In All Thy Getting GET Wisdom Pt.3

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okay good morning everyone in my part of the world good afternoon good night to some of you i'm sure some of you are headed for bed right now uh but i made the decision to do this video that i promised you yesterday to do it this morning because yesterday was very crazy and uh and i i know i had to get this out okay so i want to follow up on my promise more than likely i wouldn't be doing my show today at r12 because uh i have to take care of some matters that is of great importance so i will continue that next week but i definitely would uh finish up with this teaching on you know like getting we must get wisdom okay so what i'm going to do i'm going to wait for folks to come on in and once they come in we will just uh we will just let start just pull this up here yeah we will just start with the teaching all right i just want to make a few uh announcements here like i said i wouldn't be doing my 12 noon show today because i have to address some very important matters i cannot make that today uh definitely we'll be back with that next week i'm just as disappointed as you are because i really wanted to to to get on that because it was going to be really really really interesting today but due to circumstances beyond my control of course i won't be able to do that till next week all right for those of you who would have seen your comments deleted from my uh youtube page on my last teaching and it would only been the comments on the uh vaccination stuff all right i have a major issue with people trying to change the narrative when it comes to my teaching all right therefore i do not tolerate foolishness all right i made a very simple comment that my wife and i took the shot that's our business i decided to share it that's what we choose to do you may not agree with it you may have one of these statistics that's you that's your personal opinion i am teaching the word of guardian so you don't come on my page and then you start a whole new narrative to pull people away from that so all of those comments on the on the uh vaccination and all this uh mark of the beast and kevin doesn't notice and that were all deleted i blocked about two or three people because they were copying and pacing other nonsense under each comments as it relates to this short thing well of course you all know how i go right i definitely am putting up with that so i deleted everyone so if your comment is deleted i did it i i deleted the comment because it has nothing to do with the teaching the teaching is about wisdom all right and no one is going to change the narrative here all right i run this show here and it's going to stick with what this show is about all right and this is about the things i've got it's very very simple now if you mad too bad that's on you i always tell you if you feel so strong about your views create a channel create a youtube page create a twitter create an instagram there are myriads of social media sites that you can go on and push whatever you believe i think is very wrong and rude and inconsiderate to come on somebody else's platform and try to become a distraction because i have the power to deal with that i will do just that right so again if your comments are deleted it was only deleted because you made the decision to run on with some foolishness about vaccine and so on again that's your personal view everybody is have access to whatever information and then they make a decision people make decisions every day some decisions are good some decisions are bad all right because they made the decision you don't have the right to tell them what decision to make or call them whatever name whatever so you don't hear that nonsense all right so we have 336 236 and i'm gonna start at 400. okay so let's be clear your comments will be deleted let me be clear again you all know i don't play your comments will be deleted and not just for the vaccination or any comment that is has nothing to do with my teaching and you want to know what foolishness now the initial warning says i will delete it so you will see this anymore if you continue with the other teachings with that i will block you very simple because again again it is my responsibility to preserve this platform which god has given me all right that's why you'll hear me discuss politics and nothing unless i'm tying it in with the word of god do not come here and run over nonsense all right if you don't agree then go create a platform and to grow all day with that but if you come here with that nonsense like the first time i will delete it if you come back with it a second time i will block you very very simple if you don't like that then hey deal with it that's your problem all right i ain't got time for you don't get time feel too many people and this is why i feel so strong about it too many people are seeking truth too many people are seeking the word of god and assad when they do rule up on it finally and then the person who seem to be so good in it now we lean off in a different direction they become political they become an activist what what is this coming you came in with such a good word such wisdom and all of a sudden you take in it because they allow people to pull them that area that's not going to happen yeah i can tell you that right now that you will be making a complete fool of yourself because it will not happen here i will block you i will delete you and i will do everything in my power to ensure that you have no access to my material if you want to take that route very simple because i'm not going to let a small group of people to destroy it for everybody else all right nobody forced you to come here nobody beg you i didn't send gunmen to haul you up and put a gun to your head and tell you join kevin newing social media sites you made a decision so the the minimum you could do is respect the platforms that you are i always say this when you see me go on people block you know many of my friends post stuff that i think is so wrong i think it's so incorrect especially biblically but i'll never go on their platform and try to show them up or embarrass them or no if i feel strong about it depending on our relationship i'll pick up the phone and call send them an inbox and listen how i started the conversation give me more insight on what you were saying because maybe i may be reading it wrong maybe i may be interpreting it wrong it may and for the most part when we're dealing with social media texts and all of these forms of social media communication a lot of times how that person is let's say they're a grouchy person it is more likely for them to take a text or some uh electronic form of communication in a negative way even though it wasn't meant to be that way so a lot of times when people interpret these things because of who they are okay because of who they are they now confirm what you're saying to be that they get offended they take your poison what you getting i'll find it for but anyway i already tell you what i had to tell you and i embarked on that you talk nonsense on this social media side here minister kevin leo in youtube facebook you're getting shut down now you could write this whole thesis about how you feel and the short is this and the short is the devil and so on but you work among devils every day you in the world with the bible say the god of this world satan he deal with that but anyway we go the other day all right we ain't going oh we ain't going the other day i want to thank you guys also me at this before i get started as many of you would have known there are many people on our youtube that's been trying to not trying but they've literally set up fake accounts with my picture and my name right which you know is not me and i thank god the road i took in that i don't beg you for money i don't hustle with money so you know anyone that's pretending to be me and they're telling you some story some fake prophecy and that you must donate to some orphanage in nigeria and so on you know that's not me furthermore we're going all the way to nigeria for when we got poor people in the bombers that's number one number two like i said some of them are so illiterate i'm assuming if you're going to impersonate me you should at least spell my name correctly my name is not kelvin my name is kevin k e v i n dummy kelvin not kevin not kelvin so when you put minister kelvin ewing kelvin elliot i don't know that poisonous and i'm sure those that follow me don't know those people either okay so if you see any messages because a lot of you have contacted me and i thank you please immediately when you see that send me an email immediately because what it does for me is it gives me the opportunity to go into youtube and immediately block the person to stop them from pasting it under all of the comments then i go back and begin to delete the foolish comments that they would have placed there as it relates to beloved i don't know you but the lord has given me a vision of you and blah blah blah no these people have no respect for the gospel of jesus christ but like i say you assist me greatly when you give me a heads up as to what they're doing and i in turn uh can go and uh deal with that expeditiously okay now with that said we had 526 with that said let's get into today's teaching today is part three of this teaching and all that getting we must get wisdom so far our two uh courses in this has been quite informative and it's really given us a lot to go on it explains to us that wisdom is a spirit according to uh uh isaiah 11 verse 2 it is a spirit and we also uh discovered in proverbs chapter 9 verse 10 and it says that the beginning of wisdom is the fear of the lord in proverbs 8 verse 13 it begins to explain what that word fair there means and fair means as it relates to the lord yes reverential fear reverential fear in the sense that we must hate what god hate hate evil uh hate pride and arrogance and all of this uh other stuff we laid on the carpet when we follow these protocols we're laying on the carpet in which the spirit of wisdom will now be demanded when we pray now with the demand to come to us we've also discovered uh there is two types of wisdom there's the secular worldly wisdom and then there's the wisdom of god that comes from god and this wisdom that comes from god is also labeled as sound wisdom when you look up the the definition for the word for the phrase sound wisdom it's speaking about something that is flawless something that is perfect something that is complete there are no uh there are no challenges with it all right so and we're going to go more into detail uh with with that today the more we delve into wisdom it it will automatically bring to the surface that it causes you to see beyond where you are right now in life with that said it will now cause you to somewhat appreciate what you're going through whether it's good or bad because wisdom is always saying to you this here isn't happening because it could happen and even though you would have got yourself in this position because of bad decisions remember the scripture says now all things work together for the believers now for them that love god and those who are called his purpose so somewhere down the road this here is going to benefit you i've given you my my personal experience with my life just small portions of it i have a very complex life just small portions of it that i thought what i was going through was the end of the world i thought when i was challenged with god had abandoned me and i i said to you there was a time and i had stopped praying because i didn't see the sense in praying when i was in hearing from god it didn't make no sense to me it's like and especially what what the devil did to me during that time too to compound my frustration was to always make me look at the people who don't serve god look at him see hear me don't say god now you see how i got him fixed up right you see him