is the knowledge of god are we clear on that now please pray once you are seated lord reveal your word to me reveal your word to me open my eyes tukti reveal your word sheila katusuke branda [Music] reveal your word in the name of jesus hallelujah so write this down please number one the word of god is god what is the word of god the word of god is god an expression of himself we read john 1 verse 1 in the beginning was the word the word was with god the word was god revelations 19 13 john was caught up in the isle of patmos 1913 revelation the bible says he saw one who sat upon a white horse he said and he was cloth 19 verse 13 just leave verse 13 19 and verse 13 he was caught with a vesture dipped in blood and his name is called the word of god the original name of the one you know and you call jesus his name from the foundations of the earth was and is the word of god [Music] the word of god his original name the word of god so the word of god is an expression of god himself number two what is the word of god the word of god is a revelation of his thoughts and his character [Music] the word of god is a revelation every time you talk about the word of god you mean a compendium of god's thoughts and character isaiah 55 from verse 8 and 9. isaiah 55 verse 8 and nine please pay attention isaiah 55 for my thoughts and not your thoughts neither are your ways my way saith the lord verse 9 it says for us the heavens are higher than the earth so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts higher than your thoughts now look up please the word word w-o-r-d [Music] now the old testament was written largely in hebrew and then the new testament was written in a combination of greek and aramaic and then with a little of latin are we together now the word the greek word for word w-o-r-d is the word logos logos means the thoughts or the intention of a man that seeks to find expression please understand this now the essence of that word word it means the thoughts of a man that seeks to find expression so when we say the word of god we not only mean god himself but we mean the thoughts the intentions of god when we call jesus christ the word of god we mean that he is the living expression of the will and the intention of the father everything the father desired and desires was lived out through jesus christ the word of god is a revelation of the thoughts of god the word of god is a revelation of the intentions of god that means if you want to know what god is thinking and if you want to know how god thinks if you want to know what god intends for you you can go to the word of god and you are safe whatever you find there can i tell you some of the things he has said jeremiah 29 11. i know the thoughts that i think to what you said the lord they are thoughts of peace and not of evil he says to give you a future an unexpected end this is what god thinks about me this is what god thinks about me isaiah chapter 60 one to three our eyes shine your light is calm the glory of the lord is risen upon you verse 2 says darkness covers the earth gross darkness the people but upon you the glory of the lord shall be seen this is what god is thinking about me verse 3 hallelujah it says gentiles will come to your light these are the thoughts of god concerning you and they are kings to the brightness of your rising that's what the bible says for your shame you shall receive double it says where you have been deserted so that no man would pass through you you become an eternal excellency a joy of many generations thou shalt be the head and not the tale these are the thoughts of god so when i study the word of god i am acclimatizing my mind what does god think about me how can i enter his mind to know the word of god is a compendium of his thoughts and his intentions you cannot be a student of the world and be in doubt about god's plan for your life no his plans are clear the reason why we doubt what god wants for our lives is it god's will for me to be sick is it god's will for me to be healthy is it god's will for me to prosper is it god's will for me to fail all those questions are a diagnosis showing that you do not know the word of god because in the word of god are his thoughts [Music] there are many people who write wheels w-i-l-l the right wheels that means if i pass on this is how my estate and my property should be shared is that true if you usually the man will not tell the family members but he will capture it in a wheel so when you carry that wheel you are no longer in doubt if for instance it passes on and there's all kinds of confusion this land is mine just go and bring the will and it is clearly stated there this one should be given to this the word of god is his will that he has left it's a revelation of what he has listened carefully contains his thoughts i know what he has said about me his will i know what he's thinking about me now nobody can preach me into believing something else he has told me i am the head and not the tale it's not an opinion it's not a suggestion it's not a tribal white saying this is his thoughts this is what he's thinking concerning me no weep on fashion he said weapons don't just come they are fashioned no weapon fashioned against me shall prosper that's what he's thinking deuteronomy 28 from verse one and two and it shall come to pass if thou shalt diligently hack unto the voice of the lord to do and observe all that i command you this day then you shall be exalted above the nations of the earth and this blessing shall come upon you and overtake you the thoughts of god for my life but my head has thou exalted like the horn of a unicorn i am anointed with fresh oil these thoughts for me are you getting what i'm teaching you now so you begin to compare what you believe or what culture has told you or what people who are not born again have told you you compared with the mind of god we buy into the mind of god by opening up ourselves to the word of god why do we study the word of god why are we so passionate about the word of god because we desire to know what he intends for us and if it does not look like what we are seeing we have the ability to petition heaven and say father you are thinking something else and my life is reflecting something else it is if you do not know the word of god what are you praying then because the word of god becomes the legal basis for you approaching heaven there is a disparity between what you are thinking and what is happening something is threatening your majesty and your might as mighty as you are you are thinking good and yet i'm seeing evil in my life and god says there is need to correct it someone is changing the equation somewhere and he said an enemy has done this now you can pray and engage all the forces that were given to believers to command victory through intelligence because you have detected by knowledge that something is wrong if you do not know what he has said you will not even know what is wrong with your own life listen if we are seated here right now and there is a rule in this place that every time we gather here a bottle of minerals for instance or soft drink and maybe morphines or meat pies should be given to everyone you are aware if you sit down here and you count two three hours and nothing is coming you have a right based on that knowledge to find out who is responsible because i am aware but if you are not aware you can sit down there for a long time they know not neither will they understand they walk on in darkness why because they do not know the thoughts of god so the devil can come and tell you it is the will of god for you to be a mediocre it is the will of god for you to do ministry as if god did not call you it is the will of god for you to fail is the will of god for death to sweep everyone in the family and you say it's true that ignorance is because you do not know who god is so the word of god explains to us the thoughts and the intents of god [Music] are we blessed [Music] number three the word of god is a revelation of his system of operation please pay attention we've discussed three things now that the word of god is god an expression of himself number two that the word of god is a revelation of his thoughts and his character now number three the word of god is a revelation of his system of operation his ways his methodology psalm 25 from verse 4 and 5. psalm 25 from verse 4 and 5. show me thy ways o god he says teach me thy parts next verse lead me in thy truth and teach me for down art the god of my salvation unto thee will i wait all day long he said teach me thy ways teach me thy way psalms 103 verse 7 please give it to us quickly psalms 103 and verse 7 [Music] he made known his ways unto moses he made known his ways unto moses now please look up i had the privilege of enjoying a wonderful meal when we arrived wonderful meal and by the way it was it was i think one day i would return here by myself and invite myself just not to come and preach but to come and patronize the kind of wonderful meal and the juices that we have enjoyed but not watch this it's one thing for me to enjoy it i don't know how it was made i only knew it was good the trouble is the day the person who made it is not there i'm in trouble if that person really wants to help me more than giving me the food and the juices they can call me to the kitchen and say let me show you how it is made now i'm not afraid of my results because the secret of reproducing it is now with me god does not only want to give you miracle signs and wonders he wants to call it to the inner chambers of the spirit and say let me show you how miracles happen let me show you how results happen in this kingdom listen look up do you know why stories in the bible are so long and every detail is captured is not just the result god wants you to see he wants you to study how the results happen [Music] the things that are written at four times the bible says they are for our learning so that we through the comfort of scripture might find hope and hope makes not a shame as a man of god i can pray for you be healed be blessed may your church expand may you increase you will be afraid of that result and then you will not be able to mentor and raise others because you don't even understand the dynamics of that result so the word of god teaches us the methodologies of the kingdom like a chef calling you into the kitchen and say let me teach you how this mysterious food that you see let me break it down first you start with water don't worry whether i'm right or wrong second you start with whatever third you start with this and then leave this for five minutes then you make it make a few mistakes he said no problem let's do again they are not just teaching you to eat they are teaching you how to cook well there are women here even if they want to cook for 1 000 people you are not afraid because of