A Devastating Loss

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[Music] Jacqueline what is your what what's the name on the registration well I have three if my steps to my step sister my friend male I did what's the name well I don't know and one name I know I'm on there which is a Pennsylvania plate do you have you have Jack one Silverio that's me okay and then you have misil Almonte yeah that's my fifth in Mito East Nicasio and that's my friend well you have enough for a ticket to Jacqueline yes um I moved to that address on June the first um I am NOT allowed to park in the parking lot because my plates is not from Rhode Island yet I'm having a little issue on transferring my plate and um they told me that I could park in the street I've been parking there for the month and then on June I think it was like July the 15th they just started giving tickets my cart is still parking in in the street and I haven't gotten a ticket okay first of all let me I know you're from Pennsylvania right my plates are I used to live here before okay so you but you went from Pennsylvania who came back yes um I that was a difficult timing for me you've been having some difficult times yeah because I just lost the baby I was three months pregnant and I lost the baby so my friends will come in and visit me just to keep me like up nosh I've been very depressed about the lost of my baby cuz I only have one child and she's 17 and she asked me to have a kid since she was 9 and when I came up pregnant my whole family was excited everything for me to lose the baby at three months is devastating so I'm still dealing with it it's kind of tough for me because it's hard for me to see memories of my baby in my house and on top of that that I got the tickets everybody was getting tickets it was on a weekend and everyone I'm like listen I'll go to the court because it's my father yah here visiting me don't worry about it I'll take care of it and like today was that day that I woke up and I said let me go to court let me do this so I could get over it but it's been kind of hard for me these months because of that every time that day comes close to the day that I lost my babies I it's kind of hard it happened on June the 24th and they took out my baby on June the 28th Jack what about these other tickets are you gonna be paying for them as well I'm I'm used I'm being honest they my friends and they were there for me so I told them that I would take care of it I mean they were there for me and and they still there for because my friend me like Nick asked you is she still living with me because she's afraid that I might do something to myself because I'm totally depressed my daughter I just came from Florida cuz she moved to Florida and she was with me for like two weeks and then she went back and she told my friend she was afraid of leaving me alone your story is very moving for me I think all of us a great deal of understanding sympathy for you you present yourself it's just such a decent and honorable person ordinarily in this case if I were to make a decision ordinarily it would the original fines were digital fines were four hundred and sixty dollars I probably would have reduced that ordinarily it's like two hundred bucks but I don't have it in my heart to do that to you so I have the fortune to reach people all over this country actually all over the world through social media and through television and some of the stories here are so compelling that people who are very generous with good hearts and understanding have sent in checks saying please use these for someone who has who you think is worthy of consideration and God bless them for their generosity so I have a cheque from someone from Illinois from Downers Grove Illinois from a Mickey in Howard Hanson and also from Sterling Heights Minnesota from and you could dokgo who owns a business called amazing for us they both have sent in a check for $100 and asked me to use it for someone who I think is worthy so I'm gonna use their generosity to pay for your finds I'm going to reduce the fines to $200 thank you okay I'm gonna give you a hug come up come on how cool is that if you'd like to see more cases like this one tune it to court in Providence every weekday excuse me you know Court in Providence is also a TV show oh wow your life just got substantially better to find out what channel around go to court in Providence comm click on your local listings scroll down till you find your hometown then start doing your happy dance that's it move it move it nice all rides and hit subscribe so you don't miss the latest viral moments like this one share these videos and weigh in on the cases you be the judge subscribe now
Channel: Caught In Providence
Views: 1,145,030
Rating: 4.9398966 out of 5
Keywords: court show, judge, tv show, providence, judge caprio, frank caprio, reality tv, court tv
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 22sec (382 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 23 2020
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