got all the girls in the cars and and they'd be like but that's true you know that's really really true and here i am over here doing all this stuff praying doing all this stuff and trying to do the right thing only to be rewarded with more licks but again all of this is where the enemy will take advantage of your lack of wisdom okay is that your lack of wisdom that he would get you to focusing on these things to pull you off track all right so as we proceeded we begin in in part two we talk about uh let me just pull up my notes here just to make sure we're on the right track right yeah we pulled up on our proverbs chapter 2 verse 10 when we talk about uh when we actually have the uncomfortable wisdom proverbs 2 verse 10 says when wisdom has entered into our heart and it says how discretion sorry how this discretion shall keep thee or goddy you now you're gonna know you have wisdom now the wisdom of god because you're in a better position to make decisions you in fact making decision is gonna good decisions is gonna become the order of the day for you but while you're the one physically carrying it out you're being influenced by the spirit of wisdom okay prior to this we're going to get into this today prior to this your decision making were sensual meaning that whatever pleases your five senses you're going to run with that and for the most part how you know it's demonic or not of god you never factor in or calculate the short or long term consequences in which you're satisfying your flesh at that time that's just like somebody who's having unprotected sex they're so caught up in the pleasure of what they're about to receive during the act but and it's clouded them to the point they're not thinking about the current what they they could be contracting something and the long term is let's say it's a married man seeing somebody else you'll probably take it home to your wife you have young kids you're going to die who's going to take care of them uh it's all no one is thinking that so the scriptures again we're going to get into this today the two types of wisdom and both of them are spirits the one of from the enemy's camp is sensual wisdom meaning that it's wisdom that directly affects your five senses and make you think only about that but never going beyond that the wisdom of god is so awesome because it's like whatever solutions that it gave you it has calculated all factors involved so this have to be the best decision this isn't something you got to be worried about or wonder this or i wonder that no no no no no and and and that's what's so awesome about it once we're getting that answer from god once the spirit of god down load it to us we could rest ashore we could like we say in obama's you could put that in the bank all right so today i just wanna i just wanted a small recap today and for those of you who are watching for the first time i i i advise you to go and watch parts one and two of this topic and all that getting get wisdom so when you come up to this particular teaching then it's gonna make perfect perfect sense to you okay all right now today in this teaching i want us to go to the book of james we go to the book of james and the book of james we're going to look at verses 3 to verses 18 all right you say i put up on your god reserve sound wisdom for the righteous only for the righteous nobody else now if you ask him even as a sinner he's not going to limit it to you in terms of not giving it to you he's going to give you wisdom but you're not going to get sound wisdom so there's a major difference there okay it's an and and and the point i'm making here is that should be an encouragement for you to get it right with god all right to get it right the bible say that wisdom is the principle thing the word principle i think it speaks of that which is is first in order first and place that which is of most importance and and i love that because again it just backs up how real the bible is if wisdom i'm going to put it right here for you principle here means that which is first in order of importance now remember now proverbs 4 7 says wisdom is the principle thing okay get wisdom that's what it says to you now this is the scripture now how do we know this is true well when we go back to uh isaiah 11 verse 2 and it says to us when the spirit of the lord hovers over the coming jesus which would have been this for his coming the first principle thing that was downloaded or descended upon jesus was what what was it was it the spirit of understanding no was it the spirit of knowledge no according to proverbs 4 and 7 it was exactly what it was supposed to be the spirit of wisdom so that would be which is first in order of importance all right so let's go back here now to let's go back here now to uh james james chapter three all right james chapter three okay give me one second here okay james chapter three listen to this carefully and we're going to read from verse 13 to verse 18 all right james chapter 3 verse 13 says who is a wise man and endued with knowledge among you let him show out of a good conversation his works with meekness of wisdom remember what i ended on on my last teaching true wisdom from god sound wisdom the spirit of wisdom from the heavens from god almighty it is synonymous with humility why why is this because a person would with true wisdom is sure they're confident not because of what they think they know or their degrees or their training no they are completely relying on the spirit of god to come with the answers let me give an example of that the times when i uh was called to minister at any church and honestly when they would have given me the topic i'm like boy how do i work around this how do i work around this and every time i try to do it off my own as in trying to uh find a way to to bring this message together like become so difficult then there are times that i'll just relax in my chair and say you know what lord talk to me talk talk to your boy talk to me lord and the scriptures would just come why this is wisdom and wisdom will always use as its instruction manual the word of god i'll give you another instance about three years ago i had uh an engagement in nassau bahamas one of the islands in the bahamas and i was teaching doing a teaching on uh on dreams so i had all of my notes and everything in my ipod right got there man and the first 30 minutes my mom i just they just let me on the gates and i was just on it so when i went to grab my ipad because i just wanted to follow my notes in the sequence that i had it the entire ipod went blank this thing was on full battery now what would just go by that would be like oh man i'm done here i don't even know the but for me whenever i'm ministering whenever i'm getting my stuff together the only reason why i write them down is because i write them down to go in the order that i've written them down in but the truth is they're here so i don't really need my notes because i just flow from point to point because i know the full context of what i'm trying to to get to my audience here so i explained it i explained it to in fact it was uh a and bran apostles uh dwight and brenda pratt dear nassau are still teaching at their at their church and i was explaining it to apostle to to apostle dwight and i said man everything just did the whole thing went blank he said you you serious i said yeah the whole thing went blank but of course they would have never known that because i was just flowing the point i'm making here see wisdom from god will not abandon you wisdom from god is not your wisdom so the one who's responsible for wisdom which is the spirit of wisdom will always speak through you i i told you that in my my last teaching right so that wisdom is always speaking and as always working along with many spirits the holy spirit the spirit of wisdom and knowledge they're all working in harmony come and come and come in the holy spirit we need the spirit of truth now common spirit of understanding all right so the scripture says go back to this now uh verse 13 of james three who is a wise man who is a wise man and endued with knowledge among you let him show out of a good conversation his works with meekness of wisdom wisdom is not arrogant wisdom is not prideful and this is why i detest i have a friend who always say my kevin you need you need to calm down a little bit i detest preachers who are arrogant when i tell you i detest them i don't hate them you know but that is so opposite to what being a leader is all about and for some reason they're that way and intimidating to intimidate people to worship them which i don't believe in when you have the wisdom of god i'm telling you humility is synonymous with your god-given wisdom it accompanies you why because you realize this is not me if this spirit was to leave me right now i own my own i got to make up stuff you see and that's why i say to you and i know some of you are probably annoyed when i say it when a person says uh i always give great prophecies and if i say it's going to come to pass or i am the chief apostle or i am the chief super duper prophet and i there's nothing that i say for that's not humility that's you do not have the spirit of wisdom with you so the spirit of wisdom is synonymous with humility it is a pleasure to share it it is a pleasure to eloquently go through the life of someone's problem go through someone's problem and just let the spirit of wisdom provide the solutions you will share the spirit of wisdom now in your life become full of yourself become think that you're all that no man you know and it's unfortunate that you know for some reason this seemed to be the trend now there are a lot of humble pastors and so on out there but i'm telling you there's a large majority of them that are just arrogant man they they are arrogant and to me it it is the it is it is not of god that's the best way to prove it now let me let me let me add more to this he says let him show out of a good conversation the person who is endowed with these things his works let me see the evidence of what you're doing usually you've got wisdom but let me see it with meekness show me your works now but let me see it with meekness don't say yeah yeah yeah see see kevin that kevin would have never been who he is today if he if i didn't come in his life if i didn't come in kevin life he would have been on the streets loser thank god for me thank god for me no no no man you you park with devils no man no no no no wisdom is synonymous with humility wisdom is keep that in your area wisdom is synonymous with humility verse 14 of james three but if you have bitter envying and strife in your hearts glory not and lie not against the truth why it says this wisdom descended not from above but is earthly sensual and watch this word devilish so you you cannot say to me i have the spirit of wisdom from god and from that statement forward everything is about you and then you say stuff am i talking about the guy the service i went to this guy who claimed to be a prophet and he claims that the anointing comes on him when he put on these particular shoes i might do that but this is the scripture's telling you this now that kind of stuff is earthly sensual that have nothing to do with the kingdom of god huh when does god send down shoes for us to put on for the anointing to take place in our lives but if you don't know these scriptures then you would be totally you'll buy into that because what they're doing is that they're taking the limelight off god and what he has done and putting it on them and reducing it to a creation as like a shoe boy let me tell you these people hey all but it gets safe so it says here look at the comparison verse 13 who is a wise man endured with knowledge among you it says let him show out of good conversation his works with meekness of wisdom is about to make a comparison now but if ye have bitterness those who claim to have this wisdom but if you have bitterness envying and strife in