mastery you understand how to do this thing you are not afraid listen to me we become matured and we become masters in this kingdom when we are able to handle the word of truth when we understand the dynamics of how results happen in the kingdom so if someone comes for counselling as a mature believer not just a man of god as a mature believer you can immediately diagnose his problem and you can recommend it like a doctor when you are speaking to a doctor doctor i started shivering this morning then i had headache then joined pains he starts laughing because there is mastery he has he he was not just taught how to administer drugs he was taken to a class and shown that these symptoms mean this so while you are talking he can't even be making a call while he's listening to you that's how much he has gained mastery and he will recommend the drug and not call you up to check upon you he's sure that you'll be fine two days after taking that drug you said doctor i said don't worry just keep taking it and after five days you are running around playing football mastering when you understand this someone can come and say poverty is destroying my family and now you are a blessing you will say i know carry your pen and paper write the following scriptures i know what is wrong and i know how you are not a blessing if you do not know the ways of god you can't be able to help people in a methodical way mentorship is based on this body of truth that lifts believers there is a methodical approach to the growth and the maturity of the saints this is what doctrine is all about the cost curriculum that makes for the growth of the saints is called doctrine [Music] are you learning anything tonight apostle i know god works miracles but i don't know why i don't see it in my life the word of god can teach you how miracles happen apostle i know god favors but i've never seen this favor in my life the word of god has come don't look at the result let me show you how it happened i know the word of god can impact but i don't know how it is then he says let me use a figure look unto abraham your father understudy him on the study esther to learn favor understudy abraham to learn faith understudy elijah to learn prayer there are portraits that lead to exact spiritual results you can study them and learn apostle what i have is not enough i know that what i have is not enough you go to the word of god what did jesus do with what is not enough number one he gave thanks so stop complaining any any time you complain about what is not enough you have killed the potential for increase are you seeing how the word of god called just us now oh apostle there's no i don't have this enough either no no no no no give thanks give thanks lord i thank you that i even have the feast for one of my child i know that i need for five of them but you are the one who has given me this one and i am grateful and god says this is for me now you are ready to turn your five love and your two feet to feed five thousand people it's a formula so those who are thankful dancing and celebrating god every time there may not be anything at home and yet they are rejoicing you see them testifying miracles upon miracles because they are engaging an exact spiritual formula please look at me one of the major reasons why we press for the word of god is because we want to know how god operates you're a man of god here you are trusting god for increase maybe in your in your church you are trusting god for increased greater souls you go back how did increase happen in the kingdom the formula again and i if i be lifted up from the earth i will draw paul can plant apollo can water but increases exclusively of god [Music] so the more jesus is revealed and lifted in your life and in your congregation then you see that he will begin to draw men are you seeing how this thing works question now that you are seated here if you look at your life you see the gaps in your results you must go to the bible i am i seem not to be prayerful my prayer life seems to have died don't feel discouraged you go to scripture you search where did resurrection happen as far as someone's prayer life is concerned i don't know if prayer is powerful go to scripture and find out two instances to show you the power of prayer number one isaiah 18 hezekiah who turned a verdict god's own verdict nobody in that rendition was fake the prophet was real god was real the verdict was true yet prayer changed it so his prayer powerful yes sir next expression luke 18 from verse one he speak a parable to the end that men ought always to pray and not to faint scene one it talks about a wicked man there was in a city a widow a judge may you never meet this kind of judge a judge who does not fear god you can't say god sent me to you and does not regard men you can't say this man said you should no and then the bible now talks of a widow a widow is a woman who had system of defense has been taken away so he's contrasting two people to show you the power of prayer she went to him and said avenge me my adversary and the bible says for a time he would not and then here's what the man said by her continual coming her importunity he said though i do not fear god nor regard man but this woman will weary me that means when you pray there is an effect in the spirit even though you are not see the strongest of forces when you are consistent in prayer eventually the bible talks about elijah in james chapter 5. begin to read from verse 16 down that elijah was a man of like passion but he prayed endlessly and changed climatic conditions it was not a parable it actually happened now by those scriptures you now know that prayer is powerful so when you go to pray you are not hoping will god answer can it really change the situation the word of god has shown you how god works you may be in a paternity situation maybe you are in debt you are in trouble can god deliver go to the world to lend his ways the worst kind of trouble that a man can find in this life is to be in the belly of a fish and the bible says there was a human being like that one day on earth as was seated here someone was one day in the belly of the fish and he said i will still not die i can determine my destiny what else is left when you're in the belly of the fish for you you've not entered you are still breathing you are still standing and yet you are hopeless a man is already in the belly of the fish digestion is about to start jonah said fish you are joking you don't know who created me i may not understand your digestive system but i assure you it's not me you will swallow jonah's story teaches us that there is nothing called hopeless nothing called hopeless one of the three hebrew boys who were thrown in fire and their chains were loosed and the appearance of the fourth was like the son of the living god and the bible says these were men who the fire had no power on what of acts chapter 12 you read about the story of peter bound hand and chain after they killed james but prayers was offered of the church unto god for him and bible says a miracle began to happen an angel came and opened all those doors there is no situation called hopeless you see when you study scripture you learn the ways of god and you know that god is not only a mighty god but there is how he delivers you follow what they do at midnight paul and silas prayed they did not pray when they were outside of the prison so there's no excuse for not praying lord i'm depressed they prayed with chains they even sang you don't pray and sing when you are delivered your prayers seem to be delivered now sing unto the lord for he has triumphed gloriously the horses and his riders have been thrown into the sea that's the song of miriam when they saw the mighty hand of god pillar of cloud by day fire by night red sea at the instance of his word and miriam said no we can't just pass let us write a song after this experience i will sing unto the lord for he has triumphed gloriously the horses and its riders have been drawn into the sea so when someone says your family will never rise you look at him and sing the same song i'll sing unto the lord for he has triumphed gloriously the horses and his riders have been drawn into the sea [Music] the word of god a manifestation of god himself the word of god a revelation of the thoughts and the intents of god the word of god as a revelation of his methodologies his ways the way results are producing the kingdom the way influence happens the way prosperity happens apostle i'm trusting god to lift me to rise to a higher level of influence for the sake of the kingdom go to the bible then how did influence happen study the life of joseph how did a prisoner suddenly become a prime minister how did a slave girl call hadassah suddenly become a queen study their lives find the keys for growth there listen every time you study scriptures to learn the ways of god there are three things you are going to find number one promises number two principles number three prophecies you must find these three as you study scripture number one again promises god's commitment towards you number two principles the keys of the kingdom that are responsible for the various dimensions of results that translate into our dominion and then number three prophecy a full knowledge of the things that will happen to give us hope and to give us assurance because if our hope is only in this life the bible declares that we are all men most miserable is god helping us tonight let me round up therefore as we pray by revealing maybe we can just take one for tonight there are four things four dimensions of power that are contained in the word of god the word of god is powerful but there are four dimensions of power at least contained in the word of god are you ready please we may just have one and then we'll pray is god blessing us tonight the first dimension of power that is contained in the word of god is the power to create hebrews 11 verse 3 to create from the earth's definition means to make something out of nothing to create from the realm of the spirit means to transport realities and make them manifest here the creative power of god's word hebrews 11 verse 3 through faith we understand that the walls were framed that means they had their physical expression by the word of god so that the things which were not made which were made seen were not made of things which do appear that means the raw material of the things we see today they came from the realm of the spirit [Music] the word of god has power to create john chapter one and verse three john chapter one verse three we have looked at the word of what the word of god is now we're looking at the dimensions of power there are four dimensions of power contained in the word of god number one is the power to create john 1 3 all things someone say all things one more time please shout