the Iraqi War Veteran and True Love

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[Music] good morning sir good morning your honor I I want to apologize I've kept you waiting just kept jumping people in front of you so that's okay your honor okay are you used to waiting I mean yet you were going to pretty guy that's pretty calm I'm on medication I'm a hundred percent disabled war vet so I'm on medication for anxiety and depression order one medication that keeps me calm well if if I add it to your anxiety I apologize but that's okay I'm trying to do our job that's okay I don't have the photo ones your honor I only have this one no and I'd like to explain that these tickets it's saying that I have four parking parking prohibit and near a fire hydrant and the red light I never received those on my vehicle on my windshield and this is the only thing I received in the mail okay I've been having problems through the post office which I've made complaints that certain males are not going to my house one of these charges is that you went through a red light I don't recall doing that your honor just right I want you to relax yes your honor don't get anxious here right - nothing that's going to happen here that's going to be excitable okay yes your honor we have a video of the red light I just want to look at it we'll show it up here your child's were going through a red light on Pleasant Valley Parkway and Valley Street we're gonna look at the video right now yes your honor Wow you were in a hurry I in that vicinity I must have been one of the valley for the VA I was heading towards the VA and in an appointment and I get anxious when I'm late it just hit I get I see you getting anxious now don't get nervous I know I apologize no don't apologize to me I'm apologizing to you your vet would branch of the service were you in army I was a sergeant military police officer for the 119th MP company you know where did you serve Iraq back in oh three two oh four and I lost hearing I am a recovery can't recovering cancer patient and two due to the radiation I experienced in Iraq I've been cancer-free now three years and I have a pinched nerve in my spine and I have anxiety disorder Pete severe PTSD and manic depressive are you getting adequate medical treatment from the vets I'm on medication for these and I see a psychiatrist once a month that must have been one of my appointments to see my psychiatrist how long do we want did you serve in Iraq thirteen months your honor once you get once you get into an accident once you can't go back that's when I lost my hearing to an ie D up near my Humvee and I lost my left side of my hearing well let me tell you how I feel about this okay you have a condition that was brought about by your service to this country you were nearly killed with a blast you lost your hearing you served honorably to defend all of us that are seated here today and I think the least that we can do was show our gratitude in so many ways and the least that I can do is say listen you went through a red light you were on your way to get treatment at the vets because of a condition that was brought about by your service to this country the anxiety was brought about because of war damage that was done to you I think the least we can do was say you know what we're gonna give you a pass on this thank you your honor I appreciate it and I'm gonna do that thank you I'm gonna dismiss both of these charges thank you without gratitude and I thanks to you for everything you've done for this country thank you your honor good what [Music] morning buggy times we've gone through a renovator in Pleasant Valley Parkway and Valley Street this was on December 14th just before Christmas at 9 o'clock in the morning we're gonna take a look at okay okay lights please all right Danny can we do it again and stop it inspector Carrigan when the light turns red okay the light is green yellow red okay white is red you you're good 30 yards before the intersection when the way to red lights please I went through the red light I was on my way back to the hospital my husband had had surgery that morning and I wasn't even I didn't even know I went through that light until I got the ticket in the mail and it showed that I and I saw the video and I couldn't believe it that I did the Hat I'm 71 years old I have never had a chicken and I'm hoping that you could understand where was your husband at the vets no he was that um Roger Williams yes yeah it had surgery that morning and I was on my way back can touch my head just wasn't on straight I guess that was six weeks ago how's he doing he's doing fine he's making good he's making a good recovery yes okay few problems but just doin okay I'm happy to hear that thank you so you was preoccupied and anxious because of your husband's condition and you didn't see the light I didn't even realize I went to a light but like I said when I got it in the mail I was I was shocked and when I seen the video and I absolutely did no doubt about it but I'm hoping that with my record and everything it might help well I do have your Reckitt you haven't even had a parking ticket no ever so I'm gonna give you a break on it thank you based on the circumstances now I don't want you every time your husband has some kind of a surgical procedure going through a read aways you know because what's going to happen is next time he's gonna go to CVS and you're gonna say well my husband was in the pharmacy you know and then after that guys there my husband had a headache and I was preoccupied so wait so this is your one shot okay yes sir all right I appreciate it thank you we should all be so lucky to have someone who loves us so much and when they find out we're sick they blow through red lights without any memory of the violation that my friend is the definition of true love all rise and hit subscribe so you don't miss the latest viral moments like this one share these videos and weigh in on the cases you be the judge subscribe now
Channel: Caught In Providence
Views: 2,030,282
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: court show, judge, tv show, providence, judge caprio, frank caprio, reality tv, court tv
Id: JM790Iu5bHQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 13sec (433 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 27 2018
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