your will in your heart i cannot say that right but god could see it in your heart glory not and lie not against the truth this wisdom descended not from above this is not the god kind of wisdom but it's earthly sensual and devilish for where envy and strife is there is confusion and every evil work listen to verse 17 but the wisdom that is from above is first pure that's true then peaceable uh-huh then gentle and easy to be entreated full of mercy and good full of mercy and good fruits without partiality and without hypocrisy and the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace of them that make peace now you hear that you listen to that right everything that i've read this so far as it relates to wisdom is personified in one word humility humility and you know what people who have this wisdom they they're not you'll find them not anxious to be in the limelight they're not looking for credit they're not looking to be praised in fact they feel embarrassed when people praise them excuse me because they know i am only this way because of the spirit of the lord whose protocols have followed based on what the lord has in the scriptures to possess me to come in me and to speak through me but on my own i could never advise you what i'm advising you you hear that you listen to this right so it talks about the sensual wisdom as it relates oh and on the opposing side which is the wisdom of god so everything that it says about the wisdom of god is totally opposite as it relates to the wisdom of the kingdom of darkness it's puffed up it's it it thinks it's all not it's smarter than everybody else stupid and dumb and only they're right they will never come and apologize they will even if they are wrong they're gonna find a way to fix it or to put the blame on somebody else okay but the wisdom of god let me read this again but the wisdom of god james three verse 17 but the wisdom that is from above is first it's pure then peaceable then gentle and easy to be entreated all of this is humility the wisdom of god is never going to force itself on you the wisdom of god is never going to say now if you don't take my advice you'll be the dumbest human ever you would be the most no because wisdom is saying i'm i'm advising you but at the same time it is totally up to you as to whether or not you go with my advice you'd have to make a debate about it you don't have to try to bring people on board to agree with your point or tell somebody no you don't have to do that i'm going to leave it leave it to you we do not have a marketing uh committee with the spirit of wisdom to to push our agenda become a later rules time this is the best course of action and we are here totally up to you you don't have to agree with it you don't have to do none of that all right so the bible says but the wisdom that is from above is first pure then peaceable gentle and easy to be entreated full of mercy full of mercy and good fruit you must see that you gotta see fruits if you got it i must see fruit from it i must see fruit there must be fruit and the best way i always tell people is a lot of people who who criticize me and someone call me a false prophet that they i don't know i always say this when they make that statement or whatever social media site now you click on their name and now you go to their site because we're looking at fruit now now let's look at kevin's fruit and now let's just look at those who claim kevin is a false teacher false prophet whatever look at their fruit boom when we get there hmm nobody pays attention this person they're bitter they're angry all they post is about uh the enemies you see today you will see no more and send back prayers to sender oh so you call me false prophet no so so the best way to to to to deal with those things is you look at the fruit you don't have to tell me you have to tell me you're a good person you know the day you have to tell me you're a humble person then in my head i've already made up my mind you're not humble because humility doesn't announce it's coming humility is displayed in a person's action in a person's character even when they don't realize it how many times you've been in the company of humble people and you walk away man he's such a humble person wow she is such a humble person they never told you that they didn't say hey come here my name is kevin i'm humble very meek very merciful i'm very merciful i love people they love me too no no no your food will always speak for you no matter what people say your fruit see your fruit is speaking you don't don't worry about the naysayers okay then in fact they're that way because their fruit has told on them a long time ago how no good they are but your fruit will always speak for you so i don't me myself and i just don't have to go there and say hey i'm great no you're fruit read the comments listen what has happened to people through the teachings through the whatever the food will always speak okay now i want us to go now that we understand there are two types of wisdom there's the sensual devilish earthly wisdom which comes by the spirit of the demonic kingdom all right then there's the god kind of wisdom and what i can tell you this right now whatever wisdom comes from the kingdom of darkness is to it's a setup it gives you a temporal pleasure because it'll always work on your your sensual or five senses but it's a trap for you in the future the wisdom of god is is it has calculated all costs of actions as it relates to your problem and this is the best solution that it comes up with okay you cannot do it on your own i before i go to my next point i remember there was a time uh there was this preacher uh dr miles monroe dr miles monroe bahamian also love him and he made i love his teachings but this is one time i did not agree with him and he in a teaching he said that he was talking about marriage and he talked about how in so much words if you're a christian if you're a christian and i'm gonna paraphrase it if you're a christian you are okay to marry any other christian now the reason why i i didn't agree with that is because coming back here to wisdom now that's number one coming back to god has already uh pre-set our lives again we don't have to go by that that that route that he made for us and also that he has a plan for our life right so if that's the case then not because you're a christian that means and i'm a christian that means that we're compatible and i think this is where people go wrong compatibility is key if you're not there's so much factors involved and all of this is going to be a part of my teaching as it relates to marriage divorce and remarriage compatibility is key you cannot go marry someone because they say they're a christian because they said it was saved for five years forget every forget they're nasty forget they don't respect people say because they're still humans listen you know this just as well as i do you are a christian there are some things that you're still dealing with right now unforgiveness pride whatever so you're telling me that this other party you're about to go and marry but you don't know their bad ways you don't know their spitefulness you don't know when they get mad with you they don't speak to you for the next three weeks you know none of this all you know oh that's a question i can't marry that christian because they save an isis you're being set up but wisdom would say lord lord lord guide me please guide me to whom you have ordained for me to be with another thing i looked at too okay if that was the case then why didn't god when he created adam and eve i didn't put multiple women in the garden for him to pick from one no god pick his help me now again that is not to say you must go behind it you know we all god has laid out the plans for us and if we follow his rules which will take us to our destiny meaning what he has already created for us but you don't have to go that way there's there's just like with wisdom just like with understanding just like with the spirit of knowledge you don't have to take that route but it's there for you so when someone says to me like i say i love milestone i agree with most of the stuff that he says but when he said that i said no no no no no no no i love you bro but i cannot agree with that for biblical reasons i cannot agree with that i cannot agree with that simply because of what i just said you cannot not because a person claims to be of your faith you don't know how deep they are in the world you don't know of the you know none of that so the only thing you're banking on is because of what they said nobody uh-uh uh-uh now if you all you could disagree with me and go marry anybody who saved then and only for you to come back later to tell me but kevin i wish i could listen to you okay so let's go here let's go here to uh proverbs chapter one let's go to the progress we're gonna speak some more on this wisdom guy proverbs chapter one and we're gonna read from verse 20 to verse 33 proverbs chapter 1 then we're going to read from verse 20 to verse 23 okay it says wisdom quiet without she is wisdom now she uttered her voice in the streets now i know there are people because you know i mentioned in my earlier part one where i talked about is the wisdom being of the she gender now of course there'll be those i will kevin that's just figuratively speaking and uh you know uh it's not to be taken literally and so on well i thought about that too i thought about that too and yeah that could be a case to argue but when i went back to isaiah 11 verse 2 it says it's a person it's a personality so i just find it kind of ironic that it will refer to it as a being and then i would come here in proverbs in several scriptures that it's referring to that being as a she now don't get me wrong that means nothing whether it's she or he or whether it has no gender that's irrelevant that i have no basis here that's nothing to argue or to debate and i have to make these disclaimers because people could just run right off with this nonsense okay so if you want to take it literally fine if you do not if you want to take it figuratively fine it does it's not going to change anything but i tell you wisdom cried without she uttered a voice in the streets she cried in the chief places of conquest now this is wisdom so wisdom here is always making herself itself available that's what the scripture is basically saying she cried in the chief places of concourse in the openings of the gates in the city she uttered her words saying this wisdom speaking now how long you simple ones will you love simplicity so what is he really what is wisdom saying wisdom is referring now to what we just read in james chapter three okay where the wisdom of the world that these simple ones are getting is always appealing to their flesh their sensual desires their earthly stuff so the spirit of wisdom from god is saying how long will you love these temporary things that are setting you up there's nothing good that's going to manifest from this long or short term so verse 22 of proverbs 1 says how long you simple ones will you love simplicity and the schoner the word sconia means the proud the arrogant and this corner delight in their scorning unfolds hate knowledge verse 23 of proverbs 1 turn you at my reproof reproof means correction turn you at my reproof behold i will pour listen i will pour out my spirit unto you i will make known my words unto you you hear this wisdom is telling all on sundry who are not under its spirit or whatever how long will you live on this planet and every day you're just living for the next event the next sensual pleasure the next movie the next ipod the next new corvette the next jeep the next person you have sex with the next whatever and none of this have to do with the wisdom of god he says how lo she said how long will you love simplicity how long will you love those things that have no basis no real meaning in fact if you pass today or tomorrow you've wasted your life