it say all things all things your finance is part of all things listen to me your family is part of all things anything the word of god cannot make cannot be made anything the word of god cannot make cannot be made the bible says all things were paid by him and without him without him means outside of his influence was not anything made that was made so when they look at you and say how did you rise you know the answer the word of god there is the lifting power of his word listen to me in the name of jesus christ the son of the living god i speak to someone here the things that your destiny needs that have not yet manifested by the power of the word i decree and declare may you see them begin to appear in your life listen the word of god can create it can make what has no business happening in your life to happen saul had no business becoming a prophet saul had no business receiving bread from visitors but a word came from god through a prophet you will be on your way going you will find three men holding two loafs of bread they bought that bread to go home with it but because a word is upon your life they will bow to you and give you the word of god can create listen [Music] strip every man of anything he has his houses cars everything but give him the word of god and say go that man did not lose as he's going from all over the earth whatever his destiny needs the word of god like a magnet you don't pick needles one by one that's too laborious find a powerful magnet pass it on the ground everything that is magnetic must follow it that's what happens to you when the word of god is upon your life thank you when the word of god is upon your life immediately listen carefully everything at all that should be for life and godliness so this is how it starts come can i use you my brother watch this this gentleman may have come from a family with no advantage a family with no lifting can anything good come out of this family then he sits down and as the word of god is coming he does not even know what is happening to him as he begins to move favor meets him on the way lift him meet him on the way destiny help us meet him on the way three years of sitting with the world he turns back out where did you get them from the word of god brought them looking for those things by themselves will be a journey of frustration one thing is need for matter matter you are worried and offended by this one thing is needful if you can sit at the master's table the word of god exhibits magnetic properties [Music] it's on you and while you are roaming around [Music] find a way of believing what i have to say it's true the word of god can change you in ancient times when fathers wanted to bless their children they didn't bless them with physical things they would those they gave physical things to where those who they did not consider important so they'll say okay take this take that then they'll call the sons inside and say look if i give you physical things i'm a wicked father i give you something gone [Music] the person will go and return back with cattle return back with plenty the word of god [Music] everything that must appear in your life i'm standing in the name of jesus and i'm speaking to you everything that you need for your spiritual life for your finances you have prayed you have done all you know to do i stand in the name of jesus whose i am and who sent me here i declare some of you even before tomorrow may it appear in your life please sit down let's round up colossians 1 16 that would be our final scripture for tonight please do not miss any of the sessions i'll be showing you what the power of god contains the dimensions of power and then we are going to be praying hopefully before the session maybe the final session we'll have the opportunity to pray for the sick speak of our lives and impart graces an impartation is a transference of possibilities it's part of the apostolic ministry that every time god grants a privilege to come across a region by the election of grace there will be a deposit of divine realities so that men within the territory in greater levels will be on fire manifesting possibilities that will bring glory to the name of the lord colossians 1 16. please read with me everyone ready read one to read for by him where all things created that are in heaven and that are in earth visible and invisible whether they be dominions principalities all things the creative power all things all things all things favor all things lifting all things supernatural manifestation all things let me tell you this if god decides that i'm creating a brand new possibility for you he can use anything even stones anything [Music] you sat here tonight learning the ways of god first finding your passion to know god the more for some of you more than the teaching tonight the lord is cultivating in you a hunger for spiritual things so that you will begin to love him and you will begin to cry some of you will go back after this conference and you say lord reveal yourself again to me i'm tired of playing religion i'm tired of just writing my exams by myself i'm marking the script there it's all there is so much i need to know it's a holy provocation don't fight it it's challenging you those who bear fruity prunes so that they will bear more food because hear me there are many destinies that are connected to you as you are listening to me and if you stop at this level there are destinies that will be destroyed so more than what you are hearing you must go back fight the spirit that has killed your prayer life fight the spirit that has killed your what life some of you your passion for the world here and there you may just watch a 10 minutes video on youtube go back now with a renewed passion i now see what the devil has been fighting my authority in the kingdom because it is through knowledge that just shall be delivered we rise up in this kingdom by revelation please rise up on your feet [Music] in one minute i'd like you to just pray in the spirit and cry asking the lord for grace please just help those under the anointing we're wrapping up already for the night help them please help them whether you're on usher or not let someone just help them are you praying someone pray you came for a conference you don't have to bring them out just help them so they don't enjoy themselves please pray prayer fire world fire afresh oh god upon my life is someone praying prayer fire world fire hallelujah hallelujah now please listen to me before we pray the second prayer and i speak over your life you are here and you came here for this conference of the balcony following online or here in the main auditorium you are saying apostle whilst i heard you preach the holy ghost began to speak to me that i must take the issue of my salvation seriously that you've never genuinely made a decision for the lord jesus christ there are others who are saying apostle i remember giving my heart to the lord but as it stands my life has gone haywire i need a genuine commitment i'm going to count one to four for time's sake wherever you are run like this fire on the mountain and come and stand here one two don't be ashamed run run to jesus he gives us a new beginning [Music] apostle i'm not sure if i'm saved or not join them join them join them quickly join them quickly your life is about to change for god so loved the world the bible says he proved that love by giving he is a giver love gives [Music] i have decided to follow jesus no turning back no turning back i have decided [Music] to follow jesus no turning back no turning back i have decided to follow jesus no turning back no man forsake me still i will fall low no turning back no turning back [Music] those of you in front i salute you every one of you please lift your right hand high to the heavens we're standing before jesus before the servants of the living god over this territory and before god's people i like you to say after me loud and clear you're not reciting a poem jesus is here it's the greatest decision you can ever make at this side of god's kingdom say lord jesus if you're joining them please join quickly say lord jesus tonight i have heard your word i believe that you died for me i believe that you shed your blood from my sins tonight i make jesus my lord my savior my king i declare that the power of sin the power of hell the power of the grave is broken over my life i receive eternal life i receive the abundance of grace even the gift of righteousness and i declare that i reign from tonight i go forward ever and backward never amen keep those hands lifted father we thank you like trophies will lift these ones to you you have brought them let the grace that keeps keep them let the grace that keeps keep them help them please i commend you to the ministry of the word and the ministry of the holy spirit in the name of jesus may you grow may you mature may you be a great battle axe in the hands of the lord and all through this conference in the name of jesus may the word of god build you may you be establishing righteousness in jesus name i pray amen let's celebrate them okay now all of you there are counselors who are waving their hands just wave your hands so they'll see you please i like all of you to follow them everyone let's clap for them as they follow in concert everyone praise the name of the lord please be seated [Music] we've been dealing with the teaching around the word of god particularly examining the contents and even the power that resides in the word of god and just a quick recap from yesterday's teaching we started by exhorting ourselves that our ultimate pursuit in this kingdom must not just be to use scriptures and the principles they're in to get things but that the object of our pursuit must remain god god almighty that our prayer lives our what study lives are fasting and everything we do are only a means to an end the end being the knowledge of god not just receiving things through the world that our christian lives will remain unfruitful if the end of all our pursuit is just things or spiritual activities that those activities in themselves do not sustain the ability to give us fulfillment until they are connected to a larger pursuit which is the knowledge of god himself please do not forget this it's a very powerful foundation i can fast for 100 days i can fast for 10 days 50 days one year but if the goal is not connected to the knowledge of god then that fasting would not profit me so much so our exploring scripture is not just for us to religiously have knowledge of the word but to equip us to know the lord and then to experience the fullness of that which is contained in this kingdom we examined the life of paul briefly that paul even before his encounter with god was a pharisee he was already sound in scripture yet he did not know the god of the bible and when he met the lord not even his