Police made me do it!

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(funky upbeat music) Hello, your honor. Carrie, good morning. Good morning. Carrie, you're accused of going through a red light on Service Road 7 and Broadway. We're gonna show you a video of that. I watched the video myself. I only wish that it had audio. If you noticed, there's a policeman right in front of where I am. Lights, please. Sorry! Let's watch it, then we'll talk. Light is yellow. Red. Okay. You are a substantial distance before the red light. There is a police car that is stopped on the other side of the service road. Now before we even run this, what is it you wanted to tell me? Put the lights on, please. Okay. I think I was taken aback by the fact that there was a policeman there and I needed to move out of the way, and I'm sure that's what, you know, I was focusing on at that point. I certainly would never, in a million years... Now I'm gonna as you a question Go through a red light right in front of a policeman. I'm gonna ask you a question, and I want an honest answer. I'm gonna, let's assume you were sitting here with the robe on. And I was there, and I said to you, "I was coming down the service road," "and I was about" "30 feet from the intersection" "when the light turned red," "and there was a police car" "on the other side of the road" "about 300 feet from me," "and I went through the red light." I am a nervous, whenever I see a police or an ambulance or anything, I'm like the one that gets out of the way... Well yeah, yeah. And if you if you look at the car... If you were everything you just said, right? Addresses the issue that you should have stopped. If you... You see it? 'Cause they tell you, the statue is that if a police car is even coming on the opposite direction, you're supposed to pull over and stop. So using your logic, you should've (chuckles) You should've never gone through the light. So here's your logic. "I saw a police car up front with the lights on," "and I had a red light, and I went through the light" "so I could hit the police car." Well it was a yellow light when I looked at the light. Honestly... The light is now red right now, look where your car is. But when I looked at the light, it was yellow. And then I'm looking at this policeman that's right in front of me in my lane, and so I try to move out of the way. There's no way way in a million years I would ever, obviously, go through a red light in front of a policeman! I intended to get out of harm's way, and I messed up. You sure did. The video speaks for itself. The video speaks for itself. You were well before the light when the light turned red. The fact that there was a police car on the other end of the street mitigates against you. Doesn't help you. If you had indicated that there was a police car coming up from behind you with the lights flashing and so forth, and you thought you were in imminent danger, then I could understand that you went through the light. I was just nervous. I understand that. This is not a crime of moral turpitude, don't get nervous. Don't get emotional. Its not a crime of moral turpitude. It's a red light, you went through the light. It's clear. This is silly, sorry. Okay, it's $85. Okay. (funky music) Deborah, I'm going to... Yes sir. I'm gonna just tell you for your own benefit, okay? That when you're driving and you see these big arms up with cameras, you know, they actually take pictures of you. You have three red light violations. Three. Yeah. May I just say one thing? Yeah, you can say more than one thing. I don't wanna interrupt you... I just want you to know that, in the future, if I were you, I'd look to see if the cameras were there. Now there also may be a police officer on the corner, I'm not sure. But the cameras, they're stationary, they're not moving and they're not hiding. So what is it you wanna tell me? Well what I wanna say is that when I came over to sign in, I was told that (mumbles) for two violations. Actually on the same day, I'm saying embarrassingly. They told me that I had another violation in April that I never got a ticket for. So... I really, the only thing I really wanna say is if I had gotten the ticket in April, these two wouldn't have happened because I would have known I had to stop. Do you follow me? Well I know what you said. (courtroom laughter) Did you have a major in logic? No. I majored in music, actually. What you said was "if I got the first ticket, the second two never would have happened". Exactly. "Because then I would've known I have to stop at a red light." Exactly. (courtroom laughter) Well, I was making a right hand turn. Did you ever read the driver's manual? I mean... It was so long ago, I don't even know what I had for breakfast. So long ago? That I read the driver's manual. Oh, because this just happened. Yeah, right. All right. Would you like us to show you... No, no. The video which you star? No, no. Please don't. No. You don't wanna see it? I've seen it. Oh, you have? Yes. All three of them? Only two, 'cause I only got these two tickets. Oh, you wanna see the the third? No, it's okay. (Laughs) All right. Pay the clerk. (funky music) [Judge] All right. Next case is the matter of Anthony Castelone. Mr. Casteloe, the charge is you were parking at an expired meter on Covner Street. Is there anything you wanna tell me about this? I wasn't aware that the meter was expired. Well have you been charged with an expired meter in the past? No, this is my first experience. First experience in traffic court? In a traffic court. The circumstances that morning, I wasn't thinking much of it. I had to go to the hospital for tests and exams, so I saw this place to park, and I parked. The leasing company sent me this thing, my first reading that I had expired or a tag. Oh. Yesterday was the first time I got this. So did your wife give you hell for getting the ticket? Not really, she just said "take care of it", you know? "Take care of it." You represent the best of America. Here you are, I'm not sure how old you are... 87! 87 years old. Never had a parking ticket, never been in court. No. I'll say it was an experience today. So you come in, and you sit here all morning. I wanna congratulate you on your previous driving record, I wanna congratulate you on being a good American, which is how we try to view this country. People like you, a part of that great generation. This ticket's dismissed, with our gratitude for you. Thank you very much. I appreciate that, your honor. (bass riff) To see more awesome cases like this, watch Court in Providence every week day. What? You don't know what channel it's on? Poor excuse! (keyboard clicking) Go to caughtinprovidence.com, click on your local listings, (mouse click) scroll down 'til you find your hometown, and boom! You're in. Trust me, it's easy. If my grandson, Charlie can do it, So can you (funky upbeat music)
Channel: Caught In Providence
Views: 1,162,630
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: court show, judge, tv show, providence, judge caprio, frank caprio, reality tv, court tv
Id: oKwlwLqXR9I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 52sec (472 seconds)
Published: Tue May 28 2019
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