because your life was shrouded with this nonsense that you just rehearse every day every day you get up you get up and instead of you just thank god thank god for another beautiful gift of the morning i could breathe i could move i don't have no oxygen thing so tying someone i'm not paralyzed god i thank you you have that ability but instead you take that freedom that you was given that gift of life and you're planning how you gonna spike this one on the job today how are you gonna continue not speaking to your mother how are you gonna make sure that this person don't get a promotion look look what you what is it doing it's appeasing your flesh but no way are you giving thought for the long-term consequences what are the long-term consequences kevin well the scripture says to us in colossians 3 and 25 it says that whosoever does evil that evil shall be returned to him or her for god is no respected person so one day you're going to pay for this but the demonic spirit of wisdom is not telling you that no no no no no get kevin do this to him do this do that do this don't worry about the consequences forget all that so you see again worldly wisdom is primarily on principle fleshly it's to appease your your temporary uh not temporary but your your your sensual desires you can you imagine right now there's somebody probably in hospice right now many people and hospice means that there's absolutely nothing that the doctors can do for you anymore so they basically send you to a place where you could die in peace right excuse me a lot of these people if they were if they were to reflect their lives and the evil that they did to other people some people they who were the only soul providers for their family they made it out of their jealousy to have these people fired lied on them all kind of stuff and they're in hospice right now cannot move probably bedridden whatever cannot use their body at bill prior to all of this i'm sure i'm sure the same devils that influenced them to do so much wrong to so many people it's the same devil that's shouting hurray and having a ball to see them in their demise right now and not only that whipping them with the whips of regret so at the end of the day is it worth it was it worth it was it worth it to allow this devil to rise up in you to to make it your business not to give god glory for this morning not to say lord thank you thank you father god that you've blessed me with this morning god i could eat i don't have cancer i don't have diabetes father god i'm not on some kind of uh dialysis i am free to move i am i could do what i want god i give you glory i thank you that my children aren't in prison father god listen i don't know how i made it to this day based on my finances but it only could have been you instead rather than you doing that you're literally calculating how you're going to make life difficult for somebody you're literally calculating and advising your children how to to spike people out boy boy boy boy boy i i thought that penetrate my cerebral deeply because i just cannot see me doing that i cannot i just cannot see how people could sit back and literally calculate the demise of somebody else i just and to think to think there are no repercussions to think that there's no recompense for this boy the devil really got you bad so proverbs chapter one says problem chapter 1 verse 22 says how long you simple ones will you love simplicity and disconnects delight in their scoring and fools hate knowledge turn you at my correction behold i will pour out my spirit unto you i will make known my words unto you verse 24 of proverbs 1 because i have called now who is this entire uh scripture in terms of proverbs 1 verses 20 to 33 speaking about it's speaking about wisdom and it's referring to wisdom in the female gender so he says here she said it says here in proverbs chapter 1 verse 24 it says because i which is wisdom have called and you refuse it wasn't that i wasn't extending myself i have stretched out my hand and no man regarded but you have set at naught all my console meaning you dismissed it everything that i tried to advise you on you said no i don't want to hear it and what none of my reproves every time i try to correct you you keep dismissing me this is what wisdom is saying so wisdom is saying it isn't i wasn't trying to be a part of your life to advise you correctly only me can guide you in terms of what is right for this particular time or even in the future only we can do but every time i made the attempt you dismiss my reproof you dismiss my consul verse 26 says i also sorry verse 25 says but you have set at not all of my counsel and with none of my reproof this wisdom speaking now i also this is wisdom will laugh at your calamity you hear it i will laugh at your troubles i will laugh at when things go bad for you i will laugh at you why watch this now i will i will i also will laugh at your calamity i will mock when your fear cometh verse 27 when your fear cometh as desolation because he's saying now there are repercussions to the decisions that you are making because the decisions that you're making there are on sensual wisdom but they're gonna cost you greatly in the end but i'm gonna make the attempt to say hey don't follow that way do this don't do it because the day is going to come true based on this bad decision and now you're coming oh oh wisdom i'm going to laugh at you she said i'm going to laugh at you i'm going to make mockery so when you say oh wisdom i need your wisdom i need you help me go help me because you were given the opportunity you were given the right but you you went on your intellectual thing you went on your your what they taught you in school and and you dismissed scripture you dismiss the word of god which the perfect wisdom uh is explained and the protocol you were to follow to to demand the presence of this uh spirit of wisdom so she says here i will mock you in your fair comment verse 26 verse 27 when your fear cometh as desolation and your destruction coming as a whirlwind when distress and anguish coming upon you you're not so what the scripture is basically saying it's prophesying in a sense that when you refuse the wisdom of god and you take on sensual wisdom desolation destruction distress anguish read it these are the things that are in the combo package when you go on the wisdom of the devil sensual devilish earthly wisdom as opposed to the wisdom of god these this is what's going to happen not what might happen scripture so when we when we unfold the scripture yes is telling us it's it's saying to us he will laugh at you he will mock you then he says when these things come so this wisdom know what's going to be produced from this sensual earthly devilish wisdom but watch this verse 27 when your fear cometh as desolation and your destruction coming as a whirlwind when distress and anguish coming upon you then shall they call upon me these are the ones they crying now oh lord oh oh lord help me help me lord then shall they call upon me listen listen to wisdom but i will not answer they shall seek me early but they shall not find me now this here is power pack verse 28 of proverbs 1 is power pack why why care why is that power pack well this now brings in the reality of the end from the beginning and god knowing the hearts of men and it's amazing because wisdom has already calculated remember wisdom is designed to calculate things well in advance to give you a perfect solution for now that will will not only benefit now but will benefit in the future so wisdom is saying i've already calculated the only reason why you're crying to me now because you're in trouble now but the reality is if i were to take you out of this trouble you will go right back or resume to your always again i've already calculated that he says then shall they call upon me but i will not answer them they shall seek me early all of a sudden they get the bible laid on their bed every day now every day they got psalms 23 they don't know the scripture okay psalms 23 ready or psalms 91 okay every time they're in trouble let me oh where that bible is let me hold on i'll get the vacuum take that dust off for a little bit okay okay spray weight about some water so the leaves could come on glued because i read that in about 20 years now okay and then i'm gonna look for the regular scriptures when my enemies are upon me even though i caused this the enemies that i see today i will see no more god does not sleep nor slumber he wasn't sleeping or slumber and he was plotting evil either so i don't i don't know why all of a sudden these these why did why these the only scriptures you could come up with because that's how you're programmed you're programmed to do evil and now when the evil is returned to you all of a sudden you're this religious scholar particularly specializing in the area of when the enemies come after you but you will never speak the part when you planted the seeds and scripture is fulfilling itself no man that does wrong will get away with it it shall be returned to him colossians 3 and 25 and god has no respect he will he will make sure it happened to kevin he will make sure it happened to the sinner whoever you will pay for your actions so how come all of a sudden all of a sudden now god uh god did i'm a victim now a victim how do you get a victim so listen to this when your fear come in as desolation and your destruction coming as a whirlwind when distressed and language coming upon you then shall they call upon me but i will not answer they shall seek me but they shall not find me listen to verse 29 for that they hated knowledge and did not choose the fear of the lord they didn't choose the fear of the lord what you mean by that well according to proverbs 8 verse 13 it says the fear of the lord is to hate evil pride arrogance and the evil way so that mean if you didn't choose to fear the lord in that regard that mean you rejoice in those things you are full participants of those things now trouble come to you and all of a sudden you figure and that's why you find a lot of people like this right here they find themselves in a church where they're asking for seed because they figure if i give a seed and god see how much money i given three hundred dollars god now stop the trouble from coming but i didn't see a sub clause in colossians 3 and 25 what i did see it says whatever wrong a man does the wrong that same role or the wrong period will be returned unto him god is no respecter of person i did not see a sub clause that says but what if he saw a seed of 500 i'm willing to expunge his these things that's supposed to be coming back to him so you see why churches like that who talk about seed and so on these are the things that they thrive on i keep telling you this you know what i'm teaching you here the bible they will never teach you this because if you're reading it common sense will tell you well i don't have to pay god to do these things because there's nothing in here saying that i have to give this to get that all i have to do is follow his rules so for those who hearts are dark and evil that's why wisdom said here the day is gonna come when you'll be filled with distress and destruction and and anguish all that life is gonna switch on you now because it's your season to pay you will be paying now this is what you work for but wisdom is now saying now when you come i don't hear you when you call on me i will not answer not because i'm being petty because i already know your heart you your heart isn't genuine if i were to heal you you will go back and do the same thing all over again i know it's within your heart i know how you think so the next thing they're going to do they're going to find a church they're going to go to some television program to see where they could sow a seed and god is going to circumvent all of his rules and now because you paid he's gonna kill your enemies for you folks i i this ministry that god has blessed me with is all about the