My Dad was Deported

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šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 1 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/bensenboi šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Dec 17 2019 šŸ—«︎ replies
(upbeat bass music) Christina Liens. Good morning, Your Honor. Good morning, Christina. Who's this with you? This is my son, Haji. Haji, how are you? Good. Come up here. How old are you, Haji? Eight. Eight years old? Yeah. You wanna help me out? Yeah. I need some help, okay? Okay. All right, you have to promise me that you be honest. Okay. You promise? Yes. Okay, now, I know it's your mom, you're gonna help me make a decision. And you're gonna tell me, either guilty, or not guilty. Okay? Not guilty. No, no, no, no, no. (laughter) You don't know. I'm gonna show you a video. Okay? And then after you look at the video, you're gonna tell me guilty, or not guilty. Okay? Okay. Okay. Now, you promise to be honest? Okay. Say yes. Yes. Okay. So, your mom is charged with going through a red light on Roger Williams Avenue and Elmwood Avenue. And we got a video of it, okay? Okay, the first vehicle was your mom's vehicle. We're gonna look at it once more. Okay, now, you can't make a right hand turn here. The light is red. And this is your mom vehicle. And she made a right hand turn. So, is she guilty, or not guilty? Not guilty. (laughter) 'cause that's my dad. Oh! (laughter) Smart boy. It's true. Okay. Come here. Did you talk to your dad about this, this morning? Nah, he's in Africa. Oh, he's in Africa. Yeah. Oh, he's on the lam, huh? (laughter) No, he's always there. Do you know what that means? On the lam, that means he left. Yep. He left part time, right? Yeah. He's coming back. Yeah. How long is he gonna be there for? I don't know. Want me to send Inspector Quinn to get him? Huh? Want me to send Inspector Quinn to Africa, to pick him up? Yes. Your mom's sayin', "yes, go get him." Yeah. (laughter) What do you want to tell me about this? That is my fiance in the car, and he would be here today, if he could, but like he said, he was deported in June of this year. And that's this young guy's dad? Yeah, and my baby. Do you know if you're having a boy or a girl? A girl. You're having a girl. What're you gonna name her? Athena. Athena. That's a beautiful name. Thank you. Well, I'm not gonna hold you responsible for something that you didn't do. Even though you're responsible, 'cause the car's registered to you. So, we're gonna give you an early baby gift. Okay, so this is for Athena. Okay. With the wish and hope that she's a healthy, bouncy baby, that brings you joy and happiness. Thank you. Good luck to you. Thank you. Thank you for helping me out. You're welcome. That was a good answer this young guy gave. "My mom is not guilty, because it was my dad driving the car." Okay. You can go back to your mom. Come on, how cool was that? If you'd like to see more cases like this one, tune into 'Caught in Providence' every weekday. Excuse me? You didn't know 'Caught in Providence' is also a TV show? Oh, wow! Your life just got substantially better. To find out what channel we're on, go to, click on your local listing, scroll down til' you find your hometown, the start doin' your happy dance. That's it, move it! Move it! Nice. All rise, and hit subscribe, so you don't miss the latest viral moments, like this one. Share these videos, and weigh in on the cases. You be the judge. Subscribe now!
Channel: Caught In Providence
Views: 4,056,963
Rating: 4.9337716 out of 5
Keywords: court show, judge, tv show, providence, judge caprio, frank caprio, reality tv, court tv
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 14sec (254 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 16 2019
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