knowledge of scripture would replace the need for an encounter with jesus that it is possible to know scriptures and yet not have a genuine encounter with the lord jesus christ hallelujah then we examined a few things trying to explain what exactly the word of god was and is and i told you that the word of god is more than a book i hope you know that historically speaking as at the time the events in the bible happened they did not have the compendium of emmanuel like this that they call the bible are we together this was written many many years after the apostles had long gone and yet they talked of the word of god so what was their word of god when paul said the word of god is quick and powerful the members who listen to him at his conferences did not have a bible so when he said the word of god what came to their mind exactly because in those days when you read the accounts in the days of jesus you were not given the bible to go home with it the scrolls were kept in the temple just like our auntie came here to read if it were your tongue you come and open like it was given to jesus the bible says was given to him the scroll of messiahs where he read the messianic prophecy he closed it returned it and said this day is this scripture fulfilled so when we say the word of god this is what we think about it is true that this contains the word of god but i did tell us yesterday that in this bible demons spoke it is not only the words that came from god that were recorded here words from demons were also recorded here words from animals were recorded here words from men were recorded here historic facts were recorded here words that proceeded from the mouth of god through prophets were recorded here this is not to ignore the book don't misunderstand what i'm saying i'm saying in its original form they published by a publishing house and it's possible that many of them have not even encountered jesus themselves they're just doing their business of getting a christian material available to the world are we together so we examine what the word of god is let me do a quick recap number one i said the word of god is god an expression of himself when we talk about the word of god do not think the book yet think god the word of god is god john 1 verse 1 revelations 19 13 the rider upon the white horse his name is the word of god are we together yeah so the word of god every time you think the word of god it is another name for god the word of god is god is an expression of himself number two we said the word of god is a revelation of his thoughts and his character so every time we talk about the word of god we mean a compendium that reveals to us the thoughts the intents and the character of god you now see that the only way to truly know god or one of the principal ways is through the word of god because contain therein are the thoughts of god the character of god his intents not just for himself but for me i can know what god thinks about me i can know what god thinks about you when i encounter the word of god jeremiah 29 11 i know the thoughts that i think towards you they are thoughts of peace and not of evil so god does not think evil of me very powerful are we together [Music] he says door weeping enjoys for a night joy comes with the morning so i know that god is not excited when he sees me crying and mourning there is something in his will and his intent to do something about it this is very powerful and i will restore the years that the canker worm has eaten the palmer warm the caterpillar so i know that god is interested in bringing restoration in my life if you do not know the thoughts of god from where we get the word logos translated word i told you that the greek word logos that is translated word means the thoughts the intents of a man that seeks to find expression the word of god is a revelation of god's thoughts god's character isaiah 55 from verse 8 and 9. he says my ways are not your ways my thoughts are not your thoughts for as high as the heavens are above the earth that is how far my thoughts are so we can trust him as we study the word of god as we expose ourselves to encounter the world we are learning god we're learning his ways we're learning his character the bible says the lord is gracious and compassionate slow to anger and rich in love he's trying to paint like an artist using a brush and a canvas painting the picture of god who is the invisible one we may not be able to see him but we can pick pieces of his attributes and his character and he can give us an idea of who we are dealing with the bible says god is love are we together now so i know that god loves me i have loved you with an everlasting love he says i have drawn you with my loving kindness it is not his will that any man should perish so i know that god would not want anyone to live a mediocre life a life of failure until he eventually wastes his life on earth you will never be able to know the thoughts of god and his character and even his intent until you have an encounter with the word of god if you are with me say amen and then number three we said yesterday that the word of god is a revelation of god's system of operation a revelation of his ways a revelation of his modus operandi his methodologies this beautiful now i know that there are several people who come from different communities most likely around this region but just for instance i just from yesterday into today i have been schooled in many ways just learning the ethics and learning the modus operandi of living within your environment very interesting approach to life and living when you come around here is that true i was taught your speed limits for instance i was taught the motivation behind the things that you do so the next time i come i may not be as strange as i am now is that true because i have learned the modus operandi you can easily know a stranger because you see him violating the way that things are done that's how it is in scripture so i can know you are a christian indeed to the degree to which you have known the ways of god if i see that you have a problem with giving if i see that you have a problem with forgiving with loving i know that there is something about the word of god that has not dwelt in you because when it dwells in you it cultures you to understand the ways of god are we together we learn the system of god it is not unusual if you see me sow a seed now if you are truly a christian who has walked with god it shouldn't surprise you because this is the way we function in the kingdom that there is he that scatter it and yet increase it there is he that withholded more than his meat and tends to poverty if you see me diligent you shouldn't be surprised because the bible says a diligent hand shall be made fat is that true the modus operandi of the kingdom if you see me interceding and praying calling on someone's name and saying father visit this family visit this nation it shouldn't sound strange to you because in this kingdom you know that this is the way we operate that right from where you are you can lift up the case of another person who is far miles away from you and god is also able to attend to that person the centurion said for i am a man under authority and by reason of that authority i can tell one go and he will go i will tell one come and he will come so you don't have to come to my house you too there is a government that backs you speak the word only and jesus said who taught you this i have not found this kind of faith no not in israel an expression of god the word of god a compendium of his thoughts and character the word of god a revelation of the modus operandi the ways of god hallelujah then we rounded up last beginning to explore four dimensions of power that are contained in the word of god i just took one of them and we'll take it from there today the first is the power to create that the word of god has the power to create to create means to make something out of nothing as far as our definition here is concerned but then from a spiritual standpoint to create means the ability and the technology to transport realities from the unseen realm and to make them manifest here and now you can take healing from the unseen realm you can take prosperity from the unseen realm you can take speed from the unseen realm you can take breakthroughs from the unseen realm and you can cause them to be made manifest the power to create john 1 verse 3 says and without him was not anything that was made without him outside of him so it doesn't matter what state i find myself creation is a possibility this is very powerful god can make to be in my life what i do not yet have the word of god can give you the things that you desire by creation so it should not be a surprise for instance if you find a woman who tells you i do not have a womb and you say not to worry all you need is the administration of the word of god it sustains the ability to put something in your body that was not there do we not see the word of god creating things that was not there who was seen that this man was born blind his father or him and jesus said that's not what is important all this has happened that the glory of god may be revealed what is that glory creation and right there the man who did not have a pair of eyes supernaturally his eyes were opened [Music] creation number two the word of god has the power to save the power to save the power to save we'll touch on maybe three they are five in all but let's see walk with time the power to say first peter chapter 1 and verse 23 the word of god can bring salvation it says being born again not of corruptible seed but of incorruptible by the word of god which lived and abideth forever the word of god is able to bring salvation we are born of the word the word is the seed that brought us into this life that we enjoy today second timothy chapter 3 and verse 15. ii timothy chapter 3 and verse 15 and that from a child he says thou has known the holy scripture and that description has the ability to make you wise to the end that you experience salvation through faith which is in christ jesus salvation is a form of deliverance the highest form of deliverance the ability to be translated from one realm to the other the bible says the word of god sustains that much power to translate a man isn't it marvelous my brothers and my sisters that a man can be wallowing in sin and a life of confusion and purposelessness and while that person is sitting hearing you talk as the word of god is coming something begins to happen to that man and literally there is a translation two years after that encounter that man is now a pastor someone who was once an armed robber someone who was once a whatever it is [Music] look the book of acts and see how people who one moment were something else but when the word of god came it just changed them the word