bible scripture scripture scripture scripture because i wanted to be inculcated into your understanding that you cannot circumvent the rules of god we have to follow the rules think about what you did at many times if something happened to me i'm not gonna lie and i've trained myself this way what did i do what did i do in the past that this payday is for here for me now but i don't say oh my god it's gonna happen to kevin oh no no no man uh-uh i wasn't always christian and even while i was christian kevin i did some things i shouldn't have been doing so payday is for everybody listen if it's one thing you show off in life and there's a paycheck that you're gonna get for the good order bad that you've done in the past that that is no taxes are deducted from that no national insurance no nothing you can get the full pay just like how you work for it you're going to get your full and in some instances you're going to get more than what you work for should try that you think this is no no no no no try that 29 for they have hated knowledge proverbs 1 29 for they have hated knowledge and did not choose the fair of the lord they would none of my counsel they despise all my reproof for corrections verse 31 of proverbs 1 therefore shall they eat of the fruit fruit again therefore shall they eat of the fruit of their own way and be filled with their own devices so you see what i was always telling you right see whatever you are consist of all right whether you want it or not it's going to produce fruit right you have so so what i'm saying to you you don't have to tell me a lot of people come to me and kevin i got trouble on every side kevin the children don't listen to me kevin my husband sweetheart not me kevin they demote me on the job the devil busy kevin oh lord kevin you don't know here you don't know what i'm going through my neighbor working all kind of obey on me and witchcraft kevin some nights i can't sleep i just went to the doctor that me i have high blood pressure and i on borderline uh borderline uh diabetic pre-diabetic and kevin i don't know what next what what what should i do no what what did you do is what you want to ask me not what should you do what did you do did us in past since what did you do that's causing all of this to happen and they get mad at you they get they take on attitude now some of them they respect me so they wouldn't cuss me right there but you see life i cannot put enough emphasis on this life is about rules life is about laws life is about i mean principles and whether you are knowledgeable of them or not whether you are aware of them or not whether you dismiss them or not it does not matter it doesn't matter some way somehow you're engaging it and trust me however your life is turning out it is only producing the fruit this is the fruit of what you've done all this time so why are you shocked what did i say to you in january i prophesied in general i give a strong prophecy in january i prophesy that whatever you did last year in the years and the years in the past i prophesied at 2021 that should come to pass for you it's a prophecy anyone can make that prophecy why because what you sow you will reap simple so i'm laughing at these people who who screw people over who lied on them who robbed them who did everything wrong for them from 2020 going back in life but they went to some church where a prophet say to them so a secret and i hope god says he's going to turn that thing around i see blessings coming i see favor i see how did they see all of that when you know good and well that all you planted was bad seeds and he's telling you that his prophecy is gonna circumvent the word of god that even though you did 100 evil i see god doing 100 good for you i always tell you this no prophecy could circumvent or supersede the bible the laws of god the rules any prophecy that's going contrary to the law of god or putting itself above the love of god that's a prophecy from the devil bottom line so you can't do that you cannot do wrong life so now now you come to me oh kevin oh lord i need boy i need you to pray for me and when i hear your story give what i need to do i need to fight you think i need to ask heaven you think maybe maybe i need to go to church more kevin no maybe you've got those small tweaks like treat people better talk to them better okay have a more forgiving heart you just follow the rules and you're even going to be safe to do that piece do those same pieces right now but you only hear now is because things ain't working in your favor and just like the spirit of wisdom self said desolation anguish distress all of these things coming now and you don't cry out to wisdom wisdom ignore you and this you so let's let's go together now now let's give kevin our version of what has happened and let's paint ourselves as the victim so kevin could have mercy on us and pray with us and so and i'll pray with you but i can tell you now my prayer cannot supersede the laws of god so if you have an unforgiving heart and all of these other things you got to deal with it you cannot i don't care where you're going i don't care what church you're going i don't care what uh motivational class you're going you cannot know church no organization no one could supersede the rules their rules you may not realize when you was doing your mess you were engaging rules unfortunately to your detriment in the future but it's happening now so it says here verse 31 therefore shall they eat they shall eat of the fruit of their own way and be filled with their own devices for the turning away of the simple shall slay them listen to this i like this and the prosperity of fools shall destroy them but who so hearken unto me who is me who is this whole passage talking about from verse 20 uh from verse 20 to verse 33 is talking about wisdom it says but who hearken unto me which is wisdom shall listen listen carefully shall dwell safely and shall be quiet from the fear of evil why how could this bold statement be made because if you are dealing with the spirit of wisdom what did i say to you the spirit of wisdom calculates every course of action so wherever it's telling you to go whoever's telling you to say whatever it's telling you to do you don't ever have to worry about fearing about anything because where it's placing you what it is advising you on there is no other wisdom that can supersede it very clear very simple so that's why i said to you in my previous two teaching i said pray father i pray i pray for your spirit of wisdom i pray for for sound wisdom which is also the spirit of wisdom but there's something you must do though according to proverbs 8 and 13. i know according to proverbs 2 and 7. sorry proverbs 9 and 10 it says that the beginning of wisdom is the fear of the lord and what is the fear that is talking about well according to proverbs 8 13 you must hate arrogance hate pride hate the evil way these things you must despise get it right get it right with god and now you pray for wisdom but don't you cannot live your regular life and dismissing the things of god and now still asking wisdom to be a part of your life i don't know what where you get up from but that's not gonna happen that's not gonna happen so i love verse 33 which is to me is the key verse here it says but whosoever hearken or listen unto me which is wisdom if you listen to me you shall dwell safely so this is why again i try to differ with mr miles monroe and i love mr miles don't get me wrong i love this man i love his teaching but i had to differ with him because you're telling me mr miles monroe i can once i'm saved i can marry any saved person because we're all in the body of christ so you so what sort of wisdom telling me to marry mary here but i want marry susie because susie is a christian and susie loved jesus i don't know the details about susie because we might be incompatible in 100 percent of everything that between us that i'm scorer so no i believe according to scripture all right the bible says in uh jeremiah 29 11 i know the plans that i have for you they are good and not evil i know the plans with an s i know the plans that i have for you and then i didn't see a sub clause where marriage was excluded from that so clearly he's talking about my entire life and clearly if he has a plan then there was a specific person he had for me now i'm sure i can almost imagine probably more than 90 percent of us never marry the first the one who god has truly called us to more than likely 90 of us i would say never meet that right the point i'm making here is very simple god plan for our life is inclusive of everything concerning our lives hence we need the spirit of wisdom to advise us about these things spirit of wisdom i want to be married i have a lot of women that that write me ministering please my only request from you pray come in agreement with me that i find my husband all right now i have no problem with that i have no problem and i don't know but but even if i pray for you are you dealing with the spirit of wisdom as we would have read in proverbs chapter 1 verses 20 and it was and going down it says wisdom is crying out to you wisdom is shouting in the streets hey hey hey don't marry him hey hey hey i don't care how good the sex is that's not the person for you you've compromised yourself too far you're a christian woman but you want the mightiest man so you break your your your your vow you made that you wasn't gonna have sex with anyone until you get married but you wanted to keep this man and you had sex with him and you you you're circumventing all of the obvious things that you know you could never live with in life you're literally begging for problems but wisdom is saying don't marry him do not marry him do not marry her do not marry this woman look at this generation she come from look at these people look at everyone in this family but you don't want to hear that you don't want to hear any of that because i always say this because i meet a lot of people like this whenever we like something we are quick to call it something of god i meet a lot of women like this not much men a lot of women kevin i believe god showed me this guy in a dream and i know this this god i know this god and there's something recently too this is so interesting i say this god yeah and he's he's married he's married but i know it's god whoa whoa god showed you your mate and your meat is currently married to another woman okay i will leave that right down i can leave that right there i refuse to allow you to drag me into this nonsense okay but then there are people who just delusional they are and and those people when i say delusional this is what i really want to say they are extremely selfish extremely selfish they don't care if they have to rip someone's marriage apart destroy the life of somebody all to satisfy their sensual pleasure so now this is showing us based on the scriptures i've been reading what type of wisdom they're dealing with sensual wisdom devilish wisdom kevin i know that's my husband i know and god showed me the dream he's going to leave his wife and come to his real wife okay what else did god show you was hell fire anywhere in there for you you know so you have people like that and i'm telling you being a counselor for these things you meet people from various uh walks of life with a whole new concept of thinking and a lot of them i've come to the conclusion with this though that a lot of them who are not bible based boy their their thinking is off the charts i mean the devil really does have a field day that's why i thank god for the word of god because it literally brings life into perspective it really gives you a a greater understanding of what you're dealing with and and how to look at life you have a benchmark see a lot of these people don't have a benchmark their benchmark is which they what they saw on cnn or reading a book or or whatever the case may be but the true wisdom of god they don't have so they can make uh