27 Years in jail & She wants to meet the cop!

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(Jazzy Music) Rodney (inaudible) How you doin' your Honor. Good evening Sir. I uh, well What do you want to say? Well I just wanna explain my circumstances. Sure. I uh, uh just got out the 8 side last year. Uh, did ten years and uh I got my license, and I was, this camera got me twice. First one I paid because I said maybe I was wrong. You know I wanna, you know turn my life around. I'm a recovering addict, I live in a sober house. Uh, I did about 27 years in prison since I was 19. And uh, it's tough trying to get a job. Nobody wants to give me a job because I'm an ex-felon. So I keep getting papers saying, uh due to the, due to the fact that you were incarcerated we regret to inform you that we can't hire you at this time. So, I'm trying to get a job, I can't get a job. I'm trying to turn, I want to sit out there with a cardboard thing saying, Can I get a job? You know, I mean started begging for money, you know. I want a job, I want to work. What do you do? Excuse me? What kind of work? Like Buhl work, like warehouse and stuff, you know? Whatever you need me to do. My father was a roofer for 40 years at Warwick. Really? Yeah he died, they both did. Both my parents died when I was in jail. I thumbed out here when I was 15. Went to jail when I was 19. Got out when I was 30. Went back when I was 31. Got out when I was 38. And I just did 10 more years. And I just got out last year, but I'm trying to turn it around. I've had a few relapses but I just keep getting up. I go to counseling at Bridgemark Outpatient Counseling, I start this week. Which I want on my own. And I go to counseling, but uh They give you a chance to go to the funeral when you were in prison? Yeah they brought me a (Inaudible) cause I couldn't go to my mother's cause I'm from outer boroughs originally. So. Well I, you know, if I was wrong you know I'd like to see the video myself. (talking over each other) I tried to do it online, it wouldn't do it. It wouldn't play. All right. Carol bring up please. This Westminster and Main. You probably made a right hand turn. The light is red. Blinker on, well that's good. And that's you making a right hand turn. Got the blinker on. That's that same corner everybody else has been getting. All right. Well they should do something for people getting out of jail, just saying. Yeah all right, all right. I thought you were gonna talk about the red light. Oh I'm just saying that. I agree with you 100%. I agree with you 100% that people who come in, who are being discharged from prison should be given an opportunity to prove themselves. Okay. All I can do is, I'm gonna give you a break on the light. I'm not gonna charge you. I appreciate that, thank you. I don't want to do anything that's gonna make you desperate. Naw I just want you to get a bit of my understanding, where I'm coming from, that's all. Oh trust me I understand. Right. And it's only 80 bucks I didn't have to tell you all that. Let me tell you what I, what I know, okay? That if you don't have three cents in your pocket, 80 dollars is like a million dollars. Sort of is. So you can't, some people say well it's only 20 bucks. I remember when I was a kid, 20 dollars was like 20,000 to me. Cause I had no money, you know? No sweat, if I get a job and I need gas money to go back and forth to work, so I'm worried about that. I'm worried about paying my car insurance. I'm worried about giving the superior court 20 dollars every 2 months. I don't even got a job, you know? How much, uh how much longer are you gonna be in the sober house? Uh, I've only been there since last year, so. Maybe another year. Really? Yeah, go to meet its where all the guys. I'm really rooting for you. Oh I appreciate it that, thank you. You present very well, you know. You did your time. Yeah well my mission is to help other addicts. Going to the streets and talking. I mean I picked a girl up that was a heroin addict, and I let her watch a video that was about addiction. She started crying and then I said you know you can help, you know what I'm saying. I like to do that. Try and help other people. Well the first thing you're gonna do is help yourself. Right, right. You know, and it looks like you're trying to do that. I am. Okay, I just want you to know that we're rooting for you down here. Okay. Yep. And we're gonna do what we can to help you, I'm gonna dismiss this case. All right thank you. Okay, good luck to you. All right thank you. Have a good night. Jay Cross. Good morning. Okay you're charged with a parking violation on Carter's Street. Originally you were obstructing traffic. What do you want to tell me about this? Well um, I was at a home visit and a lot of my day is spent looking for parking places to visit, um, at risk families who are pregnant or have um, infants. Oh And I You're just the person I'm looking for so you see Yeah I can suggest Francesco. And now, the words that I'm having boys, right, you know. Yes. You know being stuck. Or Francesca, would that work also? Yeah, its not Francisco, its Francesco. C E S C O. I'll give it to you again, F R A N C E S C O. Very melodious. Very Francesco. It's beautiful. It's gonna be the new name I'm telling you. It's gonna be the name of the future. Okay. So is there a picture of my car by any chance? Actually that's a good question because of the charge that you were obstructing traffic, they should give me a picture. There's nothing here. Oh its uh, hand written by a police officer, Judge. I can tell by the ticket in her hand. Yeah. The only way we do that is if we have the officer come in and testify. Mhm. What do you want to tell me about it? Um, well, cars got around my car for an hour and a half so. Were you double parked? Where were you parked. No, I was parked at the side of the road. And I looked really carefully for any signs that said No parking, um. The thing that impresses me, is she has no this is her first ticket. And the City hasn't given me a uh, a forward. Even though the officer who was not a parking enforcement officer. So the question is, the question is whether I'm gonna bring the police officer in and bring you back and have you spend all morning here. And get the police officer off the beat. Have the City pay him, I don't know whatever they got to pay him. I'd like to meet him actually. You do? Yes. I feel like this was kind of random. And uh, I was shocked because. You want to come back and have a trial? No I don't. Well that's the way you're gonna meet him. Oh, no thank you. Okay. I mean I, I wrote D I S M and I was ready to write I S S and this and you said I want to meet him. And I was gonna cross that off. Feel free to write it. Cause you interrupted me. Sorry. There's another woman that interrupts me quite a bit. It's called my wife. So, if I want to get aggravated I'll go home. Okay. (laughter) I don't mean that, I mean that (laughter drowns out speaking) I don't mean that literally because I, She's a wonderful person, she don't aggravate me. All right, matter's dismissed. City didn't prove enough evidence to convict you. Um is it okay if I say one more thing about the um, excessive Its a lot, a 75 dollars for people in that area. That could be their entire food budget for the week. If you are obstructing traffic, and there's a rescue squad that can't get by and it cost somebody their life or or for some other reason, so we're balancing the equities here. The answer, the answer to your question is that they shouldn't be parking obstructing traffic. Cause it has its consequences. But um. Thank you. Thank you. Come on. How cool was that? If you like to see more cases like this one. Tune in to Caught in Providence every week day. Excuse me? You didn't know Caught in Providence is also a TV show? Oh wow! 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Channel: Caught In Providence
Views: 5,528,679
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Keywords: court show, judge, tv show, providence, judge caprio, frank caprio, reality tv, court tv
Id: TgGo1mjFJkY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 2sec (482 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 08 2019
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