of god is able to save to the uttermost the word of god turned a murderer called saul to paul the word of god turned all kinds of people the jailer who was a wicked man in acts chapter 12 i believe the bible says how that no no not the paul and silas now not just peter the story of paul and silas that jayla was about to kill himself and he said no don't touch yourself we are safe and he said what should i do and that man that same man took them to his house look at what the word of god can do salvation someone who was flogging people on account of the gospel moments later is now cleaning their bodies and saying i'm sorry i did not even know what come on what came on me [Music] salvation no matter how hardened the man is when the word of god comes it is able to save not safe from sin alone it can save from many things the word of god is able to save is able to bring any and all forms of salvation to the life of an individual james 1 18 is god helping us this morning james chapter one please and verse 18 of his own will he begot us with the word of truth that we should be a kind of first fruit of his creatures he used the word of god and fertilized the womb that brought us as new creations in christ the bible says we are born of the word of truth born again not by seed corruptable but incorruptible by the word of god that leaves and abides forever so the word of god contains the power to create the word of god contains the power to save number three the word of god contains the power to impart faith the word of god contains the power to impart faith this is very important romans chapter 10 and verse 17 the power to impart faith so then this mystery we call faith by which the just lives by it says the just shall live by faith and that faith comes so faith is like a messenger that comes it can come to you and the agency that brings it is hearing and hearing by the word of god [Music] faith what is faith let me define for you what faith is faith is the conviction you have the name given to the conviction you have about god and the integrity of his person and then the corresponding action of obedience that you take to commit god as touching his promises is called faith the name given to the action that you take based on your conviction on who god is and the integrity of his person not the believing the believing is not faith it is the action you take based on the believing that is called faith the action of obedience to honor the conviction that you have about god and the integrity of his person the bible calls it faith the word of god is able to impart faith until the word comes there is nothing to believe faith acts chapter 14 and verse 9 the word of god sustaining the ability to impart faith this was paul speaking watch this now once paul was speaking there was a man who was lame and the bible says the same heart everybody say he heard he had the word paul was speaking and whilst he was sharing faith was building growing in him who steadfastly beholding him and perceiving that now on account of what he was hearing he now had faith to be healed faith to be blessed faith to be lifted there was something paul was saying and the man was listening like you are listening to me now and i'm telling you that god is able to turn a man's life around god is able to lift your mind and you're saying this is true i'm showing you scripture after scripture and the holy ghost is breathing upon what i'm saying and doubt and fear is being shaken out of your life i know this is true [Music] there is no other way to obtain bible faith you cannot get faith from a newspaper you cannot get faith from a magazine except if the information there comes from the word of god the word of god is the official and only platform to impact bible faith are we together they looked onto him and they were not ashamed their faces lightened [Music] we look to be our way yahweh forever yahweh [Music] hope is yahweh yahweh lord we look to yahweh yahweh forever yahweh yahweh let me tell you this you will never be able to do exploit in this kingdom until there is faith genuine bible faith there are no guarantees in life by default nobody has kept any guarantee for anybody there is no guarantee that you will succeed there is no guarantee that your helper will be alive at the time you need him this is the victory that overcometh the world even our fame it says therefore holding forth the shield of faith where which will be able to quench all the fiery dots not so faith is powerful there is no arsenal fashion that faith is not able to resist the word of god can impart faith so i open my bible and i'm trusting god to lift me and i begin to read and i'm seeing people who were ordinary but were lifted by the word of god the word of the lord came to them and lifted them some doubted that word and perished like the foolish man in samaria if god will open this window is it true that by this time tomorrow this would happen he saw it and he did not enter the bible gives us a warning that we should not be like them which perish in the wilderness that today if you hear his voice had them not your heart as they did in the wilderness faith can bring you to your sabbath dear remain at a rest for the people of god financial sabbath sabbath in your health the word of god can impact faith therein lies our confidence in this kingdom we know that tomorrow is guaranteed because the world has gone ahead we know our lives are blessed because the word of god has gone ahead i'm seeing like fire coming on that lady wearing yellow i just saw something look like oil and fire coming upon her and the lord is saying he's lifting you and your family that lady there i release that grace upon you in the name of jesus you will never be the same faith listen listen this morning i want you to shake away unbelief and believe god lord you are able i may come from a background where no one knows me but time will fail me to talk of gideon and jephthah and barack men who through fates of duke kingdoms wrote righteousness shot them out of lions hebrews 11 and verse 1 says now faith is the substance of things hoped for he calls it the evidence the evidence the proof that the things that you do not see are there it says by this mystery elders obtain good reports through faith verse 3 says we understand that the walls were framed by the word of god then he begins to list all of these people [Music] ordinary people god calls an idol worshiper called abraham in all of the chaldeans abraham come i want to make you a father of many nations and the man foolishly followed who are you following a voice an idol worshiper and if you follow me i will make you a great nation i will make your name great i will bless those who bless you curse him that curses you and if you trust me enough in you all the families of the earth will be blessed abraham said let's go i don't know where i'm going but i'm blind enough to follow you there are no guarantees anywhere it is faith that becomes that invisible ladder you keep climbing it looks like you will fall but after 30 years you are still standing because faith is solid [Music] apostle god is calling me into ministry and he's told me i will go around the world with the gospel i just need some uncle to give me a guarantee that if it does not work they will help me build my church you are joking no the word of god becomes that ankle the lord told me he will lift me from my lowly estate and i will fund the gospel across nations as it is now i do not even know how it will happen mary said how shall these things be seeing that i know not a man faith i believe god it takes faith to believe god why will i stand and risk my life and risk my reputation and tell you there's somebody who is going to shout here what if it doesn't happen how are you sure you are not lying you see when you walk with god as your faith begins to grow it becomes trust faith is based on the word of god trust is faith that has history back in it that means you have walked with god and even though you still trust his word but now there is an antecedence i believed him yesterday it worked i believed him last week it worked when david stood before goliath it was not just faith as we know it was trust he says the god who delivered me he reached down to his archives and said he has done it it has happened that's why it's important to archive your testimonies because days will come you will need to reach down and say in 1997 god of heaven you took me from and you brought me here 2000 when it looked like i would not survive this happen no this before you finish testifying the mountain that stands before you has deflated many times we forget what he did yesterday that's why what he wants to do looks big if you remember how he did what he did yesterday you will know [Music] they looked unto him their faces were lightened are we blessed the word of god can impart faith you know that the faith of god has entered you when you are ready to take actions of obedience god tells you for instance it is time to build a house and he said but all i have is hundred thousand home and abroad you tell an architect to work out something and he tells you say for instance you need 15 20 50 million and you laugh at yourself you laugh at what you are writing you will never build that house if you think you will just come by saving money no the signs follow you have to take a step they go after you they don't go before you when you hear the word of god and there is a word for you that gives you an assurance you can go and buy one t-power of sand pour it on that land and leave it there and say lord i have started i've committed you there are two names you are called alpha omega i have made you alpha you must be omega finish i have started it already there is no going back suddenly someone calls you and says i hear you want to build i may not have much but send me your account one million and god says start buying the zinc and keep and say think lord were talking blocks he said trust me the day you stand for that dedication while others are dancing you are crying be magnified oh lord that becomes your song when you see the end of it you are highly exotic and there is nothing you can't do oh lord my eyes are on you be magnified i know a gentleman very very very many years ago this gentleman made up his mind no one was educated around his nuclear family and he kept having dreams and he saw that he was going to become a great person and he said well i come from a background where no one really would have the ability to educate me but i will take responsibility eventually one thing led to the other made his papers wrote jam and he got a score that would probably give him admission he kept praying and fasting praying and fasting eventually when the admission came to his shock it was not the course he wanted but at least they gave him admission he was a miracle the