statements like that and feel that they're correct and feel justified you know but when you hit them with reality i can tell you one thing though like i do when i hit them in reality two things are gonna happen two things they're gonna get upset excuse me with me or they're gonna do me the favor and then the meeting much more sooner than i thought it would have happened excuse me so because people don't wanna hear the truth they don't wanna hear the truth and when when when life become real for them in the future based on the horrible decisions that they've made now now all of a sudden like i always tell you they're a victim now all so this is what you hear after you're ready you you've done everything to break that marriage up and you you marry this person right and things obviously feel like they should have based on the laws all right now all of a sudden this is what i hear from them kevin after all i did for her after all i did for them i helped her get her degrees i paid for her car kevin while he wasn't working i paid the bills and he did so yeah i hear all of that but let's let's hear what was the infrastructure that all of that was built on that was built on deception that was built on trickery selfishness on your part and because the foundation of which you built it on was faulty everything is now collapsing and before you see yourself as the source of all of this trouble that's coming you're still trying to find someone to hang the blame on no boy don't try that no no no no no no no no no no no that's are you winged sell me that thing happen all right so let's let's let's look at let's look at another scripture here let's look at uh proverbs chapter eight okay because we're gonna speak more about wisdom proverbs chapter eight everybody's the victim i don't get it everybody's the victim okay okay proverbs chapter eight proverbs chapter eight beginning at verse one watch it again do not wisdom cry so you see it again you see it again we just saw it in proverbs chapter 1 verse 20 and going down wisdom is always trying to tell you better but you ain't listening you ain't listening because your program that if it doesn't taste good smell good feel good sound good the touch isn't good you don't this cannot be wisdom remember i said to you a few nights ago when we look at that word uh in the bible good the word in the bible when we see the word good or the term that is used which is good it is for the most part not speaking about something that appeals to our five senses it is not sensual it is not the meaning does not mean that it smell good or tastes good or feel good that's not what that scripture is saying okay the word good in the bible will always denote something that is beneficial it may not seem beneficial at that time because it does not appeal to your five senses but i can say live long enough and you will see why what is seemingly bad that is happening now had this not happened then the good future that is panning out for you in the that will pan of you in the future would not have happened if this thing here didn't happen which was negative right so for example the bible says that all things work together for our good all things but for group of people two groups those are called to god's those who are called by god sorry all things are working together for good for those it's eluding me now but you know together it's right for for those who are called by god for those who love god and those who are called according to his will these two categories of people the bible says all things are working good for them right so that means that even when the bad things happen in their lives he didn't say that bad thing is good he didn't say that he says but this will work in harmony but with whatever else to produce something that is beneficial for them in the end and i always use my example had i not gone through what i went through in the past then i could not be s teaching you right now i could not be sharing these things with you right now so those things were necessary some of you going through a bad relationship some of you going through hell on the job some of you going through some sickness or whatever medical issues financial issues emotional issues you know it's an awesome scripture in first thessalonians 5 and 18 and it says that we we must give thanks to believers in all things why because this is the will of god i guess at that time this will just concerning us in christ jesus so while because we don't know the end from the beginning like god does it's going to be hard for us to understand how could this be good for me now this don't make no sense this makes no sense this makes no sense at all i look back at my life too i remember the time i told you this nice broke like the ten commandments i could barely make ends meet struggling i used to be frustrated with god because i was given tide i was given first fruit loss fruit billy goat fruit kangaroo food elephant fruit every type food i was given and the only thing was happening is i was fruitless and seedless given the seed all of that nothing i was i was frustrated you know i'm doing following the rules and well according to the church's rules at that time but nothing was happening for me right and it really used to bother me because there's so much things you wanted to do with your family and so on but you couldn't do because of the resources are limited you cannot do that now in hindsight though in hindsight because i was in those positions before it has only amplified my compassion when it comes to helping other people of course when i would have discerned they're not scammers and crooks because i have a lot of them writing me trying to lay some tired story on me and all kind of foolishness and i don't listen to none of them because i'm not discerned to to follow up in that area i don't i have a lot going on ready in the bahamas assisting others at a very high tone every end of the month so a lot of people will write me oh man of god and they're quoting these bunch of scripts you guys still scam others you know god says giving it should be given you know man of god i wouldn't really yeah yeah yeah click delete get over here but what i'm saying to you when the spirit of god is literally pulling you to this person i go back on where i used to be barely having it you know you have a family and so on and you gotta pinch pennies but now that you're not in that position anymore and you're not only not in that position but in a position to not only meet your needs but meet the needs of other people it's a pleasure to assist them because you know what it's like especially genuine people who really try to make a difference especially with young men i love to see men who who are really family oriented who are so committed to their families it's a pleasure for me to help them because they could leave they could abandon this family but they made the decision listen this my family this my wife i love her i'm gonna stick it up you see so what i'm saying here is very simple the bad things that has happened to us according to scripture scripture isn't saying that they were good things what scripture is saying is that at the end of the day this bad thing in combination with everything else that's happening to you will result as something beneficial that's what the word good mean beneficial is gonna benefit you you're gonna make some good decisions based on what's happening now how do kevin how you know about these signs about witchcraft and how you all these things you're talking about i lived it it was in good then but now when i sit in front of somebody and they say man mr kevin i know if i can tell you this you know some certain things happen in my room and i haven't told anybody because i know they're going to tell me i'm crazy give me a second here shaking up the bed your tv turning off you go sleep with the appliances all such as the air conditioner or the fan and you wake up and they're off you hear voices so they look at me like this hi how you know that because of my experience so it wasn't good for me back then but it's now benefiting me and others now that is the god kind of way the devil way is hey look have sex now don't use no protection okay go do what you got to go do only showing you now and then a couple weeks later you got to go give blood and you go give blood and they call you back uh we need to see you uh based on our reports you are hiv positive so sensual wisdom will never show you show you the future sensualism that's why it's sensual sensual wisdom is always making you always appealing to yours your five senses if it tastes good good if it look good and good it would feel good at good oh yeah if it sound good oh it's good it's good because it's appealing to your five senses but in that sensual earthly devilish wisdom according to james 3 and 15 i think it is or 17. according to that it's setting you up so you walk away from that thinking it's no big deal but later on in the future this is going to come up again and when it comes up it's going to be in an adverse person in an adverse situation for you and now you're going to be like oh lord i can't believe i'm so stupid i can't believe i'm so ignorant no just like uh cheating and having multiple affairs yeah you're the big mac now you're the big daddy now and you get to go to all these men and women and know your partner doesn't know but i was going to catch up with you listen whether your partner knows it or not that's irrelevant i don't know why people feel that the person who they're doing it to is the one who's gonna be the final judge no you are activating rules laws and principles through your whatever you're doing that's cut that's how life is that's gonna come back to you in the future yeah that's how it works so i don't know why these fellas doing all kind of foolishness and chicks and no kind of nonsense and and and and then at the end of the day when things work in the opposite of what they expected they shock i cannot believe this girl is cheating on me i i only cheated with my former girlfriends 800 times give me a break that's what you're basically saying i need to get safe you all need to come accept christ something is wrong these people so proverbs 8 province 8 verse 1 is reiterating proverbs 1 verse 20. do not wisdom cry and understanding put forth her voice she's standing at the top of high places by the way in the places of the path she cry it in the gates at the entry of the city and the coming in at the doors unto you o man i call and my voice is to the sons of man this is wisdom speaking this is wisdom speaking verse five o ye simple because that's what you are when you don't have wisdom you are considered a simple person you bite into anything anything that makes sense to you why because there's no benchmarks in your life there's no standards oh you simple understand wisdom any fools be of an understanding heart here for i will speak of excellent things this is wisdom now and the opening of my lips shall be right things for my mouth shall speak truth and wickedness is an abomination to my lips so true wisdom of god will never tell you things that is against the word of god let me read that again for you verse 7 of proverbs 8 for my mouth this is wisdom now for the mouth of wisdom shall speak truth and wickedness is an abomination it's detestable to my lips all the words of my mouth are in righteousness righteous meaning and right standing with god there is nothing forward that word means rebellious or perverse in them there's nothing uh rebellious in what i say or perverse or there's nothing perverted when i say to you verse 9 of proverbs 8 they are all plain to him that have understanding when i do my teaching on understanding this can tie in with that they are all plain to him that of an understanding and write to them that find knowledge let me just divert just a little bit here verse 9 here is saying that the wisdom that's coming forth from the spirit of wisdom will only be plain to those that have understanding to have understanding means to figure out how something operates all right and what the scripture is telling us here is that when wisdom come now those who have understanding it would be they will understand from start to finish this year this year make a lot of sense but as i'm about to do in my teaching on the spirit of of understanding you will see in that particular teaching like now that understanding which was also a spirit comes through the word of god so if you have a relationship with this bible if you believe the things that it says if you're reading this over and over so when the things of god come to you whether it's in a dream whether it's in a vision whether one day you're just driving or you're standing up in the yard or you're cutting doing your garden and then the word of the lord came to you avenge not thyself wow what does that mean without coming to me that's wisdom now understanding will be like oh i know that mean i know that mean you may be in a situation with somebody right now and god says don't exactly revenge on them or you may not be in a situation with them but guess what couple days later you got in a situation with someone and you could exact exact revenge but you remember that voice that spoke to you while you was in your garden while you were reading a book while you were in the shower and that was the spirit of wisdom speaking to you then but anyway verse 9 says they are all plain to him that have that understand it and write to them that find knowledge verse 10 of proverbs 8. wisdom says receive my instruction and not silver and knowledge rather than goal so wisdom is saying it's far more valuable than these things that we hold to be so damn valuable verse 11 of proverbs 8 says for wisdom is better than rubies then all the things that may be desired are not to be compared to it i wisdom dwell with prudence and find out knowledge of witty inventions you want to invent something you want a next business idea you want to know what's the pulse of my right now the pandemic has provided many hidden opportunities that a lot of people don't know so what do we do father i pray for wisdom that you give me the next business idea because i can tell you right now every successful business every successful business was a solution to a problem everyone so in this scripture here you pray father i'm broke i don't have a job or i don't know if they're gonna let me go father give me an idea give me an idea give me give me the wisdom what is needed in my city right now what is needed in my community what is needed in my country give me an idea that i can push to the point where to be successful and i could meet the needs or solutions for other people wisdom ask god ask him you've been trying to do it on the only as you can see you've been feeling like nobody's business ask god god give me wisdom i said i know i just ask him just ask him he says wisdom the first yeah wisdom wisdom dwell with prudence and find out knowledge of the inventions the fear of the lord the fear of the lord is to hate evil pride and arrogance and the evil way and the forward or disobedient mouth do i hate who hates this wisdom console is mind consciousness who's wisdom and sound wisdom i am understanding i have strengthened boy i'll teach you my understanding and i'll listen verse 15 of proverbs 8 by me by who by wisdom kings reign and princess decree justice by me by who wisdom princess rule and nobles even all the judges of the earth i love them that love me who's i wisdom i love them that love me and those that seek me early shall find me i'm running from you in fact i tell you from the beginning of this verse i'm screaming out in the city trying to get your attention i love them that love me and those that seek me early shall find me verse 18. listen to this now for those who running behind money those who running behind all of this other stuff riches and honor are with me with who wisdom yeah riches and honor are with me yea durable riches and righteousness my fruit is better than gold yay than find gold and my revenue than choice silver i lead who is i wisdom this whole entire chapter is about wisdom wisdom i lead in the way of righteousness in the midst of the path of judgment that i may cause those that love me i love this to inherit substance and i will fill their treasure if you are operating by wisdom wealth prosperity these are the automatic why because like i said to you i give you the analogy over repeatedly the spirit of wisdom whenever you are advised by the spirit whatever solutions you're being given whatever ideas you're being offered wisdom has calculated all factors involved so this is the perfect answer the perfect solution which will benefit you now as well as in the future wealth is going to come riches is going to come not just regular riches and wealth durable meaning this is not something that's going to fade away all because i'm following wisdom the wisdom of god is the word of god scripture so he goes on to say here in verse 22 the lord possessed me in the beginning of his way before the works of old i was set up from everlasting from the beginning or even the earth was now i would want to be with someone like that you all the way back there wow verse 24 of proverbs 8 when there were no depths i was brought forth when there were no fountains abounding with water before the mountains was settled before the hills was i brought forth while as yet he had not made the earth not a fields nor the highest parts of the dust of the world when he prepared the heavens i was there when he set a compass upon the face of the depth when he established the clouds above who's this he they're talking about god when he or when god established the clouds above when he which is god strengthened the fountains of the deep when he gave to the sea his decree that the war should not pass his commandment when he appointed the fountains of the earth i love that scripture right now verse 29 of proverbs 8 it is saying to us this how powerful the word of god is the bible says he gave a command that when the water comes up on the shore it can only go to a certain level but whatever levels they go to that's how far god commanded it to go when i think about god's creation when i think about god on the whole hey sometimes i'm gonna be honest with you it brings me to tears and it's nothing that he did of nothing i mean terms for me or he blessed me not and i'm just thinking the the awesomeness of god and his creation but the deep taleness of it let me talk about another time he goes on to say here where are we now verse 28 verse 29 when he gave to see his decree that the waters should not pass his commandment when he appointed the foundations of the earth verse 30 of proverbs 8 then i was by him that's wisdom now he was by god she was by god as one brought up with him and i was daily god's delight rejoicing always before him rejoicing in the habit of in the habitable parts of the earth and my delight this is wisdom now she's rejoicing she was always with god but wisdom is saying my delight was with the sons of men i couldn't wait to give them this wisdom that created the that god used to create the earth and all the creation and i was there from everlasting i was there before the mountains the depths of the ocean wisdom said i was there before all of this and i was forever rejoicing before god and my delight that's the part i love verse 31 wisdom says my delight my joy my excitement was with the sons of man so i could see why wisdom like i'm talking to you kevin don't make that decision please rely on me talk to me invite me no listen i don't want to do you get over here it's not in my trouble get over here so going to make this decision in this relationship no kevin don't do that get out of here i'm going i want this job and this ain't the job for me and i wisdom say don't get it i know i don't so wisdom said according to proverbs 1 verses 22 to 33 verses 20 to 33 he says you refuse my instructions you refuse my reproof but the day is going to come when all hell is going to break loose on you and then you're going to call on me and i will not hear you i will dismiss you because you've had the opportunities you're stubborn you're you're you're like a mule in your ways all right so now that hell broke loose on you all of a sudden oh wisdom you guys only play would you come here help me boy all of this but the only reason why you're calling me now is because again you want a temporary fix you want a sensual pleasure fix again so once i fix it and make it look good smell good tastes good you can run with that but the truth is you don't want a real wisdom all right watch this now he goes on to say here then i was by him as one brought up with no verse 31 rejoice in the habitable parts of the earth and my delights were with the sons of men verse 32 now therefore hearken unto me now that wisdom has given its entire uh resume that's what it is she is saying here now in verse 32 now therefore hearken or listen unto me o ye children for blessed are they that keep my ways hear instructions and be wise and refuse it not blessed is the man that heared me watching daily at my gates waiting at the posts of my doors for whoso finded me finded life i love this you can live longer whoso finded me finded life and shall obtain favor of the lord but listen to this but he that centered against me wrong in his own soul all they that hate me who is me wisdom love debt scripture i didn't make it up scripture verse 36 read it again of proverbs 8 but he that sinned against me wrong in his own soul i go there let's explain that excuse me when when the scripture when wisdom is saying they that sin against him which you mean sinner against you sin or you didn't reach the mark in the sense that you refuse wisdom that's how you did it you you dismiss it miss it yeah i don't want to hear this i i this here i like i i know this this this sister susie over here and god called me for susie now susie is playing dressing you're not dressing susie and she in up the pa okay now wisdom saying go on with this now because you cannot see susie hard suzy will be the right fit for you especially where you're going in life susie wearing this whole mother hubbard clothes right jane over here now now what sensual wisdom telling me jane got some nice breasts and nice hips small waist uh chain everybody like jean and i could pitch the gn on my arm and people can be so jealous and see sound good tastes good sensual wisdom she'll look good this can feel good tastes good sound good it's compared to be good but according to proverbs chapter 1 from verse 20 to 33 that's going to bring distress anguish destruction the prayer all of that is going to come along with it why because see with sensual devilish earthly wisdom according to james chapter three beginning at verse 15 it is always giving a a quick fix but it's just a trap to the hell you're about to catch in the future so now when you don't lock yourself down with this this is what god has called you this one over here now this lady right here is what god called you too but you married us based on what you've been trained by social media which you've been trained by television and the you got to have that shape you got to have the long hair and the brown eyes and you can run with that but this person is mean selfish dishonest unfaithful and now you've got to contend with this for the rest of your life so in hindsight now boy you're looking at jane now jane's still old-fashioned in a race but she's a good wife to this man she love her kid she's decent faithful the works okay now you won't bring your tits on for and you're talking fool but you're gonna ruin that because god show you that's your wife you wanna get out of here get over here you devil over here so what i'm saying here today we finished what i'm saying here today folks ask god for wisdom but before you ask god ensure that you would have met the prerequisites