first person to ever have the potential of getting into a high institution of learning yet no money no nothing when he told his loved ones they said look forget about it please don't bring any pressure on the family we're trying to leave and this gentleman he was inspired in church and he got up carried the ghana must go put whatever clothes he had and said i'm i'm returning back to this house a graduate all i need is transport to leave this house how are you going to survive you are crazy you don't know what just put something for me even if it means to borrow i promise you that i will return with interest i'm going that's fate this gentleman left and i remember he came into the high institution of learning shocked not even knowing where he was going to pass the night no friend no nothing but the world was ahead of him i will never forget the day that gentleman called me and said sir i'm holding in my hands my degree faith always delivers the rest is history go and ask him how we act go and ask him how he do you know eventually he became an esco in a fellowship on the campus there helped others know jesus christ lifted others enjoyed scholarships finished with honor [Music] but if he did not take that step maybe god is speaking to someone you've been saying one day go better it's time to get up and shake that unbelief and say look i take responsibility you are 30 years 35 years you are still in your father's house and let me just see how the permutations work yes get up get your fine scripture and get up and say it's time to be responsible i hope you still love me [Music] the word of god contains power listen behind the exploits of men and women in this kingdom i've had the honor the privilege of meeting a few fathers of faith in this nation and you cannot tell the level of palpable faith that lives in these people when they talk you need faith to hear them not to believe to hear because what they will tell you you can even be angry as you leave and that is their normal their default state of speaking you can build your faith as you encounter the world that is why when you don't pay attention to the word your faith cannot grow are we together now yes we must obtain grace i remember many years ago i used to stay in one small room and from that room i kept having visions of the globe visions of nations visions of kings visions of territories and the lord told me this is where i'm taking you to right from that room i believed him right from that room note books after notebooks i kept writing when people are sleeping in the night i'm awake preparing because he told me this is where we are going and today let the lord be magnified that is all that i can say [Music] you have done me well you have done me well you have done me well jesus you have done me well that would be your song at the other side of your obedience you have done me well you have done me well you have done me well jesus you have done me well you have done me well you have done me well faith that comes by the word while people are laughing at you while people are concluding about you can anything good come out of nazareth you are there believing his word lord this ministry you have called me into i believe that i'm a blessing i may not know and have all it takes now listen to me my dear people let me speak to you there may be a few of you here that have the call of god upon your life do not let anyone despise your gift learn with honor grow with honor be mentored with honor but know that the only limit to your life is the limit you place through unbelief are we together there is nothing i cannot believe god for today i have seen his hand the word of god sustaining the ability to impart faith are we still here number four the word of god has the power to transform the word of god has the power to transform transformation is the name given to the process that makes you like christ in experience transformation the word of god has the power to transform to transform means to change states to transform means to change levels god servant bishop david odigo calls it next levels is a grace that can move you thanks be to god who causes us always to triumph so that the version of you that was there yesterday is not the same one again that you will meet why sickens the living among the dead transformation first peter chapter two and verse two please write it down first peter chapter two and verse two [Music] sheila bakarowski attabalanda as newborn babes it says desire the sincere milk of the word that ye may grow thereby that means as a new believer in christ naive ignorant not knowing anything about the faith life i can begin to engage god's word and from a new believer you'll come back and meet a mature believer look what the word of god did to the disciples come follow me he says and i will make you and they came as naive fishermen tax collectors all sorts of people and through three years of intensive world mentorship alongside the holy spirit he called them these a day that turned the world upside down transformation by the power of the world by the power of the world are we together transformation by the power of the world first peter chapter one when you read from verse two down to four it says grace and peace be multiplied are we still together first second peter i meant to say second peter chapter one from verse two second peter chapter one grace and peace be multiplied unto you through the knowledge knowledge knowledge the knowledge of god and of jesus our lord so grace can be multiplied peace can be multiplied next verse it says according as his divine power have given to us all things that pertain unto life and godliness again through knowledge the knowledge of him the world that has called us into glory and virtue but forces whereby are given to us exceeding great and precious promises that by them we might be partakers of his divine nature haven't escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust the word of god [Music] able to translate you transform you from a lower version of yourself to a more superior version [Music] john 15 and verse 3 the word of god is able to clean and purify it says ye are clean through the word which i have spoken to you no matter how you come the filthiness of the mind all kinds of wrong ideas cultural ideas that are wrong religious ideas that are wrong all kinds of ideas that come from our african context that impede and limit people the word of god is able to clean a man to a point where you become transformed a superior version of yourself romans chapter 12 from verse one and two says i beseech thee brethren by the message of god that he offer your bodies unto god a living sacrifice holy and acceptable unto god he calls it your reasonable act of worship or service then verse 2 says do not be conformed to this world is the greek word aeon the thinking pattern that comes with this age do not be confirmed but be transformed like they teach in primary science that an insect can go through the egg then the lava still remember then pooper then adult men can change states in life intellectually men can change states in life spiritually men can change states in life financially that the level that you wear by january or by june by the time you enter the ember month you have changed the word is a ladder you can climb it and it can elevate you to realms and dimensions that were previously not captured in your experience may the word of god change us in the name of jesus christ [Music] the power to create the power to save the power to impart faith the power to transform can i add one more the word of god has the power to heal and to deliver psalms 107 from verse 19. [Music] psalms 107 from verse 19. they cried unto the lord in their trouble and he saves them out of their distress next verse he sent his word and his word he led them and deliberate them not just out of demons alone but out of destruction deliverance is not just separating you and the spirit alone is separating you from a limiting obstacle you can be delivered from things [Music] the word of god is able to heal i know this from scripture i know this from the testimony of my own life i know this by the privilege of ministry it is true that the word heals [Music] i am the lord that he let thee i am the lord your healer [Music] you sent your word and it healed my disease sing it one more time personalize it now you are the lord that he led me you are the lord my healer you sent your words can we try one more time with understanding you are the lord you are the lord my healer in john chapter 11 jesus tells his disciples lazarus slippeth let's go and wake him and the disciples said no no no he's not been feeling fine if he's sleeping then he's good for his health he said no he's gone when they got there mary and martha began to cry where have you been he says don't worry i'm the resurrection and the life he said i know you've taught us that already but it says even now roll away the stone when they roll the stone the ward from this ethereum issued a command lazarus if he did not call a name every dead person would have come back to life he had to choose the one because the word of god was going to enter the realm of the spirit and select i want to do this just for your glory if he said comfort rapture would have happened immediately the word he said lazarus and the word entered the realm of the spirit searching dead bodies and found him and said the master is calling you back if the word of god can bring a dead body back a dead finance dead relationships all you need to do is to name it it's a risk to just say i want change no lazarus comfort he said and he that was dead he came out in grave clothes i want you to believe what i'm saying the word of god truly has power come forth for someone you are saying is too late apostle you don't know what has happened in my life ah the miracle of the raising of the dead was to show you that things can be restored they are taken for a prey and nonsafe not think it say yet restore [Music] some of you as i'm talking you are just remembering things that have left your life i lost money i lost people now where will my help come from the word of god has power to heal not just heal your body it can heal your mind a broken spirit can dry up the bones [Music] this is the reason why a sick body watch this someone can come on a crotch or on a wheelchair or be blind and deaf and while the service is happening the person is still sitting there in fact even when the preacher is preaching the man is still there faith is being lifted and then the word of god comes stand and someone who for 25 years 15 years acts chapter 3 let me show you what the word of god is able to do acts chapter 3 please give us from verse 1. i just sense that the power of god is strong here we're going to pray shortly [Music] the bible says peter and john went together into