to wisdom all right again proverbs 9 verse 10 the beginning of wisdom is the fear of the lord the faith the word fear is defined in proverbs 18 13 the fear of the lord is to hate pride arrogance and evil and the evil way okay you got to make it right with god and it says that when wisdom entered into thine heart and understanding unto thy soul i will turn you before i end there i'll turn it because they can just tie in proverbs chapter 2 probably start to 2 beginning at verse 10 when wisdom enters into thine heart and knowledge is pleasant unto thy soul discretion discretion speaks about judgment discretion speaks about making the decision right decisions okay righteous decisions sound decisions but this is going to happen as a result of this wisdom discretion shall preserve you the word preserve means to to maintain something to extend its original time okay just like if you buy certain fruits canned fruits uh from the store they put it in a liquid to preserve it to go beyond its time when it should have already uh rotten or what have you so according to the scripture here when you are moving in the wisdom of god it's going to extend your time it's going to it's going to cause you to to live longer but not just live longer let's look at another one well let's read this first when wisdom entered into that heart and knowledge is pleasant to thy soul discretion shall preserve thee discretion shall preserve thee understanding shall keep thee okay watch what else wisdom is gonna do it's gonna to it's gonna to deliver thee from the way of the evil man from the man that speak it forward or disobedient things to who leaves the part of the upright to walk in the way of darkness who rejoice to do evil and delight in the forwardness the forwardness of the wicked whose ways are crooked so it's telling you how when you have wisdom you'll be able not only to discern these people but now you can make the best decision to depart from them now watch for 16. wisdom will also deliver thee from the strange woman remember i was telling you about but the two ladies this one over here who god has called you to be with but on the outside she don't have all of what the world is telling you should she should have but this one of you who you like which is far from what god has called you too she got the chest she got the behind she got the waist she got everything here that is seemingly good because it's appealing to your five senses according to scriptures how will i know which one is good for me because i cannot see in any of their hearts the only thing i can see is the outside and based on my sensual desires person over here look better for me so how would i know well according to the scripture once i have wisdom verse 16 of proverbs chapter two it will deliver me the word deliver i like this means to save or rescue me from the strange woman even from the stranger which flattered with her words so that what is the scripture saying to us this is so powerful the scripture is saying here person a over here who is not god's will for me person b is but person b is a plain jane person and i want more than that from the older parents i want someone who got a nice hairdo nice beautiful weave you know at least eight nine hundred dollar weave okay nice makeup a real executive woman in the corporate world and kind of mercedes benz doctor lawyer indian chief all that i want all of that because i feel in ministry and when i introduce her to the podium this is my wife dr timbuktu blah blah blah now i don't know what's in the heart of any of these women so how do i make the right choice with wisdom because according to the scripture once wisdom has entered into my heart and knowledge is pleasant to my soul verse 10 of proverbs 2 verse 11 says discretion this the ability to decide the the ability to make right judgments right decisions discretion shall preserve me okay now let's drop to verse 16. what else this is gonna do and it will deliver me from the strange woman the one who i ain't supposed to be with even from the strange woman which flattered her lips so the bible is saying listen you may be saying i i don't want her because obviously the same old god one for me so let's say she come at you i missed you and you're such a intelligent man i like your style so she's flattering you and if you want to enter that you will appeal to that okay all right you know i listen to the way that you teach the word of god and you break the scriptures down and you you stick with the scriptures and you you had none of your opinion you just give the word oh boy you make a good husband you are so nice looking and the scripture says the one who have wisdom what she's saying is rubbish which she's saying in fact you know what here he had a devil tongue over here because it says here it says this wisdom which is going to cause you to make the right decision it will even keep you from the stranger which flatter it with her lips to where flatter means to complement to boost to uplift someone to lay all kind of accolades and stuff on them verbally no scriptures are very clear discretion as a result as a result of wisdom has now equipped you to discern and to decipher this here i shut this down now why the mere fact they're flattering this is the spirit because that's what it is trying to appeal to your five senses to a pave to your sensuality and what is that if it tastes good feel good sound good look good then it must be good no no no no not according to scripture not according to scripture not according to scripture now person a over here don't have the nice car but they're honest person a over here they don't have all of what you like on the outside but inside they're a gem the person is going to support you person is going to be there for you when you're sick broke busted discuss it and do everything to make sure that you as a union you're going ahead no matter where you are in life and unfortunately because we live in a world where we're bombarded by social media and television and marketing and sales and entertainment that it has now altered your perception of what you should look for in a person and again all of this is going to be my teaching uh marriage divorce remarks when you look deep in the bible what does the bible say about these things what is it that we should really be looking for as opposed to someone telling you oh you've been married before you got married again you're a devil and this and that no no let's see what the bible say i hear you and i also see and hear the baton that you took on for years and you're talking with you now let's go to what the bible say let's see what the scripture says reserve your judgment let's see what the scripture says all right and then we can take it from there all right so that's it for me folks that's it for me i'm done with this teaching on wisdom that was part one two and three i hope you were blessed uh by it i've made the decision that i'm not gonna be doing my show today i'm not gonna be doing my 12 o'clock show today but i was supposed to do this teaching here last night stuff come up that i have to deal with and that went over into today hence i cannot be doing my show today because i have to address this particular model that's the only reason why i'm not doing it because i really really wanted to get this out of the way so next week saturday i'll be back on my radio program the kevin elliot spiritual inside show where we'll be continuing continuing with part two of witchcraft and relationship it's going to be powerful dynamic next week and i'm telling you invite a friend because you're really going to get into the depths of it again i trust that this teaching was a blessing to you for those of you that is hearing this for the first time i strongly suggest you go and listen to part one part two and uh just as going back over as a disclaimer i mentioned uh uh in my teaching uh last the last one part two i said how i deleted some comments out of the section pertaining to the the vaccination i told you this was none of your business i just decided to share it my wife and i we took the devoxxian that of course all of the the uh everybody came on or trying to change the narrative so what i did i deleted that anyone that's trying to change the narrative from what i'm teaching on i'm not teaching on vaccinations so i don't expect to see no nonsense with vaccination in the comments so i go over them and i delete them some people are so obsessed they begin to copy and paste copy and paste on each comment i deleted it because it has nothing to do with the teaching all right and a lot of people that comes to youtube even though they come for a particular video there there's some people who are just addicted to the comments and there's nothing wrong with that so because i know that though i cannot allow people to bring their agenda or bring their theory or bring their narratives and pull away from my message so if you are one of them whose comments i deleted is no offense at all but i want you to know and i want you to know in the future if you if you're going to come to the side you see what i'm about i'm about spreading the word of god teaching people the scriptures i my wife and i made a choice it's not your choice and if you figure out we're going to be possessed by the devil and and demons are going to jump on us and the mark of the beast we're going to go to hell that's your personal view all right so go get a page and go start a youtube or go start on instagram or whatever and now you go in and then you tell people who take it i in no way tell anyone to take it or not take it that's not my right i don't have i made we made a conscious decision for our reasons you don't have to go by that you don't have to call someone stupid because they do it or get cursed really what is showing to you is do you have anger issues because i cannot see you becoming upset because somebody made a decision to do something with their own free will your controller you need to go deal that spirit so in any event every comment was deleted and there was a lady who who come and i left up there where she said that uh she she wouldn't take it okay fine i don't have a problem with that but when you're going into nonsense i'm to delete you just want to be clear i will delete it and that goes for any other comment that is taking away from the message i said to you before there are many people searching high and low and that's why they end up on youtube looking for someone who's teaching sound scripture you finally rule up on someone who's doing it the next thing you know the person going off into something else that's not gonna happen here so in order to avoid that i will delete every comment that has to do with the vaccination and it's of the devil and all these other things i i removing that okay if you continue let me be clear if you continue on that road or any other road with that i will block you and i've blocked three people so far i will block you you will not come on this platform that god has given me to educate his people finally about his word for you to pollute all right take your demon base someplace else all right so folks you have a good saturday uh i will and god bless you until we meet again
Channel: Minister Kevin L A Ewing
Views: 23,732
Rating: 4.9199157 out of 5
Keywords: sound wisdom, wisdom, biblical wisdom, wisdom and knowledge, spiritual warfare, spirit of wisdom, spirit of wisdom and revelation, receive the spirit of wisdom and revelation, wisdom and revelation, supernatural wisdom, kevin l a ewing, minister kevin ewing, minister kevin l a ewing, bible study with me, minister kevin l a ewing wisdom, christian youtuber, kevin ewing, spiritual laws, christian youtube channels, deliverance, bible study, spiritual world, in-depth bible study
Id: s3e3zV9_6Vs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 109min 35sec (6575 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 24 2021
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