the temple at the hour of prayer being the ninth hour is the beautiful that [Music] the hard timing the discipline to go and pray you don't pray anyhow and want to grow methodically you must discipline yourself there's something called the time the hour of prayer verse 2 and a certain man live you see what being reduced to nothing does it erode your name there was a naming ceremony for this man but he had been so reduced nobody knows or cares about his name don't let your condition be higher than your name this man's name started going down and all that is left is his condition a certain man means it's not a parable there really was a man for saturn his name we do not know we just know his condition lame from his mother's womb so it was not a mistake of doctors like mephibosheth from his mother's womb he was lame the bible says whom they carried daily at the gate of the temple which is being called beautiful the bible says he came to ask for arms of them that entered into the temple god is speaking now god is speaking now god is speaking now verse 3 it says who's seeing peter and john about to go into the temple he asked them for arms now a miracle is about to happen follow carefully verse 4 peter fastened his eyes upon him with john he said look on us do you know what it means to look verse 5 gives you an explanation of what it means to look every time the bible says look or look steadfastly that's what it means it means give heed expecting to receive that's what it means to look when god says look on us it means pay attention something is about to leave god to you to look does not just mean see you're already looking the bible says the man was already looking on them it's a mystery coded communication [Music] look on us he gave heed unto them expecting to receive something from them verse 6 and peter said silver and gold have i known but such as i have such as i have in the name of jesus christ of nazareth rise up what did he have that word rise up and walk do you know when he said rise up and work the man did not rise up read your bible he was there looking at them and said what are you saying and peter said i need to help you next verse the bible says and peter took him by the right hand i said the word has already come you are stopping the word from walking he lifted him up and the bible says he leaping his bones receive strength the same way you are seated here now for many of you you are trying to rise you may not be lame physically but there are things keeping you down ezekiel chapter 2 and verse 1 and 2. we're about to pray my god my spirit is fired up i just sense there is a strong anointing in this place ezekiel chapter 2 and verse 1 there is such strong anointing yes things are shifting in the spirit the power of god's word allah you sang it already running out like running physically please whether you're in out like running physically please whether you're an usher or not i want to help them so they don't enjoy themselves everything that represents delay i bring a word in the name of jesus the bible says and the hand of the lord came upon elijah he ran on barefoot and overtook the chariot of ahab i stretched my hands may the grace for speed come on your life take that place now take that place now no more delay help them please help them no more delay in the name of jesus every power sitting on your destiny stopping you from experiencing speed in the name of jesus i take authority by the word of the lord be delivered now be delivered be now now bring them out bring them up secretary go ahead and begin to pray lord is time to rise higher in the spirit okay bring them out help them please help them take this is a world conference your life is about to change is let it rain let it waste let it rain hallelujah praise the name of the lord amen who is victoria i'm hearing the name victoria victoria victoria the victoria i'm talking about is holding a child is there any victoria here you are holding a baby this is what i'm saying in my vision is there someone like that come let it rain my dear this is your child it's your husband here no sir where are you coming from i stayed across opposite i want to pray for you you see from next month and for the next three months what will happen in your family will amaze you you will never forget this conference can i pray for you yes sir father i stretch my hands over victoria you have brought her by your spirit in the name of jesus i release you and your husband step into a new level of supernatural blessing take that grace you will never never be the same i decree and i declare that everything that is not the planting of the lord over your family here at this world conference in the name of jesus be delivered from it right now by the power of the holy spirit there is someone that's all right please you can give them the child the lord is showing me someone here the power of god is going to come upon you there are patterns of death over your family and the lord says he wants to bring it to an end we'll not take time we just pray and then we're done for this morning session we hopefully have the time to minister and pray for the sick [Music] please don't be embarrassed i'm seeing a woman here you've been trusting god for the fruit of the womb you are wearing blue look at this look at this listen please look up let me teach you something i know that there's been a lot of abuses immaturity imbalances in the administration of the prophetic this has come because of insufficient or inadequate mentorship alongside lack of scriptural balance are we together now when the gifts of the spirit are administered out of the reference of scripture they will lead to a plethora of imbalances however there is the accurate system of administering the gift of the spirit such that believers are edified and then jesus is glorified look the people who have come before the lord you see when miracles happen like this it is more than just a show that a man is you don't have to kneel my people it it is more than a show that a man is anointed no there is a bigger agenda to that when you see so many women coming to stand unashamed trusting god for a miracle god you see there are messages behind every prophetic word and every miraculous manifestation god is speaking about fruitfulness it may not just be biological fruitfulness alone sing hallelujah sing hallelujah we'll sing hallelujah i'll start by ministering to the officer woman i have profound respect for people in the military and people in the force they labored day and night protecting our regions protecting our nations and anywhere i see them not favoritism but i show them the honor that befits their sacrifice madame thank you for coming lay your hands on your stomach i want to pray for you i'll pray for everyone what i want to pray for you [Music] do you believe in miracles [Music] in the name of jesus look at me madam i stretch my hands towards you i don't care what the medical situation is in the name of jesus who sent me to this island and by the power of the resurrected christ i decree and declare unto you according to the time of life go and return with your children in the name of jesus christ according to the time of life go and return with your children in the name of jesus christ now i'm going to pray for all of you i really really can sympathize with you and it is not an easy thing to get up and come standing for yourself believing god for this all of the troubles that many of you may have to have gone through this is why he sent us we come as instruments revealing his love revealing his power [Music] i want to pray for you right now truly there is power to heal truly i want you to know that if you believe this you will be surprised forget about whatever medical report you see just focus on jesus they looked unto him the bible says and they were not ashamed please place your hand don't cry place your hand on your stomach i want to pray for you please help them because the power of god will come on some of them [Music] i've got a message from the lord hallelujah disrecorded in his word something is happening to you or something as i'm singing this song my god look at me my brother look to jesus a miracle is happening in your book no power in existence can stop you now i command every spirit behind this you know my voice i speak as one cent in the name of jesus the son of the living god help them i command those devils out of their bodies now in the name of jesus christ and i declare help that man i'm sure he's standing in for his wife or some person in the name that is above all names may your womb be opened now may your womb be open now in the name of jesus who is the christ of god let me tell you this there is a vision that i saw this morning i will tell you in the evening but there is something to settle on your land here i'm going to be praying a prayer this night in this place the bible says wherefore god has so highly exalted him that everything that is not it that does not name the name of christ that territorially holds people down except jesus is not lord he must give way today hallelujah praise the name of the lord i pray for you my dear sisters in the name of jesus in the presence of all the men of god veterans of the gospel within this region we are grieved by faith as a family of faith and we declare in the name of jesus who is the son of the living god go and return with your miracles go and return with your miracles god who located you and brought you out by your spirit it does not matter whether the challenge comes from you your husbands or both in the name of jesus we correct every anomaly in the name of jesus christ please return back to your seat rejoicing return back to your seat and rejoice return back to your seat rejoicing [Music] hallelujah the lord is showing me someone who will be rounding up now the lord is showing me someone you are here but i'm saying that you came from lagos there's something that has to do with lagos i don't know whether you came for this program or you had something that brought you from lagos the lord wants me to pray for that person i'm seeing a connection with lagos is there someone like that very quickly and then i'll pray with you if there's someone like that please very quickly i'm not saying you live in lagos that's not what i'm saying you're not domiciled here i don't know why the lord is asking that i pray for you i want to pray for [Music] you there's someone you have the call of god the power of god is coming on you now i thought we'll do the impartation in the evening but i'm saying there is god has been training you in the secret very there are dimensions of the prophetic and dimensions of the healing grace god wants to in a greater measure bring these graces these twin graces they don't have to rush out just hold them please [Applause] in the name of jesus you don't have to bring them out of money by the power that raised christ from the dead upon such ones male female you have been in the cave of abdullah being walked upon by the spirit of god for some of you no one knows you you are still going through the dealings of the spirit in the name of jesus the grace color post feather lecture de brady you will never be the same you've touched this grace your life has changed you will never be the same you've touched his grace your life is strange let me pray for you now the power of god will come on one of you in front here the moment that happens i'll now pray for the rest just hold him in the name of jesus i decree and declare connected to lagos i pray by the power that raised christ from the dead that everything that represents failure everything that represents retrogression in the name of jesus whose i am and whom i serve i declare let it come to an end now for you and for all connected to you in the name of jesus christ i pray in jesus name please go back maybe just one who is sam the lord would not let me rest i'm hearing a name sam they call you sam some like s-a-m is there anyone those following online you can connect by faith it's not only those in the local environment here god can be speaking please make sure your name is sam who is that what's your name son [Music] you are sam [Music] what do you do sir a coach i do sport i want to pray for you [Music] touch your your left leg but i want to pray for you so that something would not happen to your bone here that it will affect you in sports you see what i'm saying i hope i'm not a prophet of doom huh you hear what i'm saying but i don't pray for you i'm seeing something that is breaking your bone and this thing is affecting you almost like ruining what you are doing but can i pray for you yes sir lord i pray in the name of jesus the son of the living god number one i pray that you will help this man the bible says the road of the wicked shall not rest upon the lord of the righteous lest they dip their hands in iniquity he keeps his bones unknown is broken i declare me the lord keep and preserve you and then i pray for your career and that which you do the grace to excel let it come upon you in the name of jesus and for all of you i pray by the power of the holy spirit the lord called you out by himself i declare and declare that which you do i bless your hands go and prosper in the name of jesus christ go and prosper by the power of the holy spirit go and prosper in the name of jesus now i like you to open your mouth in one minute what one thing are you trusting that between now and the end of this conference must be a testimony in your life i release my faith with you please open your mouth and pray by faith pray by faith pray by faith unto thee that answers prayer shall all flesh come is someone talking to the lord pray by faith may be concerning your job this is a world encounter maybe concerning your spiritual life greater levels of fire grace anointing maybe for your family your children maybe for your loved ones maybe for your region go ahead and pray [Music] back are you praying don't be tired of prayer it's important to pray don't say i prayed about it again and again and nothing happened pray for them [Applause] just help those under the anointing you don't have to bring them out just help them we're praying this is part of the meeting please pray you came this morning help those under the anointing just help them you don't have to bring them out i'm releasing my faith with you the lord is answering prayers just hold them hold them so hold them and just keep them down somewhere if you have nothing to pray pray in the spirit let's take a few minutes to build up our spirit man prada yourselves on your most holy faith praying in the holy ghost fresh anointing oh god upon my ministry fresh anointing oh god upon my life are you praying fresh anointing a resurrection over my prayer life and resurrection helped us under the anointing help those under the anointing please just hold them so they don't fall please hold them hold them and just challenge every force challenge every power that contends with the word of the lord over your mouth challenge every force just do what i'm asking you to do pray lift up your heads all year gates be your lifted ancient doors over this island over this region it's time for god's people to experience the prevailing power of the world the prevailing power of the grace of god pray over your career pray over your profession pray over your family pray over your ministry pray over your spiritual life pray over your destiny don't be silent declare ye that thou might has be justified spiritual laziness lukewarmness in the name of jesus i challenge you on this lord's day [Applause] to be carnally minded is death to be spiritually minded is life appetite for the word of god a renewed appetite for spiritual things now pray for your loved ones as for me and my house as for me and my house it must be me and my house it must be me and my house parents intercede for your children young people for your parents for your loved ones in the name of jesus say unto the righteous it shall be well with them let the redeemed of the lord say so pray so speak souls declare soul let the blessed of the lord pray soul speak soul declasso rebuke the spirit of fear god has not given us a spirit of fear but of love power and of a sound mind i found my prayer altar afresh i found my prayer altar afresh let this be a conference that brings renewal let this be a conference that brings empowerment let this be a conference that brings refreshing in the name of jesus let this be a conference that brings empowerment for in jesus name we pray in jesus name we pray now let me make a request if if it is fine with the organizers of the conference i like you tonight as you are coming come with any point of contact whatever it is that god can use as a point of contact or you can come with a prayer request write something you are tired of that must live your life call your loved ones who may not be able to make it by the grace of god we are going to receive this prayer request this night and let the god that answers by fire arise like the mighty one that he is will be praying for the sick tonight and there will be impartations of graces many of you have had dreams visions where god has told you it's time to carry certain graces i'd like you to come with your heart hungry ready to receive for your life for your ministry that he will set you on fire and he will honor you in the name of jesus christ can i pray for you and with our hands lifted up we will worship our people and lead our hands make death we come before you in the name of jesus i stand in faith with the servants of god over this land and this territory the same way it is raining outside prophetically [Music] any drought in your life in the name of jesus who is the son of the living god we bring that drought to an end now spiritual drought financial drought in the name of jesus it comes to an end now number two i declare over your life every manifestation of stagnation long-standing stagnation that the only thing growing in your life is your age nothing else is growing i pray in the name that is above all names let stagnation come to an end now whoever has been anointed by god to hold your hands and to lift you in this season in the name that is above all names like pharaoh sent for joseph and they brought him out of his dungeon i command their ministry in your life now i separate you from any wrong association that is interrupting your spiritual life be separated in the name of jesus i pray for all who are connected to you here on ground following online and all across this nation and the nations of the world the same power that is touching you here by the ministry of angels let it reach them wherever they are finally i pray every lukewarmness in your spirit man some of you your prayer life this was not how you started your word life your passion for the things of god but now you found out that there's there's been a gradual deterioration fresh fire upon your altar fresh fire upon your altar fresh seal for the things of god fresh commitment for the house of god in the name of jesus i will not fail to make an altar call yet even though we made one yesterday i still believe even if it is for the sake of one person who is an apostle do not end this morning session without giving me an opportunity to run to jesus or you are here you are saying i could not follow yesterday i couldn't make it but i know that i need jesus i remember giving my heart to jesus but my life is not the way it is wherever you are i will count one to four you were not here yesterday please win that war don't wait for someone to be the first come and stand come and stand come and stand [Music] come understand god bless you jesus keep coming there's [Music] if you're joining them come quickly come quickly just keep standing i salute every one of you for coming the bible says as many who will come to him he will in no wise cast away jesus is more than the founder of a religion god bless you darling blessings to you i want you to lift your right hand if you can hi to the heavens and i want you to say this after me you are not reciting a poem jesus is here say after me lord jesus i love you and i believe in you that you are the son of god this morning i declare that i am unable to help myself and so i come to you i receive forgiveness of sins and i receive eternal life into my spirit be my lord be my savior and be my king i receive the abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness and i declare that i reign in life from today i go forward ever and backward never in the name of jesus please keep the hands lifted father we thank you for saving by your word even to the uttermost this morning thank you for these ones that you have brought before the cross in the name of jesus i pray that the lord will help you he will show you mercy you will never go back to where you came from it will be a journey for whatever in jesus name in jesus name amen praise the lord you
Channel: Salvation TV
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Keywords: online sermon, apostle selman sermon, apostle joshua selman sermon, new sermon 2021, apostle joshua selman new sermon, youtube sermon, sermon on youtube, apostle joshua selman messages, apostle joshua selman nimmak messages, koinonia, apostle, joshua, selman, nimmak, prayer, apostle joshua selman, apostle joshua selman 2021, koinonia messages, download apostle joshua selman messages 2019, how to grow spiritually, god, how to desire greater glory, powerful prayer, prophetic prayer
Id: wmqm4223BY8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 175min 45sec (10545 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 10 2021
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